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Russia launches broad military assault on Ukraine

Campaign will not lead to
occupation, Putin claims


Russia on Thursday launched

a multipronged attack against
Ukraine, with explosions audible
in some of the country’s largest
cities, including Kyiv, the capital,
in what President Biden called “a
premeditated war.”
The assault came shortly after
Russian President Vladimir Putin
declared on state television that
Russia was beginning a military
operation for the “demilitariza-
tion and denazification” of east-
ern Ukraine. He said that Russia
did not intend to occupy the
country. But explosions were oc-
curring across a wide swath of
Ukraine’s territory, not just near
separatist regions in eastern
Ukraine, suggesting that at least
for now, Russia intended a far
wider operation.
Flashes could be seen and
explosions could be heard in
Kyiv, a city of 3 million people, as
a senior Ukrainian official said
the city’s main airport was under
assault. Explosions could also be
heard in Kharkiv, the country’s
second-largest city, which lies
just 12 miles from the border
with Russia. A Ukrainian official
also said the city of Kramatorsk,
Combat in Europe rattles a U.S. Hours before President
Vladimir Putin announced the Along the Poland-Ukraine border, in eastern Ukraine, was being
that had considered it unthinkable beginning of a military
operation, a Russian army readying for a trickle — or a flood “Putin has just launched a
full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
vehicle is seen Wednesday at a Peaceful Ukrainian cities are un-
BY M ARC F ISHER maps of the world’s potential railroad platform in BY L OVEDAY M ORRIS the ground floor is outfitted to der strikes. This is a war of
conflict zones. Neklinovka, a village near the receive people who may flee aggression. Ukraine will defend
Russia’s attack on Ukraine is a The prospect of ground war- border with Ukraine. rzeszow, poland — The Ukraine, about 30 miles to the itself and will win. The world can
different kind of conflict from fare and a brutal assault on a domed chrome-and-glass exhi- east. and must stop Putin. The time to
what Americans have witnessed sovereign nation at the edge of bition center in the southeast- A new war on the edge of act is now,” Ukrainian Foreign
through most of the past half- America’s European alliance is Invasion: Widening conflict risks ern Polish city of Rzeszow has Europe has the potential to un- Minister Dmytro Kuleba wrote
century. It’s a return to a kind of raising worries about whether a deadly toll on civilians. A14 hosted Iron Maiden vocalist leash the continent’s biggest hu- on Twitter.
aggression — one country seek- the United States pivoted too Bruce Dickinson, mixed martial manitarian crisis since the Syr- The explosions marked the be-
ing to take over another — that sharply to Asia and the Middle Fuel hike: U.S. gas prices rise by arts bouts and trade fairs. ian civil war triggered the arriv- ginning of a conflict that Ukraine
many American policymakers East in recent decades; whether nearly a dollar per gallon. A18 Now, U.S. military Humvees al of more than 1 million refu- and its allies had worked for
and voters believed had become America’s historical bonds with are parked behind newly erect- gees in 2015. At every level, months to avoid. The attack start-
passe. And it’s taking place in a Europe remain strong enough to Praise for Putin: Trump isn’t the ed barriers outside. Rooms are plans are complicated by huge ed as a meeting of the U.N.
region, Eastern Europe, that in protect U.S. interests now; and only voice on right offering it. A20 lined with cots for thousands of unknowns. Could there be a Security Council was underway
important ways had receded whether U.S. strategists focused soldiers from the U.S. Army’s trickle of people seeking safety in New York to discuss the crisis.
from many Americans’ mental SEE CONFLICT ON A12 82nd Airborne Division. And SEE POLAND ON A14 SEE UKRAINE ON A13

Lead prosecutors in Trump As masks come o≠ in blue states, worry on some faces
criminal investigation resign Many see a turning point as Democratic governors lift mandates, but others fear it’s too soon
enough evidence to obtain an in- F ENIT N IRAPPIL,
dictment and conviction after a J ANE G OTTLIEB,
Pair had green light for two-year probe, those people said. R YAN S LATTERY
grand jury, sources say, The final decision, however, AND K ATHERINE K AM
would fall to Vance’s successor,
until new DA stepped in Alvin Bragg (D), who was sworn wilmington, del. — At Jans-
into office Jan. 1. sen’s Market, the baked goods
But Bragg has shown minimal were fresh, the Godiva chocolate
BY S HAYNA J ACOBS interest in the case, which centers was on display, and the masks
AND J OSH D AWSEY on whether Trump and his busi- were gone — at least on some of
ness inflated the value of their the customers.
new york — Two prosecutors assets to secure more favorable Delaware’s Democratic gover-
heading the Manhattan district loans, insurance and tax rates. nor, like a growing roster of his
attorney’s criminal probe into One person familiar with the compatriots in other blue states,
Donald Trump’s business deal- situation said the new prosecutor raced this month to lift an indoor
ings have resigned from their po- took weeks to read memos Dunne mask mandate as the omicron
sitions — frustrated that after and Pomerantz had prepared on surge fizzled, even if the adminis-
their former boss authorized the case and didn’t meet with tration of Delaware’s favorite son,
them to seek an indictment them for some time. When they Joe Biden, continued to urge that
against the former president, the did meet, he didn’t seem keenly masks be worn in public.
new district attorney did not ap- interested, said this person, who The mask era appears to be on
pear interested, multiple people like others interviewed spoke on the decline as the coronavirus
familiar with the situation said. the condition of anonymity to pandemic lurches into a third
Cyrus R. Vance Jr. (D), who discuss internal deliberations in year, another turning point on the
declined to seek reelection as dis- an ongoing investigation. circuitous path to normalcy.
trict attorney, told a team led by Due to the inactivity, members of It’s about time, said Keith Bos-
seasoned litigators Carey Dunne the grand jury, whose term expires ley, who strolled through the
and Mark Pomerantz to go to a this spring, were instructed to stay SEE MASKS ON A8
grand jury to begin the process of home on days they were slated to CINDY SCHULTZ FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

securing a case against Trump. serve, according to one of the peo- Choir member Jacquie King sings at the Black Catholic Apostolate church in Menands, N.Y. The Maternal health: Pregnancy-
Vance concluded there was SEE PROSECUTORS ON A7 church kept its mask mandate for elderly members and young children ineligible for vaccines. related deaths surged in 2020. A9


Most Americans are
ruptions, a Washington
Post poll found. B1 Inside
significantly better off Advocates praised a
THE NATION strategy to counter financially now than judge’s ruling to hear in LOCAL LIVING
The Supreme Court is nation-state threats. A4 before the pandemic, juvenile court the case
considering whether bank-account data
Adding by cutting
of a Montgomery Coun-
the Biden White House THE WORLD Propagation is an
shows. A17 ty teen who was 14 when
acted properly in Hong Kong’s corona- inexpensive way to grow
Whether it’s former he was charged with
moving to ditch virus surge is hitting your plant collection.
president Donald murder, but the victim’s
a Trump-era hardest among the most
Trump’s Truth Social or parents are angry. B1 ST YLE
immigration rule. A2 vulnerable, highlighting
any social network, it’s A showdown looms in Liberal late night
More African Ameri- inequities there. A11
important to take Virginia after the House John Oliver’s “Last Week”
cans have gained health Canada’s prime minis-
certain privacy precau- and Senate advanced is still the one to beat. C1
insurance because of the ter, Justin Trudeau,
tions when joining. A20 competing proposals for
Affordable Care Act, a revoked the use of
taxes and spending. B1

report found. A3 emergency powers to THE REGION
GIANMARCO MARAVIGLIA FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Inspired by the “Free- BUSINESS NEWS........................A17 CONTENT © 2022
The Justice Depart- quell anti-mandate Almost 8 in 10 D.C. The Washington Post / Year 145, No. 81
dom Convoy” in Ottawa, COMICS ....................................... C6
A ‘red zone’ ride Bicyclists traced a 45-mile ment is ending its China blockades, saying the public school parents OPINION PAGES.........................A21
a constellation of U.S.
Initiative and replacing situation is no longer an approve of schools’ LOTTERIES...................................B3
path through the 10 Italian towns where the emergency. A15 handling of education
protesters planned to OBITUARIES ................................ B6
it with a broader target the D.C. area. B1 TELEVISION ................................. C4
West’s first covid lockdown was imposed. A10 during pandemic dis- WORLD NEWS............................A10

For the latest updates all day, visit
Court examines move to ditch Trump immigration rule
Time not specified | President BY R OBERT B ARNES favor will make it for an incoming Immigration and Naturalization But Brnovich was whipsawed much not unprecedented, as Jus-
Biden is expected to speak via administration to avoid notice- Act, and a district judge in Illinois by questions, also from both sides tice [Clarence] Thomas says, for
video with other Group of Seven Whenever partisan control of and-comment review,” the chief in November 2020 said it could of the court’s ideological divide, the government to acquiesce in an
leaders about the threat to the White House changes hands, justice said to Deputy Solicitor not be implemented nationwide. that at times appeared to leave adverse judgment invalidating a
Ukraine. For developments, visit old policies are junked and new General Brian H. Fletcher, repre- Fletcher told the court that the him tongue-tied. rule. That is not unprecedented at ones, often exactly the opposite, senting the Biden administration. incoming Biden administration Among them: How could a all.”
are installed. From the other side of the thought the rule was wrong, as state intervene in a rule no longer Helen H. Hong, representing
8:30 a.m. | The Labor But there’s a process that must court’s ideological divide, Justice well as ineffective. “We know that in force? What gave his state California governments that op-
Department issues jobless claims be followed. And several members Elena Kagan had similar con- it affected only about five of the standing to be involved in federal posed Trump’s rule, said she
for the week ended Feb. 19, which of the Supreme Court on Wednes- cerns. “The real issue to me is the approximately 50,000 adjust- immigration policy? Had he tried agreed with Arizona that it was
are expected to come in at day seemed suspicious the Biden evasion of notice and comment,” ment-of-status applications to to overturn the judge in Illinois? important for state and local gov-
230,000, down from 248,000 the administration was skirting the she said to Fletcher. which it was applied,” Fletcher Had he sued under the Adminis- ernments to be able to intervene
week before. Visit washingtonpost. requirements in its zeal to get rid Kagan told him that in defend- said. trative Procedure Act? Why can’t a in cases, so the Supreme Court
com/business for details. of a Trump administration rule ing the administration’s action, he The Biden administration ac- new administration simply com- need not make a broad decision in
that made it harder for immi- should “assume that that is a quiesced to the Illinois judge’s ply with an adverse lower court the case.
10:30 a.m. | Secretary of State grants to obtain green cards. problem and that we shouldn’t be decision and moved to dismiss the ruling if it thinks the rule is incor- “The 2019 Public Charge Rule
Antony Blinken discusses the Usually, the Administrative greenlighting that behavior for remaining cases around the coun- rect? was vacated through a final judg-
evolution of U.S. foreign policy Procedure Act requires extensive your administration or any other try. That left states that favored “There’s a kind of mismatch ment in a separate case in a differ-
during an online forum hosted by notice and comment before re- administration.” the public charge rule without here between what you’re saying ent circuit, and there is no rule left
the Council on Foreign Relations. pealing such rules, and Chief Jus- The substance of the actual rule recourse, Arizona Attorney Gen- went wrong and what you’re say- for [Arizona] to defend in the
For details, visit washingtonpost. tice John G. Roberts Jr. said the in question was not in front of the eral Mark Brnovich (R) told the ing you want,” said Kagan, adding courts below,” Hong said. “This
com/politics. Biden administration’s strategy of court. President Donald Trump’s justices Wednesday. that Brnovich was “trying to inter- case can be resolved on that
abandoning its defense of the rule “public charge” rule, approved in “This was an unprecedented vene in a suit that’s completely straightforward basis alone.”
KLMNO in court and then enacting a new
one raised the question of “collu-
2019, denied green cards to immi-
grants if they had relied too much
legal maneuver,” Brnovich said.
He and other Republican state
dead that never applied to you in
the first place.”
Meanwhile, Fletcher said the
Biden administration is at work
sive action.” on social welfare programs such attorneys general want to inter- When Brnovich again said the on a new version of the immigra-
For home delivery comments
“I’m not questioning anybody’s as food stamps. It was in effect vene to defend the rule, but the government’s actions were un- tion rule.
or concerns contact us at motives. I’m questioning the ease about a year, but courts across the U.S. Court of Appeals for the precedented, Justice Brett M. Ka- The case is Arizona v. or with which a decision in your country judged it at odds with the 9th Circuit turned him down. vanaugh interrupted. “It’s very San Francisco.
send us an email at or call
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679
800-753-POST (7678)
GOP senator’s income tax plan draws a broad rebu≠
Classified: 202-334-6200
Display: 202-334-7642 been a buzz about: Is this the
smart thing to say right now,
MAIN PHONE NUMBER Scott modifies his call given that we have Democrats on
for all to pay regardless the run?” Stephen Moore, who
TO REACH THE NEWSROOM served as an economic policy
Metro: 202-334-7300; of financial situation adviser to Trump, said of Scott’s income tax proposal. “I’ve said
National: 202-334-7410; for 30 years everybody should BY J EFF S TEIN pay some income tax, if you’re
Business: 202-334-7320; going to vote and have govern- A leading GOP senator faced a ment benefits. But is it the
Sports: 202-334-7350; backlash this week after calling smartest time to be saying that for all Americans to start paying right now? No.”
Investigative: 202-334-6179; federal income taxes, leading to Indeed, Democrats were quick criticism from both the White to seize on Scott’s plan. The
Style: 202-334-7535; House and leading conservative Democratic Senatorial Cam- policy experts. paign Committee announced
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; Sen. Rick Scott (Fla.), the head Wednesday that it is launching a of the National Republican Sena- five-
torial Committee, released an figure radio ad campaign fo-
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES “11-point plan to rescue America” cused on highlighting tax hikes
Letters to the editor: or call
that included a proposal for all for millions of Americans. Con-
202-334-6215 Americans to pay some form of gressional Democrats argued
Opinion: income tax, even if it was a that Scott’s comments reflect the nominal amount. GOP’s belief that much of the
Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286). He received so much blowback United States does not work hard
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to to the ambiguity of his proposal enough.
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. NW, Washington,
D.C. 20071. within less than 24 hours that he “Trump’s populist rhetoric
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and was forced to offer two caveats, temporarily obscured what is
additional mailing office.
insisting the new tax wouldn’t central to Republican orthodoxy:
apply to seniors or those who are that half of Americans are takers
not, as he described them, “able JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST
and moochers,” said Rep. Bren-
Upcoming Washington bodied.” Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) retreated slightly from his call for all Americans to pay at least a nominal dan Boyle (D-Pa.), a member of
Post Live events Roughly 50 percent of Ameri- amount in income tax as part of his “11-point plan to rescue America.” Republicans differ on whether the House Ways and Means Com-
cans on the bottom half of the such policy platforms are helpful as the GOP seeks to regain control of Congress in the midterms. mittee.
All programs will be streamed live income distribution do not pay Scott attempted to mollify
at, on federal income taxes because heart.” pandemic-era expansions of gov- erning next year.” some of the criticism Wednesday,
Facebook Live, YouTube, and they do not earn enough to have He predicted the plan would ernment programs expire. Frank Luntz, a former GOP appearing to argue that his plan
Twitter. Email postlive@ income tax liability and because face blowback, and he was right. Scott said seniors would be pollster, said in an email that he would apply only to “able-bod- to submit many receive tax credits. Mil- Some experts pointed out that exempted from the measure, but believes the proposal would be ied” workers even though his
questions for our upcoming lions of these Americans do pay Scott’s push for a nominal feder- it was unclear how the nominal popular. initial plan stated that “all Amer-
speakers. All time zones listed are federal and state government al income tax runs counter to the tax would then still apply to all “Scott is clearly appealing to icans” should be subject to the
Eastern. taxes in the form of payroll taxes, GOP attempt to tie higher taxes Americans. The proposal also the center of the political and measure.
sales taxes and other levies. to the Democratic Party. Others appears to raise taxes on the social spectrum,” Luntz said. “The change we need to make
Thursday, Feb. 24 | 9 a.m. “All Americans should pay pointed out that Trump found working class and the poor, who “Most Americans do believe ev- is to require those who are
World Stage: Crisis in Ukraine some income tax to have skin in political success by rejecting cuts make up the majority of Ameri- eryone should pay at least some able-bodied but won’t work to
the game, even if a small to Social Security, Medicare and cans not paying income taxes. taxes, but no one wants to pay pay a small amount so that we’re
Lithuanian Prime Minister Ingrida amount,” Scott’s proposal states. other programs popular with the “Wasn’t it supposed to be a big more than their fair share.” all in this together,” Scott said on
Simonyte “Currently over half of Ameri- poor and middle class. By con- success of the Paul Ryan tax plan In a statement, Scott said: Twitter.
Moderated by David Ignatius cans pay no income tax.” trast, Scott’s rhetoric harks back that they increased the standard “What my plan tackles is the But many conservative tax ex-
Scott’s pitch comes at an un- to the widely criticized com- deduction quite a bit?” Ham- willing-to-work shortage caused perts were quick to point out that
Thursday, Feb. 24 | 11 a.m. certain moment for conservative ments by Mitt Romney in the mond said. by Joe Biden and the Democrats clarification does little to clear
policymaking as Republicans de- 2012 presidential campaign ar- White House spokeswoman who decided to pay people more up the confusion about how
Race in America: Giving Voice bate to what extent they need a guing that the “47 percent” of Jen Psaki said on Twitter: “Sen- not to work. It talks about able- Scott’s plan could work in prac-
Jason Reynolds, author of “Ain’t proactive agenda to run on in the Americans who pay no income ate Republicans just released an bodied people who are taking a tice.
Burned All the Bright” and national 2022 midterm elections. Senate taxes would automatically sup- economic plan that doesn’t in- paycheck rather than working, In 2019, the bottom 40 percent
ambassador for young people’s Minority Leader Mitch McCon- port the Democratic Party. clude a single proposal to lower not those who already pay into of taxpayers received roughly
literature nell (R-Ky.) has been adamant “It’s dramatically off-message prices for the middle class. In- the system. We need to get $119 billion more through tax
that the Senate GOP will not for where Republicans are going stead he wants to raise taxes on Americans back to work. Making credits than they paid in income
Moderated by Robin Givhan release a platform ahead of the on taxes — they shouldn’t be half of Americans — including on sure every American has skin in taxes, according to Riedl. Closing
election, saying the party only talking about raising taxes on seniors and working families.” the game is a way to do it and the that gap probably would mean
Thursday, Feb. 24 | 1 p.m. needs to reveal its plans for anybody,” said Brian Riedl, a Some Republicans defended American people agree.” ending or dramatically curbing
The Technology 202: Next Gen running Congress “when we take former aide to Sen. Rob Portman the pitch by the senator from Asked by Fox News on Tuesday major programs aimed at help-
Infrastructure it back.” (R-Ohio) and a senior fellow at Florida. Former House speaker night about Democrats’ criti- ing low-income workers. Scott
That position has proved un- the Manhattan Institute, a cen- Newt Gingrich praised Scott for cisms that his proposal would has not said, for instance, wheth-
Mitch Landrieu, senior adviser and popular with some Republicans ter-right think tank. “The GOP attempting to craft a GOP policy raise taxes, Scott said, “Of course er he would end the child tax
infrastructure coordinator, the who believe the party should put has moved away from the 2010 platform ahead of the 2022 mid- not,” though his proposal does credit and earned income tax
White House forward a set of policy priorities. ‘makers and takers’ framework term elections, while not endors- appear to raise taxes. credit traditionally supported by
House Minority Leader Kevin — so it’s a little outdated.” ing all of the platform’s specific Scott’s plan includes a number Republican lawmakers.
Gov. Kevin Stitt (R-Okla.)
McCarthy (R-Calif.), for instance, Samuel Hammond, a policy ideas. of other highly aggressive con- Most Americans who are
Moderated by Karen Tumulty is putting together a comprehen- expert at the Niskanen Center, “He’s at least raising impor- servative ideas that would radi- working already face a tax liabili-
sive legislative package for another center-right think tank, tant questions over, ‘Should ev- cally alter the federal govern- ty, said Kyle Pomerleau, a tax
Presenting Sponsor: Siemens House Republicans. Scott’s 11- also pointed out that the GOP tax ery American have some stake in ment and provide fodder for expert at the American Enter-
Thursday, Feb. 24 | 3 p.m. point proposal includes many cut of 2017 doubled the standard the country?’ ” Gingrich said. Democratic attacks. prise Institute, a center-right
other long-standing conservative tax deduction — and therefore “Rick would probably say he Chief among them is his plan think tank. The only way to
World Stage: Crisis in Ukraine projects, such as eliminating the may have increased the number started the dance but he doesn’t to cut the budget of the Internal ensure retirees and those who
Education Department, building of Americans paying no federal think this is the final symphony. Revenue Service by as much as are not working pay taxes would
Dame Karen Pierce, British
President Donald Trump’s bor- income taxes. Roughly 100 mil- . . . He and Kevin McCarthy are 50 percent, a provision that be to tax government benefits,
ambassador to the United States der wall and declaring that there lion Americans paid no income moving in the right direction would make enforcing the na- such as Medicare; enact a federal
Moderated by David Ignatius are only two genders. tax in 2021, according to the Tax that we have to have something tion’s tax laws significantly more consumption tax to encompass
“I’ll warn you,” Scott wrote in Policy Center, a nonpartisan positive — both to communicate difficult. His plan also includes a people who are not working; or
the introduction to his plan. think tank. That number prob- to the voters and get our own new “12-year” limit on the ca- to simply require the unem-
“This plan is not for the faint of ably will go down in 2022 as candidates to think about gov- reers of all members of Congress ployed to pay a fee, according to
and federal workers, excepting Pomerleau. Scott has not ex-
national security personnel, plained which of those options
which would force dozens of he might support.
current GOP lawmakers out of Michael Strain, an economic
their seats. Scott’s proposal also policy expert at the American

calls for abolishing increases to Enterprise Institute, another
the federal debt ceiling absent a center-right think tank, said he
l A Nov. 3 A section article about an Apple employee who was fired declaration of war, although Re- agreed with Scott’s “underlying

ALL BOOKS after raising concerns about the company’s treatment of its workers
misstated the date of a town hall in which Apple CEO Tim Cook
addressed allegations of workplace misconduct. It was Sept. 17, not
publicans under Trump repeat-
edly raised the nation’s debt limit
to finance peacetime expansions
motivation” of ensuring that ev-
eryone in the country contrib-
utes to the broader society.
Sept. 18. The article also incorrectly said that Cher Scarlett, one of the in government spending. “But I don’t think that means
LPs, Blu Ray, DVD, CDs and more • CASH PAID Apple employees raising concerns about the company’s treatment of Perhaps the most dramatic everyone needs to contribute to
Brought to our stores 10am-6pm every day • No appointment needed workers, was on leave from Apple. Scarlett had already returned to change in Scott’s plan is his pitch the individual income tax sys-
House calls possible for large collections of 1000+ items work when the article was published, although now she is no longer for “all” federal legislation to tem,” Strain said. “Raising kids is
an Apple employee. expire after only five years, a contribution; working is a
which if ever enacted would contribution; being a member of
WONDER BOOK The Washington Post is committed to correcting errors that appear in the
enormously complicate legislat-
your community is a contribu-
tion. Yes, let’s have a stronger
newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper for that purpose can:
Email: Even some allies of Scott said norm that everyone is a contrib-
Frederick GAITHERSBURG Hagerstown his timing could hurt Republi- uting member of our society —
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be connected to the desk involved — National, 301-977-9166 Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, Business or any of the weekly sections. Comments cans. but I don’t know why that means
can be directed to The Post’s reader advocate, who can be reached at 202-334- “It has sort of raised a lot of everyone needs to contribute
7582 or people’s eyebrows. . . . There’s through a nominal income tax.”

politics & the nation

More Black Americans insured following ACA NORTH CAROLINA

Judges change map of

But people in some areas congressional districts
are still unable to benefit, A panel of trial judges made
additional changes to North
according to HHS report Carolina’s congressional district
map Wednesday, declaring that
the latest U.S. House redistricting
BY A KILAH J OHNSON performed by the General
Assembly fails to meet standards
The percentage of Black Amer- of partisan fairness set recently
icans who lack medical insurance by the state Supreme Court.
has dropped substantially since The three judges accepted the
the adoption of the Affordable recommendations of special
Care Act, but that progress large- masters they appointed to assist
ly depends on where people live, them with scrutinizing legislative
according to a new report from and congressional boundaries
the Department of Health and that were approved last week by
Human Services. the Republican-controlled
People in pockets of the coun- legislature.
try remain unable to benefit from Superior Court Judges
the law that reshaped the nation’s Graham Shirley, Nathaniel
health-care system because many Poovey and Dawn Layton did
Southern states have refused to uphold the new General
participate in key provisions that Assembly districts, confirming
expanded coverage to millions of their experts’ recommendation
Americans who had little or no that statistics associated with the
access to medical insurance. lines show them to “meet the test
Nearly 1 million Black Ameri- of presumptive constitutionality.”
can adults would become eligible But on the U.S. House map, the
for medical insurance if 12 hold- judges wrote, “the court
out states expanded Medicaid concludes that the remedial
eligibility under the ACA, accord- congressional plan does not
ing to the HHS report. satisfy the Supreme Court’s
“There’s a clear policy choice standards.” The judges unveiled a
that’s being made by those states new congressional map they
that runs counter to the interests adopted.
of a large number of people who Barring appeals to the
live in those states,” said Sara R. Supreme Court later Wednesday
Collins, vice president of health- CAROLINE GUTMAN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST that result in a delay, candidate
care coverage and access at the Chidinma Nwakanma gives Matteisha Young a coronavirus vaccine dose at a Philadelphia clinic last year, part of an effort to encourage filing resumes at 8 a.m. Thursday
Commonwealth Fund. “It’s pretty African Americans to get vaccinated. A new federal report shows historic gains in insurance coverage and access for Black Americans. under the new boundaries for the
striking.” May 17 primary. Candidate filing
The federal report, which was they need to see a doctor about a fect access to health care across bility, allowing a wider pool of said in an interview. “We’re not was suspended in December and
produced by researchers in chronic condition or an aching racial and ethnic groups, said low-income earners to qualify for waiting for folks to come to us. the primary delayed from March
HHS’s Office of the Assistant arm, Brooks said. Many of the Jamila Michener, associate pro- public health insurance coverage, We’re going to them.” so lawsuits challenging maps
Secretary for Planning and Evalu- patients treated at the health fessor of government and public it also created insurance market- The administration opened a could be tried.
ation, shows historic gains in center choose plans with higher policy at Cornell University, places and stopped insurance special enrollment period for Republicans currently hold
health insurance coverage and deductibles to have lower premi- where she is co-director of the companies from spurning or people to buy ACA health plans if eight of the state’s 13 U.S. House
access for Black Americans since ums. Cornell Center for Health Equity. overcharging people with preex- they needed coverage because of seats, with North Carolina to
the ACA became law in 2010 but He noted that Black Americans “We like to think that we are isting conditions. The market- the pandemic, partnered with gain a 14th seat this decade due
also illustrates where gaps re- suffer from conditions such as making these evidence-based de- place health plans are intended community-based organizations, to population growth.
main. hypertension and diabetes at dis- cisions about health policy ex- for consumers who cannot get and not only reversed cuts for The new court-drawn
From 2011 to 2019, the number proportionate rates, reflecting pansions that are a reflection of affordable benefits through a job outreach and navigators but put congressional plan, which state
of Black Americans without the compounded effect of envi- what’s best for the population or and are underwritten by federal more money into those activities. law indicates could be used for
health insurance who were ronmental, economic and politi- following best practices in terms subsidies provided to most peo- The coronavirus relief law the 2022 elections only, makes
younger than 65 dropped from cal factors for generations. “A lot of data or science,” Michener said. ple buying marketplace plans. Congress adopted in March con- changes that probably would
7.1 million people to 4.4 million — of it is stress-related. It’s diet-re- “It’s really a decision that’s a There are differences in the tained the first expansion of fed- help Democrats in winning a
or from about 20 percent of the lated. They live in food deserts function of politics. And not just types of insurance coverage 18-to- eral subsidies for ACA health sixth seat, according to Asher
Black population to 12 percent, even in a big city like this,” Brooks any kind of politics, but politics 64-year-old Americans have, with plans in the program’s history. Hildebrand, a Duke University
the report said. said. that has racial dimensions to it the federal report showing that The law increases tax credits for politics professor and former
About 37 percent of Black So while Brooks applauds the whether people realize that when about 73 percent of White people monthly insurance payments and congressional aide.
Americans who are uninsured progress made under the ACA to these decisions are being made or had private insurance in 2019 allows people with higher in- — Associated Press
live in three states: Florida, Geor- close gaps in access and cover not.” compared with 55 percent of comes to qualify for help through
gia and Texas. Florida and Geor- preventive health screenings According to the report, de- Black people. About 30 percent of the end of this year. 4 killed in Hawaii helicopter
gia, according to the report, have such as mammograms and spite the ACA ushering in broad adult Black Americans younger The increased subsidies and crash: A civilian contractor
high numbers of uninsured Black colonoscopies, he said more improvements in access and cov- than 65 have public insurance tax credits meant that 66 percent working for the U.S. Navy said
children. needs to be done to cover the erage across the board, racial and compared with 18 percent of of uninsured Black Americans Wednesday that four employees
As an internist and president effects of chronic diseases. ethnic disparities in coverage re- White Americans that age, the could find a plan with no monthly were killed when their helicopter
of Family Health Centers of Geor- According to the federal re- main. About 22 percent of Ameri- report said. price tag in 2021, according to the crashed on the Hawaii island of
gia, Michael W. Brooks said his port, the cost of obtaining health can Indians and Alaska Natives President Donald Trump was a federal report. Kauai. Croman Corp. said the
Atlanta-area facilities provide insurance remains a barrier that and 20 percent of Latinos lacked vehement foe of the law, and his “The results are testament,” aircraft’s chief pilot, Daniel
care each day to thousands of is more likely to keep 18-to-64- health insurance in 2019 com- administration took aim at the Becerra said, “because the num- Maurice, 64; command pilot
uninsured and underinsured year-old Black Americans from pared with 7 to 8 percent of Asian insurance marketplaces, slashing ber of Black Americans signing Patrick Rader, 55; and mechanics
children and adults. About accessing medical care compared Americans, Pacific Islanders and federal money for advertising, up for the ACA in the past year, Ericka Tevez-Valdez, 42, and
96 percent of the federally quali- with their White peers. Whites. And 2020 saw a slight community outreach and “navi- under the Biden administration, Mathew Haider, 44, were killed.
fied health center’s 18,000 pa- Since the implementation of uptick in the uninsured rate gators” who serve as enrollment has shot up dramatically.” The crew was conducting routine
tients, down from about 22,000 the ACA, adult Black Americans among Black Americans, going coaches. President Biden’s arrival According to federal reports, training operations at the Pacific
before the pandemic began, are younger than 65 worry less about from 12 percent in 2019 to 13 per- in the White House marked a 15 percent of people who signed Missile Range Facility under
African Americans who “work the cost of health care, including cent a year later. turnabout, as his administration up for health insurance during contract with the Navy when
and make enough to survive but refilling prescriptions. Still, their The ACA is a sprawling piece of moved swiftly to rehabilitate the the special enrollment period their Sikorsky S-61N helicopter
not enough to afford insurance,” concerns remain greater than health-care legislation that was law and make health plans more and identified their race or eth- crashed shortly after 10 a.m.
he said. those expressed by White Ameri- pushed through a Democratic affordable. nicity were Black Americans Tuesday. Croman, based in White
And patients who bought cans, the report shows. Congress and has become a “Too often, communities that compared with 9 percent in 2019 City, Ore., has provided
health plans through ACA insur- Administrative choices and source of partisan warring ever have been neglected or been left and 11 percent in 2020. commercial air support service to
ance marketplaces often have legislative actions, even if they since. out don’t know what’s out there the Navy at the Kauai base since
such high deductibles that they seem like neutral actions, are Not only did the law call for for them,” Health and Human Amy Goldstein contributed to this 2007.
end up paying out of pocket if often political decisions that af- states to expand Medicaid eligi- Services Secretary Xavier Becerra report. — Associated Press


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Justice Dept. replaces China Initiative with broader plan

neither criticism is justified.
Moving forward, Olsen said,
Counterthreat program’s the division will exercise more
name led to perception supervision over grant fraud cases
and will work with the FBI and
of bias, official says other investigative agencies to en-
sure that criminal prosecutions
are brought only when there is
BY E LLEN N AKASHIMA clear evidence of intentional mis-
conduct; “materiality,” meaning
The Justice Department is shut- the researcher would not have re-
tering its controversial China Ini- ceived the grant if he or she had
tiative and replacing it with a disclosed a link to China; and a
broader strategy aimed at coun- nexus to national or economic se-
tering espionage, cyberattacks curity. In other cases, he said, civil
and other threats posed by a range or administrative remedies might
of countries, a top official said be more appropriate.
Wednesday. He noted that the White House
Assistant Attorney General Office of Science and Technology
Matthew G. Olsen, who heads the in January issued guidance to fed-
department’s national security di- eral funding agencies directing
vision, said the move was spurred them to craft within 120 days uni-
by a growing recognition that the form and clear disclosure guide-
initiative’s name and approach lines for researchers.
unintentionally fueled a “harmful In retrospect, the blowback
perception” that the program un- provoked by the initiative’s name
justly targeted ethnic Chinese for appears to have been an unintend-
prosecution. ed outcome of a desire to publicize
“I want to emphasize my belief,” the threat posed by Beijing and the
he said in a speech at George department’s work to counter it.
Mason University in Northern In fact, the national security
Virginia, just outside Washington, division for years had put a major
“that the department’s actions focus on Chinese economic espio-
have been driven by genuine na- nage, cyber-intrusions and influ-
tional security concerns. But by ence operations. In May 2014, in a
grouping cases under the China bellwether case, prosecutors ob-
Initiative rubric, we helped to” tained an indictment of five Chi-
create a misperception. nese military hackers accused of
“It’s important to end that per- stealing valuable trade secrets
ception,” Olsen, who undertook a from leading steel, nuclear-plant
review of the program in Novem- NOEL CELIS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES and solar-power companies,
ber at the direction of Attorney Pedestrians in Beijing on Tuesday. The Justice Department’s China Initiative was launched in 2018 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. marking the first time that the
General Merrick Garland, said in United States had leveled such
remarks to reporters before the Initiative webpage will be ar- Lawmakers and advocacy viduals accused of acting as illegal than China,” he said. criminal charges against a foreign
speech. “By picking one country, chived as of Wednesday, officials groups met with Olsen in the agents of the Chinese government Officials including Wray have country. More cases followed.
what the China Initiative did is it said. The prosecutions and inves- weeks before he made his decision to harass and stalk U.S. residents said that the Chinese government So when Sessions launched the
created in some ways a bit of a tigations in the pipeline will con- to end the initiative, welcomed the of Chinese descent to coerce them uses “nontraditional” means of initiative in 2018, “my first impres-
myopic approach, which I don’t tinue. But officials said they ex- news. Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.), to return to China. In 2018, the stealing Western technology, in- sion was that it was a gimmick to
think really reflects the nature of pect increased transparency by chair of the Congressional Asian Justice Department indicted two cluding through co-opting aca- create a classic DOJ moniker” to
the threat landscape.” academics and greater oversight Pacific American Caucus, wel- alleged Chinese hackers in con- demics at American universities. bring more public attention to the
The initiative, unveiled in 2018 by the Justice Department to re- comed the change. “I especially nection with a 12-year-long cam- Increasingly over the years the effort, said David Laufman, who
to great fanfare, was intended to sult in a reduction in the number appreciate the acknowledgement paign of cyber-intrusions that vac- FBI opened cases investigating re- from 2014 to early 2018 headed the
counter a rising tide of Chinese of cases brought over alleged of the harm that this program uumed up technology and trade searchers who had links to Chi- division’s counterintelligence and
economic espionage, cybertheft grant fraud by academics with caused to our communities and secrets from corporate computers nese government “talent” pro- export control section. “I was sur-
and influence operations. Some links to China — an area of inquiry the willingness to adapt the de- in a dozen countries. It also indict- grams that allegedly paid academ- prised because it seemed to me we
lawmakers and civil liberties that has resulted in some high- partment’s work to focus on eco- ed the Chinese firm Huawei, the ics to secretly share technology were already administering a Chi-
groups have criticized the pros- profile losses over the past year. nomic espionage cases in a holis- world’s largest maker of telecom- with the government. The aca- na initiative, and we just hadn’t
ecution of academics — often of The decision to reorient around tic way that does not rely on race munications equipment, for alleg- demics were often accused of fail- named it.”
Chinese descent — who allegedly nation-state challenges reflects or ethnicity,” Chu said in a state- edly conspiring to steal American ing to disclose those ties on grant Over time, Laufman said, he
did not disclose ties to Chinese how the perceived threat land- ment. trade secrets. applications. worried the name “caused appre-
institutions while applying for scape for the United States has The China Initiative was These cases coincided with a But a number of those prosecu- hension in the Asian American
federal grants. Their complaints, evolved since 2006, when Olsen launched during the Trump ad- growing awareness in Congress tions fell apart, resulting in dis- community and concerns that it
including that the department first served at the newly created ministration by then-Attorney and the national security commu- missals or acquittals. In Septem- was racial profiling.” Like Olsen,
was engaging in racial profiling, division. Back then, the principal General Jeff Sessions. The an- nity of the Chinese government’s ber, University of Tennessee pro- he said there was no evidence that
took on added urgency as some danger, and the division's primary nouncement was accompanied by increasing aggressiveness in com- fessor Anming Hu was acquitted prosecutors were motivated by
cases failed and as anti-Asian hate focus, was foreign terrorism. the unveiling of a major indict- peting with the West economi- of fraud and espionage. Last bias. Dropping the name, Lauf-
incidents mounted within the Olsen left the division in 2009. ment against a Chinese state- cally and technologically. Some month, Massachusetts Institute of man added, won’t “make one whit
United States. What struck him upon his return owned company, a Taiwan compa- 80 percent of all U.S. federal pros- Technology professor Gang Chen’s of difference in the intensity
On Wednesday, Olsen stressed last year, he said, is how the land- ny and three individuals charged ecutions of economic espionage case was dismissed after the gov- brought to bear” by the depart-
that the national security threat scape has broadened to include with stealing trade secrets of an involved allegations of theft that ernment acknowledged it could ment in countering malign for-
posed by the Chinese government transnational repression, eco- American semiconductor firm, would benefit the Chinese state, not meet its burden of proof at eign activities that threaten na-
remains as great as ever. But he nomic espionage and cyber- Micron. the department has said. trial. tional security.
also made clear that other coun- attacks. “Even compared to just a Prosecutors racked up convic- FBI Director Christopher A. Though the department did ob- Olsen said that to the extent the
tries pose similar challenges. few years ago, we are seeing na- tions, including of a Chinese intel- Wray said last month that the tain a number of convictions, in- Justice Department trains its
“I have concluded that this tions such as Russia, China, Iran ligence officer on charges of eco- bureau is working more than cluding of Harvard University sights on Beijing, it focuses on
[China] initiative is not the right and North Korea become more nomic espionage and, in January, 2,000 investigations of Chinese professor Charles Lieber in De- actions by the Chinese govern-
approach to meet the threat in the aggressive, more brazen and more of a Chinese national for conspir- technology and intellectual prop- cember, the dismissals fueled crit- ment, Communist Party and their
coming years,” Olsen said. “In- capable in their nefarious activity ing to steal proprietary technol- erty theft and is opening a new icism that the cases were motivat- agents — “not the Chinese people
stead, the current threats demand than ever before,” he said in an- ogy from Monsanto, a major agri- case about every 12 hours. “There’s ed by ethnic bias or that the de- and not Chinese Americans.”
a broader approach.” nouncing a new “Strategy for cultural biotechnology company. just no country that presents a partment applied a lower stan-
The revamped approach means Countering Nation-State The dozens of indictments in- broader threat to our ideas, inno- dard to bring them. David Nakamura contributed to this
the Justice Department’s China Threats.” cluded charges against nine indi- vation and economic security Olsen said he is convinced that report.

Talks on new Iran nuclear deal near an end, with deal appearing possible
BY K AREN D E Y OUNG some Democratic support, in held in Qatar that “Iran has re-
warning that President Biden will peatedly announced that it has
Nearly a year after they began, have given away too much to an enjoyed necessary capacity to
success or failure in negotiations untrustworthy Tehran. Nearly supply gas to neighboring coun-
over a renewed Iran nuclear deal 200 House Republicans last week tries and even Europe,” Iran’s
is now expected within the next signed a letter to Biden saying Mehr news agency reported.
several days. that any new deal without con- The Ukraine crisis has unset-
Iran’s chief negotiator, Ali gressional approval “will meet tled already-tight international
Bagheri Kani, left the Vienna the same fate” as the original 2015 energy markets, leading to in-
talks Wednesday for consulta- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Ac- creased prices in both Europe and
tions in Tehran following a flurry tion (JCPOA) negotiated by the the United States. In a speech
of last-minute sessions with his Obama administration, from updating the situation Tuesday,
counterparts from Europe, Rus- which President Donald Trump Biden said that there would be
sia and China. The U.S. delega- withdrew U.S. participation in “costs … here at home,” but that
tions and others remained in 2018. “my administration is using every
place awaiting his return, possi- Congress never approved the tool at our disposal to protect
bly as early as Friday. original agreement, which the American businesses and con-
“We are nearing the end,” En- Obama administration said did sumers from rising prices at the
rique Mora, the European Union not constitute a treaty and was pump.”
representative to the talks, said within presidential powers to Robert McNally, a senior na-
on Twitter. Mikhail Ulyanov, who sign. Instead, lawmakers passed tional security and economic ad-
heads Russia’s delegation, tweet- the Iran Nuclear Agreement Re- viser in the George W. Bush ad-
ed that negotiators are “about to view Act, or INARA, giving law- ministration, estimated that Ira-
cross the finish line.” makers 30 days to review and nian oil production, currently at
State Department spokesman possibly disapprove of any future about 2.5 million barrels a day,
Ned Price said Wednesday that nuclear deal with Iran before any could surge by a million barrels.
“there has been significant prog- sanctions relief is granted. The Iranians currently have large
ress” in recent days but cautioned While the administration had quantities of oil stored in boats at
that no agreement has been final- considered not submitting a new LEONHARD FOEGER/REUTERS
sea, awaiting export.
ized. agreement to Congress, on Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, Ali Bagheri Kani, arrives for talks in Vienna on Feb. 8. “We are nearing The increased production
No matter how they turn out, grounds that it was simply rein- the end,” Enrique Mora, the European Union representative to the talks, said on Twitter. could ease tensions in oil markets
the final days are setting the stage stating the terms of the previous and lower prices “to the 80s,” said
for expanded political conflict for JCPOA, it is now seen as girding nuclear limits. Since Trump’s ments to “nuclear-related Trump China, its usually supportive part- McNally, president of the consult-
the Biden administration over its itself for a vote. INARA also re- withdrawal, Iran has far exceeded sanctions,” while at other times ner, have been cooperative and ing firm Rapidan Energy Group.
foreign policy. At the moment it is quires presidential certification the JCPOA restrictions on the they have returned to insisting on active in pushing for an agree- The price of Brent-grade crude oil
consumed with a major crisis every 90 days that Iran is living up quantity and quality of enriched the withdrawal of “all” sanctions. ment. “It’s almost a parallel uni- hovered around $94 a barrel
over Russia’s actions in Ukraine to the terms of any agreement. uranium it is allowed to produce Iran appears to have dropped verse” from what is going on over Wednesday.
and the threat of a full-scale inva- “The deal is likely to be an- and stockpile. its demand that Biden “guaran- Ukraine, said one person familiar Bank of America also told in-
sion. nounced next week,” said a con- Trump reinstated U.S. sanc- tee” that a future administration with the talks who spoke on the vestors this week that an Iran deal
If the negotiations fail, there gressional aide, speaking on the tions on Iran that were lifted as would not withdraw from any condition of anonymity to discuss could eventually lower the bench-
will be pressure to take action condition of anonymity about the part of the original agreement future deal, something U.S. nego- sensitive diplomacy. mark Brent price by $10 to $15 a
against Iran’s nuclear program. developing situation. “Right now, and added at least 1,500 addition- tiators said was impossible to pro- But the two issues overlap to a barrel, “providing some inflation
Its “breakout” time for producing there are enough changes in the al ones. For months, negotiators vide. In recent weeks, Tehran has certain degree in their influence relief.”
enough fissile material to fuel a draft deal that the administration were stalemated over Iran’s insis- asked for guarantees from con- on international energy markets. But McNally said that an eas-
nuclear weapon is now estimated is expected to declare that the tence that all sanctions be with- gressional leaders, which is likely Iran is a significant producer of ing of oil prices would come only
at only a few weeks, although Iran new agreement is subject to drawn, while the United States to prove equally impossible. The both oil and gas, export of which if the United States and its allies,
is still seen as possibly years away INARA.” said the JCPOA applied only to offices of Senate Majority Leader is currently limited by sanctions. who have already imposed eco-
from the know-how to actually One of the most debated core “nuclear-related” measures and Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Lifting those sanctions would al- nomic sanctions against Russia,
produce a bomb and deliver it. issues in the negotiations — in not those imposed for Iran’s proxy House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- low Iran back into global markets, refrain from additional measures
Tehran has repeatedly insisted its which the United States has been wars, alleged human rights abus- Calif.) did not respond to ques- particularly in Europe, which has on Russian oil exports, which
program is intended only for an indirect participant, since Iran es or ballistic missile program. tions about the Iranian demand. been dependent on Russian sup- dwarf those of Iran with produc-
peaceful purposes. refused to engage with the Ameri- If and how that issue was re- Despite the growing U.S.- ply. tion of 10.5 million barrels a day.
If they succeed, no matter what cans directly — has been which solved remains unclear. At times Russia conflict over Ukraine, sev- Iranian Oil Minister Javad
the final details, Republicans U.S. sanctions would be lifted in in recent weeks, Iranian officials eral officials involved in the nego- Owji said at a Tuesday summit of Steven Mufson and John Hudson
have been largely united, with exchange for Iran’s return to strict have referred in public state- tiations said that both Russia and gas-exporting countries being contributed to this report.

Trial in Breonna Taylor raid asks if officer acted with ‘indifference’

BY M ARISA I ATI both nothing and everything to ments follows several days of ment is investigating the shoot- moments and in what direction nearby apartments would be oc-
do with Taylor. questioning to select a jury for ing, the Associated Press report- Hankison fired. cupied at that early-morning
Opening arguments began Hankison is accused of firing the high-profile case. Jefferson ed. Jurors instead will hear part Defense attorneys may note hour and that shooting in the
Wednesday in the trial of the only 10 shots, including through a County Circuit Judge Ann Bailey of a videotaped deposition that Hankison’s years of service and dark could harm other people.
person criminally charged in the bedroom window, which put Smith twice denied requests from he gave in an ongoing civil law- contend that he followed his In this case, the other people
police raid that killed Breonna Cody Etherton, Chelsey Napper Mathews to move the trial to suit filed by Etherton and Nap- training and he had to make an who were affected were not in-
Taylor — but the allegations are and their child in harm’s way. another jurisdiction where po- per. immediate decision about wheth- volved in the raid on Taylor’s
not directly related to her death. Kentucky Attorney General Dan- tential jurors might be less famil- To prove wanton endanger- er to shoot, Thompson said. apartment. While it is generally
Former Louisville officer Brett iel Cameron (R), whose office is iar with the killing of Taylor, a ment, Whaley is tasked with “You hear a gunshot from a difficult to convict police officers
Hankison faces three counts of prosecuting the case, has said Black 26-year-old emergency- showing that Hankison displayed house that you believe is danger- of crimes, Chavis said prosecu-
first-degree wanton endanger- there is no conclusive evidence room technician. “extreme indifference” to life and ous enough to be doing a no- tors may benefit from the fact
ment, a low-level felony, for shots that any of Hankison’s shots During questioning, attorneys put someone at risk of serious knock in a drug house,” Thomp- that the alleged victims in this
that entered a neighboring apart- struck Taylor. He has said another for both sides asked potential injury or death. Kentucky law son said he would argue if he trial were just going about their
ment during the March 13, 2020, officer who was later terminated, jurors if they had established defines wanton behavior as oc- were defending Hankison. “His lives at home. She said jurors may
raid on Taylor’s home. No one has Myles Cosgrove, fired the fatal opinions about the case or Louis- curring when a person “con- training’s going to kick in, and find them more sympathetic than
been charged in Taylor’s killing, shot. ville police, whittling down a pool sciously disregards a substantial he’s going to act instantaneously suspects who are injured or killed
which fueled national protests Hankison is free on bond and of 250 people to 12 jurors and and unjustifiable risk” in a way to return fire to protect his fellow in police shootings.
that summer over police use of faces a potential sentence of up to three alternates. Prosecutor Bar- that a reasonable person would officers — that but for them firing Chavis added that a conviction
force, particularly against Black five years in prison per count if bara Maines Whaley has said she not. the first shot he wouldn’t have would be meaningful, despite not
Americans. convicted. Previously, he was plans to call about 30 witnesses, Wanton endangerment charg- fired into the house.” settling broader questions about
Taylor’s death is likely to linger fired from the police force for while Hankison and several other es are often brought when some- Prosecutors, for their part, will police use of force.
in the background of the trial, allegedly showing “extreme indif- current and former Louisville of- one shoots a gun into the air or probably focus much of their “This is not going to satiate the
where prosecutors will try to ference to the value of human ficers are expected to testify for out a car window without hitting questioning on whether Hanki- need for justice for [Taylor’s]
prove that Hankison endangered life” — language that mirrors the the defense. anyone, said Michael Thompson, son deviated from his training, death,” she said. “But I also don’t
a man, a pregnant woman and a wanton endangerment charges — Jonathan Mattingly, a now- a criminal defense attorney in said Kami Chavis, a law professor think that we should underesti-
child in the other apartment. during the drug raid on Taylor’s retired officer who also fired dur- southwest Kentucky. In Hanki- at Wake Forest University with mate the impact of a criminal
During jury selection, defense home. (Narcotics were not found ing the raid, plans to invoke his son’s trial, he said he expects the expertise in police accountability. charge for the officer in this case
attorney Stew Mathews told po- in her apartment.) Fifth Amendment right not to attorneys to display maps show- She said they may argue that — because those other people,
tential jurors that the case has The start of opening argu- testify while the Justice Depart- ing where people were at specific Hankison should have assumed they were harmed.”

Postal Service finalizes plans for mostly gasoline-powered fleet

BY J ACOB B OGAGE giving the Postal Service more on average, and trucks have be- “Even if we were to roll out the
AND A NNA P HILLIPS funding to buy electric vehicles. come more efficient since then. door with an internal combustion
Biden’s Build Back Better plan, Experts say the industry standard engine in the vehicle, we have the
The U.S. Postal Service final- for example, would provide for gasoline-powered delivery ve- opportunity, the way the vehicle
ized plans Wednesday to pur- $6 billion for a fleet of 70 percent hicles today is 12 to 14 mpg. is designed is to allow us at the
chase up to 148,000 gasoline- electric vehicles. So environmentalists and gov- end of the life of that engine to
powered mail delivery trucks, de- Analyzing more purchasing ernment regulators were alarmed swap in a different drivetrain
fying Biden administration offi- plans is important, critics say, when the Postal Service unveiled alternative,” Bombaugh said.
cials’ objections that the because the environmental study plans for a new delivery truck But those comments immedi-
multibillion-dollar contract is supposed to look beyond the that offers only a 0.4-mpg im- ately raised concerns among auto
would undercut the nation’s cli- fleet’s emissions or the pollution provement over the older model. industry experts. Legacy auto-
mate goals. it would cause. It should also look With the air conditioning run- makers have not been able to
Postmaster General Louis De- at how and where vehicles will be ning, the vehicles would average accomplish large-scale retrofits
Joy disregarded requests from deployed, said Sam Wilson, sen- just 8.6 mpg. because the process is difficult,
the White House Council on Envi- ior vehicles analyst at the Union EPA estimates show the new labor intensive and expensive.
ronmental Quality and the Envi- of Concerned Scientists, an advo- delivery trucks would emit nearly For Oshkosh, a defense con-
ronmental Protection Agency cacy group. 20 million metric tons of carbon tractor, to have developed a scal-
this month to reconsider replac- “What would be reasonable to dioxide over their projected 20- able internal-combustion-to-
ing the delivery fleet with 90 per- do would be to have a high-level year life span, roughly equal to electric conversion program
cent gas-powered trucks and scenario of 95 percent battery- the annual emissions of 4.3 mil- would be a tremendous develop-
10 percent electric vehicles, at a JAHI CHIKWENDIU/THE WASHINGTON POST electric vehicles, which matched lion passenger vehicles. Their al- ment in the EV industry, experts
cost of as much as $11.3 billion. A mail delivery vehicle visits Great Falls Park in Virginia in 2013. [the Postal Service’s] own as- ready-low fuel efficiency rate said. The Postal Service has since
The contract, orchestrated by De- Postal Service decisions on a new fleet have drawn heavy criticism. sumptions,” Wilson said. “Even a would worsen as the trucks aged. abandoned the retrofitting strat-
Joy, offers only a 0.4-mpg fuel 75- or 55-percent analysis would Had the Postal Service chosen egy, writing in its environmental
economy improvement over the that the agency had “waited long an Martinez, a senior attorney at be reasonable.” to buy a lighter truck model — impact statement and telling The
agency’s current fleet. enough” for new vehicles. Earthjustice, “we realized they lighter by only one pound — it Post that although Oshkosh can
The decision is a major blow to Environmental advocates as- were either looking at the wrong 3. A pro-gas bias would have been required to meet perform the conversions, the
the White House’s climate agen- sailed the agency’s decision, say- things or they were totally misin- Underlying the Postal Service’s stricter fuel efficiency standards. agency “has no plans to retrofit
da. President Biden has pledged ing it would lock in decades of formed. And whether that was decision to buy thousands of new Instead, the agency opted for any vehicles.”
to transition the federal fleet to climate-warming emissions and intentional or not, it’s hugely gas-powered trucks is its conten- trucks that are nearly double the
clean power, and apart from the worsen air pollution. DeJoy has problematic.” tion that it can’t afford electric weight of the current ones and 6. Financial questions
military, the Postal Service has accused Congress and climate ac- vehicles. In its environmental exempt from higher mileage re- DeJoy has explained the Postal
more vehicles than any other gov- tivists of pushing the mail agency 2. No true alternatives analysis, the agency estimated quirements. Service’s purchase of gas-pow-
ernment agency. It accounts for toward electric vehicles as a mat- in environmental study that buying EVs would cost over Critics have also questioned ered vehicles by saying it can’t
nearly one-third of federally ter of “public policy” in the face of The Postal Service did look at $30,000 more per vehicle than the Postal Service’s claim that afford more fuel-efficient trucks
owned cars and trucks, and envi- the Postal Service’s deteriorating several alternatives to its 90 per- the gas-burning alternative. new electric trucks could only given its perilous financial posi-
ronmental and auto industry ex- fleet of “Long Life Vehicles” and cent gas-powered fleet. It consid- But that number has confused travel 70 miles per charge, since tion.
perts argue that the agency’s stop- dire financial condition. ered purchasing an entirely elec- regulators and environmental ad- the electric delivery trucks and But the Postal Service now
and-start deliveries to 161 million The first new trucks are expect- tric fleet, replacing its current vocates, who say the figure does cargo vans the Postal Service’s boasts its best financial outlook
addresses six days a week pro- ed to hit the street in 2023. Here vehicles with commercially avail- not match independent cost esti- competitors now buy have a in years. It had $22.3 billion in
vides an ideal scenario for using are six of the contract’s most able gas-powered trucks, or sim- mates. much longer range. The Ford cash at the end of 2021, almost
electric vehicles. controversial aspects: ply doing nothing. According to the EPA, the Post- E-Transit, for example, can travel double the high-end estimated
EPA officials said the Postal But the agency said those alter- al Service used wildly inaccurate up to 126 miles per charge, ac- cost of its new trucks.
Service vastly underestimated 1. Spend first, study later natives were nonstarters. Some gas prices that made owning a cording to the automaker. In addition, Congress is on the
the emissions of its proposed fleet Before a federal agency spends mail routes wouldn’t work for gas-powered truck seem compar- The Postal Service is “looking verge of approving a major over-
of “Next Generation Delivery Ve- billions of dollars, it is supposed electric vehicles; they’re too long, atively cheap. The agency project- at old technology,” said Patricio haul of the Postal Service’s financ-
hicles,” accusing the mail agency to complete an “environmental or encounter too much extreme ed gasoline costs at $2.19 per Portillo of the Natural Resources es, eliminating $57 billion in ex-
of fudging the math in its analysis impact study,” an exhaustive heat or cold. The Postal Service’s gallon and estimated that would Defense Council. The range of its isting liabilities, plus an addition-
to justify the massive purchase of analysis of the transportation inspector general in 2009 — when rise to about $2.55 per gallon by electric trucks is “what you’d ex- al $50 billion in future expenses
internal-combustion-engine safety, traffic noise and environ- EV technology was still develop- 2040. But, the EPA said, by the pect from an EV if you bought it over the next decade. The legisla-
trucks. mental effects of its proposed ing — found that 96 percent of time the Postal Service wrote its five or 10 years ago,” he said. tion has already passed the House
DeJoy, a holdover from the purchase. postal routes were compatible analysis, average gas prices had and could win Senate approval as
Trump administration, has called The most crucial component of with electric trucks. already topped $2.80 a gallon. 5. The gas-to-electric flip soon as next week. It has 14
his agency’s investment in green the study is its timing: It must be The Postal Service said replac- The EPA also found that after that wasn’t Republican co-sponsors, which is
transportation “ambitious,” even completed before an agency be- ing its fleet with commercially underestimating the cost of own- When the Postal Service an- enough support to defeat a poten-
as environmental groups and oth- gins spending money. It’s also available vehicles would cost too ing gas-powered trucks, the mail nounced its deal to buy new tial filibuster.
er postal leaders have privately supposed to be broad, studying much and sap productivity. Mail agency inflated the cost of EVs by trucks, it said that even if it Some members of Congress
mocked the claim. When DeJoy various alternatives to reach the trucks need the steering wheel on not considering falling battery purchased gasoline-powered ve- have urged DeJoy to use the fi-
repeated the characterization at a most practical and environmen- the right side so letter carriers can prices, which are gradually mak- hicles at first, the agency could nancial flexibility afforded by the
public meeting of the Postal Serv- tally conscious plan. reach mailboxes from the win- ing electric vehicles more afford- later convert those trucks to bat- bill to invest in the Postal Serv-
ice’s governing board this month, However, the Postal Service an- dows of their vehicles. And stick- able. The result: Gas-burning tery electric power by swapping ice’s infrastructure. Along with
his remarks were met with chuck- nounced its agreement to pur- ing with the old trucks was im- trucks came out looking like a out parts under the hood. delivery trucks, the agency needs
les from the audience. chase the trucks in February 2021 practical, the Postal Service said, better deal — but only if most of DeJoy touted the capability to a new sorting equipment and reno-
DeJoy said in a statement that before it started an environmen- both from a business and safety the numbers were wrong. House panel in 2021, and Scott vations to its plants and office
the agency was open to pursuing tal analysis, and paid $482 mil- perspective. Bombaugh, the Postal Service’s lobbies.
more electric vehicles if “addi- lion to Oshkosh to begin building Regulators and activists had 4. Yesterday’s trucks chief technology officer, praised Even conservative groups that
tional funding — from either in- manufacturing facilities before asked the agency to study more Postal Service trucks are gas the capability in an interview have praised DeJoy’s plans to buy
ternal or congressional sources — the study was completed. alternatives. The administration guzzlers, averaging only 8.2 mpg. with The Washington Post almost new trucks have called on him to
becomes available.” But he added “When it came out,” said Adri- and lawmakers are considering But they were built 30 years ago a year ago. spend more.

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Trump criminal probe ‘ongoing,’ DA spokeswoman says

PROSECUTORS FROM A1 berg also charged with grand James has declined to speak pub-
larceny. licly about that matter specifical-
to stay home on days they were Lawyers for the Trump Organi- ly. But she has released a wealth
slated to serve, according to one of zation and Weisselberg recently of public information about her
the people with knowledge of the filed motions asking New York civil case, which covers much of
developments. Supreme Court Justice Juan Mer- the same subject matter. Last
A spokeswoman for Bragg on chan to dismiss charges before week, a New York Supreme Court
Wednesday confirmed the resig- the case goes to trial, which could justice ordered Trump and two of
nations of Dunne and Pomerantz, happen in August or September. his adult children — Ivanka and
who were overseeing a team of The motions said Weisselberg Donald Jr. — to sit for sworn
about 25 lawyers, paralegals and was simply collateral damage in testimony in the civil case in
analysts, but declined to say why the quest by two elected Demo- coming weeks.
they left. crats, Vance and James, to take The Trump family is expected
“We are grateful for their serv- down the former president. to appeal that ruling — likely to
ice,” said Bragg’s spokeswoman, Weisselberg’s attorneys also ar- argue, among other things, that
Danielle Filson, adding that the gued in the 140-page filing that James could unfairly use what
investigation into Trump and his the case is marred by its reliance they say against them in the
business practices “is ongoing.” on Michael Cohen for informa- criminal case.
New York Attorney General tion. Cohen, a former Trump at- In the criminal investigation,
Letitia James (D), who has an torney who is now an outspoken Pomerantz was still interviewing
active, parallel civil probe into critic, pleaded guilty in federal witnesses as recently as this
Trump’s business practices, may court to campaign finance viola- month. On Feb. 2, he spoke for an
proceed alone with a civil lawsuit, tions and to lying to Congress in hour with Jonathan Greenberg, a
a person familiar with the situa- 2018. He served prison time for former Forbes magazine reporter
tion said. But James’s office also the crimes. who for several years compiled
has partnered with Bragg in the Weisselberg was given immu- the magazine’s list of the nation’s
criminal investigation. On nity for his cooperation in the richest people — a list that Trump
Wednesday, James spokeswoman New York federal investigation was very eager to be on.
Delaney Kempner said the joint that resulted in charges against It was for those stories that
criminal inquiry “is ongoing and Cohen. Weisselberg’s attorneys Trump called Greenberg pretend-
there is a robust team in place CRAIG RUTTLE/ASSOCIATED PRESS
have also argued that the district ing to be “John Barron,” a public
that is working on it.” Alvin Bragg speaks to supporters in November. Since becoming Manhattan’s district attorney, Bragg attorney’s case stemmed from relations representative for the
Pomerantz, a former federal has shown less interest in the criminal inquiry into former president Donald Trump than his that probe and the immunity he developer. In their Feb. 2 call,
prosecutor who was working on predecessor, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., who according to sources saw enough evidence for an indictment. got in federal court should extend Greenberg said, Pomerantz “let
the Trump case without taking a to the state court matter. me know he was getting ready to
salary, confirmed his departure Trump, it would not be the end of istration, the person said. memo, which dictated a set of Bragg generally declined to present his best case” to his supe-
but declined to comment further. his legal woes. A prosecutor in Another person briefed on the lenient policies on charging deci- discuss his plans for the Trump riors.
Dunne, who served as Vance’s Georgia is weighing whether he case said Bragg and James had a sions and bail. He drew pushback case on the campaign trail last “He said he was in the final
general counsel, could not be committed crimes in pressuring good relationship as they pur- from officials and residents at a year, saying it would be improper round and they needed to prove
reached for comment. Vance, who state election officials to overturn sued their joint investigation. But time when violent crime is inten- for him to do so without having intent,” Greenberg recalled in an
is now in private practice, de- the results of Joe Biden’s 2020 a second person with knowledge sifying — leading to a lengthy access to the evidence. He high- interview Wednesday. “He said,
clined to comment on the resig- election victory. of the situation said James’s office effort to clarify to his staff and the lighted, however, civil investiga- ‘We need to prove that Trump
nations, which were first report- The Westchester County dis- still wanted to take a more ag- public what the memo meant. tions into Trump’s business deal- wasn’t just drinking his own
ed by the New York Times. trict attorney in suburban New gressive tack at times during the The district attorney’s investi- ings that he was involved in Kool-Aid’” when his company
Trump and his attorneys have York is also looking into Trump’s investigation. gation of Trump’s business prac- previously as a top lawyer at the told lenders that he had assets
repeatedly denied any wrongdo- business and has subpoenaed The investigation by the dis- tices started in 2019 and included attorney general’s office. that were far more than what he
ing. One member of Trump’s legal records related to one of Trump’s trict attorney’s office was in a a protracted legal battle that re- Since his term began, he has actually owned.
team, Ron Fischetti, predicted golf clubs there. holding pattern for at least a sulted in the Supreme Court rul- also been tight-lipped, as is cus- Greenberg said the prosecutor
Wednesday that the departure of In the Manhattan probe, month after Bragg failed to com- ing that Trump’s personal and tomary for a prosecutor with told him that the tricky part of
the two prosecutors “will mean Vance’s administration did not municate a sense of direction, business tax returns must be regard to an open investigation. getting a green light to move
the district attorney’s investiga- rush to seek an indictment by the according to a different person turned over, in compliance with a James, in contrast, repeatedly ahead with a prosecution of
tion will come to a halt.” end of 2021, believing that Bragg with knowledge of the situation. subpoena to his accounting firm, promised in public appearances Trump was finding evidence that
Alan Futerfas, a lawyer repre- — who would inherit the case — Dunne and Pomerantz were Mazars USA. to examine potential illegal activ- proved that Trump “wasn’t just
senting Trump Organization in should handle the conclusion of growing increasingly frustrated, In July, the Trump Organiza- ity in Trump’s business dealings. blowing smoke as a marketing
the criminal matter, declined to the grand jury process, one of the this person said. tion and its longtime chief finan- She has been criticized by Trump tactic, but was lying and knowing
comment. Trump had not issued people familiar with Vance’s Since taking office in early cial officer, Allen Weisselberg, and his allies for promising as a that he was lying.”
a statement by Wednesday eve- thinking said. January, Bragg has been largely were indicted in a 15-year tax candidate to pursue the former
ning. Dunne and Pomerantz expect- consumed with discussions, fraud case. Charges included president. Dawsey reported from Washington.
Should the criminal case in ed the support for an indictment meetings and public appearances scheme to defraud, conspiracy Since officially joining the dis- Marc Fisher contributed to this
Manhattan yield no case against would transfer to Bragg’s admin- over his controversial “Day One” and related counts, with Weissel- trict attorney’s criminal case, report.

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Worry lingers as blue states do an about-face on mask mandates

MASKS FROM A1 covid data dashboard, two hospi-
tals in her county reported more
high-end market sans mask. He’d than 90 percent of beds in use,
been skeptical about the value of and another was well over its ICU
mask mandates, believing they capacity, in the first week of Feb-
harm children’s development and ruary. Maybe she would feel com-
are ineffective when most people fortable when hospitals no longer
wear cloth masks instead of high- faced a crunch and the rate of
quality masks. positive tests fell below 5 percent.
“I follow the mandates. I didn’t But like many small business
agree with them, but I followed owners during the pandemic,
them and tried to be a good Igou has struggled to keep her
citizen,” said Bosley, who is 66, doors open. A few of her custom-
boosted, tested regularly for his ers stormed out or insulted her
senior-care job and keeps a mask when reminded of the mask man-
in his pocket if a business re- date, but others felt more com-
quires them. “It’s a choice right fortable shopping at her store
now, which is probably what it knowing patrons would be
should have been.” masked.
Leslie Pellegrino worried “I’m so sick of wearing these
about the medically vulnerable as damn masks. I’m extremely sick
she walked out of the market of them, but also, it’s a mask.
wearing a surgical mask, like People in other countries wear
most Janssen’s customers on a masks all the time,” even before
recent weekday. the pandemic, said Igou, wearing
“My mom is 86, and I feel like a red KN95 mask behind the
we need a little bit more time,” counter. “If it’s going to help the
Pellegrino said. “Until we get to teachers and health-care work-
smooth sailing, I won’t stop wor- ers, I’m going to wear them for-
rying.” ever because they’ve been
The abrupt end of mask re- through hell.”
quirements in blue states, which One older customer holding a
had left mandates in place longer Coach bag in one hand and a blue
than most Republican-led re- surgical mask in the other, stared
gions, signals a new reality in at the sign on the door, puzzled,
which leaders in the most cau- before stepping in. The sign de-
tious parts of the country say the clared, “No mask, no entry, no
time has arrived to live with the exceptions.”
“You still requiring masks?”
sweeping mandates. ABOVE: Unmasked patrons gather in the pool at Circa hotel and casino in Las Vegas on Feb. 12, two days after Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak she asked.
The face coverings that are the (D) lifted the state’s mask mandate. BELOW: The masked and the unmasked walk along Broadway in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., on Feb. 13. “If you don’t mind, that would
most visible reminder of the pan- be great,” Igou replied.
demic in Americans’ daily lives “I’m glad we’re back to normal.” “Because now they lifted the
are coming off rapidly in public mandate,” the woman added.
places, from the casinos of the Las Keeping the faith “Thank you, but we’re still re-
Vegas Strip to houses of worship Far from Las Vegas, clergy and quiring it here,” Igou said.
and yoga studios. parishioners at Albany, N.Y., The woman, who declined to
Some people say it’s long over- churches embraced the opportu- give her name, shrugged and
due and time to trust vaccines as nity to worship and sing with donned her mask as Igou showed
the best shield. Others worry that their mouths uncovered during off a selection of prepared tofu
political pressure to return to the first Sunday services after meals in the fridge.
normal is endangering the immu- New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) Jennifer French, 52, already
nocompromised, the elderly and ended the statewide indoor mask had her mask on when she en-
young children not yet eligible for mandate. tered the store minutes later be-
vaccines. Many are unsure when At St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish cause she works with immuno-
they will ever feel comfortable in suburban Albany, attendance compromised children. But two
again in a maskless world, their at weekend Masses surged after years into the pandemic, she’s
hopes dashed before by new vari- the Roman Catholic diocese al- unsure if she can trust the rest of
ants. lowed churches to drop mask society to do the right thing with-
Most Republican governors mandates. At the 9:30 a.m. Mass, out mandates. She said she con-
abandoned mask mandates after fewer than half of the roughly 250 tracted the virus in December
the first year of the pandemic, churchgoers still covered their after going to a friend’s house for
declining to reinstate them dur- faces. coffee, assured everyone was vac-
ing new surges. Some have point- The Rev. Bob Longobucco cinated. It turned out not every-
ed to explosive omicron out- spent months struggling to dis- one was.
breaks in areas with mask man- cern parishioners’ reactions to his “If everyone was responsible or
dates as evidence the mandates homilies with their faces covered. still maintaining healthy dis-
didn’t work. Democratic gover- Their voices were muffled as they tance, maybe I’d be fine,” French
nors say the mandates helped sang hymns and recited the said, referring to the Delaware
prevent the surges from getting CINDY SCHULTZ FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Nicene Creed. governor’s lifting of the mask
even worse. During the first mask-optional mandate. “But there’s so many
While it’s harder to dodge the Mass in months, he said he could careless people who think it’s not
virus in public and private gather- demic life and to business owners New coronavirus cases, deaths and see his words register as he im- a real issue.”
ings when it’s widespread in a who said masks cramped the par- vaccine doses in the U.S., by day 1.2m
plored his congregation to think
community, research shows ty spirit on the Strip. of themselves as not better or ‘It’s going to be weird’
As of 8 p.m. Wednesday
masks remain an effective pre- Maskless fans sang along and 1m separate from the less fortunate The United States has been in a
vention strategy. yelled at country singer Luke Bry- CASES and as he cheered on the Cincin- similar moment before: Last year,
A study assessing the effective- an’s opening show at Resorts Total 78,709,564 800k nati Bengals in the Super Bowl. states abandoned social distanc-
ness of masks in California last World Las Vegas after he declared 7-day average 77,673 Mass wasn’t completely nor- ing measures in time for Memori-
year found that people who re- the mandate’s end meant fans mal. Parishioners continued to al Day and the Fourth of July.
ported always wearing a cloth “can drink beer and party in 7-day avg. 400k space themselves apart in the When new variants later surged,
mask in indoor public places were Vegas like we’re supposed to.” pews. The choir, which once per- few states brought back capacity
56 percent less likely to test posi- Officials credit the mandate’s end 200k formed with elongated masks limits at restaurants and event
tive for the virus compared with for a spike in tourism, including 0
and musicians spaced far apart, spaces, relying on mask and vac-
people who didn’t wear masks — at Circa Resort & Casino, where Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 Feb. 23, 2022 had not returned after going on cine mandates to keep society
an advantage that increased to 66 reservations surged. hiatus during the omicron surge. open. But it appears mask man-
percent for people wearing surgi- John Kitchen, 47, of Lexington, DEATHS “Today, I could see the faces,” dates could be a thing of the past
cal masks and 83 percent for Ky., returned to the city he nor- Total 940,371 Peter Aviles, a cantor at the in the pandemic’s third year.
people donning the highest-qual- mally visits four or five times a 4k church, said. Now, he is eager to In California, Gov. Gavin News-
7-day average 1,926
ity KN95 and N95 masks. year for the first time since the call back the choir. “I want to hear om (D) announced last week a
A recent report by the Centers pandemic started. He wears a 7-day avg. the gorgeous sounds.” strategy for treating the coronavi-
for Disease Control and Preven- mask all day in his job as a Sixteen miles away at the Black rus as endemic that would em-
tion cited a mask mandate at a regional manager for a medical Catholic Apostolate church in phasize testing and vaccination
53,000-person anime convention device manufacturer and wants 0 Menands, at the edge of Albany, to respond to new surges instead
in New York as among the reasons Las Vegas to be his escape. Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 Feb. 23, 2022 leaders opted to keep the mask of far-reaching mandates. Some
the gathering did not turn into an “Vegas is about seeing people, 5m mandate in place out of concern residents expressed skepticism
omicron superspreader event in enjoying people and having a VACCINE DOSES ADMINISTERED 4m for elderly parishioners and that the time for the shift had
late November. good time,” Kitchen said as he Total 551,372,287 young children ineligible for vac- arrived.
But public health authorities in waited to swim in Circa’s rooftop 7-day average 425,810 7-day avg. cines. But the mask requirement As Jacob Battersby dropped off
blue states are starting to aban- pool on a sunny day in February. left them comfortable allowing his second-grader at an Alameda
don mask mandates as the omi- “It’s a social world we all live in, masked choir members to sing County elementary school —
cron threat subsides, even as they and the mask mandate has had a 0 from their seats and surrounding where a statewide mask mandate
Feb. 29, 2020 Jan. 2021 Feb. 23, 2022
allow businesses and localities to negative influence on that.” the priest. remained in place — he pondered
keep them in place and encourage Craig Van Hoesen, a Circa bar- After Mass, some worshipers why California would drop the
the vulnerable to still mask up. tender, said his hearing loss made said they were far less afraid of mandate in other public places
They are jumping ahead of the orders harder to understand the coronavirus now that num- when the state was turning a
CDC, which still recommends when the mask mandate was in bers were dropping. But the con- corner from the latest surge.
masking in areas with high trans- effect. flicting messages from the federal “To me, it feels like if we’re
mission, a category that contin- “It was difficult to have conver- and state governments left them doing a little bit better at beating
ues to apply to large swaths of the sations with people when you uneasy. back the numbers, then we
country where, even though in- both have a mask on and there is “There are too many pilots should continue with what we’re
fection counts are declining from loud music,” Van Hoesen, 40, said. flying the plane,” said George doing until they get really low,”
all-time highs, large numbers of King, 76, a longtime parishioner Battersby said.
positive cases are reported daily. and retired lawyer. The 46-year-old event pro-
States that have recently an- His sister, Jacquie King, is look- ducer and artist is looking for low
nounced plans to roll back mask ing to the CDC for permission to case numbers and guidance from
rules include California, Connect- doff her mask instead of relying the CDC to feel comfortable tak-
icut, Delaware, Illinois, Massa- on the governor. ing his mask off, uneasy after a
chusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, “When you read the Bible, it friend struggled to taste and
New Mexico, New York, Oregon, talks about civilizations wiped smell a month after getting in-
Rhode Island, Virginia and Wash- out by catastrophes,” Jacquie fected and after a relative en-
ington. The District has also an- King said. “And here we’re look- dured a fever and headaches for a
nounced such a plan. Hawaii is ing at a deadly virus and rather week. Even when that time ar-
the only state that has not ditched than using our heads to do the rives, going maskless will feel
a statewide indoor mask man- right thing, people are just saying jarring.
date. they’re tired of it.” “It’s going to be weird,” Batters-
In some of these states, gover- by said.
nors and public health authori- ‘No mask, no entry’ Jessica Duggan, a 38-year-old
ties say that once mandates are Empowered by Delaware Gov. attorney who dropped off her two
relaxed this time, it will be harder John Carney (D) to drop the mask children at the same school while
to reimpose them: Nearly every- mandate she has had in place for holding a mat for an outdoor
one is eligible for vaccines, treat- two years, Karen Igou still wasn’t exercise class at a nearby park,
ments are more available, and ready to welcome unmasked cus- also felt conflicted. Her kids are
widespread exhaustion has set- tomers at Honeybee Kitchen and used to wearing masks. She
tled in as the nation enters the Market, a small organic food doesn’t want to be one of the few
third year of the pandemic. store in Wilmington, on a recent maskless people at establish-
weekday. ments out of respect to those
‘Having a good time’ The state’s largest hospitals trying to protect themselves.
The abrupt end of Nevada’s had declared crisis standards of “I do think we’re getting close
mask mandate in time for Super care that allowed them to ration to a place where we won’t be
Bowl weekend was welcome news services a month earlier as they wearing masks anymore,” Dug-
to gamblers pouring into Las Ve- NICK OTTO FOR THE WASHINGTON POST faced a historic surge of omicron gan said, “especially since it feels
gas sportsbooks, to Vegas regu- Alex Leahy is masked while working at Rocket Reuse, a thrift store in Alameda, Calif. Gov. Gavin patients. When Igou pulled up like we’re moving in the right
lars craving freedom from pan- Newsom (D) wants to emphasize vaccines and testing over masks, but some residents say it’s too soon. her phone to look at the state’s direction right now.”

Pregnancy-related deaths shot up during pandemic’s first year

BY S ALVADOR R IZZO nancy or childbirth. to 2016.
She said it was “incredibly un- Researchers have found that
Pregnant women and new fortunate” that the racial divide stress, and the cortisol it produc-
mothers died at a higher rate in grew wider in 2020 despite that es, is a factor in maternal mortal-
2020, an increase that mostly af- burst of attention. ity rates and that some minorities
flicted women of color, according “These disparities have existed are more likely to have unad-
to a report released Wednesday by for decades and are apparently dressed chronic conditions such
U.S. health officials. worsening, but I think we have to as diabetes, hypertension or
For all women, the number of be careful not to pin that on the obesity.
maternal deaths rose 14 percent pandemic,” Brown said. “There Brown emphasized that al-
during the first year of the corona- are structural components lead- though the pandemic may well
virus pandemic, to 861, according ing to that, and we have to address have played a role in worsening
to the report from the National those.” health outcomes, the NCHS re-
Center for Health Statistics “To be clear, the rates of mater- port focuses specifically on deaths
(NCHS). The maternal mortality nal mortality in this country had clearly linked to pregnancy or
rate in 2020 was 23.8 deaths per doubled over the past 25 or 30 childbirth, such as preeclampsia,
100,000 live births. years, whereas in every other in- hemorrhage, placenta previa, or
When breaking down the data, dustrialized country, the rates had pulmonary embolism, or to the
however, the increase “for non- been decreasing,” said Stacey D. period immediately after giving
Hispanic White women was not Stewart, president and chief exec- birth, which is generally six weeks.
significant.” Instead, it was wom- utive of the nonprofit March of Stewart said another issue was
en of color who died at significant- Dimes. “It’s natural to assume the that about 54 percent of U.S. coun-
ly higher rates from pregnancy or pandemic could only make it ties offer no maternity care what-
childbirth in 2020. worse, especially in 2020, before soever, or very limited care for
The mortality rate was highest there was a vaccine.” women giving birth. March of
for non-Hispanic Black women: RICK BOWMER/ASSOCIATED PRESS
A large study published in April Dimes, which focuses on health
55.3 deaths per 100,000 live Cots and cribs are seen in a hospital overflow care site in Sandy, Utah, in April 2020. The rise in the 2019 by the Journal of the Ameri- outcomes for mothers and babies,
births, which was 2.9 times the death rate of pregnant women and new mothers in 2020 mostly afflicted women of color, a report said. can Medical Association analyzed has called for a “Momnibus” pack-
rate for non-Hispanic White wom- the impact of state expansion of age of bills in Congress to provide
en. The mortality rate jumped 26 and infant mortality rates in the to assume the pandemic’s strain ences and senior fellow at the Medicaid under the Affordable about $1 billion in funding to ex-
percent in 2020 for Black women. United States compared with oth- on hospitals and health-care pro- Institute for Medicaid Innovation, Care Act on infant mortality. pand Medicaid for childbirth cov-
Hispanic women had a rate of er industrialized countries — and viders, plus the lack of a vaccine at said more policymakers and me- Brown and her co-authors con- erage and allow wider access to
18.2 deaths per 100,000 live how Black women and infants are the time, may have heightened the dia began to focus on the startling- cluded that expanding Medicaid midwives and doulas.
births, which was below the over- particularly likely to experience barriers minority women already ly high maternal death rates for did not reduce those death rates “There are policy changes that
all U.S. rate, but a 44 percent spike complications and death. faced in accessing health care. Black women in 2018, when a overall — but did narrow the dif- can address these things,” Stewart
from 2019. Although the new report does Clare C. Brown, a researcher on previous NCHS report found they ferences between White and Black said. “What it takes is the will of
For decades, researchers have not mention the coronavirus pan- health disparities at the Univer- were 2.5 times more likely than infant mortality. The study exam- Congress and the will of state offi-
documented the higher maternal demic, experts said it was natural sity of Arkansas for Medical Sci- White women to die during preg- ined 15.6 million births from 2011 cials to take actions.”

Tex. governor calls for child-abuse investigations of transgender care

BY J ULIAN M ARK legally constitute child abuse un- gation to report instances of Texas is among several states doctors generally recommend misrepresenting the law to the
der several provisions” of state child abuse and that existing law that have attempted to restrict waiting until a child reaches pu- detriment of transgender chil-
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott direct- law. “provides criminal penalties for the treatments for transgender berty to begin medications such dren and their families.”
ed state agencies this week to Abbott wrote that the agency failure to report such child youths, along with limits to bath- as puberty blockers or hormone “As the lawyer who represents
conduct “prompt and thorough” “is responsible for protecting abuse.” Members of the public room access and participation in treatments, The Post has report- DFPS in civil child abuse cases in
investigations of the use of gen- children from abuse,” adding in a have similar requirements, Ab- sports. In April, Arkansas legisla- ed. Harris County, I can tell you my
der-affirming care for transgen- tweet Tuesday that the agency bott wrote. tors passed the country’s first law The Morning News reported office won’t be participating in
der children, a move that follows will “refer for prosecution any The directive is the state’s lat- banning gender-affirming treat- that it is unclear whether every this political game,” Menefee
an opinion from the state attor- such abuse.” est attempt to limit gender-af- ments for minors. This month, state agency will follow Abbott’s added in a tweet.
ney general that such treatments The department did not re- firming care for transgender South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem directive, since Paxton’s opinion The district attorney’s office
are a form of “child abuse.” spond to a request for comment youths. In October, Abbott signed (R) signed a bill that bans trans- does not carry legal force. Some and county attorney’s office in
In a letter Tuesday to the state’s from The Washington Post late a law that bans transgender girls gender girls and college-age prosecutors and county attor- Travis County, where Austin is
Department of Family and Pro- Tuesday on whether it would from playing with female sports women from participating in fe- neys have said they will not located, told the Morning News
tective Services, Abbott (R) cited follow the directive. A spokesper- teams in public schools. male sports, joining nine other follow the order, the newspaper that they would not adhere to the
an opinion issued Friday by Texas son for the agency told the Dallas In August, the Department of states that have passed such a reported. directive. Travis County Attorney
Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) Morning News that it “will follow Family and Protective Services ban, The Post reported. Christian D. Menefee (D), Delia Garza (D) told the paper
stating that certain gender-af- Texas law as explained [by Pax- began to recognize certain gen- Major medical associations, county attorney in Harris County, that “Republican leadership of
firming treatments for transgen- ton’s opinion],” adding that it had der-affirming surgeries as “child including the American Academy covering the Houston metro area, this state is trying to turn loving
der children — including gender no pending investigations. abuse” after pressure from the of Pediatrics, have supported the in a statement accused Abbott and supportive parents into
reassignment surgery and puber- Abbott said that Texas doctors, governor, the Texas Tribune re- use of gender-affirming care for and Paxton of “ignoring medical criminals, and this office will play
ty-blocking medications — “can nurses and teachers have an obli- ported. transgender children, although professionals and intentionally no part in it.”

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Virus surge hits

Hong Kong’s poor
and elderly hard
for. Elderly residents who con-
tracted the virus have been cart-
Cramped quarters ed back and forth from care
leave little room for homes to hospitals, neither able
to bear the burden of isolation
mandatory isolation and care.
Hong Kong, following the lead
of the Chinese government, is
BY T HEODORA Y U committed to a “zero-covid” pol-
icy, seeking to eradicate the virus
hong kong — When Chan, a rather than adjusting to a strat-
Hong Kong construction worker, egy of living with it while mitigat-
tested positive for the coronavi- ing the risk. The strategy has
rus, he had nowhere to go. The largely worked since the first
38-year-old shared a cramped covid case was detected here
apartment with seven others, more than two years ago, but it
including a toddler and his aging has collapsed in the face of the
father. So he moved into the more transmissible omicron
stairwell. variant. The city has recorded
For 16 days, Chan, who asked 44,000 infections in the past 14
that only his last name be used days, a 100-fold increase from
out of embarrassment, followed around the same time in January,
the city’s mandatory self-isola- and 153 deaths since the start of
tion policy, living on the roof of 2022 — compared to just 200
the building in a steady drizzle deaths over the previous two
amid unseasonably low tempera- years.
tures. He ate instant noodles and Authorities have framed the BERTHA WANG/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

defecated in plastic bags. He battle against covid as a war. On A police officer on Sunday asks foreign domestic helpers to leave during an operation against people who fail to comply with social-
slept in three jackets and two Tuesday, Hong Kong Chief Execu- distancing measures in Hong Kong. A surge in coronavirus cases has exposed Hong Kong’s yawning inequities.
pairs of trousers with a blanket tive Carrie Lam announced the
dampened by the rain seeping entire city’s population of 7.5 those self-isolating in subdivided as milk for the children, but he [domestic workers] are put in a zone? How to move the seniors
under the rooftop door. He said million would have to be tested apartments and “cage homes” — doesn’t know where to seek help. safe place … but they do not think from room to room while we
he often woke from a dream that three times over the next month bed-sized accommodations that The coronavirus has also ex- about this anymore,” Abdon- sanitize and prepare quarantine
“he was naked and freezing.” — mimicking the citywide mass- have long been the symbol of posed the vulnerabilities of mi- Tellez said. rooms? I feel tired just thinking
An explosion of coronavirus testing strategies used in several Hong Kong’s extreme housing grant workers who do not share The government has an- about it,” said one employee at an
infections has exposed the yawn- mainland Chinese cities during situation. the same rights and protections nounced plans to increase the elderly home where several resi-
ing inequities in Hong Kong, the pandemic. No place outside Those who have fallen ill have as other residents. Some domes- number of quarantine facilities dents tested positive. She gave
hitting hardest the most vulner- China has been able to mount waited for days to be taken to a tic workers, a backbone of the across the territory, but with only her last name, Hui, over
able — seniors, domestic workers such comprehensive testing op- hospital, while surviving without city’s economy, have been cast mass testing expected to uncover concerns that she might lose her
and the more than 90,000 low- erations. treatment. Families relying on a out by their employers after test- hundreds of thousands more cas- job.
est-income households who live Lam also extended strict social single blue-collar job for income ing positive. Cynthia Abdon- es, experts say the facilities re- The situation is spiraling as
in cramped, subdivided flats. For distancing measures until at are struggling economically. Tellez, a spokeswoman for the main woefully inadequate. more caretakers at the homes
them, the mandatory isolation least late April, including a ban “Without resources or support, Mission for Migrant Workers, Deaths, meanwhile, have dis- and residents test positive, said
has brought more hardship than on dining-in after 6 p.m. and the they have no money and no way said about 20 domestic workers proportionately affected the el- Chua Hoi-wai, chief executive at
the virus. closure of gyms, beauty salons to pay rent and buy food,” Sze contacted them for a place to derly, particularly those in care the Hong Kong Council of Social
As cases rise exponentially — and other indoor venues. said. On Wednesday, officials an- sleep or food as employers insist homes. Of the first 102 people Service. He added that the gov-
more than 8,600 cases were an- “We are talking about an emer- nounced the distribution of e- they isolate for 14 days. who died in this latest pandemic ernment should provide tempo-
nounced on Wednesday com- gency,” Lam said. “Given the vouchers for all permanent resi- Because some of the helpers wave, about 60 percent were rary accommodations for staff at
pared to just a handful in the current circumstances, we must dents to relieve the burden on the share bedrooms with the seniors residents of care homes. The these homes.
weeks before — the territory’s do it, even if there are legal unemployed and business own- or children of their employers, vaccination rate among those age Lam, the city’s chief executive,
health-care system is over- constraints. This is the mind-set ers — but not until April. they were asked to leave and 80 and above still lags signifi- has urged society to stay united
whelmed, forcing those on the we need to have if we are fighting Chan was able to move back isolate elsewhere. But public hos- cantly compared to the rest of the in the fight against the virus.
fringes of society into deeply a battle.” into the family’s 270-square-foot pitals have neared maximum ca- world at just 28 percent. “After the storm, we will see a
uncomfortable arrangements as This fight has been exception- (25-square-meter) apartment, pacity and were unable to take in Unable to keep up with official rainbow,” she said.
they work to break transmission ally difficult to bear for the city’s but only because three more those with mild symptoms, forc- guidelines that constantly Chan is less convinced.
chains. most vulnerable residents. family members had moved onto ing them into tents and sleeping change, employees at care homes “I feel helpless, like it is the
Some live-in domestic helpers Sze Lai-shan, deputy director the stairway and someone need- bags in parks near the hospitals, have had to improvise, finding end of the world,” he said. “But I
were forced onto the streets after of the Society for Community ed to take care of his 2-year-old, she said. makeshift quarantine rooms for also need to smile in front of my
testing positive, shunned by the Organization, said the group has who was experiencing symp- “It is the employer’s responsi- both residents and co-workers. family and help with chores as
families they clean, cook and care received 400 calls for help from toms. Chan needs resources such bility also to make sure they “What is considered a clean best as I can.”

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In a rambling speech, the typically cagey Putin flashes a rare moment of candor
Today’s WorldViews national television, blaming a ready to show what real about the Soviet collapse. He’s Putin seemed to betray a between the two nations were
ANTHONY FAIOLA litany of culprits for his decision decommunizations would mean isolated himself from the worldview that scorns “more like Cain and Abel.”
to lash out. He bitterly blamed for Ukraine.” Western-style bureaucratic democratic principles and Putin on Tuesday appeared to
the West. “You didn’t have to Putin has built a dark empire economists he used to surround honors the will of strongmen by reassure other former Soviet
Vladimir Putin’s rambling make an enemy of us,” he said. on misinformation, both at home himself with. He’s surrounded utterly dismissing Ukraine’s 1991 republics — which now include
speech in defense of aggression But this wasn’t just about and abroad. As startling as it more now by nationalists and referendum, approved by more NATO members — that they
in Ukraine had the feeling of a Uncle Sam. sounded coming from his own security sector folks, and it’s than 92 percent of the would not be next in Moscow’s
psychology session. Lithuania’s He blamed patriarchs of the mouth, his rewriting of become worse since the population, that backed its firing line. Ukraine was
prime minister said the remarks Soviet Union — Vladimir Lenin Ukrainian history on Monday pandemic.” independence from the Soviet different, he argued, because it
“put Kafka and Orwell to shame.” and Joseph Stalin — for echoed a 5,000-word treatise he Culturally and linguistically, Union. He waved away the had fallen under “foreign
But if anything, the hour-long effectively allowing the creation penned last July. His speech was Ukraine and Russia share much. notion of the will of voters as a control.”
diatribe smacked of a rare of Ukraine, a place he described almost certainly designed at But as the New York Times Western fashion, anathema to Yet some fear Putin’s
moment of candor from a master as a manufactured state that was least in part as propagandistic outlined, Putin’s claims of the Russian sphere of influence. extraordinary speech presages
of obfuscation: the time Putin an “inalienable part of [Russia’s] spin to gird the Russian people Ukraine as a mere extension of “It should be noted that more aggressive tactics ahead.
got real. history, culture and spiritual for his adventure in Ukraine. Russia don’t match historical Ukraine actually never had Ian Kelly, former U.S.
Putin dropped a pretense he’d space.” He blamed Nikita But if he knew his truth to be fact. “Parts of modern-day stable traditions of real ambassador to Georgia, told Fox
maintained for months: That a Khrushchev for gifting parts of lies, those watching him saw an Ukraine did indeed reside for statehood,” Putin railed Monday. News that the Russian leader’s
Russian invasion of Ukraine Russia to this artificial nation. Oscar-worthy performance. Most centuries within the Russian “And, therefore, in 1991 it opted most worrying suggestion was
wasn’t imminent. He recognized He seemed to blame Mikhail worrying, observers said, was the empire. But other parts in the for mindlessly emulating foreign that it was a mistake for the
the independence of two Gorbachev for permitting way he seemed to buy into his west fell under the jurisdiction of models, which have no relation Soviet Union to grant statehood
Moscow-backed separatist Ukrainian statehood as the own narrative of the Ukrainian the Austro-Hungarian empire, to history or Ukrainian realities.” to its former republics.
territories and ordered his Soviet Union slouched toward nation as a purely Russian Poland or Lithuania,” the Times The Washington Post’s Robyn “I think the most disturbing
troops into the region, while collapse. invention. We made you, he noted. Dixon has outlined Putin’s vision line of that speech was
menacingly suggesting he might And he blamed the Ukrainians seemed to say, and we can break “Putin’s argument today that of the Ukraine crisis as a time suggesting that the breakup of
not stop there. Putin’s address to themselves for turning on their you, too. Ukraine is historically subsumed machine to replay the Cold War the Soviet Union into 15
the nation on Monday harped on parent — Mother Russia — and “It’s not just geopolitics, he by Russia is just not right,” Cliff with a new ending that protects independent states was
Ukraine’s always long-shot hopes suggested they would pay for literally believes this stuff,” Paul Kupchan, chairman of the Moscow’s sphere of influence illegitimate,” he said. “And that
to join NATO. But it noticeably their transgressions. Stronski, a Russia expert at the Eurasia Group, a political risk and maintains an outsize calls into question, in his mind,
wasn’t his main gripe — exposing “Today the ‘grateful progeny’ Carnegie Endowment for consulting organization, told the projection of Russian power. the status and sovereignty of
NATO expansion as something of has overturned monuments to International Peace, told me. “I Times. The themes of Putin’s After Putin’s long essay last three NATO members, the three
a red herring flopping over far Lenin in Ukraine. They call it think it’s very troubling, and speech were not new. But, summer extolling the “historical Baltic states — Lithuania, Latvia
more personal grievances. decommunization,” Putin said. indicative of him being far Kupchan added, “the breadth unity” of Russia and Ukraine as and Estonia. … I don’t expect he
Like a victim in a “You want decommunization? removed from reality, isolated and vehemence with which he “one people,” Ukraine’s will try to pick a fight with
breakthrough therapy session, Very well, this suits us just fine. and with a chip on his shoulder went after all things Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, NATO, but this speech was way
the Russian leader opened up on But why stop halfway? We are not just about the West, but was remarkable.” retorted that fraternal relations over the top.”

Attack on European
nation ‘a shock to the
American system’
CONFLICT FROM A1 tially the largest offensive since
the United States, its European
too heavily on the new forms of allies and the Soviet Union
warfare that have dominated re- crushed the Nazis in 1945 — is
cent international clashes, includ- Putin’s effort to reverse an out-
ing cyberwar, drone assaults and come of the Cold War, pulling
targeted assassination. Ukraine back into Russia’s orbit.
Russian President Vladimir Pu- But to Americans, the Russians’
tin’s “invasion” of Ukraine — a aggression is not just evidence of
term President Biden quickly ad- “Putin’s twisted rewrite of history,”
opted Tuesday — is taking place as Biden put it Tuesday, but also a
5,000 miles from Washington. It potentially bloody reminder that
can be viewed as a largely regional Europe remains disputed terrain
conflict, a violent expression of the and a natural battleground for the
Russian leader’s ahistorical con- competition between nuclear
tention that, as he put it in a powers.
bellicose article last summer, For years, and especially during
“modern Ukraine is entirely the the presidencies of Barack Obama
product of the Soviet era” and has and Donald Trump — both of
no independent legitimacy. whom sought to reorient foreign
“One fact is crystal clear,” Putin policy away from Europe and
said in that justification for his toward China and the rest of Asia
forthcoming assault. He argued — Europe has seemed to recede
that “Russia was robbed” when both as the focus of U.S. policy-
Ukraine broke off from the wreck- makers and as a concern for the PHOTOS FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

age of the Soviet Union after its American public. Russian tanks at a rail platform Wednesday about 20 miles from the border with Ukraine. A former Obama administration
1991 collapse. “This is not something anybody counterterrorism coordinator said of the worsening situation in Ukraine, “There’s been no threat like this in Europe since the 1970s.”
But Russia’s move to recognize under 40 has had to think about
two Russian-backed separatist en- much except after 9/11,” O’Hanlon As the conflicts in Iraq and
claves within Ukraine as inde- said, referring to the 2001 terrorist Afghanistan wound down, U.S.
pendent countries and the subse- attacks. “Most Americans have no administrations focused defense
quent move of Russian forces into idea who the secretary general of budget cuts on the Army and
those areas has rocked Western NATO is or what that means, or ground forces on the theory that
Europe and threatens to hit Amer- which countries we have a lot of new forms of war would dominate
icans where they live — in the form troops in.” future conflicts.
of possible surges in energy prices, Many Americans, including But reality has a way of defying
rattled financial markets and the many diplomats, academics and projections of linear human prog-
possibility of cyberattacks on politicians, came to view Europe ress.
American institutions in response as “a peaceful kingdom bedeviled “One reason I hate the idea of
to U.S. economic sanctions only by the bureaucrats in Brus- this war is I’m not sure how it
against Russia. In addition, any sels, a great cultural theme park to ends,” O’Hanlon said, referring to
ground conflict could expand into visit,” Benjamin said. “For many the Ukraine conflict. “It’s hard to
countries that the United States is years, terrorism was the premier be completely confident it stays
obligated to defend as part of the security issue for us and China localized. It’s so dangerous, so un-
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- became a bigger and bigger con- forgivable for Putin.”
tion’s post-World War II alliance. cern. But Europe’s important, Eu- Although the NATO allies’ ap-
“This is a shock to the American rope matters.” proach so far — punishing Russia
system, something that is so far Still, Democratic and Republi- with economic sanctions — seems
out of our consciousness,” said can policymakers worry that pop- to assume that the conflict will
Michael O’Hanlon, director of re- ular opinion may limit U.S. op- remain constricted to Ukraine
search for foreign policy at the tions, as many Americans, ex- and near environs, any number of
Brookings Institution. For the hausted after decades of war in events could widen the war:
past three decades, after the col- Iraq and Afghanistan, have con- Cyberattacks easily spool out
lapse of the Soviet Union and the cluded that the country should across national boundaries; refu-
dismantling of its empire, “it instead focus inward. gees by definition export political
seemed unthinkable to have But if some Americans don’t A Russian soldier stands in line for a sandwich near the rail platform. Any expansion of the conflict crises to new countries; and Putin
bloodshed on the European conti- think they have a dog in this fight, from Ukraine into NATO countries would obligate the United States to respond militarily. has repeatedly drawn analogies
nent after World War II and the many of Putin’s constituents, between his dismissal of Ukraine’s
Cold War. We thought we were out awash in state-controlled propa- array in his own party. And Biden have remained sky-high for many than steering clear of such in- independence and his similar be-
of this sort of classic ground war. ganda, apparently believe other- is suffering through low approval years. volvement. That 64 percent figure liefs about some of the Soviet
Now, we’re likely to see things wise. Because state media have ratings, persistent inflation and In contrast, only 22 percent of has remained fairly steady over Union’s other former satellite
again now that we thought we persistently presented news of the continuing social and political Americans told Gallup last year nearly half a century of polling, states.
only saw in World War II movies.” conflicts between Russia and oth- divisions over the pandemic. that they had a favorable view of rising to 70 percent early in the In 2004, NATO expanded up to
Ground wars seem all too 20th er countries as the result of West- Nonetheless, there’s evidence Russia, down from 30 percent in Trump administration after drop- the Russian border by adding sev-
century to many military plan- ern interference, “the majority ac- that a root bond between Ameri- 2016 and 47 percent in 2010. ping to a low of 58 percent in 2014, en countries, including the former
ners. The prospect of combat tually hold the United States ac- cans and Western Europe remains “There are some elements of when U.S. forces were fighting Soviet Baltic republics of Latvia,
troops potentially fighting house- countable for what’s going on,” strong, 32 years after the fall of the our national character that Putin against the Islamic State in Iraq Lithuania and Estonia. In 2008,
to-house in cities and villages Denis Volkov, an independent Berlin Wall and the crumbling of gets right,” O’Hanlon said. “He and Russia invaded and annexed when NATO discussed taking
across Ukraine, a nation of 41 mil- pollster in Russia, said on a pod- the Soviet empire. may think we’ve turned against Ukraine’s Crimea region. Ukraine and Georgia into the alli-
lion people, is difficult to compre- cast earlier this month. “It’s not Many Americans are unaware each other and focused on Asia Still, it’s one thing to believe the ance sometime in the future, Putin
hend today. Many Americans, even about Ukraine. The majori- of how extensive the U.S. military and lost our toughness. But we country should stay involved in reacted sharply.
raised on the aerial assaults and ties say that it’s the United States presence in Europe has remained. made a very concerted effort in world affairs and something else “It’s easy for Putin to convince
drone warfare of the Persian Gulf who is influencing the Ukrainian About 80,000 U.S. service mem- Iraq and Afghanistan, and if Putin to see a role for U.S. military action the typical Russian that he had no
conflicts and the wars on terror- government.” bers are stationed on the conti- thinks he can divide the United in faraway conflicts — and espe- choice but to do this because he
ism fought in Iraq and Afghani- Ukraine was the second- nent, down from 250,000 in the States from Western Europe, he’s cially a potentially long and dead- says America rubbed the Rus-
stan, came to think of a war aimed largest of the 15 not-very- mid-1980s. And young Americans crazy.” ly ground war. sians’ face in the sand” by expand-
at taking another country as independent states that made up by and large no longer spend Through the most recent Re- For at least a century, Ameri- ing NATO right up to Russia’s
something out of the past. Most the Soviet Union. It’s where the hours in high school history cours- publican and Democratic admin- cans have found reason after each western borders, O’Hanlon said.
wars in recent decades have been empire grew much of its food, es learning about the Fulda Gap, istrations alike, U.S. officials have searing land war experience to The conflict in Ukraine will in-
civil wars, fought between fac- built and kept many of its weap- the German lowlands through concluded that the American pub- decide that such conflicts might evitably raise fears in those other
tions within a country, rather than ons, and stored a chunk of its which Western experts expected lic’s appetite for foreign military be a thing of the past. former Soviet states that the Rus-
wars of aggression against a for- nuclear arsenal. So when Ukraine Soviet tanks to flow in the event involvements is markedly dimin- After both world wars, after the sian leader will come after them
eign, sovereign nation. split off on its own in 1991, the that the Cold War turned hot. ished. Korean and Vietnam wars, and next, and any virus of anxiety in
“The notion that one country blow to Russia was keenly felt. But if that kind of anxiety about “For some time now, Americans after the Desert Storm attack on those NATO member countries
would try to gobble up another, Putin may assume that he can a monumental confrontation be- have been asking tough but fair Iraq, Americans across a wide will spread almost instantly to the
particularly a neighbor, is truly get away with a war against tween Russia and the West subsid- questions about what we’re doing, swath of ideologies broadly as- rest of the 30-nation alliance.
alien,” said Daniel Benjamin, pres- Ukraine because the Western alli- ed quickly after 1989, most Ameri- how we’re leading — indeed sumed that hand-to-hand, boots- Although many Americans will
ident of the American Academy in ance looks frayed to him, accord- cans nonetheless retain strongly whether we should be leading at on-the-ground warfare was out- view the news of the coming
Berlin and previously the Obama ing to several longtime U.S. for- favorable views of key allies, ac- all,” Secretary of State Antony dated. Surely, planners argued, weeks as noise about “a faraway
administration’s coordinator for eign policy officials. A new govern- cording to Gallup polling through Blinken said in a March speech. new technologies such as drones place that we shouldn’t care
counterterrorism. “There’s been ment just took over Germany in four decades. Americans have But a Chicago Council on Glob- and new battlefields in space, in about,” Benjamin said, that atti-
no threat like this in Europe since December. France faces elections highly favorable views of Ger- al Affairs survey from last fall the skies and in cyberspace made tude may well be a luxury the
the 1970s.” in seven weeks. Britain’s prime many (84 percent favorable in found that 64 percent of Ameri- ground combat an inefficient and country cannot afford. “Russia has
The prospect of a massive minister has been fighting 2021), France (87 percent) and cans prefer for the country to re- less appealing choice for potential always had the power to ruin your
ground war in Europe — poten- through domestic scandal and dis- Britain (91 percent), numbers that main active in world affairs rather aggressors. day — and the desire to do so.”

Biden denounces ‘unprovoked and unjustified attack’

UKRAINE FROM A1 sion of pleas for peace and dia- border with Ukraine’s Donetsk
logue in an emergency Wednes- region, there were signs that
“The prayers of the entire day night session that laid bare something was imminent. Rus-
world are with the people of the limits of the world body’s sian soldiers appeared to be
Ukraine tonight as they suffer an influence. stocking up food for several days,
unprovoked and unjustified at- The United States and its allies emptying the shelves of a local
tack by Russian military forces,” condemned Russia’s actions grocery store and grabbing in-
Biden said in a statement. “Presi- while other nations such as Chi- stant noodles, water, bread and
dent Putin has chosen a premedi- na, Brazil and India urged de-es- condensed milk. Wednesday was
tated war that will bring a cata- calation. Defender of the Fatherland Day, a
strophic loss of life and human U.S. Ambassador Linda Thom- military holiday, and dozens of
suffering. Russia alone is respon- as-Greenfield accused Putin of soldiers were celebrating as
sible for the death and destruc- exhibiting “total disdain” for the heavy military equipment stood
tion this attack will bring.” United Nations by ordering mili- on train tracks, with barrels
Biden said he would meet with tary action “at the same time pointing toward eastern
allied leaders on Thursday morn- we’re gathered in the council Ukraine.
ing, then would announce fur- seeking peace.” She called the The equipment included an
ther measures against Russia. He moment a “grave emergency.” array of howitzers and armored
vowed to work with NATO “to Ukraine’s ambassador, Sergiy vehicles.
ensure a strong, united response Kyslytsya, called out to Russia’s Across the road from the gro-
that deters any aggression envoy in a testy exchange, urging cery store, young men in uni-
against the Alliance,” adding, him to telephone Russian For- forms lined up in front of a liquor
“Tonight, Jill and I are praying eign Minister Sergei Lavrov and store. A canteen next door quick-
for the brave and proud people of “do everything possible to stop ly ran out of food as soldiers
Ukraine.” the war.” Russian Ambassador gathered for dinner.
Putin’s declaration of opera- Vasily Nebenzya declined the of- “Today, it is like a field kitchen
tions against Ukraine — broad- fer, saying, “Waking up Mr. Lav- out here,” one man standing in
cast on state television shortly rov is not something I plan to do.” line joked. Music blasted from
before 6 a.m. in Moscow — was In cities across Ukraine, there parked cars and smartphones as
the culmination of months of SALWAN GEORGES/THE WASHINGTON POST
was confusion in the early morn- soldiers smoked outside.
threats and a military buildup People ride a tram last week in downtown Kharkiv, a Ukrainian city of 1.4 million that lies 12 miles ing on Thursday as distant explo- Locals said that troops camped
that Ukrainian officials said had from the border with Russia. Explosions could be heard in Kharkiv early Thursday morning. sions were audible. In Kharkiv, there began arriving about a
brought 200,000 Russian troops Ukraine’s second-largest city, lo- month ago but appeared
to their borders. hind him, Putin spoke directly with silence. measures against Russian busi- cated just 50 miles from the Wednesday to be loading into
“Russia cannot feel safe and into the camera and said that he Speaking in Russian, he said nesses and senior officials, hopes Russian border, booms could be convoys and preparing to leave.
develop and exist with the con- intended to protect Russia from that Ukraine is a sovereign na- were dimming that there would heard just after Putin’s speech The White House said Wednes-
stant threat coming from the “those who took Ukraine hos- tion seeking to build a peaceful be any way for Ukraine and its ended. It was unclear what day it was considering a range of
modern territory of Ukraine,” Pu- tage.” And he strongly suggested future — a different Ukraine, he Western backers to forestall a caused the explosion or what severe measures if Russian
tin said in the speech, by turns that he planned to annex parts of added, from the violent one that broader assault. In Washington, targets were hit. troops advanced.
cold and angry. “We simply the country — as Russia did in Russian citizens are watching on policymakers said they were Russian troops, tanks and mis- Imposing sanctions on Putin
weren’t given any other option to 2014 when it seized Crimea from warmongering state television poised to impose more sanctions sile launchers had been massing himself — a step the United
defend Russia and our people Ukraine. broadcasts. “You are being told should Russian troops advance. in Belgorod, a Russian city just 90 States has never taken — “re-
other than that which we will use “Let me remind you that when that this is a plan to free the In Europe, some NATO countries minutes from the Ukrainian mains an option on the table,”
today.” the USSR was created after the people of Ukraine,” he said. “But sent more weaponry to Kyiv, and city’s center. White House press secretary Jen
He said that the “goal is the Second World War, people who the Ukrainian people are free.” European Union leaders scram- As the sporadic booming con- Psaki told reporters Wednesday.
defense of people who for a lived in certain territories includ- A Kremlin spokesman had said bled to gather Thursday in Brus- tinued with sunrise, some people “That would be an escalatory
period of eight years have suf- ed in modern Ukraine, no one that Putin received a request for sels to plan their next move. waking up reacted with confu- step, as would be sanctioning the
fered the scorn and genocide of ever asked them how they them- assistance from separatist forces “I strongly condemn Russia’s sion. At one hotel, a staff member largest banks, the very largest
the Kyiv regime — and for that we selves wanted to build their life,” in eastern Ukraine, a move that reckless and unprovoked attack asked a guest what was happen- banks and additional compo-
will strive for the demilitariza- he said. Western policymakers feared on Ukraine, which puts at risk ing. Told this was probably a nents of the financial sector, as
tion and denazification of Putin’s speech came after would be pretext for a Russian countless civilian lives,” NATO Russian invasion, she cursed. would taking export control
Ukraine and bring to justice Ukrainian President Volodymyr assault on its neighbor. Secretary General Jens Stolten- “I don’t watch the news,” she steps.”
those who have carried out the Zelensky issued a grim-faced plea “Your leadership has approved berg said in a statement. “Once said.
many bloody crimes against for peace earlier Thursday, tell- them to move forward onto the again, despite our repeated warn- Outside of the hotel, a mother Khurshudyan reported from Kharkiv,
peaceful civilians, including citi- ing the people of Russia that only territory of another country,” Zel- ings and tireless efforts to engage and child packed their car to Ukraine, and Ilyushina from
zens of the Russian Federation.” they could stop the invasion he ensky said. “This step could be- in diplomacy, Russia has chosen leave the city. Neklinovka, Russia. Shane Harris,
He added that Moscow would said the Kremlin had already come the start of a big war on the the path of aggression against a In Kyiv, explosions and plumes Dan Lamothe, Ellen Nakashima, Amy
not occupy Ukraine and that it ordered. European continent.” sovereign and independent of smoke could be seen from B Wang, Karoun Demirjian, John
had to end eight years of conflict In an emotional address that On Wednesday, Biden an- country.” rooftops in the city’s center. As Wagner and John Hudson in
in eastern Ukraine, where Kyiv sounded as though it were a final nounced sanctions against the A wave of new U.S. and Euro- dawn broke, traffic appeared to Washington; Robyn Dixon in
government forces have been request to turn back the Russian company and executives that run pean sanctions now seems cer- be moving relatively normally, Moscow; Siobhán O’Grady in Kyiv,
fighting pro-Moscow separatist forces bristling along Ukraine’s the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline tain. but air raid sirens sounded over Ukraine; David L. Stern in Lviv,
militants. border, Zelensky said he had that links Russia and Germany. As the Russian military offen- the city. Ukraine; Whitney Leaming in
Sitting alone at his desk, with tried to speak to Putin by phone But even as the United States sive began, members of the U.N. A day earlier in Neklinovka, a Kharkiv; and Emily Rauhala in
two Russian flags arranged be- on Wednesday but had been met and Europe imposed economic Security Council made a succes- small Russian village close to the Brussels contributed to this report.

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inside the borders of the Euro-

pean Union — or potentially mil-
Poland prepares for a refugee crisis the capability to airlift out Ameri-
cans and other foreign nationals,
“we’ve moved beyond thinking
that will be necessary,” the De-
lions? fense Department official said.
Polish officials have indicated President Biden has said that
that a worst-case scenario could the United States won’t be
see as many as 1 million people launching operations to rescue
arriving from Ukraine in case of a any stranded Americans in
full-scale Russian invasion. Hun- Ukraine, citing the fact that a
gary, which also borders Ukraine, direct confrontation between
has said it is sending troops to the Russian and U.S. forces would
border, partly in preparation for risk “world war.”
refugees. Romania has said it is Lapa said that, as far as he
considering refugee camps. knew, not many Ukrainians had
But Poland, which is already left the country so far, although
home to as many as 2 million “several dozen” Ukrainian tempo-
Ukrainians and shares more than rary workers register with the city
300 miles of border with the each day, up about 50 percent.
country, is expected to bear the Property prices have also
brunt of any influx. Officials in climbed, he said, amid demand
Przemysl, a Polish city next to the from wealthy Ukrainians.
border, said the city was asked on Polish Prime Minister Mateusz
Monday whether it had space to Morawiecki last week said he
house as many as 1,000 Ameri- planned to assemble a team to
cans leaving by land. look at logistics, transport and
As urgency has built, E.U. Com- infrastructure. But members of
missioner for Home Affairs Ylva the local Ukrainian association
Johansson traveled to Warsaw fear that not enough is yet
earlier this week, where she said planned.
Europe was “well prepared” for “We don’t think this country is
an influx. But in towns along the ready for the wave of refugees
border, some city officials don’t that is expected,” said Andrzej
feel the same as they work on Komar, vice president of the Asso-
their own to designate gym halls, ciation of Ukrainians in Poland.
schools and student dorms as “A strategy from the government
potential way stations. is needed.”
“We don’t of course know yet The group plans to convert its
what is going to happen, but we building into a help center for
have to plan also for the worst,” newly arrived refugees.
Johansson said during her visit.
Rzeszow’s mayor, Konrad Fijo- Cross-border links
lek, said: “Right now, it’s difficult Many Ukrainians have rela-
tives and support networks on
scale.” He had selected a few of the Polish side of the border. The
the city gyms as potential emer- 82nd Airborne’s role not stay in Poland. Ukrainian population in Poland
gency accommodations “just so The 82nd Airborne, now set up “It’s better to fight a war, than has grown significantly since
we feel more prepared.” in the exhibition center, is fresh to live in a state of war,” he said. 2014, with conflict, economic fac-
What is happening on a local from its mission in Afghanistan “I’m Ukrainian, it’s my duty.” tors and visa-free travel meaning
level is all ad hoc, he said. “People as part of the huge but chaotic many moved to Poland for work.
are swapping information as to airlift out of the country. Maj. Limited footfall at some Przemysl has a population of
who would do what, and what Gen. Chris Donahue, the divi- embassy sites about 2,000 Poles of Ukrainian
town would do what potentially,” sion’s commander who is in Po- In Przemysl, a hillside town origin, and thousands more tem-
he said. land, was the last soldier to walk five miles from the Ukrainian porary workers cross back and
Poland’s Interior Ministry said up the ramp on the final U.S. border so packed with churches forth over the border.
it is “preparing for various sce- military plane to leave Kabul. that it has earned the nickname In 2016, tensions flared in the
narios.” Johansson has said con- “We are prepared to assist, but “little Rome,” one Ukrainian fam- city, as nationalist groups rallied
tingencies include scenarios of a only as needed,” said a Defense ily was put up in a local monas- against Ukrainian immigration.
Russian incursion limited to the Department official, who spoke tery. But they decided to go home Ukraine and Poland share a diffi-
east, where most of those dis- on the condition of anonymity again on Monday as they were fed cult history, with massacres of
placed would be expected to flee because he was not authorized to up with their portrayal in the Poles at the hands of the Ukraini-
to western Ukraine. But a larger speak to media. While the divi- press as refugees, according to a an Insurgent Army in the 1940s
scale invasion could send people sion’s evacuation efforts in Af- nun hosting them. still remembered by some.
spilling into Poland and other ghanistan may evoke airlifts, any In a hotel on the edge of town, a “Things come out under ex-
E.U. nations. operation evacuating refugees U.S. Embassy-staffed “welcome treme circumstances,” Komar
“We are ready to help all those from Ukraine “we anticipate be- FROM TOP: Soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division center” set up to provide biscuits, said. But the city and country
who will be forced to leave ing by ground,” the official said. walk in Rzeszow, Poland, on Saturday. Poland, which shares a coffee and consular services to rallied around Ukraine in 2014
Ukraine,” Poland’s minister of na- He added that he didn’t think border with Ukraine, is preparing for a potential influx of refugees American citizens leaving when Russia annexed Crimea
tional defense, Mariusz Blaszc- numbers fleeing would be near as tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalate. The U.S. Ukraine by land, has seen limited from Ukraine and war broke out
zak, said last week in a news the tens of thousands predicted. Embassy welcome center in Przemysl, Poland, was recently asked if footfall since it opened. A tempo- in eastern Ukraine against Rus-
conference alongside U.S. De- The 82nd Airborne make up it had space to house as many as 1,000 Americans leaving Ukraine. rary office for the South Korean sian-backed separatists. The city’s
fense Secretary Lloyd Austin. As a the bulk of a contingency of 4,700 Embassy set up in another spa hospitals treated those injured in
nation with traumatic experience U.S. troops dispatched to Poland “We have the ability to see very enko used migrants to try to pun- hotel was yet to receive any citi- the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
during World War II, “we know in recent weeks to join an existing far out,” the official said. ish E.U. nations over sanctions. zens in need. “Time will tell,” he said.
what support is all about,” he said. U.S. rotational force of 4,000 — a Several hundred more soldiers One of Koziolek’s neighbors, But it’s unclear how Russian Complicating the Polish re-
When the first U.S. troops deployment that aims to bolster are based at a “staging area” in who owns a home elsewhere, has President Vladimir Putin’s deci- sponse are difficult relations be-
touched down in Rzeszow earlier NATOs eastern flank and whose the mountains eight miles east of left the village and said she sion to send forces into two sepa- tween the state and aid groups
this month, emotions were mission stretches far beyond the the border with Ukraine. U.S. wouldn’t return for another three ratist areas of eastern Ukraine — following the migrant crisis that
mixed, said Fijolek, the mayor. humanitarian. soldiers make three-mile treks to months. and recognize the region’s inde- unfolded on Poland’s border with
Management at the G2A Arena While the 82nd hasn’t granted the nearest shop in a hamlet of 65 “Some people are afraid,” Kozi- pendence from Kyiv — could play Belarus.
near the city’s airport called him media access to their bases in homes, stocking up on energy olek said. But, in the meantime, out in coming days. “I worry about the trust,” said
just 48 hours before the first Poland, officials described the drinks, cigarettes, sausages and they are enjoying the new busi- Dariusz Lapa, Przemysl’s city Anna Dabrowska, who works
troops arrived. The message: All setup at the arena. In addition to potato chips to supplement their ness. council secretary, said the city with Homo Faber, a human rights
the exhibition center’s events thousands of troops based there military rations. So far, the number of people had been asked to find potential organization that runs integra-
would need to be rescheduled. — living conditions that the offi- “We are afraid if there is a leaving for Poland has been limit- accommodation for 1,000 Ameri- tion programs, and met with city
“The younger generation were cial described as “plush for the full-blown conflict, there will be a ed. At the border crossings, com- cans. officials last week to discuss
very excited. They went to the 82nd” — more than a dozen U.S. wave of immigration,” said Bar- muters have continued to cross “Perhaps not everybody has where resources were needed.
airport to see the American sol- Black Hawk and Chinook helicop- bara Koziolek, 43, who owns the back and forth. Oleg Batz, 23, had left,” Lapa said. “We are hoping for the best but
diers, to see the American ters now sit on the airstrip in the village store. Not because she is spent the weekend at home in The State Department has de- preparing for the worst,” Komar
planes,” he said. “Among the older Polish town of Mielec, where afraid of immigrants, she said. Ukraine, before returning to Po- clined to provide information on said.
generation, because they remem- drones could be seen lifting off But Polish authorities sealed off a land on Sunday for a three-week how many of its 6,600 citizens
ber the war, it’s not a pleasant over the weekend. Curious locals border zone with Belarus last year stint on a construction site. He based in Ukraine are still there. Karolina Jeznach and Dariusz Kalan
feeling.” pull up to take a look. as Russian ally Alexander Lukash- said if there was a war, he would While U.S. troops in Poland have contributed to this report.

With Russia’s history of brutality, civilians would pay dearly in a wider war
American officials have said separatist territory, killing nearly said Beatrice Godefroy, Europe compelled to tread carefully given ies, such as Kharkiv or Kyiv, or
Putin’s recognition this week of 300 people on board, Dutch inves- director for the Center for Civil- that unlike in Syria, there are simply focus on decimating
Use of ‘barrel bombs,’ two breakaway regions in eastern tigators said, in an attack they ians in Conflict. “The civilian per- millions of people that Putin, as Ukraine’s military and its defen-
targeting of medical sites Ukraine has not yet brought alleged was linked to Russians spective is very different when we he has laid out repeatedly, consid- sive might.
about their most feared scenario, with ties to state intelligence have Russia in front of us versus ers to be Russian, or who have “If Russia intends to occupy a
part of playbook in Syria which would involve assaults on agencies. Russia denies any re- having other belligerents.” family and language ties to Rus- lot or part of Ukraine, they have to
Ukrainian cities, the crippling of sponsibility for the attack. Months before taking over as sia. go into cities,” Lee said. “If they
key infrastructure and an attempt Now, Russia has the potential Russia’s president, Putin “Russia doesn’t live next to Syr- start going into cities, the risk is
BY M ISSY R YAN to take most or all of the country to employ weapons and troops it launched a brutal war against ia. Russian aerospace forces can going to be high no matter what.
AND P AUL S ONNE by force. But they are bracing for has amassed in recent months Chechen separatists as prime leave, and Assad has to answer for They simply don’t have the ability
the worst and say Russia has around Ukraine, including minister that took a grave toll on what he’s done,” Kofman said. “It’s to fight within cities with low
With the world absorbed by positioned its military to do so. 150,000 personnel and an array of the local population. What Hu- not the same story in Ukraine.” collateral damage.”
months of geopolitical brinkman- Ukrainian leaders have vowed weaponry that illustrates the The Biden administration also Since 2014, Ukraine has faced a
ship, high-stakes diplomacy and to repel such an assault, con- fruits of Putin’s drive to modern- has warned that an invasion humanitarian crisis in its eastern
scrutiny of Russia’s military en- scripting reservists and training ize Russia’s armed forces. could fuel an anti-Russian insur- Donetsk and Luhansk regions,
circlement of Ukraine, lost in the volunteers who could take up In the event of a major assault “If [Russian troops] gency that would be deadly for with 854,000 internally displaced
din has been this sobering fact: If arms in the event that Russian on Ukraine, Russia’s artillery- any forces the Kremlin sends into people, according to United Na-
President Vladimir Putin pro- troops advance deep into heavy military is likely to draw start going into cities, Ukraine. tions figures.
ceeds with a large-scale invasion, Ukraine. This week, Defense Min- from the weapons it has assem- Russia’s rules of engagement, “Communities and families
thousands will probably die. ister Oleksii Reznikov warned bled around Ukraine’s border, the risk is going to be no matter the location, will prob- have been divided by the front
U.S. officials estimate a major Ukrainians to prepare themselves employing short-range ballistic ably be looser than Western mili- line in eastern Ukraine for the
assault could leave as many as for losses as Putin, in Reznikov’s missiles, cruise missiles and high- high no matter what. taries — which have their own past eight years,” Norwegian
50,000 civilians dead or wound- words, attempts to resurrect the power artillery to knock out mili- deadly history of bombing civil- Refugee Council Secretary Gener-
ed, as Western nations warn of Soviet Union. tary and government targets, ex- They simply don’t ians — in part because of the al Jan Egeland said in a statement
Putin’s intent to drive deeper into “The only thing that stands in perts said. country’s limited stores of preci- this month. “The decisions of far-
the former Soviet state. between is Ukraine and its army,” Russia also has brought for- have the ability to sion munitions, analysts said. away politicians make it impossi-
Experts and humanitarian Reznikov said. “Our choice is sim- ward an array of planes that could Rob Lee, a Marine Corps vet- ble for grandmothers to see their
groups have assessed the conflict ple — to defend our country, our fire guided air-to-ground missiles fight within cities with eran who is a senior fellow with children and grandchildren on
could take a particularly devastat- homes.” or drop “dumb” munitions such the Foreign Policy Research Insti- the other side. With increased
ing toll on noncombatants due to Already, the protracted sepa- as cluster or fragmentation low collateral damage.” tute, said Russia would be likely military and political tensions,
Moscow’s massive arsenal, its rec- ratist conflict in eastern Ukraine bombs. Rob Lee, a Marine Corps veteran and to employ its limited supply of thousands of families will be sep-
ord of targeting civilians and the has been deadly for civilians. In For clues about how a deepen- senior fellow with the Foreign Policy precision-guided weapons for at- arated indefinitely.”
wider potential for punishing ur- areas around the “contact line” ing conflict could affect civilians, Research Institute tacks on Ukrainian infrastructure Oleksandr Vlasenko, the Inter-
ban battles. Such a state-to-state between government forces and humanitarian groups point to or other valuable targets, or hold national Committee of the Red
showdown would represent a Russian-backed fighters, daily Syria, where Russian forces have them in reserve for a potential Cross spokesman in Ukraine, said
break from the insurgencies of shelling, small-arms fire and long been accused of deliberately man Rights Watch described as conflict with well-armed NATO the ICRC has been helping the
recent decades, one that could mines have contributed to a death striking medical facilities and “five months of indiscriminate nations. some 70,000 civilians who live on
usher in a new era of deadly toll of an estimated 14,000 people other civilian sites, targeting aid bombing and shelling” left thou- Ukraine’s military, with its both sides of the contact line,
modern warfare. since 2014. This month, artillery convoys and employing unguided sands of civilians dead. meager air defenses and minimal providing food and financial sup-
“It’s going to be a conflict be- fire blasted into a kindergarten munitions as part of a larger Syri- Within three years, according air force, would have a limited port to areas affecting by fighting,
tween two institutional militaries on the Ukrainian side. an-Russian air campaign that has to Human Rights Watch, a “cycle ability to repel such attacks. Ex- repairing damaged buildings and
and two sizable conventional Russia has accused NATO of included the dreaded “barrel of arbitrary detention, torture, perts say Russia is likely to at- helping residents protect them-
forces,” said Michael Kofman, a threatening its security by placing bomb.” Since its entry into Syria’s and forced disappearance was tempt to destroy Ukrainian gov- selves in an area full of mines. He
Russia scholar at the research troops and weaponry in Eastern ongoing civil conflict in 2015, Rus- well entrenched, and the crisis of ernment fighter jets on the said the group would continue its
firm CNA. “One has clear qualita- Europe and holding out the possi- sia has helped President Bashar forced disappearances appeared ground in a first salvo. work even if a broader conflict
tive and quantitative superiority bility that Ukraine could someday al-Assad claw back territory from to have become a permanent one.” Lee said the level of civilian unfolds.
over the other, but both forces join the Western military alliance. opposition forces. Analysts said the calculus suffering would depend largely “ICRC is here to stay,” he said.
have significant firepower and In 2014, a Russian Buk missile “We have to learn from Syria could be different in Ukraine, on whether Russia attempts to “We are determined to stand be-
staying power.” shot down a civilian airliner from and how Russia behaved there,” where Russian forces may feel push into heavily populated cit- side the Ukrainian people.”

Trudeau pulls back on Emergencies Act used to halt ‘Freedom Convoy’

The act also gave the govern-
ment the authority to compel
Canadian prime minister tow-truck companies to haul
had invoked measure to away vehicles blockading roads.
Many tow-truck operators wore
end weeks-long blockade face coverings and concealed the
logos on their trucks out of fear
they might face retribution from
BY A MANDA C OLETTA demonstrators.
In an effort to choke off fund-
toronto — Prime Minister Jus- ing for the demonstrations, the
tin Trudeau on Wednesday re- government used the emergency
voked the use of emergency pow- powers to require crowdfunding
ers that he invoked to quell sites to comply with terrorism
weeks-long blockades in the Ca- financing and money-laundering
nadian capital that spread to sev- laws. They also gave banks the
eral U.S.-Canada border crossings authority to freeze accounts of
and inspired copycats abroad. those involved with the protests
“Today, after careful consider- without a court order.
ation, we’re ready to confirm that The Royal Canadian Mounted
the situation is no longer an Police said this week that ac-
emergency,” he said at a news counts that were frozen belonged
conference in Ottawa. “There- to “influencers” of the protests
fore, the federal government will and/or owners of the vehicles
be ending the use of the Emergen- involved in the blockades “who
cies Act. We are confident that did not want to leave.” It said that
existing laws and bylaws are now it did not target donors to the
sufficient to keep people safe.” protests.
The move was a shift for Isabelle Jacques, an assistant
Trudeau, who on Monday said his deputy finance minister, told a
government still needed the parliamentary committee Tues-
sweeping powers even after the day that 206 personal and corpo-
blockades protesting public rate accounts with holdings of
health restrictions and his gov- more than $6.1 million had been
ernment were cleared over the frozen. She said financial institu-
weekend because it had “real con- tions started to unfreeze accounts
cerns” that new blockades could this week.
pop up and that protesters might Organizers of the demonstra-
be regrouping at satellite hubs tion initially raised more than PHOTOS BY DAVID KAWAI/BLOOMBERG NEWS

outside Ottawa. $8 million on GoFundMe, but the

Trudeau last week became the site removed the fundraiser after tionally started to protest U.S. people to contact its office to
first leader to invoke the 1988 it said that it had received “evi- and Canadian rules requiring register votes of no confidence in
Emergencies Act, and the House dence from law enforcement that truckers who cross the border to Trudeau.
of Commons voted Monday to the previously peaceful demon- be fully vaccinated, but many “This information is not cor-
endorse the use of the law. But its stration has become an occupa- organizers are anti-government rect,” the statement said. “No
unprecedented use also drew crit- tion, with police reports of vio- agitators with ties to extremist such registry or process exists.”
icism from civil liberties groups, lence and other unlawful activi- groups who aren’t truckers. Near- Police have arrested several or-
some opposition lawmakers and ty.” Organizers later turned to a ly 90 percent of Canadian truck- ganizers. Tamara Lich, an Alberta
several provincial premiers, who different crowdfunding site. ers are fully vaccinated, the na- woman who was involved in a
cast it as government overreach. Police in Ottawa carried out a tion’s’ transport minister has movement pushing for the prov-
The act was written to be a last massive operation over the week- said, and Canada’s main trucking ince’s separation from Canada,
resort, to use when there were no end to clear the blockades that association denounced the pro- was charged with counseling to
other laws on the books that had for several weeks clogged tests. commit mischief. She was denied
might end an emergency. Several major thoroughfares, including It metastasized into a protest bail Tuesday because a judge said
legal analysts said that it wasn’t the one in front of Parliament, of all public health restrictions, there was a risk of reoffending.
clear that the blockades met the prompted several businesses to which are mostly imposed by A decision on bail for Patrick
threshold or that authorities had close because of security con- provinces, and Trudeau, who was King, a far-right agitator who
exhausted existing tools. Alberta cerns, and disrupted the lives of reelected to a third mandate in live-streamed his arrest, is ex-
Premier Jason Kenney is chal- residents. September. pected Friday. At a hearing Tues-
lenging it in court. Protests that shut down several Protesters spoke of contacting day, prosecutors played several
The Emergencies Act allowed U.S.-Canada border crossings — TOP: A police vehicle occupies charged 110 of them with offenses the governor general, the repre- videos in which he makes racist
police to designate no-go zones including the busiest, the Ambas- an Ottawa street on Tuesday. including assault and possession sentative of Queen Elizabeth II in remarks. King wore a mask
where people participating in sador Bridge, which connects ABOVE: Prime Minister Justin of a weapon. Police have said Canada, to register votes of no around his chin for much of the
prohibited public assemblies or Windsor, Ontario, with Detroit — Trudeau, seen during a residents were harassed and sub- confidence in Trudeau. hearing.
bringing minors to them could were also cleared. Wednesday news conference, jected to racist vitriol. They are The office of the secretary to His lawyer argued that one
face arrest. One such area was On Monday, authorities in Ot- became Canada’s first leader to investigating hundreds of report- the governor general tweeted this reason he should be released on
Parliament Hill in Ottawa and the tawa said that they had towed 115 invoke the 1988 Emergencies ed hate crimes. week that it was “aware of [the] bail is because of the risk of
surrounding precinct. vehicles, arrested 196 people and Act, whose use he has revoked. The demonstration was no- misinformation” encouraging contracting covid-19 in detention.


Crisis in
Dame Karen Pierce
British Ambassador to the United States

Thursday, February 24 at 3:00 p.m.

Ambassador Pierce discusses why her government
believes any new incursion into Ukraine would
lead to a “protracted crisis for Russia.”
To register to watch, visit: or scan
code below using a smartphone camera:


Listen wherever podcasts are available.



A firefighter tends to a blaze near Wooroloo, Australia, on Feb. 2. A Firefighters watch as a helicopter drops water on a wildfire in A fire burns in an Eastern Russian forest on Aug. 3, 2019. The U.N.
U.N. Environment Program analysis said uncontrollable wildfires Laguna Beach, Calif, on Feb. 10. Wildfire patterns worldwide have report called for humans to shift away from firefighting and toward
will intensify, even with deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. shifted due to climate change and land use change. reducing the amount of vegetation and debris that can be burned.

U.N. report: Risk of extreme wildfires will rise and spread globally
BY D IANA L EONARD increased fires if greenhouse gas (CSIRO) in Canberra, Australia, 500 additional deaths attributed fires in British Columbia, Aus- areas.
emissions continue unchecked. and an editor and author of the to the health effects of smoke. tralia’s Black Summer of 2019- In Australia and North Ameri-
Uncontrollable wildfires are in- The report was spurred by a report. “We needed to come up In 2020, the world’s largest 2020 and the 2020 wildfires in the ca, for example, Indigenous prac-
tensifying with the rise in green- series of wildfire disasters in 2017 with a definition that encom- tropical wetland, the Pantanal in Arctic, and the extreme 2021 heat tices of the past, like cultural
house gas emissions, according to in Portugal, Canada and Califor- passed the whole spectrum of po- South America, burned following wave that preceded wildfires in burning, “were almost completely
a sweeping global report released nia — shocking events that have tential wildfire behavior.” severe drought and scorching British Columbia and the Pacific obliterated, but we can tap into
Wednesday by the United Nations reemerged in subsequent years in That definition may include weather. Nearly a third of this Northwest. them with collaboration with In-
Environment Program and non- new locations, but often under flames that are leaping from tree biodiversity hot spot — which digenous people,” he said. “How
profit GRID-Arendal, who said similar conditions, such as ex- canopies or those that crawl stretches across Brazil, Paraguay From firefighting to land you re-create that sort of gentle
communities are not prepared for treme heat, drought, high winds through peatlands but still emit a and Bolivia — was lost, and likely stewardship persistent, consistent interaction
the escalating damage. and overgrown or mismanaged tremendous amount of carbon many endangered species along As fire behavior becomes more with the landscape — that’s what
Even with deep cuts to green- landscapes. into the atmosphere. with it. intense, firefighting becomes less you need.”
house gas emissions, the U.N. Released as the U.N. Environ- The past five years have seen Wet forest ecosystems in South effective and more dangerous. In Don Hankins, a professor of
analysis projected the risk of these ment Assembly convenes in Nai- numerous wildfire episodes that America and other regions are the face of extreme fire weather, it geography at California State Uni-
extreme wildfires would rise 14 robi on Feb. 28, the report calls for once were considered rare or ex- seeing unusual fire activity be- can be futile. versity at Chico and an author on
percent by 2030 and 30 percent by a radical shift in how humans treme scenarios: cause of human activities such as “We’re spending an enormous the report, said Indigenous peo-
2050. By the end of the century, manage wildfires, from an ap- In 2017 and 2018, a series of logging, road construction, agri- amount of money on suppression, ple have historically not been per-
that risk would increase by 50 proach that emphasizes firefight- wildfire disasters in Portugal, culture and mining. The loss of particularly in the developed mitted to practice burning on an-
percent. ing to one that looks to prevent Greece, California and British Co- tree canopy in disturbed forests world,” said Peter Moore, an au- cestral homelands in the United
The authors of the report char- catastrophic fires, as communi- lumbia sounded alarm bells and promotes the growth of fuels on thor of the report and a forestry States, though policies are begin-
acterized extreme wildfires as de- ties learn to live with such blazes. seemed to usher in a new age of the forest floor; exposed, these fire management consultant with ning to shift following recent se-
structive blazes that were once wildfires. Deadly and destructive then dry out quickly, and are vul- the Food and Agriculture Organi- vere fire seasons in the Western
rare but are now occurring more Extraordinary fires around blazes continued in 2020 in the nerable to fire spread. Recent zation of the United Nations. United States and around the
often, burning longer, hotter and the globe Pacific Northwest and in Califor- studies have shown a staggering “That solution has run its course world.
more intensely. They spread The vast majority of vegetation nia, which saw its worst fire sea- loss of trees and biodiversity fol- — in my opinion, it’s reached its The authors hope the report
quickly, often evading control, fires on the planet are benign and son on record with 4 million acres lowing fires in wet forests. limits.” will shed light on the complexity
and even move into territory that help the environment, but a small burned. In 2021, extreme fires In 2020, wildfires in the Rus- In addition to curbing green- of the problem — one that does
should be waterlogged or frozen, percentage have become extreme, again descended on western sian Arctic burned tens of mil- house gas emissions, the most have solutions that work, but no
such as peatland and permafrost. with devastating effects. “From North America, destroying two lions of hectares following spring effective way to reduce fire inten- silver-bullet pathway out of the
“Fires are changing because we Australia to Canada, the United rural towns and chewing through and summer temperatures that sity and protect communities is to current quagmire. They also hope
are changing the conditions in States to China, across Europe millions of acres of forest. All were were 4 to 6 degrees Celsius above reduce the amount of vegetation that the U.N. Environment Pro-
which fire occurs,” it said. and the Amazon, wildfires are associated with extreme heat, normal. It was the latest in a string and debris available to burn, gram will serve as a clearinghouse
Due to a combination of cli- wreaking havoc on the environ- drought and/or dangerous fire of large-scale fires in recent years, through prescribed burning, me- of information for one country to
mate change and land use change, ment, wildlife, human health, and weather. in a region that is warming at chanical thinning, animal grazing learn from the wildfire experience
there has been a “dramatic shift” infrastructure,” the report stated. Australia’s 2019-2020 fire sea- twice the rate of the rest of the and other practices. of another.
in wildfire patterns worldwide. “We had to define wildfires for son saw extreme fires raging for planet. The burning of Arctic A large part of the problem is “No single country has yet for-
Some areas, such as the Arctic, our purposes to be those that are many months. Fueled by record- peatland threatens to turn a cru- that a sense of land stewardship mulated the perfect response, but
will probably experience a signifi- unusual or extraordinary and do shattering temperatures, severe cial carbon sink into a carbon has been lost with the decline of many are making progress in dif-
cant increase in burning by the cause concern,” said Andrew Sulli- drought and fierce winds, fires source. family farming and Indigenous ferent aspects of managing the
year 2100. Tropical forests in In- van, a wildfire scientist with the encroached on populated areas Studies have linked several re- knowledge, Moore said, as city risks of wildfires,” the report
donesia and the southern Amazon Commonwealth Scientific and In- during the continent’s “Black cent wildfire episodes to climate dwellers with little land-tending states. “Together we can learn
are also expected to experience dustrial Research Organization Summer,” killing 33, with nearly change, including the 2017 wild- experience have moved into rural from each other.”


Crisis in
Lithuania Prime Minister
Ingrida Simonyte
Thursday, February 24 at 9:00 a.m.

Lithuania’s Prime Minister discusses what is at stake for her

country and other Baltic states in the current crisis between
Ukraine and Russia.

To register to watch, visit: or scan
code below using a smartphone camera:

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Economy & Business

○ DOW 33,131.76
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UP $3.00, 0.2% ○ CRUDE OIL $92.10
UP $0.19, 0.2% ○ 10-YEAR TREASURY YIELD 2.00%
UP 2.96%
$1= 115.02 YEN, 0.88 EUROS

BY A NDREW V AN D AM Stimulus boosted bank accounts across the board, but low-income Americans saw the biggest proportional boost is, 68, owns Boston Tailoring, a
dry-cleaning and alterations busi-
Most Americans are signifi- Change in average U.S. bank-account balances by income level since 2019 U.S. bank-account balances by income level ness that has been in his family for
cantly better off financially now more than a century, but like a lot
than they were before the pan- $7,000 140% of dry cleaners, he’s seen business
demic began, new bank-account Highest-income 25% dry up during the pandemic.
data shows, but there are signs DeMarinis said that while peo-
6,000 120
that low-income families are be- ple aren’t short on cash, he be-
ginning to fall behind. lieves the chaos caused by the
Following surprisingly strong 5,000 100 global pandemic has caused many
retail sales, consumer expecta- to be more careful with their
tions and hiring numbers, new spending.
savings data through December 4,000 80 “I think they have money, you
2021 from the JPMorgan Chase know what I mean? The govern-
Bottom 25%
Institute points to a rapidly thaw- 3,000 60 ment stimulus money and the
ing economy, one that could shift Second-highest 25% Second-lowest 25% money they were given for the
into even higher gear as the omi- Second-highest 25% kids’ supplements — I think they
cron-fueled covid-19 wave sub- 2,000 40 helped out people a lot, and I think
Second-lowest 25% Highest-income 25%
sides and states continue to ease people financially are probably
some covid restrictions. 1,000 Bottom 25% 20 better off now than they were be-
Americans are sitting on fore the pandemic,” he said. But
$2.6 trillion in extra savings, a sep- “they’re being a little bit more
arate Washington Post analysis 0 0 cautious with what they’re spend-
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
shows, and signs abound that they ing money on.”
are opening up their wallets on Note: The bottom 25% earned less than $26,171 in 2019. The cutoff for the second-lowest 25% was $40,826 and the cutoff for the next highest 25% was $65,974. Anyone earning more was in the top 25%.
Economists agree that between
long-delayed spending on travel, Source: JPMorgan Chase Institute the pandemic and inflation, even
dining and other experiences that the most optimistic Americans are
have been on hold since lock- An estimated $1.7 trillion in stimulus-related income boosts helped fuel $2.6 trillion in excess savings likely to keep extra cash in their
downs swept the country almost savings account to cover unex-
two years ago. Child tax credit Unemployment benefits Stimulus Cumulative excess savings by U.S. households since the pandemic began pected crises.
High earners will drive much of “We don’t know what the year is
that aggregate spending, said Fio- going to bring,” Greig said. “We
$400 billion $3.0 trillion
na Greig, co-president of the don’t know if there’s going to be a
JPMC Institute. They have an av- fourth surge or there’s going to be
erage of almost $1,300 more in 2.5
a new variant. And so the idea that
their bank accounts than before some families are stockpiling and
the pandemic began, according to 300 ecession
Re n saving for a rainy day just feels
the institute’s analysis of anony- 2.0 pretty rational at this point.”
mized bank-account data for A typical stimulus payment,
7.5 million families. Families’ re- such as those during the Great
tirement accounts and home equi- 200 1.5 Recession, is intended to goose
ty also have soared. consumer spending and stimulate
For low-income families, the the economy. The first pandemic
picture is mixed. They saw the 1.0 stimulus was unusual, said Jona-
largest proportional increase, as 100 than Parker, an economist at the
their balances are up about 70 per- 0.5
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
cent from 2019 levels. But in the nology, because spending oppor-
past three months, the balances of tunities were limited when checks
lower earners fell slightly, to an 0 0 went out.
average of $1,288, in contrast with April July Oct. Jan. April July Oct. April July Oct. Jan. April July Oct. “When they sent out checks in
higher earners, whose balances 2020 2021 2020 2021 April, everyone was worried about
kept gaining. “Seventy percent el- Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis THE WASHINGTON POST the pandemic. They had stopped
evated sounds really high, but in going out to eat. They were sitting

U.S. bank accounts are flush with cash

terms of dollar values, it’s not a ton around at home, streaming televi-
of cash,” Greig said. sion,” Parker said. “They’re not
But for now, even low-income going to spend that money, there’s
households still have a substantial not much for them to spend on.

two years into pandemic, data shows

savings from their stimulus and They had less expenses, so they
unemployment checks, data were already saving more than
shows, and a widely watched sur- they used to save.”
vey points to the sunniest consum- This helps explain why people
er outlook going back to 2013. were much slower to spend their
Indeed, across the income spec- many families on strong financial balances appear healthy. incomes in 2020 and 2021,” she John Culver, the coffee chain’s government checks during the
trum, income and spending footing at the end of 2021. “I wish things were different, said. chief operating officer, on a recent pandemic than they were during
growth expectations have reached American savings peaked in late and I wish I could say that nowa- The JPMC Institute data also earnings call. similar programs in 2001 and
record highs, and the average March, after $1,400 checks from days lower-income families face showed families that received “The thing that we’ve seen time 2008, according to a new analysis
probability of a missed loan pay- the American Rescue Plan hit bank less financial fragility than before monthly child tax credit payments and time again through the multi- from Parker and his co-authors,
ment is near record lows, said accounts nationwide. The account covid, but the reality is, they are fared substantially better finan- ple stages of the pandemic is that Bureau of Labor Statistics econo-
Gizem Kosar, an economist on the of the typical family has fallen be- worse off,” Kuhnen said. cially in the latter half of 2021 than every time the brand actually mists Laura Erhard and Jake
New York Fed’s Survey of Consum- tween $700 and $900 in the That helps explain why the families that did not get them. The comes back a little bit stronger Schild, and University of Michi-
er Expectations team. months since, which still leaves share of households that expect to last wave of payments went out in than before,” Cheesecake Factory gan economist David Johnson.
To be sure, a spending spree most families at least $500 ahead, be either “somewhat” or “much” mid-December. The institute does chief financial officer Matthew To accurately measure savings,
could throw more fuel on an al- compared with precrisis levels. better off in the coming year has not yet have data on what hap- Clark said on another earnings the JPMC Institute data only in-
ready hot economy and worsen In percentage terms, though, hit its lowest level on record, ac- pened to these families once that call. cludes those with bank accounts
the nation’s biggest surge of infla- higher-income families are down cording to New York Fed data. lifeline expired, but a separate At Lyft, CFO Elaine Paul, said and income (of at least $12,000 a
tion in four decades. Conflict in less than 10 percent from their The share of households behind analysis found that child poverty the company had seen a similar year) during the past three years.
Ukraine is already threatening to stimulus peak, while lower-in- on their bills remains exceptional- soared in January compared to pattern. Throughout the pandem- That sample leaves out many of
push up fuel prices and raising the come families are down almost ly low, a separate New York Fed December. ic, demand for getting out and the people who needed the stimu-
risk of cyberattacks that could 30 percent and have fallen farther report shows, but as federal stimu- To further complicate matters, about has built up as cases rise, lus most and who, according to
newly snarl supply chains, said behind in recent months. And re- lus runs out and loans come out of inflation means savings won’t go and it has been unleashed when Parker’s research, were mostly
Diane Swonk, chief economist at search shows inflation has hit low- forbearance, some households as far as they once did. Prices are the economy opens up again. likely to rapidly spend the pay-
Grant Thornton. If those disrup- income families far harder than it will be looking at a different finan- up 8.9 percent since the pandemic “As people can go out safely and ments as they arrived. That popu-
tions coincide with a rush of has their high-income peers. cial landscape. began. But so far, higher prices have more places to go, whether to lation may still be struggling, but
spending on dining, travel and Rent inflation, in particular, “The circumstances are chang- have not deterred consumers. bars, restaurants, sporting events it won’t be reflected in today’s
automobiles, policymakers could “completely erodes the purchas- ing. There is no sign that there’s While omicron caused a brief or concerts, that’s exactly what data.
find themselves faced with a situa- ing power of the extra few hun- going to be another round of stim- slowdown, consumer-focused they do,” Paul said on a recent “We had a social safety net with
tion not seen since the 1970s. dred dollars households may have ulus,” the JPMC Institute’s Greig businesses ranging from Star- earnings call. holes,” Parker said, “By sending
Yet, there is potential for a sub- in their bank accounts,” said Cam- said, adding that child tax credit bucks to Lyft are bracing for what Some of that extra savings, how- out money really broadly, we
stantial spending boom. Despite elia Kuhnen, a University of North payments have ended and student they say could be a massive spend- ever, may not be spent anytime would be sure to reach those peo-
soaring inflation and multiple Carolina economist who research- loan payments are expected to re- ing surge. “There is a pent-up de- soon. Many say consumers are ple who might otherwise risk fall-
waves of covid-19, crisis-era stimu- es household financial behaviors. sume in May. “Families will no mand for Starbucks and for people keeping more in the bank as insur- ing off into very bad times as we
lus that added an estimated This financial squeeze makes it longer be receiving the govern- wanting and longing to return to ance against rising uncertainty. In shut the economy down to control
$1.7 trillion to U.S. incomes left harder to pay the bills, even if bank ment support that boosted their their normalized routine,” said St. Albans City, Vt., John DeMarin- the virus.”


LABOR Buffalo last year. But the union is parts supplier out of the public
now petitioning to represent more market after years of share
NLRB members deny than 100 Starbucks locations. declines and business upheaval.
Starbucks ballot bid — Bloomberg News Apollo will pay $20 a share,
about twice Tenneco’s closing
The U.S. labor board rejected a CORPORATIONS price on Tuesday, the companies
bid by Starbucks to block the said Wednesday in a statement.
counting of unionization ballots Kimberly-Clark unit The Illinois-based supplier of
in Arizona. files for bankruptcy mufflers and other car parts will
The decision could pave the continue to operate under the
way for an expanded labor A Mexican affiliate of Tenneco brand following the
foothold at the coffee chain, Kimberly-Clark that sold hand deal, the companies said. The
depending on the outcome of the sanitizer made with a toxic, deal, which has been
votes. Starbucks had asked industrial form of alcohol filed unanimously approved by
members of the National Labor for bankruptcy, blaming the Tenneco’s board, is expected to
Relations Board to overturn a mistake on a scramble to find close in the second half of the
regional director’s ruling that the ingredients early in the supply year.
employees of a store in Mesa chain meltdown. Two of the top executives at
were an appropriate potential 4E Brands Northamerica, a Activision Blizzard’s King
bargaining unit. The company subsidiary of Kimberly-Clark de division will depart, resulting in
argued that any election should Mexico SAB de C.V., blamed its a reshuffle at the Candy Crush
include a larger group of workers Chapter 11 case on a bad batch it developer ahead of a sale to
in the region, meaning the union made from methanol alcohol Microsoft. King President
would need many more votes to near the start of the coronavirus Humam Sakhnini and Chief
prevail. pandemic in 2020. Amid a Creative Officer Sebastian
In a unanimous order shortage of hand sanitizers, 4E Knutsson are both leaving, the
Wednesday, a bipartisan trio of Brands sought new suppliers of company said in a statement
labor board members wrote that ethyl alcohol, a federally JACK TAYLOR/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
Wednesday. Tjodolf Sommestad,
Starbucks had failed to meet the approved ingredient, according The Sirindhorn Dam hydro-solar farm in Ubon Ratchathani uses floating solar panels and is run by the chief development officer,
“heavy burden” required to to court papers filed this week in the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. The clean energy commercial operation started last year. will succeed Sakhnini as
overcome the agency’s usual federal court in Laredo, Tex. president. The Candy Crush
presumption that the employees The company “sourced some mobile games are a significant
of a single worksite constitute a of its raw ingredients from part of Activision’s business. The
sufficiently large group to be a opportunistic suppliers who, ALSO IN BUSINESS video-calling device and, version of the Internet that will King division generated revenue
potential bargaining unit. whether intentionally or eventually, augmented-reality let people interact through of $2.58 billion in 2021, and
The Mesa location was the only mistakenly, provided methanol Facebook parent company Meta glasses. Chief executive Mark virtual reality and the use of Microsoft cited the mobile
one outside of New York where instead of ethyl alcohol,” David is building a digital voice Zuckerberg said that the AR glasses. business as a justification for
the Workers United union filed a M. Dunn, the chief restructuring assistant to help people interact company is building the Tenneco agreed to be acquired spending $69 billion to acquire
petition in the weeks leading up officer, said in court papers. hands-free with physical devices, assistant in preparation for the by affiliates of Apollo Global Activision.
the group’s landmark win in — Bloomberg News such as the company’s Portal metaverse, a more immersive Management, taking the auto — From news services

U.S. indexes extend their losses amid Russia-Ukraine developments

BY T AYLOR T ELFORD On Tuesday, stocks sold off prepare for possible cyber- percent of the world’s oil supply, emerging market economies and closed for a holiday.) European
sharply after Russian President attacks. More sanctions will fol- on par with the United States and by making the Fed’s job even indexes closed down in the nega-
U.S. markets sank again Vladimir Putin recognized the low if Russia invades Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, and surging energy more difficult.” tive except for Britain’s FTSE 100,
Wednesday, as uncertainty over independence of two Moscow- Biden has pledged. costs will ripple quickly through European and Japanese offi- which was barely positive. The
the conflict in Ukraine continues backed separatist regions in east- That creates more head winds the global economy, exacerbating cials have expressed concerns benchmark Stoxx 600 index shed
to plague investors, sending the ern Ukraine and ordered Russian for consumers, according to Lar- already high inflation. about Moscow restricting energy nearly 0.3 percent.
Dow Jones industrial average forces onto their territories for ry Adam, chief investment officer Lauren Goodwin, director of and chipmaking supplies. On Oil prices wavered, having
plunging near correction terri- “peacekeeping” purposes. The for Raymond James, who notes portfolio strategy at New York Tuesday, German Chancellor Olaf come down slightly from recent
tory, a day after the S&P 500 White House characterized Rus- that the U.S. average for a gallon Life Investments, said major ex- Scholz announced that Berlin highs. Brent crude, the interna-
reached the same grim mile- sia’s actions as “the beginning of of gasoline has jumped nearly a ternal events such as the crisis in would halt the regulatory ap- tional oil benchmark, was nearly
stone. an invasion” and announced eco- dollar, to $3.53, in the past year. Ukraine tend to “reinforce preex- proval process for Nord Stream 2, flat at roughly $97 a barrel. West
The Dow dropped 465 points, nomic sanctions targeting some “On an annualized basis, that isting trends” more than they a controversial gas pipeline proj- Texas Intermediate crude, the
or 1.4 percent, after Ukraine financial institutions, Russian translates to an almost $180 change the tenor of the market. ect between Germany and Rus- U.S. oil benchmark, inched up 0.3
announced plans for a 30-day sovereign debt, and Russian billion deduction in discretion- But if Russia goes deeper into sia, in response to Moscow’s percent to $92.24. The crisis had
state of emergency as it prepares elites and their family members. ary consumer spending,” he said Ukraine, Goodwin noted escalation in Ukraine. The move recently pushed prices within
for an invasion and urged its The European Union, Britain, in commentary emailed Wednes- Wednesday in an email, “the was applauded by the United striking distance of $100 per
citizens to leave Russia. It ended Australia, Canada and Japan also day to The Post. “If gasoline conflict could be longer and the Nations and NATO allies and barrel, and analysts believe such
the day at 33,131.75. introduced or teed up sanctions prices were to rise to the psycho- West’s reaction could be more cited as part of a united response prices are likely to return if
The S&P 500 dropped 79 against Russia Tuesday. logical $4 [per] gallon, it would severe.” to Russia, but a senior Russian tensions escalate further.
points to 4,225.50, about 1.8 per- Russia has warned that Ameri- likely further pressure consumer “As a result, sanctions could be official warned Tuesday that Ger- Gold — a major Russian export
cent, after ending Tuesday’s ses- cans will fully feel the “conse- spending and place downside more biting, with likely conse- many would “very soon” be pay- — has been pushed to multiyear
sion in correction — a 10 percent quences” of U.S. sanctions, and risk on our economic forecasts.” quences for Russia’s political and ing more than double for natural highs as investors flocked to safer
drop from an index’s most recent the West is bracing for retalia- Geopolitical tensions are nor- economic system as well as for gas. ground. Prices moved 0.17 per-
high — for the first time since the tion, which Moscow said would mally shrugged off by investors, ex-Russian companies required Overseas, markets were mixed. cent higher on Wednesday, to
pandemic’s earliest days. The hurt global financial and energy but the crisis in Ukraine has been to navigate those sanctions,” Asian indexes closed higher trade around $1,910.60 per troy
tech-heavy Nasdaq, which en- markets. Biden has acknowl- dominating daily market machi- Goodwin said. “Higher commod- across the board, led by the ounce.
tered a correction in January, edged that the crisis could lead to nations because of Russia’s cen- ity prices and slower growth Shanghai Composite index,
shed 344 points, or 2.6 percent, to higher gasoline prices, while U.S. tral role in global energy mar- could have a meaningful impact which gained more than 0.9 Eli Rosenberg contributed to this
end at 13,037.49. businesses have been warned to kets. Russia produces about 10 on the global economy, including percent. (Japan’s Nikkei 225 was report.

Amid threat of sanctions, U.S. gas prices spike by nearly a dollar per gallon
BY A ARON G REGG rope, something that could dis- On Monday, Russian President supplier — leading to another
rupt Europe’s energy supply and Vladimir Putin signed decrees supply shock that would ripple
Americans are paying nearly a send price shocks across the ordering military forces into two through global energy markets,”
dollar more for a gallon of gas — globe. In an address Tuesday, separatist regions of Ukraine for said Kyle Roda, a market analyst
to roughly $5 in some markets — President Biden warned that “peacekeeping” purposes as Mos- with the foreign exchange trad-
than they did last year as the sanctions would probably affect cow recognized the two regions’ ing company IG.
growing threat of war in Ukraine U.S. consumers. independence. Western powers have already
moved oil prices higher. “Defending freedom will have The move came after a buildup begun placing sanctions on Rus-
The U.S. average for regular costs for us as well here at home. of troops and weaponry near sia, including shutting down a
unleaded gasoline hit $3.53 a We need to be honest about that,” Russia’s border with Ukraine. planned $11 billion Nord
gallon on Wednesday, according Biden said. “But as we do this, I’m Biden has referred to the recent Stream 2 gas pipeline between
to AAA. That’s 21 cents higher going to take robust action to troop movements as “the begin- Russia and Germany. The Biden
than last month and a hefty jump make sure the pain of our sanc- ning of a Russian invasion” in administration has imposed a
from the $2.65 recorded a year tions is targeted at the Russian Ukraine. “first round” of sanctions target-
ago. economy and not ours.” A full-scale invasion could ing Russian banks and wealthy
Oil prices climbed as the The most expensive gasoline is damage important pipelines con- individuals. Those initial mea-
Russia-Ukraine crisis played out, found in California, according to necting Russia to Europe, even if sures include sanctions on the
pushing them within striking dis- AAA, where the state average is they are not specifically targeted, company responsible for Nord
tance of $100 a barrel. They’ve $4.74 a gallon. While the number Raymond James analyst Pavel Stream 2, a subsidiary of the
eased slightly, with Brent crude, is slightly higher in the largest Molchanov told The Washington Kremlin-controlled Gazprom
the international benchmark, metro areas — $4.75 a gallon in JUSTIN SULLIVAN/GETTY IMAGES
Post on Tuesday. It could also company.
trading Wednesday at roughly Los Angeles and $4.90 in San The most expensive gasoline is found in California, where the state bring broad-based and harsh Policymakers could exert other
$97 a barrel and West Texas Inter- Francisco — the cost in Northern average is $4.74 a gallon, according to AAA. In San Francisco, sanctions that affect Russia’s en- levers to counterbalance any oil
mediate, the U.S. benchmark, California’s Humboldt County where a gas station is pictured Wednesday, the average is $4.90. ergy industry far beyond the ini- shortages, but analysts warn that
hovering above $92. But both are was within a penny of $5, accord- tial phases of conflict, Molchanov no single country could replace
up about 40 percent from their ing to GasBuddy. ($3.85), New York ($3.75), Penn- Ukraine’s border has roiled mar- said. the volume of oil Russia ships to
early December low points. Rounding out the 10 most ex- sylvania ($3.73), D.C. ($3.72) and kets the past month. Russia is “It’s expected that sanctions on Europe. The White House and
Analysts say any further ag- pensive locations, according to Arizona ($3.71). responsible for about 10 percent Russia would lead to a retaliation congressional Democrats have
gression on the part of Russia AAA: Hawaii ($4.51), Oregon Although markets have typi- of the world’s oil supply, on par by its government, whereby gas considered pausing a federal gas
could attract more sanctions ($3.98), Washington state cally shrugged off geopolitical with the United States and Saudi supplies are cut to Europe — tax of roughly 18 cents per gallon,
from the United States and Eu- ($3.98), Nevada ($3.95), Alaska tensions, the ongoing standoff on Arabia. Russia is Germany’s major energy for example.

Giving Voice
Jason Reynolds
Author, “Ain’t Burned All the Bright”
National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature

Thursday, February 24 at 11:00 a.m.

Reynolds discusses his latest work and why he
calls his books “love letters” to Black children.

To register to watch, visit:
or scan code below using
a smartphone camera:

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Listen wherever podcasts are available.


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Chevron 135.55 2.4 15.6 Prcter& Gmbl 155.96 -1.2 -4.7 2-yr note Distributors -4.1
Coca-Cola 61.59 -1.1 4.0 190.54 -2.4 -25.0 Consumer Rates Yield:
Construction Materials -4.1
CscSys /DE 54.44 -3.3 -14.1 Travelers Cos I 170.14 -0.5 8.9 Money Market Natl 5Yr CD Natl 1.61% Airlines -4.1
Dow Inc 59.97 -0.5 5.8 UntdHlthGr 459.62 -0.6 -8.5 0.07 0.43
Internet & Catalog Retail -3.5
Gldman Schs 341.19 -0.9 -10.9 Verzn Comm 53.41 -0.9 2.8 6Mo CD Natl New Car Loan Natl 6-month bill
Hnywll Int 178.96 -2.0 -14.2 Visa Inc 215.95 -2.4 -0.4 0.14 3.54 Yield: Gainers and Losers from the S&P 1500 Index
1D % 1D %
Home Depot 308.45 -2.4 -25.8 Walgreens 45.46 -0.7 -12.9 1Yr CD Natl Home Equity Loan Natl
0.70% Company Close Chg Company Close Chg
IBM 122.07 -1.5 -8.6 Walmart 135.05 -1.0 -6.7 0.28 6.50 RenewableEnergyGroup 41.11 26.0 Coca-Cola Cons 446.66 -23.5
Intel Corp 44.65 -0.1 -13.3 Walt Disney 145.87 -1.5 -5.8 Tactile Sys Tech 15.97 16.7 Boise Cascade Co 64.71 -20.9
Currency Exchange Range Resources Corp 22.65 13.4 JohnBeanTechnologies 103.77 -19.4
Laredo Petroleum Inc 73.73 10.0 OneSpan Inc 13.09 -16.8
COMMODITIES EU € Japan ¥ Britain £ Brazil R$ Canada $ Mexico $
Cutera Inc 35.98 7.6 AMERISAFE Inc 46.26 -13.3
Futures Close 1D % Chg Futures Close 1D % Chg 0.88 115.02 0.74 5.01 1.27 20.24 Avanos Medical Inc 31.69 7.4 PROG Holdings Inc 31.02 -13.2
Copper 4.49 -0.6 Silver 24.60 1.0 Amer Axle & Mfg 8.46 7.0 HollyFrontier Corp 30.49 -11.5
Crude Oil 92.10 0.2 Sugar 17.88 -0.1 INTERNATIONAL STOCK MARKETS EPR Properties 48.91 7.0 TopBuild Corp 195.98 -10.7
Gold 1910.40 0.2 Soybean 16.71 2.2 Markets Y
YTD % Chg Diebold Nixdorf Inc 8.49 6.7 Dana Inc 19.45 -9.7
Natural Gas 4.62 2.8 Wheat 8.85 3.8 Daily Owens & Minor Inc 38.92 6.7 ProPetro Holding 10.79 -9.6
Orange Juice 1.37 -0.4 Corn 6.81 1.3 -6.7% +6.7%
Americas Close % Chg AMC Networks Inc 40.03 6.5 FreshDelMonteProduce 25.46 -9.6
BRAZIL IBOVESPA INDEX 112007.60 -0.8 LL Flooring Inc 14.30 5.8 EthanAllenInteriors 23.42 -9.2
$1000 invested over 1 Year $1000 invested over 1 Month S&P/TSX COMPOSITE INDEX 20744.17 -0.8 Artivion Inc 18.44 5.7 TabulaRasaHealthCare 6.07 -8.9
S&P/BMV IPC 51362.95 -2.4 Fluor Corp 21.08 5.7 Plantronics Inc 24.69 -8.2
Exchange-Traded Europe -8% +8% Callon Petroleum Co 53.16 5.6 World Acceptance 194.26 -8.1
$872 $1674 Tempur Sealy Intl 31.78 5.4 Rent-A-Center Inc/TX 34.76 -7.8
(Ticker) 1D % Chg STXE 600 (EUR) Pr 453.86 -0.3
Coffee (COFF.L) 0.3 CAC 40 INDEX 6780.67 -0.1 Option Care Health 24.42 5.3 Louisiana-Pacific 62.88 -7.5
Copper (COPA.L) -0.4 DAX INDEX 14631.36 -0.4 Amphastar Pharma 27.46 5.2 LendingTree Inc 96.33 -7.4
Corn (CORN.L) 1.2 FTSE 100 INDEX 7498.18 0.1 Koppers Holdings Inc 28.80 4.9 Myriad Genetics Inc 23.80 -7.2
Cotton (COTN.L) 0.0 Talos Energy Inc 12.88 4.9 Photronics Inc 17.26 -7.1
Asia Pacific -8.2% +8.2%
Crude Oil (CRUD.L) 0.3
S&P/ASX 200 INDEX 7205.69 0.6
Gasoline (UGAS.L) 0.3 Data and graphics by: Note: Bank prime is from 10 major banks. Federal Funds rate is the market
CSI 300 INDEX 4623.05 1.1 rate, which can vary from the federal target rate. LIBOR is the London
Gold (BULL.L) 0.3 Bloomberg Interbank Offered Rate. Consumer rates are from Bankrate. All figures as of
HANG SENG INDEX 23660.28 0.6 4:30 p.m. New York time.
Natural Gas (NGAS.L) 1.0
NIKKEI 225 26449.61 -1.7
Silver (SLVR.L) 1.0

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A growing chorus on right voices admiration for Putin

Conservative commentator now running a hard-right cam-
Candace Owens tweeted this paign for U.S. senator in Ohio,
Trump isn’t the only one week: “I suggest every American acknowledged that Putin is hard-
expressing praise for who wants to know what’s *actu- ly a praiseworthy figure but ar-
ally* going on in Russia and gued that Ukraine still does not
U.S. adversary Ukraine, read this transcript of merit U.S. support.
Putin’s address. As I’ve said for “Vladimir Putin is an evil man,
month — NATO (under direction who has done a number of evil
BY M ERYL K ORNFIELD from the United States) is violat- things during his time in govern-
ing previous agreements and ex- ment,” Vance said in a statement.
As the United States seeks to panding eastward. WE are at “But spare me the performative
rally its allies and impose tough fault.” affection for the Ukraine, a cor-
penalties for Russia’s aggression Fox News host Tucker Carlson, rupt nation run by oligarchs, that
toward Ukraine, a vocal group of like many others on the right, is as close to a functional democ-
Republicans and right-leaning minimized Russia’s move to in- racy in 2022 as Afghanistan was
commentators is expressing vade and overpower a neighbor- when Joe Biden handed it over to
praise and admiration for the ing country as a “border conflict” the Taliban in 2021.”
president’s strength and shrewd- that should not concern Ameri- Others have adopted the man-
ness. President Vladimir Putin, cans. tra that Biden is showing more
that is. “It may be worth asking your- concern for Ukraine’s border
While most congressional Re- self, since it is getting pretty than for America’s, a way to twin
publicans back Biden’s tough line serious: ‘What is this really their criticism of Biden’s foreign
against Moscow — or argue it about? Why do I hate Putin so policy with what they see as an
should be even tougher — a much?’” Carlson said Tuesday. overly lax policy toward would-be
faction made up of conservative “‘Has Putin ever called me a immigrants. Vance was among
Republicans, supporters of for- racist? Has he threatened to get those who pointed to the illegal
mer president Donald Trump and me fired for disagreeing with import of fentanyl across the
conservative media figures says him?’” southern border as an issue more
Putin should be left alone, or even The comments reflect the nov- deserving of attention than the
congratulated, by Americans. el phenomenon of a major politi- international conflict.
Trump complimented Putin on cal faction openly siding with the Rep. Paul A. Gosar (R-Ariz.)
Tuesday, saying it was a “smart leader of a U.S. adversary against MANGEL NGAN/POOL/REUTERS tweeted last week, “We should
move” by the Russian president the American president. They cite Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in June 2020. “I have enormous respect for him,” the former just call ourselves Ukraine and
to send “the strongest peace force Putin’s shrewdness and strength, Trump Cabinet member said last week of Vladimir Putin. “I’ve been criticized for saying that.” then maybe we can get NATO to
I’ve ever seen” to the Ukraine along with an unfettered willing- engage and protect our border.”
border. ness to use force to expand his served as secretary of state under America.” Cheney is a high-pro- ments but rather his single- Gosar had previously tweeted:
“This is genius,” Trump said in country’s reach, suggesting that Trump and recently called Putin file critic of Trump and his sup- minded pursuit of his goal. But “Putin puts Russia first as he
a conservative talk radio inter- creates a flattering contrast with “savvy” and “very talented.” porters. glowing language about Putin should. Biden should put Ameri-
view at his Mar-a-Lago resort, Biden, whom they portray as “I have enormous respect for Some GOP strategists argued goes too far, Mackowiak said. ca first but instead he will let in
echoing his past praise of the weak and feckless. him,” Pompeo said in a Feb. 18 call that praising Putin was not a wise Some polling suggests that Re- terrorists and welfare seekers.”
Russian president. “Putin de- Yet Putin is an authoritarian with the Center for the National move, especially if it involved publicans view Putin positively That rhetoric is unfolding as
clares a big portion of the leader who has jailed adversaries, Interest. “I’ve been criticized for denigrating the United States compared with their view of most Republicans in Washington
Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin shut down political opposition saying that.” And he told Fox and its democratically elected Democratic leaders. But Mack- are making a somewhat opposite
declares it as independent. Oh, and moved to eliminate a free News: “He’s a very talented president. owiak said that based on his argument — criticizing Biden for
that’s wonderful. He used the press and independent judiciary. statesman. He has lots of gifts. He “I think anyone who gives Pu- conversations with GOP voters, not taking stronger action
word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re He has dispatched his powerful was a KGB agent, for goodness’ tin credit is making a mistake,” many of them simply do not against Russia, for example by
going to go out and we’re going to military against an independent sakes. He knows how to use said Matt Mackowiak, a Republi- consider Ukraine a priority, and imposing hard-hitting sanctions
go in and we’re going to help keep neighboring country. power. We should respect that.” can strategist in Texas. “Putin is that Republicans and Democrats earlier.
peace.’ You’ve got to say that’s When he was president, Trump Democrats and some Republi- weakening Europe, attacking a are wary of overseas entangle- Senate Minority Leader Mitch
pretty savvy.” sought to project his strength in cans denounced the suggestion sovereign country, which is to ments after years of wartime McConnell (R-Ky.) said Tuesday
Trump is hardly the only figure his own ways, regularly trying to that Putin was a nonthreatening undermine the global position of abroad. that the United States and its
making such arguments. Many exert his will over federal judges, figure, let alone an admirable the United States, which is to Still, he added, “non-interven- allies must issue “devastating
on the right seem to have bought Congress, media and other insti- one. undermine the sitting president tionism can be nice in theory — sanctions” against Russia and the
into Putin’s claims that he is tutions in ways that violated “Former President Trump’s ad- of the United States, has a vast until the practical realities of the Kremlin.
merely protecting his country long-standing American norms ulation of Putin today — includ- nuclear arsenal and is risking the world oftentimes come to your “As he escalates his war against
and that it is the West that is but were cheered by his support- ing calling him a ‘genius’ — aids first world war in 70 years.” doorstep.” Ukraine, Putin must be made to
showing aggression as NATO has ers as a show of strength. our enemies,” tweeted Rep. Liz Mackowiak said he believes Conservatives’ arguments pay a far heavier price than he
moved closer to Russia’s borders Now some of his supporters Cheney (R-Wyo.). “Trump’s inter- that Trump and Pompeo are not against the United States aiding paid for his previous invasions of
since the breakup of the Soviet see an admirable figure in Putin. ests don’t seem to align with the assessing the moral implications Ukraine vary. J.D. Vance, the au- Georgia and Ukraine,” McConnell
Union. That includes Mike Pompeo, who interests of the United States of of Putin’s tactics with their com- thor of “Hillbilly Elegy” who is said.

Joining Trump’s new social network? Here’s how to protect your privacy.
or subpoenaed by law enforce- a technical standpoint. Patrick Jackson, chief technol-
ment. The Truth Social app’s rollout ogy officer of privacy software
Take these savvy Over the weekend, former was plagued with glitches from company Disconnect. “Give
precautions when you president Donald Trump finally the start, including error mes- these apps the least amount of
attempted to launch his own sages, the inability to actually data possible, and treat any app
join any new service social network, Truth Social. access the site and a waitlist as if they’re malicious.”
After being banned from most nearing a half-million people
mainstream social networks and long. Know what these
BY H EATHER K ELLY losing the 2020 election, Trump’s Technical problems could companies can collect
team focused its efforts on mean more than just a delay in Even the least social apps on
Signing up for a new app or launching the right-leaning app seeing “truths” (what it calls your phone have access to infor-
social network doesn’t seem in- where his followers could gather. posts) and “retruths” (re-shared mation about you.
herently risky. It’s not like you’re Whether it’s Truth Social, posts). The teams behind the An app can know what model
buying day-old sushi at a conven- Facebook or a niche social net- launch could also be responsible of device you are using, how
ience store or joyriding on a work, you should take certain for security on the site, protect- much free space or battery life it
motorcycle without a helmet. precautions when joining any ing users’ data and collecting has left, what cellular network
But when you sign up for a new service. Let’s break down additional information about you use, your IP address and
new service, you are trusting the what you can (and can’t) do to them for advertising purposes or information from the accelerom-
unknown companies that creat- keep your data private. to solicit political donations. eter like what orientation a
ed and run it with sensitive “You put your trust into these phone is in. Together, these sliv- PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY STEFANI REYNOLDS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES

information about you, such as Trust no one applications because you think ers of information can be enough Over the weekend, former president Donald Trump finally
your physical location and your No matter how fervently you maybe you know how they work, to “fingerprint” your phone and attempted to launch his own social network, Truth Social, after
political beliefs. Those details follow a political figure, it’s near- but you have no way to verify the identify who you are. having been banned from most mainstream platforms.
could be taken by hackers, ex- ly impossible to know what is competence of the developers, of Jackson said these are things
posed by disgruntled employees going on behind the scenes from the services they’re using,” said people often don’t know they’re scraped by other users or ex- Apple users can generate one
giving up. You can limit some of posed in other ways. If you plan through iCloud. Though the
this collection with tools like a on committing crimes, you Truth Social app does not appear
VPN, a virtual private network, should avoid posting evidence to offer Apple Sign In as an
but even those can present their online, as many participants and option, you can still get a fresh
own security issues or simply be users of the social network Parler address by going to iCloud in

BASEMENT too much of an extra step for

casual phone users.
discovered after the Jan. 6, 2021,
storming of the U.S. Capitol.
your settings. Other options in-
clude using a Gmail alias, which
still includes your original ad-
PROBLEMS? Limit what you can
Now we know what we can’t
Use a website over
the app when possible
dress, or something safer like
Mozilla’s Firefox Relay. The same
control when it comes to sharing Right now, Truth Social is only precautions apply to using a
data, but what about what we available as an app, and even phone number.
can? Smartphones from Android barely at that. But when possible, Another giveaway is what han-
and Apple are increasingly add- you should access services dle you choose. First, don’t use
ing individualized controls over through their websites instead of your real name or any variation
sensitive types of information stand-alone apps when you are on it.
and forcing apps to ask you worried about privacy. Many people will make the
before accessing them. Always It limits what they can access a mistake of using the same anony-
say no. If it’s something that bit, though they’re still able to mous-seeming screen names
seems necessary later, you can collect plenty of information across apps. Even if you choose
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Never grant an app access to If you’re on an iPhone, you can to your real name, like
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There’s very little transparen- But this setting only works for you always use the same name.
cy or control when it comes to web traffic and not apps.
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exposes people in your personal handle and phone number other one you should take every-
and work life as much as your- The first thing you hand over where you hang out online. Be
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I had to leave
For bulldogs, Cuba to feel
man hasn’t like a real
been a person

he English bulldog is “fierce in was on the balcony of my apart-
appearance, but possessed of ment in Havana when I heard
affectionate nature,” says Brit- the honk of the taxi picking me
ain’s largest kennel club. The up to go to the airport. Before
Bulldog Club of America — where the grabbing my luggage, I quickly
breed is simply called a bulldog — turned on the TV. I wanted to know
describes the dogs as “excellent family what the main Cuban TV station was
companions.” transmitting at the exact moment I
But humans, arguably, have not been would leave the island for the first
very good to this particular breed of time, for an indefinite period. I
man’s best friend. Its genes are replete looked for a channel — there are
with inbred ills, and the dogs — no fewer than a dozen TV stations in
matter how well-loved — all too fre- Cuba, and they all belong to the
quently live short, difficult and un- government — and found a special
healthy lives. That’s why a Norwegian program commemorating the 63rd
court recently ordered a halt to further anniversary of Fidel Castro’s trium-
breeding of the dog — and the Cavalier phant entry into Havana.
King Charles Spaniel, too — within that One night later, I was in Barcelona.
country, saying it amounts to cruelty to When I arrived at the apartment
animals. where I would stay, I dropped my
In an era of increased animal rights, bags and went outside. I walked into
this marks an enormous, unprecedent- the first open place I saw. It was a
ed advance. It also raises an uncomfort- fairly small Pakistani market, but it
able question: What is the best way to had everything deemed a luxury in
demonstrate our love for canines? Is it to Cuba: eggs, coffee, oil, soap bars,
live with them, treat them like humans, WASHINGTON POST ILLUSTRATION/PHOTOS BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND ISTOCK toilet paper, toothbrushes. They had
dress them up in Halloween costumes, all that and much more.
proclaim them our children and leave MOLLY ROBERTS I left Cuba mainly to escape the
money for their care in our wills? regime’s repression toward me for
Or is it, at least in some cases, to admit
that, as much as we adore a particular
breed, it is morally wrong to continue
inflicting its host of health problems,
Making ‘Arthur’ grow up being an independent journalist who
documents the country’s reality.
However, I also wanted, for a while,
to stop living the unacceptable life
and that we need to, as the Norwegian
court suggested, turn to “scientifically
based cross-breeding” — that is, mating
the breed with a different one entirely.
was a betrayal of my childhood that Cubans experience today. Life
can be really difficult when repres-
sion and scarcity are part of the daily

When it comes to the bulldog in For more than five years, I had
particular, the latter appears to be the rthur got glasses, and sud- be. They were supposed to be kids, heartwarming catch: “Wherever they been dealing — along with many of
obvious answer. The English bulldog denly the trees had leaves. just furrier and with funny-shaped go, and whatever happens to them on my colleagues in the independent
was used hundreds of years ago for My memory of a cartoon ears, tasked only with the generic the way, in that enchanted place on press, dissidents, activists and artists
corralling livestock and for bull-baiting, animal’s memory of the won- pre-tween responsibility to work and the top of the Forest, a little boy and — with harassment and persecution
a barbaric practice that was banned in derful kind of day when he could play and get along with each other. his Bear will always be playing.” by Cuban authorities.
Britain in the 19th century. After that, finally see the world is vivid — so The whole point was for these little The mastery here lies in making In Cuba, if you dare to describe
the fierce fighter was turned into a vivid that when I put on my own first creatures to be full of possibility: our world both time-bound and time- what’s happening, you will face the
sedate family pet. pair of frames sophomore year of They could become anything. But less. Of course we have to grow up in fury of a system designed to silence
Over the years, selective breeding college and looked to the sky, my with the finale, this open door is real time and real space, but the anyone who contradicts the regime.
created the modern bulldog’s distinctive 20-year-old mind went to the 8-year- closed. This is where our last glimpse fantastic places we explored don’t From that moment on, express kid-
wide-eyed, smooshed-in face. (Modern old aardvark. of “Arthur” feels a bit like a betrayal. have to obey the laws of physics. We nappings, arbitrary police interroga-
medical advances played a role, too — Now, however, Arthur is all grown “Arthur” admirers who cried out shouldn’t want them to. As long as tions, prison threats, house arrests
the English bulldog is so unnatural, it up. PBS’s sendoff of his namesake against the cancellation of a program we’re reassured there’s still an El- and passport withholdings to prevent
could almost not exist without Caesar- show after a quarter-century of sea- most of them hadn’t watched since wood City or a Hundred Acre Wood or you from traveling abroad, among
ean sections, which occur in more than sons unexpectedly age-accelerates its before the iPod was invented prob- a Sesame Street, preserved and pris- many other practices, will become
86 percent of deliveries of the breed. characters two decades or so. It’s a ably weren’t upset that their favorite tine and just the way we remembered part of your life.
Their heads will not fit through the move undoubtedly designed to offer insectivore was getting yanked off the them, we can revisit them in our In addition to the repressive aura
mother’s birth canal.) closure to fans from preschooler to air without a proper conclusion. minds at those moments when we’re that always surrounds you, the eco-
The technical term for this appear- professional. But maybe closure is More likely, they were upset that the fed up with being grown-ups. We can nomic circumstances are also suffo-
ance is “brachycephalic,” a bloodless, exactly what we didn’t need. story was getting yanked off the air, imagine them exactly the same or cating. After the fever dream that was
scientific word for an extremely painful To recap, for those too busy living period — because they had sort of exactly as different as we want them the renewed relationship between
reality. With their oddly shaped, almost adult life to dip back into the assumed, without thinking, that it to be. And even when we don’t want Washington and Havana during the
baby-like faces, the dogs suffer extreme old days for the finale of the longest- would never conclude. to revisit them, we can take comfort Obama years, a chain of events has
sinus difficulties. They are frequently running animated children’s series They had hoped “Arthur” would just knowing they’re there. sent the nation’s socioeconomic lev-
unable to catch a full breath. The ex- in history: The (non-)boy the New exist forever, as a reminder that the We can’t do that if these places — els back decades: Donald Trump and
treme inbreeding that resulted in the York Times dubbed “the world’s childhood it represents exists forever, and the people, or bears, bunnies and his more than 240 commercial and
look leaves it vulnerable to a host of most popular student aardvark” has too, even when we’ve left it behind. aardvarks, who occupy them — grow financial sanctions; the pandemic
other ills as well. Bulldogs are frequent- apparently become a fledgling What the powers that dictate the fates up, too. Now Arthur has to worry and its resulting extinction of tour-
ly arthritic, cannot tolerate heat and graphic novelist with an even less of 2D television stars might not have about publishing deadlines, and ism; President Miguel Díaz-Canel’s
typically die between the ages of 6 and 8. fledged goatee. His sister, the peren- realized is that Arthur could have D.W.’s nemesis is no longer spinach economic reforms that tried to save
By comparison, golden retrievers can be nial pest D.W., has become … a cop? existed forever, for free, if only they’d but parking violations. the Cuban economy and ended up
expected to live 10 to 12 years. (As for the Buster the bunny is a drably dressed let him. One of “Arthur’s” writers, Kathy burying it.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a breed teacher; self-proclaimed tough guy Author A.A. Milne ends “The Waugh, said on the “Finding D.W.” Now Cubans experience chronic
with a distinctively small head, it is and secret softie Binky Barnes the House at Pooh Corner” with a fare- podcast covering the “Arthur” series shortages of food, medicine and other
prone to such ills as heart disease at a bulldog is a journalist. well party for Christopher Robin. The that she believed PBS had made a essential products — shortages not
young age and hydrocephalus, a buildup None of this feels wrong enough in boy is leaving the Hundred Acre mistake. “To me it just felt evergreen, seen since the 1990s, when Cuba
of fluid in the brain.) the details that fans could claim Wood, because back in the realm of like it was never going to end. But it stopped receiving commercial sup-
Despite their health challenges, dogs character inconsistency or any other reality, he must start his studies. “I’m did end.” port from the socialist camp of East-
with this sort of wide-eyed, squat look storytelling faux pas. After all, Arthur not going to do Nothing any more,” he The thing is, it didn’t have to end — ern Europe after the collapse of the
are enormously popular. The bulldog and the gang were hardly paragons of tells Winnie-the-Pooh. “They don’t let even once it was over. Arthur could Soviet Union.
was the fifth-most-popular breed in the complexity. They weren’t supposed to you.” But there’s a heartbreaking, also have always been playing. Today, the situation is so critical
United States in 2020, the American that the government itself reported
Kennel Club reports. that inflation is above 70 percent.
These breeds, it seems, fill many According to Bloomberg, the Cuban
needs in modern human life. Dogs with peso began the year as the world’s
wide, baby-like eyes offer us the illusion
of infants. When we gaze at them, they
gaze back. Oxytocin — that hormone
Here’s why we need a national no-fly list most depreciated currency, due to its
95.83 percent devaluation.
Here in Barcelona, I have not only
that binds mother and child — is re- found all the basics that are hard to
leased. Brachycephalic dogs excel in this BY E D B ASTIAN to assist federal authorities as they hold come by in Cuba but have also

role more than many other canine individuals accountable. learned that many of them cost less
breeds. s the nation transitions to a “new On Delta, the rate Fairness and equity for all involved are than they do on the island. For more
Somewhere along the way, according normal” of managing the virus essential. Travelers convicted of violating than six decades, the Cuban govern-
to researchers at Eötvös Loránd Univer- and as the airline industry gears of incidents with unruly the law would have the opportunity for ment has been bragging about the
sity in Budapest, the flatter-faced ca- up to accommodate the influx of due process. And we support a process way it has improved the daily life of
nines came to have less peripheral acu- passengers, it’s critical that we have all the passengers has risen nearly that allows offenders to have their inclu- the people and warning that life
ity than the typical dog, making it easier tools available to mitigate in-flight mis- sion on the list reviewed and removed if outside is more challenging and
to lock eyes with them. No doubt this conduct. 100 percent since 2019. warranted. sadder.
appeals in our age of tech-dominated That is why I have proposed that any But serious crimes have serious conse- I’ve discovered it’s just the oppo-
loneliness, where many turn to dogs not person convicted of a crime because of an quences, which, in addition to fines and site.
just for companionship but also to re- onboard disruption be added to a nation- For airline employees, who are among imprisonment, can include losing the As I write this column, the trials
place missing or unsatisfactory human al, comprehensive “no-fly” list of unruly our nation’s most essential workers, dis- right to trade securities, the right to against the demonstrators of the
connections. passengers. ruptive passengers are contributing to a operate certain types of businesses or hold July 2021 protests continue to take
These smoosh-faced dogs also are Like other airlines, Delta maintains its more stressful workplace in an environ- certain jobs, and countless other similar place in Cuba. Already, 790 people
popular among people with sedentary own no-fly list for anyone who disrupts ment already made difficult by the pan- penalties. These consequences are there have been prosecuted and 20 have
lifestyles. A 2020 survey of repeat- onboard safety or refuses to comply with demic. While the most disturbing images to protect the public and, hopefully, pre- been sentenced to up to 20 years in
breed dog owners published in the crew instructions. But unfortunately, dominate the headlines, our people deal vent crimes from happening in the first prison. The regime is saddling mi-
journal Plos One found that the bulldog we’ve seen cases in which unruly passen- with a range of conflicts every day on our place. nors, the elderly and innocent peo-
(as well as the pug and the French gers have simply switched airlines and planes and at the airport that don’t get Holding individuals accountable for ple with excessive penalties. All for
bulldog) appealed, in part, because of continued to fly even after endangering captured on video. These conflicts are criminal behavior shouldn’t be a contro- taking to the streets on one day to
their lack of vim and vigor. Many of flight safety. While each airline can take complicated and stressful nonetheless. It’s versial or partisan issue. Even in a divided say, “Enough, we want a change in
those surveyed wanted what the study initiative and do its part, only a compre- thanks to these employees’ professional- nation, we can agree that employee and our lives!” Even activists who have
authors described as a “ ‘lazy’ low hensive list overseen by the federal gov- ism and training that most of these passenger safety is a critical part of decided to support the families of
energy dog,” one that didn’t need to be ernment can close the loopholes and incidents never go viral and are resolved emerging from the pandemic and return- those who have been arrested are
walked often or for long but that got prevent disrupters from flying. before becoming violent; but they contin- ing to our lives. Since I first proposed this being repressed. In Cuba, there’s not
along well with children. You’ve likely seen the videos that tell the ue to be a daily, unwelcome possibility step, it has been heartening to hear many even room for citizen solidarity.
What we desire from beloved ani- story — they usually feature an airline that makes the employees’ jobs more voices of support, including those of Although I went to these protests
mals, it turns out, does not always make passenger disrupting a flight; disregard- difficult. business and labor leaders. as a journalist to cover them, I also
for a high-quality canine life. The result, ing flight attendants, pilots and airport I am grateful that the Justice Depart- We think it is time to stop keeping track yelled, “Down with the dictatorship!”
when it comes to the bulldog, is all too agents; and sometimes verbally and even ment has prioritized the prosecution of of this threat airline by airline. Flying is a and “Freedom!” An agent dressed in
often an ongoing tragedy. Our human physically assaulting crew members or federal crimes that endanger the safety privilege, not a right. Those who choose to civilian clothes tried to stop me
priorities resulted, over time, in a dog so other passengers. and security of our people and customers. break the rules and put others in danger violently. Luckily, I managed to es-
inbred there is no way to address its ills While these cases are rare, representing Delta has been advocating since last year by compromising safety and security cape. I could be on trial without
without ceasing to breed it in its current a tiny fraction of overall flights, there’s no for heightened reporting, investigation should lose that privilege. A national having committed any crime. But
form. The Norwegian Kennel Club is question that they have increased over the and prosecution in these cases. no-fly list, maintained with the full au- today, I’m safe in Barcelona, and I
appealing the recent court decision, but past two years. On Delta, the rate of Behind the scenes, we’ve expanded thority of the federal government, would can’t stop thinking about when this
whatever the ultimate legal outcome, incidents with unruly passengers has de-escalation and self-defense training for be an effective tool to help ensure that, as misfortune that Cubans are experi-
there will be no changing that reality. risen nearly 100 percent since 2019. These flight attendants and other front-line our nation returns to the skies, the worst encing will end.
Sometimes, it seems, we can simulta- events can result in injuries, flight diver- employees, partnered with law enforce- offenders are grounded. I hope it’ll be soon. Not a single
neously love a dog too much and not sions, lengthy delays, and, for the perpe- ment to increase security at dozens of other Cuban should have to leave the
enough. trators, arrest and prosecution. airports, and shared relevant information The writer is chief executive of Delta Air Lines. island to feel like a person.




Scoring a goal for pay equality

The USWNT-U.S. Soccer settlement is a victory for women.

INCE 1991, the U.S. women’s female players had to be far more women appealed last July, gaining
national soccer team (USWNT) successful than their male counterparts support from the men’s team and the
has won four World Cups and to earn similar wages, though their Equal Employment Opportunity
four Olympic gold medals. The games outperformed the men’s team in Commission.
men’s team has not won any, and did not revenue. For example, thanks to differ- Though this week’s settlement is
even qualify for the 2018 World Cup or ences in bonus structures, making a contingent on a new collective bargain-
the past three Olympics. Yet, for years, World Cup team would earn a men’s ing agreement, it is still a remarkable
the women’s team has had to fight for player $67,000 — and a women’s player achievement. A 2017 BBC report found
equal rates of pay. just $37,500. that the gender pay gap in sports was
That will now change, thanks to a The 2019 suit also contended that slowly narrowing, at least in terms of BY JOHN DARKOW FOR THE COLUMBIA MISSOURIAN

$24 million settlement reached be- U.S. Soccer treated women’s players prize money. Yet there were just two
tween the players and the U.S. Soccer unfairly, making them play more often women — Naomi Osaka and Serena
Federation, marking the end of a gender on artificial turf and giving them fewer Williams — in Forbes’s 2021 list of LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
discrimination case that has reverbera- charter flights than the men’s team. highest-paid athletes. The resolution of
tions across the sport — and beyond. These issues were resolved in a Decem- this case won’t change that, but it does
U.S. Soccer agreed to pay $22 million to ber 2020 settlement, but the equal-pay shine a light on the glaring inequalities
the 28 players who filed the suit and a claims continued. many female athletes continue to face.
further $2 million to a charitable fund The case has been rife with setbacks “This is the first step, not the last The costs of solitary When I was vice chairman of the Na-
for girls and women’s soccer. Most and controversy. In March 2020, a legal step,” Rapinoe told The Post in response tional Transportation Safety Board, I was
significantly, it promised to pay men filing by U.S. Soccer suggested that to the settlement. The players who have The Feb. 17 editorial noting the cruelty proud of our work to advance transporta-
and women at an equal rate going women’s players “do not perform equal led this fight have done a great service of solitary confinement, “Solitary confine- tion safety, including preventing drinking
forward, including in lucrative World work requiring equal skill [and] effort.” for the cause of gender equality in ment is torture,” made a persuasive argu- and driving. I now volunteer with the
Cup bonuses. Then-USWNT captain Megan Rapinoe sports. Now, U.S. Soccer — which is also ment for opposing the practice because of “.05 Saves Lives” Coalition, chaired by Nor-
The settlement is a major victory for lambasted the language as full of “bla- facing criticism over its handling of its inhumanity. That alone should be suffi- man Y. Mineta, to provide evidence to help
players, who had to balance pursuing a tant misogyny and sexism,” and the alleged abuse in the National Women’s cient grounds for ending it in all states. every U.S. state and territory prevent
high-profile and often acrimonious case ensuing backlash led to the resignation Soccer League — must work to rebuild That has not been the case, unfortunately. drinking and driving. Let’s not wait for
with maintaining their heroics on the of U.S. Soccer president Carlos Cordeiro. trust with the women’s team and foster In addition to the cruelty of prisoner more preventable tragedies to occur in our
pitch. The lawsuit, filed on Internation- A federal judge effectively dismissed a more equitable future, on and off the isolation, another reason for ending the nation. Let’s start saving lives now.
al Women’s Day in 2019, argued that the equal-pay case that May. But the field. use of solitary, one not cited in the editorial, T. Bella Dinh-Zarr, Ottawa
is the cost. The New York Times reported: The writer is a senior adviser to the Traffic
“Segregation units can be two to three Injury Research Foundation and
times as costly to build and, because of the FIA Foundation.
their extensive staffing requirements, to

Resurrect the ‘death tax’ operate as conventional prisons are.” The

Vera Institute of Justice reported: “The
estimated daily cost per inmate at the
Reducing long covid
federal administrative maximum (super- The Feb. 21 editorial concerning the risk
Congress should not pass up such an effective policy tool to fix wealth inequality. max) facility was $216.12 compared to and impact of long covid, “The next health

$85.74 to house people in the general pris- crisis,” was informative. However, an obvi-
EMOCRATS ARE paring down on population. In 2003, the daily per capita ous partial answer to the final sentence of
their taxing and spending plans, costs of operating a supermax prison in the editorial is apparent. That sentence
leaving in doubt what will be Ohio were estimated at two-to-three times stated: “Research must find the causes and
left of their Build Back Better that of regular security units — $149 per damage of long covid, and lay prepara-
agenda. However it turns out, one early day compared to $63 per day, with one tions to treat it in all its manifestations.”
surrender must be remembered: the corrections officer for every 1.7 prisoners in Research has shown that there is a
abandonment of one of the most potent supermax compared to one for every 2.5 in substantial reduction of long covid symp-
proposals to combat wealth inequality, less restricted housing.” toms in vaccinated individuals. As re-
tougher inheritance taxes. The cruelty of solitary confinement is viewed in an article in Nature on Jan. 25, a
Cerulli Associates, a research and unacceptable, as is the cost to taxpayers study from Israel’s Bar-Ilan University
consulting firm, calculated last month for funding the cruelty. This year in Vir- found that “fully vaccinated participants
that Americans will pass on some ginia, S.B. 108 can end the cruelty of who had also had COVID-19 were 54% less
$72.6 trillion in inheritances over the isolating the incarcerated. The bill has likely to report headaches, 64% less likely
next quarter-century, nearly half of passed in the Virginia Senate and is now to report fatigue and 68% less likely to
which will come from the top 1.5 percent pending in the House of Delegates. report muscle pain than were their unvac-
of households. That is after taxes. Some Robert Stewart, Chantilly cinated counterparts.”
of the wealthiest estates — those from The writer is coordinator of public affairs It also noted that patients who acquired
households with more than $5 million for Social Action Linking Together and a a coronavirus infection and who were vac-
in investable assets — will pay a total of member of the Virginia Coalition on cinated with two doses of the Pfizer vaccine
only $4.2 trillion in taxes on the massive Solitary Confinement. were no more likely to report symptoms of
windfall heading to their heirs. The long covid than people who were never
estate tax is so riddled with exemptions infected.
and loopholes that only 0.04 percent of A way out for Mr. Trump Long covid is indeed a serious problem.
U.S. deaths resulted in the filing of estate One effective measure to reduce its im-
tax returns in which inheritance tax was In his Feb. 20 Sunday Opinion column, pact is available: Get vaccinated, and get
owed, and the effective tax rate paid was “Trump’s luck may finally be running out,” boosters as recommended.
only 14.7 percent. George T. Conway III stated that former Michael Schwartz, Chevy Chase
About 2 million high-net-worth president Donald Trump “apparently still
households control $25 trillion in in- needs to refinance hundreds of millions”
vestable assets, nearly half of the na- of dollars’ worth of loans. Mr. Conway Defusing the Ukraine crisis
tion’s total, Cerulli reports. That is up didn’t mention that foreign governments
from 27 percent a decade ago. Huge such as Russia and China can easily do David Ignatius wrote in his Feb. 21 op-ed,
transfers of unearned wealth under- this for Mr. Trump, who is well connected “Putin warned the West 15 years ago. Now
mine the principle that economic re- to current lawmakers in this country. he’s poised for war.,” of Russian President
wards should accrue to the deserving, BLOOMBERG NEWS The Republicans who refuse to hold Vladimir Putin’s speech at the 2007 Munich
reinforcing a system in which the very Mr. Trump accountable for his “sins” Security Conference “denouncing NATO”
top benefits from increasingly extreme taxes, from $11 million to $22 million Also crucial is eliminating the vast might soon find that, yes, they regain the that “it didn’t make much of an impres-
advantages relative to the rest of the per couple. This exemption is due to array of loopholes wealthy households presidency with Mr. Trump nominally at sion.” Not so, for those of us who were also
nation. phase out in 2026, but expect Republi- exploit to pass on huge amounts of the helm but that he’s a Russian or Chi- there and who had tried to build George
By the same token, taxing large cans to push to keep it in place. wealth. Among the ideas Democrats nese puppet. Russian President Vladimir H.W. Bush’s “Europe whole and free” and at
estates is one of the least harmful ways Opponents of raising estate taxes considered for their Build Back Better Putin would not even have to send his peace. I was Bill Clinton’s ambassador to
for the government to raise revenue; if make it seem as though the federal bill was ending the ability of heirs to armies here. It would be a great financial NATO in 1997 when the NATO-Russia
anything, doing so incentivizes heirs to government would force struggling avoid paying the capital gains taxes bargain for him to finance Mr. Trump’s Founding Act was concluded. I and other
work more. Current inheritance law small-business owners and family owed on assets they inherit. But, in- loans, continue to spread disinformation “NATO hands” watched in dismay and dis-
represents a massive missed opportu- farmers to sell their inherited assets stead of fighting a battle over what and get Mr. Trump reelected. belief as Washington later concluded that,
nity for the federal government to fund just to pay their tax bills. No one Republicans have termed the “death Ellen Brown, Fredericksburg because the Soviet Union had lost the Cold
its operations, pay down debt and put standing to inherit more than $11 mil- tax,” they scrapped this and other War, Russia could simply be ignored.
core entitlement programs on firmer lion in assets — a tiny minority of proposals early on. Though what Mr. Putin has been doing
financial footing. Americans — deserves too much sym- If, at some point, Congress chooses to Saving lives with 0.05 the past eight years violates Russia’s
Alas, federal policy has gone in the pathy, and those individuals’ plight, if tackle wealth inequality, it will have one sworn commitments, we are also reaping
wrong direction in recent years. The one can call it that, is no reasonable of the most obvious policy tools still I was surprised that the Feb. 20 news what was sowed. The George W. Bush
2017 Republican tax bill doubled the basis on which to premise estate tax sitting on the shelf, waiting for more article about the lifesaving 0.05 blood administration in 2008 tried to fast-track
amount of money exempt from estate policy. courageous leaders to use it. alcohol content (BAC) law in Utah, “Study Ukraine’s and Georgia’s admissions to
shows Utah’s tougher DUI law made NATO. Horrified at the idea of confront-
roads safer,” included a reference to the ing Russia, most European NATO mem-
misleading American Beverage Institute bers rebelled; but to keep Mr. Bush from
ad. Not one claim this group made has going home empty-handed, allied leaders

The Vatican’s deadliest sin come true. Instead, business has gone up,
arrests have gone down and, most impor-
tant, lives have been saved. There are even
said the two countries “will become mem-
bers of NATO.” Everyone knew that meant
“the sweet by and by,” or in a word, never.
fewer high-BAC drivers on the road. Any European country can ask to join
The Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal continues to swell, ensaring a former pope. Unethical lobbyists who try to delay this NATO, as the United States correctly

lifesaving law are causing more people to notes; but it takes consensus approval in
EPORTS OF CLERGY sex abuse culture of abuse generally, and of en- and “errors” that happened on his watch die needlessly. The delay tactics reek of the alliance, a willingness of all to see an
in the Catholic Church have be- abling the advancement of Theodore — but not his own “abuses” and “errors.” desperation. Most Americans want this attack on any ally as an attack on all.
come so routine — and the scale McCarrick, the former cardinal of D.C., He continues to deny any wrongdoing. law. Families through such groups as Cali- Several allies have made clear that will
of victimization and coverup so who was later condemned for sexual In the course of his papacy, from 2005 fornia’s Liam’s Life and New York’s RID never happen. As one step toward trying
vast — that the effect is to dull the impact abuse and stripped of his status as a to his resignation in 2013, as the scope of USA are fighting these paid lobbyists who to defuse the current crisis, it is long past
of each new revelation. It appears that priest. abuse became increasingly obvious, Ben- try to bamboozle the hospitality industry time to acknowledge that fact.
over the course of decades, practically The new report, commissioned by the edict did meet with abuse victims and and the American people. Robert Hunter, Washington
every higher-up in the institution knew, German Catholic church and conducted moved to eject abusers from the church.
or should have known, what was going by a law firm, is based on the church’s own Yet even now, the scandal, the
Yet even the apparent sameness of so
documents and accounts from witnesses.
“In a total of four cases, we came to the
church’s most devastating in centuries,
continues to swell. A massive French
many disclosures and admissions, over conclusion that the then-archbishop, Car- report last fall suggested there had been FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer
so many years, should not blunt the dinal Ratzinger, can be accused of mis- more than 200,000 victims of abuse in News Editorial and opinion Officers
importance of a recent report that Pope conduct,” Martin Pusch, one of the au- that country over the previous seven SALLY BUZBEE RUTH MARCUS JAMES W. COLEY JR.........................................................Production
Executive Editor Deputy Editorial Page Editor L. WAYNE CONNELL............................................Human Resources
Emeritus Benedict XVI, as archbishop of thors, said in a news conference in Janu- decades. Weeks later, the U.S. Confer- CAMERON BARR KAREN TUMULTY KATE M. DAVEY.....................................................Revenue Strategy
the German cities of Munich and Freising ary at the report’s unveiling. ence of Catholic Bishops, in an annual Senior Managing Editor
Deputy Editorial Page Editor
ELIZABETH H. DIAZ....................Audience Development & Insights
GREGG J. FERNANDES..........................Customer Care & Logistics
from 1977 to 1982, failed to discipline In the course of the law firm’s inquiry, audit, documented more than Chief Product Officer & ME Associate Editorial Page Editor SHANI GEORGE......................................................Communications
abusive priests and enabled them to the former pope’s lawyers denied he had 4,200 new allegations of sexual abuse of Managing Editor STEPHEN P. GIBSON.....................................Finance & Operations
KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY.....................Communications & Events
maintain their roles in ministry. been at a meeting in 1980 in which the minors in the year ending in June. Most TRACY GRANT
Managing Editor JOHN B. KENNEDY...................................General Counsel & Labor
Similar allegations have been leveled, fate of a priest accused of pedophilia had of them involved alleged incidents from KRISSAH THOMPSON MIKI TOLIVER KING.................................................................Arc XP
SHAILESH PRAKASH....Digital Product Development & Engineering
Managing Editor
and often documented, regarding many been discussed. But when documents decades earlier. SHARIF DURHAMS MICHAEL A. RIBERO....................................................Subscriptions
bishops. But the German report, two showed he had in fact attended the More than 1 billion Catholics world- Deputy Managing Editor
JOY ROBINS.........................................................................Revenue

years in the making, implicates a future meeting, the former pontiff acknowl- wide remain faithful to a church that has Deputy Managing Editor
pope, who at the time was known as edged through a spokesman that his delivered comfort, good works and edu- Deputy Managing Editor
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. previous assertion was “objectively cation. Yet many are disillusioned by an SCOTT VANCE
Deputy Managing Editor
Even the ensnarement of a pope in the false.” institution that, even as it has made BARBARA VOBEJDA
Deputy Managing Editor
culture of coverup is not new. Pope John Nearly two weeks after the report’s strides to reform its rules and culture,
Paul II was blamed by a 2020 Vatican publication, Benedict finally came remains unable to fully face the extent of The Washington Post
report for casting a blind eye at the around to asking forgiveness for “abuses” suffering it caused and allowed. 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000

An unsettling E.J. DIONNE JR.

killing that’s How Putin’s

personal to mistakes
AAPI women rallied his
n Feb. 13, 35-year-old Christina hrewdness is not wisdom. Osten-
Yuna Lee was stalked, stabbed tatious public toughness is not
more than 40 times and found strength. And even clever short-
half-naked in her Chinatown term tactics are not long-term
apartment, located 15 minutes from strategies.
where I live. Four weeks prior, 40-year- Yes, Vladimir Putin has Ukraine and
old Michelle Go was killed on the same the West in a tough spot. He might win
New York subway line I take regularly. some short-term victories. But he has
Two weeks before that, 61-year-old Yao created circumstances that could lead to
Pan Ma died of his injuries in what inves- his undoing — as long as the democracies
tigators have called a hate crime, commit- stay focused and united.
ted 30 minutes from my workplace in Within the long list of Putin’s errors,
Manhattan. let’s start with his blatant interference in
Hate crime or not, these unprovoked, the domestic politics of Western
disturbing attacks are examples of the EVGENIY MALOLETKA/ASSOCIATED PRESS
violence that has skyrocketed against A Ukrainian serviceman at his post near Svitlodarsk in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday. This has earned him the loyalty of
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders some on the far right (in this country, see:
(AAPIs) in recent years, as these commu- DAVID IGNATIUS Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump). But
nities have been scapegoated for the his political meddling in recent years on

A deadly, devious
covid-19 pandemic. In December, the New behalf of authoritarian and antidemo-
York Police Department said the number cratic movements — tampering in,
of anti-Asian hate crimes reported in the among other places, the United States,
city had risen 361 percent from the previ- Germany and France — has deeply alien-

intelligence war unfolds

ous year. AAPI women make up a dispro- ated liberals and social democrats, who
portionate number of anti-Asian hate- now find themselves allied with the
crime victims (nearly two-thirds). And pro-democracy right in insisting that
many of these episodes have occurred in Putin be stopped.

public streets, sidewalks and businesses. Putin, along with China’s Xi Jinping,
Despite being born and raised in New gainst Russia’s brazen assault evant now is that support for a Ukraini- the Kremlin. has united advocates of democracy
York City, I now worry for my physical on Ukraine, the Biden admin- an insurgency is a little-discussed part Drawing on a CIA internal history, across the traditional political spectrum.
safety more when taking public transpor- istration has tried to fight back of the Biden administration’s plan for Evan Thomas describes in his book In the United States, liberals will not
tation than I have while working in a with aggressive use of intelli- combating an all-out Russian invasion. “The Very Best Men” how the CIA forget Putin’s hatred of Hillary Clinton
hospital during the pandemic. In the past gence. But beware: Two can play this The aim is to make Ukraine an indi- parachuted operatives into Ukraine’s (for, among other things, challenging the
two years, I’ve been publicly spat on, game, and history shows the Russians gestible “porcupine” for Russian occu- Carpathian Mountains, starting in fairness of Russia’s 2011 elections) and
harassed, stalked off the R train and, on a are ruthless masters of covert opera- piers. That sounds good, given Russian 1949. “These were hopeless missions; his energetic work on Trump’s behalf
subway platform in my native Queens, tions in this region. and U.S. difficulties in combating in- the Kremlin’s highly efficient security (documented by the Mueller report).
verbally threatened with rape. In all these The Ukraine spy wars, so far, have surgencies in Afghanistan and in Iraq. services rounded up the infiltrators as And while Putin has sometimes dal-
unprovoked instances, I was surrounded taken place mostly in what Russians But this strategy has some significant they crushed the resistance move- lied with elements on the far left, he has
by other New Yorkers but was the only like to call the “information space” — weaknesses that need a frank examina- ments,” Thomas writes. He quotes a presented himself as a hero to the cultur-
East Asian woman around. and the performance by the CIA and tion now, before it’s too late. CIA officer involved in the operation al right, defending the “traditions and
As I commute to and from the hospital, other U.S. intelligence agencies has Let’s start with the urgent problem who describes it as “a horrible traditional family values of millions of
especially after evening shifts, my heart been dazzling. They’ve penetrated Rus- of how the United States and its allies mistake.” people making up the core population,”
pounds as I glance behind me, my keys sia’s wall of secrecy to expose its mili- would protect the Ukrainian insur- Tim Weiner, in his 2007 history of as he told the Financial Times in 2019.
between my knuckles. Like many other tary planning, its “false flag” plots and gents. The Biden administration the agency, “Legacy of Ashes,” also He has explicitly criticized liberalism
AAPIs, I worry daily about a racially or even its plans for targeted killings and warned the United Nations this past draws on CIA accounts to explain the — “The liberal idea has become obsolete,”
gender-motivated attack. kidnappings of Ukrainian leaders. weekend: “We have credible informa- grisly consequences: “The CIA dis- he also said — along with LGBTQ rights,
Just this past week, I was followed Heads must be spinning in the tion that indicates Russian forces are patched dozens of Ukrainian agents by immigration and, more generally, the
while moving between L subway cars Kremlin — and perhaps rolling, too — creating lists of identified Ukrainians air and by land. Almost everyone was freedoms taken for granted in democrat-
until a concerned bystander alerted me as Russian President Vladimir Putin to be killed or sent to camps following captured. Soviet intelligence officers ic countries.
that there was a man deliberately trailing sees his state secrets broadcast on the military occupation.” The administra- used the prisoners to feed back disin- This has pushed many who might once
me. A few months ago, on the M15 bus, a nightly news. These disruptive disclo- tion also warned the U.N. that the formation — all’s well, send more guns, have been wary of a hard line against
large man blocked me into my corner sures have continued up to the eve of Russians “will likely use lethal mea- more money, more men. Then they Russia to embrace a far tougher stance.
seat; when I stood to leave, he allowed me what U.S. officials predict will be an sures to disperse peaceful protests.” killed them.” In Germany, the Green Party has moved
to do so only over his spread legs. By- all-out invasion. Forewarned is forearmed. So, hope- The reason these British and away from its near-pacifism of the 1980s
standers called on him to stop, and he But Russia plays a very long and fully, the CIA and other friendly intelli- U.S. operations were so vulnerable to a tough anti-Putin line. Divisions
shoved my back as I ran off the bus. devious game in intelligence, and gence agencies are reaching out to was that the Russians had “penetrat- within the country’s Social Democratic
Acts of harassment are everyday occur- there’s no better example than Ukraine Ukrainians who would be potential ed” two supposed Ukrainian resis- Party, which prided itself on opening the
rences for women of color, but they often during the Cold War’s first years. The targets of this “kill list” and helping to tance movements, the Organization of way toward detente with the old Soviet
go unreported because of language barri- CIA was patting itself on the back for protect them. But beyond the horrific Ukrainian Nationalists and the Na- Union, have been resolved in favor of
ers, distrust or sheer exhaustion with the aggressive operations there in the early violence of an all-out invasion, there tional Labor Alliance, according to facing down Putin.
system. And the horrific slayings of Lee 1950s — but it turned out they were would be a very dirty war in the Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordi- Germany’s suspension of the Nord
and Go underscore a particular fear nearly all penetrated and manipulated shadows. evsky in their 1990 book, “KGB: The Stream 2 natural gas pipeline to Russia,
among Asian American women — that we by Moscow. The biggest problem for Ukraine Inside Story.” After the movements announced by Social Democratic Chan-
are easily targeted, our stories ignored, The Ukrainian partisans were se- and its allies is that Russia knows this were crushed, Soviet operatives cellor Olaf Scholz after Putin recognized
our violent experiences dismissed as duced back then by unrealistic battlespace well — and undoubtedly tracked down two leaders, the NLA’s two breakaway regions of Ukraine, was a
“freak incidents.” U.S. promises. “The Ukrainian resis- has been recruiting a network of Ukrai- Lev Rebet and the OUN’s Stepan powerful example of the costs of Putin’s
For women of Asian descent, racial bias tance had no hope of winning unless nian double agents. These agents can Bandera, and killed them with poison obdurate authoritarianism.
is often intricately tied to misogyny. To America was prepared to go to war on sow havoc for a resistance movement gas, in 1957 and 1959, respectively. “Putin acted out of a belief the West
the Americans who fixate on them, Asian its behalf. Since America was not pre- by revealing its leaders, safe houses, Perhaps the Ukrainians will be able was weak and divided,” Ivo Daalder,
women are perceived as “submissive,” as pared to go to war, America was in communications and plans of attack. to field a strong, prickly resistance former U.S. ambassador to NATO, told
“quiet,” as fetishized objects, as victims effect encouraging Ukrainians to go to And it gets worse: A trademark of movement in the weeks ahead. But me. “It turned out he was wrong.”
less likely to report violence. Our tormen- their deaths,” John Ranelagh explains Russian intelligence, for a century, has history teaches that this porcupine And with his bizarre and angry speech
tors are sometimes written off as mentally in his 1986 history “The Agency: The been its ability to manipulate resis- may have internal parasites — and that dismissing Ukraine’s existence as an
ill (which they might be). But this doesn’t Rise and Decline of the CIA.” tance groups in Ukraine and elsewhere it will be pursued by a very sharp- independent nation — “Modern Ukraine
mean the violence doesn’t spring from What makes this spy history rel- so that they were actually controlled by toothed fox. was entirely and fully created by Russia,”
deeply entrenched xenophobia or racism. he said this week, falsely — Putin under-
It should be noted that viral images of cut his argument that he is primarily
Black male perpetrators committing vio- concerned with keeping Ukraine out of
lence against Asians misrepresent the full NATO.
story. Increased crime and violence MAX BOOT It’s true that NATO’s expansion after
across New York City disproportionately the Cold War divided the Western foreign
affects all communities of color, but Black
New Yorkers make up the largest racial
demographic of victims of homicides,
With his praise for Putin, Trump makes policy community. Skeptics have argued
that the addition of nations formerly
within the Soviet orbit needlessly fed
shootings, felony assault and rape. Black
Americans have also experienced signifi-
cant discrimination during the pandem-
his apologists look foolish. Again. Russian insecurities and resentments.
But Putin has made clear that the old
argument about NATO is now beside the

ic, not to mention disproportionately point. His goal is plainly the reincorpora-
poorer health outcomes and economic t is a commonplace on the right that Buck Sexton. Putin’s aggression against not want Belgium,” Carlson says. “He just tion of Ukraine into Russia, either direct-
hardship. the only reason that Vladimir Putin Ukraine is an act of “genius,” according wants to keep his western borders se- ly or under the control of a puppet
Not acknowledged well enough by au- is invading Ukraine is that President to Trump. He explained: cure. That’s why he doesn’t want Ukraine regime.
thorities or the media are the combined Biden is too weak to deter him. As “Putin declares a big portion of the to join NATO, and that makes sense.” If Putin seemed unhinged in his
rallies and true Black-Asian solidarity one right-winger tweeted: “I’m con- Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it Carlson’s views are echoed by other speech, his assumption that he can get
across the nation. We must not give in to vinced that Putin would be a lot, LOT as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. ‘I America Firsters. Right-wing troll Can- away with bullying is based in experi-
harmful stereotypes of Black and Asian more hesitant to invade if Trump was said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna dace Owens tweets: “NATO (under direc- ence: his successful seizure of Crimea in
people in conflict, which have caused President. Biden simply does not evoke go in and be a peacekeeper. . . . We could tion from the United States) is violating 2014, his attack on Georgia in 2008 and
historical misunderstanding and de- any sense of strength or danger to our use that on our southern border. That’s previous agreements and expanding occupation of parts of that country. It’s
struction. This wedging of communities enemies.” the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. eastward. WE are at fault.” Her fellow highly unlikely that even the toughest
has been used to distract us from address- To believe this is to suffer from tempo- There were more army tanks than I’ve troll Charlie Kirk opines: “It feels as if sanctions will prevent Putin from invad-
ing the larger confluence of systemic rary amnesia about how Donald Trump ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all Putin is going into places that want him. ing the rest of Ukraine, possibly sooner
racial, legal and social failures that for actually acted toward Putin while he was right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy . . . It is a family dispute that we rather than later. And he seems to have
decades have affected people of color. in office. Who can forget Trump’s kow- who’s very savvy.” shouldn’t get in the midst of, that’s for factored sanctions into his calculations.
Instead, we often get Band-Aids. tow to Putin at Helsinki in 2018? The Trump went on to rhapsodize about certain.” Ohio Senate candidate But this time, his calculations have
For instance, in response to public U.S. president rejected the findings of his relationship with Putin — “He liked J.D. Vance said, “I don’t really care what been off. It’s not 2014 anymore. He
safety concerns, New York Gov. Kathy the United States’ own intelligence com- me. I liked him.” — and to praise him as happens to Ukraine.” Fox’s Maria appears not to have foreseen the West’s
Hochul (D) and New York Mayor Eric munity about the hacking of the someone with a lot of “charm and a lot of Bartiromo imaginatively suggested that solidarity or President Biden’s determi-
Adams (D) this month revealed an ag- 2016 election and said: “President Putin pride” who “loves his country.” the Biden administration’s “hysteria” nation to hold the democracies together.
gressive plan to remove unhoused indi- says it’s not Russia. I don’t see any reason With those few words, Trump has just about a Russian invasion of Ukraine Putin reveled in the support he was
viduals sheltering in the subway, and to why it would be.” Or who can forget made a fool of every right-winger who might be a “ruse” to distract from the winning from the right wing in the
provide more mental health services. But Trump’s use of U.S. military aid to extort has tried to pretend that he would have latest nonsensical allegations about Hil- United States and elsewhere, without
this will not end the violence — racially the government of Ukraine into helping been tougher on Putin than Biden is lary Clinton spying on Trump. recognizing how much hostility he was
motivated or otherwise. The vast majority him politically? Or all of Trump’s anti- currently being. Trump did claim that Compare right-wing complacency breeding among the liberals he kept
of mentally ill and unhoused individuals NATO animus? Trump mused about “this never would have happened with about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine with denigrating.
are not violent, nor are they responsible pulling out of the alliance, questioned its us,” but this was merely his usual rhetori- their hysteria about Prime Minister This is no cause for complacency.
for the totality of violence against AAPIs. Article 5 security guarantees and or- cal ploy of blaming Russian aggression Justin Trudeau of Canada ordering the Putin can still inflict enormous damage,
Michelle Go, a manager at Deloitte, dered a withdrawal of 12,000 troops on former president Barack Obama or on arrests of anti-vaccine mandate protest- particularly on the people of Ukraine.
also volunteered and advocated for the from Germany. Biden rather than on Putin. Indeed, it’s ers who were blocking major thorough- Holding firm against him will be costly,
homeless. Christina Yuna Lee, a creative It is true that the Trump administra- hard to think of a single negative word fares. Carlson claims that “Canada can- and unity against him in the West could
producer at the digital music platform tion sometimes pursued tough- Trump has ever uttered about the Rus- celed democracy,” while ignoring the fray. He will certainly try to sow divisions
Splice, helped lead diversity and inclu- on-Russia policies independent of the sian tyrant. actual, existential threat to democracy in among and within the democracies. Par-
sion causes at her company. These women president, but this was largely the work And that’s just the way his most Ukraine. ty strife is one of freedom’s inevitable
believed in change and the compassion- of officials who were purged long before devoted supporters like it. It’s true that This is the authentic voice of Trump’s byproducts. Western voters will be
ate treatment of other minority and vul- the end of Trump’s term. By the end of his many mainstream Republicans criticize America First movement — and it would tempted to see the showdown in Ukraine
nerable communities. presidency, Trump was surrounded by Biden for being too weak on Russia. But be solidly in control of a second Trump as, in Neville Chamberlain’s infamous
We should embrace these same princi- people such as Secretary of State Mike the hardcore MAGA base thinks that term in a way it was not during most of phrase, “a quarrel in a faraway country.”
ples when demanding better. And all Pompeo, who has recently called Putin “a Biden has too been too hostile to Putin, his first term. Indeed, if Trump stages a Nonetheless, it’s not outlandish to
Americans need to acknowledge the esca- very talented statesman,” “very shrewd,” who is viewed more favorably by Repub- comeback in 2024, he might well be hope that Russian citizens, including
lating violence toward Asian Americans “very capable,” and said, “I have enor- lican voters than Biden is. counting on more political aid from some among its elites, will eventually tire
and Pacific Islanders, especially women mous respect for him.” Tucker Carlson has become Putin’s Putin of the kind that he received in 2016. of the isolation bred by their leader’s
— to speak up when you see us attacked At least Pompeo is willing to admit No. 1 American apologist — and a So please don’t insult our intelligence misadventures and misjudgments — es-
for simply being who we are. that Putin is the “aggressor” and the favorite of Russian state television — by by suggesting that Trump is the tough- pecially if he drags his country into a
Ukrainians are his “victims.” No such incessantly arguing that the United on-Russia candidate or that his volatility large and costly land war. If the West
The writer is a resident physician, writer and censure was evident in Trump’s com- States has no stake in Russia’s aggression would deter Putin. He’s more about remains patient and determined, Putin
community activist based in Manhattan. ments Tuesday to right-wing podcaster against Ukraine. “Vladimir Putin does Russia First than America First. could yet reap the whirlwind at home.

Washington Post Global Opinions columnist Carlos Loret de Mola has
faced unprecedented personal attacks from the Mexican government.
Mexico must end the current climate of media intimidation.
Five Mexican journalists have already been killed this year.
Democracy demands a free and independent press.


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approx. 12 a.m.
The House of Delegates A judge dismisses an Mark Lanegan, 57, helped
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
38° lays the groundwork advocacy group’s recall pioneer grunge music with
Precip: 80% for the legalization of petition against a Fairfax his rock band Screaming
37 36 35 36
° ° ° ° Wind: NE
6-12 mph recreational marijuana. B2 School Board member. B4 Trees. B6

rate highly
42% of residents see
District schools positively


Nearly 8 in 10 public school

parents in the nation’s capital
approve of how their children’s
schools handled education dur-
ing the pandemic disruptions,
though most say the city should
still be offering more virtual
learning options, a Washington
Post poll finds.
Overall perceptions of the
city’s schools have barely budged
in the past three years. In all,
42 percent of residents — parents
and non-parents — rate schools
positively, while 39 percent rate
them negatively. That’s similar to
2019, when 44 percent of resi-
dents held positive views of
Parents with children in pub-
lic schools have a more favorable
opinion of them — 63 percent say
they are “excellent” or “good.”
Asked about their children’s own
schools, 80 percent of public
PHOTOS BY MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST school parents rate them posi-
tively overall, with 78 percent

Teen’s case angers victim’s family

giving their children’s schools
positive marks for handling edu-
cation during the coronavirus
pandemic. Parents’ ratings have
declined since 2019, when 92
percent rated their children’s
schools positively.
Nearly half of D.C. residents,
14-year-old charged with murder 48 percent, say Mayor Muriel E.
could be out in less than a year under Bowser (D) is doing an excellent
or good job of improving public
Md. ruling on sentencing juveniles SEE POLL ON B2


T Virginia
he prosecution of a Maryland teenager
accused of firing 16 rounds from a home-
made ghost gun onto a Germantown bas-
ketball court — killing one and wounding
three — was moved to juvenile court by a
Montgomery County judge who said new case law has
heads for
“radically changed” how such decisions are made.
The ruling means that Shilen Wylie, who was 14 last
summer at the time of the shooting, could be released
a budget
from custody within a year.
“It is clear that the [higher] courts have directed
this court not to consider punishment as a factor in
this proceeding,” Circuit Court Judge David W. Lease
said from the bench last week.
The prospect of such a short detention enraged
family members of the victims, while Lease’s empha-
General Assembly will
sis on rehabilitation drew praise from advocates of take up competing plans
juvenile-justice reform. They have long held that
sending youthful offenders into adult prison only
on tax cuts, spending
increases the likelihood they will reoffend when they TOP: Ana Martinez and Carlos Trejos, the parents of Axel Trejos, who was 20 when he
get out. Lease spoke directly to that position, quoting was fatally shot last year on a basketball court in Germantown, attend a court hearing
from the recent opinion by the Maryland Court of via video call in their home in Clarksburg, Md., on Feb. 17. ABOVE: Carlos Trejos keeps BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER
Appeals. his son’s photo with him in his iPhone case. The couple are disappointed that the AND L AURA V OZZELLA
SEE JUVENILES ON B5 teenager who killed their son didn’t receive a harsher sentence.
richmond — The partisan di-
vide in Virginia’s General Assem-
bly gets down to dollars and
cents Thursday as the Democrat-
controlled Senate and Republi-
can-controlled House advance
competing budget proposals.

Md. bill would allow New cases in region

Through 5 p.m. Wednesday, 2,382 Convoys of protesters The key difference: how far to
go with tax cuts, which affects
how much revenue is available to

felons to serve on juries set sights on D.C. region

new coronavirus cases were spend on priorities such as
reported in the District, Maryland schools and public employee pay
and Virginia, bringing the total raises.
number of cases in the region to Republicans in the House of
BY O VETTA W IGGINS is the year that Maryland will take 2,766,018. E LLIE S ILVERMAN,
BY entry points in the District as part Delegates are powering through
the next step to make formerly M EAGAN F LYNN of its response to possible convoys a plan that aligns with the priori-
D.C. MD. VA.
Maryland’s Democratic-con- incarcerated people whole. “For AND P ETER H ERMANN blocking roadways. ties of Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R),
trolled legislature is poised to me this bill is really anchored in +48 +341 +1,993 These “convoys” are part of a dipping into a historic surplus of
reform one of the country’s most re-enfranchisement,” Fisher said. 134,114 999,229 1,632,675 Protesters in the United States, disorganized constellation of pro- funds to cover the cost of dou-
restrictive laws barring ex-of- With a disproportionate num- inspired by the self-styled “Free- testers planning to target the D.C. bling taxpayers’ standard deduc-
fenders from serving on juries, ber of Black men in Maryland’s Coronavirus-related deaths dom Convoy” that occupied region in protests against vaccine tion, stop an increase in the
building on a commitment to prisons, advocates are hoping the As of 5 p.m. Wednesday: downtown Ottawa for more than mandates. Extremism research- gasoline tax, and eliminate the
restore rights to the formerly bill will help widen the jury pool three weeks, headed out from ers said the protesters’ grievances state and local taxes on groceries.
incarcerated that began seven and lead to fairer trials. D.C. MD.* VA. Southern California on Wednes- reflect broader right-wing culture Senate Democrats want to
years ago. “We have to consider jury dis- +2 +13 +108 day for a cross-country trip to the resentments that take the form of hold off on tinkering with the
“This bill is the last piece of full enfranchisement based on prior 1,317 14,062 18,338 D.C. region. At the same time, a spreading falsehoods about the standard deduction, which
citizenship,” said Del. Wanika B. convictions not only an issue of Scranton, Pa., owner of a trucking 2020 election results, doubting would reduce revenue for years
Fisher (D-Prince George’s), who restoring our felons into society * The state’s total includes probable company said he planned to lead the effectiveness of the coronavi- to come, preferring to study
has sponsored the bill for the past but a racial justice issue,” said covid-19 deaths. his own group of vehicles to the rus vaccine, repeating human comprehensive tax changes in
three years only to see the propos- Elizabeth Hilliard with the Mary- Capital Beltway on Wednesday trafficking myths and complain- time for next year’s legislative
al derailed over whether the right land Public Defenders Office. afternoon. ing about school curriculums. session.
should be restored to all ex-of- More than 20 million people Theresa But as of 6 p.m. Wednesday, a Local and federal officials are The Senate is proposing a
fenders. across the country — a dispropor- convoy did not appear to materi- gearing up for whatever these more modest package of tax cuts
As the nation reckons with tionate number of whom are Vargas alize on the Beltway. Dustin protests may bring. that add up to about $2.5 billion
systemic racism and racial dis- Black men — are disqualified for She is away. Her Sternbeck, a D.C. police spokes- Although the U.S. Supreme over the two-year state spending
parities, advocates and lawmak- jury duty because of a prior con- column will resume man, said the department has a Court blocked President Biden’s plan. The House’s tax cuts add up
ers say they are hopeful that this SEE JURY DUTY ON B5 when she returns. “heightened posture” on highway SEE CONVOY ON B3 SEE BUDGET ON B4

In poll, D.C. school views among residents barely budge

POLL FROM B1 said. for public schools, while similar and his wife believed it would be Almost 8 in 10 D.C. school parents rate their
The Post poll was conducted to 2019’s number, marks an im- better for their son’s college and children’s schools’ handling of education during the
schools in the District, down among a random sample of 904 provement in how D.C. residents professional prospects to remain
from 59 percent who said the D.C. residents on landlines and have historically viewed the at the elite public school. pandemic positively
same in 2019, but similar to her cellphones in February, asking city’s schools. In 2008, 23 percent Burwell said he and his neigh-
Q: Thinking about the public schools your children attended this academic
standing in 2017 and 2015. Seven them about their opinions on the of residents had positive views of bors often feel Bowser ignores
year, how would you rate the way they handled education during the
percent rate her handing of Dis- upcoming mayoral race and their schools, and 38 percent said this the voices of residents east of the
trict schools as excellent. views on Bowser’s leadership on in 2014. In 1996, 16 percent rated river — swaths of the city with coronavirus pandemic? (Among parents whose children attend public or
The assessments arrive as signature issues. The margin of the schools positively. the largest concentrations of public charter schools)
Bowser seeks a third term in error for overall results is plus or In the latest poll, public and poverty.
office and during a turbulent two minus four points; the error charter school parents voice a “It was a challenging decision Excellent 36%
years in education because of the margin is 10.5 points for results desire for flexibility with remote to allow him to go back, and
pandemic. Bowser repeatedly among 144 public and charter schooling. When Bowser partial- without a doubt we would have 43
tried and failed to reopen schools school parents. Overall, a 58 ly reopened school buildings in kept him virtual if we could,” said
and get most children back in percent majority of residents ap- February 2021, White families Burwell, who is Black and works
classrooms during the 2020-2021 prove of Bowser’s general job disproportionately enrolled to as a budget analyst for a subur- Not so good 13
academic year. Her plans were performance — down from 67 return, with many Black and ban school system. “But we did
often met with public fights with percent in Post polls conducted Hispanic residents staying not want him to lose his slot
the teachers union and protests in 2019 and 2017. home. It was a trend that unfold- because he worked hard to get it.” Poor 6
from parents on both sides of the ed across the country as many Sara Cherkis said remote
reopening debate. Early indica- low-income Black and Hispanic learning was a “disaster” for her No opinion 3
tors show declines in students’ communities were hit harder by preschool- and elementary-aged
reading and math abilities and “When it comes to the the virus than White neighbor- children last academic year. She
significant concerns about stu- hoods. said the charter school in North-
dents’ mental health after being 2021-2022 school year, A majority of traditional pub- west Washington they attended 8 in 10 parents rate their children’s public schools
out of school buildings for such a
and getting schools lic and charter school parents — did not offer them in-person positively
long time. 68 percent — say the city should slots last year.
But Bowser reopened schools allow families to choose between She moved them to their
full time for all students this open, [Mayor Muriel E. learning in person and virtually, neighborhood D.C. public school
Q: How would you rate the public schools your children attend? (Among
parents whose children attend public or public charter schools)
academic year, requiring nearly according to The Post’s poll. campus this academic year and
all students to be back in class- Bowser] definitely Three in 10 parents say all stu- has had a positive experience. Excellent 31%
rooms in the fall. She largely kept dents should be required to at- While she thinks it’s time to stop
schools open during the omicron delivered.” tend school in person. mandating that children wear
wave despite massive quaran- Sara Cherkis, whose children Everette Burwell, a father of masks outdoors at school, she Good 49
tines, staffing shortages and attend a D.C. public school two teenagers in the Hillcrest believes the mayor has taken the
pushback from some parents and neighborhood of Southeast right approach to reopening Not so good 13
teachers. Washington, said his youngest schools and is glad she empha-
“It’s been a challenging three In a time of rising crime rates son earned straight A’s while sized full-time, in-person learn-
years, and if you put it all and increased housing prices, school buildings were closed and ing for all students. Poor 4
together, she has done a good just 4 percent of residents say joined virtual clubs during his “When it comes to the 2021-
job,” said Anthony Givens, a education and improving freshman year at School Without 2022 school year, and getting 4
No opinion
small-business owner who lives schools is the biggest issue in the Walls, a competitive-application schools open, she definitely de-
in the Deanwood neighborhood District, significantly down from high school in downtown Wash- livered,” said Cherkis, a White
of Northeast Washington and the 25 percent of residents who ington. Multiple people in his resident in the 16th Street
has a son who is a freshman at ranked education as the top city household are immunocompro- Heights area whose children at- D.C. residents roughly split on quality of District
Dunbar High. He said his biggest problem in a poll conducted in mised, and Burwell said he didn’t tend John Lewis Elementary. schools
complaint this academic year is 2011, and from 8 percent in 2019. want his son to return in person “This is the one thing she has
that, because of coronavirus re- By comparison, 36 percent of this past fall for his sophomore done during the pandemic that I Q: How would you rate the job that District public schools are doing?
strictions, he has not been able to residents say crime and violence year. actually fully agree with and Excellent, good, not so good or poor?
go inside the school and meet the is the District’s greatest problem But finding a school that support.”
principal and teachers. in the latest poll, and 14 percent would allow his son to remain
“I couldn’t imagine another identify housing as the top issue. virtual would mean giving up his Emily Guskin contributed to this Excellent/Good Not so good/Poor No opinion
mayor doing it differently,” he The 42 percent positive rating hard-earned slot at Walls, and he report.




1990 1996 2000 2006 2010 2014 2019 2022

D.C. public school parents prefer to have choice

between online instruction and in-person schooling
Q: At this time, do you think D.C. public schools should... (Among parents
whose children attend public or public charter schools)

Provide both in-person and

online instruction and 68%
allow parents to choose

Require all students to

attend school in person

No opinion 2

Note: Percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding.

Source: Feb. 2-14, 2022, Washington Post poll of 904 D.C. residents including 144 D.C. public
school parents. Overall sample has an error margin of +/- 4 percentage points and 10.5 points
among the sample of parents.



D.C. Schools Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee, left, and Mayor Muriel E. Bowser, right, tour Shepherd Elementary School in November 2020.
In a new Post poll, nearly 8 in 10 parents of D.C.’s public school students approve of how those schools handled pandemic disruptions.


State lawmakers take major step toward legalizing recreational marijuana

detail how it would be regulated (R-Allegany) said of the $50 fine a with a jailable offense when they ties. The House is expected to give
BY O VETTA W IGGINS but instead ensures people can person would receive for smoking did this,” he said. “The more dis- “You should not be able to the bill final approval this week. It
possess and use marijuana with- marijuana in public. “I don’t know turbing part of this is that White smoke marijuana near children, will then head to the Senate,
Maryland lawmakers on out criminal penalties. how many of you have gotten a Marylanders have been getting near the elderly, near those who where lawmakers will consider
Wednesday laid the groundwork The vote, which came after a speeding ticket where the fine is away with this jailable offense at do not want to be exposed to your another legalization bill that cre-
for legalizing recreational mari- 90-minute debate, was largely less than this. Doing 70 in a 55 you much higher rates than all the rest marijuana smoke. Period, end ates a structure for licensing and
juana with the initial approval of a along partisan lines with Republi- are going to pay more than $50.” of us.” stop,” he said. “I do not care if the regulating marijuana.
House bill detailing how much a can lawmakers raising concerns Del. David Moon (D-Montgom- Under the bill, a person would 5-year-old little boy or little girl In other action, the House gave
person could possess and which about access to the drug and its ery) argued against the amend- be able to possess 1.5 ounces or up who is getting exposed to the guy preliminary approval to a bill that
former arrests would be ex- use. ment. He said the “central mis- to 2 plants. The measure allows on the street corner smoking mar- requires county boards of educa-
punged, among other things. They sought, unsuccessfully, to sion” for him and many of his for automatic expungements of ijuana is Black, is Brown, is White, tion to provide age-appropriate
The standards will take effect if increase the proposed fine for Democratic colleagues, who some marijuana-related arrests is pink-polka-dotted.” instruction on the risks of sexting
voters approve a November refer- using marijuana in a public place, pushed for legalization to take and resentencing of those con- The Democratic-controlled as part of a school’s family life and
endum that would add Maryland equating it to alcohol and the effect soon after the referendum victed of some marijuana-related House also rejected Buckel’s ef- human sexuality curriculum.
to a growing list of more than a penalty imposed for public intoxi- passes, is to get nonviolent crimes charges. forts to allow localities without The initial vote came after Re-
dozen states, including Virginia, cation. A higher penalty would act off the books. Buckel said his amendment majority approval of legalization publicans unsuccessfully at-
that have legalized marijuana for as a deterrent, they said. Moon said a survey of adult was not intended to target a per- to set their own rules, instead of tempted to require local school
adult use. “This isn’t a slap on the wrist, residents found that half had son legally consuming marijuana making the law statewide, saying districts to put the curriculum
Maryland’s measure does not this is a tickle on the wrist,” House smoked marijuana. “Half of Mary- in their home; neither was it some counties do not want “this online. The amendment failed,
allow for the sale of marijuana or Minority Leader Jason C. Buckel land residents likely got away about racial inequities or dispari- crammed down their throat.” largely along party lines.

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‘Freedom Convoy’ spino≠ aims for D.C.


Bird flu strain not a risk

to humans, o∞cials say CONVOY FROM B1

vaccination requirement for large

employers and many states have
BY J USTIN W M. M OYER not an immediate public health rolled back pandemic-related re-
concern, the USDA said in a state- strictions, the anti-mandate rally
A highly infectious strain of ment, and no human cases have cry still is gathering online sup-
avian influenza has been found in been detected. port.
waterfowl in Maryland and Vir- Cassie Shirk, director of legis- The self-proclaimed “People’s
ginia, wildlife advocates and envi- lation and government relations Convoy,” leaving from a parking
ronmental officials warn, but for the Maryland Agriculture De- lot outside Adelanto Stadium in
they say that it does not represent partment, said USDA data California on Wednesday, plans to
a threat to humans. showed “multiple positive tests in arrive in the D.C. area March 5.
Symptoms of highly pathogen- wild birds in the Atlantic Flyway,” The group said in a news release
ic avian influenza (HPAI) in birds including a duck in Kent County. that it will “terminate in the vicin-
include sneezing, coughing, Maryland authorities are work- ity of the DC area, but will NOT be
walking or swimming in circles, ing with the USDA to monitor the going into DC proper.”
and swelling of the legs and feet, situation, she said. It’s unclear what the convoy
the D.C. nonprofit City Wildlife Cheryl Chooljian, City Wild- will do if and when it arrives or
said in a statement Tuesday. HPAI life’s staff veterinarian, said the how long it would stay.
can also cause sudden death. HPAI strain has been circulating Photos and videos on social
Found in domestic and wild throughout the United States and media from the “People’s Convoy”
species, HPAI is highly conta- is probably already in the Dis- send-off showed 18-wheelers, flat-
gious among birds. Although wild trict. beds and other vehicles stationed
waterfowl are the most common “We’re currently operating on on a road and hundreds of people
carriers, they are often asymp- the assumption that it is here and cheering and waiting American
tomatic while birds of prey, such we just don’t know about it,” she flags. VICE reported that there
as hawks and owls, and scaven- said. were about 1,000 vehicles at the
gers, such as crows and gulls, may People should avoid handling send-off and that it was not clear
show more severe infection. sick or dead wild birds and how many of them joined the
Though not reported in the should use gloves and a face mask convoy. PHOTOS BY SARAH L. VOISIN/THE WASHINGTON POST

District yet, HPAI appears to be if contact cannot be avoided, City The group’s cover photo of its
drawing closer. The U.S. Agricul- Wildlife said. Facebook page, which has more Manger’s assessment.
ture Department reported the Sick wild birds can be reported than 162,000 members, includes She said that if Capitol Police
disease Feb. 14 among a backyard to City Wildlife at 202-882-1000 the American flag, a bald eagle decide it will be necessary to block
flock of mixed-species birds in or USDA Wildlife Services at 877- and the Constitution. off the Capitol complex, police are
Fauquier County. The disease is 463-6497. Brian Brase, a “People’s Con- prepared to pick up members of
voy” organizer, acknowledged the Congress at prearranged loca-
Supreme Court ruling, blocking tions and escort them to the Capi-
Biden’s vaccine mandate for large tol safely, particularly if any at-
LOCA L DI GEST employers, but said the group is tempts to disrupt the State of the
demanding more from the White Union address are possible.
House and Congress. Still, she said the California
Another Biden administration convoy appears disorganized,
THE DISTRICT Jennifer Burrier, a fire vaccine mandate for millions of noting it isn’t mobilizing people
department spokeswoman. federal employees was blocked by around a specific issue like the
Shooting victim is The woman was dead when a federal judge in Texas, and the hordes of people in Canada who
34-year-old woman rescuers reached her about Justice Department has filed an rallied against pandemic man-
10:45 p.m., Burrier said. Her appeal. The U.S. military has also dates.
A woman was fatally shot name and age were not fired active-duty members who “They’re not coalescing around
Tuesday afternoon near P and available. No cause of death was declined the vaccines. Brase spe- a specific issue the way they did in
North Capitol streets NE, D.C. available. cifically mentioned federal work- Canada around the coronavirus,
police said. It was not clear why the tree ers and military personnel in his For security, a large truck partially blocks Maryland Avenue at which may be good news for the
The shooting was reported fell, but strong winds blew anti-mandate demands, which Third Street SW, top, and a sign is ready for placement on District,” Norton said.
shortly after 3:30 p.m. in the through the region Tuesday also include ending the declara- Independence Avenue at Second Street SE, above, as local and Corinne Geller, a spokeswom-
1500 block of North Capitol night. A gust of 40 mph was tion of a national emergency con- federal agencies prepare for possible disruptions in the D.C. area an for the Virginia State Police,
Street NE, said Officer Hugh reported in Washington just cerning the coronavirus and de- related to plans inspired by the “Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa. said Wednesday the agency’s posi-
Carew, a police spokeswoman. before 7 p.m., according to manding congressional hearings tion has not changed in the past
Police later identified the victim National Weather Service data. and investigations into the pan- cial media rhetoric of far-right thorized to assist with traffic con- day, noting that the agency “con-
as Miana Luckett, 34, of Two hours later, the wind still demic. conspiracy theories and misinfor- trol during expected First tinues to monitor the situation
Southeast Washington. gusted as high as 37 mph. “Where did the coronavirus mation. “There’s an undertone Amendment demonstrations, and to communicate with our
No information was available The house is on a residential originate from? How did it get that isn’t really as subtle as people Pentagon spokesman John Kirby National Capital Region local,
about a suspect or motive. street about 20 miles northeast out? Who was behind lockdowns think.” said. state and federal partners. This is
The site is between Florida of Washington and about two or exactly? The vaccine, ya know, the Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan standard practice anytime the po-
and New York avenues and three miles from the eastern speedy trials, there’s a lot of things (D-D. C.) was briefed by U.S. Capi- (R) tweeted that he spoke with tential exists for a significant pro-
about a mile and a half north of boundary of Prince George’s that come into play. We just want tol Police Chief Tom Manger on Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) test that could disrupt the safe
the U.S. Capitol. County. transparency and some investiga- Wednesday afternoon and said on Wednesday “as part of our and efficient flow of traffic on
— Martin Weil — Martin Weil tion from the congressional level that the possibility of erecting a ongoing coordination in response Virginia highways.”
to be taken to find origins of how temporary fence around the Capi- to planned trucker convoys.” Authorities typically use large
VIRGINIA we’ve gotten to where we are tol complex remains on the table There is uncertainty, Norton trucks to block roads during dem-
today,” Brase said. but that no decision had been said, about the scope of expected onstrations. In some cases on
Man dies after Leesburg man is Brase, who is unvaccinated, made. disruptions. Wednesday, D.C. police were
shooting in Southeast victim in Centreville cast doubt on the 2020 presiden- One organizer has requested to “It looks like they are learning paired with Department of Public
tial election results, saying he did hold a rally on March 1 with from Canada,” she said of the Works trucks.
A man was fatally shot Fairfax County police have not know whether Biden won. “I “hopefully 1,000-3,000” attend- police. “They believe they’ve had The Virginia Trucking Associa-
Tuesday morning in Southeast identified a man killed in a don’t know,” he said. “I don’t know ees at the Sylvan Theater, the time to prepare. While there tion, which represents about 300
Washington, D.C. police said. Centreville shooting as a 37-year- the facts.” public theater on the Washington could be major disruptions, they trucking companies or suppliers
Marcquael Chambers, 22, of old Leesburg resident. “Whether we make it there or Monument grounds, in “support are prepared for that. Already headquartered or operating
Southeast, was found in the 2700 Amaru Amin Shabazz died not I believe the message will get of convoys in Canada,” according there is some indication we won’t throughout Virginia, is against
block of Bruce Place about after being shot multiple times out,” he said of the plans to lead to a permit application submitted see anything like what Canada vaccine mandates but does not
11:15 a.m., after a shooting was in a townhouse in the 14800 the convoy. to the National Park Service. That saw.” support any demonstrations that
reported, police said. block of Bodley Square, police Extremism researchers say is part of another group self- She said Manger did not de- would block roads or access to
He died at a hospital, the said. Officers were called to the that even after pandemic restric- dubbed the “Freedom Convoy scribe any credible security “normal, everyday travel” or any
police said. scene shortly before 10 p.m. tions are loosened and the coun- USA” that is aiming to arrive in threats for now, though did de- protests that would disrupt sup-
No information was available Monday, police said. Shabazz try emerges from the public D.C. by March 1, when Biden is scribe some of the people suppos- ply chains.
about a motive or suspect. was pronounced dead at the health crisis, many people mobi- expected to give his State of the edly planning to come to Wash- “While certainly everyone has
— Martin Weil scene. lized by the anti-mandate move- Union address at 9 p.m. ington as members of extremist their right to have their voice
A preliminary investigation ment will pivot to another cause. Local and federal agencies are groups, some of whom could be heard and register their grievanc-
MARYL AND has determined there was an “If this was really about man- still preparing for possible traffic armed. es … we don’t have a vaccine
altercation between Shabazz and dates, would they be mobilizing at disruptions from the varying “There’s a lot of chatter — dis- mandate in the United States,”
Woman dies after some individuals while he was the same time those very man- plans for convoy spinoffs in the rupting the State of the Union, said Dale Bennett, the group’s
tree falls on house visiting the home, police said. dates are getting lifted?” said Sara United States. Hundreds of D.C. etcetera — but none of that looks president and CEO. “Frankly, we
Numerous shots were fired Aniano, a Monmouth University National Guard personnel and 50 like anything at this point but do not support anything that
A woman died after a tree fell inside the home, and officers graduate student studying the so- large tactical units are also au- chatter,” Norton said, describing would provide disruption.”
on a house in Anne Arundel recovered multiple guns from
County on Tuesday night amid the scene.
strong winds in the Washington A witness saw a man running
area, according to the county from the home after the THE DISTRICT
fire department and weather shooting, police said.
Firefighters were sent to the
house in the 1500 block of
— Justin Jouvenal
Coalition reports finding hundreds of gas leaks
Farlow Avenue in the Crofton John
area just before 9 p.m. after Kelly's plan.
receiving a report about the tree,
the fire department said.
Washington Environmental effort “We remain focused on mod-
ernizing our infrastructure, in-
They found that the house spanning all 8 wards creasing energy efficiency in
had been severely damaged, and
an extended effort was required He is away. His column will resume is a push for renewables homes and offices, and introduc-
ing carbon free fuels as energy
when he returns.
to extricate the woman, said options,” Tylor said in the state-
ment. “We take reports and con-
BY J USTIN W M. M OYER cerns from the community seri-
L O T T E R IE S ously and will continue doing our
Volunteers with a coalition of part to build a clean, low carbon
Results from Feb. 23 VIRGINIA D.C. environmental and religious future.”
Day/Pick-3: 8-4-4 ^5 groups found almost 400 meth- At the hearing Wednesday,
DISTRICT Pick-4: 6-6-2-3 ^1 ane leaks throughout the city, Lara Levison, chair of the Sierra
Day/DC-3: 2-4-4 Night/Pick-3 (Tue.): 5-7-3 ^3 including more than a dozen that Club’s clean energy committee,
DC-4: 9-0-9-8 Pick-3 (Wed.): 7-4-6 ^7 were “potentially explosive,” ac- said she was a Ward 6 resident
DC-5: 9-2-9-8-7 Pick-4 (Tue.): 4-8-5-2 ^3 cording to a report released who participated in the methane
Night/DC-3 (Tue.): 9-3-1 Pick-4 (Wed.): 1-9-0-5 ^6 Wednesday. metering.
DC-3 (Wed.): 2-8-8 Cash-5 (Tue.): 2-12-15-31-40 The report from Beyond Gas “Methane gas was leaking from
DC-4 (Tue.): 5-3-4-6 Cash-5 (Wed.): 6-19-23-33-38 DC — a coalition run by the Sierra almost every manhole and meter
DC-4 (Wed.): 4-0-7-7 Bank a Million: 12-14-15-21-30-39 *10 Club that includes environmental COURTESY OF BARBARA BRIGGS cover that we checked,” she said.
DC-5 (Tue.): 5-6-7-7-5 and religious organizations in the Children in D.C. participate in the search for methane leaks. Over “Most of the amounts we found
DC-5 (Wed.): 1-0-1-1-7 MULTI-STATE GAMES region — came as some D.C. resi- the past year, volunteers found 389 leaks, according to the report. that day were small, but small
Mega Millions: 6-17-22-57-62 **3 dents testified Wednesday before leaks add up.”
MARYLAND Megaplier: 3x the D.C. Council’s Committee on and the actual number of leaks is “Fixing the leaks we know of is Rosa Lee, a 74-year-old retired
Day/Pick 3: 4-5-9 Powerball: 6-17-21-35-64 †18 Business and Economic Develop- probably “many times higher” a whack-a-mole approach that social worker, said in an interview
Pick 4: 6-8-8-7 Power Play: 2x ment, urging the city to switch to than what the groups found. will not stop new leaks from with The Washington Post that
Pick 5: 5-2-3-7-9 Double Play: 7-11-19-34-59 †14 clean energy sources to protect The report concluded that a forming and eventually being dis- she has owned her home in
Night/Pick 3 (Tue.): 4-0-7 Cash 4 Life: 27-36-40-46-53 ¶3 the planet and public health. “gas distribution system across covered,” the report said. “Instead Northeast Washington’s River
Pick 3 (Wed.): 3-6-6 Lucky for Life: 1-21-22-28-32 ‡1 Over the past year, the report DC with zero leaks is impossible,” of spending billions of dollars on Terrace since 1986. She found out
Pick 4 (Tue.): 9-8-9-0 said, volunteers measured meth- and recommended that the city fracked gas infrastructure, an- about the leak-monitoring pro-
Pick 4 (Wed.): 7-8-1-7 *Bonus Ball **Mega Ball ^Fireball ane emissions across all eight D.C. switch from gas to renewable other approach would be to elec- gram through her church and
Pick 5 (Tue.): 4-1-8-3-2 ¶ Cash Ball †Powerball ‡Lucky Ball wards using an “industry-grade” electricity sources. Washington trify buildings with highly effi- became an eager participant,
Pick 5 (Wed.): 5-8-9-7-6 detector. The volunteers found Gas methane accounts for 23 per- cient heating systems using clean helping find some leaks that were
Bonus Match 5 (Tue.): 2-20-24-31-39 *21 For late drawings and other results, check 389 leaks, according to the report, cent of D.C.'s total greenhouse gas energy.” severe enough to smell.
Bonus Match 5 (Wed.): 3-19-22-24-28 *11 including 14 leaks at or exceeding emissions, according to the re- In a statement, Washington “I grew up as a child with a gas
50,000 parts per million — a level port, which cited a D.C. Depart- Gas spokesman Bernie Tylor said stove and never considered there
the report said was “potentially ment of Energy and Environment the company is investing in satel- was anything wrong with it or
explosive.” estimate that upgrading current lite emissions detection technol- unhealthy,” she said. “Once you
S0108 2x.5

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Many leaks were found near pipeline infrastructure will cost ogy, among other diagnostic learn more, you do more with
utility access caps, the report said, up to $4.5 billion. tools, and a pipeline replacement what you know.”


Judge dismisses parents’ recall petition for Fairfax School Board member
BY H ANNAH N ATANSON for removal.” He dismissed the in-person schooling for the 2020-
case “with prejudice,” meaning it 2021 school year.
A Virginia judge has dismissed cannot be refiled. In response, Caudill pointed
a recall petition against Fairfax In a statement Wednesday, Co- out a key detail of the Fairfax
County School Board member hen said that the dismissal was system’s survey design: “If no in-
Laura Jane Cohen (Springfield), “long overdue.” struction preference was selected
meaning she will not face a trial She added, “In fact, it was a case the default response was consid-
over allegations that she mishan- that never should have been filed ered as an in-person instruction
dled school closures during the in the first place. Elected officials response,” he wrote. He added
pandemic. cannot be recalled because of dif- that, of the 186,188 respondents to
The petition, filed in Fairfax ferences of opinion. We have elec- the survey, 83,548 parents (45 per-
County Circuit Court in December tions to decide who should repre- cent) chose in-person learning,
by the education advocacy group sent us on school boards.” 77,442 parents (42 percent) chose
Open FCPS Coalition, accused Co- The Open FCPS Coalition, a online learning, and 25,198 simply
hen of “neglect of duty, misuse of parent activist group that formed did not respond, leading their an-
office [and] incompetence” for in late 2020 to hold the county swers to be counted as a prefer-
School Board accountable for its ence for bricks-and-mortar
actions during the pandemic, did schooling.
not respond to a request for com- Caudill also pointed out that
“It was a case that ment Wednesday. Spokesmen for the school system had surveyed
Fairfax County Public Schools did teachers, too, to ask for their pref-
never should have been not, either. erence, without including a de-
The coalition also recently — fault response option. That survey
filed in the first place. and unsuccessfully — sought the saw 44 percent of teacher respon-
removal of board member Elaine dents indicate they preferred in-
Elected officials cannot Tholen (Dranesville). Gardiner, person teaching, while 56 percent
who oversaw that case, dismissed said they preferred online teach-
be recalled because of it in August after concluding that ing.
“the petition is not based on facts Setting aside any concerns
differences of opinion.”

establishing probable cause for A sign urges social distancing at Bucknell Elementary School in Fairfax County last February. A parent about the legitimacy of the survey
Laura Jane Cohen, removal.” The coalition is further activist group has sought the recall of three School Board members over votes related to the pandemic. results, the coalition’s argument
Fairfax County School Board member seeking the recall of board mem- implies that the Fairfax School
ber Abrar Omeish (At Large). which Caudill said he compiled made at the July 21, 2020 school cussions and testimony at the Board should have considered the
The coalition targeted these after reviewing hours of School board meeting.” July 21, 2020 meeting.” parent survey as the determining
three School Board members, out Board meeting footage, Fairfax The coalition alleged that “The consensus of the Board, factor — far more important than
voting to keep schools closed in of Fairfax’s 12 board members, schools documents and relevant “keeping schools closed would be giving deference to the amount of the teacher survey — when decid-
fall 2020 to stop the spread of the because of their track record of previous court cases, as well as detrimental to all children.” Cau- information provided at the meet- ing how to proceed with school
coronavirus. Like school districts speaking and voting in favor of Virginia law — the attorney sys- dill responded in his motion that ing and the unsettled nature of the reopening, Caudell wrote.
nationwide, Fairfax — whose school closures, according to the tematically rebutted every allega- claim “cannot be factually sup- … pandemic,” he wrote, “consti- He concluded: “There is no
nearly 179,00 students make it group’s website. tion against Cohen put forward by ported and proven as to all chil- tuted a well-reasoned and legiti- competent evidence to prove that
Virginia’s largest system — offered Gardiner gave his dismissal in the parents group. dren.” mate exercise of discretion and the intent and preference data, or
online-only education for much of Cohen’s case Wednesday at the The coalition alleged that Co- The coalition alleged that Co- authority.” the majority vote of Fairfax par-
the first year of the pandemic, request of attorney David Michael hen voted to keep schools closed hen had violated the rights of Finally, the coalition alleged ents, were ignored.”
although it has operated entirely Caudill, who was acting as special in defiance of an assertion from a students with disabilities by vot- that Cohen violated the wishes of Overall, Caudell wrote, Gardin-
in-person so far this school year. prosecutor in the case because the Fairfax County Health Depart- ing in favor of closing schools at a majority of Fairfax parents in er should dismiss the case because
In his order Wednesday dis- court appointed him to the role. ment official at a July 21, 2020, the same July meeting “without voting for online-only learning. the coalition failed to prove Cohen
missing the petition against Co- Caudill had recommended dis- School Board meeting that in- making any dispensations for stu- The group cited a summer 2020 “neglected her duty, misused her
hen, Fairfax Circuit Court Judge missal in an eight-page court fil- person learning was safe. Caudill dents with special needs.” survey conducted by the school office, or was incompetent in the
Richard E. Gardiner wrote that ing shared with both Cohen and wrote that neither board docu- Caudill wrote that the allega- district that the coalition said con- performance of her duties as an
“the Petition is not based on facts the Open FCPS Coalition on ments nor meeting footage “show tion is “not factually supported cluded that more than half of par- elected member of the Fairfax
sufficient to show probable cause Wednesday. In the document — any such statement having been based on the presentations, dis- ents indicated they would prefer County School Board.”

Va. budget proposals di≠er on how far to go with tax cuts

BUDGET FROM B1 in office that drew court chal- have some ideas and we have investments in state services with the House going broad and $58.3 million, according to a
lenges. some ideas, and we’ll come to a with more limited tax cuts. the Senate saying it’s aiming budget comparison assembled
to about $5.3 billion. The Senate has already killed compromise,” he said. “I have not been hearing any relief at those who need it most. by the Commonwealth Institute,
The difference means the Sen- many of his legislative priorities, Howell expressed similar sen- requests [from constituents] for The Senate plan includes a fiscal policy center.
ate can afford to be more gener- including plans to create charter timents, noting that the House tax cuts, but I hear on a daily $420 million over the two years On the other hand, the House
ous with government programs schools, ban the teaching of and Senate members she expects basis the need for services for for a refundable Earned Income would set aside $150 million to
and employees, including raises “inherently divisive concepts” to be appointed as budget negoti- people with mental illness, for Tax Credit for low-income work- fund Youngkin’s initiative to cre-
for teachers and state employees. and tighten restrictions on vot- ators have worked well together. people with intellectual disabili- ing families. The House zeros ate lab schools — in which colleg-
But it also means House and ing. “One really good thing is, I ties, for our aging population, that out. es or universities partner with
Senate budget conferees will “Everything in this [budget] is think that the conferees on a and most particularly for our The House would eliminate K-12 schools — while the Senate
have some big issues to reconcile going to be a negotiation,” said personal basis get along and schoolchildren and college stu- the full 2.5 percent statewide included no money for that.
between now and March 12, Del. Barry D. Knight (R-Virginia we’re all pretty knowledgeable dents,” Howell said. “All of these sales tax on groceries and then The Senate budget retains the
when the legislative session is Beach), chairman of the House about the budgets and the issues are pent-up needs that we have allocate money to reimburse lo- $44.3 million that Northam had
slated to end. Appropriations Committee, ahead,” she said. “So I’m hoping not been able to do lately. And calities for the 1 percent portion proposed to expand access to
How it all shakes out will be a which assembled that chamber’s and expecting a reasonable com- now we have an opportunity to that was dedicated to them — at early-childhood education, which
test of just how much sway the budget plan. promise.” catch up.” a total cost of just over $1 billion. had been a priority for first lady
new governor, a political new- Knight said he has a good But Howell also highlighted At least one Republican on the The Senate would eliminate only Pamela Northam. But the House
comer who took office Jan. 15, relationship with his counter- what she said is a fundamental Senate Finance Committee the portion of the grocery tax version cuts that to $6 million,
has in a divided Capitol. Young- part in the Senate — Finance and contrast between the House and agrees with the cautious ap- levied by the state — 1.5 percent eliminating plans to serve more
kin has had one major win so far Appropriations Committee Senate approaches. Confronted proach on tax cuts. Sen. Emmett — at a cost of about $372 million. 3-year-olds, according to the
— making masks optional at Chair Janet D. Howell (D-Fair- with big state surpluses — esti- W. Hanger Jr. (R-Augusta), a With its richer pot of money, Commonwealth Institute.
schools statewide — but only fax) — and that he expects a mated at some $2.6 billion in the former co-chairman of the com- the Senate would fund 5 percent Senate Minority Leader
because three Senate Democrats cordial process. current budget and at least mittee, said he thinks the issue of pay raises for teachers and state Thomas K. Norment Jr. (R-James
pushed legislation on that front, “I just want what she wants, $3.5 billion for each of the next tax relief needs more review. employees plus one-time bonus- City), former co-chairman of the
supplanting an executive order which is a very fair budget for the two years — senators see a “I’m solidly behind pushing es of $1,000. The House would Finance Committee, said he had
Youngkin issued on his first day state of Virginia. I think they chance to make long-postponed for a comprehensive tax reform offer 4 percent raises and bonus- not yet studied the House budget
study, commission-type thing so es of 1 percent. but said he knows the two cham-
we can address that,” he said. bers have taken sharply different
Virginia’s budgeting process approaches to the two-year

got underway last fall when spending plan.
outgoing Gov. Ralph Northam “Everything in this The Senate budget, he said,
(D) drew up a two-year spending uses federal American Rescue
plan for Youngkin to inherit. The [budget] is going to Plan money and other unantici-

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General Assembly works from pated money to fund one-time
that plan, with each chamber be a negotiation.” projects and programs. “The
proposing its own amendments Del. Barry D. Knight (R), House is focusing more on some
and Youngkin weighing in with chairman of the House tax relief,” Norment said. “Just
his priorities. Appropriations Committee speaking broadly, conceptually,
Earlier this week, Youngkin those are very conflicting ap-
CARPET HARDWOOD LAMINATE VINYL TILE praised the House version and proaches.”
offered cautious encouragement “It’s sort of on-brand for Re-
to the Senate. The Senate would put publicans to try to pump up the
“It is clear we have a lot of $190 million into the Virginia tax cuts,” said Del. Marcus B.
work to do,” Youngkin said in a Housing Trust Fund to help qual- Simon (D-Fairfax). “We think
news release, in which he re- ifying residents afford housing; people want some tax relief but
newed his argument that “state the House would not. not at the expense of teachers and
government has been overtaxing Where the Senate would use classroom instruction, class size,
Virginians.” $1 billion to help fund the Vir- having school renovations done”
While the Senate “does not ginia Retirement System, the and other spending priorities.
Mention Promo Code “WAPO” To Save An Additional $100 include nearly enough tax relief,” House has earmarked $500 mil- Sen. David W. Marsden (D-
Youngkin said, there is room to lion. Fairfax) said the sizable differ-
CALL TODAY! find common ground. “The idea The Senate also set aside ences between the rival spending

we have to choose between tax $500 million to provide grants to plans could actually make nego-
relief and our shared priorities is schools around the state for tiations easier “because you’ve
a false choice,” he said. construction and renovation, got a lot of big things to negotiate
On Thursday, the House and while the House is proposing a as opposed to going through and
ME TO Y Senate will each vote on its $291 million loan rebate pro- sweeping out a whole bunch of
E preferred budget plan and send gram. little stuff.”

it to the opposite chamber. Then Similarly, the Senate wants to “Sometimes when our differ-
FREE they have until the session ends
on March 12 to reconcile differ-
spend $268.5 million to increase
the supplement the state pays to
ences are smaller, they become
more pronounced than when
ences. school systems with large popu- they’re larger,” he said. “There’s
IN-HOME The two chambers are coming lations of at-risk students, but just room to maneuver with the
ESTIMATES at tax cuts from different angles, the House would set aside two different budgets.”
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Stories of the past, rediscovered.

Victim’s family decries judge’s ruling on teen’s prosecution

JUVENILES FROM B1 how local judges had subsequent-
ly handled such requests. In most
“Protection of the public is the cases, the appeals court found,
ultimate goal of any program of the judges weighed two extremes:
controlling juvenile delinquency,” a child willing to better himself
that court wrote, adding that “the through juvenile system pro-
program which is most effective grams vs. “either the brutal na-
in treating, educating, and reha- ture of the crime already commit-
bilitating youthful offenders will ted or an inference drawn from it
be the most economical and will that the child will remain a dan-
best protect the public over the ger to public safety.”
years.” In too many cases, the judges
Wylie was originally charged as wrote, the allegations and public
an adult with one count of first- safety matters held too much
degree murder and three counts sway. The question shouldn’t be
of attempted first-degree murder, when the juvenile would be re-
all of which carry potential sen- leased, they added, it should be
tences of life in prison. His attor- how best to treat and rehabilitate
neys moved to transfer the case to them.
the juvenile system, setting off a “Is there a program that can
series of hearings before Lease provide immediate safety to the
over the past month. public and make recidivism less
Listening to each proceeding likely?” the court wrote. “If so,
was Ana Martinez, the mother of absent some other circumstance,
two of the basketball court shoot- the child should be transferred to
ing victims. Her son Axel Trejos, or remain in the juvenile system.”
20, was hit multiple times and Under that controlling opin-
died, and his 16-year-old brother ion, Wylie’s attorneys made their
survived gunshot wounds to his case to Lease.
leg and arm. The younger brother Throughout his life, Wylie’s at-
was shot first, Martinez said, be- torneys said, he had yearned to
fore Axel ran to protect him and better himself when forces
was struck by gunfire. weighed down on him.
“It was a massacre shooting,” “Shilen was saying, ‘Help me,
she wrote in a letter to the judge, someone please help me,’ ” Shelly
asking that Wylie remain in the Brown told the judge. “And what
adult system. “This crime has did he get from the school sys-
affected our whole family in every tem? He got suspended. When he
way possible; physically, emo- told his mother, ‘Help me,’ she
tionally, mentally. … Our life MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST kicked him out of the house.”
changed in the blink of an eye.” Axel Trejos was fatally shot in August on this basketball court outside Plum Gar Community Recreation Center in Germantown. Brown added that under the
The day after Lease issued his Davis opinion, a defendant need
decision, Martinez said that Wylie cerned about what they see as a the young people fail to get the full hearing to see if that’s the best had been arguing with a different only show that a juvenile facility
being locked up for as few as nine surge in minors committing vio- rehabilitation that many victims course. teenager over the phone and by would protect public safety “now,”
months was inadequate. lent crimes — particularly car- hope for.” Local prosecutors such as Scott text, according to prosecutors. not at any date in the future.
“Are you kidding me? You’re jackings — who advocate longer A spokesman for Maryland’s Shellenberger, the state’s attorney The pair found that 16-year- Prosecutors countered that
telling me you can take someone’s confinements as a deterrent. On Department of Juvenile Services, for Baltimore County, are urging old, along with his siblings and Wylie really wasn’t amenable to
life, and you’re going to be a the other are those who say that which oversees youth detention caution. friends, on the rec center’s out- treatment, saying 20 months of
different person in nine months?” such thinking is outdated, ig- programs, said juveniles stay “I think there’s going to be a door basketball courts, authori- therapy prior to the shootings
she said. “That’s going to send the nores longer-term trends of fall- an average of six to 12 months. robust debate on where we draw ties say. Wylie’s friend and the hadn’t made him think it was a
wrong message to kids, that they ing juvenile crime and ultimately The programs’ success is mea- lines,” he said, noting that in a 16-year-old allegedly squared off bad idea. Given the typically short
can go kill someone and not be makes society less safe. sured by achieving “treatment- case such as Wylie’s, the absolute in a fistfight, which lasted only a confinements in the juvenile sys-
punished.” In the Wylie case, if the juvenile based goals,” the spokesman said, limit of his confinement stops few moments. Wylie then alleged- tem, they added, how could that
Two Montgomery County de- court finds him responsible for compared with an adult system when he turns 21 and probably ly pulled out a gun he had tucked have any greater effect?
fense attorneys not involved in the shootings, he probably would that has a greater focus on time will be far less. in his waistband. “Frankly, it should be appalling
the proceedings — each of them be sent to a program at a secure served. “The juvenile system is focused “He carried it easily. He pulled to everyone that for these four
former prosecutors — saw both juvenile facility. But since youths on correcting whatever went it easily. He shot four people easi- crimes — carrying potential life
sides. can complete such programs wrong with a person,” he said, ly,” Montgomery County Assis- sentences — that six to nine
“Tough case,” said Jessica within nine months, Wylie could “but I’m not convinced they can tant State’s Attorney Donna Fen- months of placement in a secure
Zarrella. “Do you protect every- then be released into the commu- “The child does worse restore them in that amount of ton said. facility is an appropriate deter-
one else by throwing him away? nity on supervised probation, ac- time.” Arriving officers broadcast a rent to prevent future behavior,”
At the same time, it’s hard to give cording to Zmuda, Zarrella and in the adult system . . . description of the suspect over said Fenton, the prosecutor.
up on a 14-year-old, even when hearing testimony. A judge could Ghost gun on basketball court police radio, which led to the Lease spent 30 minutes last
they’re accused of doing some- impose tight supervision require- and the young people Shilen Wylie was born on Nov. arrest of Wylie, who was found Thursday going through his rul-
thing like this. Do you say there’s a ments, which if violated could get 3, 2006, and grew up in the Wash- nearby walking away from the ing.
good person in there somewhere, him sent back to a secure juvenile fail to get the ington area subjected to abuse, scene and still armed with the He said that given the allega-
there’s a good kid in there some- facility. “A judge could keep him trauma and limited role models, gun, according to police and pros- tions against Wylie, he currently
where?” on a very tight leash,” Zarrella rehabilitation that his attorneys asserted at the re- ecutors. posed a risk to public safety.
Paul Zmuda said Wylie’s case said. cent court hearings. He held only “The nature of the offenses in
prior to the new Maryland Court Maryland has long been one of many victims hope for.” borderline intellectual function- New juvenile case law in Md. this case can be described simply
of Appeals opinion — known in the most active states in mandat- Marcy Mistrett, director of youth ing, according to witness testimo- A month before the shootings, as shocking and appalling,” he
courthouses around the state as ing that youths arrested for cer- justice for the Sentencing Project ny, but he earned good grades in the Maryland Court of Appeals said. “It does not get much more
“Davis” — would have been likely tain crimes at least start off in school. issued its opinion in the case of serious than what happened in
to remain in adult court. Given adult court. That covers 33 offens- At age 10, he got into a fight on Howard Jimmy Davis. this case.”
the opinion’s emphasis on reha- es, including anyone 14 or older a school bus but the matter was He had been 16 years old in But under the Davis opinion,
bilitation, specifically termed charged with murder and anyone The trend nationwide is to pre- resolved with no detention and 2017, court records show, when he Lease said, he could no longer
“amenability to treatment,” Zmu- 16 or older charged with robbery vent cases involving juveniles would represent his only expo- was part of an armed home inva- view those factors independently,
da predicts that fewer juveniles with a dangerous weapon, ac- from starting automatically in sure to the justice system, accord- sion in Baltimore County. After he and must view them in the larger
will be tried in the adult system. cording to Marcy Mistrett, direc- adult court. Some 26 states, Mis- ing to his attorneys. By the sum- was arrested and charged as an context of rehabilitation.
“Davis is huge,” he said. tor of youth justice for the Sen- trett said, have done so. mer of 2021, living in Silver adult, a judge denied efforts to “This is a remarkable holding
tencing Project, a nationwide or- Many Maryland officials want Spring, he had recently complet- move the case to the juvenile by the Court of Appeals, and it is a
Treating kids like adults? ganization that advocates re- their state to join them. Current ed the eighth grade. system. The Court of Appeals had far cry from how the courts of
Lease’s ruling comes amid duced incarceration rates overall. legislation in Annapolis would The night of Aug. 18, police say, to decide whether that decision Maryland have applied [case law]
heightened attention in Mary- “Treating kids like adults is scale back automatic adult court Wylie traveled by Metro train and was correct. over the years,” Lease said. “The
land and nationwide to juvenile worse for everyone,” she said. charges. Cases could still be sent bus to the Plum Gar Community The judges went back to 1943, only real factor which is now
crime and how to address it. “The child does worse in the adult to the adult system, Mistrett said, Recreation Center in German- when juvenile courts formally determinative is amenability to
On one side are those con- system, public safety suffers, and but only after a judge conducts a town. With him was a friend who came to Maryland, and studied treatment.”

Maryland is poised to allow people convicted of felonies to serve on juries

JURY DUTY FROM B1 Mitchell was one of nearly 200 percent of the prison population ment that would continue to bar
older people released from prison in 2018 was Black, compared with anyone who has been convicted
viction, according to a 2021 re- after a 2012 landmark decision by 31 percent of the state population. of fraud, including elder abuse,
port by the Prison Policy Initia- Maryland’s highest court deter- Sen. Jill P. Carter (D-Baltimore perjury, witness intimidation and
tive, a research and criminal jus- mined that juries before the City), who sponsored the Senate jury tampering from jury service.
tice advocacy group. 1980s were regularly given bad version of the bill, said the meas- “We should keep those kind of
Criminal justice experts say instructions, resulting in unfair ure serves two purposes: to en- people off of juries,” he said.
Maryland’s current law is one of trials. sure that Black defendants “have Carter argued that it was a
the most restrictive in the coun- “We’re not talking about a child a jury of their peers” and to “slippery slope” to exclude people
try because it not only excludes molester working with kids, we’re re-enfranchise people who have who committed certain crimes
people who have been convicted talking about jury duty,” Mitchell paid their debt to society. and that it was not the legisla-
of felonies but also those who said. “What threat does that pose The legislation is the latest ture’s role to decide who would be
have been convicted of some mis- to anyone?” effort in Maryland in recent years fair on a jury. While the bill would
demeanors as well. to level the criminal justice play- allow all felons to be eligible, she
Under the law, a person is ing field and help ex-offenders said, the legislation would not
barred from jury service if they become full members of society. necessarily mean they would be
have been convicted of a crime “We’re not talking In 2018, state lawmakers over- accepted by attorneys during the
that carries a sentence of more turned Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of jury selection process.
than a year and the person has about a child molester a bill that prohibits public and The Senate ultimately re-
served a year in jail. A person who private colleges and universities moved an exclusion of those con-
has a pending charge for a crime working with kids, from including questions about BRIAN WITTE/ASSOCIATED PRESS
victed of perjury and fraud and
that carries a sentence of more criminal history on student appli- approved an amendment that
than a year is also prohibited we’re talking about cations. Two years ago, the Demo-
Sen. Jill P. Carter (D-Baltimore City) said the legislative effort aims
to ensure that Black defendants “have a jury of their peers” and to would eliminate anyone who is
from serving. An ex-offender can cratic-controlled legislature ap- convicted of witness intimidation
only regain the ability to serve on jury duty.” proved an override of another
re-enfranchise people who have paid their debt to society.
and jury tampering from serving
a jury if they receive a pardon. Stanley Mitchell, who was released ban-the-box measure, one that carcerated at times say ‘don’t say jury trials. He noted that, unlike on a panel.
According to a recent report by from prison in 2012 bars employers from asking pro- that I’m a returning citizen be- other previous bill hearings on The House and Senate bills
Maryland legislative analysts, spective employees about their cause you’re not giving me the ban-the-box legislation and vot- were identical before the amend-
Pennsylvania and South Carolina, criminal history on a job applica- rights of citizenship.’” ing rights, there were no felons ment added on the Senate floor. If
similar to Maryland, determine tion. The only person to testify testifying for the bill. the House committee does not
eligibility for juror service based Mitchell walked out of Jessup Naila S. Awan, the director of against the bill was Caroline During Senate floor debate, adjust Fisher’s bill, the two cham-
on the length of a sentence some- prison nine years ago with $18 advocacy for the Prison Policy County State’s Attorney Joseph Republicans argued that there bers would have to reconcile the
one receives and whether the and a 30-day supply of high blood Initiative, said efforts to restore Riley, who spoke on behalf of the should be some exceptions on differences between the two bills
offense is a felony or misdemean- pressure pills in his pocket. He’s jury service have been discussed Maryland State’s Attorneys Asso- who can serve. Last year the bill before session ends.
or. There are only three states, rebuilt his life, and, as a result of more frequently in state legisla- ciation. was amended to ensure that any- Mitchell said he wants to see
Illinois, Iowa and Maine, that do the 2015 voting bill, he cast his tures, particularly in those that “Issues of re-enfranchisement one who has a pending charge is the bill become law not just be-
not automatically disqualify ju- first ballot in 2018. have, like Maryland, restored vot- and civic engagement are incred- still ineligible. Fisher and Carter cause it will benefit him personal-
rors based on a prior felony con- Keith Wallington at the Justice ing rights to felons. ibly important and they are some- kept that provision in the new ly but “it would benefit the jury
viction. Policy Institute said many for- “It’s just part of what people thing that we support; however, proposal. system because then you would
“If a guy came out and he’s off merly incarcerated people feel view as the basic tenets of what they are not what this bill is Minority Whip Justin D. Ready have people that really had life
parole, he’s off probation, he’s like “they have one foot in soci- citizenship means in this country about,” he told lawmakers, argu- (R-Carroll) said anyone who has experiences of the people just
working paying taxes, he should ety” when their voting and jury and what it means to be a mem- ing that the measure was largely been convicted of deceiving a sitting there on trial. Most of the
have the same rights as everybody service rights are not returned. ber of society,” Awan said. “I’ve an effort by defense attorneys to court should be excluded from other people just know about
else,” said Stanley Mitchell, 73. In Maryland, more than 70 heard folks who are formerly in- gain an advantage in criminal serving. He offered an amend- court from what they see on TV.”

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Screaming Trees frontman-writer was a grunge pioneer

BY H ARRISON S MITH born in Ellensburg, Wash., on
Nov. 25, 1964. His parents were
Mark Lanegan, the gravel- schoolteachers who divorced
voiced singer-songwriter who when he was young — as he told
helped pioneer grunge music it, his mother was abusive, his
with his rock band Screaming father neglectful — and by age 12
Trees, then launched a career as a Mr. Lanegan had become what he
bluesy, introspective solo artist later described as a “compulsive
while collaborating with groups gambler, a fledgling alcoholic, a
including Queens of the Stone thief, a porno fiend.” He left high
Age, died Feb. 22 at his home in school with a rap sheet that in-
Killarney, Ireland. He was 57. cluded shoplifting, drug posses-
His death was announced in a sion and insurance fraud.
statement on his Twitter account, Mr. Lanegan was a teenager
which did not cite a cause. Mr. when he met brothers Van and
Lanegan had been hospitalized Gary Lee Conner, who played
for covid-19 last year and spent bass and guitar and shared his
weeks in a medically induced love of punk and garage rock.
coma, an experience he chroni- They formed Screaming Trees in
cled in a memoir, “Devil in a the mid-1980s and, with the addi-
Coma,” published in December. tion of drummer Mark Pickerel,
As the lead singer of Screaming released their first studio album,
Trees, Mr. Lanegan was an archi- “Clairvoyance,” in 1986.
tect of the high-octane, Seattle- “The band was sick, violent,
based grunge scene, which depressing, destructive, and dan-
reached a national audience in gerous,” Mr. Lanegan wrote in his
the late 1980s and ’90s with the memoir, adding that it was also
rise of bands including Nirvana, “my ticket out of my go-nowhere
Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and life in my hometown.”
Soundgarden. His own group His marriage to musician Wen-
never reached those commercial dy Rae Fowler ended in divorce.
heights but scored an MTV and Survivors include his wife, singer
alternative radio hit with its 1992 Shelley Brien, with whom he
single “Nearly Lost You,” which moved from Los Angeles to Ire-
was featured on the soundtrack of land in 2020.
Cameron Crowe’s Gen-X roman- As a solo artist, Mr. Lanegan
tic comedy “Singles.” veered from acoustic dirges on
Honing a hard-edged sound his early albums to a rock-orient-
that mixed psychedelia, punk and ed sound on “Bubblegum” (2004),
rootsy rock, Screaming Trees JOSE COELHO/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK which featured contributors such
made seven albums before break- Mark Lanegan performs with Portuguese band Dead Combo at a 2018 music festival in Paredes de Coura, Portugal. In addition to his early as English singer PJ Harvey, and
ing up in 2000, following years of work with Screaming Trees, Mr. Lanegan released a dozen solo albums and collaborated with the rock band Queens of the Stone Age. to a more polished electronic
drug- and alcohol-fueled acrimo- sound on “Phantom Radio”
ny between Mr. Lanegan and his new musical territory, collaborat- habit. Layne Staley, the lead singer of (2014). He started to hit his stride
bandmates. ing with artists including Velvet Mr. Lanegan said he used torn Alice in Chains, to a drug over- musically after getting out of
By then, Mr. Lanegan had also Underground co-founder John “I wish I could say I’m a tube socks to cover track marks dose in 2002.) rehab, when he began working
established himself as a brood- Cale, singer-songwriter Neko on his forearms, and was hospi- Mr. Lanegan said his own life with Queens of the Stone Age and
ing, darkly poetic solo artist, part- Case and the electronic music perfect example of talized during a 1992 tour with an was saved in large part because of released his album “Field Songs”
nering with producer and musi- pioneer Moby. arm that was infected so badly singer-songwriter Courtney Love, (2001).
cian Mike Johnson to record al- He joined Queens of the Stone transformation, and that doctors considered amputat- Cobain’s widow, who helped pay “That’s when I started to feel
bums such as “The Winding Age as a guest singer for several ing it. “I almost did (die) many for him to go to a drug rehab like I knew what I was doing
Sheet” (1990), which former Nir- records; partnered with Greg transcendence, but … times,” he once told the Seattle program in the late 1990s at a finally with my voice. I knew what
vana drummer Dave Grohl called Dulli, the frontman of the Afghan Times. “And tons of my friends time when Mr. Lanegan was to say, and I didn’t have to think
“one of the best albums of all Whigs, to form a duo called the I’m still a deeply flawed did. But, when you’re in the midst homeless. In its wake, he refo- too much about it,” he told the Los
time,” citing it as a key influence Gutter Twins; recorded with the of what is ultimately just a horri- cused his attention on music and Angeles Times.
on Nirvana’s celebrated “MTV rock supergroup Mad Season; person. The difference ble nightmarish existence, the said he sought to move on by “It was no longer a struggle,” he
Unplugged” performance. and made three well-received al- last thing you want to believe is distancing himself “from the added. “It was, in fact, a joy. A
Reviewing Mr. Lanegan’s sec- bums with former Belle and Se- is, I’m aware of it.” that you might not get through whole Seattle thing,” carving out pain turned into something that I
ond solo album, “Whiskey for the bastian singer Isobel Campbell, Mark Lanegan, speaking to the it.” a career separate from his place looked to as a form of therapy. I
Holy Ghost” (1994), All Music whose airy vocals were a warm Guardian newspaper in 2020 As he told it, he helped save his in the development of grunge. found that if I started playing
journalist Mark Deming wrote counterpoint to his own booming friend Kurt Cobain from at least “I wish I could say I’m a perfect guitar, the rest of the world just
that “Lanegan’s voice, bathed in baritone. one overdose but never picked up example of transformation, and sort of melted away. When that
bourbon and nicotine, trans- For much of his career, he also the phone when the Nirvana transcendence, but I’m basically happened, then I knew it was
forms the deep sorrow of the battled addictions to alcohol, gan provided “one of the most frontman kept calling on the day still a guy who considers himself a something I was going to stick
country blues (a clear inspiration drugs and sex, which he recount- compelling accounts of squalor he died by suicide in 1994. “I breakfast cook who’s been sing- with. That was a good 15 years
for this music) into something ed in a harrowing 2020 memoir, and misery ever committed to considered him a cherished little ing for a while,” he told the into making records. I have a high
new, compelling, and entirely his “Sing Backwards and Weep.” Re- paper,” detailing his turn from brother,” Mr. Lanegan said. Guardian in 2020. “I’m still a tolerance for pain.”
own.” viewing the book for Britain’s alcohol to heroin to crack co- “That’s a guilt I’ll always have.” deeply flawed person. The differ-
Mr. Lanegan released a dozen New Statesman magazine, author caine, and the ways he would beg, (He later mourned the loss of his ence is, I’m aware of it.” Jennifer Hassan contributed to this
solo albums while venturing into John Niven wrote that Mr. Lane- borrow and steal to fund his close friend and collaborator Mark William Lanegan was report.


Political analyst drove left-leaning commentary on Fox News’s ‘The Five’

BY M ATT S CHUDEL his home state of Minnesota. er wrote in his memoir, he was
“I decided I didn’t want to do drinking heavily at a seedy bar in
Bob Beckel, who managed the any more campaigns,” Mr. Beckel Maryland. After he made a pass at
1984 presidential campaign of told The Washington Post in 1991. a married woman, her jealous
Democrat Walter Mondale and “When you manage the largest husband appeared with a hand-
later became a fixture on televi- loss in American politics, nobody gun, pointed it at Mr. Beckel’s face
sion as a political analyst, includ- is particularly asking you, either.” and pulled the trigger. The gun
ing as a co-host of the Fox News He established a consulting misfired.
panel show “The Five,” died Feb. firm and advised major organiza- Afterward, Mr. Beckel was hos-
20 at his home in Silver Spring, tions on media strategies. He also pitalized in a psychiatric ward,
Md. He was 73. began a second career as a politi- sought treatment for addiction
The death was confirmed by his cal commentator, and by the early and said he became a born-again
daughter, MacKenzie Beckel, who 1990s, Mr. Beckel was often seen Christian.
did not specify a cause. on ABC’s “Good Morning Ameri- He later expressed remorse for
ca,” Fox’s “Off the Record” and his role in promoting political di-
CNN’s “Crossfire.” He also had a vision in the country and in 2007
long-running point-counterpoint published a book written with
“Only in America column in USA Today with con- Thomas, “Common Ground: How
servative writer Cal Thomas. to Stop the Partisan War That Is
can a guy manage a “Only in America,” Mr. Beckel Destroying America.”
said in 1988, “can a guy manage a “I was one of those people add-
campaign that loses campaign that loses 49 states in ing fuel to this partisan fire,” Mr.
one election season and then be Beckel said.
49 states in one election on television analyzing the next His marriage to Leland Ingham
one.” ended in divorce. Survivors in-
season and then be on Often wearing bright-colored clude two children, MacKenzie
suspenders, the gravel-voiced Mr. Beckel of New York and Robert
television analyzing Beckel was an almost daily pres- Alexander Beckel of Silver Spring;
ence on Fox programs, as one of a sister; and a brother.
the next one.” the few left-leaning commenta- NOAM GALAI/GETTY IMAGES Mr. Beckel’s bare-knuckled ap-
Bob Beckel tors on the conservative cable net- Bob Beckel on Fox News’s “The Five” in February 2014. Often wearing bright-colored suspenders, Mr. proach to politics didn’t always
work. Beckel was one of the few left-leaning commentators on the conservative cable network. end on Election Day. In 2007,
In 2011, he was named a co-host while sitting in his car in a parking
Mr. Beckel’s career in politics of “The Five,” a popular roundta- Early in his tenure on “The Mr. Beckel told a St. Louis radio graduating in 1970. He served in lot in Bethesda, Md., he noticed
began in 1968 during Robert F. ble discussion program that in- Five,” Mr. Beckel mentioned he talk show in 2019 that the incident the Peace Corps in the Philippines two construction workers com-
Kennedy’s run for the Democratic cluded, at different times, Dana was a recovering addict who had “didn’t happen” and that his sec- in 1971 and 1972, then became menting on his bumper stickers
presidential nomination. Sixteen Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Kimberly struggled with alcohol and co- ond firing from Fox had been active in Democratic political disparaging Bush and Republi-
years later, as Mondale’s cam- Guilfoyle and Jesse Watters. He caine. In 2015, he took a leave from “completely set up by someone.” campaigns. He joined the State cans.
paign manager, he helped the for- was often the lone liberal voice on the show for back surgery, then “This was not about a racist Department in 1977 and, as a liai- “Boys, get away from the bum-
mer vice president secure the par- the panel. sought treatment for dependence comment,” he said. “This was be- son with Congress, participated in per stickers,” Mr. Beckel said, get-
ty’s nomination after overcoming Mr. Beckel supported the pol- on painkillers. During his ab- cause I was the loudest voice on President Jimmy Carter’s effort to ting out of his car, as he later told
an early loss to Sen. Gary Hart icies of President Barack Obama, sence, he was fired by Fox. that network against Donald win passage of the Panama Canal The Post.
(Colo.) in the New Hampshire pri- but he also courted controversy “We tried to work with Bob for Trump.” Treaty. He was in charge of Cart- “You got no respect for the pres-
mary. with some of his statements about months, but we couldn’t hold ‘The Robert Gilliland Beckel was er’s 1980 Texas reelection opera- idency,” one of the workers said.
Mr. Beckel was widely credited Muslims and changing social mo- Five’ hostage to one man’s person- born Nov. 15, 1948, in New York tion against Reagan. “I certainly do,” Mr. Beckel re-
with borrowing a line from a then- res. He called WikiLeaks founder al issues,” Bill Shine, who was City and grew up in Lyme, Conn. In 2000, Mr. Beckel publicly sponded. “It’s this president that I
popular Wendy’s hamburger com- Julian Assange “a traitor,” adding, executive vice president of pro- His father was a high school and called on electors in Florida to have very little respect for.”
mercial — “Where’s the beef?” — “I’m not for the death penalty, so … gramming, said at the time in a college teacher and civil rights overturn George W. Bush’s slim A fistfight ensued, with the 6-
which Mondale used to criticize there’s only one way to do it: ille- statement. advocate. His mother had been a victory in the state over Demo- foot-1, 235-pound Mr. Beckel end-
Hart during a debate. Hart’s cam- gally shoot” him. In January 2017, Mr. Beckel was model. Both parents were alcohol- cratic candidate Al Gore. Gore re- ing up with a black eye while
paign soon imploded, and Mon- After Islamic extremists killed reinstated as a co-host of “The ics, Mr. Beckel wrote in a 2015 jected such a move, and Mr. Beck- knocking one of the men to the
dale went on to face incumbent 12 people at the office of the Five,” only to be dismissed four memoir, “I Should Be Dead: My el’s business partners split with pavement.
Ronald Reagan in the general French satirical journal Charlie months later for allegedly making Life Surviving Politics, TV, and him over the plan, leading to the “I’m sort of asking for trouble,”
election. In one of the most lopsid- Hebdo, Mr. Beckel declared, “I am a racially insensitive remark to a Addiction.” breakup of his consulting firm. Mr. Beckel said of his bumper
ed presidential elections in his- an Islamophobe. That’s right — Black technology worker at Fox Mr. Beckel played football at The night before Bush was in- stickers. But “they’ll stay exactly
tory, Mondale won only D.C. and you can call me that all you want.” News. Wagner College on Staten Island, augurated in 2001, Mr. Beckel lat- where they are — proudly.”

G. EDWARD VIA (Age 85)
On February 22, 2022, George“Eddie” Via,
of Elkridge, MD, formerly of Ellicott City,
MD. Survived by devoted partner Eileen
Emrich. Beloved son of the late George
Archer and Thelma Mae Via; loving father
of Timothy Via, Michael Via and his wife
Vicki, Dennis Via and his wife Patricia,
Christopher Via and his wife Jamie, and
Kimberly Meier and her husband Chuck;
and sister, Diane Murphy; grandfather of
eight (soon to be nine) grandchildren and
a niece and nephew. Family will receive
friends on Wednesday, 10 a.m. at the Don-
aldson’s Clarksville Funeral Home with a
funeral at 11 a.m. Interment will be in
the Crest Lawn Memorial Gardens, 2150
Mt View Rd, Marriottsville, MD. In lieu of
flowers, contributions may be made to
EDWIN PETER EARNEST "Peter" Ruckersville Baptist Church, 6 Moore Dr.,
BETTY N. TOEPFER Edwin “Peter” Earnest passed away peace- CHARLES FORD (Age 78) Ruckersville, VA. THOMAS S. WILLIAMSON, JR. MILDRED SPECTOR "Milly"
July 25, 1948 - February 24, 2021 fully on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2022, surrounded Charles Ford, of Silver Spring, MD passed July 14, 1946 - February 24, 2017 Mildred “Milly” Spector, of Silver Spring, Mary-
We remember your compassion, wit, intelli- by his family. on Saturday, February 5, 2022. He was the Celebrating a loving husband, father, son, land, passed away on February 17, 2022,
gence, passion for books, movies and Justice.
You are forever missed.
Love Marcia, Jesse, Denise, Olivia,
He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, child
of E. Burchette Earnest and Emily Keating,
10th of eleven children of the late William
and Lula Ford. He is survived by his wife WILLIAMS brother, uncle, friend, colleague and mentor.
Your legacy as a dedicated and skilled advocate
for social justice, your generosity of spirit,
surrounded by family in her home at Riderwood
Village. She was 86.
who met and married in England when Rosie; granddaughter Janine James; two
Emma, Roz and Richie Burchette was serving as U.S. Vice Consul. brothers, William Ford and Billy Roland integrity, kindness, wit and wise counsel con- Born in Brooklyn, New York, on November 5,
Peter attended Georgetown Preparatory Ford (Verlie); three sisters, Onita Alexander, tinue to enrich, inspire and inform us. Yours 1935, the daughter of Misha and Manya Savel,
School and Georgetown University. Upon Louise F. Calloway (Curtis), and Annie Haw- was a life well lived and well loved. Your Milly spoke Yiddish and English and was the
graduation, he enlisted in the Marines Corp thorne; and a host of relatives and friends. memory is definitely a blessing! oldest of three children.
and completed a tour in Japan. In 1957, He was predeceased by his daughter Ta- Shelley, Tommy, Chris and Taylor
DEATH NOTICE he was hired by the Central Intelligence laya Ford James and his siblings Elbert Milly was very intelligent, generous, outspoken
Agency. His assignments included: 25 years Ford, Elizabeth Ford Harrison, Isaac Ford, DEATH NOTICE and deeply admired by all who knew her.
She studied gerontology and administration at
CLASBY in the Clandestine Service at Langley and and Jessica Ford. A celebration of life will
be held on Friday, February 25, 2022 at University of Maryland, College Park, at the
abroad; the Inspector General’s Office; chief
liaison officer to the U.S. Senate; director
of media relations; and agency spokesman
First Baptist Church, 712 Randolph St. NW,
Washington, DC 20011. Visitation at 10 am
BECKEL age of 44. Milly used her education as the
basis for starting her own company, Senior
GABRIELLE LANDRIGAN CLASBY before retirement in 1994. He is the recipi- followed by Service at 11 am. Interment at Solutions, in 1991. Milly spent decades as the
(Age 82) ent of the CIA’s Intelligence Medal of Merit Quantico National Cemetery, Triangle, VA owner of Senior Solutions, managing estates
Gabrielle Patience (Landrigan) Clasby, 82, and the Career Intelligence Medal. on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. and tending to elderly people who were ill
passed away on February 20th, 2022 sur- In 2002, Peter became the founding Execu- and/or in need of assistance.
rounded by her loving children. Gay was tive Director of the International Spy Muse-
the daughter of the late James Landrigan um where he continued to focus on edu- Milly was a proud member of the Parents,
Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
and the late Alberta O’Connor, and sister
to the late Connie Sullivan. Gay lived in:
Cranston, Rhode Island; Avon, Massachu-
cating the public on the importance of
intelligence. He retired in 2017 but contin- KOLTHOFF (PFLAG) advocacy group. At Riderwood, the
place she called home for more than 20 years,
ued to serve on the Board of Directors.
setts; McLean, Virginia; and most recently, Peter is survived by his wife, Karen, his CLAUDE T. KOLTHOFF "Joseph" Milly loved to socialize and play board games
Gainesville, Virginia. Gay spent many won- daughters, Nancy Cintorino, Sheila Gorman, A long-time resident of the Washington, DC ERMA WILLIAMS “Chuckie” (Age 72) with her many friends, and taught a Yiddish
derful summers at the beach in Matunuck Patricia Earnest, and Carol Earnest, six area died peacefully on February 14, 2022 at Erma “Chuckie” Williams, 72, of Washing- class for several years.
and Green Hill, Rhode Island. Gay was mar- grandchildren, and eight great-grandchil- Medstar Montgomery Hospital at the age of 85. ton, DC passed away at the Washington
ried to the late John Clasby, and is survived dren. He loved his family, had an unquench- His memory will be cherished by family and Hospital Center on February 12, 2022. She Milly is survived by her three children, Jordan
by their three children, Jenny McClennan able zest for life, and was passionate about friends; burial service on Friday, February 25 at is survived by her son Joseph Williams Spector, Lori Crum and Steven Spector; her
of Arlington, Virginia, Sue Clasby of Mc- what he did. A true patriot and an eloquent 1 p.m. at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. (Sheree), sisters Eve M. Dickey, and Bren- four grandchildren Hillary and Jesse Crum,
Lean, Virginia, John Clasby Jr. of Louisville, speaker, he was proud to speak about the da M. Moon, grandchildren Joseph, Jayla, and Chelsea and Candice Spector. Milly was
Colorado, and their respective spouses, honorable work of intelligence. and Kyree. Funeral services will be held on preceded in death by her sister Marilyn, her
brother Harvey, her husband Lewis Grotke, and
William McClennan III, Edward Buzzi III, and
Suzy Tegen. She was known as “Nanny” to
her seven grandchildren: William, Abigail,
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made
to the CIA Memorial Foundation or the SMOTHERS Monday, February 28, 2022, at the Chapel
of McGuire Funeral Home. Visitation will be
held from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. with services
her first husband Jerry Spector.
International Spy Museum’s Mission:
and James McClennan; Landrigan and Ve- Resilience. Interment will be held at a later THERESA M. SMOTHERS beginning at 11 a.m. The interment will be ROBERT GILLILAND BECKEL Milly was laid to rest on Sunday, February 20,
ronica Buzzi; and Amelia and Kate Clasby. private. alongside her relatives on their family burial
date at Arlington National Cemetery. "Mickie" / "Tee" (Age 73) plot at Beth Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge
For the full obituary, please visit https:// On Monday, February 14, 2022, the beloved Calling hours will Passed away on February 20, 2022. Memorial Township, New Jersey.
mother of Anthony "Bird", Alicia "Gloria" services will be Tuesday, March 8, 11 a.m. to 12
be Friday, February 25 at Murphy Funeral (Pierre) and Darrin. She also leaves six grand- p.m. at Fourth Presbyterian Memorial Church, In Milly’s memory and in lieu of flowers, dona-
Home, 4510 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Virgin-
ia, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. A Mass
children; five great-grandchildren; siblings, Eliz-
abeth, Denise, Derek, Darryl, Keith, Kevin,
IN MEMORIAM 5500 River Rd., Bethesda, MD 20816. Please
view and sign the family guestbook at
tions may be sent to any of the following
to celebrate her life will be held Saturday, charities about which Milly was passionate:
Deirdre and Kirk; her longtime friend, Charles
February 26 at 10:30 a.m. at St. Luke Cath-
olic Church,7001 Georgetown Pike, Mc-
Young; as well as a host of nieces, nephews, RAO The Chesapeake Bay Foundation; PFLAG at; and

Lean, Virginia.
other relatives and friends. Preceded in death
by parents Jeanette and Thomas Washington; COSTINO Planned Parenthood at www.plannedparent-
and siblings, Joyce, Gwendolyn, and Robert.
Family will receive friends on Friday, February
EISENSTADT 24 from 9 a.m. until Mass of Christian Burial 11
a.m. at Holy Comforter - St. Cyprian Catholic
Church, 1357 East Capitol St. SE. Interment
SELMA K. EISENSTADT (Age 104) Private. Services entrusted to Ralph Williams II
On Tuesday, February 22, 2022, Funeral Service. DEATH NOTICES
SELMA K. EISENSTADT of Silver MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Spring, MD. Beloved wife of the SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
late Naum P. Eisenstadt. Devot- To place a notice, call:
ed mother of Gregory (Donna) 202-334-4122
and Linda Eisenstadt. Dear
grandmother of Jennifer (Eric) Sender and 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
David (Dr. Rachel) Pritzker. Great-grand- FAX:
mother of Gavin, Noah, and Eliana Send- EMAIL:
er and Ian and Alexandra Pritzker. She is
also survived by many loving relatives and
friends. Graveside funeral services will Email and faxes MUST include
be held on Friday, February 25, 2022, 11 name, home address & home phone #
a.m. at King David Memorial Garden, Falls of the responsible billing party.
Church, VA. Memorial contributions may Dr. PRAMILA RAO "Puppy" Fax & email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
be made to Hadassah, Phone-In deadline
or to the charity of your choice. Arrange-
12/10/1960 – 02/24/2017 4 p.m. M-F
We love you MommyDa MARALEE ANN COSTINO 3 p.m. Sa-Su
ments entrusted to TORCHINSKY HEBREW Maralee Ann Costino was a loving mother,
And miss you every day!
DEATH NOTICE FUNERAL HOME, 202-541-1001. grandmother, sister and friend to many. She CURRENT 2018 RATES:
DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE passed suddenly but peacefully of a stroke on
January 26, 2022, just a few days after her 88th

BARRETT birthday in Pompano Beach, FL. MONDAY-SATURDAY

MOSKOWITZ She was the eldest daughter of four children
born to Irma and Albert Whisenand in 1934
in Indianapolis, Indiana. After high school, she
Black & White
1" - $150 (text only)
1969-1972 Commander, 116th MI 2" - $340 (text only)
Group/Director of Operations, USAFAC, FAYE MOSKOWITZ worked for Federal Bureau of Investigation 3" - $490
Washington, DC Faye Stollman Moskowitz, not- five-week stint writing the beloved “Hers” (FBI) for a year and then went on to Purdue 4" - $535
1972-1973 Student, State Department, For- University where she met her husband, Michel 5" - $678
ed author, teacher and com- Column in the New York Times, which led ------
eign Service Language Institute, for Turkish mentator and inspiration to the to the publication of her first book, “A Leak Costino. Married to an Army officer and pilot
1973-1976 US Army Attaché/Defense for 25+ years - they traveled throughout the SUNDAY
multitude of people whom she in the Heart” published in 1985. The late col- Black & White
Attaché, US Embassy, Ankara, Turkey touched, passed away peaceful- umnist Russell Baker commenting on Faye’s United States and Central and South America.
They went onto to have two children, Marti- 1"- $179 (text only)
1976-1979 Commander, US Operational ly in her sleep at her home on first book called it “[A] lovely book, beauti- 2" - $376(text only)
Group, Fort Meade, MD Monday, February 21, 2022. Ms. Moskowitz fully written, the kind that makes you want na(Jones) and Nicholas. 3" - $543
was 91 years old. to grab your friends, say hey, listen to this, In Northern Virginia, Maralee was a successful 4" - $572
During his 33-year career in the Army he and start reading aloud.” During this time, real estate agent with Merrill Lynch Realty, 5" - $738
received numerous medals, decorations, Moskowitz, who was known to most simply Faye was also a regular contributor to NPR’s formerly Colquitt Carruthers Real Estate in the
citations, and commendations. Most notable as Faye or Faygie, was born in Detroit, Mich- “All Things Considered.” Faye continued to 1980’s and retired in the early 90’s. She later 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
are the Bronze star, World War II Victory igan, on July 31, 1930. After spending much write throughout her career completing four moved to San Juan, Puerto Rico. She lived a $150 each additional inch wkday
Medal, The Legion of Merit, Air Medal, Com- of her early childhood during the Depression more works of her own and editing an an- full and vibrant life enjoying world traveling, $179 each additional inch Sunday
bat Infantryman Badge, Korean Service in Jackson, Michigan, she returned to Detroit thology of women writers. In her later years, salsa dancing, worked as a bridge instructor on --------------------
Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and many cruise liners, and scuba diving to name a few. MONDAY-SATURDAY
where she attended Durphy Intermediate Faye served as poetry editor for Moment Color
others. In addition to his military decorations School and Central High School. Magazine. Her bright light and spirit will remain with all
of those who were lucky enough to know her. 3" - $628
he was fluent in the Korean and Turkish 4" - $676
language. In 1948, she married her beloved husband, Having grown up in an Orthodox family in A ‘Celebration of Life’ will be scheduled late 5" - $826
Jack, who predeceased her in 2020. The Detroit, Faye never lost her abiding commit- Spring of 2022. ------
FREDERICK TAYLOR BARRETT His military career was followed by 12 years early death of Faye’s beloved mother, So- ment to Judaism. As an adult, she and her SUNDAY
December 12, 1927 - February 20, 2022
Colonel Frederick Taylor Barrett, US Army
as a regional Security Manager for Mobile Oil. phie, and Jack’s father, Frank, put them in
the position of caring for her younger broth-
daughter, Shoshana, became Bat Mitzvah
together at Adas Israel Synagogue. Faye GORE Color
3" - $665
(Ret.) of Arlington, Virginia died peacefully His work at Mobil included time living in ers Chaim and Reuben as well her father was also a tireless speaker who, in addition 4" - $760
Sunday, February 20, 2022. He was 94 years London where he traveled extensively to Aaron and mother-in-law Helen. While this to doing readings of her own works, served 5" - $926
old. oversee security for Mobil Oil in Africa, responsibility kept Faye from immediately as a speaker for the United Jewish Appeal
Turkey, and the North Sea. pursuing a college education, it provided regaling Local Women’s Divisions, Young 6"+ for ALL color notices
Leadership Cabinet Groups and campaign $249 each additional inch wkday
Born on Long Island, New York, he joined many of the experiences she would chroni- $277 each additional inch Sunday
the Army at the tender age of 17 requiring He and Gladys returned to the States where cle in her later books and articles. meetings with her tales of growing up Jew-
parental consent. When his mother refused they lived in Dallas, TX for six years. When ish in the Midwest. Notices with photos begin at 3"
to sign the age waiver, he convinced his older Mobil Oil moved their headquarters to Fair- As a devoted mother and housewife, raising (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
sister to sign his mother’s name, thereby fax, VA they returned to their Arlington home four children, Faye still found time to engage As matriarch of the Moskowitz home of 60
launching his 33-year Army career. until he retired from Mobil. in two passions - politics and folk music that years on Highland Place in the District, Faye ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
remained central to her throughout her life. served host to numerous gatherings and
He began his Army life in basic training in Post retirement Fred always had a desire As an activist for the Oakland County Dem- readings. Her commitment to Civil Rights, an MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
1945 as WWII was coming to an end. He then for service. At the end of the Balkan Wars, ocratic party, Faye served as a delegate to end to the War in Vietnam and other caus- All notices over 2" include
served in both the Korean war and Vietnam he volunteered as an international election the 1960 Democratic Convention in Los An- es made her one of the most sought after complimentary memorial plaque
war. observer for several of the newly formed geles. Additionally, she taught folk guitar to “hoteliers” of her generation with the home
countries once part of the Republic of hundreds of students. on Highland Place serving as refuge to lit- Additional plaques start at $26 each
Yugoslavia. erally hundreds of people, including those and may be ordered.
In 1946 he was commissioned to the rank
of 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Signal Corps. In 1962, Faye and Jack moved to Washing- attending rallies, exchange students, Capitol All Paid Death Notices
His other volunteer services included work ton, DC. As Faye’s children grew older, she Hill staffers and even a future Member of appear on our website through
From 1946-1950 he served in the Army of at the National Archives, Arlington County realized her dream of returning to school Congress.
Occupation, Yokohama/Tokyo Japan where election poll volunteer, and Assistant Trea- and attended George Washington (GW) Uni-
he met Gladys Saleeby. In 1949 Gladys had surer for St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. versity where she ultimately earned her PhD Faye is survived by her beloved children, LEGACY.COM
been working as a missionary for the Epis- (ABD) and served as both a professor and grandchildren and great granddaughter: CENITH GORE "Lorraine" (Age 93) Included in all death notices
copal Church in Shanghai, China. She was He remained active for many years and chair of the English Department. Among her daughter and son-in-law Shoshana and Of Ludington, formerly of Washington, DC Optional for In Memoriams
evacuated to Tokyo, Japan after the Chinese played tennis into his 80’s. achievements at GW were the formation Peter Grove; granddaughter Helen Grove Metro, passed away on February 18, 2022.
communist takeover. Although they lived two and initial management of the The Jenny and husband Mac LeBuhn and their daugh- Lorraine was born on February 26, 1928 in
In between deployments, career obligations, McKean Moore Fund and Professorship and ter Eleanor; son and daughter-in-law Frank Norfolk Virginia, the daughter of Richmon and PLEASE NOTE:
blocks away from each other in Brooklyn, NY,
and went to the same high school, they never and raising a family he pursued his college the establishment (through the generous Moskowitz and Heidi Findley; son and Mary (Belvin) Gore. Lorraine was a stenograph-
education. He received his BA in Political support of David Bruce Smith) of GW’s Jew- daughter-in-law Seth Moskowitz and Cher- er for the US Department of Agriculture for 25 Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
spoke other than the casual hello. It was a email. Photos must be emailed. You can
random encounter at an American cafeteria Science from the George Washington Uni- ish Literature Live class that was cited by yl Michaly; grandson Henry Moskowitz and years.
Lorraine is survived by her daughters, Nancy no longer place notices, drop off photos
in Tokyo Japan that began their romance and versity (1964), and his MSc. in Business Time Magazine as one of “the hottest seats Henry’s mother Julie Lapore; daughter and and make payment in person.
subsequent 70-year marriage. Administration from the George Washington in class” in 2013. Faye, an institution at GW, son-in-law Elizabeth and Jeffrey Korns and Pelletier and Elizabeth (Bette) Hill; brother, Payment must be made via phone with
University (1972). continued teaching well into her 80s. Prior grandson Jonathan Korns. Faye is also sur- William Gore; sister, Katherine Griffin; four debit/credit card.
Career highlights include to serving on the faculty of GW, Faye served vived by her loving brother and sister-in-law grandchildren; and two great grandchildren.
1951-1952 he attended the US Army Lan- Although the Army was his life, he was as the inaugural director of the Edmund Reuben and Susan Stollman, nieces, neph- Besides her parents, Lorraine was preceded in
guage School, Monterey, CA for Korean. most proud of his immediate family. He and Burke Middle School, helping establish the ews and cousins. She leaves behind her death by her brother, Richmon Gore Jr.
1952-1953 he served as the Regimental POW Gladys had four children that they raised respect for that institution that remains to trusted caregivers Irene, Noeme, Berri and There are no services planned at this time.
interrogator, 25th infantry division in Korea. on various Army posts, and overseas assign- this day. Faye’s tenure as Resident Scholar Stella, and a host of friends, colleagues and Arrangements were entrusted to Oak Grove
ments throughout his career. of the annual Writers Retreat sponsored by students. Funeral Home of Ludington
1953-1955 Special agent, 441st CIC Detach-
ment, Japan the DC JCC continued until last year. Addi- DEATH NOTICE
1955-1956 Student, US Army Intelligence He is survived by his wife Gladys Saleeby tionally, she co-chaired the JCC Literary Fes- Graveside services will be held privately.
Barrett, his children Alice, (Brendan), tival for many years. To honor Faye’s memory, donations can
School, Fort Holabird, MD
1956-1959 Staff Officer, Hq. US CONARC, Fort
Monroe, VA
Kathryn, (Craig), Gale, Fred, (Denise), five
grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and Faye’s tenure as a student and faculty mem-
be made to two of the many organizations
close to her heart: The Sisterhood - Adas
1959-1960 Student, US Army Security numerous nieces and nephews. ber at GW were punctuated with endeavors Israel Congregation (Designate the Faye
outside the university that were recognized Moskowitz Writer’s Retreat), and The Jen- Boler/Falvey beach vacations with the family
Agency School, Fort Devens, MA of Mary and John Falvey (her sister and
1960-1961 S2, US Army Security Agency, A funeral service will be held Saturday Feb- globally. While working on her advanced de- ny McKean Moore Fund and Professorship.
ruary 26, 11 a.m., at St. Mary’s Episcopal gree, Faye began a career in writing that led Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield Dan- brother-in-law). She loved the annual gather-
Hawaii ing with all of her children and grandchildren
1961-1962 US Army Element, Joint Support Church, 2609 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA to the publication of numerous books and zansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
22207. A service with full military honors at articles. Contributions in the Style section together enjoying the beach, nightly happy
Group, Seoul, Korea hours and delicious family feasts.
1962-1966 Counterintelligence Staff Officer, Arlington National Cemetery will be held at a of the Washington Post led to a surprise
OACSI, DA, Washington, DC future date.
She was recently interviewed by one of her
1966-1968 Commander, Collection Detach-
In lieu of flowers donations may be made to grandchildren for a school history project
ment, 502d MI Bn., Seoul, Korea on the topic of immigration. When asked
1968-1969 G2, 1st Cavalry Division, Vietnam the Fisher House Foundation and the Army
Emergency Relief. why she decided to come to the United
States, she answered, “America is the great-
leen Vick Gilbert; as well as his beloved cat est country in the world. It is the land
Holly. Jerry was preceded in death by his of opportunity where anyone can achieve
KRIEMELMEYER wife Beth, his brother Richard, his parents
Iver and Aileen, and granddaughter Abigail
anything they want as long as they work
hard, do the right thing, and have faith in
Ashton. God.”
BS in Mechanical Engineering from George Jerry served in the Army for 28 years. Early
Washington University in 1953. He was in his career he served two tours in Vietnam By staying true to the beliefs that led her
president of Sigma Chi fraternity. He was and was a Ranger Advisor under the Military family to America, Pat and Jim were truly
employed at the University of Maryland for Assistance Command. His career continued blessed and served as exemplary role
32 years from 1959 to 1991. The last ap- in the Army Corps of Engineers, where he ANNE PATRICIA COAKLEY BOLER models of faith, perseverance, fortitude, hard
pointment was Assistant Vice President for led flood response efforts in Wilkes-Barre, work and compassion to their children, rel-
Pennsylvania after Hurricane Agnes in 1972, "Pat" atives, friends, and neighbors. She was a
the University of Maryland System. He had Beloved wife, mother and grandmother,
an Executive Master’s Degree in Business served as the Battalion Commander of the loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt
12th Engineer Battalion in Dexheim, Germa- passed away on February 19, 2022, at the and friend who was loved dearly and will be
Administration from the University of MD age 82.
University College. His private consulting ny, served on the staff for the Joint Chiefs, greatly missed.
business counseled universities and inves- and Chief of the Army Operations Testing
and Evaluation Unit. He was proud of the Pat grew up on a family farm in Skibbereen, She was predeceased by her adored hus-
tigated accidents. County Cork, Ireland and came to the United
He is preceded in death by his daugh- continued legacy of military service in the band James, by her parents, John Joseph
family. States at the age of 20 in 1959. She met Coakley, Annie (Donellen) Coakley, and her
ters, Patricia Kriemelmeyer, and Diane the love of her life, Jim Boler, during a
Kriemelmeyer. After the Army, Jerry had a successful career brothers Cornelius, John (Sean), and Daniel
in real estate at Long and Foster in Arlington Catholic Young Adults trip to Rehoboth Coakley.
He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Mil- Beach, Delaware in 1963. They were happily
dred Kriemelmeyer; sons, Karl Kriemelmeyer GERALD ALLEN VICK and an additional career as a Financial Ad-
visor, working as a team with his daughter married for 52 years and raised four children
and Eric Kriemelmeyer; grandchildren, Kari AUGUST 25, 1938–FEBRUARY 20, 2022 together within the Our Lady of Mercy
Pat is survived by her four children, Jim
Renahan, Ethan Kriemelmeyer, and William Jerry was born on August 25, 1938 in Mor- Elizabeth at Ferris Baker Watts. (Lynn) of Niskayuna, NY, Anne Marie Kirlin
Jerry cherished his family and loved being Catholic Parish Community, in Potomac, (Tim) of Chevy Chase, MD, Brendan (Jennifer)
Harry Kriemelmeyer, and sister, Jean Kelly. ton Grove, Illinois to Iver and Aileen Vick. Maryland. Later, they would become doting
Due to Covid concerns services and inter- He married his wife, Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Daub, surrounded by them during his summers of Charlottesville, VA, and Kevin (Claire) of
at Goose Rocks Beach in Kennebunkport, grandparents to 15 grandchildren.
HARRY KRIEMELMEYER JR. (Age 90) ment will be private. on June 16, 1962 in Red Bank, New Jersey Chatham, NJ, and 15 grandchildren, Patrick,
Of Waldorf, MD died on February 14, 2022 at In lieu of flowers, tax deductible donations shortly after his graduation from the United Maine, Thanksgivings in Westborough, Kevin, and Timmy Kirlin, Sophia, Erin, Allison,
States Military Academy in 1961. To com- Massachusetts and winters in Palm Beach, Pat was a devout Catholic and she was Thomas, Brian, Collin, Maggie, Bridget, Grace,
his residence. are welcome to the Kiwanis Club of Waldorf, loved, respected, and admired by her family
Harry was born on April 22, 1931 in Wash- Maryland Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 723, memorate meeting at the Army-Navy foot- Florida. He loved his gardening and shar- Caroline, Bowen, and Molly Boler. She is
ball game, they returned together for their ing its bounty along with the beautiful out- and friends. Her laughter was infectious and also survived by her sister, Mary Falvey of
ington, DC to the late Harry and Dorothy Waldorf, MD 20604, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) her kindness, compassion, and loving Irish
(Krautwurst) Kriemelmeyer. service organization. 50th anniversary. He lost his beloved wife door space with the neighborhood. He was Bethesda, MD.
Beth in 2019; his 57-year marriage was one proud to live in Arlington Forest for 54 years. accent warmed the hearts of so many. Pat
Harry Kriemelmeyer, Jr. graduated with a was a wonderful cook, welcoming hostess,
of his proudest accomplishments. He enjoyed regular workouts at Thomas Jef- There will be a visitation from 5pm to 7pm
Jerry is survived by his daughter Elizabeth ferson’s Community Center in Arlington, VA. and managed her large family with grace. on Monday, February 28 at Our Lady of
‘Topper’ Bruno and her husband John Bruno, He had a deeply analytical mind, loved num- She was an active member of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, 9200 Kentsdale
bers and analysis and was willing to debate Mercy Parish for over fifty years, active in
When the need arises, let families find you in daughter Marjorie Ashton and her husband
Augustus ‘Skip’ Ashton III; his grandchil- with anyone at anytime.
In honor of his time at West Point he is re-
their Sodality of Our Lady Group and was
a member of the Christ Child Society. She
Drive, Potomac, MD. The Funeral Mass will
be on Tuesday March 1 at 11 a.m. at Our
the Funeral Services Directory. dren Captain Augustus T. Ashton IV, Wil-
liam Ashton and his wife Meredith Weedon turning his class ring for the ring melt tradi-
tion ensuring that the Long Gray Line stays
also served alongside her husband as a
Eucharistic Minister. She lived a life of faith,
Lady of Mercy. The burial will follow at the
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 13801 Georgia
Ashton and great granddaughter Hadleigh, Ave, Silver Spring, MD. In lieu of flowers,
To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, Elizabeth ‘Ivy’ Kabbani, Catherine Kabbani, tangibly connected class to class and gener- family, and friendship and received much memorial contributions can be made in her
ation to generation. comfort and joy from giving to others.
please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. Ensign Jonathan Ashton, Mary Beth Ash-
ton, and Caitlin Ashton and her wife Emily A private burial will be held at Arlington Na-
name to Catholic Charities Archdiocese of
Washington (https://www.catholiccharities-
Richards Ashton; and by his sister Harriet Ai- tional Cemetery at a future date. Some of her happiest memories came during

The Weather

Threat of a wintry mix Today Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday O FF I CI A L REC O RD
Rain, sleet Morning rain Mostly cloudy Partly sunny Sunny, colder Mostly cloudy
Clouds thicken and shower odds rise Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

with the sun. It’s possible not much

falls locally before midday, with any
risk of iciness mainly to the west in
higher elevations. Temperatures
should hold steady, with highs in the mid-30s to
near 40. They may dip again with sunset, so it’ll
be critical to see where they’re at as more
showers and a wintry mix move through. The
38° 32 ° 55° 31 ° 45° 30 ° 54° 29 ° 39° 28 ° 53° 37 °

FEELS*: 34° FEELS: 49° FEELS: 41° FEELS: 52° FEELS: 34° FEELS: 49°
highest odds of some freezing rain in the CHNCE PRECIP: 80% P: 70% P: 5% P: 10% P: 0% P: 20%
immediate area may be in the evening before WIND: NE 6–12 mph W: WSW 8–16 mph W: NW 7–14 mph W: W 7–14 mph W: NE 8–16 mph W: SSW 7–14 mph
warmer air slowly seeps in overnight. HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Low H: Low H: Low
Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa
Statistics through 5 p.m. Wednesday

REGIO N NATION Weather map features for noon today.

Reagan Dulles BWI
High 77° 3:29 p.m. 76° 2:38 p.m. 76° 2:39 p.m.
Low 56° 5:42 a.m. 60° 7:00 a.m. 62° 8:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
40/34 Normal 50°/33° 48°/28° 48°/28°
38/32 Record high 78° 1874 77° 2017 78° 1874
Hagerstown Record low 11° 1907 5° 1963 5° 1963
38/31 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: +3.5° yr. to date: –0.2°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
Washington Annapolis
38/36 38/32 38/34
36/33 OCEAN: 44°

Charlottesville Ocean City

40/36 41/38
OCEAN: 44°
43/37 Virginia Beach
48/43 Reagan Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 46°
46/40 Past 24 hours 0.01" Trace Trace
Total this month 1.77" 1.51" 1.73"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 2.14" 2.13" 2.35"
OCEAN: 47° Total this year 5.45" 5.41" 6.00"
Normal 5.00" 5.07" 5.43"
Pollen: High Air Quality: Good Snow, past 24 hours 0.0" 0.0" 0.0"
Grass Low Dominant cause: Particulates Snow, season total 12.3" 12.8" 14.0"
Trees High
Weeds Low UV: Low Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Low 1 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:48 a.m. 5:55 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, periods of rain, sleet. High 35 to 39. Moon 1:47 a.m. 11:21 a.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Mar 2 Mar 10 Mar 18 Mar 25
Winds south–southwest 12–25 mph. Tonight, cloudy, Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 4:17 a.m. 2:29 p.m.
occasional rain. Low 32 to 36. Winds southwest 12–25 High: Plant City, FL 90° High: Matam, Senegal 112° Mars 4:43 a.m. 2:16 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: West Yellowstone, MT –36° Low: Delyankir, Russia –61° Jupiter 7:10 a.m. 6:26 p.m.
mph. Friday, a little rain; increasingly windy. High 44 to 48. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 6:05 a.m. 4:23 p.m.
Winds west 15–25 mph.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 22/7/sn 24/14/pc Oklahoma City 27/12/i 36/17/pc WORLD Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 61/54/s 64/59/s Rio de Janeiro 84/75/s 85/74/pc
Atlantic beaches: Today, a thick cloud cover. Showers at Detroit 29/21/pc 30/16/sn Omaha 18/2/sn 28/14/s Islamabad 65/47/pc 62/48/sh Riyadh 84/63/s 89/64/s
any time in the south but during the afternoon elsewhere. Albany, NY 31/20/pc 28/10/sn El Paso 57/31/s 65/40/pc Orlando 86/65/s 88/62/s Addis Ababa 79/54/pc 80/55/c Istanbul 46/41/r 47/39/c Rome 61/41/pc 59/44/pc
High 39 to 44. Winds northeast 7–14 mph. Tonight, periods Albuquerque 44/22/s 53/27/s Fairbanks, AK 30/13/pc 31/16/pc Philadelphia 40/34/c 48/27/r Amsterdam 48/38/r 46/32/t Jerusalem 55/47/pc 48/47/r San Salvador 89/67/s 89/66/s
of rain, but a shower in southern spots. Low 32 to 39. Anchorage 36/32/c 40/32/r Fargo, ND 3/–21/pc 10/4/s Phoenix 58/40/s 66/42/s Athens 56/44/sh 59/44/pc Johannesburg 81/61/s 82/61/t Santiago 81/53/s 84/53/s
Winds north–northeast 6–12 mph. Atlanta 78/61/c 65/43/r Hartford, CT 36/23/pc 33/11/sn Pittsburgh 36/32/c 37/21/r Auckland 82/61/pc 80/59/s Kabul 50/28/s 50/25/s Sarajevo 51/25/pc 51/33/pc
Austin 40/32/r 43/36/r Honolulu 83/69/s 82/69/pc Portland, ME 30/18/pc 25/9/sn Baghdad 83/63/pc 78/52/pc Kingston, Jam. 82/75/pc 83/74/pc Seoul 39/24/s 49/34/s
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, cloudy, a bit of rain, sleet. Baltimore 38/31/i 53/29/r Houston 52/43/r 49/47/c Portland, OR 42/26/pc 49/30/s Bangkok 88/70/s 90/72/c Kolkata 87/67/pc 86/67/s Shanghai 48/31/s 53/40/s
Wind east–northeast 4–8 knots. Waves 2 feet or less. • Lower Billings, MT 17/4/pc 24/14/s Indianapolis 35/25/sn 32/19/c Providence, RI 37/27/pc 37/17/sn Beijing 49/16/s 52/30/s Lagos 92/79/s 93/80/pc Singapore 83/75/t 86/76/t
Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, cloudy, a little rain. Wind Birmingham 74/51/c 58/40/r Jackson, MS 78/43/t 55/42/c Raleigh, NC 53/46/c 75/40/pc Berlin 51/34/c 44/33/t Lima 75/66/pc 75/66/c Stockholm 40/30/r 38/23/c
northeast 6–12 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Lower Potomac and Bismarck, ND 11/–6/pc 26/10/pc Jacksonville, FL 84/60/s 86/58/s Reno, NV 44/17/s 41/12/s Bogota 66/50/r 67/50/r Lisbon 61/52/pc 63/51/pc Sydney 75/71/sh 75/71/sh
Boise 32/13/c 36/13/s Kansas City, MO 22/10/sn 29/15/s Richmond 43/37/r 68/33/sh Brussels 50/35/r 45/32/t London 46/38/pc 50/32/s Taipei City 59/56/c 64/57/c
1–3 feet on the Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little
Boston 34/26/pc 33/18/sn Las Vegas 53/35/s 58/36/s Sacramento 58/28/s 62/30/s Buenos Aires 75/66/t 80/71/s Madrid 65/45/pc 54/42/sh Tehran 65/48/s 64/50/pc
Falls will be around 4.30 feet today, falling to 4.20 Friday. Flood Buffalo 31/21/pc 27/14/sn Little Rock 38/29/i 45/31/c St. Louis 32/23/sn 35/19/c Cairo 65/54/s 63/51/pc Manila 92/78/s 92/77/s Tokyo 48/35/c 52/38/s
stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 21/10/pc 21/5/sn Los Angeles 61/40/s 66/43/s St. Thomas, VI 81/72/pc 82/73/s Caracas 75/64/s 73/65/r Mexico City 78/52/s 77/51/s Toronto 23/17/pc 22/12/sn
Charleston, SC 81/63/pc 82/58/s Louisville 43/34/r 41/26/c Salt Lake City 34/22/pc 34/15/c Copenhagen 44/36/r 42/33/t Montreal 15/5/s 13/4/sn Vienna 56/38/pc 48/33/sh
Charleston, WV 43/41/r 47/25/r Memphis 45/31/r 45/32/c San Diego 61/42/s 63/42/s Dakar 77/65/s 76/64/s Moscow 34/25/pc 36/27/pc Warsaw 49/39/c 42/32/sh
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 63/50/c 75/43/pc Miami 82/70/pc 82/70/s San Francisco 55/40/pc 58/42/s Dublin 43/36/sh 48/43/pc Mumbai 90/75/pc 89/75/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:21 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 1:40 p.m. 9:20 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 21/1/pc 25/8/sn Milwaukee 28/21/sn 29/16/pc San Juan, PR 81/71/s 83/72/s Edinburgh 41/34/c 46/40/s Nairobi 77/59/t 80/58/c sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 29/23/sn 29/16/c Minneapolis 14/1/sn 17/8/s Seattle 43/26/pc 47/29/s Frankfurt 53/33/c 45/31/t New Delhi 79/59/pc 81/61/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 4:40 a.m. 11:37 a.m. 6:04 p.m. 11:10 p.m.
Cincinnati 39/31/i 34/23/c Nashville 52/38/t 45/29/c Spokane, WA 26/12/pc 31/14/s Geneva 53/36/c 47/31/sh Oslo 40/26/c 40/21/pc Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 1:04 a.m. 7:39 a.m. 1:26 p.m. 7:39 p.m. Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 30/26/sn 30/20/sn New Orleans 79/58/pc 63/53/sh Syracuse 29/19/c 29/13/sn Ham., Bermuda 69/64/s 71/67/pc Ottawa 13/3/pc 13/–3/sn quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 2:54 a.m. 9:36 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 9:33 p.m. Dallas 36/24/i 42/33/sh New York City 37/32/c 38/22/r Tampa 86/67/s 85/64/s Helsinki 38/34/r 36/26/sn Paris 54/36/r 51/31/sh * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 12:17 a.m. 7:19 a.m. 2:44 p.m. 7:24 p.m. Denver 21/6/sn 27/10/pc Norfolk 46/40/sh 71/36/pc Wichita 23/9/sn 34/15/s Ho Chi Minh City 90/75/c 91/75/t Prague 50/34/c 43/31/sh measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

BALTIMORE to a separate request for com- Nick Mosby.

ment. When asked publicly in the Documents included in the fil-

Mosby’s lawyers past about the Mosby case, he has

defended his office’s work by say-
ing his prosecutors follow the
evidence and the law.
ing show Marilyn Mosby refused
the request, arguing it was overly
broad and amounted to an audit
of Mosby’s taxes, which Lawless

allege bias on part The motion for dismissal does

little to address the specifics of
charges she faces.
Mosby made two early with-
was not authorized to perform.
The motion to dismiss said that
Lawless referred the case to Wise.
“The irregular manner in

of prosecutors drawals of a combined $81,000

from her retirement savings ac-
count without penalty under the
federal Cares Act by claiming to
which this referral was made,
instead of initiating a civil audit,
demonstrates how Ms. Lawless
and Mr. Wise conspired together
have suffered financially from the to effectuate their mutual goal of
BY A LEX M ANN tion that violates Mosby’s consti- coronavirus pandemic, according damaging State’s Attorney Mos-
AND E MILY O PILO tutional rights to due process and to the indictment. However, fed- by’s reputation,” the motion
equal protection. eral prosecutors say she suffered states.
baltimore — Lawyers for Balti- Even if Mosby’s attorneys have no such hardship and noted that The documentation exchanged
more State’s Attorney Marilyn raised legitimate concerns about her salary increased. She is paid between Lawless and Mosby’s at-
Mosby presented a long-shot le- the appearance of bias, the effort nearly $248,000 a year. torneys at the time seeks to sug-
gal argument in their latest filing to shut down the prosecution is She is also accused of using the gest she was unaware of the con-
in federal court: The indictment unlikely to succeed, said David JERRY JACKSON/BALTIMORE SUN/ASSOCIATED PRESS money from the withdrawals for tent of the joint tax returns she
against her should be dismissed Jaros, faculty director of the Cen- Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, seen outside her office down payments on an eight-bed- filed with Nick Mosby. According
because it is exclusively the result ter for Criminal Justice Reform at Jan. 14, faces two counts of perjury and two counts of making false room rental home near Disney to the exhibit, Nick Mosby filed an
of federal prosecutors’ animosity University of Baltimore School of statements on loan applications to buy a pair of Florida properties. World and a condo on Florida’s affidavit stating that he was re-
toward her. Law. Gulf Coast. Federal prosecutors sponsible for filing their federal
In making their case for a fed- “Simply showing that the pros- 2017 and 2019 while he was a tempts to sabotage” Mosby’s ca- said she lied on mortgage applica- income taxes from 2014 to 2018.
eral judge to throw out the charg- ecutor who filed the case doesn’t Democratic state delegate and reer, “engaging in similar conduct tions for those properties by ne- The state’s attorney reviewed the
es against the two-term Demo- like her and wants her out isn’t she was policy advocate for a aimed at other Black officials” glecting to disclose a federal tax forms before signing only to con-
cratic state’s attorney, Mosby’s sufficient to show the indictment nonprofit organization. and cited that Wise contributed lien and declaring the Orlando- firm her income figures, Nick
lawyers revealed new informa- wouldn’t have been filed if he She said she was outside a State to the campaigns of Mosby’s Dem- area house would be a second Mosby attested.
tion about the year-long criminal wasn’t on the case,” Jaros said, House committee room once ocratic primary opponents for home, when she planned for it to In that affidavit, Nick Mosby
tax investigation of her and her adding that it’s even more diffi- when Marilyn Mosby walked by state’s attorney in 2018, Ivan be a vacation rental. said his wife was unaware of a
husband, Democratic City Coun- cult to prove when a public offi- and Thompson expressed admi- Bates and Thiru Vignarajah. The documents attached to the withdrawal he took from his
cil President Nick Mosby. cial is the defendant. “It’s hard to ration for her. She said Barron They noted that Wise and then- motion show Bolden went to 401(k) and the resulting tax liabil-
The motion, one of three de- argue that a prosecutor wouldn’t responded by bringing up rumors acting U.S. attorney Stephen great lengths to quash the crimi- ity, as well as ensuing installment
fense pleadings filed over the think it’s appropriate [to file about Marilyn Mosby’s “sex life” Schenning brought up during the nal tax investigation before payment plans he established
weekend, asks U.S. District Judge charges] because it is a big deal prosecutions of members of the charges were filed. The motion with the Internal Revenue Serv-
Lydia Kay Griggsby to throw out when a public official breaks the Baltimore Police Department’s repeatedly says prosecutors ne- ice. Nick Mosby also said he did
the case against Baltimore’s law.” Gun Trace Task Force that an glected to consider exculpatory not inform his wife of the tax
state’s attorney because of “prose- Andrew Alperstein, a criminal “Simply showing that assistant state’s attorney from evidence but does not detail that issues they faced until he learned
cutorial vindictiveness” on the defense lawyer and former pros- Mosby’s office leaked word of the evidence. of a $45,000 tax lien against them
part of U.S. Attorney Erek Barron ecutor, also said the subjective the prosecutor who filed investigation to corrupt officers. The supplemental attachments in an October 2020 article in the
and Assistant U.S. Attorney Leo views of a prosecutor are not Mosby and her defense said that are rife with details not previous- Baltimore Sun.
Wise, the lead prosecutor on the sufficient basis to have a case the case doesn’t like her didn’t happen. ly known about the origins of the “My client is clearly an inno-
case. dismissed. Earlier in the investigation of case against Mosby and her finan- cent spouse,” attorney William C.
“Since its inception, the pros- “Sometimes in litigation, law- and wants her out isn’t Mosby, lead defense attorney A. cial relationship with her hus- Brennan Jr. wrote of the state’s
ecution against State’s Attorney yers file papers with the court that Scott Bolden raised concerns with band, the City Council president. attorney in a March 2021 letter to
Mosby has been driven by mali- they believe are for the purposes sufficient to show the the U.S. Department of Justice. Nick Mosby did not respond Lawless.
cious personal, political, and even of PR or to reach prospective He filed complaints in March that Saturday to a request for com- A separate attached letter from
racial animus on the part of the jurors. That’s what I believe is indictment wouldn’t asked for Wise and Schenning, ment. Bolden in September 2021 at-
prosecutors,” Mosby’s attorneys happening here because there is then in charge of the U.S. attor- The documents include an tempts to explain why Mosby be-
wrote. no chance this is going to be have been filed if he ney’s office, to be removed from email from Wise to Bolden in gan filing her taxes separately
They described her indictment dismissed based on that motion,” the probe. April in which he said an earlier from her husband.
as the culmination of a “crusade Alperstein said. wasn’t on the case.” The department’s Office of Pro- probe by Lydia Lawless, the bar “In 2019, State’s Attorney Mos-
to ruin the political career of a While Mosby’s defense has David Jaros, faculty director of the cedural Responsibility declined, counsel for the Maryland Attor- by contemplated separating from
young, progressive, Black, female long targeted Wise in its public Center for Criminal Justice Reform at saying there was no evidence to ney Grievance Commission, her husband for a host of rea-
elected official.” statements, Friday night’s filing is University of Baltimore School of Law support Bolden’s assertions and “raised numerous questions” sons,” the letter states. “At this
Marilyn Mosby, 42, is charged the first time her lawyers have that he could raise those argu- about Mosby’s taxes. Wise does time, she decided to change her
with two counts of perjury and gone after Barron. The lawyers ments with a judge during litiga- not say Lawless referred the mat- tax status from married filing
two counts of making false state- wrote Barron has “expressed dis- tion. ter to him. jointly to married filing separate-
ments on loan applications to buy approval of her both personally and said, “I don’t get how she got Federal prosecutors have not The filing also includes a de- ly. Her knowledge of the couple’s
a pair of properties in Florida. and professionally,” accusing him where she is.” Thompson said she responded yet to the motions tailed account of what Lawless pre-2019 taxes was very limited,
Nick Mosby is not charged with of questioning her ability and was paraphrasing but said Barron from Mosby’s defense lawyers but was seeking from Mosby during and her experience with tax filing
any crimes. repeating rumors about marital continued while working with wrote in a status report filed earli- her investigation. After request- was equally limited.”
She has maintained she is inno- infidelity on Mosby’s part. Thompson to “tell me how much er Friday that they planned to ask ing Mosby’s taxes for 2014 While documents attached to
cent, and the papers filed by her For instance, Mosby’s lawyers he disliked working with State’s the judge to “preclude personal through 2019, Lawless filed a re- the motion show that federal offi-
attorneys largely echo their pub- included in their filing a declara- Attorney Mosby, and how he attacks on government counsel.” quest for documents substantiat- cials considered filing tax charges
lic comments about the case. But tion from Sheaniqua A. Thomp- didn’t like her style and ap- A spokeswoman for the U.S. ing Mosby’s charitable donations against Marilyn Mosby, no such
now, Mosby’s attorneys also argue son, a top adviser to Nick Mosby proach.” attorney’s office, Marcia Murphy, for those years, as well as business charges have been filed. Her hus-
the U.S. attorney’s office is partici- at City Hall. She wrote that she Mosby’s defense accused Wise declined Saturday to comment. records for Monumental band also faces no tax charges.
pating in discriminatory prosecu- worked with Barron between of “being involved in several at- Barron did not respond Saturday Squared, a business owned by — Baltimore Sun




shared his
‘Last Week,’ still ahead
life of pain

Because many of its heroes nev-

er got to grow old, Generation X
has never gotten to watch the
grunge icons of its youth surren-
der to oldies circuits and Glaston-
bury reunion cash-outs.
It wasn’t just Kurt Cobain and
Scott Weiland, frontman of
grunge-adjacent Stone Temple Pi-
lots, who died young. Consider the
artists on the soundtrack to the
1992 Cameron Crowe romantic
comedy “Singles,” which served as
an early, hugely successful guide
to commercial grunge. Even be-
fore the album’s release, it was
something of a tragic collection
thanks to the presence of Mother
Love Bone, whose lead singer An-
drew Wood overdosed in 1990.
The premature deaths of Alice in
Chains frontman Layne Staley
(overdose, 2002) and Soundgar-
den frontman Chris Cornell (sui-
cide, 2017) compounded the trag-
edy, and now there’s Mark Lane-
gan, former leader of the psyche-
delic grunge pathbreakers
Screaming Trees and an ac-
claimed solo artist, who died of
undisclosed causes at his home in
Killarney, Ireland, on Tuesday at
age 57.
Lanegan was one of the genre’s
greatest singers, thorniest lyri-
cists and most troubled figures. In
December, he released “Devil in a
Coma,” a slim volume of prose and
poetry detailing his near-death
battle with covid-19 in the spring
of 2021. It was an unofficial com-
panion piece to his excellent, en-
durance test of an autobiography,
“Sing Backwards and Weep,” re-
leased as covid set in the year
before. “Sing Backwards” detailed LLOYD BISHOP/HBO

Lanegan’s childhood in an abusive

home in rural Ellensburg, Wash.
BY I NKOO K ANG Why John Oliver’s comedy ble to picture the recurring segments of

“Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” is political late-night TV’s Seth Meyers’s “A Closer Look” or Ruffin’s
“How Did We Get Here” or the entirety of
BOOK WORLD returned Sunday for its ninth season, still reigning template Hasan Minhaj’s six-season “Patriot Act.”
the best that political late-night comedy Even Oliver’s former boss and mentor

The orbit of has to offer. Forget the 20-odd Emmys it’s

won, including its lock on the talk-show
category six years running; “Last Week’s”
vertently drawing attention to how much
harder it needs to work these days to
distinguish itself in the crowded and
modeled his Apple TV Plus comeback
vehicle — “The Problem With Jon Stew-
art,” which resumes March 3 — more on

a boy’s life cachet and influence are most readily

seen in how many of its competitors have
emulated its chief innovations: length
increasingly formally homogeneous late-
night space.
Search YouTube and you can find Sa-
“Last Week Tonight” than the Comedy
Central series that he transformed into an

in 1940s and depth.

Oliver himself leaned into his show’s
strengths in the season premiere. The
mantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, Trevor
Noah and Amber Ruffin (whose namesake
series relaunches Friday) explaining the
The transition from newspaper-style
daily coverage to magazine-inspired alter-
nations between topical stories and inves-

Mexico 34-minute episode dedicated nearly half

an hour to dissecting the moral panic over
“critical race theory,” a phrase that’s only
conservative crusade against the legal
framework, simplified versions of which
opponents claim are taught in schools to
tigative features that Oliver introduced to
political comedy — truly mind-blowing at
the time — has been a gift to not only
in quotes here because so many of its paint American history, and therefore the liberal late night but to viewers as journal-
BY J OAN F RANK detractors don’t seem to know what it is country itself, as racist. (What exactly is ism. With “Last Week Tonight” finding a
they’re railing against. the problem here?) home at HBO and thus freed of commer-
Fans of novelist, memoirist, The segment was notable for two rea- If Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” was once cial breaks, it was refreshing not having
essayist and translator Joel Agee, sons: It cemented “Last Week” as the the standard-bearer for political late our intelligence insulted with bite-sized
rejoice. (Those unfamiliar, buckle funniest, best considered and most per- night, “Last Week Tonight” has since takes on the news — and between 2015 to
up.) Following his last, admired suasive of its proliferating ilk, while inad- dethroned it. Without Oliver, it’s impossi- SEE NOTEBOOK ON C2
memoir, “In the House of My
Fear,” comes a supremely beauti-
ful new novel, “The Stone World.” John Oliver appears in Sunday’s Season 9 premiere of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver.”
Agee is perfunctorily recog- Its following extends beyond its audience to include shows that copy its formula of length and depth.
nized as the son of the late,
Pulitzer-winning James Agee (“A
Death in the Family”). But the
caliber and range of the surviving
Agee’s oeuvre have long distin-
guished him. While his transla-
tion work has won many awards,
he may still be best known for his
stunning first memoir “Twelve
Years: An American Boyhood in
East Germany,” an account of late
childhood (1948-1960) with his
American mother, German step-
How to break up with your hairdresser, therapist and more
father and younger brother after
the family migrated to East Ger- BY H ANNAH G OOD “It’s helpful to know for growth ship, sometimes you need to
many from Mexico. “Twelve AND A NNE B RANIGIN reasons,” Bryant says. If some- move on. Doing so in nonroman-
Years” remains a classic among thing she said turned them off, tic situations can be awkward. We
cognoscenti — so profound, in- Whenever a client walks up the she wants to know so she doesn’t have a seemingly endless amount
tense and pure, author Jim Lard- steps to the Lady Clipper Barber repeat the behavior. If it’s because of resources and references for
ner once told me, “you can’t own Shop in D.C., shop owner Lesley she doesn’t offer a specific serv- healthy (and not-so-healthy) ro-
too many editions of it.” Bryant knows she’s giving them ice, that can help her figure out mantic breakups. But for platon-
SEE BOOK WORLD ON C3 far more than a trim. how to expand her business. ic, casual relationships? Not so
“You're not only dealing with “I definitely would want them much.
THE STONE what's on top of their head, you're to be more direct,” she says. Bry- So we asked the experts: How
WORLD also dealing with what's in their ant appreciates clients who tell do you end these relationships in
By Joel Agee head,” Bryant says. her, “Hey, this will be my last an intentional way?
Melville House. For her regulars, Bryant ushers appointment for a while,” she
240 pp. $27.99 them in by saying, “Welcome says, or “Hey, I miss you, but this To ghost or not to ghost
home.” While they sit in her chair, covid hair is looking good. I’ll Your initial instinct for ending
she is their confidante, their sis- reach out to you when it’s time.” a casual relationship might be to
ter — sometimes even a godpar- When we think of our most ghost them. It’s a normal impulse,
ent, Bryant says. valued relationships, we may says Neathery Falchuk, a licensed
Despite the intimacy of those think of family, significant others social worker and owner of Am-
relationships, Bryant says it’s not or best friends. But platonic con- ple and Rooted, a therapy prac-
unusual for a client to just stop nections are often the web that tice in Austin. After all, it’s much
Some awards won’t be coming in. In most instances, binds us to our daily routines and easier to avoid a conflict that
given during telecast. C2 Bryant usually assumes the per- our communities: the babysitter could become awkward or un-
son has moved or is growing their who comes through in a pinch, comfortable than to assert your-
hair out. the work buddy who knows just self and your boundaries. But
Bryant isn’t bothered by these how you like your coffee. Others, depending on the nature of the
His girlfriend’s depression ghosting clients, but she adds like hairstylists or doctors, help interaction and your intimacy
is weighing on him. C8 that she’d rather know why a us show up for ourselves. with the person, this may or may
person has stopped coming. But just as with any relation- TESS SMITH-ROBERTS FOR THE WASHINGTON POST SEE BREAKUPS ON C3

It’s beyond funny how influential John Oliver has become

NOTEBOOK FROM C1 pet whose outsize reactions were
much more honest and relatable
2021-ish, when our brains be- than the faux-serious commen-
came mush from the onslaught of tary or thought-averse shouting
scandals coming out of the White elsewhere on TV.
House, it was comforting having
an Oliver or a Meyers summarize
the insanity of the week or day.
(Some have argued that talking- John Oliver and his
point-heavy comedy, especially
during the Trump years, has de- current cohort are
volved into political pandering —
an assertion not without merit.) more intellectually
But the most substantive (if
not necessarily the funniest) ambitious than John
thing that late-night comics have
done with the freedom of their Stewart’s “Daily
longer segments is to provide
deeper context — a way of under- Show”; they’re not
standing the news that can be
especially valuable to younger just reacting, but
viewers, who may still be forming
their worldviews. In a recent in- researching.
terview with The Washington
Post, for example, Meyers said of
his series, “We have tried really Oliver and his current cohort
hard to draw as much attention to are more intellectually ambitious
the underlying elements that than Stewart’s “Daily Show”;
both led to Trump’s rise and are they’re not just reacting, but re-
maintaining his position of pow- searching. They’re probably mak-
er within American politics.” ing us better informed, but their
Meyers’s peers tend to go even background-rich monologues
further back in history to prove about entrenched historical pat-
their points. Oliver’s discussion of terns and systemic failures deny
critical race theory, for instance, us that sense of catharsis, howev-
extended back to the academic er fleeting.
paradigm’s birth in the 1970s as a To his credit, Oliver usually
response to the limited gains of concludes with solutions to the
the civil rights movement. problems he describes, but
Oliver’s influence is probably they’re often abstract and reliant
not his sole doing. In the near- LLOYD BISHOP/HBO
on larger social change. His criti-
decade since his show’s debut, the John Oliver during Sunday’s premiere of “Last Week Tonight,” which featured a half-hour examination of critical race theory. cal race theory segment, for ex-
metrics of a late-night series’s ample, proposes that we as a
success have expanded beyond 16-year chancellorship of Angela the hosts, with varying degrees of Tube a smidgen of the kind of some catharsis from the day’s society embrace discomfort in the
network ratings to encompass Merkel. The shifting monetiza- success, to differentiate them- fact-checking that the site could cruelties and inanities by doing classroom (particularly White
streaming engagement on both a tion strategies of television have selves as much as possible — desperately use. And if bloat is a what the mainstream news large- discomfort in matters of race) as
show’s home and clips on You- undoubtedly accelerated the bor- some, like Ruffin, by honing their perennial blight of the streaming ly didn’t: cutting through the an inevitable part of maturation
Tube, where explainer videos of rowings from “Last Week To- voice, and others, such as Ziwe, by age, well, at least the political bull. It didn’t change anything, and growth — a prescription hard
all political stripes thrive. Per- night,” as late night continues to crafting a persona that’s never comics are using their extended but at least “The Daily Show” of to disagree with on paper, but
haps it’s because of how seamless- be consumed not just in frag- existed before on late night (in run times to better edutain us. yore let us know we weren’t alone difficult to execute in real life.
ly late-night segments fit into the ments but in modes most familiar her case, one that’s extravagantly But there remains one junc- in our frustrations. Stewart, too, Perhaps that’s what makes Oli-
larger YouTube landscape that to digital natives. confrontational and parodically ture at which the domination of was looking around, seeing that ver’s anti-catharsis comedy so fit-
network executives have ap- All these are, on the whole, race-obsessed). The preponder- the Oliver model leaves us want- we were surrounded by nonsense ting for our overly educated, po-
proved, if not encouraged, co- positive developments. The in- ance of video explainers stem- ing. Two decades ago, during or worse, and calling it out, often litically powerless and ever sad
medians going long on, say, the tense competition between so ming from mainstream sources Stewart’s heyday in the George W. with the vocal register and gestic- and anxious times — and why we
origins of “copaganda” or the many similar shows has forced such as corporate TV lends You- Bush years, the comedian offered ulations of a flabbergasted Mup- can’t get enough.

‘I was the ghost that wouldn’t die,’ singer Lanegan wrote in his autobiography
APPRECIATION FROM C1 use a similar arrangement of the in rehab to outrun his demons.
song for its appearance on “MTV Love paid for it.
He was a small-time criminal with Unplugged.” In his last years, Lanegan
nascent addictions to alcohol, Lanegan and Cobain were pre- seemed older than he was. He
gambling and porn by the time he fame friends. As Lanegan wrote in appeared careworn and weath-
was 12 — yes, 12. A few years later, “Sing Backwards,” the Nirvana ered, at once eternally pugilistic
he formed Screaming Trees with frontman called him repeatedly and resigned to his fate. He was
brothers Van and Gary Lee Con- right before he died, asking Lane- consumed by his own mortality,
ner, and his life got exponentially gan to come over. In what would worried about government track-
worse. prove to be one of the most fateful ing devices and 5G. He was the
The Trees had one major hit decisions in rock history, Lanegan embodiment of what grunge
(“Nearly Lost You,” featured on the listened in real time as Cobain left would have looked like if it had
“Singles” soundtrack) and a life of messages on his answering ma- had the chance to grow old.
roiling misery. Nobody hated any- chine — in the ’90s, you could do It got to the point where most
thing more than the guys in that — but never picked up. He interviews with Lanegan included
Screaming Trees hated each other; was trying to avoid Courtney Love, some version of the question: How
compared to them, the Gallagher Cobain’s wife. are you still alive? Lanegan
brothers are monks on a yoga Lanegan’s post-Trees career oc- seemed to wonder about it, too.
retreat. The only time in “Sing casionally thrived. He became a “My days are numbered/ Eternal
Backwards” Lanegan seems truly sometime member of Mad Season, slumber/ Death is my due,” he
happy is when he is describing the a grunge supergroup co-founded sang on “Ballad of a Dying Rover,”
time Lee Conner suffered an acci- by Staley and Pearl Jam’s Mike the centerpiece of his last official
dental electrical shock. (He lived.) McCready, and collaborated with release, “Straight Songs of Sor-
By the time the band imploded everyone from Moby to Greg Dulli row,” the spare, ghostly compan-
in 2000, Lanegan seemed to have to Isobel Campbell of Belle & Se- ion album to “Sing Backwards.”
outgrown grunge, anyway. His bastian. He served as a vital con- With Lanegan’s death, most of
early solo albums “The Winding nector between grunge and desert grunge’s remaining living icons
Sheet” and “Whiskey for the Holy rock when he briefly joined are the no-nonsense guys in the
Ghost” were marvels, spartan and Queens of the Stone Age, whose middle, such as Tad Doyle and
sad. “My idea was I wanted to lead singer, Josh Homme, had Mudhoney’s Mark Arm, too de-
make music with the feeling of once been an adjunct member of pendable to die, and dedicated
blues, without being blues,” Lane- Screaming Trees. Lanegan and self-preservationists such as Ed-
gan later told the Seattle Times. Homme wrote the theme song for MARK DAVIS/GETTY IMAGES die Vedder, hopefully unkillable,
“The Winding Sheet” contained a “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Un- Mark Lanegan, pictured performing in 2012, had a sometimes thriving musical career after the and Love. In a pre-covid interview
cover of “Where Did You Sleep known” for Bourdain, a fan who breakup of the grunge band Screaming Trees. He struggled with heroin and crack addiction. with Spin, Lanegan didn’t like his
Last Night,” a traditional song plainly adored them. own chances. “I may have dodged
popularized by Lead Belly, featur- In Lanegan’s personal life, oin and crack, and became a deal- putated and occasionally lived on perience. “I was the ghost that a bullet. For now,” he told the
ing Cobain and Nirvana bassist things were grim. He struggled er to support his habit. He once the streets. Most of his 30s could wouldn’t die,” he writes in “Sing reporter. “But you can’t last for-
Krist Novoselic; that band would with a years-long addiction to her- came close to having his arm am- be considered a near-death ex- Backwards.” It would take a year ever though.”

Why live presentations for 8 Oscar categories are on the cutting-room floor
BY J OSH R OTTENBERG ry celebrated in front of a global crease viewer engagement and right before the live broadcast While noting that the decision
audience. keep the show vital, kinetic, and begins rather than during the live was endorsed by the academy’s
los angeles — Faced with an In 2018, a plan to give out four relevant. This has been an impor- show itself. 54-member board — whose gov-
existential crisis of dwindling rat- awards — cinematography, edit- tant focus of discussion for quite A similar strategy is employed ernors represent the 17 branches
ings and a lack of blockbuster ing, live-action short and makeup some time.” by the Tony Awards; the Prime- of the organization — and the
nominees, the Motion Picture and hairstyling — during com- Indeed, two years into a pan- Time Emmys and Grammy group’s Awards Committee, Ru-
Academy is making a major mercial breaks in that year’s tele- demic that has accelerated a shift Awards have never doled out all bin also acknowledged that some
change to this year’s Oscars: Not cast sparked bitter protests from “We must prioritize away from big-screen moviego- of their awards in a single live in the group may not embrace the
every award will be presented live members who felt it would repre- ing, the academy’s leaders are broadcast. change. “We realize these kinds of
during the telecast. sent a slight to some of film’s most the television faced with the need to take un- “To be clear, all the nominees in changes can prompt concern
While the starriest of the 23 vital crafts. Just days before the precedented steps to safeguard ALL awards categories will be about equity, and we ask you to
categories will be given out live ceremony, faced with a vocal pro- audience to increase the future of its all-important identified on air and ALL win- understand our goal has been to
on air, five below-the-line awards test from a group of prominent Oscars show. With this year’s ners’ acceptance speeches will be find a balance in which nomi-
and the three short film awards cinematographers and filmmak- viewer engagement show, set for March 27, the acad- featured on the live broadcast,” nees, winners, members, and
will be handed out before the ers, the academy reversed the emy is desperate to convey the Rubin wrote, while acknowledg- viewing audience all have a re-
telecast begins, with clips of the decision. and keep the show message to audiences that not ing that those moments will be warding show experience,” he
presentations and acceptance In a letter Tuesday to the only the awards but movies them- edited down to help the telecast’s wrote.
speeches then edited into the group’s roughly 10,000 members, vital, kinetic, and selves still matter. pacing. “Every awarded filmmak- In recent years, the academy
broadcast. The affected catego- academy president David Rubin In a further bid to inject more er and artist in every category will has reversed a number of deci-
ries are film editing, makeup and seemed to acknowledge the relevant. This has populist appeal into this year’s still have the celebratory ‘Oscar sions aimed at revivifying the
hairstyling, original score, pro- changes were spurred by the need show, which will be hosted by moment’ they deserve on the flagging show, including a much-
duction design and sound as well to boost ratings, which hit an been an important Amy Schumer, Regina Hall and stage of the Dolby, facing an maligned proposal to institute a
as documentary short subject, all-time low with the COVID pan- Wanda Sykes, last week the acad- enrapt audience.” “best popular film award.” But to
animated short and live-action demic-impacted 2021 show. focus of discussion emy announced that for the first Rubin added, “For the audi- preserve the long-term viability
short. “After carefully listening to time, fans will be able to vote on ence at home, the show’s flow of the Oscars, Rubin suggested,
While such a move has long feedback and suggestions from for quite some time.” their favorite movie of 2021 via does not change, though it will changes were necessary.
been contemplated, shifting our film community, our network Twitter. become tighter and more electric “Moving forward we will assess
David Rubin, president of the
awards out of the hallowed Oscar partner, and all those who love In his letter to members, Rubin with this new cadence, and the this change and will continue to
Motion Picture Academy
ceremony is not a step the acad- the Oscars, it was evident we explained that the eight affected live broadcast should end — yes, look for additional ways to make
emy’s leadership takes lightly — needed to make some decisions categories — which, to many with the Best Picture category — our show more entertaining and
or that all of the group’s members about the broadcast that are in viewers, often represent bath- at the three-hour mark.” (Last more thrilling for all involved,
are likely to welcome. The acad- the best interest of the future of room breaks during what acad- year’s show drew pans for moving inside the Dolby Theatre and
emy prizes its traditions, and the our show and our organization,” emy leaders know can be a bloat- the Oscar for best picture from its watching from home,” Rubin
members cherish their opportu- Rubin wrote. “We must prioritize ed show — will be presented in traditional position as the eve- wrote.
nity to have their craft and artist- the television audience to in- the Dolby Theatre in the hour ning’s climactic award.) — Los Angeles Times

‘The Stone World’ solidifies the stature of author’s writing

BOOK WORLD FROM C1 Zita, a warm, spirited presence, tension beneath the story’s sur- would pray to El Señor Jesus, the like them, wondrous for their
cares tenderly for Pira, as does face, as “The Stone World” tracks god of love. . . . But . . . [Jesus] was simplicity and depth — stand as
“Stone World” may provide her boyfriend, Federico, whose Pira’s careful, often pained ab- nailed to a cross. . . . He needed small miracles. Readers inhabit
“Twelve Years” a sort of fictional struggles as a laborer in another sorption of the baffling world at help himself. So when Pira prayed both the adult recognizing the
prequel. It opens in an unnamed, town worry Pira’s justice-minded hand — and unknown worlds to . . . he prayed to God. . . . the predicament and the child des-
1940s Mexican town where Peter, family. In the background dwells come. father of El Señor Jesus. He knew perately trying to understand. A
a quiet, sensitive boy of about 6, Pira’s biological father, David, What sets this novel apart — everything and could do any- great tenderness infuses this tell-
lives with his American mother, who lives in New York and rarely what marks its entrancing power thing, so it made sense to pray to ing, never once veering into pre-
Martha, a violinist, and German sees Pira, but writes him. “One — is a voice and vision (told in him.” ciousness. The narrative’s lush
stepfather, Bruno, an exiled com- day you will meet [David] again,” very close third person) that are Pira’s mind, like most chil- scope — from Pira’s deep dream
munist writer: “When [Bruno] Martha assures him, “and you’ll solely the child’s. Adult percep- dren’s, is a kind of unexposed life to the sight of the mighty
went into his room to write, he see that he loves you.” tion never takes over, except as film, imprinted by everything — volcano whose ancient creation
said he had to work. The room These adults form a sheltering reported by Pira. I cannot remem- micro to macro — in vibrant stories he’s memorized to assort-
where he worked was always full circle around the child. They do ber anything like it. Instantly, it dimension: the town’s cathedral ed crises including a scorpion’s
of smoke, and he always looked not marginalize or condescend to pulls a reader deeply into her own and marketplace, poverty and near-fatal sting — reveals the
worried when he wrote . . . On one him; Pira loves them unstintingly. childhood — via prose so simple wealth, ethics, war, drunkenness, boy’s gentle, undefended awaken-
wall near his desk was a bright When David signs a letter “With and direct it almost disappears. racism, friendship, fear, death’s ing to his own and others’ flawed,
red picture of a man’s arm mak- all my love”: “Clear as light,” were my first mystery, and in fact, a certain earnest love. An exquisite medita-
ing a fist above some German “Pira had never heard those notes. recurring grace. Pira questions tion upon language, meaning, hu-
words.” four words put together like that. We’re not just alongside the Bruno about having to put down a man longing and consciousness
Peter’s Spanish-speaking He repeated them in his mind. . . . child: we’re inside the child. beloved but rabid pet: itself, “Stone World” will fill read-
friends pronounce his name The ‘all’ was so big. . . . How much SHARON SMITH It’s a masterful feat. After Zita “ ‘Did you cry?’ ers with wonder.
“Pira,” which pleases him for love would that be? It was almost Joel Agee’s “The Stone World” tells the boy about her faith in “ ‘Yes.’
sounding “more Mexican even scary.” is told in the voice and vision of prayer, and Pira’s mother tries to “ ‘Poor Tonta.’ Joan Frank’s newest novel is “The
than Pedro did. . . . It wasn’t good Bruno belongs to a group of Pira, the child protagonist. explain the idea of religious grace “ ‘Yes, poor Tonta.’ Outlook for Earthlings.” Her
being a gringo . . . always the Eastern European emigres (“a little bit like luck”), Pira thinks “There was a big silence then forthcoming essay collection, “Late
word sounded mean. . . . Some- who’ve fled the Nazis and fascists lands but fear what awaits them that grace “seemed to be some- . . . bigger than the room they Work: A Literary Autobiography of
times Pira prayed to be allowed to for Mexico. Many, including Bru- there; they argue about it. This thing for women, and he was were in.” Love, Loss, and What I Was Reading,”
be Mexican.” The live-in maid, no, long to return to their home- pressing focus tightens a subtle going to be a man. If he prayed, he Such moments — with so many will appear in November.

Ways to end personal and professional relationships without getting snippy

BREAKUPS FROM C1 nouns and you have had difficul- you’re able to notice dissatisfac-
ty doing so, I felt really frustrated, tion.” Start by trying to name it:
not be the right thing to do. so I’m going to need to find a new What is going wrong, and how
For one thing, if the person has hairstylist.” might we fix it? For example, you
harmed you or has a history of In this formula, the “I” state- might say to your therapist: “I’m
crossing your stated boundaries, ments make it more about your wanting to do this work in a
you don’t have to put yourself in specific experiences and feelings, different way. What do you think
that position again, Falchuk says. rather than a characterization of about that?” they advise. For a
This is especially true if there’s a the person. Sticking to a formula social group like a book club or
power imbalance in the relation- can help you keep it brief while knitting group, you might imple-
ship: if they’ve used microaggres- still asserting your values. ment regular check-ins: How are
sions or have refused to accom- things going? Is there something
modate your disability. In this Maintain your boundary missing? What are we doing too
case, ghosting may be appropri- Of course, there’s no guarantee much or too little of ?
ate — or become appropriate if the other person is going to re-
they keep pushing the issue. ceive your message well. They
On the other hand, if the rela- may push back or offer an incen-
tionship has been amicable or tive to maintain the relationship “Keep it brief, direct,
you’ve had a longer history, pro- — “I’ll give you a free service next
viding closure is a more satisfy- time,” for example. In this case, compassionate and
ing, mature thing to do, advises Nightingale says, you can simply
Marjorie Nightingale, a licensed reiterate your message: “I am give yourself a time
marriage and family therapist in grateful, but this really is going to
D.C. be my last day.” Or for a casual boundary where you
It’s as simple as the golden friendship, you might offer this
rule: If you were in their position, simple but polite response: “I can say: I’ve got to
would you want or expect closure think we’ve gone as far as we can.”
from the relationship? This is If they respond with aggres- go to another
especially true if the other person sion or resistance, Nightingale
is providing a service and is says, “that’s their stuff to manage. meeting.”
income-dependent on the rela- That’s not yours.” You have no Neathery Falchuk, a licensed
tionship, such as a child-care obligation to reason with them, social worker and owner of
provider, aesthetician or thera- and if they continue to push back, Ample and Rooted, a therapy
pist, Falchuk says. Giving notice that may be further confirmation practice in Austin
ahead of time allows them time to you’ve made the right decision.
fill your slot in their books or
otherwise take care of things on Feedback helps people grow These questions act as routine
the business end. For Bryant, the D.C. barber, maintenance and allow the other
You might say: “Hey, next time honest feedback helps her run a person or group the opportunity
is going to be my last time,” or, “I’d better business. to adapt to meet your needs. It
like to talk about an end date,” She recalled one client who also softens the blow and allows
Falchuk advises. was experiencing hair loss. He for a more open, healthier exit if
No matter how you do it, end- would ask her what he could do it comes time to part ways.
ing the relationship with care and to prevent it — something that
compassion is a way to respect was out of her expertise, she says. Give yourself compassion
that person, honor the relation- She advised him to see a derma- Ultimately, it’s important to go
ship and show appreciation for tologist. easy on yourself as you navigate
the role they played in your life. sionate and give yourself a time know you’re moving on and you Falchuk offered a common for- He eventually told her he the end of relationships, big and
boundary where you can say: I’ve wish them the best.” You don’t mula for this, whether you’re would stop coming: Her exper- small, Falchuk says. Reassure
Keep it brief got to go to another meeting,” need to launch into a long-wind- ending the relationship or striv- tise and his needs were not align- yourself that what you’re doing is
The rule of thumb for defusing they say. ed, apologetic explanation as to ing to maintain one. It goes like ing. But Bryant says that experi- difficult, but important.
these interactions is to keep them Nightingale advises leading why you’re ending the relation- this: ence ultimately helped her and “Setting boundaries is self-
short and sweet. If you’re feeling the conversation with apprecia- ship, she notes. For example: “When I’ve been her business. Her shop now does care,” they say. “We’re not taught
anxious (which is normal!), it can tion. This could apply to one-on- Then, if the person asks for an misgendered by you, I feel shame hair units — sometimes known as how to leave relationships in a
help to prepare a script, jot down one relationships, or social explanation or feedback, it’s up to and frustration, and I need you to toupees — to help clients experi- really satisfying way, so offer
some notes or discuss what you’re groups, such as a monthly book you whether you oblige, Nightin- use my correct pronouns,” they encing hair loss feel more confi- yourself compassion in the mo-
going to say with a friend ahead of club: “Start with a short note of gale says. If the relationship is say. Or if you’re ending the rela- dent. ment: This is a moment of anxi-
time, Falchuk advises. appreciation for the time you’ve professional, you might respond tionship, you could say: “When Falchuk says it’s important to ety. Others have certainly felt this
“Keep it brief, direct, compas- spent together, then let them with some feedback as a courtesy. I’ve asked you to use my pro- assert your needs “as soon as way, too. I’m not alone.”

Their relationship ended. Should her newspaper subscription gift end as well?
Dear Miss should not do. Only recently did I decide to last breath.) But that’s not really you learned, and say that you are guarantees both a profit and a
Miss Manners: A few Miss Manners looks into the have that necklace appraised, relevant from an ethical embarrassed, as you could not clean conscience.
Manners months ago, I got meaning around gifts, not the and I was floored to learn that it standpoint, is it? have accepted it had you known
JUDITH my boyfriend a cost — or the timing of is worth close to $30,000. Miss I’m sure my friend and her its value — and that you really New Miss Manners columns are
MARTIN, birthday gift of a payments. Manners, these friends are husband have long forgotten feel you should return it. posted Monday through Saturday on
JACOBINA year-long incredibly kind people, and I about the necklace, and I would This will give your better-off You can
MARTIN AND subscription to a Dear Miss Manners: Several don’t question their generosity love to sell it. Still, this quandary friend the opportunity to tell you send questions to Miss Manners at
NICHOLAS newspaper. He years ago, the sister-in-law of a for a moment. Nevertheless, I is keeping me up at night. to keep it, which you may then her website, You
IVOR MARTIN broke up with me dear friend died, leaving a large have difficulty imagining they do, with proper expressions of can also follow her
a month later, and and very valuable estate. In would have casually gifted me The resale price of a gift is thanks. This approach is not @RealMissManners.
we are no longer talking. Should clearing out her homes before such an item had they known its generally irrelevant to the without risk — you may have to
I keep paying the subscription selling them, as this woman’s value. etiquette — but not always. Nice return it — but no path © 2022, by Judith Martin
until next year? Or cut him off only heirs, my friend and her Do I tell them what I've young women do not accept
now? husband ended up with a learned, perhaps under the guise expensive gifts from strange

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Late Show/Colbert (CBS at 11:35) MTV Jersey Shore--Vacation Jersey Shore--Vacation Teen Mom: Family Reunion Jersey Shore--Vacation Ridiculous Ridiculous
Ghosts (CBS at 9) Sasappis Norah O’Donnell, Tom Lennon. Nat’l Geographic Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Life Below Zero (10:15) Port Protection Alaska Next Gen
suggests helping Sam finish the Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC at NBC SportsNet WA (6:00) 106.7 The Fan’s Sports Junkies Football Triton Poker Triton Poker
bed-and-breakfast website. 11:35) Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, Nickelodeon Danger Warped! Movie: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Friends Friends Friends Friends
Luke Bryan, Pamela Adlon, Banks. NWSN On Balance Dan Abrams Live (Live) Prime With Marni Hughes Banfield On Balance
B Positive (CBS at 9:30) Gina is
PARMT Movie: Tommy Boy ★★ (1995) Movie: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ★★ (2006)
stuck in the middle when Norma’s Late Late Show/Corden (CBS at Syfy (6:30) Movie: Blade: Trinity ★★ (2004) Movie: Enemy of the State ★★★ (1998)
rude sister comes to Valley Hills. 12:37) Nathan Chen, Will Arnett, TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Go-Big Show Full Frontal Go-Big Show Full Frontal
Pivoting (Fox at 9:30) Amy and Machine Gun Kelly featuring Willow TCM (6:00) Movie: Wise Blood Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey ★★★★ (1968) (10:45) Lawrence of Arabia: Director’s Cut
Henry cover up an accidental bribe Smith. TLC Stuck Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper 1000-Lb. Best Friends Hoarding: Buried Alive
after an incident with one of Luke’s TNT Game Plan NBA Basketball: Boston Celtics at Brooklyn Nets (Live) NBA Basketball: Warriors at Trail Blazers
Late Night/Meyers (NBC at
teachers. Travel Paranormal Caught- Camera Paranormal Caught- Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught- Camera
12:37) Maude Apatow, Stevie
TruTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Foodies Foodies Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers
Grown-ish (Freeform at 10) Zoey Nistor.
TV Land Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King
and Luca design a new line for Anti- TV One Cosby Show Cosby Show Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction Sins of the City Fatal Attraction
— Anying Guo
Muse. USA Network Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam
Bull (CBS at 10) Bull’s estranged VH1 Movie: The Equalizer ★★ (2014) Movie: Law Abiding Citizen ★ (2009)
brother arrives. More at WNC8 Gladys Cleaning! Govt. Matters 7News at 6 SportsTalk ABC News News Govt. Matters The National Desk
entertainment/tv LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated

Her partner of nearly a quarter-century is reluctant about estate planning

Dear Amy: My But if he dies without a will, all accounts. Your adviser should (my son). she lives with. this scenario. That would reflect
Ask Amy partner and I of his assets will go to his elderly also pass along any She lives over an hour away What can I do to reestablish a poorly on you.
AMY have been father, then to his siblings. recommendations regarding with her mother and her relationship?
DICKINSON together for 24 This is beginning to keep me how you as an individual can mother’s parents. I thought about mentioning Dear Amy: I was relieved to see
years. awake at night. best protect and provide for your The adults have stated before that I was deciding on what to your response to “Sharp End of
We’ve owned Any suggestions? future if your partner dies before that they have nothing against do with certain valuables that the Stick,” who was attacked
two houses together, and I have — No Way Without a Will you without a will. You should me, just my son. my grandnieces might like, but with a knife by a relative who
been a loyal employee at his also carefully review your joint Before her birthday in early that seems like bribery. had gone off his meds.
family-owned business for 20 No Way: You need the expertise tenancy agreement. December, I texted (both her and Any ideas? She is and most Thank you for emphasizing
years. of an estate planner. It seems logical (to me) that her mother) that I would like to likely will be my only that she should not bow to any
He dodges every attempt I Researching your question, I your partner’s share in his come down for a shopping and granddaughter, and I want her family pressure to spend time in
make to discuss his estate plan. could find no provisions for a family’s business should be lunch date to celebrate her in my life. this man’s presence. Even if the
He says he doesn’t want to long-term domestic partner after handled separately, in whatever birthday and asked what would — Sad Grandma family member is now stable, she
offend anyone. Well, he’s already death — without a will way he decides. be a good day. should not return until she feels
offended me. All he thinks about specifically designating it. (You If he won’t attend this My granddaughter replied Sad: Communicate directly with safe.
is his obligation to his father and are obviously already aware of meeting with you, bring home all that she was too busy and did the child’s mother and ask — Survivor
siblings. this.) of the information you’ve not want to go shopping, etc. I whether she can meet you for
Our house is in joint tenancy, Rules for inheritance vary gathered and ask him to review ended up sending a check. coffee over the weekend. Survivor: Thank you. This
so if something happens to him, state by state, but if someone it with you. The check was cashed, but I Ask her for suggestions question was quite alarming.
at least I won’t be homeless. dies intestate, for a partner to Estate planning can be tricky never got a thank you or any regarding how to reestablish a
I will, however, lose my inherit, marriage seems to be a and complicated. For some other correspondence. Before connection. Amy's column appears seven days a
income, his income and a necessity. people, it can also be somewhat Christmas, I again texted them Please understand that this week at
company-provided vehicle. Set up a meeting, and if your frightening. But, like many both to arrange a time that I wounded 14-year-old is not Write to
And did I mention that we partner won’t attend, go on your financial decisions, once you get could come down to celebrate mature enough to leap over this or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
have a fairly large mortgage on own. The adviser might suggest started with tackling problems, Christmas. Neither of them awkwardness on her own. You Freeville, N.Y. 13068.  You can also
our current residence? you each hold life insurance you will sleep better. responded in any way. will need the other adults in her follow her @askingamy.
I understand that he wants/ policies designating the partner Before this, I thought I had a life to encourage this
needs to leave his share of the as the beneficiary. The same Dear Amy: My granddaughter is fairly good relationship with my relationship and help it grow. © 2022 by Amy Dickinson distributed by
business to his brother/partner. would go for any retirement 14 and estranged from her father granddaughter and the adults Do not dangle valuables over Tribune Content Agency

GALA Theatre
LA CASA DE LA Thru Feb 27 A suspenseful saga that weaves several generations
LAGUNA/The House Thurs – Sat at 8 pm of family history with a chronicle of the political history 3333 14th Street, NW $25--$48 In Spanish with
on the Lagoon Sun at 2 pm of Puerto Rico. Based on the novel by Rosario Ferré. 202-234-7174 English surtitles
MDLO presents Friday, February 25 at MDLO presents Puccini’s Turandot sung in Concert at the 5301 Tuckerman Lane Red Line Metro
7:30 pm
Turandot in Sunday, February 27 at
Music Center at Strathmore. Conducted by Louis Salemno. Bethesda, MD 20852 $25-$150 Student tickets $10
Concert Sung in Italian with English surtitles.
2:00 pm

| 16-2898

Retropolis Stories of the past, rediscovered.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Thursday, February 24, 2022
St. Charles Town Ctr. 9
Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas
Sing 2 (PG) 12:40-3:20-6:05-8:50
Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:50-
Dog (PG-13) 12:40-3:30-6:10
Moonfall (PG-13) 1:20-4:30-7:30
iPic Pike & Rose
11830 Grand Park Avenue
The Worst Person in the World
(R) 4:00-7:40
Marry Me (PG-13) 4:40
Scream (R) 7:55
Moonfall (PG-13) 1:45-4:50-8:00
Marry Me (PG-13) 1:50-4:45-7:50
AMC Georgetown 14 AFI Silver Theatre 11115 Mall Circle 629 Center Point Way 2:20-4:05-5:35-7:20-8:50 Marry Me (PG-13) 2:00-4:50-7:50 Uncharted (PG-13) (!) 7:15-10:30 Cyrano (PG-13) 7:05 Encanto (PG) 3:50
AMC Tysons Corner 16
3111 K Street N.W. Cultural Center Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:00- Dog (PG-13) (!) 6:30 jackass forever (R) 1:25-4:05- Scream (R) 7:30 Studio 666 (R) (!) 6:30-9:30 7850e Tysons Corner Center Encanto (PG) 4:50 The Cursed (R) 1:10-4:05-7:20
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:00-9:40 8633 Colesville Road 5:00-8:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home 6:45-9:30 Encanto (PG) 12:50 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 3:00
Sing 2 (PG) CC: 2:40 Punch-Drunk Love (R) 9:05 Dog (PG-13) CC: 3:00-5:45-8:30 (PG-13) 7:30
Studio 666 (R) (!) 7:15
Valimai (Tamil) 4:45-8:50
Dog (PG-13) 1:20-2:20-4:00-
The Cursed (R) 1:10-4:10-7:10 VIRGINIA Sing 2 (PG) CC: 1:35-4:30 13) 4:20-7:45
Blacklight (PG-13) 3:45
13) 3:10-7:10
Butter (PG-13) 7:00
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Sounder (NR) 1:15 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC:
AMC Magic Johnson Uncharted (PG-13) (!) 6:00- 6:40-9:20 Bheemla Nayak 4:20
2:00-4:55-7:40-9:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 13) 12:20-3:40-7:20 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 12:55-2:45-3:55-6:15-9:25 Studio 666 (R) 7:30
Capital Center 12 7:00-8:00 Moonfall (PG-13) 1:35-4:50
jackass forever (R) CC: 2:05-4:30 6:00-8:45 Blacklight (PG-13) 6:50 West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 2:20 DJ Tillu 7:40 Licorice Pizza (R) 4:50-8:00
800 Shoppers Way Death on the Nile (PG-13) 6:45 Marry Me (PG-13) 12:40-3:35- Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:40-7:30 Blacklight (PG-13) 1:35
Dog (PG-13) CC: 2:00-4:30-7:50 West Side Story (PG-13) 2:45 Too Cool To Kill 12:30-3:20-6:20 jackass forever (R) CC: 1:15- Uncharted (PG-13) 4:00-5:00-
Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 2:45-9:05 Quo vadis, Aida? 4:00 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:00 Marry Me (PG-13) 6:15 6:30-9:25 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 6:00-7:00-8:00 Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:45
Studio 666 (R) 5:10-8:00 4:00-7:00 4:05-6:55-9:30
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:00 Chess of the Wind (Shatranj-e Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Blacklight (PG-13) 7:45 Scream (R) 12:45-3:35-6:20-9:15 Uncharted (PG-13) 2:55-6:00
3:00-6:00 Regal UA Snowden Square jackass forever (R) CC: 5:20-7:50 Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:10-3:50-9:40 Cinema Arts Theatre
The Cursed (R) CC: 2:25-5:10- baad) 2:00 Hoyt's West Nursery Cinema 14 Encanto (PG) 1:00-3:45-6:35 9161 Commerce Center Drive Dog (PG-13) CC: 5:30-8:00 Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 1:55-9:05 9650 Main St Bheemla Nayak 4:30-7:50
8:40-9:40 The Worst Person in the World Dog (PG-13) CC: 3:45-6:45 1591 West Nursery Road The Cursed (R) 1:00-3:50-6:40- Uncharted (PG-13) 2:00-2:30-
9:30 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 7:10 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 1:45-4:40- Breaking Bread (NR) CC; DVS:
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- (R) 3:30-6:25-9:00 Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 6:30 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:15- Uncharted (PG-13) 12:05-12:20- 7:30-10:20 4:55-5:30-7:55
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- 1:20-2:20-3:20-4:20-5:20-6:30- The Cursed (R) CC: 5:10-7:50 10:05-4:05
13) CC: 2:10-5:30-8:45 Licorice Pizza (R) 6:15 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 3:55 7:10-9:50 Scream (R) CC: 7:20-10:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC; Regal Manassas & IMAX
Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- Scream (R) CC: 4:45-7:15 13) 12:40-4:10-7:45-8:30 7:30 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
AMC Academy 8 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 12:50-3:50- 13) CC: 4:10-7:35 Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:00-9:50 DVS: 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:10 11380 Bulloch Drive
ence (PG-13) CC: 3:00-6:15-9:00 Encanto (PG) CC: 3:15 Belfast (PG-13) 1:55 Sing 2 (PG) 12:15-3:15
6198 Greenbelt Road 6:30-9:00 Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-7:40 Encanto (PG) CC: 2:25-5:15 Marry Me (PG-13) CC; DVS: 9:45- Uncharted (PG-13) 2:00-2:30-
The Worst Person in the World The Cursed (R) CC: 4:15-8:15 Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:25-
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Experience (PG-13) 12:30-3:30- The Cursed (R) CC: 1:25-4:20- 12:05-12:35-5:05-7:40 3:00-5:00-5:30-6:00-8:00-8:30-
(R) 3:15-6:10-9:05 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:15-7:15 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- 1:10-4:00-6:50-9:40 4:25-7:45 AMC Hoffman Center 22 7:15-10:05 9:00
Sing 2 (PG) CC: 8:00 6:30-9:30 Belfast (PG-13) CC; DVS: 12:00-
Drive My Car 5:15 13) CC: 3:30-7:30 West Side Story (PG-13) CC: jackass forever (R) 12:05-2:55- 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Aaraattu 8:05 2:00-6:00 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:10-
Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 3:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Belle (PG) 8:25 5:25-8:05 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 3:00
Belfast (PG-13) CC: 7:40 12:55-4:30-7:50 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- The Worst Person in the World 4:20-7:20
Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 2:20 4:40-7:30 jackass forever (R) CC: 1:00- Licorice Pizza (R) 9:20 Valimai (Tamil) 1:00-6:00 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 1:30-4:15
Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- Blacklight (PG-13) 1:05-3:50- 13) CC: 2:40-6:10-9:55 (R) CC; DVS: 10:10-1:10-4:10-7:20 West Side Story (PG-13) 2:20
Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-7:00- Dog (PG-13) CC: 5:00-7:30 ence (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:00 4:25-7:00-10:15 Dog (PG-13) 12:00-12:25-2:30- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- Drive My Car CC; DVS: 10:00- Ghostbusters: Afterlife (PG-13)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-8:00 6:35-9:20 4:50-6:05-7:20 2:15-5:30-8:45
8:00-9:45 Dog (PG-13) CC: 1:20-4:20- ence (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:05-8:25 1:15-7:00 4:50-7:50
13) CC: 4:30-7:00 6:45-9:30 Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:50 Moonfall (PG-13) 12:45-3:45-6:55 Dune (PG-13) CC: 4:15
The Godfather 50 Years (R) CC: Valimai (Tamil) 12:35 Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Licorice Pizza (R) CC; DVS: 12:50- jackass forever (R) 1:20-3:50-
6:00 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 4:50-7:40 Bow Tie Annapolis Mall 11 House of Gucci (R) CC: 12:45 Marry Me (PG-13) 2:05-5:05 West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 3:40-6:25 6:20-8:50
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:40-7:30 The Cursed (R) CC: 4:20-7:50 1020 Westfield Annapolis Mall Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 12:40-3:45- Regal Germantown The Cursed (R) 1:10-4:10-7:10 1:25-5:00-8:45 Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-7:45-9:15 The Power of the Dog (R) CC; Dog (PG-13) 1:50-2:50-4:40-6:10-
Marry Me (PG-13) OC: 6:00 AMC Center Park 8 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:50- 7:05-10:00 20000 Century Boulevard Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- King Richard (PG-13) CC: 1:45 The Godfather 50 Years (R) CC: DVS: 9:55-4:30-7:30 7:15-8:50
Licorice Pizza (R) OC: 6:15 4001 Powder Mill Rd. 4:40-7:30-10:20 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 1:35-4:10- Uncharted (PG-13) 11:50-1:20- 13) 12:00-3:25-7:05 The 355 (PG-13) CC: 5:45-8:45 6:00-9:45 Moonfall (PG-13) 2:10-5:20-8:20
Cinemark Fairfax Corner and XD
jackass forever (R) 12:15-2:45- 6:45-9:20 2:40-4:00-5:30-7:00 Gangubai Kathiawadi (Telugu) jackass forever (R) CC: 2:00- Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:05-4:05- Marry Me (PG-13) 1:30
Angelika Pop-Up at Union Market Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:15-7:15 Scream (R) CC: 1:40-4:45-7:25- Sing 2 (PG) 12:40 4:45-7:30 11900 Palace Way
5:20-7:50-10:10 8:30 6:05-7:05-10:10 Scream (R) 2:40-5:40-8:35
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: 10:05 American Underdog (PG) CC: Cyrano (PG-13) 7:00-10:00
4:30-7:40 Dog (PG-13) 2:00-4:30-7:15-9:40 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:20- Blacklight (PG-13) 3:05 Dog (PG-13) OC: 6:40 Encanto (PG) 1:40
Uncharted (PG-13) 3:15-4:15-7:00 The Cursed (R) CC: 1:50-4:50- 3:50-6:50 4:00 Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 5:45 Bheemla Nayak XD: 2:30-6:00- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
Marry Me (PG-13) 4:30-7:15 jackass forever (R) CC: 4:40-7:50 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:40-4:20- 7:35-10:10 West Side Story (PG-13) 6:20
Studio 666 (R) 5:05-8:05
Dog (PG-13) CC: 2:45-5:30-8:15 9:30 13) 1:45-5:10-8:40
7:10-9:50 AMC Worldgate 9
Uncharted (PG-13) OC: 6:00 Dog (PG-13) CC: 4:15-7:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- jackass forever (R) 11:45-2:20- Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 1:15- Studio 666 (R) 5:00-8:00; Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi-
Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 8:00 Scream (R) 8:00-10:40 1419 South Main Chapel Way 13025 Worldgate Drive 6:30-9:15
Avalon Theatre 13) CC: 12:35-4:00-6:40-9:45 5:10-7:50 4:30-7:45 ence (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00
5612 Connecticut Avenue Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Uncharted (PG-13) 1:20-4:00- Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:05- Valimai (Tamil) 3:00-6:55 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:00-2:00- Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 1:30- Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 7:00 Regal Ballston Quarter Blacklight (PG-13) 5:50-8:45
13) CC: 4:10-7:10 6:45-9:30 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 6:15
7:15-9:55 Dog (PG-13) 12:05-1:50-2:30- 3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00 4:30-7:30 671 North Glebe Road Studio 666 (R) 5:30-8:30
Death on the Nile (PG-13) 4:00- Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-7:30 Sing 2 (PG) 12:30-3:00-5:30 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC:
7:00; 1:00 Redeeming Love (PG-13) CC: 5:10-7:20-8:00 Sing 2 (PG) 12:50-3:40-6:20 Scream (R) CC: 2:30-5:30-8:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 4:25-4:55-
Moonfall (PG-13) 1:10-4:10 12:30-3:30-6:20-9:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:30- Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:00-8:00 7:15 Regal
The Worst Person in the World AMC Columbia 14 The Cursed (R) 2:10 Moonfall (PG-13) 1:10 6:30-7:30-8:00 Springfield Town Center
Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-7:40- Marry Me (PG-13) 11:55-1:30- 1:50-3:30-4:50-6:30 Encanto (PG) CC: 3:00 jackass forever (R) CC: 7:45
(R) 1:15-4:15-7:15 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway Cyrano (PG-13) (!) 7:00-9:45 Dog (PG-13) CC: 6:00 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 6859 Springfield Mall
10:15 4:40 jackass forever (R) 1:40-4:20-7:30 The Cursed (R) CC: 1:30-3:00- 4:30-7:30
Landmark Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 3:00 Uncharted (PG-13) 11:45-2:20- Uncharted (PG-13) 1:25 6:00-9:00 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 7:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:20-1:50-
Sing 2 (PG) CC: 3:50 Scream (R) 8:05 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:30-4:10-6:50 jackass forever (R) 4:50-7:20 2:20-4:30-5:00-5:30-7:30-8:00-
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema 5:00-7:45-10:30 Encanto (PG) 12:50-3:40 Scream (R) 7:50 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Valimai (Tamil) 6:30
807 V Street Northwest Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Landmark 13) CC: 6:30 9:00
Bethesda Row Cinema Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- The Cursed (R) 1:20-4:30-7:20 13) CC: 1:00-4:30-8:00 Dog (PG-13) 4:40-5:10-7:15-7:45
jackass forever (R) CC: (!) 4:00-7:20 13) 12:00-3:10-6:30-9:40 Belfast (PG-13) CC: 5:15 Studio 666 (R) CC: 6:45 Sing 2 (PG) 1:00
West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 7235 Woodmont Avenue 13) 12:00-3:20-7:10 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- The Cursed (R) 4:10-7:10 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:05-
4:50-7:30 Blacklight (PG-13) 1:15-3:45- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: (!) Licorice Pizza (R) 7:40 13) 12:40-3:50-7:10 Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- Alamo Drafthouse Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
House of Gucci (R) CC: (!) 4:30 3:40 6:40-9:10 ence (PG-13) CC: 2:45-5:45-8:45 4:10-7:40
4:00-7:00 Blacklight (PG-13) 11:55-2:30- Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- Cinema - One Loudoun 13) 4:20-7:40
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- jackass forever (R) CC: 4:35-7:35 Studio 666 (R) (!) 5:00-7:40-10:10 The Worst Person in the World 20575 East Hampton Plaza
jackass forever (R) 3:10-5:50-8:40
Dog (PG-13) CC: 2:50-5:20-7:55 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- 5:20 ence (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00 Licorice Pizza (R) 7:35 Dog (PG-13) 2:00-5:20-8:10-9:10
13) CC: (!) 4:10-7:10 13) CC: (!) 1:15-4:35-8:05 Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:45 Blacklight (PG-13) 2:30 (R) 1:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 Sing 2 (PG) 12:10 Blacklight (PG-13) 4:35
Uncharted (PG-13) CC: (!) 4:00- Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 3:45-7:05 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD DJ Tillu 4:20 Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:40- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:50
Moonfall (PG-13) 1:30
Scream (R) CC: 7:30 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Death on the Nile (PG-13) OC: Studio 666 (R) 5:30-8:10 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:40-4:40-7:50
5:00-7:45 (!) 1:00 6:20-9:00 (R) 7:20
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:00 The Croods (PG) 11:05-1:40 Regal Hyattsville Royale Dog (PG-13) 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40 Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 1:00 Regal Dulles Town Center Scream (R) 6:00
West Side Story (PG-13) CC: Uncharted (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:45- jackass forever (R) 12:45
(!) 7:50 Encanto (PG) CC: 4:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:30-4:30- 6505 America Blvd. Regal Westview & IMAX The Godfather 50 Years (R) CC: 21100 Dulles Town Circle Encanto (PG) 2:40
4:30-7:25 Dog (PG-13) 1:25 The Cursed (R) 2:50-6:10-9:05
Studio 666 (R) CC: 7:00 The Cursed (R) CC: 4:15-7:25 7:30-10:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-1:20- 5243 Buckeystown Pike 6:00 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-2:05-
West Side Story (PG-13) CC: (!) 2:10-2:40-3:15-4:00-4:40-5:10- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: (!) Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Sing 2 (PG) 12:35-3:30-6:30 4:45-8:10 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:30-2:20- Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 1:00-2:30- Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:10 4:00-5:30-7:15-8:15
4:20-7:20 13) CC: 3:30-7:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 11:05- 6:20-7:00-7:45-8:00-8:10 5:20-8:20 4:00-5:30-7:00-8:30; 7:45 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 2:45- 13) 1:10-4:50-8:30
Licorice Pizza (R) OC: (!) 3:45 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:10 Angelika Film Center Mosaic 5:45-8:45 Blacklight (PG-13) 4:00-6:40-9:20
Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- 2:20-3:50-5:25-8:35 Drive My Car (!) 12:45-4:25-8:00 jackass forever (R) 2:50-5:20-8:15 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:30- Studio 666 (R) 7:00
Landmark 2911 District Ave Studio 666 (R) 5:00-8:20
E Street Cinema ence (PG-13) CC: 5:00-8:00 The King's Man (R) 4:15-7:25- Belfast (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:50- 3:50-7:10 AMC Potomac Mills 18 jackass forever (R) 1:10-4:15-
Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 7:35 10:35 Dog (PG-13) 1:10-4:35-7:15 jackass forever (R) 12:35-3:00- 2700 Potomac Mills Circle The Worst Person in the World 6:30-9:00 Regal
555 11th Street Northwest 4:20-7:15 Moonfall (PG-13) 3:00-6:30 (R) 1:45-4:35-7:15
Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 4:10-7:15 Dune (PG-13) 12:55 Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:45 5:30-8:10 Dog (PG-13) 2:15-5:15-7:45 Virginia Gateway & RPX
Flee (PG-13) CC: (!) 4:00 Marry Me (PG-13) 2:00-5:00-7:50 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 3:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Moonfall (PG-13) 4:30 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
Drive My Car (!) 2:00-7:00 Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-7:45 Hotel Transylvania: Transfor- Licorice Pizza (R) CC: (!) 12:50- Scream (R) 1:05-3:55-6:50 Dog (PG-13) 1:40-4:50-7:50 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 3:20-6:20-9:20
mania (PG) 5:00-7:25-9:50 13) 12:55-4:20-7:35 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:20-3:45-7:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00
Compartment No. 6 (R) (!) 2:10- The Godfather 50 Years (R) 6:45 Moonfall (PG-13) 6:50 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:30- The Cursed (R) 1:45-3:30-6:15-
CC: 6:00 Encanto (PG) 11:25-2:10 West Side Story (PG-13) OC: Encanto (PG) 2:05-5:15 Sing 2 (PG) 1:05-3:40
4:40-7:10 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:30-4:30-7:15 2:30-4:30-6:15-9:15 4:15-7:10
The Cursed (R) 1:30-4:20-7:45 9:00 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:20-
The Tragedy of Macbeth (R) CC: Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:00; 7:00 West Side Story (PG-13) (!) 1:30 The Cursed (R) 1:50-4:50-8:00 The King's Man (R) CC: 3:15 Marry Me (PG-13) 2:20-4:45-7:20 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
(!) 1:30-7:30 AMC DINE-IN 11:10-2:45 Parallel Mothers (R) (!) 12:55-3:40 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 2:45 Licorice Pizza (R) 1:10-4:05
13) 1:10-3:30-6:50 13) 1:15-4:45-8:00 jackass forever (R) 12:55-3:15-
Belfast (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:40-7:30 Rio Cinemas 18 jackass forever (R) 11:50-2:25- Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 Licorice Pizza (R) 5:40 13) 12:45-4:15-7:40 Gangubai Kathiawadi (Hindi) Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-2:00-
5:00-7:35-10:25 (NR) 8:30 Bheemla Nayak 1:30-5:00-8:30 5:45-8:10
Lingui, The Sacred Bonds (Lingui, 9811 Washingtonian Center 3899 Branch Avenue Studio 666 (R) 4:00-7:00 Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- 3:30-4:30-6:00-7:05-8:30-9:30 Blacklight (PG-13) 1:00
Gangubai Kathiawadi (Hindi) ence (PG-13) 1:20-4:30-7:30 jackass forever (R) CC: 2:20- Moonfall (PG-13) 1:45-4:45-7:45
les liens sacrés) (!) 2:20-4:50-7:20 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:30- Uncharted (PG-13) 1:45-4:45-7:45 Compartment No. 6 (R) 2:30- Marry Me (PG-13) 1:10-3:50-6:45
(NR) 8:30 Regal Laurel Towne Centre Bheemla Nayak 3:45 4:50-7:20-9:50 Regal Fairfax Towne Center
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:15 5:30-8:30 Sing 2 (PG) 1:35-4:15-6:45 14716 Baltimore Avenue
5:00-7:30 Scream (R) 5:40-8:20
Dog (PG-13) 11:15-12:10-1:55- Blacklight (PG-13) 1:10 Dog (PG-13) CC: 3:30-6:30-9:30 Cyrano (PG-13) 7:00-9:35 4110 West Ox Road
The Worst Person in the World Sing 2 (PG) CC: 3:45-6:45 Dog (PG-13) 2:00-4:30-7:00 Encanto (PG) 12:45-3:15
(R) (!) 1:45-4:45-7:45 2:50-4:35-5:30-7:15-9:55 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:00-1:00-
Marry Me (PG-13) 2:45-5:30-8:00 2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00-6:00-7:00- Studio 666 (R) 5:00-8:00 Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 6:20 Uncharted (PG-13) 4:40-7:40
Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 2:15-5:15- Bow Tie The Cursed (R) 1:15-4:15-7:15
Licorice Pizza (R) CC: (!) 1:35- 3:00-6:00-8:00-9:00 Moonfall (PG-13) 12:25-3:35 Scream (R) 1:40-4:25-7:15 8:00-9:00 Xscape Theatres 8:15-9:30 Reston Town Center 11 & BTX Sing 2 (PG) 5:10 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
4:35-7:35 West Side Story (PG-13) CC: 3:30 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:25-4:15-6:25- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Sing 2 (PG) 3:10 Brandywine 14 11940 Market Street Death on the Nile (PG-13)
Scream (R) CC: 4:20-7:15-10:00 4:20-7:20 13) 12:50-4:10-7:40
Parallel Mothers (R) (!) 2:05-4:35 Gangubai Kathiawadi (Hindi) 7:05-9:15-10:20 13) 3:15-7:00 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Drive My Car 3:00 Licorice Pizza (R) 6:15
The Power of the Dog (R) CC: Scream (R) 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:05- Encanto (PG) CC: 2:45 West Side Story (PG-13) 7:50
(NR) 8:30 Regal Bowie 3:05-6:00-9:00 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: (!) The Cursed (R) CC: 4:15-7:00- Uncharted (PG-13) 4:00-6:45 jackass forever (R) 4:00-6:40 Blacklight (PG-13) 2:10-4:50-7:50
(!) 4:30 jackass forever (R) CC: 3:30- Cyrano (PG-13) 7:00-10:00 15200 Major Lansdale Boulevard 7:40-9:30 Death on the Nile (PG-13) Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:45
jackass forever (R) 1:10-3:35- 9:45 Dog (PG-13) 4:15-7:10
Regal Gallery Place 6:15-9:15 Private Watch Party 11:00-11:20- Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-1:40- 6:00-8:30 Sing 2 (PG) CC: 1:45-4:25 3:20-6:50 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:30-2:00-
2:15-2:35-5:50-9:05 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Marry Me (PG-13) 3:55-6:50
701 Seventh Street Northwest Dog (PG-13) CC: 3:00 2:30-4:00-5:30-6:15-7:00 Valimai (Tamil) 12:00-4:00-8:00 Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: (!) 13) CC: 2:45-6:15-9:45 jackass forever (R) 4:40-7:05 3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG-
Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-7:00 Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 2:15-5:15 The Cursed (R) 11:10-2:00-4:50- Sing 2 (PG) 1:40-4:40 Dog (PG-13) 1:00-3:40-6:20-9:00 1:15-4:55-7:45 Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- West Side Story (PG-13) 13) 4:10-7:30 Dog (PG-13) 1:50-4:40-7:10
Sing 2 (PG) 12:05 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 3:15- 7:40-10:30 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:00- Moonfall (PG-13) 9:00 jackass forever (R) CC: 1:35-7:25 ence (PG-13) CC: 4:00-7:00-10:00 3:35-7:10 Smithsonian - Airbus
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Blacklight (PG-13) 3:40-6:20
jackass forever (R) 12:10 6:15-9:15 3:55-6:45 Marry Me (PG-13) 12:30-3:20- Dog (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:30-4:20- Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 5:15 Dog (PG-13) 3:25-4:30-7:10 Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:55 IMAX Theater
Dog (PG-13) 1:30-4:30-7:10 Scream (R) CC: 3:00-6:00-9:00 13) 12:15-3:40-7:10-10:35 West Side Story (PG-13) 1:05 6:00-8:50 6:50-9:20 Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 9:50 Scream (R) 6:15 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:00-9:45 Belle (PG) 9:30 The 355 (PG-13) 2:35 Scream (R) 12:00-2:50 Moonfall (PG-13) CC: 1:05- Bheemla Nayak 2:00 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Regal Fox & IMAX
Moonfall (PG-13) 1:40 22875 Brambleton Plaza To Fly! (1976) (NR) 11:10-2:05
Marry Me (PG-13) 1:20-4:20-7:30 Encanto (PG) CC: 2:15-5:15 Bheemla Nayak XD: 2:30-6:00- jackass forever (R) 1:20-4:00-7:35 Encanto (PG) 12:30 4:45-7:35 Studio 666 (R) CC: 5:00-8:00-9:15 13) 3:50-6:30 Journey to Space (2015) (NR)
Scream (R) 1:55-4:45-7:45 The Cursed (R) CC: 2:00-4:45- 9:30 Dog (PG-13) 1:10-4:10-6:20-7:10 The Cursed (R) 12:50-3:30- Marry Me (PG-13) CC: (!) The Godfather 50 Years (R) CC: Marry Me (PG-13) 3:45 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:00-2:55- 10:40-1:30-3:35-5:05
The Cursed (R) 1:05-4:05-7:10 7:45-9:45 Blacklight (PG-13) 11:10-1:50- Moonfall (PG-13) 4:35-7:40 6:20-9:00 1:25-4:05 6:00-9:45 Cyrano (PG-13) (!) 7:00 6:00 Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- 4:40-7:20-10:05 Marry Me (PG-13) 1:00-4:30-7:30 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Scream (R) CC: 4:40-7:20 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:00- Uncharted (PG-13) 5:00-7:45 Dog (PG-13) 1:50-4:35-7:20 (NR) 12:35-4:10
13) 3:00-6:30 13) CC: 2:30-6:00-9:30 Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:50-9:40- Scream (R) 2:00-4:50-7:40 13) 12:10-3:40-7:10 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- 6:00-8:00-9:00; 6:30 Blacklight (PG-13) 3:30 The Cursed (R) 1:00-4:05-7:10 The Dream is Alive (NR) 11:45-
Bheemla Nayak 1:30-4:50-8:10 Belfast (PG-13) CC: 5:15 10:40 Encanto (PG) 1:00-3:40 Blacklight (PG-13) 5:50 13) CC: 3:00-6:20 AMC Shirlington 7
Marry Me (PG-13) 7:40 Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- 2:45
Uncharted: The IMAX 2D Experi- Uncharted (PG-13) 11:15-12:20- Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Studio 666 (R) 6:00-9:00 Private Watch Party CC: (!) 1:00- CMX Village 14 ence (PG-13) 1:20-4:25-7:30
Blacklight (PG-13) 5:40-8:20 2772 South Randolph St.
Studio 666 (R) 6:00 University Mall Theatre
Studio 666 (R) 5:00-8:00 ence (PG-13) CC: 3:30-6:30-9:30 2:15-3:20-5:15-6:20-6:45-8:15- 13) 1:05-4:20-6:30 Regal Rockville Center 4:30-8:00 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 4:40- 1600 Village Market Boulevard 10659 Braddock Road
The Worst Person in the World 9:20; 11:35AM Blacklight (PG-13) 7:30 Encanto (PG) CC: 2:00 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:50
Uncharted (PG-13) 12:20-1:45- 199 East Montgomery Avenue 5:15-7:30 Uncharted (PG-13) 6:00 Uncharted (PG-13) CC; DVS:
3:15-4:45-6:15-7:45 (R) 5:00-8:15 Valimai (Tamil) 7:00 Studio 666 (R) 5:00-7:50 Uncharted (PG-13) 12:20-12:55- The Cursed (R) CC: (!) 2:10- Death on the Nile (PG-13) CC: Sing 2 (PG) 4:45 Regal Kingstowne & RPX 12:10-2:30-4:55-7:15
Sing 2 (PG) OC: 2:50 Licorice Pizza (R) CC: 2:00 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:30-4:30- Regal Cinemas 3:20-3:55-4:30-6:30 4:50-7:30 4:15-7:20 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 4:10- 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center Sing 2 (PG) CC; DVS: 12:15-
Death on the Nile (PG-13) 12:30- Blacklight (PG-13) CC: 4:00- 7:30-10:30; 11:35AM Majestic Stadium 20 & IMAX Sing 2 (PG) 1:20 Blacklight (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:55- Dog (PG-13) CC: 5:10-7:50 7:15-8:05 Uncharted (PG-13) 1:30-7:30 2:35-4:50
3:35-6:40 6:45-9:30 Bheemla Nayak 1:30-4:50-8:10 900 Ellsworth Drive Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:30- 4:35-7:15 Marry Me (PG-13) CC: 4:10-8:00 West Side Story (PG-13) 4:05 Sing 2 (PG) 2:00 Marry Me (PG-13) CC; DVS:
Spider-Man: No Way Home Studio 666 (R) CC: 6:00-9:00 Uncharted (PG-13) XD: 12:35- Uncharted (PG-13) 1:00-1:30- 4:40-7:40 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: (!) 1:10- Cyrano (PG-13) CC: 7:00 jackass forever (R) 5:10-7:50 Death on the Nile (PG-13) 1:40 12:20-2:40-5:00-7:30
(PG-13) 12:50 Uncharted (PG-13) CC: 2:00-3:00- 3:35-9:20 2:00-3:00-4:00-4:30-5:00-5:30- jackass forever (R) 12:40-3:20- 1:50-3:50-4:30-6:30-7:10-9:10 Spider-Man: No Way Home (PG- Dog (PG-13) 4:30-7:10 jackass forever (R) 2:15 King Richard (PG-13) CC; DVS:
jackass forever (R) 4:15-6:50 6:00-9:00 Studio 666 (R) XD: 6:30 6:00-7:00-7:30-8:00-9:00 5:50 Studio 666 (R) CC: (!) 5:00-7:30 13) CC: 4:20-7:10 Moonfall (PG-13) 3:55 Dog (PG-13) 1:30-4:15-6:40-7:10 7:00

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♠ 653
♥ 86
♦ K95
♣ AJ854
♠ Q84 ♠2
♥ K J 10 9 ♥ 75432
♣ 93 ♣ Q 10 7 6
♠ A K J 10 9 7
♥ AQ
♦ AQ3
♣ K2

The bidding:
2 ♣ Pass 3 ♣ Pass
3 ♠ Pass 4 ♠ Pass
6 ♠ All Pass

I f you asked Cy the Cynic

to describe himself in five
words, his reply would be
“lazy.” As declarer, Cy never
looks deeply into the play;
he seizes on the first line he
“Saves wear and tear on
the brain,” Cy says.
The Cynic was declarer at
six spades, and West led the
with the ace and took the
A-K of trumps. When East
discarded, Cy continued
with the K-A of clubs and a
club ruff. No queen fell; West
threw a heart. Cy then took
the queen and king of dia-
monds and tried a heart to
his queen. Down one.
“Lead the three of dia-
monds to dummy’s nine,”
dummy entry to set up and
cash the fifth club.”
“No good,” Cy replied.
“West can put up the 10 to
block the suit.”
Cy was being his lazy self.
After he ruffs the third club,
he can exit with a trump.
Then if West leads a low dia-
mond (the 10 is no better),
Cy wins with the nine, ruffs
the king of diamonds for the
good club.
You hold:
Your partner opens one
heart, you respond 1NT and
he next bids two diamonds.
What do you say?
ANSWER: To pass might
might have a weakish open-
ing bid with five cards in
each red suit. But he might
also have a hand with as
many as 18 points. Bid two
hearts, a “false preference.”
You return to a 5-2 trump
fit and give partner another
chance if his hand is strong.
— Frank Stewart








You are an interesting
because you can be
charming in a quirky
way. You’re willing to help
others, and you instill a sense
of camaraderie with close
friends. You have excellent
business savvy. Expect
exciting changes this year and
a chance for more personal
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or
making important decisions
after 10 p.m. today. The Moon
is in Sagittarius.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
This is an interesting day! You
might meet someone new
who is fascinating or different
from you. You might even fall
in love with someone. Perhaps
someone you know will do
something that surprises you.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
boss, teacher or the police
might be exciting today.
Meanwhile, you might develop
a crush on someone different.
Or, instead, some of you will
yearn to travel and escape
somewhere with white sands
and turquoise waters.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Travel plans sound exciting;
however, they might suddenly
change today. You might have
to travel when you did not
expect to do so, or scheduled
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Relations with those who are
closest to you are warm and
friendly today. In fact, your
dealings with a spouse or
partner will be romantic in
an idealized way. Meanwhile,
news about inheritances or
shared property might be
exciting or unexpected.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER STAN LEE & ALEX SAVIUK Because you feel friendly and
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN concerned for a co-worker
today, you will help them if
they need assistance. (You’re
a generous sign.) This could
be a two-way street, and
perhaps someone is helping
you instead.
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
This is a wonderful day for
romance. Enjoy a long lunch,
a special dinner or an evening
out. Others will feel very
tenderhearted toward children
today. Grab every chance to
appreciate the arts and enjoy
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
You will enjoy tweaking
your digs and redecorating
where you live today. You
also will enjoy entertaining
at home, because warm
feelings, especially with family
members, will promote good
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Something unexpected might
impact your home or family
today. This might be surprising
warm and understanding state
of mind, so whatever happens,
you will take it in stride.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
If shopping today, you will
want to buy beautiful things for
yourself and loved ones. It’s
possible that you will attract
money to you. Meanwhile, this
is a restless day because your
mind is flitting from subject to
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Your words are so charming
today that you can convince
anyone to agree with you.
Keep an eye on financial
matters, as well as your own
possessions, because things
are unpredictable when it
comes to your assets today.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
You might attract money
to you today, or you might
have moneymaking ideas,
especially related to the arts.
If spending money, you will
buy art or beautiful things.
intrigued by something new
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
People are attracted to
you today. They enjoy your
company, because you
are especially friendly and
charming to everyone.
Ironically, personally you feel a
bit nervous and scattered.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775.

On this day during the 1980 Winter Olympics, the United Skies are cloudy as high Find more of Fred Bowen’s
States’ men’s hockey team won the gold medal after temperatures reach the middle or columns about basketball
beating Finland. This came days after Team USA upset the upper 30s, and winds are gentle. and all your favorite sports in
Soviet Union during a game known as the “Miracle on Ice.” ILLUSTRATION BY ALICE VIECHNICKI, 12, SILVER SPRING our online Score archive.



The Neolithic complex was found

in a campsite near large structures
known as “desert kites,” which may
have been used to catch gazelles.

shrine discovered
in Jordanian desert
The Chicago Bulls’ Michael Jordan plays in 1995. After he was named NBA rookie Wilt Chamberlain, shown in 1961, set an NBA record in 1962 with 100 points in a archaeologists said Tuesday that it
of the year in 1985, Jordan spent all summer working on his jump shot. game. He may have gotten help from rims loosened by clowns in a previous event. had found a roughly 9,000-year-old
shrine at a remote Neolithic site in

NBA reaches 75th year with unforgettable players and stories

Jordan’s eastern desert.
The ritual complex was found in a
Neolithic campsite near large struc-
tures known as “desert kites,” or mass
The National Basketball example, many basketball fans know also owned a popular ice show called the Similarly, Larry Bird (1979-1992) traps that are believed to have been
The Score Association (NBA) is that Wilt Chamberlain (NBA career: Ice Capades, promised to let the Royals’ thought he needed a step-back jump used to gather wild gazelles to be
FRED BOWEN celebrating its 75th 1959-1973) set a league record by scoring arena host the moneymaking show for a shot to improve his game. Bird took 800 killed for food.
season this year. To 100 points in a game in 1962. But the week. (!) step-back jump shots each day one “The site is unique, first because of
mark the occasion, the giant center may have been helped by George Mikan (1949-1956) was the summer at home in Indiana. its preservation state,” said Jordanian
league named the 75 greatest players in the loose rims at the arena in Hershey, first NBA super star. The 6-foot, 10-inch I also learned that the NBA was not archaeologist Wael Abu-Azziza, co-
NBA history. Pennsylvania. (Loose rims allow more center, who wore glasses when he always the big deal it is today. In the director of the project. “It’s 9,000
The list includes legends such as shots to roll into the net.) Why were the played, was a big attraction. He was so early 1950s, teams traveled by trains, not years old, and everything was almost
Michael Jordan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar rims loose? A circus had recently been in popular that a sign outside the Madison airplanes. When the Boston Celtics intact.”
and Larry Bird, as well as current stars town, and the clowns may have loosened Square Garden arena once advertised traveled to play in Rochester, New York, Within the shrine were two carved
such as Stephen Curry, LeBron James the rims by hanging on them during “Geo Mikan v/s Knicks” for a game there and then to Fort Wayne, Indiana, the standing stones bearing humanlike
and Giannis Antetokounmpo. their act. between Mikan’s Minneapolis Lakers train would stop in a cornfield, and the figures, one accompanied by a repre-
I’ve been thinking about the NBA for Bill Russell (1956-1969) won an and the New York Knicks. players would ask for car rides to Fort sentation of the “desert kite,” as well
years, because I researched and wrote a amazing 11 NBA championships with Even the greatest players had to work Wayne from high school students. as an altar, hearth, marine shells and
book called “Hardcourt: Stories From 75 the Boston Celtics. The Celtics were able hard to become better. After his rookie- Great players, great moments, great miniature model of the gazelle trap.
Years of the National Basketball to draft Russell, who had led the of-the-year first season in the NBA, games. It leaves any hoops fan looking The researchers said in a statement
Association.” The book is a history of the University of San Francisco to back-to- Michael Jordan (1984-2003) returned to forward to more hardcourt stories in the that the shrine “sheds an entire new
NBA for kids and includes stories about back national championships, as the North Carolina and asked his college years to come. light on the symbolism, artistic ex-
the players and other people who made Number 2 pick. You might wonder why coach what he needed to do to get better. pression as well as spiritual culture of
the league what it is today. the Rochester Royals, who had the The coach said Jordan had to improve Bowen writes the sports opinion column for these [until now] unknown Neolithic
Some of the stories are famous, while Number 1 pick, didn’t choose him. It was his jump shot. Jordan, already a star, KidsPost. He is the author of 27 sports books populations.”
others are not as well-known. For because the owner of the Celtics, who spent all summer working on his jumper. for kids. — Associated Press

LA TIMES CROSSWORD By Jesse Fielding, Pete Muller and Andrew White

1 With 60-Across,
disguise one’s
identity ...
and what the
answers to
starred clues
subtly do?
6 Common
commuter org.
9 Key with
no sharps or
flats: Abbr.
13 Gender identity
15 Origami bird
16 *“On the Water-
front” director
17 Lena of
“The Wiz”
18 Switz.
19 XL x XL
20 Not so
21 MLB’s Cards, on

The weight of girlfriend’s depression

22 *Open-water
24 “Yikes!”
26 Econ. measure © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 2/24/22 Adapted from an myself from the “caregiver other resources for caregivers.
online discussion. committee” that doesn’t read as Caregiving committee and
27 Madre’s sister
DOWN 29 Strong 36 Bits on some 48 Jagged little turning my back on my self-care aside, also please add
28 Green-sounding Dear Carolyn: girlfriend’s depression? something to your schedule that
Navy jacket 1 Perturbed watchdogs buns hill
2 Many an 30 Art able to 39 Green-lights 52 Sigmund My girlfriend has — Caregiver Committee has nothing to do with anyone's
32 Sq., for one been dealing with illness or care. This alone can be
“instant” 31 Tagged, 41 Latin catchall contemporary Carolyn
33 *Pungent rather bad Caregiver Committee: Let them enormously therapeutic.
French beef product, e.g. perhaps 42 Legendary 54 First Korean Hax depression for know you are overwhelmed. It’s You’re doing a generous and
dish 3 Isolate, in a way 32 Camper sister of act to perform several months. fair, and it’s completely normal compassionate thing here. It is
4 “Grab __”: with a camper Venus at the Grammys Medication and that you feel this way. not “turning your back” to draw
36 Cache
“You’re 33 Plymouth 43 Plains tribe 55 Hawaii’s working closely with a therapist Caregiving for depression is a line and take care of yourself
37 Vehement Mauna __
pinch-hitting” Colony VIP 45 Did sum are helping some. She is leaning really, really hard. They need to — it’s a necessary part of being
38 Inner __
5 Beat or neat 34 Excoriated math? heavily on three people: her know their “action items” are there for her.
39 FGs often end suffix mother, her best friend since wearing you out.
them 35 “Out of Africa” 46 Ark document
6 Miata maker author Dinesen 47 Play area college, and me. This means If you can, think of a few Re: Caregiver: Please, please,
40 “Am not!” constant communication concrete, specific changes that tell the other two in your little
retort 7 Place to race
between the three of us, texts would help you, and ask for group that you need support,
44 *Historic Pearl 8 “Atlas and emails. Mostly it is just the them. Also set aside some blocks and let your other friends know,
Harbor event three of us checking in and of time that you are not and do consult with a therapist
author Rand
49 French sharing reports of how my available except in emergencies or counselor if you need to. You
possessive 9 Raven’s sound girlfriend is doing, but 90 and hold those lines. can’t keep pouring from an
50 Puma rival 10 Member of a percent of the time it results in Make it clear these things are empty cup, you need to take
pitching staff? action items for me, since I live good for her, too, because you care of yourself! You are the one
51 Bobby on ice
11 “The Vampire with her. can’t care for her effectively on the front lines, you are easily
52 Siena Chronicles” I am beginning to really when you’re exhausted. Ideally in danger of burnout. If
sweetheart author resent this. I feel like I am they will come up with other necessary, bring your girlfriend
53 Bride of a title 12 Taunts answering to two bosses, and ideas from here, because the in on the conversation, as she
Orkan sometimes being accused of not mental weight of having to made it crystal clear she wants
14 Newborn’s
54 *“Godspeed” acquisition doing enough for a person I suggest alternatives is just more help from all three of you.
to the cast of really care about. mental weight. — Anonymous
“Godspell,” say 15 For a song But I am not sure how to Also consider forming a
56 __ Park, Colo. 20 Jazz trumpeter handle it. I am not capable of “caregiving committee” for
Marsalis being her entire support system. yourself — a few people you can Write to Carolyn Hax at
57 Orange variety
22 Kind of butter Even if I were, she has been talk to who are outside this Get her
58 Slip end? used in skin crystal clear that she wants all circle. Friends are the first column delivered to your inbox each
59 “__ La La”: care three of us in her daily life. And resort, typically, but a therapist morning at
Manfred 23 Showing honestly, the two of them know for you wouldn’t be an
Mann hit surprise sides of her I do not and overreaction. The National  Join the discussion live at noon
60 See 1-Across 25 Gush probably catch things I do not. Alliance on Mental Illness Fridays at
Is there a way to distance (NAMI) has support groups and chats.


Nationals get a glimpse MLB: Games canceled

of their next generation without deal by Monday
Stephen Strasburg and the rest cancel regular season games. The
As lockout continues, were still preparing elsewhere.
There were no fans, either, sap-
Owners raise the stakes players would not be paid for
those games, and MLB said they
minor leaguers begin ping energy from what’s usually a after another day of talks would not be rescheduled.
workouts in Florida buzzing atmosphere, chock-full
of children, die-hards and
yields minimal progress “A deadline is a deadline,” an
MLB spokesman said after talks
enough autograph seekers to broke up around 6 p.m.
open a memorabilia store. And The spokesman said the dead-
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY since you may be wondering, BY C HELSEA J ANES line had been communicated to
there was no one with updates on the union before and was reiter-
west palm beach, fla. — Let’s Major League Baseball’s lockout, jupiter, fla. — Major League ated during Wednesday’s talks at
get this part out of the way: with MLB officials and the play- Baseball on Wednesday made Roger Dean Stadium. Represen-
There were no 40-man roster ers union meeting 12 miles away clear that if the owners and tatives from both sides said they
players at the Washington Na- in Jupiter. KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST players union cannot agree to a plan to work through the week-
tionals’ spring training facility But there were players — real, The Nationals officially start minor league spring training Monday, new collective bargaining agree- end to get a deal done, and both
Wednesday, meaning Juan Soto, SEE NATIONALS ON D4 but they invited select prospects and veterans to an early camp. ment by Monday, it will begin to SEE LOCKOUT ON D4

Pugh are
for U.S.

The priority for the U.S. wom-

en’s national soccer team in the
SheBelieves Cup, Coach Vlatko
Andonovski said repeatedly over
the past week, was to test a new
wave of players and gain a better
understanding of his talent pool
before bigger things this summer.
He also said he wouldn’t mind
winning the seventh annual tour-
nament because, after all, that is
what this program has done bet-
ter than anyone over three-plus
decades of elite play.
Both objectives fell into place
Wednesday night as 22-year-old
Catarina Macario scored two phe-
nomenal goals in the first half and
23-year-old Mallory Pugh added
two after intermission during a
5-0 victory over Iceland in Frisco,
With most of the big names not
selected for this tournament and
others watching from the bench,
the Brazilian-born Macario
scored in the 37th and 45th min-
utes. The first came on a pinpoint
shot from distance, the second on

Blow for U.S. men: Injury shelves

McKennie for rest of qualifying. D4

Cup is set

Virginia’s Kihei Clark had six first-half three-pointers on his way to a career-high 25 points, but that wasn’t enough for the Cavaliers to beat No. 7 Duke on Wednesday.

in 2024
Robert Trent Jones
will be first local course
to host the event
Cavs still have work to do
BY G ENE W ANG made the winning three-pointer with 1.1 sec-
DUKE 65, onds left to secure the Cavaliers’ best victory.
BY G ENE W ANG charlottesville — Kihei Clark did just VIRGINIA 61 Their only other Quadrant 1 win this month
about everything in his power to will the came at Miami. Virginia entered Wednesday
The 2024 Solheim Cup was Virginia men’s basketball team to victory 82nd in the NCAA’s NET rankings, which the
awarded to Robert Trent Jones Wednesday night in a pivotal ACC contest Unable to upset Blue Devils again, tournament selection committee considers
Golf Club in Gainesville, the against No. 7 Duke. His first-half shooting was Virginia has incomplete résumé when determining at-large berths.
LPGA announced Wednesday sublime, and his driving layup in the closing “There’s no question Virginia is a tourna-
morning, marking the first time seconds cut the Cavaliers’ deficit to two. ment team,” Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski
the Washington region will host But they could get no closer and fell to the Florida State at Virginia said. “The numbers, you have to be careful. You
the most prestigious match-play Blue Devils, 65-61, at John Paul Jones Arena. Saturday, 4 p.m., ESPN2 need to give eye tests, too, and they’re playing
event in professional women’s Clark scored a career-high 25 points, 18 of as well as anyone in our conference right now
golf. which came in the first half on six three-point- whose six three-pointers also were a career and have been for about a month. It’d be a sin if
The exact dates for the bienni- ers. His late layup led to Virginia fouling high, said of the Cavaliers’ NCAA tournament they’re not in the NCAA tournament.”
al event between top players Duke’s AJ Griffin on the inbounds play, and credentials. “Our coaching staff does a really Clark made 9 of 15 field goal attempts and
from the United States and Eu- Griffin made both free throws to seal the win. great job of preparing us for each night, so, added seven assists and six rebounds. Senior
rope are expected to be deter- The result prevented the Cavaliers (17-11, yeah, I think we’re a tournament-caliber forward Jayden Gardner added 16 points, but
mined in late September after 11-7) from collecting a fourth Quadrant 1 team.” Virginia couldn’t find a way to sweep the Blue
the LPGA Tour and the Ladies triumph in their late-season push to fortify a Virginia lost for the second time in three Devils in the regular season for the first time
European Tour finalize their wobbly NCAA tournament résumé. games but is 5-2 this month, including a 69-68 since 1994-95.
2024 playing schedules. “We can battle with the best of them,” Clark, win at Duke on Feb. 7, when Reece Beekman SEE VIRGINIA ON D3
Robert Trent Jones will be
hosting a major women’s compe-
tition for the first time after it
hosted four Presidents Cups, in-
cluding the first two in 1994 and
1996, and the PGA Tour’s


Juan Castillo, Washington’s new tight ends coach, brings Manchester U. gets a late goal for a 1-1 draw in first leg Josh Rogers’s path to Nationals’ minor league camp
18 years of NFC East experience to the Commanders. D2 of its Champions League matchup vs. Atlético Madrid. D4 has been ‘pretty sick’ — kind of like his delivery. D4


use this time to prepare for next

Castillo’s NFL connections run deep
season,” Knicks president of
After outburst, Zverev basketball operations Leon Rose coached tight ends, but he be-
tossed from tournament said in a statement released
Veteran assistant lieves his experience on both sides
shortly after ESPN broke the will be valuable as a teacher. He
Alexander Zverev, the world’s news. “His long-term success on will coach tight ends recalled his first go-round as an
third-ranked men’s tennis player, the court remains our priority.” offensive assistant, when Gruden
apologized for an outburst that Knicks Coach Tom Thibodeau
for the Commanders emphasized route concepts and
led to him being thrown out of a had previously pulled Walker coverages more than blocking
tournament in Acapulco, Mexico, from the rotation in November, and pass protection to help the
and faces the likelihood of further citing then a desire for a bigger BY N ICKI J HABVALA young coach develop a foundation
punishment for repeatedly lineup better on defense as his in the passing game.
striking the umpire’s chair with team began to falter after a 5-1 Ron Rivera’s first two seasons “He ended up really teaching
his racket after a loss in a doubles start. The 31-year-old guard was in Washington have been rooted me about route running, releases,
match. not idle for long; injuries and in familiarity and relationships, reading coverages,” Castillo said.
Zverev and Marcelo Melo had coronavirus issues put him back with a staff composed mostly of “I used to install coverages when I
shaken hands with Lloyd on the court following a 10-game coaches he has worked with in was on defense, so I think all those
Glasspool and Harri Heliovaara absence. previous years. So it was, perhaps, things come together.”
after their 6-2, 4-6, 10-6 loss in the When he returned to action in of little surprise that his only His years as a running game
round of 16 at the Mexican Open mid-December, Walker had an change to the coaching staff this coordinator also afforded him
on Tuesday night, and as he impressive initial showing with year included a name from his time with nearly every position on
headed to the sideline, Zverev 94 points over a three-game span. past. JON DURR/USA TODAY SPORTS
struck the umpire’s chair three Since then, however, he has Last week, the Commanders Juan Castillo’s most recent job was coaching the Bears’ offensive And his days as a defensive
times, nearly hitting the right foot missed 11 games with chronic announced that longtime tight line, but he has 26 years of experience on both sides of the ball. coordinator almost always come
and leg of umpire Alessandro knee issues, and when available ends coach Pete Hoener retired into play.
Germani. Zverev initially walked to play he has misfired frequently. after more than four decades of McDermott in Buffalo, spent a back, so he was learning how to “You understand when the
away, then approached again as Over his past 16 games, Walker teaching football. To replace him, year as an offensive analyst for block, he was learning how to pass nickel is lined up between the
Germani began to climb down shot just 27.4 percent from three- Rivera tabbed Juan Castillo, a Jim Harbaugh at Michigan and protect, he was learning, really, tackle and the slot receiver: ‘Hey,
and took another swing as he point range and 34.4 percent coach he worked alongside in most recently coached the Bears’ how to run a route. they’re playing two deep,’ ” Castil-
shouted and cursed at the overall from the field, with an Philadelphia from 1999 to 2003. offensive line under former coach “We have a good relationship, lo said. “ ‘Or, you know what, he’s
umpire. average of 7.9 points in “Ron played the game. I respect Matt Nagy. and [I’m] just excited when we get lined up outside the slot receiver
The crowd booed, and Zverev 24.2 minutes. him a lot,” Castillo said Wednes- “The people you’ve worked back on the field to keep growing now, that’s three deep. No, now,
gave his ruined racket to a child in — Des Bieler day. “I’m excited to be able to work with, they already know how you and keep developing and just get he’s in a press alignment. He’s
the stands. The Portland Trail Blazers my butt off for somebody like do things, how you work, how him even better than he was last lined up inside out. That’s man
“It is difficult to put into words announced that center Jusuf that.” you’re able to push guys so that year.” coverage.’ I can translate that to
how much I regret my behavior Nurkic will be sidelined for at With 26 years of NFL coaching you can get them to where you are, Castillo said he already has be- the guys.”
during and after the doubles least four weeks because of experience on both offense and to where you need to get them,” gun to pore over game film of the Having coached 18 years in the
match yesterday,” he wrote in an plantar fasciitis in his left foot. defense, Castillo, 62, may be the Castillo said. Commanders’ other tight ends, NFC East, Castillo was enticed by
Instagram story. “I have privately His injury is the latest to befall new guy, but his connections to Castillo’s connections to the including John Bates, who started the chance to return — and to
apologized to the chair umpire the Trail Blazers, who have been Washington run deep and could Commanders date from his days eight games as a rookie last sea- return to an area with family near-
because my outburst towards him without guard Damian Lillard be vital to the team’s continued at Texas A&M Kingsville, where son, and Sammis Reyes, a Chilean by. One of his sons works for the
was wrong and unacceptable and since the start of the year because development. Like Rivera, Castil- he played alongside future Hall of former Division I basketball play- Department of Commerce, he
I am only disappointed in myself. of an abdominal issue that lo is a former linebacker. He has Fame cornerback Darrell Green, er who signed last year. said, and another is a law student
It just should not have happened required surgery. . . . coaching roots that stretch deep to his time in Philadelphia, where “I watched quite a bit of tape on at the University of Maryland.
and there is no excuse. I would The Cleveland Cavaliers on both sides of the ball. And Brian Mitchell set the franchise John,” Castillo said. “. . . I think “He called me and said, ‘You’re
also like to apologize to my fans, promoted assistant general when he spoke to reporters mark for punt return yards, to his that he can be one of the better welcome, Dad.’ And I said, ‘Wel-
the tournament and the sport manager Mike Gansey to GM. Wednesday for the first time since time with the Bills, where he run-blockers, pass-protecting come for what?’ ” Castillo said
that I love.” he joined the Commanders, he helped oversee Commanders tight ends in the NFL. And catch- with a smile. “ ‘I got a full scholar-
Moments before the outburst, GOLF echoed many of the same priori- tight end Logan Thomas as the ing the ball, he’s a big body, so I’m ship. You don’t have to pay for my
Zverev received a code violation Two-time major champion ties — versatility, development converted quarterback transi- excited about John.” law school.’ ”
after he yelled and cursed as he Zach Johnson is taking over as and teaching. tioned to a new role. Castillo said he met Reyes on But among the other attrac-
disputed the ruling of a shot that Ryder Cup captain, leading an In 1995, Castillo’s first NFL In 2017-18, Castillo was Buf- Wednesday and formed an early tions to the job were familiarity
was called in, setting up match American team trying to end coaching job was as a quality con- falo’s offensive line coach and run- bond. and relationships.
point. Glasspool’s ace then ended 30 years without a victory on trol coach in Philadelphia under ning game coordinator when “Spanish is my first language,” “I’m excited to be working for a
the match. European soil. Jon Gruden, the Eagles’ offensive Thomas developed into a tight said Castillo, who is of Mexican great leader in Ron. The big thing
Zverev, the tournament’s Three people with knowledge coordinator at the time. Two years end. He played 24 games for the descent. “We actually carried on a is that I’m the only new person.
defending champion in singles, of the decision confirmed the later, Castillo was elevated to tight Bills, including five starts, and his conversation in Spanish for most This is my 27th year, so I under-
was immediately “withdrawn” move to the Associated Press on ends coach and then offensive line leap to becoming Washington’s of the time, which is pretty cool. stand how when you first come in,
from the event, and his second- the condition of anonymity coach before he switched back to top tight end was hardly a sur- . . . We talked about some of the you have to earn respect.”
round singles opponent, Peter because the PGA of America has defense as their coordinator un- prise to Castillo. things that he needs to do to “I think the bottom line is to be
Gojowczyk, was advanced to the yet to announce Johnson’s der Andy Reid. He has been an “When he was at Buffalo, we develop. I’m excited about Sam, able to help the guys develop and
next round in the draw. selection. offensive line coach and running felt that he had that kind of abili- too. It’s a good group.” play well so that we can win. So
— Cindy Boren The decision is not a surprise. game coordinator for John Har- ty,” Castillo said. “But he was still This season will be the first whatever has to get done will get
On Wednesday in Acapulco, Johnson, 45, has been an baugh in Baltimore and Sean young. He had been a quarter- time since 1997 that Castillo has done.”
Daniil Medvedev and Rafael assistant captain each of the past
Nadal had comfortable wins, and two matches, and the U.S. team
a rematch of their epic five-set has moved toward captains with
final at the Australian Open could previous involvement. NFL NOTES
be on the horizon. The 2023 matches are
Medvedev took another step
toward the top spot in the ATP
rankings with a dominant 6-1, 6-2
scheduled for Marco Simone in
Italy. The Americans are coming
off the country’s biggest Ryder
Flores says he turned down an NDA from Dolphins
second-round victory over Pablo Cup rout, beating Europe, 19-9, at
Andujar, while Nadal cruised Whistling Straits in September. F ROM NEWS SERVICES other team, in violation of NFL ed with an affirmative tone when deadlines on when to decide on a
past Stefan Kozlov, 6-0, 6-3. . . . Europe has yet to announce its AND STAFF REPORTS anti-tampering rules. Gumbel said to him (via a tran- possible return and he believes the
Novak Djokovic won his next captain. During an appearance on script provided by HBO), “It was four-time MVP will reach a resolu-
second match — and first Former Miami Dolphins coach HBO’s “Real Sports with Bryant Steve Ross who asked you to sign tion soon.
tiebreaker — of the year when he MISC. Brian Flores said in an interview Gumbel” that aired Tuesday, the NDA. Ultimately, the owner of Rodgers has said he hasn’t
beat Karen Khachanov, 6-3, 7-6 Freshman Rachel Clark scored that aired Tuesday night that he Flores said, “I think just signing the Dolphins. You chose not to.” made up his mind regarding his
(7-2), to advance to the five goals for the No. 13 Virginia turned down millions from the that separation agreement would The Dolphins issued a state- plans for next season and hasn’t
quarterfinals of the Dubai women’s lacrosse team, which team by refusing to sign a nondis- have really silenced me.” ment in response, saying, “This ruled out returning to the Packers,
Championships. fell, 22-15, to top-ranked Boston paragement agreement that Asked by Gumbel how much latest assertion by Brian Flores retiring or requesting a trade.
College in its ACC opener in would have “silenced” him. money he left on the table, Flores that Steve Ross mentioned an “I think we’ll know here short-
PRO BASKETBALL Charlottesville. The Cavaliers, Flores, who was fired in Janu- replied, “A lot.” NDA to him is categorically false.” ly,” Gutekunst said Wednesday. “I
The New York Knicks said they who also got three goals and two ary after three seasons with Mi- An attorney for Flores who was “This just did not happen,” the feel confident we’ll know that
and point guard Kemba Walker assists from Courtlynne Caskin ami, filed a lawsuit this month present during the interview, John team continued, “and we simply shortly.”
agreed he will not play again this (Potomac School), fell to 2-3. . . . against the NFL and its teams in Elefterakis, interjected by stating, cannot understand why Brian Rodgers, who won his second
season. The four-time all-star, in Julio Cruz, an original Seattle which he accused them of racial “It was millions of dollars.” continues this pattern of making straight MVP award this past sea-
his first year with his hometown Mariners player from their discrimination in their rates of “To Coach Flores’s credit,” add- unfounded statements that he son, has said he would like to make
team, has struggled with his inaugural season who later hiring and retaining Black coach- ed another attorney, Doug Wigdor, knows are untrue. We are fully a decision by the time the free
health and ability to make a became a Spanish-language es. Among the explosive aspects to “he wasn’t going to sign that, be- cooperating with the NFL investi- agency period starts next month.
consistent offensive impact. broadcaster for the franchise, his court filing was an allegation cause he wanted — it wasn’t about gation and look forward to all of He wants to give the Packers
“We fully support Kemba’s died, the team said. He was 67. that Dolphins owner Stephen the money. If it was about the the facts coming out which we are enough time to prepare for life
decision to shut it down for the — From news services Ross offered him a $100,000 bo- money, he would have signed it. confident will prove that his with or without him.
remainder of the season and to and staff reports nus for each defeat Miami took in What he did instead was he filed claims are false and defamatory.” Gutekunst acknowledges
2019 to help improve the team’s this lawsuit so that he could help — Des Bieler Rodgers’s decision will factor into
draft position. He also claimed other coaches, now and in the l PACKERS: Green Bay Gener- other choices the Packers make as
Ross tried to enlist his help in future.” al Manager Brian Gutekunst said they build their roster for 2022.
TELEVISION AND RADIO recruiting a quarterback on an- Moments later, Flores respond- he’s not giving Aaron Rodgers any — Associated Press
7 p.m. Washington at New York Rangers » ESPN, WJFK (106.7 FM)

Robert Trent Jones to host the Solheim Cup in 2024

7:30 p.m. Boston at Brooklyn » TNT
10 p.m. Golden State at Portland » TNT


6 p.m. Wagner at Fairleigh Dickinson » CBS Sports Network SOLHEIM FROM D1
7 p.m. Maryland at Indiana » Fox Sports 1, WTEM (980 AM)
7 p.m. Temple at Memphis » ESPN2 Quicken Loans National in 2015.
7 p.m. South Carolina Upstate at Winthrop » ESPNU “RTJ has a strong tradition of
8 p.m. DePaul at Georgetown » CBS Sports Network, WDCH (99.1 FM)
9 p.m. Ohio State at Illinois » Fox Sports 1
hosting world-class internation-
9 p.m. Gonzaga at San Francisco » ESPN2
al competitions, and we can’t
9 p.m. Belmont at Murray State » ESPNU wait to add the Solheim Cup,
9 p.m. Arizona State at Colorado » Pac-12 Network one of the flagship events in
9:30 p.m. UCLA at Oregon » ESPN women’s golf, to the list,” LPGA
10 p.m. Loyola Marymount at BYU » CBS Sports Network Commissioner Mollie Marcoux
11 p.m. Southern California at Oregon State » ESPN2 Samaan said in a statement.
11 p.m. Arizona at Utah » Fox Sports 1 “Playing the Solheim Cup on this
WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL magnificent golf course near our
11 a.m. Quinnipiac at Marist » ESPNU nation’s capital will provide the
6 p.m. Miami at Virginia Tech » MASN perfect backdrop for these elite
6 p.m. Georgia Tech at Florida State » ACC Network athletes to battle for the Cup.”
6 p.m. Michigan State at Michigan » Big Ten Network Robert Trent Jones is located
6:30 p.m. Florida at Vanderbilt » SEC Network roughly 35 miles from D.C. and
7 p.m. Southern California at Arizona State » Pac-12 Network has counted among its members
8 p.m. Boston College at Duke » MASN former president Barack
8 p.m. Clemson at Notre Dame » ACC Network
Obama and former Supreme
8 p.m. Iowa at Rutgers » Big Ten Network
8:30 p.m. South Carolina at Texas A&M » SEC Network
Court justice Sandra Day O’Con-
11 p.m. Washington State at Stanford » Pac-12 Network nor.
“It is a tremendous honor to be
GOLF selected to host this prestigious
2 p.m. PGA Tour: Honda Classic, first round » Golf Channel event and believe our club is an
ideal venue for this competition,”
said George Cantrell, president
7:30 p.m. Copa Libertadores second round, first leg: Atlético Nacional at Olimpia »
beIN Sports
of Robert Trent Jones. “Our club TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST

8:30 p.m. Concacaf Champions League round of 16, second leg: Forge at Cruz Azul » and membership look forward to The United States and Europe will compete in Gainesville for the top women’s match-play team title.
Fox Sports 2 welcoming the top U.S. and Euro-
10:45 p.m. Concacaf Champions League round of 16, second leg: Motagua at Seattle pean women golfers and fans the coronavirus pandemic. It The next Solheim Cup will be Solheim Cup last year at
» Fox Sports 2 from across the globe.” also marks the first time the played at Finca Cortesin Golf Inverness Club in Toledo.
The 2024 Solheim Cup repre- competition is on track to be Club in Casares, Spain, from “I have no doubt that the club
sents the event’s return to an held in consecutive years since Sept. 22 to 24, 2023, with Stacy and its members will serve as
6 a.m. ATP: Dubai Tennis Championships and Mexican Open, quarterfinals;
even-year rotation so that it is 2002 and 2003, when the Sol- Lewis serving as the U.S. captain wonderful hosts,” Marcoux Sa-
Chile Open, early rounds; WTA: Qatar Total Open, quarterfinals;
Abierto Zapopan, early rounds » Tennis Channel
held in different years from the heim Cup shifted to odd years in and Suzann Pettersen as captain maan said of Robert Trent Jones,
Ryder Cup, which shifted to odd response to a change in the of Team Europe. “and that fans from around the
BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL years after the 2020 event was Ryder Cup schedule after the Europe defeated the United world will enjoy an experience of
5:30 p.m. Vertical Academy (N.C.) at Oak Hill Academy (Va.) » ESPN2 postponed to 2021 because of terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. States, 15-13, in the most recent a lifetime.”


No. 11 Friars go long and hold o≠ the Musketeers Huskies win conference
PROVIDENCE 99, for a ninth straight year 10-7) in Ann Arbor, Mich., without
Coach Juwan Howard, who was
XAVIER 92 (3OT) serving the first of a five-game
suspension. Lauren Ebo scored 11 points
Former longtime Saint Joseph’s CONNECTICUT 69, and grabbed eight rebounds for
A SSOCIATED P RESS coach and current Michigan asso- MARQUETTE 38 Texas (20-6, 10-6 Big 12), which
ciate head coach Phil Martelli filled has won five straight.
Jared Bynum had 27 points, in- in for Howard. Howard was sus- Coach Vic Schaefer, in his sec-
cluding a key three-pointer, to pended for the remainder of the F ROM NEWS SERVICES ond season at Texas after a long
help 11th-ranked Providence hold regular season and fined $40,000 AND STAFF REPORTS career at Mississippi State,
off Xavier, 99-92, in triple over- by the conference after hitting a reached 20 wins for the ninth
time Wednesday night in Provi- Wisconsin assistant coach in the Evina Westbrook came off the straight season.
dence, R.I. head during the handshake line bench to score 17 points, leading Sernea Sundell scored
A.J. Reeves added 16 points and after a loss Sunday. In addition, No. 7 Connecticut to a 69-38 rout 16 points to pace Kansas State
Al Durham had 13 to help the Michigan players Terrance Wil- of Marquette on Wednesday night (18-9, 8-7).
first-place Friars (23-3, 13-3 Big liams II and Moussa Diabate were in Hartford, Conn., to secure the
East) win their second consecu- suspended for Wednesday’s game. Big East’s regular season title. AU sweeps Mountain Hawks
tive overtime game. They are 3-0 Azzi Fudd (St. John’s College Four Eagles scored at least
in overtime this season, and it’s VCU holds off George Mason High) added 13 points for 10 points, led by Riley DeRubbo’s
the first time in school history Adrian Baldwin Jr. had U-Conn. (20-5, 14-1), which has team-high 11 points off the bench,
Providence has notched 13 Big STEW MILNE/ASSOCIATED PRESS
18 points, seven rebounds and six won nine straight conference as American swept back-to-back
East wins. Justin Minaya (15) and Providence survived a three-OT thriller, steals and Mikeal Brown-Jones championships, dating from its games against Lehigh with a 61-52
Adam Kunkel had 20 points and the Friars have won 13 Big East games for the first time. posted 15 points as VCU defeated seven years in the American Ath- victory at Bender Arena.
and Paul Scruggs added 19 for George Mason, 72-66, in Rich- letic Conference. American (18-8, 11-5), which
Xavier (17-10, 7-9), which has lost including 11 to fuel the No. 6 Wild- more than a minute remaining mond. Olivia Nelson-Ododa and Aali- defeated Lehigh on Tuesday
two straight and seven of 10. cats’ 15-2 second-half surge, and and Fabian White Jr. had 12 points Jayden Nunn had 13 points for yah Edwards each added night, overcame 17 turnovers and
Scruggs hit a tying three-pointer Oscar Tshiebwe and Keion Brooks and three blocked shots for the the Rams (19-7, 12-3 Atlantic 10), 10 points for Connecticut. The 38.1 percent shooting from the
as time expired in the second over- Jr. made late free throws to hold Cougars (23-4, 12-2 American Ath- who earned their sixth straight Huskies have won five straight to field to win for the fifth time in six
time. off the Tigers in Lexington, Ky. letic Conference), who shot 62 per- win. KeShawn Curry added ensure a 29th consecutive 20-win games and move into a three-way
l AUBURN 77, MISSISSIPPI The shorthanded Wildcats cent in the second half, including 12 points and six rebounds. season. tie for second place in the Patriot
64: Walker Kessler had 12 points, (23-5, 12-3 SEC) trailed 36-28 just 6 for 13 from three-point range. D’Shawn Schwartz had Lauren Van Kleunen had League.
10 rebounds and eight blocked after halftime and needed offense Jalen Cook scored 19 points and 22 points for the Patriots (13-13, 12 points for the Golden Eagles Frannie Hottinger led the
shots to lead the No. 3 Tigers past besides Tshiebwe. Kevin Cross added 16 for Tulane 6-7). Josh Oduro added 13 points (18-9, 11-7), who are headed in the Mountain Hawks (18-9, 10-6)
the Rebels in Auburn, Ala. Xavier Pinson had 26 points for (12-12, 9-6). and seven rebounds. Davonte opposite direction, having lost with 18 points.
With Kessler falling just shy of LSU (19-9, 7-8) in its second l TEXAS 75, TCU 66: Andrew Gaines had seven rebounds. four of their past five. l DAVIDSON 51, GEORGE
his third triple-double, the Tigers straight loss. Jones scored 21 points, and the l VIRGINIA TECH 62, U-Conn. led by 17 points at WASHINGTON 46: The Colo-
(25-3, 13-2 SEC) rebounded from a l WISCONSIN 68, MINNE- No. 20 Longhorns rallied from GEORGIA TECH 58: Keve Alu- halftime but was held scoreless nials finished 4 for 18 from be-
one-point loss at Florida to remain SOTA 67: Steven Crowl scored 10 points down in the second half ma had a double-double, Darius for the first 31/2 minutes of the yond the arc, shot just 36.5 per-
in sole possession of first place in 20 points and grabbed seven re- to pull out the win over the Maddox scored 10 straight points third quarter. cent from the field and fell to the
the conference. bounds for the 13th-ranked Bad- Horned Frogs in Austin. to give the Hokies (17-11, 9-8 ACC) l BAYLOR 65, OKLAHOMA Wildcats in Davidson, N.C.
Jabari Smith and Zep Jasper gers in Minneapolis. Marcus Carr scored 19 and Tim- the lead for good, and they hung STATE 58: NaLyssa Smith had Mayowa Taiwo was the only
both scored 15 for Auburn. Smith Tyler Wahl added 12 points and my Allen had 17 for Texas (20-8, on to beat the Yellow Jackets (11-17, 19 points and 15 rebounds to help starter for George Washington
added nine rebounds and five as- 10 rebounds for the Badgers (22-5, 9-6 Big 12), which reached 20 wins 4-13) in Atlanta. the fifth-ranked Bears past the (11-16, 4-10 Atlantic 10) to score in
sists, while Jasper secured his sea- 13-4), who pulled into a first-place in the regular season for the first l NAVY 52, LOYOLA (MD.) Cowgirls in Stillwater, Okla. double figures with 15 points. She
son high by hitting 4 of 5 three- tie in the Big Ten with Purdue. time in six years. 50: John Carter Jr. scored Sarah Andrews scored added a game-high 11 rebounds
pointers. Jamison Battle had 17 points for Mike Miles scored 17 for TCU 19 points as the Midshipmen 17 points and Queen Egbo added and four steals.
Wendell Green Jr. made three the Gophers (13-13, 4-13) (17-9, 6-8), which shot 65 percent (19-9, 12-5 Patriot League) narrow- 13 for the Bears (22-5, 12-3), who Chloe Welch scored 13 points
early threes and scored 14 points. l HOUSTON 81, TULANE 67: in the first half and built a 10-point ly defeated the Greyhounds (14-14, won their seventh straight. for Davidson (15-12, 6-9), which
Jarkell Joiner scored 10 of his Kyler Edwards scored 14 of his lead before Texas rallied. 8-9) in Annapolis. Lexy Keys scored 13 points and secured its first two-game win-
13 points in the second half for the 21 points in the second half, and l MICHIGAN 71, RUTGERS l TOWSON 84, JAMES MAD- Lauren Fields added 12 for the ning streak since early January.
Rebels (13-15, 4-11). Luis Rodri- the No. 14 Cougars defeated the 62: Caleb Houstan scored 13 of his ISON 65: Charles Thompson had Cowgirls (8-16, 3-12). Fields, who l SAINT LOUIS 58, GEORGE
guez added 12 points. Green Wave in New Orleans. career-high 21 points in the sec- 22 points and 17 rebounds, and the is Oklahoma State’s leading scor- MASON 35: The Patriots made
l KENTUCKY 71, LSU 66: Taze Moore punctuated his ond half when the Wolverines Tigers (22-7, 13-3 CAA) defeated er at 16.5 points per game, was 1 of 14 tries from beyond the arc
Bryce Hopkins came off the bench 18-point performance with a two- (15-11, 9-7 Big Ten) pulled away to the Dukes (15-13, 6-11) in Towson, held to 4-for-23 shooting from the (7.1 percent) and were out-
to score a career-high 13 points, handed alley-oop dunk with just beat the Scarlet Knights (16-11, Md. field. rebounded 51-30 to suffer their
l IOWA STATE 85, KANSAS sixth consecutive loss in their
59: Ashley Joens continued to home finale at EagleBank Arena.
make her case for conference Amaya Scott was the lone play-
player of the year honors with er for George Mason (8-18, 2-12
22 points and 11 rebounds to pow- Atlantic 10) to score in double
er the ninth-ranked Cyclones to a figures; she had 11 points.
rout of the Jayhawks in Lawrence, Brooke Flowers and Ciaja Har-
Kan. bison each scored 12 points to
The Cyclones (23-4, 12-3 Big 12) pace the Billikens (9-16, 5-8).
sit atop the conference along with l LOYOLA (MD.) 56, NAVY
Baylor after winning for the sev- 42: Jennifer Coleman had a
enth time in eight games. game-high 22 points to go with
Chandler Prater led Kansas seven rebounds and four steals,
(19-6, 10-5) with 17 points. but she again received little help
l TEXAS 62, KANSAS STATE as the Mids (7-19, 4-12 Patriot
51: Aliyah Matharu scored League) were upended by the
16 points and the 11th-ranked Greyhounds in Baltimore.
Longhorns overcame cold shoot- Devyne Newman led the Grey-
ing to down the Wildcats in Man- hounds (5-21, 2-14) with 14 points.
hattan, Kan. Lex Therien had 17 rebounds.


Perry’s landmark goal helps

Tampa Bay topple Edmonton
OILERS 3 at New York Rangers
Today 7 ESPN
A SSOCIATED P RESS at Philadelphia Flyers
Corey Perry became the Saturday 12:30 NBCSW
103rd NHL player to reach
400 goals as the Tampa Bay Light- vs. Toronto Maple Leafs
ning beat the Edmonton Oilers,
5-3, on Wednesday night in Tampa. Monday 7:30 NBCSW
Perry had a nifty deflection of
Mikhail Sergachev’s shot during a Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)
power play that put Tampa Bay up
4-1 with 4:36 left in the second over visiting Buffalo.
period. Pat Maroon, Steven Stam- Cole Caufield and Jake Evans
kos, Brayden Point and Nikita also scored for Montreal, which
Kucherov also scored for the has won four in a row. Sam Mon-
Lightning, and Andrei Vasilevskiy tembeault had 32 saves for the
stopped 27 shots. shutout. Craig Anderson made
For Edmonton, Connor McDa- 25 stops for Buffalo, which has lost
vid had two goals, Zach Hyman four straight.
scored for the fifth straight game,
and Leon Draisaitl added three Prospect has brain tumor
Duke guard Trevor Keels, a former standout at Paul VI, had 13 points as the Blue Devils held off Virginia on Wednesday in Charlottesville. assists. Toronto Maple Leafs prospect
l AVALANCHE 5, RED Rodion Amirov, a first-round pick
WINGS 2: Gabriel Landeskog in the 2020 draft, was diagnosed

Cavs fall short against No. 7 Blue Devils opened the scoring early and
capped it with an empty-netter for
his 25th goal, helping NHL-lead-
ing Colorado defeat host Detroit.
with a brain tumor.
Maple Leafs General Manager
Kyle Dubas said in a statement
that the 20-year-old Russian wing-
Tyson Jost, Nazem Kadri and er is undergoing treatment in Ger-
VIRGINIA FROM D1 final minutes. Honoring Coach K sat courtside. The two coached Valeri Nichushkin also scored, many. Agent Dan Milstein said
The Cavaliers failed to carry the Shortly before tip-off, Bennett against each other for a decade and Pavel Francouz stopped Amirov is working out daily and in
Jeremy Roach (Paul VI) had a momentum from Clark’s sizzling walked onto the court and took after Krzyzewski took over the 31 shots. Colorado beat Detroit for good spirits.
team-high 15 points for Duke first half into the locker room, the microphone to express his Blue Devils in 1980. the eighth straight time. Filip Za- Amirov, who plays for Salavat
(24-4, 14-3), which had a 28-20 trailing 30-25 after permitting admiration for Krzyzewski ahead “His contributions, they’re dina and Robby Fabbri scored for Yulaev Ufa of the Kontinental
advantage in points in the paint. Duke to score 13 of the final of the legendary coach’s final monumental to the game, the the Red Wings. Hockey League, was injured
That margin is especially signifi- 16 points, including three-point- game in Charlottesville. modern game of basketball and l STARS 3, JETS 2 (OT): Tyler 10 games into the season. Dubas
cant given the Blue Devils permit- ers from Griffin and Trevor Keels Bennett also acknowledged college basketball,” Bennett said. Seguin scored 54 seconds into said Amirov developed unrelated
ted Virginia 52 points in the paint (Paul VI) and Paolo Banchero’s Krzyzewski’s wife of 53 years, “When someone can last that long overtime for host Dallas on a play symptoms over the course of his
in the first meeting. layup with four seconds to play. Mickie, who walked around the and do what he’s done, again it that required a review. recovery that required “ongoing
Trailing by eight with 6:48 left “I told them there’s zero room court with Virginia Athletic Di- was the right thing to do.” Seguin’s shot was stopped by extensive investigations.”
in the second half Wednesday, the for arrogance or pride in this rector Carla Williams about half Winnipeg’s Connor Hellebuyck, l BLACKHAWKS: Chicago
Cavaliers scored seven points in a game,” Virginia Coach Tony Ben- an hour before the game. Gardner shines defensively and the goalie reached for the forward Jujhar Khaira will miss
row, capped by Clark’s floater in nett said. “There’s a bunch of After his remarks drew ap- Gardner guarded Banchero, a puck in midair as Seguin sent it the rest of the season after having
the lane, to trim their deficit to room for humility and tough pas- plause from Cavaliers fans, Ben- 6-foot-10 freshman sensation and back toward the goal. The original surgery on his lower back.
52-51 with 5:02 to go. Moments sion and what our program is nett presented the retiring projected NBA draft lottery pick, call was that defenseman Josh Khaira had the operation Tues-
later, Clark had a clean look from about, but the last thing I said is: Krzyzewski with a wooden plaque for most of the game and limited Morrissey kept the puck out of the day, and team physician Michael
behind the arc but misfired, and ‘Don’t make too big a deal of this. in the shape of a basketball jersey Duke’s leading scorer to eight net with his stick, but video review Terry said he is expected to be
Gardner missed a midrange This is an important game. Go carved with “Coach K” across the points on 2-for-13 shooting, in- showed it got across the goal line. sidelined for 10 to 12 weeks.
jumper. play, and then we’ll have two more front. cluding 0 for 3 from behind the l CANADIENS 4, SABRES 0: Also, the Blackhawks activated
Griffin then scored eight points important games and go from Krzyzewski took the time to arc. Nick Suzuki had two goals and an goaltender Kevin Lankinen from
in a minute and a half to give the there.’ ” walk across the court before the In the teams’ first game, Gard- assist as Montreal continued its injured reserve. He was sidelined
Blue Devils a 60-55 lead with 2:05 Here’s what to know about Vir- ceremony to greet former Vir- ner held Banchero to nine points strong play under interim coach by a right hand injury and hadn’t
to play, setting up the frenetic ginia’s loss: ginia coach Terry Holland, who on 3-for-9 shooting. Martin St. Louis with a victory played since Jan. 22.

Rogers is living a feel-good story of perseverance that’s ‘pretty sick’ CHAMPIONS LEAGUE

Outgoing left-hander, signed by the Nats after two elbow surgeries and his release by the Orioles, hopes to build on last year’s finish Late strike
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY can’t play for those guys, who can
I play for?’
what, he is high-fiving team-
mates, dancing to the stadium
earns draw
If Josh Rogers can help it, he
won’t just be known as that guy
with the wacky delivery. But
“And the Nats were the first
team to reach out to me. That’s
normally a good sign — the first
music and needling Manager
Dave Martinez — such as when,
after pulling off a sweet glove flip
for Man. U.
sitting in the Washington Nation-
als’ dugout in September, he had
to admit that, yeah, okay, “the
team to reach out, obviously they
see something in you.”
A number of questions will
in Miami, he told Martinez it was
for his Gold Glove résumé.
Martinez laughed and suggest-
in Madrid
reaction to my windup has been help determine whether Rogers ed pitching a few more innings
pretty sick.” cracks the Nationals’ rotation to first. Rogers kept the bit going for
Sick is one of the lefty’s favor- begin 2022: Will Strasburg make a few days. ATLÉTICO MADRID 1,
ite words. He considers it a very a full recovery from thoracic “He’s very misunderstood be- MAN. UNITED 1
versatile adjective. outlet surgery? Will Joe Ross be cause, throughout the years,
Getting signed by the Nation- ready for a full innings load after some people would question him,
als in June, in the same week the suffering a partial tear in his like, ‘Is this kid serious?’ ” said A SSOCIATED P RESS
Baltimore Orioles released him elbow in August? Will Paolo Es- Bobby, his father. “That’s just
after four minor league appear- pino rejoin the staff ? Will Wash- who he is. He plays better and Atlético Madrid got nearly ev-
ances following his second Tom- ington add a veteran starter once performs better when he’s more erything it wanted against Man-
my John surgery rehab? “I mean, the transaction freeze lifts? of himself. He’s not going to be chester United in the Champions
in my head I’m thinking: ‘Wow, And perhaps most importantly the guy that’s ‘Don’t touch me; League on Wednesday in Madrid
they have Max Scherzer, Patrick JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST
for Rogers, are there any young don’t talk to me; don’t look at me.’ — except for the win.
Corbin, Stephen Strasburg. This Left-hander Josh Rogers started six games for the Nationals last arms — someone such as Joan He’s the opposite. He wants to be Atlético kept old foe Cristiano
place is sick.’ ” season after they began their rebuild, going 2-2 with a 3.28 ERA. Adon — whom the club wants to involved. He’ll get up and chest- Ronaldo in check and got a
Or what about the surgery see on the mound right away? bump and high-five with the best stellar performance from his
itself, performed in 2019? “So he was headed back to his home- starts. There are many moving parts. of them.” Portugal teammate João Félix,
there was obviously a huge risk to town of New Albany, Ind., right His delivery — shoulders rock- Rogers, though, spent September There is a serious side to but a defensive lapse near the
doing it a second time. But there’s outside of Louisville, once the ing side to side, a few sharp flashing solid command of a Rogers. It peeks through in how end meant Diego Simeone’s team
an internal brace with the tendon pandemic shut down sports. So bends of his knees — made him a low-90s fastball, slider and hard he critiques himself after had to settle for a 1-1 draw in the
in there that’s holding it all Rogers and his dad, Bobby, fan favorite. Some solid starts change-up. Lacking swing-and- starts. It showed, too, following first leg of the round of 16.
together. Dr. Keith Meister down grabbed their gloves and threw in helped, too. Rogers filled his miss velocity, he relies on loca- his debut with the Nationals, Félix — once touted as the next
in Texas, he was sick. He just front of the house, eventually news conferences with breath- tion, creative sequences and ex- when he told reporters about Ronaldo — was the most danger-
jumped in there, and my elbow stretching out to long toss. Rog- less answers and, after his debut, tensive game-planning. And losing his grandfather in July and ous forward and put the hosts
has never felt better.” ers lifted weights in a makeshift a shout-out to his sister that though he acknowledges his slim how he wished he could have ahead with a diving header seven
And recovering during the cor- gym in a friend’s garage, the door made it seem as if he were margin for error, he can only been there with the rest of his minutes into the match, but
onavirus pandemic, away from swung open for proper ventila- accepting an Oscar. make the most of what he has. family. substitute Anthony Elanga
any team doctors or facilities tion. He was living a dream that was “I’ve been doing it for a while, Rogers counted his grandfa- equalized in the 80th shortly
because he wasn’t on a 40-man When he returned, the Orioles threatened and then revived in so it’s like just gaining that ther, Bobby Rogers Sr., as his after coming off the bench in one
roster? “Oh, that was sick, hon- yanked on a tight leash. Seven- the shadows of the sport’s outer confidence to be able to throw biggest fan. So while rehabbing of the few times the Atlético
estly. Throwing with my dad in teen and a third innings, fringes. And whenever Major strikes and not be scared to at home during the pandemic, defense broke down.
the front yard, I felt like a Little 15 earned runs, and he was on the League Baseball’s lockout lifts, challenge guys,” said Rogers, who Rogers and Bobby would drive to “I think it was my first touch,”
Leaguer again. That was so sick.” market, there for a Nationals Rogers should have a shot to keep was drafted by the New York his grandfather’s house and do said Elanga, who became Unit-
Rogers’s path back to the ma- team needing a depth lefty in the it going. Yankees in the 11th round in part of their throwing routine in ed’s youngest scorer in the
jors is a mirror for the times in minors. “I mean, they took a chance on 2015. “And just sometimes say: his front yard. Rogers Sr., battling knockout stage at 19 years
the world (pandemic) and Wash- And three months after that, me,” Rogers said of getting a ‘Hey man, how far can you hit cancer then, sat in a chair and 302 days. “I’ve dreamed of mo-
ington (where the rebuilding Na- after Washington traded a third second baseball life with the this ball? Let’s see how far you watched his son and grandson ments like this, scoring in the
tionals are younger and less expe- of its roster at the deadline, and Nationals. “I got released by the can.’ ” play catch. Bobby felt it was all Champions League against a top
rienced than they have been in the sell-off and injuries left the worst organization in baseball, Rogers then shrugged and meant to be. team like Atlético Madrid.”
more than a decade). Nationals with one of their five statistically. . . . It is what it is. It’s cracked a wide smile. Homers “It all weirdly worked out for a Atlético was in control most
In February 2020, he arrived in starters from their Opening Day a humbling, humbling thing happen. When he’s going well, he reason,” Rogers agreed. “We were of the match at the Wanda
Sarasota, Fla., to begin his throw- squad, Rogers was called up and driving home, getting released by works at a quick pace and induc- there together every single day Metropolitano and twice hit the
ing program. A few weeks later, went 2-2 with a 3.28 ERA in six Baltimore. It’s like, ‘Holy cow, if I es a lot of soft contact. No matter . . . and it was cool. It was sick.” crossbar, including with an
86th-minute shot by Antoine
“They took advantage of a

MLB threatens to cancel regular season games mistake in what was a very good
game for us,” Simeone said. “We
did almost everything right the
entire match. We couldn’t win,
but I’m happy with how we
LOCKOUT FROM D1 week — and two years after a that it will not budge on arbitra- owners. They hired a new negoti- tee members Andrew Miller, played, and it’s all wide open for
dispute sparked by the coronavi- tion, refusing to expand its reach ator, Bruce Meyer, to help them Gerrit Cole and Zack Britton the second game.”
said missing the deadline won’t rus pandemic cut the season to beyond third-year players and turn the tide. joined the players’ contingent The return leg will be
necessarily halt negotiations. 60 games — MLB is on the verge the few early bloomers who qual- They began with big asks such Wednesday, locking proverbial March 15 in England.
But MLB is in control of the of missing regular season games ify for “super two” status. as free agency after fewer years arms with fellow committee Ronaldo, who several times
regular season schedule, so its for the first time since the strike Despite negotiating daily in and arbitration for all after two members Max Scherzer, Francis- ended Atlético’s title hopes in the
deadline is one of the few parts of that wiped out the end of the Jupiter — a departure from the years, not three, and continue to co Lindor, Jason Castro and a Champions League when he was
these negotiations that appears 1994 season and caused a late halting pace in New York earlier be frustrated by MLB’s approach half dozen or so others who also with crosstown rival Real Ma-
nonnegotiable. start and shortened schedule in in talks — progress remains slow. to the competitive balance tax — drove in for the talks. On the drid, struggled throughout the
People familiar with the 1995. Both sides seem to believe they a number MLB has proposed be ownership side, the Colorado match and was visibly frustrated.
union’s thinking suggest that if Wednesday’s developments have moved enough already to $214 million for 2022 with dou- Rockies’ Dick Monfort (head of Isolated up front, he was booed
regular season games are included MLB agreeing to raise have earned the right to have the ble the financial penalties for the owners’ labor committee) by Atlético fans nearly every time
scrapped and players forfeit pay, its proposed minimum salary other move to them. offenders than those in the previ- and the San Diego Padres’ Ron he touched the ball at the Metro-
the union will be less likely to from $630,000 in 2022 (with the At this point, MLB argues that ous CBA. Fowler (the former committee politano.
agree to an expanded postsea- leeway for teams to negotiate instituting a draft lottery, creat- The players want that number head) have been in the room with Félix was much more danger-
son, effectively withholding rev- higher pay for players) to ing a bonus pool for players who around $245 million with lesser MLB negotiators. ous for Atlético, constantly
enue that owners would have $640,000, growing by $10,000 cannot yet argue for their own penalties — in other words, they The players have spoken to the threatening with his quick turns
gained from more postseason each year over the life of the deal. salaries in arbitration, creating a want the CBT to function less as owners directly. A person famil- and strong runs.
television and gate receipts. That offer came a day after the framework to address service a salary cap than it would under iar with the union’s thinking said The 21-year-old forward
Team owners could render union proposed to lower the time and raising the salary mini- the owners’ proposal — operat- he believes the owners are listen- opened the scoring with a power-
that threat moot by lifting the number of draft picks in a newly- mums represent the kind of ing on a firmly held belief that ing. The owners and MLB repre- ful header off a well-placed cross
lockout as the sides negotiate, agreed-to lottery from eight to progress that would be substan- raising spending at the top will sentatives have spoken to the by Renan Lodi.
but multiple people involved seven (after MLB moved from tial in any other bargaining year. increase salaries even for teams players directly, and a person With the 37-year-old Ronaldo
suggest MLB has never viewed three to four Monday) and to ask But this was never going to be at the bottom. familiar with MLB’s thinking well defended and not able to
that as a viable option. for 75 percent of players with a typical bargaining year. The These gaps are wide and time said he believes the players are connect with his teammates,
So after three months of spo- two-plus years of service time players believe they agreed to a is waning, even as participation listening. United seemed beaten until
radic negotiating and three qualify for arbitration instead of raw deal in 2016, the latest in a in these in-person talks contin- They will meet again Thurs- Elanga broke free to find the net
straight days of modest progress its previous position of 80 per- series of CBAs they feel gave too ues to grow. day, and both sides know the from inside the area after a nice
in proposals exchanged this cent. MLB has been adamant much power and revenue to the MLBPA executive subcommit- pace of play must improve. through ball from playmaker
Bruno Fernandes, the competi-
tion’s assists leader with seven.
l BENFICA 2, AJAX 2: Sébas-

Players not on the 40-man roster get to work in West Palm Beach tien Haller can’t stop scoring in
the Champions League. He now
has 11 goals in seven matches for
Ajax — and one for Benfica.
NATIONALS FROM D1 beneath a bucket hat. General Haller scored for both teams
Manager Mike Rizzo walked as Benfica came from behind
breathing players — on the back from field to field, chatting with a twice to hold Ajax to a draw in
fields, in the batting cages, few of his assistant GMs. Rizzo the first leg of their Champions
throwing bullpen sessions. The made sure to see Cavalli, the League round-of-16 clash in Lis-
Nationals officially begin minor organization’s top prospect, bon.
league spring training Monday. throw his bullpen session in the The prolific Ivory Coast strik-
For these five days, though, they early afternoon. er’s 11 goals for Ajax in his first
invited select minor leaguers and “This is awesome, especially seven Champions League match-
veterans to an early camp, where this being my first full season,” es are the most by a debutant in
a revamped player development said House, 18 and the Nationals’ Europe’s top club competition.
staff is acquainting itself with the highest-rated position player But it was not enough to
farm system. prospect. A year ago, he was a secure Ajax’s seventh straight
So there were glimpses of top senior at Winder-Barrow High in Champions League victory of the
prospects such as right-handers Georgia, still months from being season.
Cade Cavalli and Jackson Rut- drafted 11th overall. “I can al- Captain Dusan Tadic put Ajax
ledge, then shortstops Brady ready tell I’m going to learn so ahead in the 18th minute, plac-
House and Armando Cruz. There much. From being at instructs ing a volley past Odysseas Vla-
were familiar veterans such as toward the end of last season, chodimos in the Benfica goal
righty Jefry Rodriguez and lefty then rolling into this several after a cross from the right by
Alberto Baldonado, both of months later, I can just tell I’m Noussair Mazraoui, who started
whom pitched for Washington going to get a lot of work done.” the move by winning the ball on
last season. There was Garrett That’s Washington’s general right from Alejandro Grimaldo.
Reed, a 29-year-old righty who plan for now, a common one Haller deflected a hard, low
spent the past two seasons in around the majors: Get to work. cross by former Ajax defender
Japan and recently signed a mi- Get eyes on intriguing young Jan Vertonghen into his own net
nor league contract. players. Integrate fresh ap- to bring the teams level in the
There were a lot of guys just proaches and the many external 26th minute but made amends
trying to make it. That felt like a hires they made this offseason. just three minutes later when he
small something. Then hope the lockout ends soon. tapped home a rebound to con-
“Spring training feels a little On Wednesday, House listened tinue his scoring streak.
bit more normal,” said Rutledge, carefully to Coco Crisp, the new Haller told Dutch broadcaster
who is 22 and was a first-round base running and outfield coor- RTL 7 he blamed himself for the
draft pick in 2019. “Obviously, KATHERINE FREY/THE WASHINGTON POST dinator, teaching leads. House own goal and was glad he made
we’d love to have the big league The Nationals’ revamped player development staff got its first look at many of the team’s young players. told José Alguacil, the new in- amends quickly.
guys back as soon as we can. field coordinator, what he wants “You need to be there at the
Hopefully they can get that deal that happens). The Nationals spot on the Opening Day roster. ducting meetings inside as the to fine-tune as a shortstop. His good moment, and this is what
worked out.” were in touch with the players Infielders Jake Noll and Adrián players were drilled by a group of development will be critical to a I’m training to do,” he said.
With the lockout ongoing, the union, according to those with Sanchez, second baseman An- new and returning coaches and rebuild that began in July, when He could have given Ajax a
Nationals knew some older play- knowledge of the planning, to drew Young and shortstop Jack- coordinators. Joe Dillon, back the Nationals traded eight veter- comfortable two-goal cushion
ers might feel uncomfortable make sure any veterans, such as son Cluff were there, too, even with the Nationals as hitting ans for 12 unproven players, a shortly before halftime but only
training at a team facility before Dee Strange-Gordon or Maikel though they almost certainly will coordinator after serving as the number of whom — Jordy Barley, managed to steer the ball wide
a new collective bargaining Franco, wouldn’t be ostracized by be in major league camp. The Philadelphia Phillies’ hitting Seth Shuman, Richard Guasch, from close range after Edson
agreement is in place. That’s why their peers as scabs. same goes for Cavalli, Rutledge coach for the past two seasons, Drew Millas, Aldo Ramirez — are Álvarez hit the post.
they made this early camp op- Gordon, a second baseman, and righty Cole Henry, among threw to batters in the cage. at early camp. “You are never happy when
tional for any player likely to get and Franco, a third baseman, other pitchers. De Jon Watson, named director The Nationals, or at least this you don’t win a match,” Tadic
a nonroster invite to major were at the facility Wednesday. Manager Dave Martinez was of player development in Novem- portion of them, should be busy said. “But this is Europe. There
league spring training (whenever Eventually, they will fight for a also on-site, though he was con- ber, watched the action from while the wait stretches on. are two matches.”

Broken foot sidelines McKennie for the United States’ next Cup qualifiers
BY S TEVEN G OFF McKennie out of the U.S. team’s running. El Salvador (2-6-3, nine most important player. a good guy. We know he cares for join the U.S. team for training
last three World Cup qualifiers. points), Jamaica (1-6-4, seven) McKennie, Tyler Adams and his teammates. He cares for camp starting March 21. He
If the U.S. men’s national soc- “I will be back stronger than and Honduras (0-8-3, three) Yunus Musah emerged as Berhal- United States soccer, and for hasn’t played in a qualifier since
cer team is to qualify for the before,” McKennie wrote on round out the group. ter’s top midfield arrangement. him, it was a matter of him the opener in El Salvador on
World Cup next month, it’s going Instagram. The fourth-place finisher will “He is probably in the form of getting refocused and bouncing Sept. 2.
to have to do so without standout The Americans, who probably advance to an intercontinental his life, playing at a really high back.” Although he has lined up pri-
midfielder Weston McKennie, need at least three points to playoff in June in Qatar against level,” Berhalter recently said of McKennie’s injury came two marily on the flanks for Berhal-
who was diagnosed with a bro- secure passage to Qatar late this the Oceania region winner. McKennie. days after another young U.S. ter, Reyna could be considered
ken foot Wednesday. year, will visit Mexico on McKennie, 23, had been enjoy- McKennie’s qualifying cam- star, Gio Reyna, suffered a set- for McKennie’s attacking mid-
McKennie was injured late in March 24, host Panama on ing a terrific stretch for both his paign got off to a rough start in back in his long recovery from a field role in at least one of the
a UEFA Champions League March 27 in Orlando and play at club and country. September, when he broke pro- hamstring injury. Making his qualifiers.
round-of-16 match Tuesday be- Costa Rica on March 30. In his second season with the gram policy the day before a first start for Germany’s Borussia Another prime candidate is
tween his Italian club, Juventus, In a Concacaf region offering Italian giants, he has made match against Canada and was Dortmund since August, Reyna, Luca de la Torre, who performed
and Spain’s Villarreal. three automatic berths, the 28 appearances (21 starts) across temporarily removed from the 19, left in tears in the first half well in his first U.S. start, against
In a statement Wednesday, United States (6-2-3) sits second, all competitions and scored four team. with what appeared to be a Honduras in St. Paul, Minn.,
Juventus said he suffered a com- even with Mexico (6-2-3) on goals. With the national team, he Berhalter recently praised significant injury. early this month. Kellyn Acosta,
pound fracture of the second and points (21) but holds the tie- has started seven qualifiers, McKennie’s contrition. On Monday, though, Dort- a defensive midfielder, made a
third metatarsal bones in his left breaker on goal differential. Can- scored against Mexico and Hon- “It was a momentary lapse. It mund said it was not as serious strong case for more playing
foot. The initial recovery time, ada (7-0-4, 25 points) is first. duras and displayed an all- wasn’t a reflection of his charac- as first feared and Reyna could time as well when, filling in for
the club said, is about eight Panama (5-4-2, 17) and Costa around game that has made him ter or who he is,” Berhalter said. return to training in two weeks. the injured Adams, he set up all
weeks — a timetable that rules Rica (4-3-4, 16) remain in the perhaps Coach Gregg Berhalter’s “We know Weston. We know he’s That would put him on track to three goals against Honduras.

New wave gets chance to shine as U.S. women rout Iceland

SOCCER FROM D1 ford after her junior season and ty area, then cut inside before
signed with French power unleashing a right-footed shot
an outrageous chip while falling Olympique Lyonnais. This sea- that caromed in off the far post.
away from the net. son, she is tied for second in the As the half was about to end,
“Cat’s a special player,” Andon- French scoring race with nine Macario scored on another sensa-
ovski said. “Goals like that should goals in just 13 matches. tional strike.
be on the highlight reel all over The Americans found them- From inside the penalty area,
the world. What makes me happy selves in an unusual position Pugh tried squaring the ball to the
with Cat is not just the goals she Wednesday: needing to win to oncoming Macario. Her touch
scored but her performance and capture the tournament title. was a little heavy, though, forcing
how she was able to get other That was because they had settled Macario to chase down the ball.
people involved. She has slowly for a 0-0 draw against the No. 24 Instead of settling it, Macario
but surely become a total foot- Czech Republic in the opener got behind the ball, and while her
baller.” Thursday before routing No. 22 momentum carried her away
Asked which of Macario’s goal New Zealand, 5-0, on Sunday in from the target, she chipped a
impressed her most, Pugh said: “I Carson, Calif. one-timer from 12 yards over Sig-
think the first one. Actually, the Iceland, No. 16 in the FIFA urdardottir for her fifth goal in
second one was great, too.” rankings, had won its first two 15 international matches.
Pugh scored in the 60th and matches, edging New Zealand, Early in the second half, Pugh
75th minutes, and substitute Kris- 1-0, and the Czech Republic, 2-1. A appeared offside when she col-
tie Mewis added a goal in the 88th. draw against the United States lected Sanchez’s pass in stride on
With a 2-0-1 record, the top- would suffice, but after 12 defeats the right side. With an angled
ranked Americans won the tour- and two ties in the previous shot, Pugh placed the ball be-
nament for the third consecutive 14 meetings, Iceland faced long tween the legs of backup keeper
year — and fifth overall — and odds. Cecilia Ran Runarsdottir.
continued preparations for World The visitors felt at home: At Fifteen minutes later, Macario
Cup and Olympic qualifiers in kickoff, it was 23 degrees with and Pugh worked a seamless com-
July in Monterrey, Mexico. freezing rain. bination before the latter scored
“I feel comfortable saying we The Americans were unboth- easily for her 21st international
made strides” in the tournament, ered by the conditions, humming goal. Later, Mewis poked in Mar-
Andonovski said. “There is always from the start and generating nu- garet Purce’s cross.
going to be room for improve- merous scoring chances. They Notes: O’Hara, who captained
ment, especially with a young had struggled in the final third of the team for the second time in
group of players like this one. We the attack against the Czechs and the tournament, became the
did a pretty good job.” benefited from three first-half 24th U.S. player to appear in 150
own goals against New Zealand. career matches. . . .
members of the U.S. squad Catarina Macario scored twice as the U.S. women won the SheBelieves Cup for the third year in a row. On this night, Andonovski The Americans will play two
reached a settlement with the U.S. wanted to see both creating and home friendlies during the FIFA
Soccer Federation that will guar- SheBelieves Cup history and the had appeared in more than 50 in- United States at age 12 and be- finishing. The scoring touch was fixture window April 4-12. Wash-
antee equal pay with the men’s youngest in any competition in ternational matches. came eligible for the U.S. squad absent, though, as Pugh and Kris- ington’s Audi Field was the front-
team and provide millions in back almost four years. Among the many absences early last year — is the most prom- tie Mewis squandered wonderful runner for one game, but the sides
pay. Macario, Alana Cook (24), Emi- from the roster were Megan Rapi- ising of the young players. In her chances and Iceland’s Sandra Sig- have failed to reach a deal. . . .
Most of those veterans were not ly Fox (23), Andi Sullivan (26) and noe, Alex Morgan, Tobin Heath first year, though, she was largely urdardottir made two quality In the first match Wednesday,
part of this squad as Andonovski Sophia Smith (21) started all three and Christen Press. Rose Lavelle, overshadowed by the veterans saves. the Czech Republic (0-1-2) hit the
opted to evaluate younger players. matches. Washington Spirit play- a star midfielder, was on the and seemed reluctant to take the The breakthrough came in the crossbar twice in the last 20 min-
On Wednesday, he started seven maker Ashley Sanchez, 22, started squad but did not play the final initiative. 37th minute. Macario worked the utes and limited New Zealand
players under 25. It was the twice. Of all the starters Wednes- two games because of a sore ankle. There is no questioning her left side, backed Glodis Perla Vig- (0-2-1) to no shots on goal during a
youngest U.S. lineup in day, only Pugh and Kelley O’Hara Macario — who moved to the ability. Last winter, she left Stan- gosdottir to the edge of the penal- 0-0 draw.


Bulldogs score at will during a dominant stretch for a first-of-its-kind title

really in that zone, they can do
CHURCHILL 69, some amazing things on both
DAMASCUS 47 ends of the floor. Sometimes it’s
tough to always do that for 32 full
minutes, but when they can put
BY K YLE M ELNICK together four- or five-minute
spurts here and there, they can
In the midst of the Churchill really change the game.”
boys’ basketball team’s game-
turning run Wednesday night, Clarksburg girls roll on
guard Andrew Silver leaped to There have been few doubts
intercept a pass near midcourt. that Clarksburg is the county’s
The senior grabbed the ball and top girls’ team, and the Coyotes
was milliseconds from stepping (21-0) validated their stellar regu-
out of bounds when Coach David lar season with a 66-39 win over
Blumenthal, standing behind Whitman (17-3) in Wednesday’s
him, yelled for a timeout. championship game.
The referee made the call, giv- Sitting atop the county is rare
ing the Bulldogs another posses- for No. 9 Clarksburg, too. In the
sion in a stretch when they first few seasons after the school
seemed to score at will. Blumen- opened in 2006, the Coyotes de-
thal and his players believe there sired to finish .500.
are few teams in Maryland that PHOTOS BY JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST Two guards, senior Mia Smith
can beat them when they’re play- The Clarksburg girls, at left with Coach Sissy Natoli, and the Churchill boys, at right led by Bryce Wilson, claimed county championships. and junior Riley Nelson, have
ing their best, and No. 13 turned Clarksburg into a top con-
Churchill showed why in the in- calls. volved in an on-court fight Jan. 31, players and coaches to make such spectators for most of the season tender when it enters the 4A
augural Montgomery County “When we get the ball moving and the junior said his team un- a claim. The Bulldogs last reached because of the pandemic, but it playoffs next week. The Coyotes,
championship game at Richard and running,” guard Bryce Wilson derestimated opponents entering the state semifinals in 1978, when lifted those restrictions Tuesday. who have won every game by
Montgomery High. said, “we’re unstoppable.” the regular season’s final month. they won the 4A championship. That created an electric atmos- double digits, have never quali-
In their 69-47 win over Damas- An opponent has had an an- “When we finally came togeth- Churchill emerged as a county phere, and Churchill gave the fied for the state semifinals.
cus, the Bulldogs pulled away swer for Churchill just once. The er and played Churchill basket- contender in recent seasons but crowd a show against Damascus “I didn’t think that we would
with a 25-5 run in the second Bulldogs (20-1) fell to Bethesda- ball,” said Stott, who matched lost to Parkville in double over- (18-3) in the county’s new biggest make history like this,” said
quarter. For six minutes, Chevy Chase, 66-60, on Feb. 10. Wilson with a team-high 18 points time of the 4A quarterfinals in game. Smith, who scored a game-high
Churchill dominated from the Churchill star Tre Stott returned Wednesday, “I knew nobody 2020, when Maryland last con- “When this team is clicking . . . 25 points. “We could beat any-
three-point arc, on the fast break that game after serving a three- could stop us in the county.” ducted a basketball postseason. they can compete with anybody,” body in Maryland when we put
and even with clutch timeout game suspension for being in- It’s a rare thing for Churchill Montgomery County limited Blumenthal said. “When they’re our mind to it and play together.”


Jaguars girls have the right answer for wrong uniforms in championship game
But the battle for those brag- to a championship,” Flowers “Both teams wearing black jer- The step up to a 4A opponent ly proud of how we played to-
C.H. FLOWERS 55, ging rights between 4A champion Coach Roderick Hairston said. seys kind of knocked us off our proved tough for Oxon Hill (13-2). night.”
OXON HILL 41 C.H. Flowers and 3A/2A/1A “But if you take in each team’s game early because we had to The Clippers’ defense, which en- Flowers has earned a No. 1 seed
champ Oxon Hill fueled hard practices in the days leading up to think more when making passes,” tered surrendering an average of in the Maryland 4A bracket and
fouls, dives for loose balls, con- this game, it’s obvious.” junior guard McKenzie Stewart just more than 23 points, surren- will meet the winner of Wise and
BY T RAMEL R AGGS tested calls and all the accessories Things got off to a rocky start said. “So at the half we had to dered 32 in the first half alone. Bowie in a region semifinal March
of a fierce neighborhood rivalry for Flowers (12-1), which donned shake all of that off and get our Sophomore Madison Williams 1. Oxon Hill has earned a No. 2
Wednesday night’s Prince that ultimately went to the Jag- the wrong black jerseys as the minds locked in on the game had 19 points, but Oxon Hill’s seed in the Maryland 3A bracket.
George’s County girls’ basketball uars, 55-41. It was their third “home” team for the neutral-site plan.” leading scorer, Hanele Okojie In the boys’ game, No. 18 Doug-
championship game at Wise was straight county title. game, leading to a technical foul Stewart had a team-high (17.4 points), was held to just five. lass beat Eleanor Roosevelt,
for little more than county brag- “It’s really difficult to explain to and an early 2-0 deficit. Things 14 points. Juniors Kristian Harris “Coming in, we knew that we’d 63-61, in double overtime. Mikhai
ging rights — the seedings for the an outsider why this game means got better Hairston’s team from and former cheerleader Jai’den be facing an uphill battle with Arnold had 24 points for Douglass
Maryland state tournament al- so much because the result won’t there, though Oxon Hill’s grit kept Anderson chipped in 13 and eight Flowers,” Oxon Hill Coach De- (15-3). Jaylin Payne led Roosevelt
ready have been determined. really help either team get closer things tight through the first half. points, respectively. vone Williams said. “But I’m real- (11-5) with 25.



NBA NCAA men NCAA women NHL Champions League WTA

ATLANTIC W L Pct GB Florida .......................... 51 35 11 5 75 212 151 At Khalifa International Tennis and Squash Complex
Albany (N.Y.) 72, Maine 68 American 61, Lehigh 52 FIRST LEG In Doha, Qatar
Philadelphia .................................35 23 .603 — Tampa Bay ................... 50 33 11 6 72 174 142
Boston..........................................34 26 .567 2 Army 73, Bucknell 60 Bucknell 79, Army 51 Toronto ........................ 50 32 14 4 68 179 141 Purse: $2,632,448
Boston U. 76, Lafayette 60 Buffalo 79, Ohio 65 Boston.......................... 50 29 17 4 62 145 139
FEB. 15 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
Toronto ........................................32 25 .561 21/2
Brooklyn .......................................31 28 .525 41/2 Colgate 78, Holy Cross 71 Dayton 59, Saint Joseph’s 43 Detroit.......................... 52 23 23 6 52 149 181 Paris Saint-Germain (France) 1, Real Madrid (Spain) 0
Creighton 81, St. John’s 78 Hartford 74, UMBC 71 Ottawa ......................... 50 19 26 5 43 134 159 Sporting Lisbon (Portugal) 0, Manchester City (England)
New York......................................25 34 .424 101/2
Davidson 74, Duquesne 50 Hofstra 73, Coll. of Charleston 61 Buffalo ......................... 52 16 28 8 40 138 186 5 Coco Gauff (14), United States, def. Paula Badosa (3),
Fordham 60, La Salle 54 Holy Cross 62, Colgate 55 Montreal ...................... 52 12 33 7 31 121 197 Spain, 6-2, 6-3; Jelena Ostapenko (15), Latvia, def.
SOUTHEAST W L Pct GB Lehigh 78, American 61 La Salle 67, Duquesne 66 FEB. 16 Barbora Krejcikova (2), Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-2; Anett
Miami ...........................................38 21 .644 — Mass. Lowell 67, Stony Brook 50 Lafayette 58, Boston U. 52 Kontaveit (4), Estonia, def. Elise Mertens (16),
Atlanta .........................................28 30 .483 91/2 METROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts GF GA Inter Milan (Italy) 0, Liverpool (England) 2.
Navy 52, Loyola (Md.) 50 Loyola (Md.) 56, Navy 42 RB Salzburg (Austria) 1, Bayern Munich (Germany) 1 Belgium, 6-3, 0-6, 6-2; Ons Jabeur (8), Tunisia, def.
Charlotte ......................................29 31 .483 91/2 Carolina ........................ 50 35 11 4 74 176 121
New Hampshire 83, NJIT 55 Maine 49, Albany (NY) 45 Tereza Martincova, Czech Republic, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3; Maria
Washington .................................27 31 .466 101/2 Pittsburgh.................... 52 31 13 8 70 173 140
Providence 99, Xavier 92, 3OT Mass.-Lowell 70, Stony Brook 68
N.Y. Rangers ................ 50 32 13 5 69 151 127 TUESDAY’S RESULTS Sakkari (6), Greece, def. Jessica Pegula (9), United
Orlando.........................................13 47 .217 251/2 Seton Hall 66, Butler 60 New Hampshire 58, NJIT 54 States, 6-4, 7-5; Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, def. Jil
Washington ................. 52 28 15 9 65 171 145 Chelsea (England) 2, Lille (France) 0
Towson 84, James Madison 65 Penn 70, Cornell 57 Teichmann, Switzerland, 6-2, 6-1; Iga Swiatek (7),
Columbus ..................... 50 26 23 1 53 167 183 Villarreal (Spain) 1, Juventus (Italy) 1
CENTRAL W L Pct GB UMBC 92, Hartford 85 Princeton 73, Columbia 53 Poland, def. Daria Kasatkina, Russia, 6-3, 6-0; Garbine
N.Y. Islanders............... 46 19 20 7 45 116 128
Chicago.........................................38 21 .644 — Vermont 66, Binghamton 49 Rhode Island 67, St. Bonaventure 54 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS Muguruza (5), Spain, def. Madison Brengle, United
Philadelphia ................. 51 15 26 10 40 129 180
Cleveland......................................35 23 .603 21/2 UConn 69, Marquette 38 States, 6-0, 6-2.
SOUTH New Jersey .................. 50 17 28 5 39 146 182 Atletico Madrid (Spain) 1, Manchester United (England)
Milwaukee ...................................36 24 .600 21/2 UMass 66, VCU 57
Indiana .........................................20 40 .333 181/2 Vermont 65, Binghamton 60 1 WOMEN’S DOUBLES — QUARTERFINALS
Auburn 77, Mississippi 64
Detroit..........................................13 45 .224 241/2 CENTRAL GP W L OT Pts GF GA Benfica (Portugal) 2, Ajax (Netherlands) 2 Aleksandra Krunic, Serbia, and Shuko Aoyama, Japan,
Boston College 69, N.C. State 61
Cent. Arkansas 81, North Alabama 72
SOUTH Colorado ....................... 51 37 10 4 78 204 145 def. Alicja Rosolska, Poland, and Erin Routliffe, New
WESTERN CONFERENCE Chattanooga 83, ETSU 77 Campbell 78, Winthrop 35 St. Louis ....................... 50 30 14 6 66 179 138 Zealand, 6-1, 6-2; Sania Mirza, India, and Lucie Hradecka,
Minnesota.................... 48 31 14 3 65 186 147 SECOND LEG
Clemson 80, Wake Forest 69 Davidson 51, George Washington 46 Czech Republic, def. Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina
SOUTHWEST W L Pct GB Nashville ...................... 51 29 18 4 62 159 147 Siniakova (1), Czech Republic, 7-6 (7-5), 4-3, ret;
Memphis ......................................41 19 .683 — Duke 65, Virginia 61 Elon 64, UNC Wilmington 43 TUESDAY, MARCH 8
East Carolina 64, South Florida 60 High Point 74, UNC Asheville 62 Dallas ........................... 50 28 20 2 58 146 147 Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, and Elise Mertens (3),
Dallas ...........................................35 24 .593 51/2 Winnipeg...................... 51 22 20 9 53 147 153 Bayern Munich vs. RB Salzburg, 3 Belgium, def. Kirsten Flipkens and Alison van Uytvanck,
San Antonio .................................23 36 .390 171/2 Hampton 68, Campbell 66 Longwood 71, SC Upstate 66
High Point 78, N.C. A&T 58 NC A&T 76, Charleston Southern 42 Chicago......................... 52 18 26 8 44 126 176 Liverpool vs. Inter Milan, 3 Belgium, 6-2, 6-3; Jessica Pegula and Coco Gauff, United
New Orleans ................................23 36 .390 171/2 x-Arizona ..................... 50 13 33 4 30 114 186 States, def. Zhang Shuai, China, and Ena Shibahara (2),
Houston........................................15 43 .259 25 Houston 81, Tulane 67 Richmond 79, Fordham 69 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9
Kennesaw St. 75, Stetson 71 Saint Louis 58, George Mason 35 Japan, 3-6, 7-5, 10-7.
Kentucky 71, LSU 66 Tulane 67, SMU 58 PACIFIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA Manchester City vs. Sporting Lisbon, 3
NORTHWEST W L Pct GB Longwood 71, Radford 66 UAB 57, UTSA 50 Calgary ......................... 49 30 13 6 66 169 114 Real Madrid vs. Paris Saint-Germain, 3
Utah..............................................36 22 .621 — Samford 83, Furman 75 Vegas ........................... 51 29 18 4 62 169 150
Denver..........................................33 25 .569 3 South Carolina 66, Mississippi St. 56 MIDWEST x-Los Angeles .............. 50 26 17 7 59 147 141 TUESDAY, MARCH 15 ABIERTO AKRON ZAPOPAN
Minnesota....................................31 28 .525 51/2 UCF 75, Cincinnati 61 Akron 72, Bowling Green 70 Edmonton..................... 51 28 20 3 59 171 166 Ajax vs. Benfica, 4
Portland .......................................25 34 .424 111/2 At Panamerican Tennis Center
UNC Greensboro 73, W. Carolina 64 Ball St. 64, W. Michigan 56 Anaheim....................... 53 25 19 9 59 160 161 Manchester United vs. Atletico Madrid, 4 In Guadalajara, Mexico
Oklahoma City..............................18 40 .310 18 VCU 72, George Mason 66 Cincinnati 71, Memphis 58 Vancouver .................... 52 24 22 6 54 140 148 Purse: $262,727
Virginia Tech 62, Georgia Tech 58 Iowa St. 85, Kansas 59 San Jose....................... 50 22 22 6 50 134 158 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
PACIFIC W L Pct GB Wofford 83, VMI 72 Kent St. 61, Miami (Ohio) 52 Seattle ......................... 53 16 33 4 36 137 190 Juventus vs. Villarreal, 4
Phoenix ........................................48 10 .828 — N. Illinois 72, E. Michigan 65 Lille vs. Chelsea, 4
Golden State ................................42 17 .712 61/2 MIDWEST Nebraska 80, Wisconsin 70 x-Late game
Wang Qiang, China, def. Harmony Tan, France, 6-4,
L.A. Clippers.................................30 31 .492 191/2 Bellarmine 76, Lipscomb 73 Texas 62, Kansas St. 51 TUESDAY’S RESULTS 6-2.
L.A. Lakers ...................................27 31 .466 21 Dayton 82, UMass 61 Toledo 76, Cent. Michigan 52
Sacramento..................................22 38 .367 27 Drake 71, Valparaiso 65 at Ottawa 4, Minnesota 3 WOMEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16
Iowa St. 84, West Virginia 81 St. Louis 4, at Philadelphia 1 English Premier League Tara Moore, Britain, and Emina Bektas, United States,
Loyola Chicago 82, Evansville 31 Baylor 65, Oklahoma St. 58 at Columbus 4, Toronto 3, OT def. Han Xinyun, China, and Yana Sizikova, Russia, 6-7
No games scheduled. Michigan 71, Rutgers 62 Houston 80, Temple 60 Nashville 6, at Florida 4 GP W D L GF GA Pts
Man City ........................ 26 20 3 3 63 17 63 (7-5), 6-4, 10-8.
Missouri St. 83, Bradley 67 Oklahoma 92, TCU 57 N.Y. Islanders 5, at Seattle 2
TUESDAY’S RESULTS N. Iowa 88, Indiana St. 82 West Virginia 73, Texas Tech 62 Liverpool ........................ 26 18 6 2 70 20 60
at Anaheim 4, San Jose 3, SO Chelsea .......................... 25 14 8 3 49 18 50
Notre Dame 79, Syracuse 69
No games scheduled. WEST Man United .................... 26 13 7 6 44 34 46
Wisconsin 68, Minnesota 67 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS
WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS Air Force 68, San Jose St. 59
West Ham...................... 26 12 6 8 45 34 42 WTA singles rankings
SOUTHWEST at Montreal 4, Buffalo 0 Arsenal .......................... 23 13 3 7 36 26 42
Fresno St. 71, New Mexico 70 Through Sunday
No games scheduled. Appalachian St. 78, UALR 66 Colorado 5, at Detroit 2 Wolverhampton ............ 24 12 4 8 23 18 40
Weber St. 73, Portland St. 65 Tottenham..................... 24 12 3 9 31 32 39
THURSDAY’S GAMES Coastal Carolina 74, Arkansas St. 69 at Tampa Bay 5, Edmonton 3
SMU 75, Tulsa 61 at Dallas 3, Winnipeg 2, OT Brighton......................... 25 7 12 6 25 28 33 1. Ashleigh Barty, Australia, 8330
Cleveland at Detroit, 7 Texas 75, TCU 66 Southampton................. 25 7 11 7 32 37 32 2. Aryna Sabalenka, Belarus, 5563
Los Angeles at Arizona, Late Crystal Palace................ 26 6 11 9 36 37 29 3. Barbora Krejcikova, Czech Republic, 5003
Boston at Brooklyn, 7:30
Atlanta at Chicago, 8
WEST No. 5 Baylor 65, THURSDAY’S GAMES Leicester ........................ 23 7 6 10 37 43 27 4. Paula Badosa, Spain, 4429
Aston Villa..................... 24 8 3 13 31 37 27
Memphis at Minnesota, 8 Colorado St. 61, Wyoming 55 Oklahoma St. 58 Columbus at Florida, 7 Brentford ....................... 26 6 6 14 27 42 24
5. Karolina Pliskova, Czech Republic, 4347
6. Maria Sakkari, Greece, 4191
Phoenix at Oklahoma City, 8 Grand Canyon 85, Chicago St. 64 Minnesota at Toronto, 7 Leeds ............................. 25 5 8 12 29 56 23
BAYLOR .............................. 12 22 17 14 — 65 7. Anett Kontaveit, Estonia, 4137
Denver at Sacramento, 10 OKLAHOMA ST. ................. 11 14 18 15 — 58 New Jersey at Pittsburgh, 7 Everton .......................... 23 6 4 13 28 40 22 8. Iga Swiatek, Poland, 3936
Golden State at Portland, 10 Washington at N.Y. Rangers, 7 Newcastle...................... 24 4 10 10 26 45 22 9. Garbine Muguruza, Spain, 3350
Baylor (22-5) Burnley .......................... 23 3 11 9 21 29 20 10. Ons Jabeur, Tunisia, 3065
FRIDAY’S GAMES Smith 8-15 3-4 19, Egbo 4-10 5-6 13, Andrews 7-12 1-2 Dallas at Nashville, 8:30
Watford ......................... 25 5 3 17 25 47 18
No. 7 Duke 65, Virginia 61 17, Asberry 3-7 0-0 7, Lewis 1-4 0-0 2, Bickle 3-6 1-2 7, Boston at Seattle, 10
Norwich ......................... 25 4 5 16 15 53 17
11. Danielle Collins, USA, 2972
12. Emma Raducanu, Great Britain, 2664
Houston at Orlando, 7 Owens 0-1 0-0 0, Totals 26-55 10-14 65 Calgary at Vancouver, 10
Duke ................................................ 30 35 — 65 13. Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, 2635
Oklahoma City at Indiana, 7 Oklahoma St. (8-16) N.Y. Islanders at San Jose, 10:30 SATURDAY’S RESULTS
Virginia ........................................... 25 36 — 61 14. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, Russia, 2528
San Antonio at Washington, 7 Collins 2-11 0-0 4, Winchester 3-4 0-0 6, Dennis 3-6 1-2 7, 15. Elina Svitolina, Ukraine, 2526
FRIDAY’S GAMES West Ham 1, Newcastle 1
Toronto at Charlotte, 7 DUKE MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Fields 4-23 1-1 12, Keys 5-12 0-0 13, De Lapp 2-2 0-0 4, 16. Victoria Azarenka, Belarus, 2397
Arsenal 2, Brentford 1
Miami at New York, 7:30 Banchero 37 2-13 4-6 2-5 5 0 8 James 3-8 0-0 8, Reeves 0-2 0-0 0, Boyd 0-1 0-0 0, Notoa Columbus at Carolina, 7 17. Jessica Pegula, USA, 2339
Aston Villa 0, Watford 1
Philadelphia at Minnesota, 8 Griffin 24 4-11 2-2 0-6 0 1 13 0-0 0-0 0, Rodrigues 1-6 2-2 4, Totals 23-75 4-5 58 18. Angelique Kerber, Germany, 2286
Buffalo at St. Louis, 8 Brighton 0, Burnley 3
Moore 31 1-3 2-3 1-3 3 3 4 Three-point goals: Baylor 3-11 (Andrews 2-5, Asberry 19. Leylah Annie Fernandez, Canada, 2249
Dallas at Utah, 9 New Jersey at Chicago, 8:30 Crystal Palace 0, Chelsea 1
Williams 27 4-5 0-1 2-10 0 1 8 1-4, Lewis 0-1, Owens 0-1), Oklahoma St. 8-21 (Fields 20. Elena Rybakina, Kazakhstan, 2205
New Orleans at Phoenix, 9 Winnipeg at Colorado, 9 Liverpool 3, Norwich 1
Keels 36 5-8 2-5 0-3 1 1 13 3-12, Keys 3-4, James 2-4, Rodrigues 0-1). Assists: 21. Petra Kvitova, Czech Republic, 2110
L.A. Clippers at L.A. Lakers, 10 Vegas at Arizona, 9:30 Southampton 2, Everton 0
Roach 32 6-7 0-0 0-3 0 3 15 Baylor 9 (Andrews 4), Oklahoma St. 15 (Dennis 5). 22. Belinda Bencic, Switzerland, 2060
Man City 2, Tottenham 3
John 9 2-3 0-0 0-1 0 1 4 Fouled out: Oklahoma St. Winchester. Rebounds: Baylor Los Angeles at Anaheim, 10 23. Coco Gauff, USA, 2051
Baker 4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 44 (Smith 15), Oklahoma St. 37 (Winchester 9). Total SUNDAY’S RESULTS 24. Tamara Zidansek, Slovenia, 1991
fouls: Baylor 10, Oklahoma St. 16. SATURDAY’S GAMES
25. Veronika Kudermetova, Russia, 1880
W IZ ARD S’ NE X T T HREE TOTALS 200 24-50 10-17 5-31 9 10 65
Edmonton at Florida, 12:30
Leeds 2, Man United 4
Wolverhampton 2, Leicester 1 26. Elise Mertens, Belgium, 1841
Percentages: FG .480, FT .588. 3-Point Goals: 7-17, .412 Washington at Philadelphia, 12:30 27. Simona Halep, Romania, 1832
vs. San Antonio Spurs (Roach 3-3, Griffin 3-7, Keels 1-4, Banchero 0-3). Team No. 7 U-Conn. 69, Marquette 38 N.Y. Rangers at Pittsburgh, 3 WEDNESDAY’S RESULTS 28. Daria Kasatkina, Russia, 1760
Rebounds: 2. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: 7 Montreal at Ottawa, 7 29. Madison Keys, USA, 1744
(Williams 4, Griffin, John, Roach). Turnovers: 8 (Banche- MARQUETTE ........................ 8 6 11 13 — 38 Burnley 1, Tottenham 0
U-CONN. ............................. 15 16 20 18 — 69 Tampa Bay vs. Nashville at Nissan Stadium, 7:30 Watford 1, Crystal Palace 4 30. Camila Giorgi, Italy, 1692
Tomorrow 7 NBCSW ro 3, Moore 2, Keels, Roach, Williams). Steals: 3
Marquette (18-9) Toronto at Detroit, 7:30 Liverpool 6, Leeds 0 31. Sorana Cirstea, Romania, 1607
(Banchero, Griffin, Keels). Technical Fouls: None. 32. Sara Sorribes Tormo, Spain, 1588
Karlen 2-7 1-2 5, Marotta 0-3 0-0 0, Van Kleunen 5-10 2-2 12, Boston at San Jose, 10
VIRGINIA MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS King 3-11 0-0 6, McLaughlin 2-7 0-0 5, Myles 0-0 0-0 0, THURSDAY’S MATCH 33. Clara Tauson, Denmark, 1536
at Cleveland Cavaliers Gardner 38 7-15 2-4 2-4 3 3 16 Walker 4-7 0-0 8, Middleton 0-3 0-0 0, Nkumu 1-1 0-0 2,
Colorado at Vegas, 10
Minnesota at Calgary, 10 Arsenal vs. Wolverhampton, 2:45
34. Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, 1532
Okosun 0-0 0-0 0, Williams 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 17-49 3-4 38 35. Marketa Vondrousova, Czech Republic, 1487
Caffaro 13 0-5 0-0 2-6 0 1 0 36. Viktorija Golubic, Switzerland, 1413
N.Y. Islanders at Los Angeles, 10:30 FRIDAY’S MATCH
Saturday 8 NBCSW Beekman 39 4-9 2-2 0-7 5 2 11 U-Conn. (20-5)
Edwards 4-7 2-2 10, Nelson-Ododa 4-4 2-4 10, Fudd 5-8 37. Alize Cornet, France, 1330
Clark 38 9-15 1-2 2-6 7 0 25 Southampton vs. Norwich, 3 38. Ajla Tomljanovic, Australia, 1310
Franklin 34 3-9 0-0 0-2 1 3 7 1-1 13, Muhl 0-2 0-0 0, Williams 3-10 1-1 9, Juhasz 1-3
vs. Detroit Pistons Shedrick 26 1-1 0-0 0-4 0 2 2 0-0 2, Ducharme 4-9 0-0 8, Westbrook 6-8 3-3 17, Canadiens 4, Sabres 0 SATURDAY’S MATCHES 39. Yulia Putintseva, Kazakhstan, 1255
40. Amanda Anisimova, USA, 1245
Stattmann 9 0-0 0-0 0-1 0 1 0 DeBerry 0-2 0-0 0, Gabriel 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 27-53 9-11 69
BUFFALO ................................. 0 0 0 — 0 Leeds vs. Tottenham, 7:30 a.m. 41. Jil Teichmann, Switzerland, 1238
Poindexter 2 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Three-point goals: Marquette 1-6 (King 0-2, McLaughlin
MONTREAL .............................. 1 1 2 — 4 Arsenal vs. Liverpool, 10 a.m. ppd. 42. Tereza Martincova, Czech Republic, 1206
Tuesday 7 NBCSW TOTALS 200 24-55 5-8 6-30 16 13 61
1-4), U-Conn. 6-17 (Fudd 2-3, Williams 2-6, Juhasz 0-2,
FIRST PERIOD Brentford vs. Newcastle, 10 a.m. 43. Bianca Andreescu, Canada, 1198
Ducharme 0-2, Westbrook 2-3, DeBerry 0-1). Assists:
Marquette 9 (Marotta 3), U-Conn. 17 (Nelson-Ododa 6). Brighton vs. Aston Villa, 10 a.m. 44. Jasmine Paolini, Italy, 1153
Percentages: FG .436, FT .625. 3-Point Goals: 8-20, .400 Scoring: 1, Montreal, Suzuki 10 (Caufield), 6:52. Crystal Palace vs. Burnley, 10 a.m. 45. Maria Camila Osorio Serrano, Colombia, 1147
Radio: WTEM (980 AM) (Clark 6-11, Franklin 1-3, Beekman 1-4, Gardner 0-1, Fouled out: None. Rebounds: Marquette 25 (Marotta 7),
U-Conn. 32 (Nelson-Ododa 6). Total fouls: Marquette 16, SECOND PERIOD Man United vs. Watford, 10 a.m. 46. Shelby Rogers, USA, 1124
Poindexter 0-1). Team Rebounds: 1. Team Turnovers: Everton vs. Man City, 12:30 47. Nuria Parrizas Diaz, Spain, 1123
None. Blocked Shots: 2 (Franklin, Shedrick). Turnovers: 6 U-Conn. 13. Technical Fouls_None. A: 9,197.
Scoring: 2, Montreal, Suzuki 11, 5:57 (ps). 48. Katerina Siniakova, Czech Republic, 1120
NBA LEADERS (Clark 2, Beekman, Caffaro, Shedrick, Stattmann). SUNDAY’S MATCHES 49. Anhelina Kalinina, Ukraine, 1113
Steals: 5 (Beekman 2, Clark 2, Gardner). None. . THIRD PERIOD
Chelsea vs. Leicester, 9 a.m. ppd. 50. Ekaterina Alexandrova, Russia, 1106
Through the all-star break TRA NSA CTI ONS Scoring: 3, Montreal, Caufield 7 (Suzuki), 1:18. 4,
Montreal, Evans 7 (Chiarot), 18:27 (en). West Ham vs. Wolverhampton, 9 a.m.

SCORING G FG FT PTS. AVG. Virginia Tech 62, FRONTIER LEAGUE BUFFALO ................................. 4 14 14 — 32 ATP
Embiid, PHI ....................... 46 439 421 1361 29.6
Antetokounmpo, MIL ....... 49 496 393 1443 29.4 Georgia Tech 58 Florence Y'alls: Released RHP Pablo Arevalo. MONTREAL ............................ 11 6 12 — 29
German Bundesliga CHILE OPEN
James, L.A.L. .................... 41 453 172 1192 29.1 Lake Erie Crushers: Signed INF Osvaldo Abreau and RHP Power-play opportunities: Buffalo 0 of 2; Montreal 0 of
Virginia Tech (16-11) Leonel Aponte. 1. Goalies: Buffalo, Anderson 6-6-0 (28 shots-25 saves). GP W D L GF GA Pts At Club Deportivo Universidad Catolica
DeRozan, CHI .................... 55 566 381 1547 28.1 Aluma 4-12 4-5 12, Mutts 2-4 0-0 4, Alleyne 4-10 1-2 12,
Young, ATL ....................... 53 495 327 1475 27.8 Ottawa Titans: Signed RHP Kevin Escoria. Montreal, Montembeault 5-10-4 (32-32). Bayern ........................... 23 18 1 4 74 26 55 In Santiago, Chile
Cattoor 2-10 2-3 7, Murphy 1-5 0-0 2, Maddox 5-7 1-1 12, Schaumburg Boomers: Sold the contract of RHP Isaiah Dortmund ...................... 23 16 1 6 63 36 49 Purse: $475,960
Doncic, DAL ....................... 44 428 234 1212 27.5 Pedulla 3-7 0-0 7, N’Guessan 2-4 2-3 6. Totals 23-59
Morant, MEM .................... 46 460 244 1233 26.8 Rivera to Minnesota (MLB). Leverkusen .................... 23 12 5 6 60 39 41 Surface: Red clay
10-14 62. Tri-City Valleycats: Signed RHP Aneudy Acosta.
Jokic, DEN ......................... 52 516 236 1352 26.0 Georgia Tech (11-17) Washington Wild Things: Signed RHP Shane Kelso.
Avalanche 5, Red Wings 2 RB Leipzig...................... 23
Hoffenheim ................... 23
11 4 8 49 28 37
11 4 8 45 35 37 MEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 16
Curry, GS ........................... 54 452 238 1393 25.8 Howard 3-5 2-2 8, K.Moore 1-4 0-0 2, Devoe 8-14 2-3 18,
Mitchell, UTA .................... 46 426 179 1184 25.7 Windy City Thunderbolts: Signed INF Brynn Martinez to COLORADO .............................. 2 1 2 — 5 Freiburg ......................... 23 10 7 6 36 26 37 Sebastian Baez (7), Argentina, def. Juan Ignacio Londe-
Sturdivant 3-8 0-0 6, Usher 4-10 2-2 11, Coleman 2-4 1-2 a contract extension. Signed INF Daryl Myers. DETROIT .................................. 0 1 1 — 2 Cologne .......................... 23 9 8 6 35 37 35 ro, Argentina, 6-3, 6-3; Facundo Bagnis (8), Argentina,
Tatum, BOS ...................... 56 500 285 1439 25.7 6, Meka 0-2 0-0 0, J.Moore 1-3 1-2 4, Kelly 1-3 0-0 3.
Booker, PHO ...................... 51 473 220 1300 25.5 Mainz ............................. 23 10 4 9 34 26 34 def. Hugo Dellien, Bolivia, 6-2, 6-2.
Totals 23-53 8-11 58. NBA FIRST PERIOD Union Berlin................... 23 9 7 7 29 31 34
LaVine, CHI ....................... 47 411 199 1156 24.6 Halftime: Georgia Tech 34-30. Three-point goals: Vir- MEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16
Towns, MIN ....................... 52 453 253 1269 24.4 Boston Celtics: Signed Fs Kelvin Martin and Malik Fitts Scoring: 1, Colorado, Landeskog 24 (Makar, Helm), 1:12. Eintracht........................ 23 8 7 8 33 35 31
ginia Tech 6-24 (Alleyne 3-7, Maddox 1-2, Pedulla 1-2, Bochum.......................... 23 8 5 10 25 33 29
Brown, BOS ....................... 46 398 174 1092 23.7 to 10-day contracts. 2, Colorado, Jost 6 (O’Connor, Newhook), 11:47. Fabien Reboul and Sadio Doumbia, France, def. Juan
Cattoor 1-9, Aluma 0-1, Murphy 0-3), Georgia Tech 4-13 Wolfsburg...................... 23 8 3 12 24 35 27
G.-Alexander, OKC ............ 43 334 241 976 22.7 (Coleman 1-1, Kelly 1-1, J.Moore 1-2, Usher 1-4, K.Moore Ignacio Londero and Tomas Martin Etcheverry, Argenti-
Harden, BKN ..................... 44 292 304 990 22.5
WNBA SECOND PERIOD Monchengladbach.......... 23 7 5 11 30 46 26 na, 6-3, 7-5.
0-1, Devoe 0-2, Sturdivant 0-2). Fouled out: Howard. Arminia Bielefeld .......... 23 5 10 8 22 29 25
Ingram, NO ........................ 45 366 195 993 22.1 Rebounds: Virginia Tech 34 (Aluma 9), Georgia Tech 26 Atlanta Dream: Signed G/F Maya Caldwell to a training Scoring: 3, Detroit, Zadina 7 (Seider, Larkin), 11:35. 4,
Edwards, MIN ................... 53 415 166 1159 21.9 camp contract. Colorado, Kadri 22 (Toews, Rantanen), 18:19. Hertha Berlin ................. 23 6 5 12 25 51 23 MEN’S DOUBLES — QUARTERFINALS
(Devoe 6). Assists: Virginia Tech 13 (Cattoor, Murphy 3), Augsburg ....................... 23 5 7 11 25 40 22
Siakam, TOR ..................... 44 372 172 964 21.9 Georgia Tech 8 (Devoe 3). Total fouls: Virginia Tech 13, Facundo Bagnis, Argentina, and Jaume Munar, Spain,
Fox, SAC ............................ 48 392 212 1045 21.8 NFL THIRD PERIOD Stuttgart ....................... 23 4 7 12 27 43 19 def. Ivan Sabanov and Matej Sabanov, Serbia, 6-3,
Georgia Tech 14. SpVgg Greuther Furth... 23 3 4 16 21 61 13
VanVleet, TOR .................. 50 363 153 1080 21.6 Baltimore Ravens: Named Mike Devlin assistant offen- Scoring: 5, Colorado, Nichushkin 14 (Burakovsky, Ne- 6-1.
Garland, CLE ..................... 47 365 102 953 20.3 sive line coach, George Godsey tight end coach, Rob whook), 2:11. 6, Detroit, Fabbri 14 (Larkin, Seider), 9:38 SATURDAY’S RESULTS
Ball, CHA ........................... 53 379 162 1062 20.0 Leonard outside linebackers coach, Zach Orr inside (pp). 7, Colorado, Landeskog 25 (Rantanen), 19:21 (en).
Bridges, CHA ..................... 58 431 193 1161 20.0 VCU 72, George Mason 66 linebackers coach and Ryan Osborn defensive quality Wolfsburg 1, Hoffenheim 2
Herro, MIA ........................ 46 340 124 920 20.0 control. SHOTS ON GOAL Stuttgart 1, Bochum 1
Murray, SA ........................ 52 428 113 1036 19.9 George Mason (13-13) Augsburg 1, Freiburg 2 DUBAI TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS
Oduro 6-8 1-4 13, Cooper 1-7 0-0 3, Gaines 2-9 2-2 8, Buffalo Bills: Re-signed CB Siran Neal to a three-year COLORADO ............................ 11 10 10 — 31
contract. DETROIT .................................. 7 13 14 — 34 Arminia Bielefeld 1, Union Berlin 0
Johnson 3-7 0-0 7, Schwartz 8-15 3-5 22, Polite 2-6 0-0 5, At Dubai Tennis Stadium
THREE-POINTERS 3FG 3FGA PCT. New Orleans Saints: Named Kris Richard and Ryan Power-play opportunities: Colorado 0 of 3; Detroit 1 of 3. Cologne 1, Eintracht 0
Frazier 4-4 0-1 8, Buchanan 0-0 0-0 0, Henry 0-0 0-0 0, Purse: $2,794,840
Tucker, MIA ..................................... 72 160 .450 Gadsden 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-56 6-12 66. Nielsen co-defensive coordinators, Darren Rizzi assis- Goalies: Colorado, Francouz 8-2-0 (34 shots-32 saves). SUNDAY’S RESULTS Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
Kennard, L.A.C. ............................. 137 306 .448 Vcu (19-7) tant head coach, Ronald Curry passing game coordinator, Detroit, Greiss 8-8-1 (30-26). A: 18,562 (20,000). T: 2:30.
Williams, BOS ................................. 86 193 .446 Ward 0-3 0-0 0, Williams 3-6 1-1 8, Baldwin 5-15 7-8 18, Doug Marrone offensive line coach and Kodi Burns wide Bayern 4, SpVgg Greuther Furth 1 MEN’S SINGLES — ROUND OF 16
McDermott, SA ............................. 100 227 .441 receiver coach. Dortmund 6, Monchengladbach 0
Curry 5-8 2-3 12, Nunn 5-9 1-2 13, Brown-Jones 4-4 7-8 Hubert Hurkacz (5), Poland, def. Alex Molcan,
Johnson, PHO ................................ 135 314 .430 Tennessee Titans: Agreed to terms with LB Justin Hertha Berlin 1, RB Leipzig 6
15, Stockard 0-3 0-2 0, DeLoach 1-1 2-3 4, Tsohonis 0-2 Slovakia, 6-3, 6-2; Jannik Sinner (4), Italy, def. Andy
Muscala, OKC .................................. 70 163 .429 0-0 0, Kern 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 24-52 20-27 72. Lawler on a contract. Lightning 5, Oilers 3 FRIDAY’S MATCH Murray, Britain, 7-5, 6-2; Mackenzie McDonald,
Johnson, SA .................................. 105 247 .425 Halftime: VCU 39-34. Three-point goals: George Mason NHL United States, def. Filip Krajinovic, Serbia, 6-4, 7-6
Ball, CHI ......................................... 110 260 .423 EDMONTON ............................. 1 1 1 — 3 Hoffenheim vs. Stuttgart, 2:30
8-28 (Schwartz 3-8, Gaines 2-7, Johnson 1-3, Polite 1-3, (9-7); Andrey Rublev (2), Russia, def. Kwon Soon
Bane, MEM .................................... 162 387 .419 Chicago Blackhawks: Reassigned G Arvid Soderblom to TAMPA BAY ............................ 2 2 1 — 5
Cooper 1-7), VCU 4-15 (Nunn 2-3, Williams 1-4, Baldwin SATURDAY’S MATCHES Woo, South Korea, 4-6, 6-0, 6-3; Ricardas Berankis,
Mills, BKN ..................................... 186 444 .419 1-5, Tsohonis 0-1, Curry 0-2). Fouled out: Johnson, Rockford (AHL) on loan. FIRST PERIOD Lithuania, def. Alexei Popyrin, Australia, 6-4, 7-6
Batum, L.A.C. .................................. 79 189 .418 DeLoach. Rebounds: George Mason 28 (Oduro, Gaines 7), Columbus Blue Jackets: Reassigned F Emil Bemstrom to Leverkusen vs. Arminia Bielefeld, 9:30 a.m. (9-7); Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Karen Khacha-
Forbes, SA ....................................... 63 151 .417 VCU 32 (Baldwin 7). Assists: George Mason 15 (Johnson Cleveland (AHL) on loan. Scoring: 1, Tampa Bay, Maroon 9 (Cirelli), 11:57. 2, Union Berlin vs. Mainz, 9:30 a.m. nov, Russia, 6-3, 7-6 (2); Jiri Vesely, Czech Republic,
Gordon, HOU ................................. 106 254 .417 5), VCU 8 (Baldwin 4). Total fouls: George Mason 24, Detroit Red Wings: Recalled C Joe Velano and LW Taro Edmonton, McDavid 27 (Barrie, Draisaitl), 18:10 (pp). 3, Monchengladbach vs. Wolfsburg, 9:30 a.m. def. Roberto Bautista Agut (8), Spain, 6-2, 6-4; Denis
Wiggins, GS .................................. 122 295 .414 VCU 19. A: 7,411 (7,637). Hirose from Grand Rapids (AHL). Tampa Bay, Stamkos 24 (Killorn, Sergachev), 19:45. Freiburg vs. Hertha Berlin, 9:30 a.m. Shapovalov (6), Canada, def. Taro Daniel, Japan, 6-4,
Haliburton, SAC ............................ 104 252 .413 Florida Panthers: Reassigned F Owen Tippett to Char- SpVgg Greuther Furth vs. Cologne, 9:30 a.m. 6-3.
lotte (AHL)on loan. SECOND PERIOD Eintracht vs. Bayern, 12:30
Conley, UTA ................................... 123 300 .410
Barnes, SAC .................................. 108 264 .409 Minnesota Wild: Recalled F Mason Shaw from Iowa Scoring: 4, Tampa Bay, Point 19 (Kucherov, Palat), 10:48. MEN’S DOUBLES — ROUND OF 16
Towns, MIN ................................... 110 269 .409 Towson 84, James Madison 65 (AHL). 5, Tampa Bay, Perry 14 (Sergachev, Maroon), 15:24 (pp). SUNDAY’S MATCHES
Wesley Koolhof, Netherlands, and Neal Skupski, Britain,
Connaughton, MIL ......................... 125 307 .407 New Jersey Devils: Waived C Marian Studenic. 6, Edmonton, Hyman 19 (Draisaitl), 17:12. Bochum vs. RB Leipzig, 9:30 a.m. def. Rajeev Ram, United States, and Joe Salisbury (2),
Holiday, MIL .................................... 87 214 .407 James Madison (15-13) Ottawa Senators: Reassigned G Filip Gustavsson and C Augsburg vs. Dortmund, 11:30 a.m.
Amadi 4-6 0-0 8, Falden 2-6 0-0 5, Ihenacho 3-5 0-0 7, THIRD PERIOD Britain, 7-6 (7-4), ret; Michael Venus, New Zealand, and
Mark Kastelic to Belleville (AHL) on loan. Tim Puetz (4), Germany, def. Jonathan Erlich, Israel, and
Morse 1-8 3-4 6, Edwards 7-15 3-3 17, Wooden 3-5 2-2 Philadelphia Flyers: Reassigned C Connor Bunnaman and Scoring: 7, Edmonton, McDavid 28 (Draisaitl, Hyman), MONDAY’S MATCH
FREE THROWS FT FTA PCT. 10, Hodge 4-9 0-0 10, Sule 0-4 0-1 0, Savage 0-0 2-4 2. Jan-Lennard Struff, Germany, 4-6, 6-1, 10-5.
G Kirill Ustimenko to Lehigh Valley (AHL). 9:39. 8, Tampa Bay, Kucherov 8, 19:56 (en). Atalanta vs. Sampdoria, 2:45
Poole, GS ....................................... 153 166 .922 Totals 24-58 10-14 65. Pittsburgh Penguins: Recalled RW Kasper Bjorkqvist MEN’S DOUBLES — QUARTERFINALS
Curry, GS ....................................... 238 259 .919 Towson (22-7) from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton (AHL). SHOTS ON GOAL
Gallinari, ATL ................................ 110 120 .917 Thompson 10-12 2-2 22, Gibson 1-5 0-0 3, Holden 2-11 Seattle Kraken: Reassigned G Antoine Bibeau from Filip Polasek, Slovakia, and John Peers (3), Australia,
Garland, CLE .................................. 102 112 .911 EDMONTON ............................. 9 11 10 — 30 def. Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, and Jannik Sinner, Italy,
8-10 12, Rizzuto 2-8 0-0 5, Timberlake 6-12 0-0 14, Nolan Charlotte (AHL) to Allen (ECHL).
Bane, MEM ...................................... 98 108 .907 TAMPA BAY ............................ 5 11 7 — 23 walkover; Nikola Mektic and Mate Pavic (1), Croatia,
8-11 0-0 21, Gray 1-3 2-2 5, Paar 0-0 0-0 0, Biekeu 0-0 0-0 Tampa Bay Lightning: Recalled D Andrej Sustr from
Young, ATL .................................... 327 364 .898 0, Caliguiran 0-2 0-0 0, Gill 0-0 0-0 0, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, Syracuse (AHL).
Power-play opportunities: Edmonton 1 of 1; Tampa Bay 1
of 4. Goalies: Edmonton, Smith 5-6-1 (22 shots-18
Spanish La Liga def. Sander Gille and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, 6-4, 7-6
Butler, MIA ................................... 283 316 .896 Patterson 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 31-65 12-14 84. Toronto Maple Leafs: Recalled Ds Brennan Menell and (7-3).
Durant, BKN .................................. 228 255 .894 saves). Tampa Bay, Vasilevskiy 27-8-4 (30-27). GP W D L GF GA Pts
Halftime: Towson 46-31. Three-point goals: James Kristians Rubins from Toronto (AHL). Reassigned D
Middleton, MIL .............................. 191 216 .884 Madrid ........................... 25 17 6 2 51 20 57
Madison 7-21 (Wooden 2-3, Hodge 2-6, Ihenacho 1-1, Rasmus Sandin to Tornoto (AHL) on loan.
George, L.A.C. ............................... 103 117 .880 Sevilla ............................ 25 14 9 2 37 17 51
Falden 1-2, Morse 1-6, Amadi 0-1, Edwards 0-1, Sule
Herro, MIA .................................... 124 141 .879 0-1), Towson 10-31 (Nolan 5-7, Timberlake 2-6, Gray 1-2, AMERICAN HOCKEY LEAGUE Stars 3, Jets 2 (OT) Betis .............................. 25
Barcelona....................... 24
14 4 7 47 30 46
11 9 4 42 28 42
Lillard, POR ................................... 159 181 .878
VanVleet, TOR .............................. 153 175 .874
Gibson 1-5, Rizzuto 1-7, Holden 0-4). Rebounds: James
Madison 20 (Edwards, Sule 4), Towson 40 (Thompson
Charlotte Checkers: Reassigned D Nolan Kneen to Allen WINNIPEG ......................... 1 0 1 0 — 2 Atletico.......................... 25 12 6 7 45 34 42 ATP singles rankings
(ECHL) on loan. Reassigned D Brandon Fortunato to DALLAS .............................. 0 1 1 1 — 3 Villarreal........................ 25 10 9 6 42 24 39 Through Sunday
Mitchell, UTA ................................ 179 205 .873 17). Assists: James Madison 11 (Morse 6), Towson 21 Jacksonville (ECHL) on loan. Sociedad ........................ 24 10 8 6 24 25 38
Maxey, PHI .................................... 149 171 .871 (Holden 7). Total fouls: James Madison 16, Towson 18. FIRST PERIOD
Lehigh Valley Phantoms: Released RW Alexis D’Aoust Athletic Bilbao............... 25 9 10 6 29 21 37
Bogdanovic, UTA ........................... 181 208 .870 A: 3,032 (5,250). 1. Novak Djokovic, Serbia, 8875
and G Alex Sakellaropoulos from professional try out Scoring: 1, Winnipeg, Wheeler 6 (Pionk, Scheifele), 7:14. Celta Vigo ...................... 25 8 8 9 29 26 32
Harden, BKN .................................. 304 350 .869 2. Daniil Medvedev, Russia, 8435
contracts (PTO). Osasuna......................... 25 8 8 9 25 30 32
LaVine, CHI .................................... 199 229 .869 SECOND PERIOD 3. Alexander Zverev, Germany, 7515
Tucson Roadrunners: Signed D Andrew Nielsen to a Rayo Vallecano .............. 24 9 4 11 28 29 31
White, SA ...................................... 139 160 .869 4. Stefanos Tsitsipas, Greece, 6565
professional tryout contract (PTO). Scoring: 2, Dallas, Benn 13 (Hintz), 17:50 (sh). Valencia ......................... 25 7 9 9 37 42 30
Lehigh 78, American 61 Utica Comets: Reassigned G Mareks Mitens to Adiron- Elche .............................. 25 7 8 10 28 34 29 5. Rafael Nadal, Spain, 6515
REBOUNDS G OFF. DEF. TOT. AVG. dack (ECHL) on loan. THIRD PERIOD 6. Matteo Berrettini, Italy, 4928
American (8-21) Espanyol ........................ 25 7 8 10 30 35 29
Gobert, UTA ...................... 44 155 496 651 14.8 Getafe............................ 25 6 8 11 24 28 26 7. Andrey Rublev, Russia, 4590
O’Neil 3-6 1-1 7, Rogers 3-10 1-1 7, Beckton 8-15 0-1 17, ECHL Scoring: 3, Winnipeg, Scheifele 18 (Pionk, Connor), 4:27 8. Casper Ruud, Norway, 3975
Jokic, DEN ......................... 52 148 570 718 13.81 Smalls 6-11 4-4 16, Stephens 2-5 0-0 4, Delaney 1-2 0-0 Mallorca......................... 24 6 8 10 23 38 26
(pp). 4, Dallas, Gurianov 7 (Benn, Seguin), 13:35. 9. Felix Auger-Aliassime, Canada, 3883
Capela, ATL ....................... 50 186 417 603 12.06 2, Donadio 0-2 0-0 0, Knotek 1-2 2-4 4, Alexander 0-0 0-0 Adirondack Thunder: Released G Dyaln Pasco as an Granada ......................... 25 5 9 11 27 40 24
Sabonis, IND ..................... 47 155 412 567 12.06 OVERTIME Cadiz .............................. 25 3 11 11 21 39 20 10. Jannik Sinner, Italy, 3429
0, Ball 0-0 0-0 0, Bragg 1-1 0-0 2, Whittaker 0-0 0-0 0, emergency backup goalie (EBUG).
Vucevic, CHI ...................... 52 106 503 609 11.71 Alaves............................ 25 5 5 15 19 42 20 11. Hubert Hurkacz, Poland, 3333
Gleaton 0-0 0-0 0, Sutton 1-1 0-0 2. Totals 26-55 8-11 61. Allen Americans: Activated D Ben Carroll. Placed F Chad
Valanciunas, NO ............... 53 171 439 610 11.51 Scoring: 5, Dallas, Seguin 17 (Benn), 0:54. 12. Cameron Norrie, Great Britain, 3070
Lehigh (11-18) Costello on reserve. Levante.......................... 25 2 9 14 25 51 15
Antetokounmpo, MIL ....... 49 94 457 551 11.24 13. Diego Schwartzman, Argentina, 2865
J.Wilson 6-11 0-0 13, Lynch 11-18 3-3 30, Higgins 3-8 4-4 Florida Everblades: Activated D Ben Masella and F Kelly SHOTS ON GOAL
Embiid, PHI ....................... 46 91 423 514 11.17 McDonald from injured reserve. Placed F Levko Koper SATURDAY’S RESULTS 14. Denis Shapovalov, Canada, 2863
13, Taylor 2-5 0-0 5, Whitney-Sidney 4-6 3-3 12, WINNIPEG ....................... 10 6 5 1 — 22 15. Roberto Bautista Agut, Spain, 2585
Nurkic, POR ....................... 56 167 452 619 11.05 M.Wilson 2-6 0-0 5, Knostman 0-0 0-0 0, Parolin 0-0 0-0 and D Chris McKay on reserve. Placed F Alex Aleardi and Granada 1, Villarreal 4
Allen, CLE .......................... 50 181 370 551 11.02 DALLAS ............................ 15 11 12 1 — 39 16. Taylor Fritz, USA, 2265
0, Fenton 0-0 0-0 0, Alamudun 0-0 0-0 0, Betlow 0-0 0-0 D Stephen Desrocher on injured reserve. Osasuna 0, Atletico 3
Randle, NY ........................ 57 104 478 582 10.21 Power-play opportunities: Winnipeg 1 of 3; Dallas 0 of 5. 17. Pablo Carreno Busta, Spain, 2181
0, Chebuhar 0-0 0-0 0, Saigal 0-2 0-0 0, Tan 0-0 0-0 0. Fort Wayne Komets: Released D Sacha Roy. Signed D Cadiz 1, Getafe 1
Carter, ORL ....................... 51 106 414 520 10.2 Goalies: Winnipeg, Hellebuyck 17-18-7 (39 shots-36 18. Reilly Opelka, USA, 2156
Totals 28-56 10-10 78. Kylor Wall. Madrid 3, Alaves 0
Wood, HOU ....................... 54 93 457 550 10.19 saves). Dallas, Oettinger 15-6-0 (22-20) 19. Nikoloz Basilashvili, Georgia, 2156
Halftime: Lehigh 46-34. Three-point goals: American 1-4 Greenville Swamp Rabbits: Activated F Brett Kemp from
Williams, BOS ................... 47 185 272 457 9.72 SUNDAY’S RESULTS 20. Carlos Alcaraz, Spain, 2061
(Beckton 1-1, Donadio 0-1, O’Neil 0-1, Rogers 0-1), reserve. Placed D Bobby Russell on reserve.
Towns, MIN ....................... 52 146 359 505 9.71 21. Lorenzo Sonego, Italy, 1962
Lehigh 12-27 (Lynch 5-8, Higgins 3-5, Whitney-Sidney Idaho Steelheads: Activated D Evan Wardley from Espanyol 1, Sevilla 1
Adams, MEM .................... 56 251 286 537 9.59 22. Aslan Karatsev, Russia, 1933
1-2, Taylor 1-3, J.Wilson 1-4, M.Wilson 1-4, Saigal 0-1). reserve. Valencia 1, Barcelona 4 23. John Isner, USA, 1891
Doncic, DAL .......................
Poeltl, SA ..........................
44 38 366 404 9.18
49 190 259 449 9.16
Rebounds: American 29 (Beckton 6), Lehigh 25 (M.Wil- Indy Fuel: Activated F Ryan Valentini from reserve. Islanders 5, Kraken 2 Betis 2, Mallorca 1 24. Marin Cilic, Croatia, 1865
son 6). Assists: American 10 (Rogers 3), Lehigh 18 Placed F Karl El-Mir on reserve. Athletic Bilbao 4, Sociedad 0
Portis, MIL ........................ 51 132 333 465 9.12 (Higgins 5). Total fouls: American 11, Lehigh 15. Jacksonville Icemen: Claimed D Roshen Jaswal off Late Tuesday 25. Gael Monfils, France, 1813
26. Karen Khachanov, Russia, 1770
Drummond, PHI ................ 49 136 297 433 8.84 waivers from Maine. MONDAY’S RESULT
N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 2 2 1 — 5 27. Cristian Garin, Chile, 1716
Maine Mariners: Activated G Zachary Bouthillier from SEATTLE .................................. 0 1 1 — 2 Celta Vigo 1, Levante 1
ASSISTS G AST. AVG. 28. Daniel Evans, Great Britain, 1702
reserve. Placed G Callum Booth on reserve.
29. Roger Federer, Switzerland, 1665
Newfoundland Growlers: Released F Nick Pastorious. FIRST PERIOD FRIDAY’S MATCH
Paul, PHO ........................................
Harden, BKN ....................................
No. 11 Providence 99, Activated F Nathan Noel from injured reserve.
30. Alexander Bublik, Kazakhstan, 1571
Scoring: 1, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 18 (Pulock, Beauvilli- Levante vs. Elche, 3 31. Albert Ramos-Vinolas, Spain, 1529
Murray, SA ...................................... 52 486 9.3 Xavier 92 (3OT) Norfolk Admirals: Traded G Michael Bullion to Atlanta.
Orlando Solar Bears: Signed F Sean Avery and placed him
er), 8:53. 2, N.Y. Islanders, Parise 5 (Dobson, Barzal), 32. Alex de Minaur, Australia, 1486
Young, ATL ...................................... 53 493 9.3 17:19. SATURDAY’S MATCHES 33. Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria, 1471
Doncic, DAL ..................................... 44 395 9.0 Xavier (17-10) on reserve.
Mallorca vs. Valencia, 8 a.m. 34. Frances Tiafoe, USA, 1467
Garland, CLE .................................... 47 374 8.0 Freemantle 7-14 1-2 15, Nunge 4-10 3-4 11, Jones 3-9 Rapid City Rush: Activated F Zach Court from reserve. SECOND PERIOD
Getafe vs. Alaves, 10:15 a.m. 35. Lloyd Harris, South Africa, 1393
Jokic, DEN ....................................... 52 410 7.9 8-10 14, Odom 5-9 1-1 11, Scruggs 6-13 6-6 19, Kunkel Traded D Christian Evers to Indy.
Scoring: 3, N.Y. Islanders, Palmieri 5 (Parise), 5:34. 4, Rayo Vallecano vs. Madrid, 12:30 36. Marton Fucsovics, Hungary, 1382
Lowry, MIA ...................................... 46 364 7.9 7-18 2-2 20, Hunter 0-5 0-0 0, Edwards 1-1 0-0 2, Stanley Reading Royals: Acquired G Logan Flodell from South
N.Y. Islanders, Cizikas 5 (Aho, Mayfield), 10:33. 5, Atletico vs. Celta Vigo, 3 37. Federico Delbonis, Argentina, 1382
Ball, CHA ......................................... 53 400 7.5 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 33-79 21-25 92. Carolina.
Seattle, Gourde 11 (Jarnkrok), 11:18. 38. Fabio Fognini, Italy, 1359
Westbrook, L.A.L. ........................... 57 430 7.5 Providence (23-3) South Carolina Stingrays: Signed G Kristian Stead.
Activated F Barrett Kirwin from reserve. Placed D Karl
SUNDAY’S MATCHES 39. Tommy Paul, USA, 1342
Haliburton, SAC .............................. 51 379 7.4 Horchler 3-7 2-2 10, Minaya 5-8 0-0 12, Watson 5-6 2-5 THIRD PERIOD
Villarreal vs. Espanyol, 8 a.m. 40. Sebastian Korda, USA, 1306
Russell, MIN .................................... 45 315 7.0 12, Durham 3-12 7-8 13, Reeves 5-10 1-4 16, Bynum Boudrias on reserve.
Scoring: 6, Seattle, Sheahan 2, 1:35. 7, N.Y. Islanders, Sevilla vs. Betis, 10:15 a.m. 41. Ugo Humbert, France, 1248
VanVleet, TOR ................................ 50 348 7.0 10-21 2-4 27, Breed 1-2 5-6 7, Croswell 1-2 0-0 2. Totals Worcester Railers: Activated F Ethan Price from reserve.
Parise 6 (Chara), 18:02 (en). Sociedad vs. Osasuna, 12:30 42. Kei Nishikori, Japan, 1200
Morant, MEM .................................. 46 316 6.9 33-68 19-29 99. Placed F Chris Ordoobadi on reserve.
Barcelona vs. Athletic Bilbao, 3 43. Alejandro Davidovich Fokina, Spain, 1195
Holiday, MIL .................................... 47 309 6.6 Halftime: 36-36. Three-point goals: Xavier 5-19 (Kunkel
4-10, Scruggs 1-2, Jones 0-1, Hunter 0-2, Nunge 0-4),
MLS SHOTS ON GOAL 44. Filip Krajinovic, Serbia, 1187
James, L.A.L. ................................... 41 266 6.5 MONDAY’S MATCH 45. Ilya Ivashka, Belarus, 1179
Giddey, OKC .................................... 53 339 6.4 Providence 14-29 (Reeves 5-8, Bynum 5-10, Minaya 2-4, Austin FC: Signed D Charlie Asensio to a one-year N.Y. ISLANDERS .................... 13 14 9 — 36
SEATTLE .................................. 4 11 10 — 25 46. Dusan Lajovic, Serbia, 1161
Curry, GS ......................................... 54 342 6.3 Horchler 2-6, Durham 0-1). Fouled out: Nunge, Odom, contract. Granada vs. Cadiz, 3 47. Jenson Brooksby, USA, 1153
Antetokounmpo, MIL ...................... 49 296 6.0 Durham, Reeves. Rebounds: Xavier 39 (Jones 11), FC Cincinnati: Signed D Ian Murphy and F Nick Markanich Power-play opportunities: N.Y. Islanders 0 of 1; Seattle 0
WEDNESDAY’S MATCH 48. David Goffin, Belgium, 1151
Anthony, ORL .................................. 46 271 5.9 Providence 36 (Horchler 9). Assists: Xavier 9 (Jones 3), to contracts. of 1. Goalies: N.Y. Islanders, Sorokin 16-11-6 (25
49. Benoit Paire, France, 1110
Providence 16 (Durham 6). Total fouls: Xavier 25, Portland Timbers: Named Shannon Murray head coach of shots-23 saves). Seattle, Grubauer 12-22-4 (35-31). Mallorca vs. Sociedad, 3 50. Botic Van de Zandschulp, Netherlands, 1096
Providence 16. Portland Timbers 2 of the NEXT Pro league.



Official Notices 820
Official Notices 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC 840
Trustees Sale - DC
ENVIRONMENT Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney
Newspaper Delivery Carriers needed to deliver WATER AND SCIENCE ADMINISTRATION 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
NOTICE OF TENTATIVE DETERMINATION Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015
The Washington Post and other publications Prince George's County 202-223-7900 202-223-7900 202-223-7900
NPDES Permit :
Chalk Point Steam, LLC (since renamed to Chalk Point OF REAL PROPERTY OF REAL PROPERTY OF REAL PROPERTY
For routes in Hyattsville and Adelphi, MD Power, LLC), 25100 Chalk Point Road, Aquasco, MD 20608
submitted a request to modify the NPDES permit for Chalk 5819 8th Street, NE 534 Hobart Place, NW 2551 Alabama Avenue, SE
Point Generating Station, located at 25100 Chalk Point Road, Washington, DC 20011 Washington, DC 20001 Washington, DC 20020
Please contact Monique Reddy Aquasco, MD and discharging to the Patuxent River and Lot 0036 in Square 3744 Lot 0067 in Square 3054 Lot 0889 in Square 5730
Swanson Creek (both Use II waters). The modification
at 301-505-1383 application requests that the Department amend permit Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
language to account for effluent limitation guidelines (ELGs) (“Deed of Trust”) dated July 1, 2021 and recorded on July (“Deed of Trust”) dated July 15, 2019 and recorded on July 22, (“Deed of Trust”) dated September 17, 2019 and recorded
published in the Federal Register on October 13, 2020.
Specifically, the permittee is requesting to participate in the 23, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021099723 from Capitals Areas 2019 as Instrument No. 2019076824 from Ethan Anderson on September 25, 2019 as Instrument No. 2019102784
Excellent PART-TIME Income! category for facilities that will cease the combustion of coal Properties LLC, as grantor, to John D. Eubank and Timothy Development LLC, as grantor, to Daniel Huertas, as trustee, in the principal amount of $202,500.00, from Legacy Hall
by December 31, 2028. Chalk Point Generating Station has E. Lewis, as trustees, for the benefit of Commercial Lending, for the benefit of WCP Fund I LLC, as beneficiary, securing LLC, grantor, to Daniel Huertas, trustee, securing that certain
Early a.m. delivery hours ceased combustion of coal by June 1, 2021, and completed
decommissioning of the bottom ash transport water system LLC, as beneficiary, securing that certain Commercial Deed that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note of even date Commercial Deed of Trust Note dated September 17, 2019
Must have reliable transportation and FGD scrubber. As a result of the closure, the permittee of Trust Note dated July 1, 2021 in the principal amount therewith in the principal amount of $205,000.00, default in the principal amount of $202,500.00, default having
has also requested that the Department recognize the of $400,000.00, default having occurred under the terms having occurred under the terms thereof, and following the occurred under the terms thereof, and following the mailing
future reduction in design intake flow for the cooling water
intake structure and waive the requirement to submit the thereof, and following the mailing and recordation of a Deed of mailing and recordation of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute and recordation of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee
Newspapers carriers information required by 40 CFR 122.21(r)(7) and (9) through Appointment of Substitute Trustee removing John D. Eubank and Trustee removing Daniel Huertas as trustee and appointing removing Daniel Huertas as trustee and appointing Russell S.
(13). Timothy E. Lewis as trustees and appointing Russell S. Drazin Russell S. Drazin (“Substitute Trustee”) as successor trustee, an Drazin (“Substitute Trustee”) as successor trustee, an Affidavit
needed to deliver This permit modification (14-DP-0627C) will also address
the permit reopener for legacy FGD wastewater which was (“Substitute Trustee”) as successor trustee, an Affidavit of Non- Affidavit of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure, and a Notice of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure, and a Notice of
Residential Mortgage Foreclosure, and a Notice of Foreclosure of Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit, at Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the
The Washington Post included in Permit Modification 14-DP-0627B. The permit
reopener has been labeled as Modification B (14-DP-0627B). Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit, at the request of the the request of the current noteholder, Substitute Trustee will request of the current noteholder, Substitute Trustee will sell
The Department proposes to modify the permit to remove
current noteholder, Substitute Trustee will sell at public auction sell at public auction at the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, at public auction at the office of Harvey West Auctioneers,
in all conditions authorizing the discharge of FGD wastewater.
The Department proposes to allow direct discharge of at the office of Harvey West Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC
DC, MD and VA area treated sanitary wastewater to Outfall 001 subject to existing Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20015, (Please Note: 20015, (Please Note: In the event that the office building 20015, (Please Note: In the event that the office building
permit limitations at Monitoring Point 103. Additionally, the
Department proposes to allow batch discharges of polisher In the event that the office building at 5335 Wisconsin at 5335 Wisconsin Ave. NW is closed, all scheduled at 5335 Wisconsin Ave. NW is closed, all scheduled
regeneration wastewater to settling ponds for eventual Ave. NW is closed, all scheduled Washington, DC sales will Washington, DC sales will take place at the front entrance Washington, DC sales will take place at the front entrance
discharge via Outfall 001, subject to existing permit limits take place at the front entrance door of the Chevy Chase door of the Chevy Chase Pavilion) on door of the Chevy Chase Pavilion) on
Great part-time income opportunity! at Monitoring Point 102 and daily maximum limitations of
10,000 gallons per day and 25 lbs/day of ammonia. Both Pavilion) on MARCH 8, 2022 AT 2:10 PM MARCH 8, 2022 AT 2:00 PM
Transportation required. of these sources were formerly used as make-up water
for the FGD scrubber. Annual loading limitations for total
nitrogen (1,500 lbs/year) and total phosphorus (30 lbs/year) ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District
are proposed to be applied to the sum loads from sanitary
wastewater and polisher regeneration wastewater. These THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, known as 534 Hobart Place, NW, Washington, of Columbia, known as 2551 Alabama Avenue, SE, Washington,
To apply, go to limits are reduced from those formerly applied to FGD of Columbia, known as 5819 8th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20001, and more fully described in the Deed of Trust. DC 20020, and more fully described in the Deed of Trust.
wastewater. Limits for total residual oxidants at Outfall DC 20011, and more fully described in the Deed of Trust. The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no 001 are proposed to be removed because they are solely
required during biocide use in once-through cooling water, The property will be sold in an “AS IS” condition, with no warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions,
which is no longer present. The draft permit modification warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions, agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting the agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting the
proposes to remove the thermal variance for the site, which
is no longer needed following the elimination of once- agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting the same – except those encumbrances of record that are extin- same – except those encumbrances of record that are extin-
through cooling water discharges. Temperature monitoring same – except those encumbrances of record that are extin- guished by operation of District of Columbia law by virtue guished by operation of District of Columbia law by virtue of the
Come Join Us! is proposed at Monitoring Point 102 to ensure water quality
standards are protected. The draft permit modification also
guished by operation of District of Columbia law by virtue of the
foreclosure of the Deed of Trust.
of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. Without limiting the
foregoing, the property will be sold subject to that certain
foreclosure of the Deed of Trust.
proposes to amend requirements related to Clean Water Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all real estate
Newspaper Delivery Carriers needed to deliver Act Section 316(b) for the cooling water intake structure to Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all real estate Deed of Trust dated July 15, 2019 and recorded on July 22, taxes, water and sewer charges, and any other municipal or
The Washington Post and other publications
reflect the reduction in actual intake flow.
taxes, water and sewer charges, and any other municipal or 2019 as Instrument No. 2019076823 from Ethan Anderson utility charges senior in priority to the Deed of Trust, if any.
With regards to Modification B (14-DP-0627B), which is the
reopener for “legacy” FGD wastewater, the Department utility charges senior in priority to the Deed of Trust, if any. Development LLC, as grantor, to Daniel Huertas, as trustee, for Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property
proposes to require no additional requirements because Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property the benefit of WCP Fund I LLC, as beneficiary, securing that from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall be responsible for
Routes are now available in the following
FGD wastewater discharges have ceased.
from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall be responsible for certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note of even date therewith in obtaining physical possession of the property.
A copy of the modification application, draft permit modifi-
areas in NW/DC cation, and draft fact sheet may be downloaded from the obtaining physical possession of the property. the principal amount of $849,200.00.
Department’s website at
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $30,000.00 by cashier’s
Portal. At that webpage, search for State Number 14D- TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $50,000.00 by cashier’s Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all real estate check will be required of purchaser at the time and place
P0627C, click “More Info,” and then select the desired check will be required of purchaser at the time and place taxes, water and sewer charges, and any other municipal or of sale. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale.
Adams Morgan/ Columbia Heights/ document(s) to download.
of sale. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. utility charges senior in priority to the Deed of Trust, if any. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO
If a written request is received by March 9, 2022, a public Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property
Mt Pleasant hearing on the tentative determination for this application TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price
can be scheduled. The request should be sent to the SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall be responsible for to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be
Maryland Department of the Environment, Water and
to be paid in cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be obtaining physical possession of the property. paid on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the
Science Administration, 1800 Washington Blvd., Balti-
Contact Mr. Lloyd John at 301-412-2751 more, Maryland 21230-1708, Attn.: Michael Richardson, paid on the unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $100,000.00 by cashier’s date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in the
Chief, Industrial and General Permits Division and must date of settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in the check will be required of purchaser at the time and place of debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser shall
Excellent PART-TIME Income! include the name, address and telephone number (home debt instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser shall sale. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of sale. TIME be responsible for payment of all settlement costs.
and work) of the person making the request, the name of
Early a.m. delivery hours any other party whom the person making the request may be responsible for payment of all settlement costs. SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO SETTLEMENT The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be required
represent, and the name of the facility and permit number.
The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be required BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in to post a deposit or to pay interest.
Must have reliable transportation Failure to request a hearing by March 9, 2022 will constitute cash or certified funds at settlement. Interest to be paid on the
a waiver of the right to a public hearing on the tentative to post a deposit or to pay interest. In the event that purchaser does not settle as required for any
820 820 determination for this permit. unpaid purchase money from the date of sale to the date of
Official Notices Official Notices Written comments concerning the tentative determination In the event that purchaser does not settle as required for any settlement at the applicable interest rate set forth in the debt reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default, the
will be considered in the preparation of a final determination reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default, the instrument secured by the Deed of Trust. Purchaser shall be deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee and all of the
if submitted to the Department, to the attention of Michael deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees and costs, and full
Richardson at the above address, on or before March 21, responsible for payment of all settlement costs.
Montgomery County Government hereby notifies the general public
2022. Any hearing-impaired person who requests a hearing expenses of this sale (including legal fees and costs, and full commission on the gross sale price) shall be charged against and
and other interested parties that a four-week period has been
established during which they may request a public hearing on may request an interpreter at the hearing by contacting commission on the gross sale price) shall be charged against and The noteholder and its affiliates, if a bidder, shall not be required paid out of the forfeited deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell
the FY2023 Annual Transportation Plan (ATP) grant application. Mr. Richardson at (410) 537-3654 or 1-800-633-6101, or by paid out of the forfeited deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell to post a deposit or to pay interest. the property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser.
The application requests up to $17,000,000 for buses; $5,555,000 written request to the above address at least ten working
for preventive maintenance; $309,958 to fund Ride On routes 76 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. the property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. In the event that purchaser does not settle as required for any The defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus
and 90 peak hour service; $379,107 to continue the Call-N-Ride
program under the Statewide Special Transportation Assistance Information supporting the tentative determination, includ- The defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default, the proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property.
Program; and $582,948 to fund the large Urban Operating Assistance ing the draft permit and fact sheet, may be reviewed by proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property. deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee and all of the Defaulting purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for
project from the Maryland Transit Administration and Federal Transit contacting Mr. Richardson at the above telephone number
Administration. to make an appointment or by written request to Mr. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for expenses of this sale (including legal fees and costs, and full legal fees and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection
Richardson at the above address. Copies of documents may legal fees and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection commission on the gross sale price) shall be charged against and with such default.
This four-week period will commence on February 28, 2022, and end be obtained at a cost of $0.36 per page.
on March 26, 2022, at 5 p.m. If requested, the public hearing on the with such default. paid out of the forfeited deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein,
above-mentioned programs will be held on March 29, 2022, 6:30-7:30
p.m. virtually. If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, the property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. purchaser’s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a
purchaser’s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a The defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and
The request for a public hearing must include your name, address,
and if any, organization or business name, reason (s) or issues of your
Notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council of Rockville will
refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and proceeds or profits resulting from any resale of the property. void and of no effect whatsoever.
conduct a public hearing on Monday, March 7, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.,
request, and send to: void and of no effect whatsoever. Defaulting purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for
or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, via a virtual meeting in
connection with a proposed budget and ordinance to appropriate legal fees and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee’s sole
Dan Hibbert
Chief, Division of Transit Services
funds and levy taxes for Fiscal Year 2023, including the levying of Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee’s sole with such default. discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property
taxes on property located in special taxing districts in the Town
101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor Center. At the same time, the Council will hear testimony on a discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property from sale at any time before or at the auction, to extend the
Rockville, Maryland 20850 proposed Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Year 2023 through from sale at any time before or at the auction, to extend the If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein, time to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement,
20¬¬27. Additional hearings on the proposed budget will be held on
time to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, purchaser’s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited to a to waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the
March 21, and April 4, 2022.
Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources to waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered null and unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time for
Proposed Regulation Amendments In addition, the Mayor and Council will hear testimony on the
proposed rates to be established for the Rockville recycling and refuse unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time for void and of no effect whatsoever. settlement.
The Virginia Board of Wildlife Resources, pursuant to §§ 29.1-103,
29.1-501, and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia, has proposed the
services and stormwater management utilities. settlement. Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee’s sole Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The successful
below amendments to the Commonwealth’s regulations. Public More information on the proposed budget and proposed recy- Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The successful discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the property bidder will be required to execute and deliver to Substitute
comments can be made at the March 24, 2022 meeting of the
Board, 9:00 AM at 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, Virginia
cling and refuse and stormwater management utility rates will
be posted on Friday, February 18, 2022, and can be found at bidder will be required to execute and deliver to Substitute from sale at any time before or at the auction, to extend the Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion
23228. Details on virtual participation can be found at https://dwr.vir- Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion time to receive bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, of bidding. After hearing public comment on the proposed
amendments at the March 24th Board meeting, the Board anticipates Viewing Mayor and Council Meetings of bidding. to waive or modify the requirement that interest be paid on the
adopting final regulation amendments. For public comment details The virtual meetings can be viewed on Rockville 11, channel 11 on unpaid purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time for Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee
and opportunities, please see
comment-opportunities/. The following is a summary of the Board's
county cable, livestreamed at, and
available a day after each meeting at
Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee settlement.
proposed regulation amendments: demand.
Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The successful
4VAC15-290-115. Field trials; authorized dates. In accordance How to Participate in the Public Hearing bidder will be required to execute and deliver to Substitute
with § 29.1-422 of the Code of Virginia, permits for field trials with Persons wishing to testify at the hearing are asked to call 240-314-
dogs may be authorized by the department during the period between 8280 before 10:00 a.m. on the date of the hearing to have their names Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion
August 1 to May 31, both dates inclusive, under conditions and for placed on the speakers’ list. of bidding.
the species specified in the permit, except that permits for waterfowl
retriever field trials on private lands, foxhound field trials held within
foxhound training preserves, and raccoon hound field trials may be
If you wish to submit comments in writing for the Public Hearing,
please email the comments to Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee FEBRUARY 22, 24, 28, MARCH 2, 4, 2022 12373920
authorized by the department at any time. by no later than 10:00 a.m. on the date of the meeting. Persons FEBRUARY 22, 24, 28, MARCH 2, 4, 2022 12373916 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County
submitting testimony are requested to provide their name and 815 820
Cars 815
Legal Notices address. Legal Notices Official Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
If you wish to participate virtually in the Public Hearing during the SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Notice is hereby given that the MARYLAND MARYLAND
the above named in a lawful, private DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
live Mayor and Council meeting, please send your name and phone following named company (Cari-
or public agency or a suitable and PROBATE DIVISION Diana C. Theologou, et al., ROBERT A. JONES, et al
worthy person. number to no later than 10:00 bou Financial, Inc.) at the address Substitute Trustees Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees
a.m. on the day of the meeting. You will be connected with the City’s WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 listed herewith (1717 Rhode
2022 ADM 000029 Plaintiffs v.
Honda 2006 Pilot, 206,000 miles, The petition, whereby the court's Information Technology Department to receive all the information Island Avenue NW, Suite 500,
very good condition, $5000. decision can affect your parental you need to join the meeting by audio to share your comments.
Washington, DC 20036) has FEBRUARY 22, 24, 28, MARCH 2, 4, 2022 12373918 vs. ESTATE OF
202-494-2421 rights, if any, regarding minor made application to engage in DOROTHY L MONTGOMERY
850 851
child(ren) will be heard on 4/13/22 Written comments may also be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office, Name of Decedent the business of loaning money Montgomery County Prince Georges County Estate of Henrietta R. Davenport
1447 Autos Wanted at 10:00 a.m. at SCJM, 7 Kendrick
Ave., 3rd fl., Waterbury, CT 06702
111 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, 20850, or forwarded by
email to Comments received after 10:00 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT,
for the license year ending
Mark Davenport
Defendant Civil Action No. CAEF 21-12157
a.m. on the date of the public hearing will not be available to the NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND by the Act of Congress, approved FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Case No. CAEF21-02765
Lutheran Mission Society of MD Therefore, ORDERED, that notice of Mayor and Council at the public hearing and will be provided to the February 14, 1913. Anyone desir- MARYLAND
NOTICE Notice is hereby given this 15th day
Compassion Place ministries the hearing of this petition be given Mayor and Council at a later date. ing to protest against the Laura H. G. O'Sullivan, et al.,
John Harper Sr. and Margaret Harp- issuance of this license should WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al. ORDERED this 4th day of February, of February, 2022, by the Circuit
help local families with food, by publishing this Order of Notice er, whose addresses are 11 Tuck- Substitute Trustees Trustee(s)
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. once, immediately upon receipt in MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF ROCKVILLE do so in writing to the Com- Plaintiffs 2022 by the Circuit Court for Court for Prince George's Coun-
By: Sara Taylor-Ferrell, City Clerk/Director of Council Operations erman Street, NW, Washington, DC missioner of the Department of Plaintiff(s) PRINCE GEORGE'S County, Mary- ty, Maryland, that the sale of the
MVA licensed #W1044. the Washington Post, a nationally 20011 were appointed personal vs.
410-228-8437 run newspaper having a circulation Insurance, Securities and Bank- vs. land, that the sale of the property property mentioned in these pro-
representatives of the estate of ing, 1050 First Street, NE, Suite at 6818 Groveton Drive, Clinton ceedings and described as 12204 in Killeen, TX Martha R. Smith, who died on Wanda L.W. Walker and BRACSTON L PITT
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES 801, Washington, DC 20002, in TAKIA M PITT Maryland 20735 mentioned in Old Fort Road, Fort Washington,
Career Training - Emp Svcs Honorable Barbara Aaron
C. Ferreira, Office Clerk FY23 Employment and Training Program
01/09/2021 with a will and will
serve without Court supervision. All
the manner prescribed by said
Act: See DC Code Title 26, Chap-
Wayne P. Walker
Defendants Defendant(s)
these proceedings, made and
reported by Diana C. Theologou,
MD 20744 will be ratified and con-
firmed unless cause to the con-
unknown heirs and heirs whose ter 9 and 16 DCMR 2. Civil No. 468591V et. al, Substitute Trustees, be rati- trary thereof be shown on or
MEDICAL BILLING! whereabouts are unknown shall CIVIL NO: CAEF 20-03149 fied and confirmed, unless cause before the 15th day of March, 2022,
NOTICE OF FUNDS AVAILABILITY enter their appearance in this pro- NOTICE
Become a Medical Office 850
Professional online at CTI!
RIGHT TO COUNSEL: Upon proof of
inability to pay for a lawyer, the The Prince George’s County Department of Social Services (PGCDSS),
ceeding. Objections to such
appointment (or to the probate of
Montgomery County ORDERED, this 3rd day of February,
to the contrary thereof be shown
on or before the 4th day of March,
provided a copy of this NOTICE be
published at least once a week in
Get Trained, Certified & court will provide one for you at in its capacity as the lead organization for welfare reform in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 2022, by the Circuit Court for 2022 next, provided a copy of this each of three successive weeks
decedent's Will) shall be filed with MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Mary- day of February, 2022 by the Cir- notice be inserted in some news- in some newspaper of general cir-
ready to work in months! court expense. Any such request Prince George’s County, is seeking applications to provide workforce the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY
should be made immediately at the land, that the sale of the property cuit Court for the County of Prince paper published in said County culation published in said County
Call 888-453-2456. participation, full time employment placement, and retention ser- Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington MARYLAND George's, Maryland and by the
court office where your Hearing is vices. PGCDSS seeks providers capable of assisting approximately at 1440 Smith Village Road, Silver once in each of three succes- before the 15th day of March, 2022.
(M-F 8am-6pm ET) to be held. 5,300 existing or prospective customers to develop and enhance
DC 20001, on or before 8/17/2022. CARRIE M. WARD, et al. Spring, Maryland 20904 men- authority thereof, that the sale sive weeks before the 4th day of
Claims against the decedent shall 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 tioned in these proceedings, made by William M. Savage and The Report of Sale states the
815 March, 2022 next.
their employability skills and abilities, become economically self-
sufficient, and eliminate reliance on public social services programs.
be presented to the undersigned
with a copy to the Register of Wills
Rockville, MD 20852
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiff(s)
made and reported by Laura H.
G. O'Sullivan, et al, Substitute
Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of the
Real Property designated as 3606 The report states the amount of
amount of the sale to be
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE PGCDSS intends to award multiple contracts totaling approximately or filed with the Register of Wills 26TH Avenue, Temple Hills, MD sale to be $171,000.00.
PROBATE DIVISION $1,941,487 to vendors who demonstrate the ability to successfully vs. Trustees, be ratified and con- Mahasin El Amin #618
FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 with a copy to the undersigned, on firmed, unless cause to the con- 20748 and reported in the above Mahasin El Amin#597 Clerk of the Circuit Court For
STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE meet the requirements of this Request for Applications (RFA). or before 8/17/2022, or be forever entitled cause, will be finally rati-
2021 ADM 001135 The selected vendors will have complete responsibility and be GENEVA CAMPBELL trary thereof be shown on or Clerk of the Circuit Court Prince George's County, Maryland
COUNTY OF KOOTENAI barred. Persons believed to be 11000 Fawsett Road before the 5th day of March 2022, fied and confirmed, unless cause Prince George's County, Maryland
CASE NO. CV28-21-6993 accountable to PGCDSS for the Scope of Services it proposes to heirs or legatees of the decedent to the contrary thereof be shown Feb 24, March 3,10, 2022
WILLETTE M. CARLTON provide under any contract awarded as a result of this RFA even if a Potomac, MD 20854 next, provided a copy of this Silverman Theologou, LLP
Name of Decedent who do not receive a copy of this Defendant(s) notice be inserted in a some on or before the 16th day of March, 12375035
DONALD WARD MERKELEY a/k/a portion or portions is subcontracted. notice by mail within 25 days of its 2022 next; provided a copy of this Feb. 10, 17, 24, 2022 12373973
newspaper published in said 852
WARD MERKELEY, an individual,
NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, All responses to this solicitation must show the vendor is experienced
first publication shall so inform the
Register of Wills, including name,
Case No. 484443V
County, once in each of three suc- Order be inserted in THE WASH- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Anne Arundel County
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND cessive weeks before the 5th day INGTON POST, 1150 15th Street, PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY,
in and capable of providing the services requested. The intent of address and relationship. Washington, DC, MD in said County
NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS this solicitation is to contract with one or more vendors to provide Notice is hereby given this 3rd of March, 2022, next The Report MARYLAND IN THE
v. states the amount of the sale of Prince George's once a week for
these services. Preference may be given to the vendor(s) that has John Harper, Sr. day of February, 2022, by the Cir- CIRCUIT COURT FOR
Joan Carlton-Green and Deborah cuit Court for Montgomery Coun- price to be $528,000.00. three successive weeks before the WILLIAM M. SAVAGE, et al.
TYLER G. MERKELEY, an individual; knowledge and experience handling issues specific to Prince George’s Margaret Harper 16th day of March, 2022. ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY
Lynn Mason, whose addresses are County and the most cost effective and comprehensive bids. ty, Maryland, that the sale of the Karen A. Bushell Trustee(s)
individual, Nicole D. Stevens property mentioned in these pro- Clerk of the Circuit Court The report states the amount of James E. Clarke, et al.
21045 & 8920 Quail Run Dr. Wesley This RFA is open to all interested parties. The closing deadline for ceedings and described as 11000 for Montgomery County the sale to be $270,000.00. Substitute Trustees
Defendants. Chapel FL 33544 were appointed REGISTER OF WILLS vs.
receipt of responses to this solicitation is 4:00 p.m. on March Fawsett Road, Potomac, MD ALLEN L FRYE
personal representatives of the 20854, made and reported by the McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC Mahasin El Amin #618 Versus
SUMMONS FOR SERVICE BY 25, 2022. Proposals received after 4:00 p.m. will not be considered. Defendant(s)
estate of Willette M. Carlton, who Substitute Trustee, will be RAT- Feb. 10,17,24, 2022 12373782 Clerk of the Circuit Court For
PUBLICATION died on March 6, 2021 with a will SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Mortgagor(s) Larry D. Hagans AKA
If you are interested in receiving a copy of the solicitation, please DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless County of Prince George's
and will serve without Court super- cause to the contrary thereof be CIVIL NO: CAEF21-12100 Larry Delmar Hagans, AKA
vision. All unknown heirs and heirs shown on or before the 4th day LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP Larry Hagans
NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY whose whereabouts are unknown WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY NOTICE Defendant
THE ABOVE NAMED PLAINTIFF in Yolanda Waugh, Issuing Officer 2021 ADM 001548 of March 2022, provided a copy MARYLAND 10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200
shall enter their appearance in this Office of Contracts and Procurement (OCP) of this NOTICE be inserted in a Manassas, Virginia 20109 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, this 4th
the District proceeding. Objections to such CARRIE M. WARD, et al. day of February, 2022 by the Cir- No. C-02-CV-19-004015
Court in and for Kootenai County, Prince George's County Department of Social Services Juwaun Williams daily newspaper printed in said (703) 449-5800
appointment (or to the probate of 805 Brightseat Road County, once in each of three 6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 Trustee File #20-285905 cuit Court for the County of Prince NOTICE
Idaho, Case No. CV28-21-6993. The decedent's Will) shall be filed with Brian K. McDaniel George's, Maryland and by the
Landover, Maryland 20785-4723 1001 L Street, SE, successive weeks before the 4th Rockville, MD 20852
nature of the claim against you is the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th Substitute Trustees/Plaintiff(s) Feb 24 March 3,10, 2022 authority thereof, that the sale Notice is hereby issued, Friday,
a claim for partition of a piece of (301) 909-7038 Washington DC 20003 day of March, 2022.
Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington 12375014 made by William M. Savage and February 04, 2022 that the sale of
real property located in Kootenai The report states the purchase vs.
DC 20001, on or before 08/24/2022. Gregory N. Britto, Trustees, of the the property in the proceedings
County. Claims against the decedent shall NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, price at the Foreclosure sale to be IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Real Property designated as 7165 mentioned, made and reported by
Any time after 21 days following the The Prince George's County Department of Social Services strongly NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND $868,000.00 KEITH ANTHONY MILLBERRY FOR PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY
be presented to the undersigned encourages proposals from Certified Minority, Veteran and Small TONIA MILLBERRY Cross St T2, District Heights, MD Christine M. Drexel, Substitute
last publication of this Summons, with a copy to the Register of Wills NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS MARYLAND 20747 and reported in the above Trustee.
the Court may enter a judgment Business Enterprises. Certified County-Based Businesses (CBBs), Karen A. Bushell 12885 Climbing Ivy Drive
or filed with the Register of Wills County-Based Small Businesses (CSBs) and County-Located Business- Clerk, Circuit Court for Germantown, MD 20874 JOHN E. DRISCOLL, III, et al entitled cause, will be finally rati-
against you without further notice, with a copy to the undersigned, on Marsha Williams, whose address is BE RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED,
es (CLBs) are also encouraged to respond. Montgomery County, Maryland Defendant(s) Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees fied and confirmed, unless cause unless cause to the contrary there-
unless prior to that time you have or before 08/24/2022, or be forever 5117 Fitch Street, SE, Apt. 301, to the contrary thereof be shown
filed a written response in the prop- barred. Persons believed to be Washington, DC 20019 was BWW Law Group Case No. 465225V v. of be shown on or before the
Release Date: February 24, 2022 on or before the 4th day of March, 7th day of March 2022 next; pro-
er form, including the Case. No., and heirs or legatees of the decedent appointed personal representative BWW#MD-346242 2022 next; provided a copy of this
of the estate of Juwaun Williams, NOTICE VERONICA C. HUGHES vided, a copy of this Notice be
paid any required filing fee to the who do not receive a copy of this Feb 10,17,24, 2022 12373826 Order be inserted in THE WASH-
815 815 Defendant(s)
clerk of the Court at the following
physical and mailing address: 324
notice by mail within 25 days of its
first publication shall so inform the
Legal Notices Legal Notices who died on 08/07/2021 without a
will and will serve without Court IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
Notice is hereby given this 17th
day of February, 2022, by the Cir- Civil Action No. CAEF19-30228
INGTON POST, 1150 15th Street,
Washington, DC, MD in said County
inserted in some newspaper pub-
lished in Anne Arundel County,
W. Garden Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, Register of Wills, including name, DC 20001, on or before 8/24/2022. Mary Ann Biesenbach, who died on supervision. All unknown heirs and FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY cuit Court for Montgomery Coun- once in each of three successive
Claims against the decedent shall September 24, 2021 with a will and NOTICE of Prince George's once a week for weeks before the 7th day of March
ID 83814, (208) 446-1660, and address and relationship. heirs whose whereabouts are MARYLAND ty, Maryland, that the sale of the three successive weeks before the
served a copy of your response to be presented to the undersigned will service without Court supervi- unknown shall enter their appear- property mentioned in these pro- Notice is hereby given this 4th day 2022 next. The report states that
with a copy to the Register of Wills sion. All unknown heirs and heirs Laura H. G. O'Sullivan, et al., 4th day of March, 2022. the amount of sale of the property
the Plaintiff’s attorney at Smith + Joan Carlton-Green ance in this proceeding. Objections ceedings and described as 12885 of February, 2022, by the Circuit
Malek, PLLC, 601 E. Front Ave, Suite or filed with the Register of Wills whose whereabouts are unknown to such appointment shall be filed Substitute Trustees Climbing Ivy Drive, Germantown, The report states the amount of at 218 GLENDA COURT,
Deborah Lynn Mason Plaintiffs Court for Prince George's Coun-
304, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES with a copy to the undersigned, on shall enter their appearance in this with the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 MD 20874, made and reported ty, Maryland, that the sale of the the sale to be $111,000.00. MILLERSVILLE, MD 21108 to be
A copy of the Summons and Com- Nicole D. Stevens or before 8/24/2022, or be forever proceeding. Objections to such 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Wash- vs. by the Substitute Trustee, will be property mentioned in these pro- $205,000.00.
plaint have been mailed to your REGISTER OF WILLS barred. Persons believed to be heirs appointment (or to the probate of ington DC 20001, on or before RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, unless ceedings and described as 5002 Mahasin El Amin #597 Scott A. Poyer
last known address and can be or legatees of the decedent who do decedent's Will) shall be filed with 08/24/2022. Claims against the Karen Brassell-Murphy cause to the contrary thereof be Manheim Avenue, Beltsville, MD Clerk of the Circuit Court For
Defendant Clerk of the Circuit Court
obtained by contacting either the SUPERIOR COURT OF THE not receive a copy of this notice the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th decedent shall be presented to the shown on or before the 17th day 20705 will be ratified and con- County of Prince George's for Anne Arundel County
Clerk of the Court or the attorney DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA by mail within 25 days of its first Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington undersigned with a copy to the Civil No. 477133V of March 2022, provided a copy firmed unless cause to the con-
for Plaintiff. If you wish to seek PROBATE DIVISION publication shall so inform the Reg- DC 20001, on or before 8/17/2022. Register of Wills or filed with the of this NOTICE be inserted in a trary thereof be shown on or LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP Feb. 10,17, 24, 2022 12373784
the advice of our representation WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 ister of Wills, including name, Claims against the decedent shall Register of Wills with a copy to NOTICE 10021 Balls Ford Rd, Suite 200
daily newspaper printed in said before the 4th day of March, 2022,
by an attorney in this matter, you 2021 ADM 001276 address and relationship. be presented to the undersigned the undersigned, on or before ORDERED, this 8th day of February, County, once in each of three provided a copy of this NOTICE be Manassas, Virginia 20109
should do so promptly so that your with a copy to the Register of Wills 08/24/2022, or be forever barred. 2022, by the Circuit Court for successive weeks before the 17th published at least once a week in (703) 449-5800
written response, if any, may be Roy S. Brinkley aka Joseph L. Brinkley or filed with the Register of Wills Persons believed to be heirs or MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Mary- day of March, 2022. each of three successive weeks Trustee File #19-283401
filed in time and other legal rights
Roy Shelton Brinkley
Name of Decedent
Nicole D. Stevens
with a copy to the undersigned, on
or before 8/17/2022, or be forever
legatees of the decedent who do
not receive a copy of this notice
land, that the sale of the property
at 12141 Skip Jack Drive, German-
The report states the purchase in some newspaper of general cir- Feb.10,17,24, 2022 12373786 Home delivery
culation published in said County
DATED:1/10/2022 4:16:31 PM
REGISTER OF WILLS barred. Persons believed to be
heirs or legatees of the decedent
by mail within 25 days of its first
publication shall so inform the Reg-
town, Maryland 20874 mentioned
in these proceedings, made and
price at the Foreclosure sale to be
$342,000.00 before the 4th day of March, 2022. is convenient.
who do not receive a copy of this
notice by mail within 25 days of its
ister of Wills, including name,
address and relationship.
reported by Laura H. G. O'Sullivan,
et al, Substitute Trustees, be rati-
Karen A. Bushell
Clerk, Circuit Court for
The Report of Sale states the
amount of the sale to be
Home delivery
By: Matthew Clark
DEPUTY CLERK Joseph L. Brinkley, whose address
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131
first publication shall so inform the
Register of Wills, including name, Marsha Williams
fied and confirmed, unless cause Montgomery County, Maryland $260,000.00. makes good
to the contrary thereof be shown
is 121 Steeplechase Run, Roanoke 2022 ADM 000062 address and relationship. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE
Nicole D. Stevens
on or before the 10th day of March
BWW Law Group
Mahasin El Amin #597
Clerk of the Circuit Court For sense. 1-800-753-POST
STATE OF CONNECTICUT Rapids, NC 27870 was appointed 2022, next, provided a copy of Prince George's County, Maryland
Superior Court/Juvenile Matters personal representative of the Mary Ann Braden aka David Edward Biesenbach REGISTER OF WILLS this notice be inserted in a some Feb 24 March 3,10, 2022 12375273 SF
ORDER OF NOTICE estate of Roy S. Brinkley aka Roy Mary Ann Biesenbach PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE newspaper published in said Feb.10,17,24,2022 12373787
Shelton Brinkley, who died on Name of Decedent Nicole D. Stevens
County, once in each of three suc- 1-800-753-POST
NOTICE TO: Steven Flores, father November 19, 2021 with a will and cessive weeks before the 10th day
of male child born on 9/21/20 to
Tiarah J. in the town of Waterbury,
will serve without Court supervi-
sion. All unknown heirs and heirs
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Home delivery starts of March, 2022, next The Report
states the amount of the sale
How about some How about some SF
Home delivery starts
Home delivery is so easy.
CT where child was born. whose whereabouts are unknown
shall enter their appearance in this
1-800-753-POST your day off right. price to be $310,000.00. home delivery? home delivery? You, too, could have your day off right.
SF Karen A. Bushell
A petition has been filed seeking: proceeding. Objections to such
appointment (or to the probate of
David Edward Biesenbach, whose
address is 8009 Fairfax Road,
Clerk of the Circuit Court home delivery.
Commitment of minor child(ren) of decedent's Will) shall be filed with Alexandria VA 22308 was appoint- If only you had home delivery. 1-800-753-POST for Montgomery County 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST 1-800-753-POST
the above named or vesting of cus- the Register of Wills, D.C., 515 5th ed personal representative of the
1-800-753-POST SF McCabe, Weisberg & Conway LLC 1-800-753-POST
tody and care of said child(ren) of Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington estate of Mary Ann Braden aka SF Feb17,24 March 3,2022 12374324 SF SF SF SF
h b di l f l i
Montgomery County 850 Montgomery County 850 Montgomery County 850 Montgomery County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 856
Frederick County 856
Frederick County 877
Spotsylvania County 877
Spotsylvania County
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
Samuel I. White, P.C. 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
ORLANS PC 596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20814 105 Lorraine Avenue,
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
(301) 907-8000
1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
LEESBURG, VA 20175 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE February 23, 2006, and recorded at Instrument Number 200600006873
in the Clerk’s Office for the Circuit Court for Spotsylvania County,
VA, securing a loan which was originally $175,000.00. The appointed
1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 KNOWN AS FREDERICK, MD 21703 at public auction at the front steps of the Circuit Court for Spotsylvania
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Yu Yang County, 9107 Judicial Center Lane, Spotsylvania, Virginia 22553 on:
LEESBURG, VA 20175 1157 Carinoso Circle dated July 10, 2019 and recorded in Liber 13081, folio 109 among the March 15, 2022 at 10:00 AM
703-777-7101 11011 Abbey Station Lane Severn, MD 21144 Land Records of Frederick County, MD, default having occurred under the
improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of ALL that
Silver Spring, MD 20901 terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit
certain lot or parcel of land lying, situate and being in Spotsylvania County,
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Court for Frederick County, at the Court House Door, 100 W. Patrick St.,
Virginia, being described as Lot, 6 Bellevue Court Subdivision, together
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from Deed of Trust to KELLY WELCH, Trustee(s), dated February
Frederick, MD 21701, on
with all building and improvements thereon and all rights and privileges
9201 Farnsworth Drive DARRYLE BROOKS, dated February 28, 2006 and recorded 16, 2018, and recorded among the Land Records of ANNE
FEBRUARY 25, 2022 AT 11:05 AM thereto appurtenant, the land being more fully described in the plat of said
subdivision, made by L.R.R. Curtis, March 26, 1946, and recorded in Deed
Potomac, MD 20854 in Liber 31961, folio 331 among the Land Records of ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 31862, folio 73, the
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and
improvements thereon situated in Frederick County, MD and more fully Book 135, Page 430 and 431 in the Clerk’s office of the Circuit Court of
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereun- holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust having described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #01-001205. Spotsylvania County, Virginia, and as more fully described in the aforesaid
Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from der (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.439063V; Tax ID The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as
Deed of Trust.
DAVID A. LEFF AND MARTHA L. LEFF, dated March 26, appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by instrument is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRE-
No.05-03433805 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, default having record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions,
2004 and recorded in Liber 27057, folio 242 MODIFIED ON at the MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 50 restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters
JULY 1, 2004 IN LIBER 27843 FOLIO 700, AND MODIFIED occurred under the terms thereof, and at the request of the party Terms of Sale: A deposit of $14,000 in the form of certified check, of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the
MARYLAND AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850, on secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer
cashier's check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time time of sale. A deposit of $20,000.00, or 10% of the sale price, whichever
ON NOVEMBER 28, 2006 IN LIBER 33667 FOLIO 537; and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within is lower, will be required at time of sale, in the form of certified check,
among the Land Records of MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD, MARCH 1, 2022 at 1:30 PM for sale at public auction at THE ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Frederick cashier’s check or money order by the purchaser. The balance of the
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed of Trust
default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Case docketed ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received in the
as Case No.480377V; Tax ID No.10-00863943 ) the Sub. thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and more fully 21401 ON, are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement
of interest in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) days
of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire
Trustees will sell at public auction at the MONTGOMERY described in above referenced Deed of Trust. MARCH 14, 2022 at 10:00 AM or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be
obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of sale
and Substitute Trustee's fee. All other public charges or assessments,
COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 50 MARYLAND AVENUE, The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or after the sale,
ROCKVILLE, MD 20850, on conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and
agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid by the purchaser. In
the event taxes, any other public charges have been advanced, a credit
MARCH 1, 2022 at 1:30 PM same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. described as follows: sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted
to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except where the
will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from the date of sale at the time of
settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay the seller's attorneys at settlement,
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements Terms of Sale: A deposit $50,000.00 will be required at the BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO 85, AS SHOWN secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser.
Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be
a fee of $470.00 for review of the settlement documents.
thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and more fully time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY ON THE PLAT ENTITLED "PLAT 5 OF 8, SINGLE FAMILY assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the successful
bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute Trustees
described in above referenced Deed of Trust. CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance DETACHED AND TOWNHOUSE CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT, documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be
borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of bidding.
THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A PRIOR MORTGAGE WHICH of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of MILESTONE VILLAGE" WHICH PLAT IS RECORDED AMONG physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
damage to the property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to
WILL BE ANNOUNCED IF AVAILABLE. final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for MONTGOMERY THE LAND RECORDS OF ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARY- be announced at the time of sale. Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
(Attorney for the Secured Party)
COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the LAND IN PLAT BOOK 318, PAGE 9- 16 PLATS NUMBERED If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the
THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO AN IRS RIGHT OF REDEMP- purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the 16435 THROUGH AND INCLUDING 16642. purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
TION. property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. the deposit without interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, 301-907-8000
The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition the deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by without either express or implied warranty or representation,
expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale price of the
February 17, 24, 2022 12371232
above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of
conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address including but not limited to the description, fitness for a this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission on the gross 852 878
same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited Anne Arundel County Stafford County
particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condi- deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the IN THE
Terms of Sale: A deposit $15,000.00 will be required at the of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this tion, construction, extent of construction, workmanship, mate- risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of CIRCUIT COURT FOR

time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of rials, liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition,
any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without
reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY 100 Sandpiper Ter,
Stafford, VA 22554
CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser merchantability, compliance with building or housing codes or shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus James E. Clarke, et al. Stafford County
results from improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser
of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, other laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and secured
Substitute Trustees In execution of a Deed of Trust
in the original principal amount
final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for MONTGOMERY including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus and subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection Versus
of $294,405.00, dated September
with all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale.
COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold Trustees' file number 78969. Linda D. Herbert AKA Linda Herbert 11, 2018 recorded in the Clerk's
Office of the Circuit Court of the
purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees
Surviving Tenant by the Entirety of
William J. Herbert Stafford County, Virginia, in Doc-
property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA ALEX COOPER AUCTS, INC. Defendant ument No. 180015423, at the
request of the holder of the Note,
The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110.
908 YORK RD., TOWSON, MD 21204
No. C-02-CV-21-001300 the undersigned Substitute
first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or NOTICE
Trustee will offer for sale at public
any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY Feb 10, Feb 17 & Feb 24 12373519 auction at the entrance to the
provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum 857 857 Judicial Center, 1300 Courthouse
of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL Howard County Howard County Notice is hereby issued, Thursday,
February 03, 2022 that the sale of Road, Stafford, on March 22, 2022
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance of the property in the proceedings at 10:00 AM the property
sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the purchase price with interest at 3.875% per annum from mentioned, made and reported by described in said deed, located
the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to Christine M. Drexel, Substitute at the above address and briefly
execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within Trustee. described as:
shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
BE RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, Lot 70, Section One, Port Aquia,
including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
unless cause to the contrary there- with any improvements thereon
knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, on all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments Bethesda, MD 20814
of be shown on or before the
which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed
(301) 907-8000
7th day of March 2022 next; pro-
Subject to any and all covenants,
conditions, restrictions, ease-
purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit
vided, a copy of this Notice be ments, and all other matters of
without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE inserted in some newspaper pub-
from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the association dues and assessments that may become due after OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY lished in Anne Arundel County,
record taking priority over the
Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the
Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, 7167 DEEP FALLS WAY, UNIT #141 once in each of three successive aforesaid property.
water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. weeks before the 7th day of March
the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
2022 next. The report states that TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A deposit
any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Julie Sheri the amount of sale of the property of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales
basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement Dixon dated March 23, 2007 and recorded in Liber 10651, folio 152 among at 6036 MELBOURNE AVENUE, price, whichever is lower, cash or
for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for the Land Records of Howard County, MD, default having occurred under DEALE, MD 20751 to be certified check will be required
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit $241,500.00. at the time of sale, but no more
thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the Court for Howard County, at the Court House Door, 9250 Judicial Way, than $10,000.00 of cash will be
above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to property may be resold at risk and costs of the defaulting
Ellicott City, MD 21043, on Scott A. Poyer accepted, with settlement within
execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser MARCH 4, 2022 AT 9:30 AM
Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Anne Arundel County
fifteen (15) days from the date of
assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date purchaser. The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class sale. Sale is subject to post sale
prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided by
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and Feb. 10, 17, 24, 2022 12373960 confirmation that the borrower
knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey improvements thereon situated in Howard County, MD and described as
did not file for protection under
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to
and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Unit 141, in Stage 24 of Phase II as shown on a plat entitled "Condominium
Staging Plat for Village Towns Condominium" and more fully described in Charles County the sale which affects the validity
law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #01-310305. of the sale, as well as to post-
without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. If
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT sale confirmation of the status of
transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as
is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of
FOR CHARLES COUNTY the loan with the loan servicer
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to MARYLAND including, but not limited to,
water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the
record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
STEPHEN B. JACKSON and determination of whether the bor-
dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 17-700223) Terms of Sale: A deposit of $46,000 in the form of certified check, STEVEN P. HENNE rower entered into any repay-
purchaser's only remedy is return of the deposit. cashier's check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time Substituted Trustees ment agreement, reinstated or
basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if JAMES E. CLARKE, Trustee's File No. (68488) and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within Plaintiffs paid off the loan prior to the
sale. In any such event, the sale
applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed HUGH GREEN, ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Howard County.
Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate pursuant v. shall be null and void, and the
thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible SHANNON MENAPACE, Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds are AUDREY M. JACKSON and Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law
received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement or equity, shall be the return of
for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, of interest in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
Defendants his deposit without interest. Addi-
assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date BRIAN THOMAS, or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be
Civil Action No. C-08-CV-21-000361
tional terms may be announced
obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE at the time of sale. Pursuant to
of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including NOTICE the Federal Fair Debt Collection
insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
Practices Act, we advise you that
this firm is a debt collector
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted day of February, 2022, by the Circuit attempting to collect the indebt-
Court for Charles County, Mary-
deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified
to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except where the
secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. land, that the sale of the property
edness referred to herein and
any information we obtain will be
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be which is the subject of these pro- used for that purpose.
ceedings, made by Stephen B.
the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 20-700045) February 24, March 3,10, 2022 12375038
assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all
documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be Jackson and Steven P. Henne, Sub-
Substitute Trustee
stituted Trustees, to: The Depart-
JAMES E. CLARKE, 850 850 borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining
CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, Montgomery County Montgomery County physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or
damage to the property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to
ment of Housing and Community
Development for the State of
This is a communication from a
debt collector.

BRIAN THOMAS, FEBRUARY 10, 17, 24, 2022 12372221 be announced at the time of sale. Maryland and reported in the
above-entitled cause, will be rat-
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (79490)
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the
purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of
ified and confirmed, unless cause
to the contrary thereof be shown
596 Lynnhaven Parkway Suite 200
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES (7030 Woodyard Road, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772)
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
the deposit without interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, on or before the 5th day of March, 757-457-1460 - Call Between
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain the deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all 2022, provided a copy of this 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Refinance Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Assignment of 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale price of the
Bethesda, MD 20814 Notice be inserted in a newspaper or visit our website at
Contracts, Leases and Rents (Commercial Purposes) from Core above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of published in said Charles County,
Investments, LLC to Demetris Voudouris, Esq. and Jeffrey W. (301) 907-8000 this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission on the gross Maryland, once a week for three Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 2022 12375076
Bernstein, Esq., Trustees, in trust, for the benefit of Walnut Street sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited successive weeks on or before the
Finance, LLC, Nominee (the noteholder) dated October 16, 2017, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the 4th day of March, 2022. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
and recorded November 17, 2017 in Book 40254, Page 391, among OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of
the Land Records of Prince George’s County, Maryland securing
that certain Promissory Note dated October 16, 2017 (collectively 9934 HELLINGLY PL.
any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without
reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
The Report of Sale states the
amount of the foreclosure sale
Roommates the “Loan Documents”), payable to Walnut Street Finance, LLC, MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, MD 20886 shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus price to be $127,750.00. The
results from improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser property sold herein is known as CAPITOL HILL- Lg furn room, 2 blocks
Nominee, who is the current holder and the party secured thereby, Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Mary Anne
FEBRUARY 10,17,24, 2022 12372040 the secured party having appointed Bryn H. Sherman, Esq., Frances Piper dated July 15, 2005 and recorded in Liber 30803, folio 528 among the and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and secured 4520 Port Tobacco Road, Nanjemoy, from Stadium Armory subway. Near
Eastern Market. N/S. Cable, wi-fi &
C. Wilburn, Esq. and Stephen Nichols, Esq., as Substitute Trustees Land Records of Montgomery County, MD, default having occurred under party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection Maryland 20662.
by that certain Deed of Appointment dated August 5, 2021, with all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale. utils incl. $225/week. 240-904-9994
the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Sharon L. Hancock
recorded among the aforementioned Land Records on August 23, Court for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., Trustees' file number 77767. Clerk of the Circuit Court For
2021, default having occurred under the terms thereof and at the PETWORTH- 1 Furn rm, free cable/
Rockville, MD 20850, on Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees Charles County, Maryland internet, nr Petworth Station. $850
request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned Substitute
Trustees, will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince MARCH 11, 2022 AT 3:50 PM ALEX COOPER AUCTS, INC. all utils inc. David 202-793-9863
Attorney: Louis S. Pettey, Esq
George’s County, at the Court House Door, 14735 Main Street, Upper ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings 908 YORK RD., TOWSON, MD 21204
Marlboro, Maryland, 20772, on the 8th day of March, 2022 at 11:00 and improvements thereon situated in Montgomery County, MD and 410-828-4838
Heise Jorgensen & Stefanelli P.A.
18310 Montgomery Village
o’clock a.m, the property described in said Loan Documents and
more particularly described below.
described as Unit No. 142, Building 6, Phase 6 in "Christopher Court
Condominium" and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
Feb 17, Feb 24 & Mar 3 12373994 Avenue, Suite 400
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
The property being sold includes all of the right, title and interest, if Tax ID #09-02708067. (301) 977-8400
Samuel I. White, P.C. any, of Core Investments, LLC, or those claiming under the aforesaid The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as Feb. 10,17,24, 2022 12373737
Capital Heights-Sr.'s & disabled rehab
home. Furn rms. 2 baths, 2 kits,
596 Lynnhaven Parkway, Suite 200 grantor(s) in and to the land and all building and improvements is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
thereon, and all fixtures, machinery, furniture, equipment, ten-
ements, hereditaments and appurtenances and other property
record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Frederick County $350 sec dep. $700mo. W/D. prkg
+ sec fence. Util incl. Nr Metro.
interests, and all personalty used in connection with the land of Terms of Sale: A deposit of $12,000 in the form of certified check, ORLANS PC N/S inside. Text/Call 202-568-0792
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES' SALE OF every kind and nature whatsoever, and owned by the aforesaid cashier's check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time
and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD. SE, SUITE 310 CIRCUIT COURT FOR
VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY grantor(s) as are located in, on or about the land on the date of
sale and that are subject to the Loan Documents (collectively, the ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery LEESBURG, VA 20175 100 West Patrick Street
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate Frederick, Maryland 21701
KNOWN AS “Property”).
pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds 703-777-7101 Clerk of the Court: 301-600-1976
share. Free cable. Close to MGM.
The real estate is identified as follows: are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement Assigment Office: 301-600-2015
17210 Doctor Bird Road The following described land and premises, with the improvements, of interest in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Case Number: C-10-CV-21-000377
W/D. $150/wk Special. 240-882-8973

Sandy Springs, MD 20860 easements, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be
obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE
FT. WASHINGTON - Lrg furn room.
Util incld. N/S. Wifi. W/D. Off st prkg.
and being in Prince George’s County, Maryland, namely:
FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including 6412 Rockledge Court $190/wk. Central A/C. 301-399-5090
Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Lot Numbered Five (5) as shown on a plat subdivision entitled, agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Elkridge, MD 21075
LARGO - lrg rm in basement, all util
Deed of Trust to MICHAEL T. GALEONE, Trustee(s), dated “Section TWO, MELWOOD JUNCTION,” as per Plat thereof recorded charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure JORDAN SUTTON, ET AL. incl, kitchen living, near metro, $775
January 31, 2007, and recorded among the Land Records of in Plat Book N.L.P. 130 at Plat 49 among the Land Records of Prince
George’s County, Maryland, and consisting of 11.2644 acres of land,
sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted
to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except where the
Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from MISTY Date: 2/3/2022

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 33792, folio more or less. secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. DAWN MAYBERRY, dated September 4, 2018 and recorded in NOTICE OF SALE Time Shares/
244, the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Together with a Utility Easement under Sixteen Foot (16’) driveway Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be
assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all
Liber 18387, folio 77 among the Land Records of HOWARD Notice is hereby issued by the Rentals, Sales
as contained in Deed of Easement recorded in Liber 6501, folio 48
Trust having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, by and also referred to in Deed of Easement recorded in Liber 6515, documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure Circuit Court for Frederick County
borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining this 3rd day of February, 2022, that
instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land Records, folio 776.
physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or Case docketed as Case No.C13CV19001179; Tax ID No.01- the sale made and recorded by
Timeshare Cancellation Experts
Wesley Financial Group, LLC
default having occurred under the terms thereof, and at Together with a Thirty Foot by Forty Foot (30’ x 40’) piece of land damage to the property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to 211277 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the James Clarke for the sale of the Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt
(now unpaved) which is subject to use in common with contingents be announced at the time of sale. property described in these pro- and fees cancelled in 2019. Get
the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned lot 4 for Ingress and Egress as shown on the plat of said Subdivision. HOWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 9250 JUDICIAL ceedings free informational package and
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the
Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public auction at Property Address: 7030 Woodyard Road purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of WAY, ELLICOTT CITY, MD 21043, on 4512 Mill Bottom Rd,
Mount Airy, MD 21771
learn how to get rid of your time-
share! Free consultations. Over 450
THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 50 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 the deposit without interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement,
the deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all MARCH 1, 2022 at 11:30 AM be ratified and confirmed thirty positive reviews.Call 888-984-2917.
MARYLAND AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD 20850 ON, (30) days from the date of this
Account No.: 15-1742824
TERMS OF SALE: The Property will be sold in “AS IS, WHERE IS”
expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale price of the
above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements Notice, unless cause to the con- Commercial
MARCH 7, 2022 at 1:30 PM condition, without recourse. Neither the Substitute Trustees, the this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission on the gross thereon situated in HOWARD COUNTY, MD and more fully trary be shown, provided a copy
Property, Rent
sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited of this Notice be inserted in some
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements noteholder secured by the Loan Documents, the Auctioneer, nor any
of their respective agents, successors or assigns (collectively, the deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the described in above referenced Deed of Trust. Newspaper published in this
risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of County, once in each of three (3) Turnkey restaurant available in
thereon situated in MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD and described “Selling Parties”) make any representations or warranties, express
any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to successive weeks. Central Business district, downtown
or implied, with respect to the Property, or any tenancies or parties
as follows: in possession, including without limitation, the description, use, reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the The report states the amount of
Washington Call 202-617-0532
for inquiries
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus the sale to be $319,000.00.
LOT NUMBERED SEVENTEEN (17) IN THE SUBDIVISION size, structural integrity, physical condition, construction, extent
results from improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. 245
of construction, workmanship, materials, habitability, subdivision,
zoning, environmental condition, compliance with building codes and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and secured
party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection Terms of Sale: A deposit $20,000.00 will be required at the
Sandra K. Dalton
Clerk of the Circuit Court
or other laws (such as Americans with Disabilities Act), ordinances DISH Network. $64.99 for
OVERLOOK " AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AS PLAT or regulations, fitness for a particular purpose, or merchantability with all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale.
Trustees' file number 72788. time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR BY Feb 10,17,24, 2022 12373822 190 Channels! Blazing Fast Internet,
NO. 22684, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF MONTGOMERY of all or any part of the Property. The purchaser waives and
releases the Selling Parties from any and all claims the purchaser Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Balance CIRCUIT COURT FOR
$19.99/mo. (where available.)
Switch & Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift
COUNTY, MARYLAND. and/or the purchaser’s successors and assigns may now have or
ALEX COOPER AUCTS, INC. of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final FREDERICK COUNTY, MARYLAND Card. FREE Voice Remote. FREE HD
may have in the future relating to the condition of the Property, 100 West Patrick Street DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL
The property will be sold in an "AS IS WHERE IS" condition including but not limited to the environmental condition thereof. 908 YORK RD., TOWSON, MD 21204 ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for HOWARD COUNTY. Frederick, Maryland 21701 Devices. Call today! 1-855-407-6870.
without either express or implied warranty or representation, The purchaser shall assume the risk of loss or damage to the Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. If the purchaser Clerk of the Court 301-600-1976
including but not limited to the description, fitness for a
Property after the time of the foreclosure sale. The Property will
be sold subject to all conditions, regulations, orders, ordinances
Feb 24, Mar 3 & Mar 10 12374907
defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the property shall
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particular purpose or use, structural integrity, physical condition, and laws, as well as restrictions, prior judgments, liens, outstanding
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liability, zoning, subdivision, environmental condition, mer- bid price, will be required to pay and/or otherwise satisfy. The
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chantability, compliance with building or housing codes or other easements, agreements, restrictions, terms, rights of way, filed and Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any Date: 2/7/2022 Discounts available. 877-738-0991.
laws, ordinances or regulations, or other similar matters, and unfiled mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens, covenants, conditions, Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a NOTICE OF SALE 610
rights of redemption, and all other encumbrances having priority 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. Notice is hereby issued by the Dogs for Sale
subject to easements, agreements and restrictions of record over the Loan Documents, if any, lawfully affecting the Property
whether or not of record, including but not limited to environmental
Bethesda, MD 20814 Circuit Court for Frederick County Basset Hounds, AKC, 1st shots
which affect the same, if any. The property will be sold conditions (including without limitation possible wetlands, riparian
(301) 907-8000
In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not this 7th day of February, 2022 that heath cert, $1200.
the sale made and recorded by
subject to all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of rights, critical or protected areas, and the presence of protected
be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, including, Christine Johnson for the sale of
or endangered species) and all applicable federal, state and local BOSTON TERRIER PUpPIES.
record affecting same including any condominium and of HOA laws, ordinances and regulations lawfully affecting the Property. OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus which may the property described in these
proceedings VET CHECKED, 1ST S&W.
assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. All interested bidders are encouraged to contact the appropriate 10302 OAKLYN DR. arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase 8531 Fortune Place,
blk/wht/brindle. Red/wht/brindle.
governmental authorities prior to the sale date regarding the POTOMAC, MD 20854 $600-800 443-938-7266
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $ 20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY permitted uses of the Property and the requirements, if any, for money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the Walkersville, MD 21793
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from
certified funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH WILL
construction, completion and/or development.
Dinesh Sharma, Santosh Sharma and Ruchi Sharma dated August 4, date of sale to the date funds are received by the Substitute be ratified and confirmed thirty females, vet checked, shots, wormed,


The Substitute Trustee(s) shall be entitled to remove the Property
from sale prior to bidding, and reject any and all bids. A cash deposit
2006 and recorded in Liber 33541, folio 722 among the Land Records Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in the event (30) days from the date of this
Notice, unless cause to the con-
ready 3/4, accepting dep. $1500. 540-
392-9707 Blacksburg, can meet
of Montgomery County, MD, default having occurred under the terms
of the purchase price with interest at 6% per annum from the or certified check in the amount of $50,000.00 shall be paid to the thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or any trary be shown, provided a copy
of this Notice be inserted in some
date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within TEN
Substitute Trustee(s) at the time and place of sale. The deposit
must be increased to 10% of the purchase price within 2 business
for Montgomery County, at the Court House Door, 50 Maryland Ave., time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed for Newspaper published in this Beautiful plump M/F puppies.
Rockville, MD 20850, on
DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. Adjustments on days, and delivered to the office of the Substitute Trustee(s) in the
MARCH 4, 2022 AT 2:35 PM
any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes a County, once in each of three Dewormed, vacc, vet checked. Vari-
ety of colors, $650.
(3) successive weeks. The report
all taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments
same form as the initial deposit. Whenever the purchaser is also
the noteholder secured by the Loan Documents, payment of the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the buildings and
forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the states the amount of the sale to be Call Jeffrey at 804-221-5485

will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed required deposit(s) and the purchase price is made by crediting the improvements thereon situated in Montgomery County, MD and more above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to $180,000.00. GOLDEN RETRIEVER MIXED PUPS -
Child friendly, cute, 1st shot, ready
by purchaser. If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner
amount thereof to the indebtedness. The balance of the purchase
price shall be paid in cash or certified check at settlement, which
fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #10-02827024. execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, Sandra K. Dalton
Clerk of the Circuit Court to go. 2/22/22 $500 540-879-3638

association dues and assessments that may become due after

shall be no later than fifteen (15) days after final ratification of The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in an "as
is" condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of
prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior Brennan Baxter Ferguson
Labrador Retriever - 3yr. Blk. M,
the sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland,
the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. unless said period is extended by the Substitute Trustees, their record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, BROCK & SCOTT, PLLC
Trained, Health Certs., $4,500. Con-
tact for pics & info. Call/text (540)
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, transfer
successors or assigns, for good cause shown, time otherwise being Terms of Sale: A deposit of $300,000 in the form of certified check, and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit 5431 Oleander Drive
Wilmington, NC 28403
of the essence; otherwise, in addition to other remedies available to cashier's check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time
taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident to settlement the Substitute Trustees, whether at law or in equity, the Substitute and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, February 10,17,24, 2022 12374104 Pembroke Welsh Corgi
dual registered, $1400 8 wks on 2/21.
are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of the essence for
Trustees may, at their election, declare the deposit forfeited and ten days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, 240-818-1459
resell the Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, in County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the rate
the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be forfeited and the which event the defaulting purchaser shall be liable for the payment pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date funds water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association SHELTIE PUPPIES
of any deficiency plus all costs and expenses of both sales. The are received in the office of the Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual Home delivery starts AKC registered, very small parents,
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purchaser. The purchaser agrees to accept service by first class or profits resulting from any resale of the Property. Interest at the or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder shall not be basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if blue meril Call 540-560-5132

mail and certified mail addressed to the address provided by

rate equal to the rate at which interest is currently accruing on obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed
the Promissory Note, shall be paid on the unpaid purchase price
to be adjusted to the date of closing. Taxes and water rent on an
FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including
thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible 1-800-753-POST Home delivery
said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale for any agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
is convenient.
Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this sale including a
annual basis, including any sanitary and/or county or metropolitan
district charges and any other municipal charges, shall be adjusted
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure
sale, including water/sewer charges and ground rent, to be adjusted
for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser SF
Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of the Property. If to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by the purchaser. Cost to date of sale and paid at execution of the deed, except where the assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date 1-800-753-POST
the sale is not ratified or if the Substitute Trustees are unable to
of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes (including any agricultural
transfer tax), recording fees, document preparation, title insurance
secured party is the purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser.
Condominium fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be
of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey
convey marketable title in accord with these terms of sale, the
and any other costs or charges shall be borne by the purchaser. assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale forward. Cost of all insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in Home delivery Ask me about home delivery!
The purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining possession from
purchaser's only remedy is return of the deposit. anyone in possession of the Property. Conveyance of the Property
documentary stamps, transfer taxes and settlement expenses shall be
borne by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining
law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned is convenient. 1-800-753-POST SF
shall be by Substitute Trustees’ Deed, without covenant or warranty, physical possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified
Trustee's File No. (79098) express or implied, unless otherwise required by statute, court rule
or Loan Documents. In the event the Substitute Trustees are unable
damage to the property from the date of sale forward. Additional terms to
for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
be announced at the time of sale.
the return of the deposit without interest. (File # 19-700540) 1-800-753-POST
ROBERT A. JONES, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES for any reason to convey title, the purchaser’s sole remedy at law or
in equity shall be to request and to receive a return of the deposit. If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable title, the
purchaser's sole remedy in law and equity shall be limited to a refund of SF
Upon a return of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect
the deposit without interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, JAMES E. CLARKE,
and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the Selling
Parties. the deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all CHRISTINE M. DREXEL, Home delivery
expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale price of the
This advertisement, as amended or supplemented by any oral above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of BRIAN THOMAS, is convenient.
announcements during the conduct of the sale, constitutes the
Substitute Trustees’ entire terms upon which such premises shall
this sale (including attorney’s fees and the full commission on the gross JASON MURPHY,
sale price of this sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
be offered for sale. deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the property at the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES 1-800-753-POST
All information herein contained is believed to be accurate but is not risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting purchaser without
February 17, 24,March 3,2022 12372893 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES:
reselling the property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus INSURANCE
Bryn H. Sherman, Esq.
Frances C. Wilburn, Esq.
results from improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser
and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees and secured
Home delivery SERVICES
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party for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection
with all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the resale.
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DC Home

Jenny Rogers
Cleaning outdoor furniture without damaging it
Deputy Editors: BY J EANNE H UBER stains — or stains from mildew
Elizabeth Chang, Amy Joyce, — use a more powerful cleaner. A
Mari-Jane Williams Q: In my heavily wooded garden, customer service representative
Art Director:
I have expensive seating that I at Brown Jordan said some
bring inside in winter. The customers have reported getting
Victoria Adams Fogg strapping has developed green good results by using Zep or
Designer: mossy coloration and white OxiClean. A Zep representative
Twila Waddy specks that look like the said that brand’s most suitable
beginnings of fungus or mold. cleaner is Fast 505 industrial
Photo Editor: The manufacturer’s cleaning cleaner ($4.89 for 32 ounces at
Annaliese Nurnberg instructions are not specific. Home Depot). OxiClean’s
Staff Writers: How do I kill this without versatile stain remover is $7.59
damaging the strapping for a 1.77-pound tub at Ace
Helen Carefoot, Allyson Chiu, Jura material? Hardware.
Koncius Silver Spring However, the Brown Jordan
Columnist: Meghan Leahy representative said the
Email: A: Jim Kaufman is owner of homemade cleaning formula
Criterion (800-422-8360; that Kaufman recommended
Telephone: 202-334-4409, a company should also work and would be
Mail: in Keyser, W.Va., that cleans and safe to use on the straps.
Local Living section, repairs outdoor furniture for Kaufman suggested mixing hand
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. homeowners and resorts in a dishwashing detergent, such as
NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 wide area around D.C. He looked original Dawn, with water and
at the pictures you sent and said chlorine bleach. Start with 1/4 cup
ADVERTISING your chairs look like Brown of chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of
Ron Ulrich, 202-334-5289 Jordan pieces with Suncloth water, then, if needed, clean a
ON THE COVER straps — as you confirmed in a second time with a stronger
follow-up call. solution of up to 1 cup of bleach
Photo of pothos cuttings by Marvin You are correct in saying the per gallon of water. (Using hand
Joseph/The Washington Post company offers scant cleaning dishwashing detergent with
instructions on its website, bleach is safe, but never combine The focus is a bleach solution with any
on available colors and furniture cleaning product that contains
collections, with very general ammonia, because that would
cleaning instructions. “Wash the release a toxic gas.)
furniture with a solution of mild Whatever cleaner you use,
detergent and water, rinse with work outside, so you can rinse
clear water, and dry thoroughly,” the chairs thoroughly with a
it says. It recommends coating hose. If the bleach or cleaner
metal frames with a “fine, clear might get on landscaping,
automobile wax for maximum READER PHOTO
dampen the plants first to help
protection against harmful dilute spatters. Put on goggles
ultraviolet exposure and salt air.” fabrics that stand up to outdoor A reader wants to know and rubber gloves, and, if you’re
There is also a bit more detail use. Suncloth is 100 percent how to clean the using bleach, wear clothes you
about cleaning fabrics: “Mildew acrylic, a Brown Jordan material of this seat. don’t mind getting spattered.
and heavy stains can be removed customer service representative Even after cleaning a second
with a quality commercial said. But the straps aren’t just time, some stains might remain,
outdoor furniture cleaner and thin strips of Sunbrella; they Kaufman said. In that case, your
protectant.” But that section stretch more, which helps make only options would be to live
seems to pertain to cushions, not the chairs more comfortable. with the stains or have the
Cleaning with
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

straps. Regardless of whether the webbing replaced with either

Brown Jordan recommends straps are vinyl or Suncloth, vinyl or Suncloth straps. A vinyl
cleaning its outdoor furniture Kaufman said, cleaning with a a mild detergent redo would cost about $100 a
two to three times a year in low- mild detergent might work if the chair for materials and labor,
pollution areas and more often pieces are cleaned frequently. might work if the Kaufman said; Suncloth straps
in areas with greater pollution. But once stains develop, this is might double the cost, because
Kaufman said that in a heavily usually not enough. He pieces are cleaned he can only buy the material in
shaded garden like yours, suggested running your finger large quantities.
especially where the air is damp over the straps to determine frequently. But Installing either material
for long periods, frequent whether the white specks stand takes about the same time,
cleaning is essential. When that out from the strap material. If so, once stains although the process is a little
doesn’t happen, the straps can those might be lichen, a type of different. Vinyl straps must be
become severely stained, even if symbiotic growth that consists of develop, this is heated, so they stretch while
the furniture is stored indoors a fungus that provides the they’re installed, while Suncloth
for winter. structure for the algae or usually not straps need to be stretched by
Suncloth feels more like cloth cyanobacteria living within it. If being pulled, Kaufman said.
than the vinyl webbing that’s the specks don’t have a enough. After installation, both materials
usually used in outdoor noticeable texture, you’re shrink to their original length
furniture. That makes it a more probably seeing stains from but stay stretchy, which makes
high-end feature — but one that mildew. (The terms mold and the chairs comfortable to sit on.
seems to be more prone to mildew are often used
harboring algae than vinyl interchangeably. Both words  Have a problem in your home?
webbing is, Kaufman said. refer to types of fungi.) Send questions to
Introduced in 2012, it was If you detect lichen, you might Put “How
developed by Brown Jordan and be able to brush off much of it. To” in the subject line, tell us where
Sunbrella, which makes acrylic But to remove any remaining you live and try to include a photo.



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In small spaces, storage makes a big difference

BY H ELEN C AREFOOT New York apartment. Edwards is a
longtime fan of Ikea’s modular
Decorating and organizing a Kallax shelves (from $44.99),
smaller room, apartment or house which can be stacked and rear-
can be a challenge. It’s tough ranged to form “zones.” But re-
enough to balance practicality member: Excessive shelving can
and style in a larger place, but in a create more spots for clutter. Plan
space with a small footprint, cozy what to put on the shelves, and
can quickly turn into clutter and avoid using them as drop zones for
chaos. With some smart tricks and random objects. Double-check
creativity, though, you can create load requirements before install-
plenty of storage, even in the tini- ing.
est of homes. Here are some sug- Sideboards/buffets. These
gestions from designers and orga- cabinet-like pieces are “probably
nizers to help you make the most the most accessible way for most
of every inch. people to bring in an antique piece
Use vertical space. “You don’t that functions as storage,” Ser-
want all your furniture to be hap- mons said. Options in numerous
pening on the ground level,” said styles and dimensions abound.
Emily Sermons, a user experience Use one as a media center, or place
designer and founder of Shoebox a mirror on top to create a vanity.
Designs. Drawing the eye upward They also make excellent places to
gives a room dimension and takes stash glassware, table linens and
advantage of otherwise unused dishes. Goerzen has the Amalie
space. Pick tall dressers, shelves, sideboard ($1,900,,
nightstands and buffets to get which she likes because of its
maximum storage. height and deep shelves.
Think outside the box. Don’t JOEY PUTERBAUGH
China cabinet/hutch. The
confine yourself to furniture de- Kim Lewis installed a fridge and microwave from Big Chill’s Retro collection in her Austin kitchen. sideboard’s vertical cousin, this
signed specifically for small spac- This type of furniture generally has a smaller footprint, Lewis said. piece can hold kitchen and table
es. Those pieces are often too items, or it can be used for storing
small or look as if they belong in a the century, because it’s generally books or linens. Sermons recently
college dorm. Decide what func- going to have a smaller footprint,” turned a vintage cabinet into a bar
tion each area needs, then consid- Lewis said. Retro-style appliances, station in her Charleston apart-
er your options. “Don’t think of it which are typically more narrow, ment. Check antique stores for
as just the way the manufacturer work well in small kitchens, baths bargains or unusual items. An-
tells you to use it. Think of it how and laundry rooms. Lewis in- thropologie’s Fern storage cabinet
you want to use it,” said Kyra Ed- stalled a refrigerator and micro- ($2,498, is
wards, senior interior designer at wave from Big Chill’s Retro collec- Goerzen’s recommendation for
Bungalow. For example, she likes tion in the 110-square-foot kitchen modern homes; she also likes
Ikea’s Trones ($34.99 for two, of her Austin home. To save space McGee & Co.’s Tobin cabinet and Hemnes ($129.99) without scrimping on character, ($2,300, and
shoe cabinets as entryway catch- she has previously used vintage CB2’s Canna Cane storage cabinet
alls for mail, pet leashes and more. suitcases for storage in her bed- ($1,899,
Small dressers or chests can be room and home office rather than Storage bench/ottoman. These
nightstands, and curio cabinets nightstands or shelving units. come in many styles and can dou-
can make handsome bars or vani- Here are some specific pieces ble as coffee tables while also hid-
ties. Rolling carts, such as Ikea’s that design experts recommend ing odds and ends such as shoes
Raskog utility cart ($39.99), which for small spaces: and blankets. Padded pieces can
Edwards recommends, can be Secretary desks. With covered be used for extra seating, and ones
used to hold spices or toiletries. tops that roll up or close, these on wheels are easy to move. Ed-
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

Bigger can be better. A room of desks offer both visual interest wards and Goerzen both recom-
small furniture can feel diminu- and storage. Look for tall models mend CB2’s Rialto ivory storage
tive and cramped. Select a few with shelves and drawers inside. bench ($699). Edwards also likes
large pieces that can provide a lot ANTHROPOLOGIE
“The best thing is that everything Ikea’s Stocksund bench ($199.99).
of storage and anchor the space. Kyra Edwards likes using individual hooks, such as the Louisa you store inside is accessible but Decorative hooks. Hooks can
Bigger, heavier items won’t weigh monogram hooks from Anthropologie, to add a bit of style. can be tucked away by rolling the be used for coats and pet leashes in
down a room if they’re proportion- top down,” said Sermons, who an entryway, pots and pans in a
al to the other pieces in the space. shelves to create storage for mugs Beatrice Copeland, professional splits time between New York and kitchen, or towels in bathrooms.
“Pay attention to the scale of the and stemware — and she even organizer and host of “Bea Orga- Charleston, S.C. Use it as a work- Edwards likes using individual
furniture,” said Kim Lewis, owner hangs objects from the ceiling. nized.” “There needs to be mo- space, or turn it into a home bar or hooks, such as Anthropologie’s
of Kim Lewis Designs. Heather “You’re filling the cavity of that ments of nothing, whether that’s a vanity. Head to vintage and an- Louisa monogram hooks ($18
Goerzen, design editor at Havenly, space and using it to capture more sliver of an empty wall or space tique stores for a bargain on roll- each), for storage with a bit of
chose a larger sectional and coffee storage.” She once installed toe- next to a bed or couch that’s left top models, Sermons said. For a style. Renters who are hesitant to
table ottoman for her living room, kick drawers under a client’s base empty.” Fill spaces with a mixture newer piece, she likes Winsome’s create holes in walls should con-
plus a 94.5-inch-wide sideboard cabinets to store baking sheets of open and closed pieces, some wood regalia home office sider using over-the-door storage.
with glass doors and shelves. The and supplies. And don’t forget one with doors and some without. ($229.99, and the Edwards suggests the metal moon
space is full, but each piece serves of the more obvious spots: under Tuck away objects that are best Stanley dresser desk ($549, phase over-the-door multi-hook
multiple functions. the bed. Sermons uses the Con- hidden, such as tools, papers and Or try West from Urban Outfitters ($39).
Take advantage of nooks and tainer Store’s long under-bed box extra gadgets, and use open Elm’s mid-century mini secretary
crannies. Funky corners, built- with wheels ($31.99) and its cop- shelves and glass cabinets for desk ($549,, which  Chat Thursday at 11 a.m. Kevin
ins, spaces above windows and per rattan storage bins with han- styled vignettes. has a slim profile. Brasler, executive editor of
doors, and areas below cabinets dles ($19.99-$29.99, container Use vintage pieces. Many older Wall units or modular shelv- Consumers’ Checkbook, joins staff
can all be repurposed to create items boast slim profiles. “A really ing. Installing shelves is one the of writer Jura Koncius for our weekly
display and storage spots. Lewis Create empty space. “In a small easy way to add character and not the simplest ways to create more online Q&A on decorating and
hangs hooks and organizers on space, I always gravitate toward feel like a dorm is to go look at storage. Sermons has a mid- household advice. Submit questions
the undersides of cabinets and furniture that hides things,” said furniture that was made earlier in -century modern wall unit in her at
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022
DC Home

Anna Brockway of Chairish on vintage and antique furniture

Anna Brock- the flexibility to work in various
way, co-found- spaces. That means art,
er and presi- accessories, lighting, occasional
dent of Chair- seating, accent tables and
ish, joined dining chairs. It’s hard to move
staff writer with larger pieces, such as
Jura Koncius upholstered sofas and especially
last week for sectionals, because the scale is
Anna our Home specific to the space. Focus on
Brockway Front online smaller rugs that can be layered
chat. Here is in future homes.
an edited excerpt.
Q: I have a lot of brown wood
Q: What should you look for furniture that I still love, but
when buying vintage? how can I liven things up and
A: Most pieces of furniture can make my spaces look more
be refinished, but if there are modern?
deep gouges, those are there to A: The trick to modernizing
stay. Sometimes that’s okay, traditional brown furniture is
because you want that old farm presenting it with
table that has the gouges and consideration. Brown furniture
the black rings because it looks feels old and dated when it’s
cool; this shows it was a presented in crowded, cluttered
working farm table. Look at the spaces with lots of other brown
item’s connections, as in where furniture. What makes a
the table meets the legs, to see traditional piece special — a
whether it’s sturdy. Avoid carved leg, a special wood grain
anything with a broken frame — gets lost. Rigorously edit and
that is not repairable. (I’m JOHN MERKL
select the pieces you feel are
talking chairs or tables.) You All of the pieces in your space don’t have to be of the same style, says Anna Brockway, but they can be special, then place them in a
have to go with what you love. tied together through cohesive fabrics and the addition of accent pillows and throws. room with negative space
Sometimes that means a rickety around them. This lets pieces
chair or a distressed finish, but Q: How can I balance modern A: Not necessarily. In most sale, but there’s usually damage, shine and creates a more
those things make it an and traditional furnishings? My cases, vintage furniture can cost such as a water spot. contemporary vibe.
awesome chair or chic antique. house looks very mid-century, about 70 to 80 percent less and A: This is tricky. I would
but that’s not my style. My space is better made. To lower costs, recommend taking an item to a Q: You mentioned that vintage,
Q: What’s your favorite piece of is fairly small, so many try making an offer; sellers professional furniture repair monogrammed linens were
vintage furniture in your own traditional pieces overwhelm it. expect this, and you’ll often shop. Factor the cost of the selling. I’m amazed, because I
home? Every furniture purchase is a score a discount. And shop local repair into your asking price for thought younger people
A: I will never sell our custom balancing act between making for big pieces to avoid long- the piece. Structural flaws, such wouldn’t be interested in these.
Vladimir Kagan serpentine sofa my house feel like a museum distance shipping costs and to as a broken frame or deep Which linens?
in silver mohair. It’s truly the and making it feel like I just get items faster. gouge, are usually not fixable, so A: Tabletop as a category is on
most well-built piece of bought a bunch of stuff that look out for those types of fire. At-home entertaining is
upholstered furniture, and it’s didn’t make sense. I added some Q: If I really want to haul issues. big, and people are opting for
absolutely gorgeous. modern pieces, but I’m not sure Grandma’s furniture out of the rich, layered and eclectic looks.
that’s achieving much. attic and sell it, what kinds of Q: Can I list damaged vintage A matching table is out, while a
Q: What vintage items are hot A: It’s definitely possible to pieces are people going to buy? case goods that are repaired and collected table is in. Vintage
for buyers and sellers? Has the create a balance that works A: There’s a lot of demand for lacquered or painted on tablecloths and napkins are all
pandemic changed the vibe of between mid-century modern large sets of classic dining Chairish? The form, structure the rage, alongside antique
what people are looking for? and traditional pieces, but it can chairs. Think sets of six, eight or and hardware are often still serving pieces, wine and
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

A: Although there are certainly be tricky when you want the more of Chinese Chippendale, beautiful. Are those of value? cocktail glasses, and tableware.
some periods in design that space to feel cohesive. Focus on klismos or mid-century pieces. A: Absolutely, we just require
have reentered the spotlight, contemporary pieces for the Buyers love vintage dining that sellers disclose the repairs Q: If a piece doesn’t have
such as mid-century or English bigger furniture (the sofa, chairs, because they bring a in the item description and identifying marks or a maker’s
country, we don’t see our dining and coffee tables, and unique style to their space and provide photos showing a close- mark, how can I identify its age
shoppers gravitating toward just accent chairs), then sprinkle in the cost per chair compared up of the repaired spot. Buyers or maker?
one era; instead they’re mid-century accents, such as with new items cannot be beat. of vintage and antiques expect A: A search on Google Images
creatively mixing pieces from art, drink tables, decor and Don’t worry if you don’t have “patina” and know that pre- can often produce the best
various periods to create one-of- lighting. the matching table; the chairs owned items will have signs of results when a maker isn’t
a-kind spaces. Unique pieces can often be more valuable as use, which is precisely what known.
that pop do really well, such as Q: What’s the value of wicker their own set, because it’s often gives them character. But it’s
beautifully upholstered velvet furniture from the 1940s? I have preferred to mix them with a expected that the seller fully Q: What are the most expensive
seating, patterned fabrics, chairs, tables, lamps and a plant different table style. share the piece’s condition. items sold on Chairish?
bright and lacquered tables, and stand. Should I sell them as-is or We’re also seeing continued A: Generally, it’s high-end
anything with a different shape. repair them? demand for traditional rolled- Q: What advice do you have for modular seating, a favorite
Bamboo, wicker and split reed A: Wicker is white hot. List the arm and tuxedo-style sofas, younger collectors who are among our audience. Think
are going strong, because they furniture as-is, and consider bergère chairs, antique or looking to get into this but have Roche Bobois Mah Jong sofas
have a biophilic quality that selling the chairs in pairs, vintage portraits, a small budget? upholstered in Missoni fabric,
customers gravitate toward. because those move faster. I monogrammed table linens, A: As a young collector, you Togo by Ligne Roset, and
We’re also seeing a ton of suspect the plant stand will be a large sets of majolica oyster probably have lots of moves in statement pieces by De Sede.
demand for beautiful vintage big hit, because those are plates, and sterling silver ice your future. For most people,
outdoor furniture as we head particularly in-demand wicker buckets. that means starting in smaller  Also at
toward spring. Think Brown items these days. apartments and growing into Read the rest of this transcript and
Jordan, Salterini and Molla, in Q: Can amateurs easily fix worn bigger spaces. You should buy submit questions to the next chat,
addition to fabulous vintage Q: Isn’t vintage furniture or damaged wood furniture? I what you love, but I would focus Thursday at 11 a.m., at
rattan pieces. expensive? often see interesting pieces for on collecting pieces that offer


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DC Home

Propagation is an
inexpensive way to grow
your plant collection.
Here’s how to do it.

About two years ago, the pandemic

pushed people into their homes — and
sent houseplant sales soaring. New
houseplant owners might hesitate to ex-
pand their collection beyond those mon-
steras and philodendrons they bought in
2020. Plants can be expensive, and grow-
ing from seed is time-consuming. But
there is an easier, cheaper way to grow
new houseplants: propagation, or the
process of growing a new plant from a
piece of a mature one.
You can propagate with seeds or roots,
but the easiest and most common meth-
od is by cutting, or transferring a piece of
a mature plant into water or soil and
letting it grow a new root system.
Propagating with cuttings offers a les-
son in plant biology. Emma Erler, land-
scape and greenhouse field specialist at
the University of New Hampshire Exten-
sion, says every plant has a meristem, a
type of tissue that contains cells that can
develop into different plant parts.
“Above ground, meristematic tissue
can turn into buds and shoots, but it’s
also capable of turning into roots,” Erler
There’s also a sentimental factor to
propagation. “You grow a plant under
your care, take a cutting and then pass it
on to someone else,” says Mollie Lee,
shop director at Little Leaf in D.C., which
sells cuttings for propagation.
Here’s how to use cuttings to repro-
duce your own plants at home, according
to plant experts.
Choose a plant
According to Maryah Greene, a plant
stylist and consultant and the founder of
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

Greene Piece, cutting works on many

common, easy-to-care-for houseplants,
such as pothos, monsteras, philoden-
drons, snake plants and ZZ plants.
But different plants require different
methods of cutting, says Paris Lalicata, MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST

plant education coordinator at the Sill.

For example, pothos, monsteras and
philodendrons can grow roots from their
stems. You can also propagate plants unkempt.) That way, you are improving Propagating and in them are hormones that promote
that don’t have stems, such as snake the parent plant’s health and growing a with cuttings growth if you put it in soil or water,” says
plants, by cutting from their leaves. If new one at the same time. works with Matt Aulton, co-founder of the plant
you’re unsure, your local university’s ex- many delivery service Plant Proper.
tension office, which should have an Stem cuttings common Use a clean pair of pruners to cut
agriculture and gardening education Stem cuttings grow from aerial roots, houseplants, about a quarter-inch below the node at a
program, can help you determine which or roots that grow above the soil on the such as 45-degree angle. If you only have kitchen
method to use. Erler says a local garden stem of a plant. pothos, seen scissors, Lalicata suggests sterilizing
center can also help. To reproduce with a stem cutting, here. them with hot, soapy water or rubbing
Propagation usually works best when Lalicata suggests choosing a healthy- alcohol to avoid spreading pathogens
you cut from a mature, healthy plant looking area with a few leaves growing that could harm your cutting.
with new growth. Erler suggests choos- from it. Successful cuttings are usually Remove all but one leaf from the cut-
ing one that needs pruning. (You can about four to six inches long. Next, find a ting to increase its chance of root-
often tell when it’s time, because a plant node, the nub that connects a leaf to a ing. “Too many leaves can cause the plant
will look fuller on one side or appear stem. “Nodes are a plant’s growth points, to focus its energy on keeping them


alive,” Lalicata says. Lalicata says it may be a few Pothos, er to plant a rooted cutting.
Choose a vessel to propagate months before you see progress. pictured If the plant doesn’t stand up
your cutting in, such as an old jar On a snake plant, she suggests above, and straight on its own, Aulton sug-
or small vase. Many plant stores cutting horizontally at the bottom monsteras are gests stabilizing it with a bamboo
sell test tubes, so you can create a of a leaf, as close to the soil as two types of stake; over time, the roots should
propagation station. The most im- possible. You can use just the top plants that hold the plant up.
portant thing is to use a vessel few inches of the leaf, or you can can grow
with a narrow top to support the segment it into multiple cuttings. roots from Transferring a cutting to a pot
cutting. To propagate a ZZ plant, cut off a their stems. Once the roots are two to three
Next, Greene says, fill the vessel healthy-looking leaf as close to the inches long, you can transfer your
with just enough water to avoid plant’s stalk as you can. cutting to a small pot with soil,
getting the leaf wet. Tap water is After you make the cut, Erler where it should eventually grow
fine, but Lalicata says it should be suggests leaving it to dry for a full deeper roots and more leaves.
at room temperature to avoid day, so the cut surface can form a Whether you put a fresh or root-
shocking the plant. Once your cut- dry, crusty layer. “Allowing the cut- ed cutting in a pot, Aulton recom-

the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

ting is in water, place it near a ting to callus over prevents root mends choosing a two- to four-
bright — but filtered — window, rot, and rooting is more likely with inch pot with drainage holes to
because too much direct light this approach,” she says. Putting prevent root rot. Erler suggests
could harm the plant, Erler says. liquid or powdered plant growth adding enough soil to get close to
“Cuttings don’t have roots yet to hormones, available at green- the top of the pot, with about a
take up water, so if it was in a really houses, on the bottom can quicken quarter-inch to spare.
warm, sunny spot, that cutting the process. Then you should gently pat the
might lose water really quickly Follow the same steps as you soil down. As your cutting grows,
and dehydrate,” she says. would with stems to propagate you’ll need to water it more than
According to Lalicata, stem cut- succulents in water. you would a mature plant; Erler
tings can root in a few weeks. For a snake plant, Lalicata says, suggests keeping the soil moist for
While you wait, change the water immerse the bottom third of the the first week to wean the cutting
weekly. If the cutting is black or leaf; for ZZ plants, submerge just from the water it had been im-
slimy at the base of the stem, Lali- the bottom tip of the leaf. mersed in. After that initial peri-
cata says, it could be rotting, Erler prefers planting leaf cut- od, wait for the soil to dry com-
which means you’ll probably have tings in a standard indoor soil mix pletely before you water again.
to start over. If you notice rotting as soon as you cut them, because
below the root growth, simply cut she says they can easily rot in Ashley Abramson is a freelance writer
the slimy part off. water. If you’re planting an un- in Wisconsin.
rooted cutting, she recommends
Leaf cuttings watering the soil and using your  At Home newsletter Go to the
Propagating from a leaf uses a finger or a pencil to create a small Home & Garden page to subscribe to
different cutting process, and hole. Gently place the cutting in- our email newsletter, delivered every
these plants take longer to root. side. You’ll need to go a little deep- Thursday.
DC Wellness
What does ‘high-functioning depression’ mean? We asked experts.
BY A LLYSON C HIU because of cost, availability and
cultural stigma. “In the Black com-
After Miss USA 2019 Cheslie munity, for example, we’re still try-
Kryst died by suicide on Jan. 30, ing to fight this stigma about ‘You
one phrase dominated the conver- are weak,’ ” Cowan said. “As if we’re
sation on social media and in the weak if we reach out for help — and
news: “high-functioning depres- that’s not true.”
sion.” The barriers to seeking help may
In a statement to Extra, an enter- be greater for Black women, Woody
tainment news outlet where Kryst Cooper added. “They have this kind
was a correspondent, her mother, of image as superwomen, that they
April Simpkins, said the 30-year- can do everything but yet not feel
old “was dealing with high- anything,” she said.
functioning depression which she
hid from everyone — including me, What are some signs of it?
her closest confidant — until very It can be difficult to spot signs of
shortly before her death.” depression in people who might
“High-functioning depression” not recognize it in themselves or
is not a clinical diagnosis found in who might be actively masking
the Diagnostic and Statistical Man- their symptoms and pushing
ual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a through, perhaps because appear-
handbook used by health-care pro- ing outwardly strong and capable
fessionals. It’s a colloquial term is integral to their identity, experts
that has grown in popularity in said.
recent years, although some ex- Brendel said people who are
perts have mixed feelings about ANTHONY BEHAR/SIPA USA/ASSOCIATED PRESS
worried about possible depression
its use. The death of Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst in late January has prompted conversations about in themselves or others should
The phrase highlights “a really “high-functioning depression.” The phrase highlights “a really important point that people can be watch for subtle changes, includ-
important point that people can be suffering with mental illness and still appear outwardly to be able to function,” said one expert. ing shifts in energy, mood and qual-
suffering with mental illness ity of sleep. Those changes could
and still appear outwardly to be just be a signal that someone needs
able to function or not appear men- functioning depression” can be en- form of depression. functioning depression” may out- to reset and prioritize taking care of
tally ill to an outside observer,” lightening for those with and with- “Depression is depression,” she weigh the potential downsides and themselves, she said. But, she not-
said Rebecca Brendel, president- out depression. said. “Just because some people noted that she believes the term ed, if they persist over a two-week
elect of the American Psychiatric People often “carry this image of have personality traits that make should be included in the next up- period, it may be a sign to seek
Association. individuals who are crying, who them more able to function date to the DSM. (To date, no pro- professional help. Other potential-
But, Brendel said, the term could are stuck in bed, who are suicidal,” shouldn’t make them less likely to posals have been submitted to in- ly concerning signs are bleak
exacerbate shame and misunder- Woody Cooper said. “When in fact, be taken seriously, and I’m afraid clude “high-functioning depres- thoughts about the future, as well
standing about mental health and it actually looks totally different in that’s what can happen if we start sion” in the DSM, according to the as feelings of hopelessness and
depression. “Saying that somebody people who are functioning every to really see this term ‘high- American Psychiatric Association.) powerlessness.
is high-functioning even though day.” functioning depression’ used even “We’re trying to normalize the If you’re trying to support some-
they have a mental illness in and of Montrella Cowan, a therapist, more.” conversation,” Cowan said. “If we one else, avoid making assump-
itself raises the stigma associated speaker and author based in D.C., Additionally, using “high- start to say, ‘You can’t use this term, tions. Don’t, for instance, tell a per-
with mental illness.” agreed. Understanding “high- functioning” as a descriptor can you can’t use that term,’ now we son they need therapy, Cowan said.
Here’s what some mental health functioning depression” can help be misleading, said Matthew won’t have much to talk about.” Woody Cooper suggested asking
experts think about this increas- raise public awareness that it’s pos- Rudorfer, program chief at the Although she has concerns questions first and framing poten-
ingly common phrase. sible for a person “to be productive, National Institute of Mental about it, Dattilo said she’s okay with tially concerning behavior changes
make six figures, have the biggest Health, because it doesn’t take the term if it can enable someone to as things you’ve noticed. You could
What is ‘high-functioning house, a nice car, and be de- into account the effort it takes to get help. “If this is the thing that say, “I’ve noticed that when we’re
depression’? pressed,” she said. function. allows them to look and say, ‘Oh, out with the group lately, you’re not
Broadly, “high-functioning de- It can also help someone know “If every car on Connecticut Av- maybe that’s what I have,’ then let’s talking as much,” Woody Cooper
pression” is a nonmedical term that they are not alone, Cowan said, enue is driving along at 35 miles an go ahead and use it and continue to said, and follow up with questions
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

can be used to describe certain because “a lot of times, people hour, but one driver has to push the work toward something better.” such as: “Is everything okay? Is
people who meet the criteria for a aren’t feeling like themselves and gas pedal to the floor to maintain there anything you want to talk
clinical diagnosis of depression, they just can’t put their finger on it, that, to the outside observer all Who is at risk? about?”
but manage to function day-to-day and they just suffer in silence. But seems well,” he said. “But they’re It’s important, experts said, to Experts recommended having a
in a way that their mental condi- now it’s like, ‘Oh, high-functioning. trying too hard. It shouldn’t take recognize who might be at risk referral to a mental health profes-
tion probably isn’t apparent to oth- Okay, so no wonder I get up and go flooring the pedal to go 35 miles an for experiencing this type of sional ready. It may also help if you
ers or even to themselves, said to work.’ ” hour.” depression. can share personal experiences of
Jameca Woody Cooper, a psycholo- Woody Cooper said she often seeking mental health support.
gist and adjunct professor at Web- What are some concerns Should we use this phrase? sees it in people with “Type-A per- “Admitting or acknowledging
ster University in Missouri. about the term? Experts have differing opinions sonalities.” Other characteristics that you’re struggling and that you
Although “high-functioning” The term can reinforce shame about whether “high-functioning may include holding an important need help is not an easy thing to
can be associated with “high- about depression, said Natalie depression” should be a widely position, struggling with perfec- do,” Dattilo said. That’s why experts
powered” individuals or public fig- Dattilo, a clinical psychologist with used mental health term or become tionism, being a people-pleaser or believe one of the most important
ures, that isn’t always the case, Brigham and Women’s Hospital in an official diagnosis. wanting to be perceived as strong takeaways from discussions about
Woody Cooper said. Boston. “Stigma is the reason why “The best thing we could do is and capable, Dattilo said. “high-functioning depression” is
“It can be a teacher, it can be a we use that term to qualify it, [as if] get away from labels altogether,” “None of those are bad qualities, the need for conversations, educa-
person who works at a day-care it’s so shocking that successful peo- Brendel said, because they can “re- but those can also factor into a tion and attitudes about depres-
center, it can be a fast-food worker,” ple can have depression.” But, she ally get in the way of understanding person’s system of beliefs about sion and mental health to continue
she said. “. . . Everyone from all added, “it shouldn’t be so shocking what’s happening with mental ill- themselves,” Dattilo said. All of to change.
walks of life can look like or present that people have depression. That ness.” Instead, she encouraged which “can contribute to the pres-
like a person with high-functioning should just be a thing, like people open conversations “about the sure to perform.” If you or someone you know needs
depression.” can have medical illnesses.” symptoms of mental distress” and Woody Cooper and Cowan also help, call the National Suicide
Clinical depression is diagnosed Woody Cooper said another con- working toward reducing stigma noted that “high-functioning de- Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK
along a spectrum that takes a per- cern is that using the term “high- and other barriers to getting care. pression” is often observed in com- (8255). You can also text a crisis
son’s ability to function into ac- functioning” might be incorrect- Cowan, however, said the ben- munities of color, where barriers to counselor by messaging the Crisis Text
count. But the phrase “high- ly interpreted as a less serious efits of using the phrase “high- getting treatment can be higher Line at 741741.
Wellness DC

‘Paraben-free’ beauty products: Why they might not be better

BY J ANNA M ANDELL ethylparaben in cosmetics safe at Group (EWG) spreading misinfor-
the maximum authorized concen- mation and cherry-picking data to
A decade ago, shoppers looking trations (0.4 percent for one para- meet their agenda.”
to buy a facial moisturizer may have ben or 0.8 percent when used in The activist organization’s sci-
looked for ingredients such as retin- combination) and the use of propy- ence, tactics and publications, in-
ol to reduce wrinkles or vitamin C to lparaben safe up to a maximum cluding its annual “Dirty Dozen” list
protect the skin from sun damage. concentration of 0.14 percent. of produce most likely to be contam-
But today, in the age of “clean” beau- These concentrations are higher inated by pesticides, have been
ty, customers are also choosing per- than those typically used in cosmet- questioned by experts.
sonal-care products — makeup, ic formulations, according to Lalita Iyer mentioned EWG’s parabens
sunscreen, skin care, deodorant, Iyer, a New York City-based cosmet- overview page, saying the organiza-
hair care, dental care, fragrance — ic chemist who has formulated tion had chosen “outdated studies
based on what they don’t want in personal-care products for both to meet their narrative” and left out
them. beauty conglomerates and indie context. For example, the page cites
Among these unwelcome ingre- brands. “Parabens are one of the a study of rats exposed to butylpara-
dients is a group of preservatives most effective broad-spectrum pre- ben during development, which
called parabens. Now, products servatives out there,” Iyer said. “The found harm to the animals’ repro-
such as Aussie miracle moist condi- beauty of parabens is that you can ductive systems. But, she said, the
tioner with avocado and jojoba, and really use them at a low percentage.” rats were orally fed high amounts of
Dove deep moisture body wash are But doubts about the safety of parabens, “which is quite different
labeled “paraben-free,” and retail- parabens were raised in the late than topical application on hu-
ers including Target and Sephora 1990s, when research led by British mans. It’s fearmongering.”
have “clean” beauty aisles where molecular endocrinologist Edwin ISTOCK/WASHINGTON POST ILLUSTRATION When asked about these exam-
parabens are forbidden. Routledge indicated they could ples, Carla Burns, EWG’s senior di-
The concern raised about these have an estrogenic effect. Those re- rector of cosmetic science, said the
widely used synthetic preservatives sults prompted Darbre’s 2004 pa- months, compared with two years only showed that they were there,” it parabens article was written in
stems from research showing that per, a small study that found para- for parabens, and that natural pre- says on a Web page about parabens. 2019. “We have more recent infor-
parabens can mimic the hormone bens in the tissue of breast tumors servatives kill a much narrower The National Cancer Institute also mation,” she said, “and the continu-
estrogen and a broadly criticized and that sparked concerns that spectrum of microbes. noted that there is no evidence that ing, evolving scientific space is list-
2004 study that suggested a poten- there could be an association be- According to the FDA’s “Cosmet- parabens cause breast cancer and ed on our Skin Deep database under
tial link between parabens and tween parabens and breast cancer. ics Recalls and Alerts” page, several included a footnote to a 2019 report each of the applicable paraben in-
breast cancer. But what if parabens While much of the research into the “clean” companies have voluntarily by the industry-funded Cosmetic gredient pages.”
are not as dangerous as feared? And hormonal effects of parabens that recalled products in the past two Ingredient Review’s expert panel, Evolving science does not seem
what if the substitutes being used in followed was conflicting, none of it years because of the presence of which concluded that 20 of the 21 to have affected the public’s mis-
countless “paraben-free” products confirmed a connection between mold, yeast and bacteria. This in- parabens in the report are safe in trust of parabens, however. That
can have major side effects? Could it parabens and breast cancer. cluded multi-level-marketing com- cosmetics as long as the total in a concerns Darbre, who has contin-
be that the focus on parabens has According to “Parabens Toxicolo- pany Beautycounter, which volun- product is less than 0.8 percent. ued her research into estrogenic
been misplaced? gy,” a 2019 review of the literature tarily recalled its Brilliant Brow tint- Despite the strong critiques, chemicals. She now says many hun-
That’s the stance of many scien- led by surgical dermatologist ed brow gel because testing found Darbre’s study has been cited close dreds of such chemicals “may add
tists — including Philippa Darbre, Anthony Fransway, no study of the mold Penicillium. to 1,000 times since publication. together at low concentrations to
professor emeritus in the School of parabens has concluded that they Esther Oluwaseun, a Santa Ana, Timothy Caulfield, the Canada re- make cells grow up to their maximal
Biological Sciences at the University contribute to hormone disruption, Calif.-based research and develop- search chair in health law and pol- rate.” Therefore, she said, “hound-
of Reading in Great Britain, who led breast cancer or skin cancer in hu- ment formulation chemist, said icy at the University of Alberta, said ing” one set of chemicals, such as
the controversial 2004 study that mans. “Until such time as convinc- most of the recalled product cases it’s not unusual for what he calls parabens, is not useful.
sparked the worry about parabens ing data are published and verified, listed on the FDA’s site could have “zombie papers” to live on. “This is a “It would be wonderful if a single
and breast cancer. And it’s making claims that parabens have any role been avoided had the brands used big problem — bad studies are pol- chemical could be identified as a
some of us who follow the industry in these controversial and impor- broad-spectrum preservatives such luting the academic literature and, sole problem and then replaced by
(including myself, once open to the tant health problems are prema- as parabens. “But because parabens sometimes, meta-analysis.” something ‘safe,’ but this is unlikely
concept of “clean” beauty) start dig- ture,” the researchers wrote. have been demonized, formulators Caulfield said there are other to happen,” Darbre said. “What of-
ging into the science that has spread But that didn’t settle the matter. are forced to use less effective pre- forces at work that are contributing ten happens now is that one chemi-
fear of parabens and other synthetic While research was ongoing, con- servative systems.” to the public’s wariness of parabens, cal with ‘bad press’ is replaced by a
ingredients. cern about parabens had taken hold Darbre’s 2004 study, “Concentra- however, pointing to some beauty new chemical with less data.”

the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

But first, some background: in the public, and “paraben-free” tions of parabens in human breast companies that he says spread She cited the reduction of bisphe-
Parabens were introduced in the products started appearing at tumours,” has been broadly discred- “chemophobia” (the irrational fear nol A (BPA), a chemical heavily used
1920s and are found in personal- stores. Experts warn, however, that ited. Critics started raising concerns of chemicals). “I don’t know a uni- in plastics until 2008. When prod-
care items, food products and phar- these formulations are potentially immediately after its publication, verse where chemicals don’t exist,” ucts are sold as “BPA-free,” she said,
maceuticals such as antacids, cough more harmful than their counter- citing the study’s small sample size he said, “but that’s the narrative that it “lures everyone into thinking
suppressants and antidepressants. parts, because the preservatives (20 tumors), its failure to look at brands like Goop and Honest Com- that the new products are ‘safer,’
They became the preservatives of used in place of the parabens are control samples of normal breast pany like to sell, and unfortunate- when all that has happened is that
choice, because they are broadly an- less studied and more likely to cause tissue, its inability to determine the ly, it’s extremely effective.” Goop other bisphenols have replaced
timicrobial and inexpensive and an allergic response or allow prod- source of the parabens and possible and Honest Company declined to bisphenol A.”
rarely prompt an allergic response. uct contamination. contamination of samples used in comment. And as for parabens, which are
Of the 21 parabens, the four most “The issue is that, when people the research. Iyer also cited the influence of being stripped from products
commonly found in cosmetic and freaked out about parabens, we Later that year, Darbre published retailers such as Sephora that pro- partly based on her research?
skin-care products are methylpara- started using more preservatives, a response in the Journal of Applied mote paraben-free products. “They are cheap and effective as
ben, propylparaben, butylparaben which are way more allergenic,” Toxicology, stating: “Nowhere in the “Brands want that ‘Clean at Sepho- preservatives,” she said, “and the
and ethylparaben. said Walter Liszewski, an assistant manuscript was any claim made ra’ label on their products,” she said, only alternative to removing pre-
The U.S. Food and Drug Admin- professor of dermatology at North- that the presence of parabens had “so they refuse to use parabens.” A servatives is for the shelf life to be
istration and Centers for Disease western University. “For example, caused the breast cancer.” But in the representative from Sephora said reduced dramatically.”
Control and Prevention have my Head & Shoulders shampoo public mind, the connection had the company’s “Clean at Sephora”
deemed parabens safe for use in says ‘paraben-free’ but uses meth- been made, though scientists and criteria “reflect the latest data and Janna Mandell is a San Francisco-
cosmetics (a category that includes ylisothiazolinone (MIT) in place of organizations have continued to research.” based journalist covering the beauty
makeup, skin care, hair care and parabens, which is way nastier.” point out the research’s flaws. But Iyer also has concerns about and wellness industries.
shaving products) with no suggest- Methylisothiazolinone is a known The American Cancer Society the way research about parabens is
ed limits on concentration. The Eu- contact allergen. agrees with the criticism: “The being disseminated to the public. “I  Wellness newsletter Go to
ropean Union’s Scientific Commit- Iyer added that natural preserva- study did not show that parabens think a lot of the push away from to
tee on Consumer Safety considers tives typically do not extend the caused or contributed to breast can- parabens stems from organizations subscribe to our email newsletter,
the use of methylparaben and shelf life of a product more than six cer development in these cases — it like the Environmental Working delivered every Wednesday.
DC Family



As a dad, I’m tougher on my son than my daughter. Is this normal?

BY M EGHAN L EAHY Psychological Association, that bottom of what “normal” is in and move past “normal,” I would physical play, just as sons
gathered information from brain our parenting culture. First, if recommend zooming out and benefit from tenderness and
scans and recorded daily you are parenting more than taking a harder look at the attention to their emotions.
Q: I’m a dad of two: a girl
the washington post . thursday, february 24 , 2022

interactions among 52 fathers. one child, you will parent them situation. Get specific. Did your Create a plan to make tangible
and a boy. I find that I’m a The study found that they were differently. That’s how it goes. daughter whine, and what did changes for both of your
more emotional with and You may favor, identify with, get you do? When does your son children. This may involve
lot tougher on my son than attentive to their daughters, your buttons pushed by or seem whine? Are you triggered every hiring a parenting coach, taking
my daughter, even though while they were more physical to understand one child more time? Is it every day? The clearer parenting classes or reading
and used “achievement-related than the other. Parents don’t you are on your patterns, the books such as “How to Talk so
he’s younger. I also have a language (e.g., words such as usually want to admit this, but more likely you are to change Little Kids Will Listen” by
short leash and am easily proud, win and top)” with their it’s true, and it’s really only a them. Joanna Faber and Julie King.
sons. problem if we allow it to happen I know you are writing to ask But it is a worthwhile endeavor.
triggered when he (age 3) The science doesn’t point to without taking responsibility for whether your behavior and Your children are young;
whines, in a way I don’t fathers’ brains being hard-wired ourselves. So you’re ahead! You reaction to your son are normal, making adjustments now can
to respond to their daughters know you are doing this, and but I want to challenge you to lead to important changes in
think I was with my more gently, so it’s easy to you are beginning to see the change the norm of how we your relationships with both of
daughter. Is this normal imagine that “tough men” have habit it’s creating. raise our sons. We know from them. Don’t accept normal! And
been raised by tough men who I am also wondering whether research and evidence in our by asking this question, it seems
for dads? have been raised by tough men there is something about the daily lives that restricted as if you are on your way. Good
— and on it goes. I do see this whining that is especially emotions in men are linked to luck.
A: Is it normal for dads to be trend beginning to change, problematic for you. Is it that depression, a lower likelihood of
tougher on their sons than their especially since I was growing your daughter’s whining felt seeking mental health  Also at
daughters? Anecdotally, I see up, but I’m guessing the culture more acceptable to you? Did she treatment, decreased social Read the transcript of a recent live
this pretty often in American you identify with may have some not whine that much, so it’s a intimacy and marital Q&A with Leahy at
parenting, but I cannot speak to kind of history of “strong men” newer issue for you? Were you dissatisfaction. That’s a trend we, where
dads’ parenting styles all over that you have continued with disciplined harshly for whining don’t want to continue. you can also find past columns.
the world. There is a 2017 study your son. or expressing big emotions Think of it this way:
related to this question, I give you this information while you were growing up? To Daughters benefit from  Send parenting questions to
published by the American because I truly want to get to the fully understand this problem roughhousing and more Leahy at

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