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For Database Management System(INT306)

PROJECT: Parking Management System.

Submitted by-
Shivshankar Soni 12111839 75

Under the Guidance of:- Geetika Chatley : 25107

School of Computer Science &

EngineeringLovely Professional
University, Phagwara



I hereby declared that this project entitled “PARKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”

prepared and submitted by Shivshankar Soni for third semester in partial fulfilment of
the requirements for the final evaluation for the degree of project of Bachelor of
Computer Science and Engineering awarded by Lovely Professional University .

Date: 14/11/2022 Name: Shivshankar Soni

Reg.no. 12111839


At first, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Lovely Professional University and
teachers relating to the project committee for giving me the opportunity to work in a
project which will be fruitful for the upcoming days. Secondly, I would also like to thank
respected teacher Geetika Chatley mam who have been a great help in this project
whether it be guidance for the betterment of the project or be the different
approaches I could take to make this project better than the initial project than I had
in mind.


The Vehicle Parking Management System (VPMS) is a system that enables
customers/drivers to reserve a parking space. It also allows the customers/drivers to
view the parking status at for example Newroad area park. It was developed because
the congestion and collision of the vehicle, the system was developed for Newroad
area Park located in Kathmandu. Therefore, the project aimed at solving such problems
by designing a web based system that will enable the customers/drivers to make a
reservation of available parking space at Newroad park.
These requirements were later used to design the system by creating data flow
diagrams and entity relationship diagrams.



1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Problem Statement ........................................................................................... 9
1.3 Objectives ......................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Scope ................................................................................................................ 10
1.5 Project Features ................................................................................................ 10
1.6 Overview of Report .......................................................................................... 10

2 BACKGROUND STUDY AND LITERATURE REVIEW ................................... 11

2.1 BACKGROUND STUDY: .............................................................................. 11
2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 11

3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN .................................................................... 6

3.1 System Analysis ............................................................................................... 14
3.1.1Requirement Analysis ...................................................................................... 14
i. Functional Requirement ........................................................................... 14
ii. Non Functional Requirement ................................................................... 14
3.1.2Feasibility Analysis .......................................................................................... 15
i. Economic Feasibility ............................................................................... 15
ii. Technical Feasibility ................................................................................ 15
iii. Operational Feasibility ............................................................................. 15
iv. Schedule ................................................................................................... 16
3.2 System design ................................................................................................... 16
3.2.1 Algorithm ................................................................................................. 16
3.2.2 Flowchart ............................................................................................... 18
3.2.3 ER Diagram ........................................................................................... 20


3.2.4 Activity Diagram ................................................................................... 21

3.2.5 Use Case Diagram..................................................................................24

4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………..25

4.1 Results Analysis ............................................................................................. 25
4.2 Project Code………………………………………………………………………………………………..25
4.3 Test cases ........................................................................................................ 34

5 LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................... 38
6 FUTURE WORK ................................................................................................... 38
7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ..................................................... 39


(i):Flowchart for admin..................................................................................... 18
(ii):Flow chart for user ....................................................................................... 19
(iii): ER Diagram ................................................................................................ 20
(iv):Activity diagram for admin.......................................................................... 21
(v):Activity diagram for user ............................................................................. 22
(vi):Block Diagram of VPMS ............................................................................. 23
(vii): Use case diagram ........................................................................................ 24



Table 4.2-Test case 1 ............................................................................................. 36

Table 4.2-Test case 2 ............................................................................................. 37
Table 4.2-Test case 3 ............................................................................................. 38



1.1 Background

Newroad Parking is in Kathmandu district. It is equipped with high maximum security

coupled with an electric fence, four armed men from a well training security company
and well trained security dogs have been also used to control trespassing within the
Park and with this maximum security, expenses like compensation of customers‟ lost
vehicles are brought down.

1.2 Problem Statement

New road parking had challenges concerning its safety of data in the store since they
currently use paper based system, physical struggle for parking by drivers, wastage of
time, congestion and collision. There was also a problem of monitoring the profit made
for the company whereby the company was losing money to its workers who receive
the money (fraud). This system majorly solved the congestion, collision and save time
during parking activities.

1.3 Objectives

• To enable drivers to locate and reserve a parking place online through

accessing it on web platform.

10 | P a g e

1.4 Scope
• Can be easily used in public parking lot.
• The congestion and collision of vehicle due to previous manual
method will be little to no longer exist.

1.5 Project Features

• Due the increased transmission in information technology this makes New

road to change from manual and local Vehicle Parking management
system to computerized and Online Vehicle Parking management system
was used to management and booking easier.

• It will help minimize paperwork reducing the errors significantly.

• This research shall also be helpful to the government to get relevant

information and make polices for such organizations and encourage others
to adopt.

1.6 Overview of Report

This system Vehicle Parking Management System is designed to book a parking space
for a vehicles and also admin can manage the parked vehicle by adding incoming
vehicle and removing outgoing vehicle. Although financial transactions is done by cah
in hand method but we team habb believe that this project would help a lot in parking
using computerized method instead of old parking system. And for the clients/drivers
it would be easier for them to book a parking space online.

11 | P a g e



This chapter is about the thoughts and views of other scholars in relation to the topic
identified by the researcher therefore; the purpose of the study is to review previous
studies in relation to the topic under my study. It also looks at that systems which have
been developed by other researchers.


According to Shem, S, S. Park and S.Hong (2006) vehicle parking system (VPS) is web-
based used to reserve a park and data processing system. Drivers are no longer
disturbed to park their vehicle since the system generate the parking lot number on
VPS platform. A system requirement of VPS requires a currently supported version of
Microsoft internet explorer or Firefox. Access to confidential data in VPS is secured
using 12-bit secure socket layers (SSL)
VPS also requires cookies‟ and scripting of java applets to be enabled.

• The way drivers locate and reserve parking places

The Drivers especially those who may need get the parking spaces may find it
impossible to access it since there could be other vehicles blocking the way and yet
they must hurry to book for parking spaces. This is because of using paper based which
is unsecure and needs self-contact to reserve for parking and it‟s also time consuming,
to design vehicle parking management system will provide better efficiency in locating
parking space and paying for it.

12 | P a g e

[2] According to Whapples (2005), vehicle parking management will be also much
faster, easier on both sides (means clients and company). The time taken to serve a
client is significantly reduced since even the payment is done online. On company side
this system will help their records (such as clients‟ details) to keep it in a secure way.
About the payment, the vehicle parking management system achieve its improvement
by using payment method such as Contact method and contactless method .In contact
method it will be whereby the client came to the office then they will pay hard cash
whereas in contactless method the client will use smart cards, debits card and credit
cards, this method will be used because the existing method cause: unsecure payment,
mistaken of the employees which may lead the company to fall in loss. (Chinrungreung
et al., 2007)

• The current systems used in parking places

Many parking places such as The Newroad parking still use the manual or the paper
based system for customers „parking reservation, data storage and payments.

[3] According to Cegielski (2010), customers in many parking places come and then
book for parking of their vehicles, sometime congestion cause confusion and locating
a vacant parking space can be a big issue. Vehicle parking management system will
help solve this problem since the user will have priory located and paid for the parking
service .This will gives the people time to settle down into the main activities of the
day within the shortest time possible.

It would also relieve the workers who have offices in the parking places the hustle of
trying to locate a parking space every time they report working. This means their
productivity would be enhanced since they do not waste energy so early in the day.

The level of safety in such a parking lot may be compromised since the user may not
be in a position to navigate the congested parking damaging other user‟s property.
Developing an online vehicle parking reservation system will alleviate the problem of
time wastage on the side of the users of the parking lots included in the system
(Whapples 2005).

• The need to research about Vehicle park management system

13 | P a g e

Traffic congestion is one of the biggest challenges faced in Newroad due to limited
parking spaces. Growing population and the resultant increase in the number of
vehicles on road are among the key factors responsible for traffic congestion.

Owing to the necessity of organized parking and reduction in traffic congestion, the
concept of parking reservation systems has been introduced. The system allows drivers
to obtain parking availability information.

According to ATCM, July 2014, Results from the survey confirm that drivers use a wide
range of criteria to choose where to park. Unsurprisingly, their overriding concern is
„location‟, in other words, proximity of the car park to the amenity or location which
represents the very purpose of their trip. Their preference is car park management
system which allow them to book a parking place easily where they can easily find a
space that comfortably accommodates their vehicle.

14 | P a g e


3.1 System Analysis

This chapter describes the different fact-finding techniques that were used for
achieving the goals and objectives of the project such as Population of the study, Data
Collection and Analysis, system analysis, system design and implementation, Testing
and validation. The study was conducted in New Road Parking, Kathmandu.

3.1.1 Requirement Analysis

Project has the following functional and non functional requirements

i. Functional Requirement
• Admin need to enter all details for registration.
• Admin need to insert all details about customer and vehicle.
• Admin need to save all the details of customer and vehicle.
• Admin can retrieve the details of customer.
• Admin must generate a report for payment.

ii. Non Functional Requirement

• Usability: These website has appropriate user interface and adequate informationto
guide the user in order to use the website.
• Portability: The website is portable as it is online website running across the net
• Flexibility: It is very flexible
• Security: This website provide user and authentication so that only the
legitimateuser are allowed to use the website

15 | P a g e

• Maintainability: These website is capable to secure the data and easily retrievethe
• Scalability: These system can further modified in future.

3.1.2 Feasibility Analysis

i. Economic Feasibility

This project is economically feasible in the sense that the money which were invested
in purchasing register to keep data during short periods are now to be invested in a
computer which do not need to be changed every year. So, a onetime investment in
computer reduces expenses of the company. And a project itself is feasible as every
software used to make it are easily available in internet.

ii. Technical Feasibility

my project results a very simple and user-friendly outcome. The technical feasibility in
the proposed system deals with the technology used in the system. It deals with the
hardware and software used in the system whether they are of latest technology or
not. It happens that after a system is prepared a new technology arises and the user
wants the system based on that technology. This system uses windows platform
MYSQL making my project Vehicle parking management system technically feasible.

iii. Operational Feasibility

This project is operationally feasible in a sense that this is done in a Computer. so data
are more secure than before, reduces risk of loss of data and updates in automated
manner reduces the error occurring chances. And this software does not require any
other technical person to operate it as a person with very less computer do as fine.

16 | P a g e

iv. Schedule

The project was done for duration of two month from September- November 2022
from the stage of analysis; data collection and system development; for the purpose
of collecting righteous information to enable us develop the system.

3.2 System design

3.2.1 Algorithm

• Algorithm for admin

Step 1: - Start

Step 2: - Enter email and password

Step 3: - if email==Null&&password==Null

Repeat step 2

Step 4: - Else manage client

17 | P a g e

Step 5: - Reserve parking space

Step 6: -Display parking status

Step 7: -Stop

• Algorithm for user

Step 1: - Start

Step 2: - Choose Vehicle type

Step 3: -Book a parking space

Step 4: -Display Notice

Step5: -Stop D

18 | P a g e

3.2.2 Flowchart :- (i)Flowchart for admin

19 | P a g e

(ii) Flowchart for user

20 | P a g e

(iii) ER Diagram

21 | P a g e

Activity Diagram

(iv)Activity diagram For admin

22 | P a g e

(v)Activity diagram For USER

23 | P a g e

(vi) Block Diagram of VPMS

24 | P a g e

(vii) user case diagram

25 | P a g e


4.1 Results Analysis

I have analyzed the project in real time like by observing the parking lot
and how MY proposed project make a difference there making ease for a
vehicle to be parked by seeing real world parking struggle and made my
project to be user friendly and with having essential minimal features for
users before parking a vehicle and I have somehow made my project as
planned although there are a lot of things to be improved making it a perfect
application for vehicle parking system.


1. --
◼ Table structure for table `ADMINTABLE`
2. --
3. CREATE TABLE admintable
4. (
5. a_id NUMBER(6),
6. admin_name VARCHAR(30),
7. user_name VARCHAR(30),
8. mob NUMBER(10),
9. e_mail_ID VARCHAR(20),
10. pass_word VARCHAR(15),
11. reg_date DATE
12. );

13. --
26 | P a g e

◼ Dumping data for table `tbladmin`

14. --

15. insert into admintable values(1, 'raj', 'raj', 7898799798, 'raj@gmail.com', 'f92251',

16. --
◼ Table structure for table `tblcategory`
17. --
18. CREATE TABLE categorytable(
19. c_id NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,
20. VehicleCat varchar(120),
21. CreationDate date
22. );

23. --
◼ Dumping data for table `tblcategory`
24. --

25. INSERT INTO categorytable VALUES(1, 'Four Wheeler Vehicle', '05/01/2022');

26. INSERT INTO categorytable VALUES(2, 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', '03/02/2022');
27. INSERT INTO categorytable VALUES(4, 'Bicycles', '05/03/2022');

28. CREATE TABLE reguserstable (

30. FName varchar(50),
31. LName varchar(50),
32. mob NUMBER(10),
33. e_mail_ID VARCHAR(20),
34. pass_word VARCHAR(15),
35. reg_date DATE
36. );
37. --

27 | P a g e

◼ Dumping data for table `tblregusers`

38. INSERT INTO reguserstable VALUES(2, 'Anuj', 'Kumar', 1234567890, 'ak@gmail.com',
'f5733251', '05/10/2022');
39. --
◼ Table structure for table `tblvehicle`
40. --
41. CREATE TABLE vehicletabl(
43. V_ParkingNumber varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
44. V_Category varchar(120) NOT NULL,
45. V_Companyname varchar(120),
46. V_RegistrationNumber varchar(20),
47. V_OwnerName varchar(20),
48. V_OwnerContactNumber NUMBER(10),
49. V_InTime DATE,
50. V_OutTime DATE,
51. V_ParkingCharge varchar(20),
52. V_Remark VARCHAR(10),
53. V_Status varchar(5)
54. );

55. --
◼ Dumping data for table `tblvehicle`
56. --

57. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(1, '521796069', 'Two Wheeler Category', 'Hyundai',
'DEL678787', 'Rakesh Chandra', 7987987987, '05/09/2022', '05/09/2022', '50 Rs', 'NA', 'Out');
58. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(2, '469052796', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Activa',
'DEL895623', 'Pankaj', 8989898989, '05/06/2022', '06/07/2022', '35 Rs.', 'NA', 'Out');
59. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(3, '734465023', 'Four Wheeler Vehicle', 'Hondacity',
'DEL562389', 'Avinash', 7845123697, '05/06/2022', '06/06/2022', '50 Rs.', 'V Out', 'Out');
60. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(4, '432190880', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Hero Honda',
'DEL451236', 'Harish', 1234567890, '05/06/2022', '05/10/2022', '35 Rs.', 'V Out', 'Out');
61. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(5, '323009894', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Activa', 'DEL55776',
'Abhi', 4654654654, '05/06/2022', '05/06/2022', '', '', '');
62. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(6, '522578915', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Hondacity',
'DEL895623', 'Mahesh', 7978999879, '05/06/2022', '05/09/2022', '', '', '');
63. INSERT INTO vehicletabl VALUES(7, '917725207', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Honda',
'DL1cRT2323', 'ABC', 1234567890, '05/07/2022', '05/09/2022', '50', 'ljlkjlk', 'Out');

28 | P a g e

64. ALTER TABLE admintable

65. ADD PRIMARY KEY (a_id);

66. ALTER TABLE categorytable

67. ADD PRIMARY KEY (c_id);

68. ALTER TABLE reguserstable

69. ADD PRIMARY KEY (r_id);

70. ALTER TABLE vehicletabl


72. select *from admintable;

73. select *from categorytable;

74. select *from reguserstable;

75. select *from vehicletabl;

76. CREATE TABLE vehicletabl2(

78. V_ParkingNumber varchar(120) DEFAULT NULL,
79. V_Category varchar(120) NOT NULL,
80. V_Companyname varchar(120),
81. V_RegistrationNumber varchar(20),
82. V_OwnerName varchar(20),

29 | P a g e

83. V_OwnerContactNumber NUMBER(10),

84. V_InTime DATE,
85. V_OutTime DATE,
86. V_ParkingCharge varchar(20),
87. V_Remark VARCHAR(10),
88. V_Status varchar(5)
89. );

90. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(1, '521796064', 'Two Wheeler Category', 'Hyundai',
'DEL677787', 'Resh Chandra', 7987984987, '05/09/2022', '05/09/2022', '50 Rs', 'NA', 'Out');
91. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(2, '469052797', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Activa',
'DEL895633', 'Panj', 8989894989, '05/06/2022', '06/07/2022', '35 Rs.', 'NA', 'Out');
92. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(3, '734465013', 'Four Wheeler Vehicle', 'Hondacity',
'DEL162389', 'Ainash', 7844123697, '05/06/2022', '06/06/2022', '50 Rs.', 'V Out', 'Out');
93. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(4, '432190870', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Hero Honda',
'DEL451336', 'arish', 1234167890, '05/06/2022', '05/10/2022', '35 Rs.', 'V Out', 'Out');
94. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(5, '323029894', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Activa',
'DEL55776', 'Ahi', 4654614654, '05/06/2022', '05/06/2022', '', '', '');
95. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(6, '722578915', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Hondacity',
'D1L895623', 'Mahsh', 7178999879, '05/06/2022', '05/09/2022', '', '', '');
96. INSERT INTO vehicletabl2 VALUES(7, '937725207', 'Two Wheeler Vehicle', 'Honda',
'DLcRT2323', 'ABC', 1234564890, '05/07/2022', '05/09/2022', '50', 'ljlkjlk', 'Out');

97. select *from vehicletabl2;

98. select * from vehicletabl

99. union
100. select * from vehicletabl2

101. select * from vehicletabl

30 | P a g e

102. union all

103. select * from vehicletabl2

104. select * from vehicletabl

105. minus
106. select * from vehicletabl2

107. select * from vehicletabl

108. intersect
109. select * from vehicletabl2

110. select * from vehicletabl

111. natural join
112. vehicletabl2

113. select * from vehicletabl

114. cross join
115. vehicletabl2

116. select * from vehicletabl

117. inner join
118. vehicletabl2 on vehicletabl.V_ID=vehicletabl2.V_ID

119. select *from vehicletabl

120. left join
121. vehicletabl2 on vehicletabl.V_ID=vehicletabl2.V_ID;

31 | P a g e

122. select *from vehicletabl

123. RIGHT join
124. vehicletabl2 on vehicletabl.V_ID=vehicletabl2.V_ID;

125. select *from vehicletabl

126. full outer join
127. vehicletabl2 on vehicletabl.V_ID=vehicletabl2.V_ID;

128. delete from vehicletabl2 where V_ID=7;

129. create or replace view v1 as select V_Ownername,V_ParkingCharge,V_ID from


130. select *from v1;

131. drop view v1;

132. insert into vehicletabl2 select * from vehicletabl where V_ID in ( select V_ID from

133. update vehicletabl2 set V_Remark= 'v out' where V_ID in (select V_ID from
vehicletabl2 where V_ID=6);

32 | P a g e

134. alter table vehicletabl2 rename column V_InTime to V_Indate;

135. drop table vehicletabl;

136. drop table vehicletabl2;

33 | P a g e

34 | P a g e

4.3 Test cases

Test case id 1
Test case description User Registration
1.Enter all fields
2.Click register
Test scenario 1 User enter existing email
Test data Full name: sujta
Vehicle no:bakha2748
already exist in database)
Confirm password:1234

35 | P a g e

Step Expected Actual result Pass/fail

1 Already exists Email exist already pass

Test scenario 2 User forget to enter particular field

Test data Full name: Ravi khadka
Vehicle no:bakha2748
Confirm password:1234
Step Expected output Actual result Pass/fail
2 Display message to Please fill out the pass
fill out fields fields

Test scenario 3 User enter all details

Test data Full name: Ravi khadka
Vehicle no:bakha2748
Email: ravi87@gmail.com
Confirm password:1234
Step Expected output Actual result Pass/fail
2 Account created Account pass

Table 4.2-Test case 1

36 | P a g e

Test case id 2

Test case description User login

Prerequisites 1.User must be registered
2.Enter valid username password
3.Click login
Test scenario 1 User enter wrong email
Test data Email: ravi7@gmail.com
Step Expected output Actual result Pass/fail
1 Incorrect Incorrect details pass

Test scenario 2 User enter wrong password

Test data Email: ravi87@gmail.com

Step Expected Actual Pass/fail

output result
2 Incorrect Incorrect pass
information details

Test scenario 3 User enter all details correctly

Test data Email: ravi87@gmail.com
Step Expected output Actual result Pass/fail

37 | P a g e

2 Incorrect Incorrect details pass

Table 4.2-Test case 2

Test case id 3
Test case description Book parking
Prerequisites User must be log in
Test scenario 1 User select parking space and click book
Step Expected Actual result Pass/fail
1 Space Space is booked pass

Test scenario 2 User select parking space and click

book now
Step Expected output Actual result Pass/fail
1 Space not Space not pass
available available

Table 4.2-Test case 3

38 | P a g e


The major limitations of this system are:

• It requires a different person to add data of clients as it need more strength.
• Financial calculation after parking certain time in done manually according to
the time they have parked making process hectic.
• Record keeping of the data is difficult.
• It takes time to process as many thing is still done manually


MY System Vehicle Parking Management System is mainly used in big cities where now
finding parking space can cause a lot of traffic problems to other vehicle and can take
much time. So, this version of computerized program will now help in those fields. It
can only be managed by one people efficiently.

Although I have achieved many of MY thoughts for this project but there are still some
which we need to work. In future I would now like to improve financial transaction in
computerized method according to time.

39 | P a g e

I will be thankful for your honest review of this software so we can make it even more
efficient and update with new feature.


This project is develope using SQL is based on the requirement specification of the user
and the analysis of the existing system, with flexibility for future enhancement.
VEHICLE PARKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is very useful for clients and drivers as they
can book parking space from home and admin can manage them. In big city areas
finding a parking place for vehicle has been almost like impossible and everything was
done manually requiring many labors so this project will help a lot in those area as it
requires only few people to run it.

This particular project deals with the problems on managing a parking space and avoids
the problems which occur when carried manually. Identification of the drawbacks of
the existing system leads to the designing of computerized system that will be
compatible to the existing system with the system which is more userfriendly and more
GUI oriented.


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