1R - Lesson 13 - Choluteca English

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I Get Off Work at 4

PRE-Listening warm-up. Track 13? Who is going to babysit?

A: Listen again. Match the times with the activities.

1. 4:30_ a. eat dinner

2. 4:00 --b. pick up the kids
3. 6:00 c. go to bed
4. 9:00 d. get off work


B: Repeat after your teacher.

get off w.ork get home eat dinner go to bed

around at
PROl':IUNCIATION: Listen and repeat after your teacher. Put the words ending with the z sound in the box.

Z sound endings , kids gets glasses

~icls goes t_ak~.S shoes

groceries eggs does

shirts beans jackets


Listen to your teacher and repeat.

you I get it

What time do they get up? They pick up the kids around 7:30 a.m.

doe~ he pick up the kids? He get~ up at 4:30 p.m.

she She pick~ up the kids I

D. Read the sentences. @ h e correct word.

1. Q: What time do@he get up? 2. Q: What time do/ does they go to bed?

A: He get/ gets up around 7:00. A: They go/ goes to bed around 10.

3. Q: What time do/ does you take a shower? 4. Q: What time do/ does she eat dinner?

A: I take/ takes a shower around 8:30 a.m. A: e She eat/ eats dinner at 5:30 p.m.

5. Q: What time do/ does they go to work ? 6. Q: What time do/ does they pick up the kids?

A: They go/ goes to work at 7:45 a.m. A: They pick/ picks up the kids at 3.

E. Match the question and answer.

1. _b__ What time do you get up? a. They pick up the kids at 3:30 p.m.

2. _ _ What time does she get off work? b. I get up at 8:00 a.m.

3. _ _ What time do they pick up the kids? c. I get home around 5.

4. What time does he take a shower? d. She gets off work around 5:30.

5. What time does she eat dinner? e. I go to bed at 9:30.

6. _ _ What time do you get home? f. She eats dinner at :lUnd 7.

7. _ _ What time do you go to bed? g. He takes a shower at 7:45 a.m.

F. What time does he get up? Write the sentence with at or around.

1. fit, S'Cr-fs M,P o,.;f; 2. - - - - - - - - --

6:"46 4-•IMe

3. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
. ---------


G. Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box.

Amal: Hey George! Thanks for watching the kids today . Do you have questions? pick up

George: Yes , (1) what time., do you pick up the kids from school? \Atb.at tiR19

Amal: I (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the kids at 4:30 p.m. Do you get home by then? do

George: Yes, I get off work (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4:00. at

Amal: Great. They eat dinner around 6:00. The fridge is full of food . around

George: Okay. What do they (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to eat? like

Amal: They like burritos and pizza. I have salad in the fridge. Try to get them to eat it!

George: Ha had, okay, Sis. What time (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they go to bed?

Amal: (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9:00 p.m.

H: Read the note to the caregiver. Number the activities in order.

New message - ,.• X


'T.o , Zara@electronicmail.msg

S~ed: Care plan for today

Hi Zara,

My dad is feeling good today. Could you please help him take
a short walk before he watches the news? There is leftover
meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans in the fridge.
Please remember to give him his medicine at 6:00 before he eats
dinner. He'll probably be ready for bed around 8:30.

There is money for your bus fare in the jar on the table.



_ _ be ready for bed.

watch the news

__1.._ take a short walk

eat dinner

take medicine

CULTURE TIP: It's always a good idea to arrive on time for work, school and doctor's appointments. If
you can't make your appointment, call to cancel. Some doctors will charge you for the appointment
even if you do not show up. Does this happen in your native country?

I: Look at Mohammed's calendar for tomorrow. Answer the questions with complete

1. What time does Mohammed buy groceries?

He. bu¥s ~rocer,es ar ~: (J() p,m,

AG ENDA 2. What time does Mohammed go to work?

18 FEBRUARY 3. What does he do at 6:45 a.m. ?

6:45am getup

7:30am wash the car

4. What does he do at 7:00 p.m.
7:45am goto work

4:30pm pick up kids from school

5:00pm buy groceries

5. When does he help his kids with homework?

.6:00pm dinner

7:00pm practice English with Ahmed

8:00pm help kids with homework

9:30pm goto bed

J: Pick five activities from this list that you do every day. Write a sentence about what time you do
these activities.
1. Eat dinner
2. Drop off the dis at school
3. Go to bed
4. Make breakfast
5. Study English
6. Take a shower
7. Go to work
8. Have lunch
9. Watch 1V
10. Pick up the kids
11. Buy groceries


Get to know a partner. Take turns asking and answering questions about what

I do too.
time you do your activities. Do you do them at the same time? I don't

Lesson 13 - I Get Off Work at 4

K. Put the words in correct order.

1. get home? / What / time / she / does Wha.t +: me does she §e,t bcrne l
2. get up/ at/ 9:00 / I

3. They/ the kids / around / 3:00. / pick up

4. time / do / you / What / go to bed?
5. takes a shower/ She/ 7:30. / at

6. eat dinner/ I / 6:00 / around

L. Complete the sentences.

1. What time ~oeS he get up?
2. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ off work at 5:00 p.m.
3. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a shower at 7:45 a.m.

4. George and Amal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up the kids at 4:00.

5. What time he get off work?

M: Review your English.

1. What time do you eat dinner?
2. What's your favorite dinner?
3. Do you like to cook?
4. How often do you eat out?
5. What time do you get up in the morning? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. How often do you work?


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