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Gateway B1

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Unit 1 Family Matters
Ages and stages of life

adolescence (n) ˌædəˈles(ə)ns the period of your life when you He spent his adolescence Jugend
are changing from being a child in a children’s home.
to being an adult, especially
when you are a young

adult (n) ˈædʌlt *** someone who is no longer a Tickets are £2.50 for Erwachsene/r
child and is legally responsible adults and £1.50 for
for their actions children.
baby (n) ˈbeɪbi *** a very young child who cannot She sent a card for their Baby
yet talk or walk new baby daughter
birth (n) bɜː(r)ɵ ** the occasion when a baby is We are happy to Geburt
born announce the birth of our
son Andrew.
child (n) tʃaɪld *** a young person from the time The nursery has places Kind
when they are born until they for 30 children.
are about 14 years old
childhood (n) ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd the time of your life when you We spent our childhood in Kindheit
are a child a small town in the
death (n) deɵ *** the end of someone’s life Sandra was very close to Tod
middle-aged (adj) ˈⅿɪd(ə)l eɪdʒd no longer young but not yet old, I realised that my parents mittleren Alters
usually between 40 and 60 weren't middle-aged any
years of age more.
old age (n) əʊld ˈeɪdʒ the period of time when you are More and more people alt (an Jahren)
old are surviving into old age.

senior citizen (n) siːniə(r) someone who is at or past the All senior citizens should Senior/in
age when most people stop have regular health
ˈsɪtɪz(ə)n working checks.
teenager (n) ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒə(r) * a young person between the Some teenagers work in Teenager
ages of 13 and 19 a shop on Saturdays.
young adult (n) jʌŋ ˈædʌlt a young person, usually over junge/r Erwachsene/r
the age of 19
The family
aunt (n) ɑːnt ** the sister of your mother or I loved visiting my aunt Tante
father, or the wife of your uncle and uncle.

born (adj) bɔː(r)n *** when a baby is born, it comes Her grandfather died geboren
out of its mother’s body and before she was born.
starts its life
brother (n) ˈbrʌðə(r) *** a boy or man who has the same his younger/older/little/big Bruder
parents as you brother

brother-in-law (n) ˈbrʌðə(r) ɪn ˌlɔː your sister’s husband Schwager

cousin (n) ˈkʌz(ə)n ** a child of your uncle or aunt Cousin/e / Vetter

daughter (n) ˈdɔːtə(r) *** your female child Tochter
divorced (adj) dɪˈvɔː(r)st * no longer married because your a divorced mother of geschieden
marriage has been legally three
father-in-law (n) ˈfɑːðə(r) ɪn ˌlɔː the father of your husband or Schwiegervater
grandfather/mother (n) ˈgræn(d) * the father/mother of one of your Großvater/-mutter, Opa / Oma
ˌfɑːðə(r) /
grandson/daughter (n) ˈgræn(d)ˌsʌn / the son/daughter of one of your Enkel/in
husband (n) ˈhʌzbənd *** the man that a woman is Ehemann
married to
mother-in-law (n) ˈmʌðə(r) ɪn ˌlɔː the mother of your husband or Schwiegermutter
nephew (n) ˈnefjuː a son of your brother or sister, Neffe
or a son of your husband’s or
wife’s brother or sister
niece (n) niːs a daughter of your brother or Nichte
sister, or a daughter of your
husband’s or wife’s brother or
one-parent family ˌwʌn peərənt a family in which only one Familie mit Alleinerziehendem
parent lives in the home and
ˈfæm(ə)li looks after the children. The
usual American word is single-
parent family.
only child (n) ˌəʊnli ˈtʃɑɪld a child who has no brothers or Einzelkind
partner (n) ˈpɑː(r)tnə(r) *** someone who you live with and Are partners invited to the (Lebens)partner
have a sexual relationship with office party?

single (adj) ˈsɪŋg(ə)l *** only one a single sheet of paper einzeln
sister (n) ˈsɪstə(r) *** a girl or woman who has the He has two brothers and Schwester
same parents as you two sisters.
sister-in-law (n) ˈsɪstə(r) ɪn ˌlɔː the sister of your husband or Schwägerin
son (n) sʌn *** your male child My younger son is a Sohn
stepfather/mother (n) ˈstep ˌfɑːðə(r) / the man/woman who is married Stiefvater/-mutter
to your mother/father, but who
ˌmʌðə(r) is not your mother/father

uncle (n) ˈʌŋk(ə)l * the brother of one of your The business was owned Onkel
parents, or the husband of your by my uncle.
wife (n) waɪf *** the woman that a man is I’d better phone my wife Ehefrau
married to and tell her I’ll be late.
Noun suffixes -ment, -ion, -ence
adolescence (n) ˌædəˈles(ə)ns the period of your life when you He spent his adolescence Jugend
are changing from being a child in a children’s home.
to being an adult, especially
when you are a young teenager

difference (n) ˈdɪfrəns something that makes one cultural/social/political Unterschied

person or thing not the same as differences
another person or thing
equipment (n) ɪˈkwɪpmənt *** the tools, machines, or other camping equipment Ausstattung / Gerätschaft
things that you need for a
particular job or activity
improvement (n) ɪmˈpruːvmənt a change that you make to home improvements Verbesserung
something in order to make it
independence (n) ˌɪndɪˈpendəns ** freedom from control by another Lithuania was the first of Unabhängigkeit
country or organization the Soviet republics to
declare its independence.

invention (n) ɪnˈvenʃ(ə)n * something that someone has Inventions like the electric Erfindung
made, designed, or thought of light bulb changed the
for the first time, or the act of way people lived.
inventing something
movement (n) ˈmuːvmənt *** a way of moving your body, or rhythmic movements Bewegung
the ability to move your body
information (n) ˌɪnfə(r)ˈmeɪʃ(ə)n *** knowledge or facts about We’re not allowed to give Information
someone or something you any information about
our client’s medical
protection (n) prəˈtekʃ(ə)n *** the process of keeping the protection of the Schutz
someone or something safe countryside
Other words and phrases
alone (adj, adv) əˈləʊn ** if you are alone, no one else is Shelley is divorced and allein
with you lives alone.
approximately (adv) əˈprɒksɪmətli * used for showing that an Approximately 60,000 ungefähr
amount or number is not exact people filled the stadium.

behaviour (n) bɪˈheɪvjə(r) *** the way that someone behaves Anna was sick of her Verhalten
brother’s behaviour.
boil (v) bɔɪl * if a liquid boils, or if you boil it, it When the water boils, add kochen (bis zum Kochen erhitzen)
becomes so hot that bubbles the rice.
rise to the surface
care (n) keə(r) *** to be interested in someone or Her son didn’t care Betreung, Aufsicht, Pflege, Versorgung
something and think that they enough to come and visit
are important her.
celebrity (n) səˈlebrəti * a famous entertainer or sports TV/sports celebrities Berühmtheit / berühmte Person
chance (n) tʃɑːns *** an opportunity to do something, Students are given the Chance / Gelegenheit
especially something that you chance to learn another
want to do language.
company (n) ˈkʌmp(ə)ni *** an organization that sells Max works for a large oil Firma
services or goods company.
computer technician (n) kəmˈpjuːtə(r) tek someone with technical training Computertechniker
in computers
connected (adj) kəˈnektɪd related to each other Were the two deaths verbunden
constant (adj) ˈkɒnstənt ** continuous or regular over a the constant noise of ständig / gleichmäßig
long period of time traffic
constant (adj) ˈkɒnstənt ** continuing at the same rate, Maintain a constant konstant / gleichmäßig
level, or amount over a speed.
particular period of time
cost (v) kɒst *** the amount of money that you The cost of basic foods Kosten
need in order to buy something has risen dramatically.
or to do something
cultural values (n) ˈkʌltʃ(ə)rəl the principles and beliefs that kulturelle Werte
influence the behaviour or way
væljuːz of life of a particular group or
dangerous (adj) ˈdeɪndʒərəs *** likely to cause serious harm, or a dangerous dog gefährlich
to have a bad effect
decision (n) dɪˈsɪʒ(ə)n *** a choice that you make after The committee will make Entscheidung
you have thought carefully a decision by the end of
about something the week.
difficult (adj) ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt *** not easy to do, deal with, or Choosing the winner was schwierig / schwer
understand a difficult task.
discipline (n) ˈdɪsəplɪn ** the practice of making people He believes in strict Disziplin
obey rules and punishing them discipline.
if they do not
discuss (v) dɪˈskʌs *** to write or talk about a subject The causes of stress besprechen / diskutieren
in detail have already been
discussed in Chapter 3.
enter (v) ˈentə(r) *** to go or come into a place The man had entered hereinkommen / eintreten
through the back door.
e-pal (n) ˈiː pæl a friend you communicate with E-Mail-Freund
on the Internet
experiment (n & v) ɪkˈsperɪˌmənt ** a scientific test to find out what laboratory experiments Experiment
happens to someone or
something in particular
explore (v) ɪkˈsplɔː(r) ** to travel around an area in order The town is a good base (er)forschen
to learn about it, or in order to from which to explore this
search for something valuable part of Italy.
such as oil
extra-curricular (adj) ˈekstrə kə extracurricular activities are außerhalb des Lehr-/Stundenplans
things that you do at school or
ˌrɪkjələ(r) college that are not part of your
usual classes
fair (= just) (n) feə(r) *** if a situation is fair, everyone is free and fair elections fair / gerecht
treated equally and in a
reasonable way
fashion (n) ˈfæʃ(ə)n ** the activity or business that the world of fashion Mode
involves styles of clothes and
people’s appearance
fast (adv) fɑːst *** moving, happening, or doing Simon loves fast cars. schnell
something quickly
female (n) ˈfiːmeɪl ** a female person or animal weiblich
C (adj) ˈfɔː(r)tʃənət lucky Not everyone is as glücklich / vom Glück begünstigt
fortunate as we are.
free (adj) friː *** something that is free does not There is plenty of free gratis / frei
cost anything parking.
fridge (n) frɪdʒ * a piece of equipment that is Kühlschrank
used for storing food at low
government (n) ˈgʌvə(r)nmənt *** the people who control a The government has Regierung
country or area and make announced plans to raise
decisions about its laws and the minimum wage next
taxes year.
GPS system (n) ˌdʒiː piː ˈes global positioning system: a GPS-System /
system for finding exactly where Satellitenpositionierungssystem
sɪstəm you are anywhere in the world
using satellites
grow up (v) ˌgrəʊ ˈʌp to change from being a child to She’s really starting to (auf)wachsen
being an adult grow up now.
health (n) helɵ *** the condition of your body, His health improved once Gesundheit
especially whether or not you he stopped working.
are ill
helmet (n) ˈhelmɪt a hard hat that you wear to Helm
protect your head
hide (v) haɪd *** to put something in a place so She hid the key in the verstecken
that no one can find it or see it drawer.
inform (v) ɪnˈfɔː(r)m *** to officially tell someone about The President has been informieren / benachrichtigen
something fully informed of
jacket (n) ˈdʒækɪt ** a short coat a linen/denim/leather Jacket / Jacke
late (adj & leɪt *** if you are late, you arrive She phoned to say she’d sich verspäten / zu spät sein
adv) somewhere after the correct or be late.
usual time
later (adj & ˈleɪtə(r) *** at some time in the future, or She’ll be home later. später
adv) after the time that you have
been talking about
leave (v) liːv *** to go away from a place We left London at three in weggehen
the afternoon.
lie (= not tell the truth) (v) laɪ *** to deliberately say something It was obvious that she liegen (= nicht die Wahrheit erzählen /
that is not true was lying. lügen)
limit (n) ˈlɪmɪt *** the greatest amount or level of The speed limit here is Höchstgrenze / Limit
something that is possible or forty miles an hour.
look after (v) lʊk ɑːftə(r) to take care of someone or It’s hard work looking sich kümmern um
something after three children all
lyrics (n) ˈlɪrɪks the words of a song Liedtext
male (n) meɪl a male animal männlich
marriage (n) ˈmærɪdʒ *** the relationship between two a long and happy Ehe
people who are husband and marriage
meal (n) miːl *** an occasion when you eat, such He cooked us a delicious Mahlzeit
as breakfast or lunch, or the meal.
food that you eat at that time

message (n) ˈmesɪdʒ *** a piece of written or spoken I got your email message, Nachricht
information that you give or thank you.
send to someone
mistake (n) mɪˈsteɪk ** something that you have not spelling/grammar Fehler
done correctly, or something mistakes
you say or think that is not
month (n) mʌnɵ *** one of the 12 periods that a Could we meet earlier in Monat
year is divided into, for example the month?
January or February
newspaper (n) ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpə(r) *** a set of large printed sheets of a local newspaper Zeitung
folded paper containing news,
articles, and other information
that is published every day or
every week
obey (v) əˈbeɪ * to do what a person, law, or rule Officers expect their gehorchen / befolgen
says that you must do troops to obey them
without question.
on time (adj) ɒn ˈtaɪm arriving at the correct time and pünktlich
not late
online (adj & ɒnˈlaɪn ** connected to or available an online bookshop online
adv) through a computer or a
computer network , especially
the Internet
opportunity (n) ˌɒpə(r)ˈtjuːnəti *** an opportunity to do something, Students are given the Gelegenheit
especially something that you chance to learn another
want to do language.
opposite (= true, the (n) ˈɒpəzɪt ** across from, or on the other They sat at opposite ends gegenüber (= wahr, das Gegenteil von
opposite of false) side of, someone or something of the room. falsch)
option (n) ˈɒpʃ(ə)n *** something that you can choose We discussed all the Möglichkeit / Option
to do marketing options and
chose television
particular (adj) pə(r)ˈtɪkjʊlə(r) *** used for emphasizing that you Are there any particular bestimmt / speziell
are talking about one specific topics that you would like
person or thing and not anyone me to explain further?
or anything else
permanent (adj) ˈpɜː(r)mənənt ** happening or existing for a long The illness can cause ständig / permanent
time, or for all time in the future permanent blindness.

place (n) pleɪs *** to put something somewhere, Ella placed the dish on an eine Stelle stellen / legen
usually in a careful way the table.
recent (adj) ˈriːs(ə)nt *** happening or starting a short a recent discovery kürzlich
time ago
regularly (adv) ˈregjʊlə(r)li ** after equal amounts of time The committee meets regelmäßig
have passed regularly.
responsible (adj) rɪˈspɒnsəb(ə)l *** if you are responsible for Parents feel responsible verantwortlich
something that has happened, when things go wrong.
you caused it, or you deserve to
be blamed for it
result (n) rɪˈzʌlt *** something that is caused He said the argument Folge
directly by something else was the result of a
result (n) rɪˈzʌlt *** the final score in a sports game, The election result was a (End)ergebnis
the number of votes that disaster for the party.
someone gets in an election, or
the number of points that
someone gets in a competition

result (n) rɪˈzʌlt *** a piece of information that you The results of the survey Ergebnis
get by examining, studying, or will be published shortly.
calculating something
result (n) rɪˈzʌlt *** results: success that you He breaks rules, but he Erfolg
achieve gets results.
rule (n) ruːl *** a statement that explains what grammatical rules Regel
you can or cannot do in a
particular situation
service (n) ˈsɜː(r)vɪs *** a system that provides things transport/education Dienstleistung(sunternehmen)
that the public needs services
shout (v) ʃaʊt *** to say something in a loud voice He was one of those (laut) rufen / rufen / schreien
speakers who shout into
the microphone.
shout (v) ʃaʊt *** to make a sudden loud noise A man in the next bed aufschreien
because you are afraid or you was shouting wildly in
feel pain pain.
specialist (noun) ˈspeʃəlɪst * someone whose training, a web design specialist Spezialist/in
education, or experience makes
them an expert in a particular
spy (v) spaɪ to work as a spy Spion/in
stress (n) stres * a worried or nervous feeling that the stresses and strains Stress
makes you unable to relax, or a of everyday living
situation that makes you feel
like this
strict (adj) strɪkt * someone who is strict expects The coach is very strict streng / strikt
people to obey rules about our diet.
completely, or obeys rules
completely themselves
technology (n) tekˈnɒlədʒi *** advanced scientific knowledge computer/military Technologie
that is used for practical technology
purposes, especially in industry

yell (v) jel to shout loudly brüllen / schreien

zone (n) zəʊn * an area where a particular thing an earthquake zone Zone / Gebiet
Unit 2 Criminal records
burglary (n) ˈbɜː(r)gləri the crime of entering a building He was jailed for 12 Einbruch(diebstahl)
illegally in order to steal things months for burglary.

burgle (v) ˈbɜː(r)g(ə)l to enter a building and steal I think we’ve been einbrechen
things burgled!
kill (v) kɪl *** to make a person or other living Each year thousands of töten / umbringen
thing die people are killed and
injured on the roads.
mug (v) mʌg to attack someone in a public They were mugged just in (in der Öffentlichkeit) überfallen /
place and steal their money or front of their house. ausrauben
mugging (n) ˈmʌgɪŋ an attack on someone in a (öffentlicher) Überfall / Raub
public place in order to steal
their money, jewellery, or other
murder (n) ˈmɜː(r)də(r) ** the crime of deliberately killing The murder was Mord
someone committed over five years
piracy (n) ˈpaɪrəsi 1 the crime of making and 1 The authorities have 1 Produktpiraterie; 2 Seeräuberei /
selling illegal copies of recently cracked down on Piraterie
computer programs, books, software piracy. 2 There
videos, or CDs; 2 the crime of is a great deal of piracy in
stealing things from ships while the ocean around Africa.
they are sailing

pirate (n & v) ˈpaɪrət someone who steals things Pirat

from ships while they are sailing

rob (v) rɒb to take money or property from They were planning to rob rauben
someone illegally the museum.
robbery (n) ˈrɒbəri the crime of stealing money or a bank robbery Raub
shoplifting (n) ˈʃɒpˌlɪftɪŋ the crime of stealing things from Ladendiebstahl
a shop
steal (v) stiːl ** to take something that belongs She was caught stealing stehlen
to someone else without food from the
permission supermarket.
theft (n) ɵeft the crime of stealing something There have been a lot of Diebstahl
thefts recently.
vandalise (v) ˈvændəlaɪz to deliberately damage or mutwillig beschädigen
destroy things, especially public
burglar (n) ˈbɜː(r)glə(r) someone who enters a building Einbrecher
illegally in order to steal things
mugger (n) ˈmʌgə(r) someone who attacks people in Straßenräuber
public places and steals their
money, jewellery, or other
murderer (n) ˈmɜː(r)dərə(r) someone who commits murder a mass murderer Mörder
robber (n) ˈrɒbə(r) someone who steals money or a bank robber Räuber
shoplifter (n) ˈʃɒpˌlɪftə(r) someone who steals items from Ladendieb
a shop
thief (n) ɵiːf someone who steals something The thief stole a valuable Dieb
painting from the
vandal (n) ˈvænd(ə)l someone who deliberately Vandale
damages or destroys things,
especially public property
Phrasal verbs connected with investigating and finding
find out (v) fɑɪnd ˈɑʊt to discover a fact or piece of I don’t want Jerry to find herausfinden
information out about this.
look into (v) lʊk ˈɪntə to try to discover the facts about The airline have promised untersuchen / prüfen / ermitteln
something such as a problem or to look into the matter.
look for (v) ˈlʊk fə(r) to search for someone or I’m looking for Jim. Have suchen
something you seen him?
turn up (v) tɜː(r)n ˈʌp to arrive somewhere She failed to turn up for auftauchen
work on Monday.
come across (v) kʌm əˈkrɒs to meet someone or find I came across a word I’d zufällig stoßen auf
something by chance never seen before.
work out (v) wɜː(r)k ˈɑʊt to find an answer to something Use the chart to work out herausfinden / berechnen
by calculating it how much tax you have
to pay.
Other words and phrases
afterwards (adv) ˈɑːftə(r)wə(r)dz ** after something else that you Let’s go and see a film danach
have already mentioned and afterwards we could
go for a meal.
ahead (adv) əˈhed *** 1 in the direction in front of you; 1 There’s a motel just a 1 vorn(e); 2 (zeitlich) folgend
2 used for saying what will few miles ahead. 2 Where
happen in the future will the money come from
in the years ahead?

army (n) ˈɑː(r)mi *** a large organization of soldiers an army officer/colonel Armee
who are trained to fight wars on
arrest (v) əˈrest ** if the police arrest someone, Police raided the building festnehmen
they take that person to a police and arrested six men.
station because they think that
he or she has committed a

basic (adj) ˈbeɪsɪk *** 1 forming the main or most 1 Rice is the basic 1 wesentlich / Haupt-; 2 elementar /
important part or aspect of ingredient of the dish. 2 Grund-
something; 2 simple, with The state provides only
nothing special or extra basic health care.
behind (adv) bɪˈhaɪnd *** 1 at the back of someone or 1 The teacher was 1 (räumlich) (da)hinter; 2 zugrunde
something; 2 used for saying standing behind me, liegend / ausschlaggebend / eigentlich
what causes something or who looking over my shoulder. verantwortlich sein; 3 verspätet / im
is responsible for making it 2 Police believe that a Rückstand / im Verzug
happen, especially when this is racist group is behind the
not obvious; 3 late or too slow in attacks. 3 The project is
doing things that you have to do already a month behind

block (v) blɒk * to stop something from moving A car was blocking the den Weg verstellen / blockieren
along or passing through road.
box (n) bɒks *** 1 a container with straight sides 1 a cardboard box; 2 a 1 Schachtel / Kasten / Behälter; 2
and a flat base; 2 a space for dialogue box Rubrik
writing information on a printed
form, or a space on a computer
screen with information in it

bunker (n) ˈbʌŋkə(r) a room with very strong walls a nuclear bunker Bunker
that is built underground as a
shelter against bombs
by accident baɪ ˈæksɪd(ə)nt by chance, without being Quite by accident, she zufällig
planned or intended came up with a brilliantly
simple solution.
by post baɪ ˈpəʊst using the postal system Did you send the parcel auf dem Postweg / mit der Post
by post or by courier?
camera (n) ˈkæm(ə)rə *** 1 a piece of equipment for 2 He was caught on 1 Fotoapparat; 2 Filmkamera
taking photographs; 2 a piece of camera robbing the bank.
equipment for making television
programmes, films, or videos
case (= ‘criminal case’) (n) keɪs *** a situation that involves a In the majority of cases, Fall (= Strafsache) / Angelegenheit
particular person or thing it’s easy to keep costs
catch (v) kætʃ *** 1 to stop something that is 1 Stewart caught the ball 1 auffangen; 2 fangen / ergreifen; 3
falling or moving through the air, with one hand. 3 I caught erwischen / erreichen; 4 sich
and hold it; 2 if the police catch the next train to London. anstecken
someone, they find them and 4 Brian caught
arrest them; 3 to get on a train, chickenpox from his
bus, plane, or boat that is nephew.
travelling somewhere; 4 to get a
disease or illness

cheque (n) tʃek * a piece of printed paper that a cheque for £50 Scheck
you can use instead of money
commit (v) kəˈmɪt *** to do something that is illegal or The study aims to find out (Verbrechen) verüben / begehen
morally wrong what makes people
commit crimes.
corner (n) ˈkɔː(r)nə(r) *** 1 the part of an object, space, 1 The baby banged his 1 Ecke; 2 Straßenecke / Kurve
or room where two edges or head on the corner of the
sides meet; 2 a place where two table. 2 I get my
roads meet, or where there is a newspaper from the shop
sharp bend in the road on the corner.

crash (v) kræʃ to hit something hard, making a On his way to the party, zusammenstoßen / auffahren
loud noise and often causing Cliff crashed his car.
crossroads (n) ˈkrɒsˌrəʊdz a place where one road crosses (Straßen)kreuzung
damage (v) ˈdæmɪdʒ *** to harm something physically Many buildings had been beschädigen
damaged in the blast.

destroy (v) dɪˈstrɔɪ *** to damage or harm something An earthquake destroyed zerstören
so severely that it cannot exist the town.
as it was before
detail (n) ˈdiːteɪl *** 1 one of many small facts or 1 No details of the offer 1 Teil einer Sache; 2 Detail /
pieces of information relating to were revealed. 2 Einzelaspekt
a situation; 2 all the small Attention to detail is
aspects or features that important in this job.
something has, especially when
they are difficult to notice

disappear (v) ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r) *** to no longer happen or exist The symptoms should verschwinden
disappear within a few
driving mirror (n) ˈdraɪvɪŋ mɪrə(r) a mirror fixed inside the front Rückspiegel
window of a car that lets the
driver see what is happening
behind it
escape (v) ɪˈskeɪp ** to get away from a dangerous Three people died in the entkommen
or unpleasant place fire, but John escaped
through the bedroom
everywhere (adv) ˈevriˌweə(r) *** used for talking about a very I’d like to thank all my überall
large area such as a region, a fans everywhere for their
country, or the whole world support.
expect (v) ɪkˈspekt *** 1 to think that something will 1 We’re expecting good 1 rechnen; 2 voraussetzen / erwarten
happen; 2 to think that it is right weather at the weekend.
or reasonable that something 2 Our customers expect
should happen good service.
fight (n & v) faɪt *** 1 a situation in which people hit 1 He had a fight with a 1 Kampf / Prügelei / Schlägerei; 2
each other; 2 a situation in man in the pub. 2 All Streit / Auseinandersetzung
which people disagree or argue teenagers have fights
with each other with their parents.
franc (n) fræŋk the unit of money used in Franc (Währung)
France and Belgium before the
Euro replaced it and still used in
Switzerland and some other
gadget (n) ˈgædʒɪt a small tool or piece of kitchen gadgets Gerät
equipment that does something
that is useful or impressive

gang (n) gæŋ 1 a group of young people who 1 a study of Chicago 1 Gang / Bande; 2 Gang (Kriminelle); 3
spend time together and often street gangs; 2 a gang of Gruppe von Freunden
cause trouble; 2 a group of thieves
criminals working together; 3 a
group of friends
get ready (v) get ˈredi to prepare yourself to do She’s upstairs getting sich fertig machen
something ready to go out.
guard (n & v) gɑː(r)d ** 1 someone whose job is to 1 a prison guard Wache / Wachmann
protect a place or person; 2 an
official on a train whose job is to
check tickets
gun (n) gʌn *** a weapon that shoots bullets or Enemy guns fired a shell Gewehr
large shells every two or three
handbag (n) ˈhæn(d)ˌbæg a small bag that women use for Handtasche
carrying personal things such
as money and keys
handle (n) ˈhænd(ə)l * the part of something that you knives with plastic Griff
use for holding it handles
happen (v) ˈhæpən *** to take place, usually without The accident happened at geschehen / eintreten
being planned 4.30 pm yesterday.
headlights (n) ˈhedˌlaɪt the two lights on the front of a Frontscheinwerfer
headquarters (n) hedˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)z the place where a company, The UN headquarters are Zentrale / Hauptquartier
organization, or military unit has in New York.
its main offices or its main
centre of control
identification (n) aɪˌdentɪfɪ something that proves who you Can you show me some Ausweis
are, especially a document with identification?
ˈkeɪʃ(ə)n your name and a photograph

jump out (v) ˌdʒʌmp ˈaʊt if something jumps out at you, ins Auge springen / auffallen
you notice it immediately
kidnap (v) ˈkɪdnæp to illegally take someone away Three American entführen / kidnappen
and make them a prisoner, journalists have been
especially in order to make their kidnapped by political
family or a government give you extremists.
logic (n) ˈlɒdʒɪk 1 the way that someone 1 I don’t understand your 1 Denkweise / Gedankengang; 2 Logik
connects ideas when they are logic. (Wissenschaft)
explaining something or giving a
reason; 2 the study of the way
that ideas can be connected
and used to explain things

magician (n) məˈdʒɪʃ(ə)n someone whose job is to Zauberer/in / Magier/in

entertain people by performing
magic tricks
mission (n) ˈmɪʃ(ə)n 1 an important piece of work 1 a fact-finding/rescue 1 Mission; 2 Auftrag / Zweck
that a person or group of people mission; 2 Helping
has to do for a government or homeless people was
large organization, especially Gina’s mission in life.
one that involves travel; 2 an
aim that is very important to a
person or organization

navy (adj & n) ˈneɪvi the part of a country’s armed an officer in the navy Marine
forces that uses ships
neck (n) nek *** 1 the part of your body that joins b1 The tight collar 1 Hals / Nacken / Genick; 2
your head to the rest of your pinched his neck. 2 the Flaschen- / Gitarrenhals
body; 2 a long narrow part of neck of a guitar/violin
something such as a bottle or a
musical instrument
note (n) nəʊt *** 1 a short written message to 1 I’ve written him a note 1 kurze Nachricht; 2 Notizen; 3 Zettel /
someone; 2 notes: details from asking him to meet me Geldschein
something such as a lecture or tonight. 2 It’ll help you
a book that you write on a piece later if you take notes. 3 a
of paper so that you can £5 note
remember them; 3 a piece of
paper money

outside (adj, adv ˌaʊtˈsaɪd *** 1 not inside a building; 2 away 1 Outside the sun was 1 draußen; 2 außerhalb von etwas
& n) from a particular country, area, shining. 2 The postal (räumlich); 3 jenseits (bestimmter
or town; 3 not within the limits of service is better outside Grenzen zeitlich und
a particular time, range, or London. 3 classes held situationsbezogen)
situation outside normal school

pair (n) peə(r) *** 1 a set of two things of the 1 The vases were sold as 1 Paar / zwei gleiche Teile; 2 im
same type; 2 a single unit made a pair. 2 My glasses are Deutschen steht in der Regel dabei
up of two similar parts joined getting old and I probably der Singularbegriff
together need a new pair.

parcel (n) ˈpɑː(r)s(ə)l something wrapped in paper or Päckchen

in a large envelope so that it
can be sent by post
petrol station (n) ˈpetrəl steɪʃ(ə)n a garage that sells petrol for Tankstelle
your car
pocket (n) ˈpɒkɪt ** a small bag that forms part of a She searched her Tasche (im Kleidungstück)
piece of clothing and is used for pockets for the car keys.
holding small objects
police force (n) pəˈliːs fɔː(r)s an organized group of police Polizei / Polizeiapparat
officers in charge of a country or
a particular area
popular (adj) ˈpɒpjʊlə(r) *** liked by many people Jenny is one of the most beliebt
popular girls in the
prison (n) ˈprɪz(ə)n *** an institution where people are He’s currently in prison Gefängnis
kept as a punishment for for tax fraud.
committing a crime
property (n) ˈprɒpə(r)ti *** 1 the things that you own; 2 1 The books are my 1 Besitz; 2 Landbesitz / Ländereien
land and the buildings on it personal property. 2 He
owns several properties
in London.
quickly (adv) ˈkwɪkli *** at a fast speed We have to work quickly. schnell
regular (= common) (adj) ˈregjʊlə(r) *** 1 arranged so that there is the 1 regular monthly 1 gleichmäßig / regelmäßig; 2
same amount of time or space meetings; 2 a regular dauerhaft / Stamm-
between things; 2 doing customer
something or done frequently
reply (v) rɪˈplaɪ *** to say, write, or do something ‘I know,’ Corbett replied antworten / erwidern
as an answer quietly.
revise (v) rɪˈvaɪz 1 to change, improve, or make 1 a revised draft of the 1 überarbeiten; 2 Lernstoff
additions to something; 2 to treaty; 2 Have you wiederholen
study your notes and revised the work we did
information again in order to last term?
prepare for an examination
rope (n) rəʊp ** a type of very thick string that One of the men tied a dickes Seil / Tau
can be used for tying or pulling rope to a tree.
sack (n) sæk a large strong bag for storing The sack was too heavy Sack
and carrying things to lift.
scene of the crime ˌsiːn əv ðə the place where a crime was The police attended the Tatort
committed scene of the crime.
show (v) ʃəʊ to prove that something exists The study shows an zeigen
or is true increase in the disease
among the elderly.
side road (n) ˈsaɪd rəʊd a small road that is connected Seitenstraße
to a major road
software (n) ˈsɒf(t)ˌweə(r) *** the programs used by word-processing software Software
computers for doing particular
soldier (n) ˈsəʊldʒə(r) ** someone who is a member of Soldat/in
an army
solve (v) sɒlv ** 1 to find a solution to something 1 solve a 1 lösen / beheben; 2 aufklären
that is causing difficulties; 2 to crisis/dispute/conflict; 2
find the reason or explanation solve a
for something mystery/puzzle/riddle
speed (v) spiːd 1 to move quickly; 2 to drive a 1 an endless stream of 1 schnell fahren; 2 rasen
car faster than the fastest speed traffic speeding towards
legally allowed the city; 2 Drivers who are
caught speeding risk a
heavy fine.
successful (adj) səkˈsesf(ə)l *** 1 achieving the result that you 1 The team has had a 1 gelungen / geglückt; 2 erfolgreich; 3
want; 2 a successful person highly successful season. einträglich / lukrativ
does well in their career; 3 a 2 a successful
successful business makes a lot businesswoman; 3 It was
of money another very successful
year for the bank.

suddenly (adv) ˈsʌd(ə)nli *** quickly and without any warning A strange feeling pötzlich
suddenly came over him.
sunglasses (n) ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz dark glasses that you wear to Sonnenbrille
protect your eyes when the sun
is bright
surprise (n) sə(r)ˈpraɪz *** 1 an unusual event, or an 1 The news came as a 1 Überraschung; 2 Staunen /
unexpected piece of news; 2 big surprise to everyone. Überraschtsein
the feeling that you have when 2 Many students
something unusual or expressed surprise at the
unexpected happens news.
suspicious (adj) səˈspɪʃəs 1 if you are suspicious, you do 1 Colleagues became 1 misstrauisch; 2 verdächtig
not trust someone or you think suspicious when he
that something bad might have started acting strangely. 2
happened; 2 if something is Customers noticed a
suspicious, you think that it suspicious package by
might be bad or dangerous the door.

thick (adj) ɵɪk *** 1 a thick object or material has 1 a thick woollen sweater; 1 dick / dicht; 2 dick / dickwandig; 3
a long distance between two 2 The walls are only a few dickflüssig 4 dumm
opposite sides, edges, or inches thick. 3 a thick
surfaces; 2 used for stating the cream sauce; 4 He’s rich,
distance between the opposite but a bit thick.
surfaces or edges of a solid
object; 3 a thick liquid is more
stiff or solid than normal and
does not flow easily; 4 stupid
try (v) traɪ *** 1 to attempt to do something; 2 1 Owen tried a shot at 1 sich bemühen / versuchen; 2 testen /
to do something in order to find goal, but the ball went (aus)probieren
out whether it is enjoyable, wide. 2 Have you tried
suitable, or effective these biscuits? They’re
turn off (= lights) (v) ˌtɜː(r)n ˈɒf to stop using a piece of Will you turn the aus- / abschalten
equipment or a supply of gas, television off, please?
electricity, or water by pressing,
turning, or moving something

unexpectedly (adv) ˌʌnɪkˈspektɪdli something that is unexpected is His response was unerwarteterweise
surprising, because you did not unexpectedly positive.
expect it at all, or you expected
it to happen in a different way

uniform (adj & n) ˈjuːnɪfɔː(r)m ** 1 the same everywhere; 2 a set 1 The policy ensures a 1 gleichförmig; 2 Uniform
of clothes that you wear to show uniform standard of (Kleidung)ung)
that you are part of a particular health care throughout
organization or school the country.; 2 He was
still wearing his school

urgent (adj) ˈɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nt * urgent things are things that you He had some urgent dringend / eilig
need to deal with immediately business to attend to.

violence (n) ˈvaɪələns ** 1 violent behaviour; 2 a strong 1 acts of violence; 2 the 1 Gewalttätigkeit; 2 Gewalt / Heftigkeit
force that something has, often violence of the storm
one that causes a lot of damage

walking stick (n) ˈwɔːkɪŋ stɪk a stick that some people use to Gehstock
help them to walk
worried (adj) ˈwʌrid * nervous and upset because you Everyone was very besorgt
are thinking about your worried when John didn’t
problems or about bad things show up.
that could happen
Gateway to Exams
Units 1–2
clear (adj) klɪə(r) *** 1 obvious and certain to be true; 1 It appears to be a clear 1 klar ersichtlich; 2 klar verständlich; 3
2 easy to understand; 3 case of discrimination. 2 klar / durchsichtig
transparent Clear instructions are
provided. 3 a clear glass
conference (n) ˈkɒnf(ə)rəns ** a large meeting where people a conference Konferenz
who are interested in a hall/room/centre
particular subject discuss ideas

connection (n) kəˈnekʃ(ə)n *** 1 a relationship between things 1 I don’t see a connection 1 Verbindung; 2 (Verkehrs)anschluss
or people; 2 a train, bus, or between the two cases. 2
plane that allows you to My train was late and I
continue a journey missed my connection.

cover (v) ˈkʌvə(r) *** to put one thing over another in Cover the food until you bedecken
order to protect or hide it are ready to eat it.
hood (n) hʊd the part of a coat or jacket that You can always put your Kapuze
covers your head hood up if it rains.
hoodie (n) ˈhʊdi a piece of clothing with a hood Kapuzenpullover
that you wear on the top part of
your body, usually made of thick
cotton. Some people think that
young men wear hoodies
because they are trying to hide
their face when they carry out
criminal activities.

identify (v) aɪˈdentɪfaɪ *** 1 to recognize someone and be 1 One of the thieves has 1 identifizieren; 2 erkennen / ermitteln /
able to say who they are; 2 to been identified by bestimmen
recognize something and to witnesses. 2 Several key
understand exactly what it is problems have already
been identified.
incident (n) ˈɪnsɪd(ə)nt ** something that happens that is an embarrassing incident Vorfall
unusual, violent, or dangerous

jay-walking (n) ˈdʒeɪˌwɔːkɪŋ a dangerous or illegal way of unachtsames, regelwidriges

crossing a street at a place Überqueren der Straße
where cars do not usually stop.
Someone who does this is
called a jaywalker.
necessary (adj) ˈnesəs(ə)ri *** if something is necessary, you I don’t want to be notwendig
must have it or must do it disturbed unless it’s
absolutely necessary.
professor (n) prəˈfesə(r) * a senior teacher in a college or a professor of English Lehrer/in, Professor/in
security (n) sɪˈkjʊərəti *** 1 safety from attack, harm, or 1 The information 1 Sicherheit; 2 Sicherheitsdienst
damage; 2 the department received is highly
within an organization that confidential and relates to
protects buildings and workers national security. 2 If you
won’t leave, I’ll have to
call security.

top (= clothes) (n) tɒp *** a piece of clothing that covers She was wearing a red Top / Kleidungsstück, das den
the upper part of your body skirt and a black top. Oberkörper von Frauen bedeckt
Unit 3 Lost in translation
Countries, nationalities and languages
Argentina (n) ˌɑː(r)dʒənˈtiːnə a country in South America Argentinien

Argentinian (n) ˌɑː(r)dʒənˈtɪniən relating to Argentina or its argentinisch

Austria (n) ˈɒstriə a country in Europe Österreich
Austrian (adj & n) ˈɒstriən relating to Austria or its culture österreichisch
Brazil (n) brəˈzɪl a country in South America Brasilien
Brazilian (adj & n) brəˈzɪliən relating to Brazil or its culture brasilianisch
Dutch (adj & n) dʌtʃ 1 someone who is Dutch is from 1 Holländer/in; 2 holländisch
the Netherlands; 2 relating to
the Netherlands, or to the
language and culture of the

Egypt (n) iːdʒɪpt a country in North Africa Ägypten

Egyptian (adj & n) ɪˈdʒɪpʃ(ə)n relating to Egypt or its culture ägyptisch
English (adj & n) ˈɪŋglɪʃ 1 someone who is English is 1 Her mother is English 1 Engländer/in; 2 englisch
from England; 2 relating to and her father is
England, or its language or American.; 2 a traditional
culture English village
French (adj & n) frentʃ 1 someone who is French is 1 My mother is French. 2 1 Französ/in; 2 französisch
from France; 2 relating to one of the best French
France, or its language or restaurants in London
German (adj & n) ˈdʒɜː(r)mən 1 someone who is German is 2 a German restaurant 1 Deutsch/e; 2 deutsch
from Germany; 2 relating to
Germany, or its language or
The Netherlands (n) ðə ˈneðərləndz a country in Europe die Niederlande

Italian (adj & n) ɪˈtæljən from Italy, or its language or You can eat great pasta italienisch / Italiener/in
culture in an Italian restaurant
Japan (n) dʒəˈpæn a country in the far eastern part Japan
of Asia
Japanese (adj & n) ˌdʒæpəˈniːz 1 someone who is Japanese is 2 My sister drives a 1 Japaner/in; 2 japanisch
from Japan; 2 relating to Japan, Japanese car.
or its language or culture

Poland (n) ˈpəʊlənd a country in Europe Polen

Polish (adj & n) ˈpəʊlɪʃ 1 someone who is Polish comes 1 Pol/in; 2 polnisch
from Poland; 2 relating to
Poland, or its language or
Portuguese (adj & n) ˌpɔː(r)tʃʊˈgiːz 1 someone who is Portuguese 2 Portuguese history 1 Portugies/in; 2 portugiesisch
is from Portugal; 2 relating to
Portugal, or its language or
Romansh (n) rəʊˈmænʃ one of the official languages of rätoromanisch
Russia (n) ˈrʌʃə a large country spreading from Russland
Europe to Asia
Russian (adj & n) ˈrʌʃ(ə)n 1 someone who is Russian is 2 a Russian dictionary 1 Russ/in; 2 russisch
from Russia; 2 relating to
Russia, or its language or
Spanish (adj & n) ˈspænɪʃ 1 someone who is Spanish is 2 Spanish flamenco 1 Spanier/in; 2 spanisch
from Spain; 2 relating to Spain, music
or its language or culture

Swiss (adj & n) swɪs 1 someone who is Swiss is from 1 Schweizer/in; 2 schweizerisch
Switzerland; 2 relating to
Switzerland or its culture
Switzerland (n) ˈswɪtsələnd a country in Europe Schweiz
Wales (n) weɪlz relating to Switzerland or its Wales
Welsh (adj & n) welʃ 1 someone who is Welsh is 1 Waliser/in; 2 walisisch
from Wales; 2 relating to Wales,
or its language or culture

Learning a language
do an exercise (v) duː ən undertake an activity or set of Next I’d like you to do the eine Übung machen
activities in order to learn how exercises on page 10.
ˈeksə(r)saɪz to do something
do homework (v) duː ˈhəʊm to prepare for something by You could tell from the Hausaufgaben machen
learning as much as you can interviewer’s questions
ˌwɜː(r)k about it that he hadn’t really done
his homework.
do/study English (v) duː / ˈstʌdi to learn English by going to I wanted to study English Englisch lernen / studieren
school, university etc in the sixth form.
do/take an exam (v) duː / ˌteɪk ən complete a test Students will take a two- eine Prüfung machen
hour examination at the
ˈɪgzæm end of the year.
study (v) ˈstʌdi *** 1 to learn about a subject by 1 She’s studying history 1 (an der Schule/Universität etwas)
going to school, university etc; 2 at university. 2 You need lernen/studieren; 2 (sich mit etwas
to do work such as reading and to study hard if you want befassen um zu) lernen/studieren
homework to pass.

make a mistake (v) ˌmeɪk ə ˈmɪsteɪk to not do something correctly, or I won’t make the same einen Fehler machen
say or thinksomething that is mistake again!
not correct
memorization (n) ˌmeməraɪ the act of learning something so In school we learned by der Vorgang des ins Gedächtnis
that you remember it perfectly memorization. Aufnehmens / auswendig Lernens

memorize (v) ˈmeməraɪz to learn something so that can The children had ins Gedächtnis aufnehmen /
you remember it perfectly memorized a poem. auswendig lernen
practice (n) ˈpræktɪs *** occasions when you do piano/basketball practice das Üben / Training
something in order to become
better at it, or the time that you
spend doing this
practise (v) ˈpræktɪs ** to repeat an activity regularly so How many hours a day üben / trainieren
that you become better at it do you practise?
revision (n) rɪˈvɪʒ(ə)n 1 the process of changing, 1 He intends to undertake 1 das Überarbeiten 2 das Wiederholen
improving, or making additions a major revision of the eines Lernstoffs
to something; 2 the work of constitution. 2 I can’t go
studying for an examination out – I’ve got to do some
revision for my exams.

student (n) ˈstjuːd(ə)nt *** someone who goes to a Jennifer is one of my best Schüler/in, Student/in
university, college, or school students.
translate (v) trænsˈleɪt * 1 to change spoken or written 1 I don’t speak Russian, 1 übersetzen; 2 bewirken / ergeben
words into a different language; so someone will have to
2 to cause a particular situation translate. 2 Will the sales
or result increase translate into
more jobs?
translation (n) trænsˈleɪʃ(ə)n * 1 a piece of work in which 1 Some people like to 1 Übersetzung; 2 das Übersetzen
spoken or written words have make lists of words with
been changed into a different translations in their own
language; 2 the activity of language. 2 Most legal
changing spoken or written translation is done by
words into a different language lawyers with foreign
language training.

Negative prefixes
illegal (adj) ɪˈliːg(ə)l ** not allowed by the law illegal drugs illegal / ungesetzlich / gesetzeswidrig
impossible (adj) ɪmˈpɒsəb(ə)l *** if something is impossible, no We were faced with an unmöglich / nicht möglich
one can do it or it cannot impossible task.
incorrect (adj) ˌɪnkəˈrekt wrong, or not accurate or true an incorrect answer falsch / nicht korrekt
informal (adj) ɪnˈfɔː(r)m(ə)l * relaxed, friendly, and not official The hotel has an informal informell / locker
invisible (adj) ɪnˈvɪzəb(ə)l something that is invisible She had a magic cloak unsichtbar
cannot be seen that made her invisible.
irregular (adj) ɪˈregjʊlə(r) 1 not happening regularly; 2 not 1 His breathing had 1 unregelmäßig/nicht in regelmäßigen
following the usual rules of become irregular. 2 Abständen eintretend; 2
grammar. For example, ‘eat’ is unregelmäßig/sich nicht regelkonform
an irregular verb because its verhaltend
past tense is ‘ate’ and its past
participle is ‘eaten’.

unhappy (adj) ʌnˈhæpi ** 1 feeling sad or upset, or 1 Why are you so 1 unglücklich; 2 unzufrieden
making someone feel sad or unhappy? 2 People are
upset; 2 not satisfied very unhappy about the
high ticket prices.
unofficial (adj) ˌʌnəˈfɪʃ(ə)l 1 not organized or formally 1 The union is to take 1 inoffiziell / nicht offiziell festgelegt; 2
approved by anyone in unofficial strike action inoffiziell / nicht offiziell bestätigt
authority; 2 not having an next Tuesday. 2 He has
official position or status become the president’s
unofficial spokesman.
unusual (adj) ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl ** 1 not normal, common, or 1 You’re in a very unusual 1 nicht normal / ungewöhnlich; 2 sich
ordinary; 2 different from other situation. 2 The designers von anderen / anderem abheben
people or things in a way that is have chosen unusual
interesting, attractive, or colour combinations.

Other words and phrases

accommodation (n) əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n ** a place for someone to stay, The hotel provides Unterkunft
live, or work in accommodation for up to
100 people.
advice (n) ədˈvaɪs *** an opinion that someone gives Ask your father for Rat(schlag) / Tipp
you about the best thing to do in advice.
a particular situation
airline (n) ˈeə(r)ˌlaɪn * a company that owns aircraft Australia’s national airline Fluggesellschaft / Fluglinie
and takes people or goods by
plane from one place to another

alien (n) ˈeɪliən a creature from another planet Außerirdische/r

annual (n) ˈænjuəl 1 a book or magazine published 1 jährlich erscheinende Zeitschrift /
once every year; 2 a plant that Jahrbuch; 2 einjährige Pflanze
grows, reproduces, and dies in
the same year
apart from (phrase) əˈpaː(r)t frəm in addition to someone or Apart from providing abgesehen von / neben
something humanitarian aid, the UN
is also supposed to
enforce agreements.
background (n) ˈbækˌgraʊnd ** 1 the general experiences and 1 students from very 1 Herkunft; 2 Hintergrund
influences that have formed different backgrounds; 2 a
someone’s character, or the picture of palm trees with
type of education and training mountains in the
they have had; 2 the part of a background
picture or pattern that is behind
the main people or things in it

belong to (v) bɪˈlɒŋ tə to be owned by someone The car belongs to the jdm. gehören
woman next door.
biscuit (n) ˈbɪskɪt a small flat dry cake that is a packet of chocolate kleines Gebäckstück / Keks
usually sweet biscuits
break (n & v) breɪk *** 1 if something breaks, or if you 1 I broke two dishes this 1 teilen / brechen; 2 zerbrechen /
break it, it separates into two or morning. 2 Don’t play with kaputt gehen; 3 (Gesetz) brechen /
more pieces when it is hit, the camera – you’ll break missachten; 4 eine Pause machen
dropped etc; 2 if a piece of it. 3 Students who break
equipment breaks, or if you these rules will be
break it, it stops working punished. 4 We decided
correctly; 3 to fail to obey a rule to take a short break.
or law; 4 a short period of time
when you stop what you are

building (n) ˈbɪldɪŋ *** a structure such as a house that The town hall was a large Bauwerk / Gebäude
has a roof and walls impressive building.

business (= count.) (n) ˈbɪznəs *** 1 the work of buying or selling 1 the music/fashion 1 Handel; 2 Arbeit / geschäftliche
products or services; 2 the work business; 2 a business Tätigkeit
that you do as your job trip
calculate (v) ˈkælkjʊleɪt ** to discover a number or amount Calculate the size of the (er)rechnen
by using mathematics angle.
career (n) kəˈrɪə(r) ** a job or profession that you the problems of berufliche Tätigkeit / Karriere
work at for some time combining a career and a
channel (= TV) (n) ˈtʃæn(ə)l ** a television station and the What’s on the other Kanal (Fernsehen)
programmes that it broadcasts channel?
chat (n & v) tʃæt 1 to talk in a friendly way; 2 a 1 They sat waiting, 1 sich nett mit jdm. unterhalten; 2 nette
friendly conversation chatting about their Unterhaltung / Gespräch
families. 2 I just rang up
for a chat.
confusion (n) kənˈfjuːʒ(ə)n * a feeling that you do not There seems to be some Verwirrung
understand something or confusion about who
cannot decide what to do actually won.
consonant (n) ˈkɒnsənənt * any letter of the English Konsonant
alphabet except for ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’,
‘o’, and ‘u’
contain (v) kənˈteɪn *** to have something inside boxes containing toys and enthalten
convention (n) kənˈvenʃ(ə)n ** 1 a way of behaving that is 1 social conventions; 2 1 Konvention / Sitte / Brauch; 2
generally accepted as normal Chicago was chosen as Konferenz / Versammlung
and right; 2 a large meeting of the site for an
people from a particular international crime
profession or organization convention.

count (v) kaʊnt *** 1 to calculate how many people 1 All the votes have been 1 etw. zählen; 2 abzählen bis
or things there are in a group; 2 counted. 2 I can count up
to say numbers one after to ten in German.
another in order
credits (= at end of a (n) kredɪts a list of the people involved in The song plays over the (Film)abspann
film) making a film or television closing credits.
programme that is shown at the
end of it
dessert (n) dɪˈzɜː(r)t * sweet food that you eat after the There was ice-cream for Nachtisch / Dessert
main part of a meal dessert.
difficulty (n) ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lti *** 1 a problem; 2 the degree to 1 Many students have 1 Problem; 2 Schwierigkeitsgrad
which something is difficult serious financial
difficulties. 2 The courses
vary in content and
discourse (n) ˈdɪskɔː(r)s a long serious speech or piece a powerful discourse on Vortrag / Abhandlung / Diskurs
of writing on a particular subject art

dub (n & v) dʌb to change the sound in a film by It was an English film synchronisieren
replacing the original speech dubbed into German.
with words spoken in a different
experience (n & v) ɪkˈspɪəriəns 1 knowledge and skill that you 1 You don’t need any 1 Erfahrung; 2 Erlebnis
get by doing a particular job or experience to work here.
activity; 2 something that 2 our childhood
happens to you, or a situation experiences
that you are involved in
expression (n) ɪkˈspreʃ(ə)n *** a word or phrase He uses childish Ausdruck / Redewendung
expressions like ‘easy-
factor (n) ˈfæktə(r) *** one of the things that influence Several factors have Faktor / Umstand
whether an event happens or contributed to the
the way that it happens increase in the number of
road accidents.
factory (n) ˈfæktri *** a building where large She works in a factory. Fabrik
quantities of goods are
produced using machines
familiar (adj) fəˈmɪliə(r) ** well known to you, or easily People are more relaxed vertraut / bekannt
recognized by you in familiar surroundings.
flirt (v) flɜː(r)t to behave towards someone in He was really cute, so I flirten
a way that shows that you are flirted with him.
sexually attracted to them
fuelling stop (n) fjuːəlɪŋ stɒp to call at a petrol station to buy Tankstopp
hamburger (n) ˈhæmˌbɜː(r)gə(r) a food made by pressing small He ate a large Hamburger
pieces of beef (=meat from a hamburger.
cow) into a flat round shape and
cooking it in oil. Hamburgers
are usually eaten in a bread roll
and are often called
beefburgers or simply burgers.

instead of (adv) ɪnˈsted əv *** used for saying that one person, You can use sunflower oil (an)statt / an Stelle von
thing, or action replaces another instead of olive oil in the
interpretation (n) ɪnˌtɜː(r)prɪ ** 1 an explanation of the meaning 1 The Catholic 1 Interpretation; 2 Auslegung /
or importance of something; 2 a interpretation of the Bible Deutung
ˈteɪʃ(ə)n way of performing a piece of is slightly different. 2 He
music, a part in a play etc that was best known for his
shows how you understand it interpretation of English
and feel about it folk music.

last (v) lɑːst *** 1 to continue happening for a 1 The game lasts 80 1 dauern; 2 (aus)reichen
particular period, or until a minutes. 2 The water
particular time; 2 to continue to won’t last long.
be available, or to be enough
for what people need

level (n) ˈlev(ə)l *** 1 the amount of something that 1 Unemployment is now 1 Niveau/Grad/Ausmaß; 2
exists at a particular timel 2 a at its lowest level for 15 (akademischer) Grad; 3
standard of academic ability; 3 years. 2 This is an Hierarchiestufe (Einscheidungs)ebene;
a part or stage in a system that excellent book for 4 Stockwerk
has several parts or stages; 4 advanced level students.
one of the floors in a building 3 Decisions should be
taken at local, not
national, level. 4 a garage
at basement level

linguist (n) ˈlɪŋgwɪst 1 someone who studies and 1 Sprachkundige/r; 2

speaks a lot of languages; 2 Sprachwissenschaftler/in / Linguist/in
someone who teaches or
studies linguistics
mad about (adj) ˈmæd əbaʊt very enthusiastic about Jack and I were mad schwärmen für / versessen auf
something about each other.
main (n) meɪn *** most important, or largest We eat our main meal in Haupt-
the evening.
monument (n) ˈmɒnjʊmənt 1 a structure that is built in a 1 a monument to those 1 Denkmal; 2 Zeugnis / Mahnmal
public place in order to who died in the attack; 2
celebrate an important person ancient/historic
or event; 2 a place of historical monuments
mother-tongue (n) ˌmʌðə(r) ˈtʌŋ the first language that you learn Muttersprache
to speak
mountain (n) ˈmaʊntɪn *** 1 a very high hill; 2 a large pile 1 They went walking and 1 Gebirge; 2 Berg
or amount of something climbing in the mountains.
2 a mountain of
native speaker (n) ˌneɪtɪv ˈspiːkə(r) someone who speaks a Muttersprachler/in
particular language as their first
neighbour (n) ˈneɪbə(r) ** someone who lives near you friends and neighbours Nachbar/in
occasionally (adv) əˈkeɪʒ(ə)nəli ** sometimes, but not frequently or Simmer the sauce for ten gelegentlich / manchmal
regularly minutes, stirring
office (n) ˈɒfɪs *** a room or building where the the company’s Los Büro(gebäude)
people in an organization or Angeles office
department work, or the people
who work there
original (adj & n) əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəl *** 1 existing at the beginning of a 1 Do you know who the 1 erst- / ursprünglich; 2 originell /
period or process, before any car’s original owner was? außergewöhnlich; 3 Original-
changes have been madel 2 2 a highly original design;
new, interesting, and different 3 The original painting is
from anything else; 3 not copied in a museum in Vienna.
from something else

over (= more than) (adv) əʊvə(r) *** more than a particular amount, Yeltsin was elected by a mehr als / über
number, or age large majority with over
45 million votes.
permission (n) pə(r)ˈmɪʃ(ə)n ** the right to do something that is You are not allowed to Erlaubnis
given to you by someone in camp here without
authority permission.
picnic (n) ˈpɪknɪk a meal that you eat outside A lot of people take their Picknick
family to have a picnic on
the river bank.
politician (n) ˌpɒləˈtɪʃ(ə)n ** someone who has a job in Politiker/in
possession (n) pəˈzeʃ(ə)n ** something that you own Their family home and Besitz
possessions were
destroyed in the fire.
sailing (n) ˈseɪlɪŋ the sport or activity of travelling She’s really keen on Segeln
across water in a sailing boat sailing.

sauce (n) sɔːs * a liquid food that you put on tomato sauce Soße
other foods to give them a
particular flavour
set up (= start, establish) (v) ˌset ˈʌp to start something such as a The group plans to set up gründen / einrichten / bilden /
business, organisation or an import business. aufbauen
sign (n) saɪn *** a flat object with words or a flashing neon sign (Straßen)schild
pictures on it, put in a public
place in order to provide
information or to advertise
simple (adj) ˈsɪmp(ə)l *** 1 easy to understand or do; 2 1 Students were given a 1 leicht; 2 einfach
plain, without any complicated simple skills test. 2 a
features or decoration simple meal
simplify (v) ˈsɪmplɪfaɪ to make something less Simplify your life by vereinfachen
complicated or difficult shopping online.
skill (n) skɪl *** the ability to do something well, I admired the skill and Fähigkeit / Fertigkeit
usually as a result of experience dedication of the nursing
and training staff.
snow (n) snəʊ ** small soft white pieces of ice The path was hidden Schnee
that fall from the sky and cover under a blanket of snow.
the ground
sound (n) saʊnd *** 1 something that you can hear; 1 Laura didn’t make a 1 Ton / Laut; 2 Lautstärke
2 the loudness of a radio, sound as she left the
television etc room. 2 Turn the sound
up a bit – I can’t hear.
summary (n) ˈsʌməri ** a short account of something The text provides Zusammenfassung / Inhaltsangabe
that gives only the most summaries of the plots of
important information Shakespeare’s plays.
surfing (n) ˈsɜː(r)fɪŋ 1 a sport in which people ride 1 Surfen (als Sport); 2 Surfen (im
on waves using surfboards; 2 Internet)
the activity of looking at different
places on the Internet or on
television in order to find
something interesting

theme park (n) ˈɵiːm pɑː(r)k a large park where people pay Themenparkt / Vergnügungspark
to play games and have fun and
where all the entertainment is
designed according to one
tomato ketchup (n) təˌmɑːtəʊ ˈketʃəp a thick red sauce made from Tomatenketchup
translator (n) trænsˈleɪtə(r) someone whose job is to Übersetzer/in
translate spoken or written
words into a different language

tribe (n) traɪb a large group of related families Native American tribes Volksstamm / Sippe
who live in the same area and
share a common language,
religion, and customs

Turkish (n & adj) ˈtɜː(r)kɪʃ 1 someone who is Turkish is 1 Türk/in; 2 türkisch

from Turkey; 2 relating to
Turkey, or its language or
version (n) ˈvɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n * a form of something that is The software comes in Version / Fassung
different from other forms or several different versions.
from the original
vowel (n) ˈvaʊəl one of the letters a, e, i, o, or u, Vokal
or the sounds that they
whole (adj & n) həʊl *** 1 all of something; 2 not divided 1 My whole family came 1 ganz / gesamt / komplett; 2 ganz /
or broken to watch me playing in the heil / intakt
concert. 2 Add three
whole eggs plus two
additional yolks.
yoghurt (n) ˈjɒgə(r)t a food made from milk that has a bowl of natural yoghurt Joghurt
become thick and slightly sour

Unit 4 Fit and well

Parts of the body
arm (n) ɑː(r)m *** one of the two long parts of your I put my arm around his Arm
body with your hands at the end shoulders.

back (n) bæk *** the part of your body between I have a pain in my back. Rücken
your neck and your bottom, on
the opposite side to your chest
and stomach
chest (n) tʃest *** the upper front part of your body a broad/hairy chest Brust(korb)
between your neck and your
ear (n) ɪə(r) *** one of the two parts at the sides He whispered something Ohr
of your head that you hear with in her ear.

elbow (n) ˈelbəʊ ** the part in the middle of your She sat with her elbows Ellenbogen
arm, where it bends on the table.
finger (n) ˈfɪŋgə(r) *** the long thin parts on the end of Finger
your hands
foot (n) fʊt *** the part of your body at the end He wiped his feet on the Fuß
of your leg, on which you stand mat.

hand (n) hænd *** the part of your body at the end Mrs Bennet put her hands Hand
of each arm that you use for over her ears to shut out
holding things the noise.
head (n) hed *** the top part of your body that Lynn had a bruise on the Kopf
has your brain, eyes, mouth etc side of her head.
in it
knee (n) niː *** the part in the middle of your a serious knee injury Knie
leg, where it bends
leg (n) leg *** one of the parts of a person’s or an exercise to strengthen Bein
animal’s body to which the feet the leg muscles
are attached
nose (n) nəʊz *** the part of your face that is I’d like to punch him on Nase
above your mouth that you use the nose.
for smelling and breathing
stomach (n) ˈstʌmək ** 1 the soft part at the front of 1 A horse had kicked her 1 Bauch; 2 Magen
your body that is between your in the stomach. 2 She’ll
chest and your legs; 2 the organ feel better when she has
inside your body where food some food in her
goes when you have eaten it stomach.

throat (n) ɵrəʊt ** 1 the area at the back of your 1 She’s in bed with a 1 Rachen; 2 Kehle
mouth and inside your neck; 2 throat infection. 2 The
the front part of your neck bigger man grabbed him
by the throat.
toe (n) təʊ * one of the five individual parts Vera slipped off her Zeh
at the end of your foot shoes and wriggled her
tooth (n) tuːɵ *** any of the hard white objects a loose/missing/broken Zahn
inside your mouth that you use tooth
for biting
Health problems and illnesses
broken (adj) ˈbrəʊkən *** a broken bone has been You can’t walk with a gebrochen
damaged with the result that it broken leg.
is in two or more pieces
cold (adj & n) kəʊld ** a minor illness that blocks your I didn’t go to the game kalt / Erkältung
nose and makes you cough because I had a cold.

cough (n) kɒf * to force air up through your My chest felt painful, and Husten
throat with a sudden noise, I was coughing
especially when you have a uncontrollably.
cold or when you want to get
someone’s attention
earache (n) ˈɪəreɪk pain in your ear Ohrenschmerzen
flu (n) fluː a very common infectious He’s in bed with flu. Grippe
disease that lasts for a short
time and makes you feel weak
and tired
headache (n) ˈhedeɪk * a pain in your head I had a bad headache Kopfweh
hurt (v) hɜː(r)t *** to feel pain somewhere in your Fred’s knees hurt after schmerzen
body skiing all day.
pain (n) peɪn *** a bad feeling in part of your An old injury was causing Schmerz
body when you are hurt or him intense pain.
become ill
sore (adj) sɔː(r) painful and uncomfortable, I always feel stiff and sore wund / weh / schmerzend
usually as a result of an injury, after gardening.
infection, or too much exercise
stomach ache (n) ˈstʌmək eɪk pain in your stomach Magenschmerzen / Bauchschmerzen
temperature (n) ˈtemprɪtʃə(r) *** a measurement of how hot or I don't feel well and have Temperatur / Fieber
cold a place or object is a high temperature.
toothache (n) ˈtuːɵeɪk a pain in one or more of your He’s got really bad Zahnschmerzen
teeth toothache.
virus (n) ˈvaɪrəs * a very small living thing that can Malaria is caused by a Virus
enter your body and make you virus.
ill, or a disease or illness
caused by this
Compound nouns connected with health and medicine
food poisoning (n) ˈfuːd ˌpɔɪz(ə)nɪŋ an illness caused by eating food Lebensmittelvergiftung
that contains harmful bacteria

first aid (n) ˌfɜː(r)st ˈeɪd basic medical treatment that is Erste Hilfe
given as soon as someone is
injured or ill
health centre (n) ˈhelθ ˌkeə(r) a building where people can go Gesundheitszentrum
to see a doctor or nurse
heart attack (n) ˈhɑː(r)t əˌtæk an occasion when someone One of the passengers Herzanfall
suddenly has a lot of pain suffered a heart attack.
because their heart stops
working normally
painkiller (n) ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə(r) a medicine that reduces pain Schmerzmittel
waiting room (n) ˈweɪtɪŋ ˌruːm a room where you wait for Wartezimmer
something such as a train, or for
someone such as a doctor to be
ready to see you
Other words and phrases
accident (n) ˈæksɪd(ə)nt *** 1 an unexpected event that 1 He was killed in a 1 Unfall; 2 Zufall
causes injury or damage; 2 climbing accident. 2 I
something that happens without didn't mean to do it! It was
being planned an accident.
admit (v) ədˈmɪt *** to agree that something bad is Davis admitted causing zugeben
true, or to agree that you have death by careless driving.
done something wrong
bitterness (n) ˈbɪtə(r)nəs feeling angry or upset because She looked back on the Verbitterung / Groll
of a bad experience, especially episode with bitterness.
when you think that you have
been treated unfairly
blame (n) bleɪm responsibility for an accident, Why do I always get the Schuld
problem, or bad situation blame for everything?
boat (n) bəʊt *** a vehicle for travelling on water The only way to get there Boot
was by boat.
bored (adj) bɔː(r)d ** feeling impatient and annoyed The waiter looked very gelangweilt
because nothing is interesting bored.
borrow (v) ˈbɒrəʊ ** to receive and use something Can I borrow your ausleihen
that belongs to someone else, calculator?
and promise to give it back
bright (adj) braɪt *** 1 bright colours are strong but 1 She was wearing a 1 hell; 2 leuchtend; 3 gescheit /
not dark; 2 full of strong shining bright red scarf. 2 It was a intelligent
light; 3 intelligent bright sunny day. 3 one of
the brightest students in
the class
chemical (n) ˈkemɪk(ə)l *** a substance used in chemistry, toxic chemicals Chemikalie
or one produced by a process
that involves chemistry

congratulations (n) kənˌgrætʃʊ * 1 used for telling someone that 1 ‘I’ve passed my driving 1+2 Glückwunsch / Gratulation
you are pleased about their test.’ ‘Congratulations!’ 2
ˈleɪʃ(ə)nz success, good luck, or We had thousands of
happiness on a special letters of congratulation.
occasion; 2 an expression of
pleasure to someone for their
success, good luck, or
happiness on a special

cruelty (n) ˈkruːəlti cruel behaviour cruelty to children/animals Grausamkeit

cure (n) kjʊə(r) * 1 a medicine or treatment that 1 Doctors say there are 1 Kur / Therapie; 2 Lösung
makes someone who is ill several possible cures. 2
become healthy; 2 a solution to It’s the only possible cure
a problem for high unemployment.

desert (n & v) noun: dɪˈzɜː(r)t ** 1 a large area of land with few 1 the Sahara Desert; 2 a 1 Wüste; 2 Einöde
plants and dry weather; 2 a desert of car parks and
boring place where nothing concrete buildings
happens or where everything is
the same
drama (n) ˈdrɑːmə * 1 a play for the theatre, 1 a television drama 1 Drama; 2 Dramaturgie
television, or radio; 2 plays in about nurses; 2 He
general or as a subject that you teaches drama.
drug (n) drʌg *** 1 an illegal substance that 1 drug smuggling; 2 Your 1 Droge; 2 Medikament
affects someone physically or doctor may prescribe
mentally when they put it into drugs for this condition.
their body; 2 a substance that a
doctor gives you in order to
treat a disease or medical

emergency (n) ɪˈmɜː(r)dʒ(ə)nsi ** an unexpected situation in The club is now facing a Notfall
which immediate action is financial emergency.
necessary, often because there
is danger
evil (adj & n) ˈiːv(ə)l very bad or cruel a dangerous and evil böse/ bösartig / übel / das Böse /das
dictator Übel
fall (v) fɔːl *** 1 to move quickly downwards 1 I keep falling off my 1 (herunter) fallen; 2 (vom Himmel)
from a higher position by bike. 2 Snow began to fallen
accident; 2 to come down to the quietly fall.
ground from the sky
fault (n) fɔːlt ** 1 a feature that makes 1 She has her faults, but 1 Makel; 2 Defekt
someone or something less on the whole she’s very
good; 2 a problem with a nice. 2 The fire was
machine or piece of equipment caused by an electrical
that stops it from working fault.

fear (n) fɪə(r) *** 1 the feeling that you have 1 She eventually 1 Angst, 2 Furcht / Vorahnung
when you are frightened; 2 managed to overcome
something bad or unpleasant her fear of the dark. 2 He
that you are afraid might expressed fears for his
happen missing wife’s safety.
filled (adj) fɪld to make something full Tears filled her eyes. gefüllt
forest (n) ˈfɒrɪst *** a large area of land that is Acid rain is already Wald
covered by trees and other destroying large areas of
plants growing close together forest.
forgive (v) fə(r)ˈgɪv * to decide to stop being angry John has never forgiven vergeben / verzeihen
with someone who has done himself for the accident.
something that is bad
get off (a boat) (v) ˌget ˈɒf to leave a bus, plane, or train We will get off at the next aussteigen
get rid of (v) ˌget ˈrɪd əv to throw away, give away, or We’re moving, so we loswerden / sich entledigen
sell something that you no have to get rid of a lot of
longer want or need our furniture.
get well (v) ˌget ˈwel as you recover from illness, you Get well soon! gesund werden
get well
ghost (n) gəʊst the spirit of a dead person that The ghost of a murdered Geist
someone believes that they can woman is said to walk in
see or hear the castle at night.
grant (v) grɑːnt ** an amount of money that the a research grant Stipendium
government or an organization
gives you for a specific purpose
and does not ask you to pay
guess (n & (v) ges ** to say or decide what you think a competition to guess raten
is true, without being certain the weight of the pig
about it
guilty (adj) ˈgɪlti ** 1 ashamed and sorry because 1 a guilty look/expression; 1 schuldbewusst; 2 schuldig
you have done something 2 Patrick knew that he
wrong; 2 someone who is guilty was guilty of lying.
has committed a crime or has
done something wrong
hard (= solid) (adj) hɑː(r)d *** stiff, firm, and not easy to bend hard wooden benches hart / fest
or break
human being (n) ˌhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ a person The disease can be fatal menschliches Wesen
in human beings.
hygiene (n) ˈhaɪdʒiːn the practice of keeping yourself personal hygiene Reinlichkeit / Hygiene
and the things around you clean
in order to prevent illness and
ice (n) aɪs ** water that has frozen and a block/lump of ice Eis
become solid
innocence (n) ˈɪnəs(ə)ns the state of not being guilty of a This new evidence would Unschuld
crime or anything bad hopefully prove his
laboratory (n) ləˈbɒrət(ə)ri * a building or large room where our new research Labor
people do scientific research laboratory
laptop (n) ˈlæpˌtɒp a small computer that you can a laptop computer Laptop
carry with you
lie, lay (v) laɪ leɪ *** 1 to be or put yourself in a 1 She was lying on the 1 liegen / sich hinlegen; 2 liegen / sich
position in which your body is beach reading a book. 2 befinden
flat on a surface such as the The gun was lying on the
floor or a bed; 2 to be on a ground next to him.
particular surface
lock (v) lɒk ** to fasten something such as a Have you locked the car? abschließen
door with a key, or to be
fastened with a key
lower (your voice) (v) ˈləʊə(r) * to reduce something in number, The voting age was senken / verringern
amount, value, or strength lowered from 21 to 18
mad (adj) mæd * 1 very silly or stupid; 2 an 1 You’ll think I’m mad – 1 verrückt / dumm; 2 verrückt / irr€
offensive way of describing I’ve just left my job. 2 She
someone who is mentally ill was completely mad.

mime (n & v) maɪm to tell a story using only the mimen / Mimik
movements of your body and
face, not using words
misery (n) ˈmɪzəri the state of being extremely Our people have suffered Elend / Ungemach
unhappy or uncomfortable untold hardship and
non-stop (adj) ˌnɒnˈstɒp continuing without stopping non-stop entertainment ununterbrochen / non-stop
paracetamol (n) ˌpærəˈsiːtəmɒl a common type of painkiller Paracetamol
poison (n) ˈpɔɪz(ə)n a substance that can kill you or Gift
make you ill if you eat, drink, or
breathe it
politely (adv) pəˈlaɪtli * in a polite way ‘Did you sleep well?’ she höflich
asked politely.
pray (v) preɪ * to speak to God or a saint, for They prayed for peace. beten
example to give thanks or to
ask for help
prize (n) praɪz ** a reward that you get for being the Nobel Prize for Preis / Auszeichnung
successful in a competition, or chemistry
for being good at something
project (n & v) noun: ˈprɑʤekt, verb: prə 1 a piece of work that involves 1 The university has set 1 Projekt; 2 projizieren
ˈʤekt collecting information; 2 to send up a new research project
ˈprəʊʤekt an image to a screen or other to study language
surface development in babies. 2
His letters were projected
onto a large courtroom

raise (your voice) (v) reɪz to speak in a loud angry way We told him not to raise laut sprechen / anschreien /
his voice to our children. anherrschen
reach (n & v) riːtʃ 1 to arrive somewhere; 2 to 1 We hoped to reach the 1 ankommen; 2 ergreifen; 3 erreichen
move your hand towards camp before dark. 2 He
something you are trying to turned round and reached
touch or pick up; 3 to manage to for the phone. 3 We keep
touch something or pick it up by the bottles up here so the
stretching out your arm children can’t reach them.

recover (v) rɪˈkʌvə(r) ** 1 to become fit and healthy 1 I haven’t fully recovered 1 gesund werden; 2 wiedererhalten
again after an illness or injury; 2 from the flu. 2 The thieves
to get back something that has were caught, but many of
been lost or stolen or is owed the items were never

reduce (v) rɪˈdjuːs *** to make something smaller or Try to reduce the amount reduzieren
less in size, amount, of fat in your diet.
importance, price etc
remedy (n) ˈremədi * 1 a solution to a particular 1 There are no easy 1 Lösung (eines Problems); 2
problem; 2 a cure for pain or for remedies for learning Heilmittel
a minor illness difficulties. 2
ride (v) raɪd ** to sit on a bicycle, motorcycle, I learned to ride a bike (Fahrrad) fahren / (Pferd) reiten
or an animal such as a horse when I was five.
and control it as it moves
rubbish (n) ˈrʌbɪʃ * 1 things that you throw away 1 The streets were littered 1 Abfall / Müll; 2 Blödsinn
because they are no longer with rubbish. 2 As usual,
useful; 2 things that someone he was talking complete
says or writes that are not rubbish.
reasonable or sensible
ruin (n & v) ˈruːɪn to spoil or destroy something She had ruined her Ruin / Zerstörung / zerstören /
mother’s chances of ruinieren
getting a job.
seasick (adj) ˈsiːˌsɪk feeling ill from the movement of seekrank
the boat that you are travelling
seasickness (n) ˈsiːˌsɪknəs illness caused by moving Seekrankheit
separate (adj & v) adjective: *** 1 not together; 2 not connected 1 My brother and I always 1 getrennt / separat; 2 einzeln /
ˈsep(ə)rət with something that is similar; 3 had separate rooms. 2 unabhängig; 3 trennen
to keep people or things apart Police have arrested
from each other seven drug smugglers in
three separate incidents
this week. 3 The army
was called in to help
separate the warring

ship (n) ʃɪp *** a very large boat that is used for His ship sailed from Pearl Schiff
carrying people or goods long Harbor on Monday.
sick (adj & n) sɪk ** if you are sick, food that you I’m going to be sick! übel / Erbrechen
have eaten suddenly comes out
of your stomach through your
slip past (v) ˌslɪp ˈpɑːst if time or an opportunity slips I had the chance to switch ungenutzt verstreichen
past, you fail to use it or to gain jobs, but I let it slip past.
an advantage from it
solid (adj) ˈsɒlɪd ** a solid substance is firm and The lake was frozen solid. fest
hard and is not a liquid or a gas

stare (v) steə(r) ** to look at someone or It’s rude to stare. anstarren

something very directly for a
long time
strong (adj) strɒŋ *** 1 physically powerful and 1 Are you strong enough 1 kräftig; 2 solide; 3 (mental) stark; 4
healthy; 2 not easily broken, to carry that? 2 a strong bemerkenswert
damaged, or destroyed; 3 fabric/glue/rope; 3 You’ve
someone who is strong has got to be strong and not
confidence, determination, and let their jokes bother you.
emotional strength; 4 very 4 a strong light/colour

succeed (v) səkˈsiːd *** to achieve something that you Everyone wants the gelingen / Erfolg haben / (sein) Ziel
planned to do or attempted to peace process to erreichen
do succeed.
suffer (v) ˈsʌfə(r) *** to experience something very In wars, it’s usually leiden
unpleasant or painful innocent civilians that
summer (n) ˈsʌmə(r) *** the season between spring and the summer of 1973 Sommer
autumn, when the weather is
take over (v) ˌteɪk ˈəʊvə(r) 1 to begin to do something that 1 Jane took over as 1+2 übernehmen
someone else was doing; 2 to director after Richard
take control of something, retired. 2 IBM is taking
especially another company over the smaller
turn (n) tɜː(r)n a change of direction made by a He made a left turn into a abbiegen
person or vehicle quiet street.
twice (adv) twaɪs *** two times He’s phoned twice zwei Mal
already this morning.
website (n) ˈwebˌsaɪt a place on the Internet where Website
information is available about a
particular subject, company,
university etc
wicked (adj) ˈwɪkɪd morally wrong and deliberately I knew that it was a böse / boshaft
intending to hurt people wicked thing to do.
winter (n) ˈwɪntə(r) *** the season after autumn and a cold/severe/hard winter Winter
before spring, when it is usually
wonder (v) ˈwʌndə(r) *** 1 to think about something 1 ‘How did they find out?’ 1 sich fragen / sich Gedanken
because you want to know she wondered. 2 It’s hard machen; 2 sich wundern
more facts, or because you are not to wonder at the
worried; 2 to be very impressed miracle of a newborn
or surprised by something baby.

Gateway to Exams
Units 3–4
ability (n) əˈbɪləti *** the skill that you need in order She has good Fähigkeit
to do something organizational abilities.
acupuncture (n) ˈækjʊˌpʌŋktʃə(r) a medical treatment that Akupunktur
involves putting needles into
particular parts of someone’s
board game (n) ˈbɔː(r)d ˌgeɪm any game in which you move Brettspiel
objects around on a special
brain (n) breɪn ** the organ inside your head that The illness had affected Gehirn
allows you to think and feel, and his brain.
controls your body
chess (n) tʃes a game that two people play on a chess set Schach
a board with black and white
squares. The pieces that you
use have different shapes and
move in different ways.
crossword (n) ˈkrɒsˌwɜː(r)d a word game in which the Kreuzworträtsel
answers to questions are
written in rows of squares that
cross each other
discovery (n) dɪˈskʌv(ə)ri ** something that is found, or This is one of the most Entdeckung
something new that is learned important archaeological
discoveries of the
effective (adj) ɪˈfektɪv *** working well and producing the You need more effective effektiv
result that was intended communication within the
Unit 5 TV World
TV programmes
advert (n) ˈædvɜː(r)t an announcement in a Werbung
(ad/advertisement) newspaper, on television, on
the Internet etc that is designed
to persuade people to buy a
product or service, go to an
event, or apply for a job

cartoon (n) kɑː(r)ˈtuːn a film or TV programme made Zeichentrickfilm

by photographing a series of
drawings so that things in them
seem to move
chat show (n) ˈʧæt ˌʃəʊ a television or radio programme Talkshow
in which famous people talk
about themselves and their
comedy (n) ˈkɒmədi * a funny film, play, or television a fast-moving comedy Komödie / Comedy
programme about the antics of a
group of flatmates
documentary (n) ˌdɒkjʊˈment(ə)ri a film or television programme She made a two-part Dokumentation
that deals with real people and documentary about the
events war in Kosovo.
film (n) fɪlm *** moving pictures that tell a story Have you seen the new Film
James Bond film?
game show (n) ˈgeɪm ˌʃəʊ a television programme in which Spielshow
people play games or answer
questions in order to win prizes

programme (n) ˈprəʊgræm *** a television or radio broadcast More people watch the Sendung
news than any other
reality show (n) riˈæləti ˌʃəʊ television programme that does Reality-Show
not use professional actors but
show real events and situations
involving ordinary people

remote control (n) rɪˌməʊt kənˈtrəʊl a system of controlling a Fernbedienung

machine or a vehicle from a
series (n) ˈsɪəriːz *** a set of television or radio Tonight’s programme is Serie
programmes that are all about a the second in a three-part
particular subject, person, or series.
group of people
soap (n) səʊp ** a soap opera Soap
sports programme (n) ˈspɔː(r)ts a television or radio programme Sportsendung
about sport
the news (n) ˌðə ˈnjuːz *** information about recent events foreign/sports/financial Nachrichten(sendung)
that is reported in newspapers news
or on television or radio

turn/switch on/off (v) ˌtɜː(r)n/ˌswɪtʃ to start otr stop using a piece of Will you turn the einschalten / ausschalten
equipment or a supply of gas, television off/on, please?
ˈɒn/ˈɒf electricity, or water by pressing,
turning, or moving something

Adjectives describing TV programmes

awful (adj) ˈɔːf(ə)l ** extremely bad This wine tastes awful. schrecklich
boring (adj) ˈbɔːrɪŋ ** not at all interesting a boring badly-paid job langweilig
cool (adj) kuːl *** 1 fashionable and attractive; 2 1 one of Britain’s coolest 1 cool (modisch); 2 toll
good or enjoyable young designers; 2 The
restaurant was really
funny (adj) ˈfʌni *** 1 someone or something that is 1 a funny story; 2 This tea 1 witzig / lustig; 2 ungewöhnlich
funny makes you laugh; 2 tastes funny.
strange or unusual
informative (adj) ɪnˈfɔː(r)mətɪv *** knowledge or facts about We’re not allowed to give informativ / aufschlussreich
someone or something you any information about
our client’s medical
scary (adj) ˈskeəri frightening a scary story unheimlich / beängstigend / gruselig

Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed

confusing/ed (adj) kənˈfjuːzɪŋ/kən * 1 unable to understand 1 She was completely 1 durcheinander / verwirrt; 2
something or think clearly about confused. 2 She left a verwirrend / unverständlich
ˈfjuːzd it; 2 not easy to understand very confusing message.

disappointing/ed (adj) ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ/ * 1 unhappy because something 1 She was disappointed 1 enttäuscht; 2 enttäuschend
did not happen or because that he never replied to
ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd someone or something was not her letter. 2 This year’s
as good as you expected; 2 not sales figures were very
as good as you had hoped or disappointing.

embarrassing/ed (adj) ˌɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ˌɪm * 1 feeling slightly ashamed, and 1 She looked 1 verlegen / peinlich berührt; 2
worried about what other people embarrassed when we unangenehm / peinlich
ˈbærəst will think of you; 2 making you asked her about her
feel nervous, ashamed, or boyfriend. 2 an
stupid embarrassing situation
frightening/ed (adj) ˈfraɪt(ə)nɪŋ/ * 1 feeling or showing fear; 2 1 The puppy looked cold 1 ängstlich; 2 beängstigend
making you feel afraid, nervous, and frightened. 2 a
ˈfraɪt(ə)nd or worried frightening

interesting/ed (adj) ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ *** 1 wanting to know about or take 1 Joe’s always been 1+2 interessiert; 3 interessant
part in something; 2 willing or interested in politics. 2
ˈɪntrəstɪd keen to do something; 3 making We’re going to the
you want to pay attention or cinema. Are you
know more interested would you like
to come too? 3 an
interesting topic

moving/ed (adj) ˈmuːvɪŋ/ˈmuːvd 1 made you feel sad or 1 His letter was deeply 1 bewegend; 2 bewegt
sympathetic; 2 a moving object moving. 2 He was pushed
is something that moves from a moving train.

relaxing/ed (adj) rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ rɪ * 1 calm and not worried; 2 1 Bill came back from his 1 entspannt / erholt / sorglos; 2
pleasant and making you feel holiday looking relaxed angenehm / locker
ˈlækst relaxed and tanned. 2 The
atmosphere in our office
is very relaxed.
surprising/ed (adj) sə(r)ˈpraɪzɪŋ/ ** 1 feeling surprise because 1 We were surprised by 1 überrascht; 2 überraschend
something unexpected has Ben’s reaction to the
sə(r)ˈpraɪzd happened; 2 unusual, or news. 2 It’s hardly
unexpected surprising not at all
surprising that she’s
angry, considering what
you said.

tiring/ed (adj) ˈtaɪərɪŋ/ˈtaɪə(r)d *** 1 needing to rest or sleep; 2 1 Your mother looked 1 müde; 2 ermüdend
making you feel tired tired. 2 a tiring journey
Other words and phrases
a bit (adv) ˌə ˈbɪt slightly, or a little I’m feeling a bit tired. ein bisschen / etwas
addict (n) ˈædɪkt someone who cannot stop a heroin addict Süchtige/r / Junkie
taking illegal or harmful drugs
agree (v) əˈgriː *** 1 to have the same opinion as 1 Doreen thought that the 1 übereinstimmen / gleicher Meinung
someone else; 2 to say that you house was too small, and sein; 2 einverstanden sein
will do something that someone Jim agreed. 2 I asked her
else wants or suggests to marry me, and she
anatomy (n) əˈnætəmi the body of a human or animal, Those are parts of your Anatomie
or the structure of a plant anatomy that we’d rather
not hear about.
archer (n) ˈɑː(r)tʃə(r) someone who shoots arrows Bogenschütze
from a bow
attractive (adj) əˈtræktɪv something that is attractive is a pretty village set in reizvoll / anziehend
pleasant in some way attractive countryside
authentic (adj) ɔːˈɵentɪk real, not false or copied The letter is certainly echt / authentisch / nicht gefälscht
baddy (n) ˈbædi someone in a film or book who Bösewicht
does unkind or illegal things
brave (adj & v) breɪv ** able to deal with danger, pain, the brave soldiers who mutig / unerschrocken / etwas die Stirn
or trouble without being fought and died for their bieten/trotzen
frightened or worried country
broadcast (n & v) ˈbrɔːdˌkɑːst 1 a programme that is 1 Channel 5’s main news 1 Sendung; 2 ausstrahlen
broadcast; 2 to send out broadcast; 2 The BBC will
messages or programmes to be be broadcasting the
received by radios or televisions match live from Paris.

cable (n) ˈkeɪb(ə)l 1 thick wire used for carrying 1 High winds brought the 1 Kabel; 2 Tross
electricity or electronic signals; electricity cable down. 2
2 strong thick metal rope steel cable
capture (v) ˈkæptʃə(r) ** to catch a person or animal and Most of the men had fangen
stop them from escaping been either killed or
century (n) ˈsentʃəri *** a period of 100 years, usually 16th century paintings Jahrhundert
counted from a year ending in –
cheat (v) tʃiːt * to behave dishonestly, or to not Kids have always found betrügen
obey rules ways of cheating in
school exams.
common (adj) ˈkɒmən *** happening frequently, or Today smog is a common üblich / gängig
existing in large amounts or occurrence in many major
numbers cities.
critic (n) ˈkrɪtɪk * someone whose job is to give Michael is the paper’s Kritiker
their opinions about things such literary critic.
as books, films, or plays
demonstration (n) ˌdemənˈstreɪʃ(ə)n ** 1 an occasion when people 1 Angry students held 1 Demonstration /
protest about something in demonstrations. 2 Protestveranstaltung; 2 Vorführung
public; 2 an occasion when cookery demonstrations
someone shows how something
works or how to do something

distant (adj) ˈdɪstənt * far away from the place where the distant sound of traffic entfernt
you are
doll (n) dɒl a children’s toy in the shape of Puppe
a small person
electronic (adj) ˌelekˈtrɒnɪk ** using electricity and extremely an electronic calculator elektronisch
small electrical parts such as
episode (n) ˈepɪsəʊd one part of a series in a Folge / Episode
television or radio story
equally (adj) ˈiːkwəli ** in equal amounts or quantities The money raised will be gleich(mäßig) / einheitlich
divided equally among
the charities.
exotic (adj) ɪgˈzɒtɪk interesting or exciting because dancers wearing exotic exotisch
of being unusual or not familiar costumes

fall asleep (v) ˌfɔːl əˈsliːp begin to sleep She was so tired she fell einschlafen
asleep sitting in her chair.

far (= far better) (adv) fɑː(r) *** used for emphasizing a The situation is good in weitaus / um einiges
difference when you are making England, but it is far
a comparison better in Scotland.
fitness (n) ˈfɪtnəs the state of being physically a high level of physical Fitness
healthy and strong fitness
flat (n) flæt a set of rooms for living in, Let’s meet at my flat. Wohnung
usually on one floor of a large
general election (n) ˌdʒen(ə)rəl ɪ an election in which every adult Parlamentswahl
in the country can vote for the
ˈlektʃən people who will represent them

goal (= football) (n) gəʊl *** 1 in games such as football, the 1 The boy headed the ball 1+2 Tor
net or structure that you try to towards the goal. 2
get the ball into in order to score Nielsen scored two goals
points; 2 the action of putting a in the last ten minutes.
ball into a goal
gym (n) dʒɪm a room or club with equipment I try to go to the gym Fitnessstudio
for doing physical exercises three times a week.
hunger (n) ˈhʌŋgə(r) 1 a lack of food that can cause 1 a new chance to fight 1+2 Hunger
illness or death; 2 the feeling world hunger and poverty;
that you have when you need to 2 a nutritious snack that
eat will satisfy your hunger

igloo (n) ˈɪgluː a building made from snow or Iglu

image (= picture) (n) ˈɪmɪdʒ *** a picture, especially one in a the flickering black-and- Bild
mirror or on a computer, white images on the first
television, or cinema screen cinema screens
Inuit (n) ˈɪnuɪt a member of a group of people Inuit
who live in northern Siberia,
Canada, Alaska, and
Greenland, or the language that
they speak
iron (= material) (n) ˈaɪə(r)n ** a hard heavy metal that is used Eisen
for making steel
laugh (n & v) lɑːf *** to make the noise with your We talked and laughed Lachen / Lache / lachen
voice that shows that you think late into the night.
that something is funny
lazy (adj) ˈleɪzi * not willing to work or do Get out of bed, you lazy faul
anything that involves effort slob!
mechanical (adj) mɪˈkænɪk(ə)l operated by a machine, or a mechanical device mechanisch
relating to machines
melodramatic (adj) ˌmelədrəˈmætɪk behaving in a way that is too melodramatisch
emotional or too serious
newsreader (n) ˈnjuːzˌriːdə(r) someone whose job is to read Nachrichtensprecher
the news on television or radio
nowadays (adv) ˈnaʊəˌdeɪz ** at the present time Lots of people get heutzutage
divorced nowadays.
organiser (n) ˈɔ(r)gəˌnaɪzə(r) someone who makes all the a conference/party Organisator / Veranstalter
arrangements for an event or organizer
outlaw (n) ˈaʊtˌlɔː a criminal the legendary outlaw Bandit / Geächteter
Robin Hood
palm tree (n) ˈpɑːm ˌtriː a tropical tree without branches Palme
that has large wide leaves
growing from the top of its trunk

parachuting (n) ˈpærəˌʃuːtɪŋ the activity of jumping out of a We are parachuting into Fallschirmspringen
plane wearing a parachute enemy territory.
persuade (v) pə(r)ˈsweɪd ** 1 to make someone agree to do 1 He did finally come with 1 überreden; 2 überzeugen
something by giving them us, although it took a long
reasons why they should; 2 to time to persuade him. 2 I
make someone believe that managed to persuade
something is true him that it was not his

save (n & v) seɪv 1 to make it possible for 1 campaigns to save the 1 retten / beschützen; 2 (ein)sparen; 3
someone or something to avoid planet; 2 You can save aufbewahren; 4 halten
danger, harm, injury etc; 2 to £25 if you buy your tickets
avoid using something such as before Saturday. 3 Save
money, time, or energy, or to some energy for the end
use less of it; 3 to keep or store of the race.4 Smith saved
something so that you can use a penalty in the second
it in the future; 4 if a goalkeeper half.
saves a ball in a sport such as
football, they prevent the ball
from going into the net

selective (adj) sɪˈlektɪv careful about what you choose He is very selective in his wählerisch
or accept reading.
sensation (n) senˈseɪʃ(ə)n the ability to feel something, or When she awoke she had Gefühl / Empfinden
something that you feel lost all sensation in her
sensationalism (n) senˈseɪʃ(ə)nə a way of reporting events, Sensationsgier
especially in a newspaper, that
ˌlɪz(ə)m makes them seem as exciting
or shocking as possible
serious (adj) ˈsɪəriəs *** 1 bad or dangerous enough to 1 It’s not a serious 1 schwerwiegend / ernsthaft /
make you worried; 2 meaning problem. 2 I’m sorry, I ernstzunehmend; 2 ernst (gemeint)
what you say or do, and not didn’t realize you were
making a joke being serious.
silent (adj) ˈsaɪlənt ** 1 not talking or making any 1 a crowd of silent 1 still; 2 stumm
noise; 2 not pronounced onlookers; 2 The ‘b’ in
‘thumb’ is silent.
slightly (adv) ˈslaɪtli *** a little I feel slightly better today. etwas / ein bisschen

spend (time) (v) ˌspend ˈtaɪm *** to stay somewhere, or to do We spent the day at the verbringen / sich aufhalten
something, for a period of time beach.
sure (adj) ʃɔː(r) *** 1 certain that something is real, 1 I think she’s called 1 gewiss / sicher sein; 2 sicher /
true, or correct; 2 certain to Monica, but I’m not sure. sicherlich
happen or succeed 2 Everyone thought that
the deal was a sure thing
that it would definitely

team (n) tiːm *** 1 a group of people who play a 1 a football/basketball 1 Mannschaft; 2 Arbeitsteam
sport or game against another team; 2 a negotiating
group; 2 a group of people who team
work together
tower (n) ˈtaʊə(r) ** a tall narrow structure, building, a water tower Turm
or part of a building
transmission (n) trænzˈmɪʃ(ə)n 1 the process of sending 1 New telephone lines 1 Übertragung; 2 Übertragung /
electronic signals such as radio allow faster data Ansteckung
or television signals, or a signal transmission by fax or
that is sent in this way; 2 the modem. 2 the
process by which something transmission of disease
spreads from one person to

transmit (v) trænzˈmɪt 1 to send an electronic signal 1 The Cup Final was 1 senden / übertragen; 2 überbringen /
such as a radio or television transmitted via satellite to übermitteln
signal; 2 to pass information, over 20 countries. 2 We
beliefs, or attitudes to other transmit our values to our
people children.
TV guide (n) ˌtiː viː ˈgaɪd ** a book that gives information on There are lots of TV Fernseh- / Programmzeitschrift
television programmes guides to choose from.
TV station (n) ˌtiː viː ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n *** a company that broadcasts Watch your local Fernsehstation
television programmes television station for
weather information.
without (adv & conwɪðˈaʊt *** used for saying what someone I can’t find the answer ohne
or something does not have without a calculator.
Unit 6 Living planet
Geographical features
beach (n) biːtʃ ** an area of sand or small stones I like the kind of holiday Strand
beside the sea or a lake where I can sit on the
beach for a week and do
coast (n) kəʊst ** an area of land along the edge the east coast of England Küste
of a sea
desert (n) ˈdezərt ** a large area of land with few the Sahara Desert Wüste
plants and dry weather
forest (n) ˈfɔrəst *** a large area of land that is My aunt loved to walk in Wald
covered by trees and other the forest at sunrise.
plants growing close together
ice cap (n) ˈaɪs ˌkæp a large area of ice that covers Eiskappe / Polkappe
the land and sea around the
North or South Pole
jungle (n) ˈdʒʌŋg(ə)l a thick tropical forest We had to cut our way Dschungel / Urwald
through dense jungle.
mountain range (n) ˈmaʊntɪn ˌreɪnʤ a long row of mountains Gebirgskette

rainforest (n) ˈreɪnˌfɒrɪst a forest in a tropical region of a campaign to halt the Regenwald
the world where it rains a lot destruction of the
The environment
drought (n) draʊt a long period of time when there Dürre
is little or no rain
environment (n) ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt *** 1 the place in which people live 1 Parents are responsible 1 Umfeld; 2 Umwelt
and work, including all the for providing the right
physical conditions that affect environment for their
them; 2 the environment: the children to learn in. 2
natural world, including the Industrial development is
land, water, air, plants, and causing widespread
animals damage to the

flood (n) flʌd * a large amount of water that The southwest of England Überschwemmung
covers an area that was dry has been badly hit by
before floods.
global warming (n) ˌgləʊb(ə)l the increase in the temperature globale Erwärmung
of the Earth that is caused
ˈwɔː(r)mɪŋ partly by increasing amounts of
carbon dioxide in the
greenhouse effect (n) ˈgriːnhaʊs ɪˌfekt the situation in which heat is Treibhauseffekt
unable to escape from the
atmosphere, which causes the
temperature of the Earth to rise

nuclear disaster (n) ˌnjuːkliə(r) dɪ an accident involving nuclear Nuklearkatastrophe

oil spill (n) ˈɔɪl ˌspɪl an amount of oil that has Ölverschmutzung / Ölpest
accidentally flowed out of its
ozone layer (n) ˈəʊzəʊn ˌleiə(r) a layer of ozone in the Earth’s Ozonschicht
atmosphere that protects the
Earth from the harmful effects of
the Sun
pollution (n) pəˈluːʃ(ə)n ** chemicals and other substances new measures to prevent Verschmutzung
that have a harmful effect on pollution levels from rising
air, water, or land

recycle (v) riːˈsaɪk(ə)l to treat waste materials so that Japan recycles 40% of its wiederverwerten / recyclen
they can be used again waste.
save (v) seɪv *** 1 to make it possible for 1 campaigns to save the 1 retten / beschützen / bewahren vor;
someone or something to avoid planet; 2 You can save 2 sparen; 3 aufbewahren; 4 halten
danger, harm, injury etc; 2 to £25 if you buy your tickets
avoid using something such as before Saturday. 3 Save
money, time, or energy, or to some energy for the end
use less of it; 3 to keep or store of the race.
something so that you can use
it in the future

waste (n & v) weɪst ** to use more of something than There were accusations Verschwendung / verschwenden
is necessary, or to use it in a that the government was
way that does not produce the wasting public money.
best results
Different uses of get
arrive (v) əˈraɪv ankommen
bring (v) brɪŋ bringen
become (= a process or (v) bɪˈkʌm werden
change of state)
obtain or buy (v) əbˈteɪn erhalten oder kaufen
receive (v) rəˈsiːv erhalten / empfangen
Other words and phrases
affect (v) əˈfekt *** to change or influence Did the newspapers really (ungünstig) beeinflussen
something, often in a negative affect the outcome of the
way election?
anniversary (n) ˌænɪˈvɜː(r)s(ə)ri a date when you celebrate a wedding anniversary Jahrestag / Jubiläum
something that happened in a
previous year that is important
to you
arsonist (n) ˈɑː(r)s(ə)nɪst someone who deliberately Brandstifter/in
starts fires, especially in
atmosphere (n) ˈætməsˌfɪə(r) ** 1 the mood that exists in a 1 There is an atmosphere 1 Stimmung; 2 Atmosphäre / Lufthülle
place and affects the people of tension in the city
there; 2 the air round the Earth today. 2 The Earth’s
or round another planet atmosphere is getting
attraction (n) əˈtrækʃ(ə)n 1 an interesting place or object 1 The town’s most 1 Attraktion; 2 Reiz / Anreiz
that people come to see; 2 a popular attraction is the
reason for liking something or Marine Science Museum.
someone or being interested in 2One of the car’s main
it/ them attractions is its low price.

burn (v) bɜː(r)n *** 1 to damage or destroy 1 Demonstrators burned 1 verbrennen; 2 sich verbrennen; 3
something with fire; 2 to injure flags outside the (Daten auf Datenträger) brennen
someone or a part of your body embassy. 2 The sand
with something hot; 3 to put was so hot it burnt my
information onto a CD-ROM feet. 3 John offered to
burn the information onto
a CD-ROM for me.

bushfire (n) ˈbʊʃ ˌfaɪə(r) a fire in areas in hot countries Buschfeuer

like Australia and Africa that are
not used for growing crops.

canteen (n) kænˈtiːn a room in a factory, school, or Kantine / Mensa / Speisesaal

hospital where meals are
catastrophic (adj) ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk causing a lot of damage, or catastrophic floods katastrophal
making a lot of people suffer
celebrate (v) ˈseləˌbreɪt ** to do something enjoyable in Let’s have a party to feiern
order to show that an occasion celebrate.
or event is special
cheap (adj) tʃiːp *** 1 not expensive; 2 not 1 People should have 1 günstig; 2 billig
expensive and not of good access to cheap, fresh
quality food. 2 cheap wine
close to (adj & adv ˈkləʊs ˌtʊ *** only a short distance away We can walk to the nah(e) / in der Nähe
swimming pool – it’s quite
close to our house.
community (n) kəˈmjuːnəti *** the people who live in an area small rural communities Gemeinde / Gemeinschaft / Gruppe
consequence (n) ˈkɒnsɪkwəns *** a result or effect of something Climate change could Konsequenz / Folge
have disastrous
convict (n) ˈkɒnvɪkt someone who is in prison Verurteilter / Sträfling
because they have committed a
cut down (v) ˌkʌt ˈdaʊn to cut through a tree and make The diseased tree had to fällen
it fall to the ground be cut down.
definitely (adv) ˈdef(ə)nətli ** 1 without any doubt; 2 used for 1 I’m definitely going to 1 gewiss / zweifellos; 2 bestimmt /
emphasizing that you mean Ben’s party. 2 ‘So we’ll sicher(lich)
‘yes’ see you on Sunday at 7
o’clock?’ ‘Definitely!’
deliberately (adv) dɪˈlɪb(ə)rətli * with a definite intention, and not Police believe the fire was absichtlich / vorsätzlich
by chance or by accident started deliberately.
disastrous (adj) dɪˈzɑːstrəs very bad, harmful, or The spending cuts would fatal / katastrophal / desaströs
unsuccessful be disastrous for schools.

dry (adj & v) draɪ ***/** 1 something that is dry has little 1 Are your hands dry? 2 1 trocken; 2 regenarm; 3 trocknen
or no water or other liquid inside warm dry places like
or on it; 2 with no rain; 3 to southern Spain; 3 We
remove the water from washed and dried all the
something by wiping it, heating sheets.
it, or blowing air onto it

east (adj, adv &iːst *** the direction that is in front of driving from east to west östlich / Osten
you when you are facing the
rising sun
efficient (adj) ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt ** working well and producing The new machine is far effizient
good results by using the more efficient than the old
available time, money, supplies one.
etc in the most effective way

energy (n) ˈenə(r)dʒi *** 1 the power that your body 1 She didn’t even have 1 (körperliche) Energie / Kraft; 2
needs in order to do physical the energy to get out of (elekrische u.a.) Energie
things; 2 electricity and other bed. 2 energy
forms of power used for making sources/supplies
things work

excursion (n) ɪkˈskɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n a short journey that you make my Saturday morning Ausflug
for pleasure excursion into town
fancy (v) ˈfænsi 1 to want to have or do 1 What do you fancy for 1 Lust haben auf; 2 glauben / meinen
something; 2 to believe or your lunch? 2 He
imagine that something is true sometimes fancied that
he heard strange sounds.

farmer (n) ˈfɑː(r)mə(r) someone who owns or a dairy/sheep/pig farmer Bauer / Landwirt
manages a farm
footprint (n) ˈfʊtˌprɪnt a mark made by a human or a set of footprints in the Fußabdruck / Fußspur
animal foot in a soft surface sand
such as earth, snow, or sand
frequent (adj) ˈfriːkwənt * happening often Their arguments were häufig
becoming more and more
fume (n & v) fjuːm to feel or show a lot of anger Motorists are fuming over Dampf / sich ärgern / vor Ärger
the latest petrol „kochen"
generate (v) ˈdʒenəreɪt ** to produce something, or to The food processing erzeugen / herstellen
cause something to exist industry generates billions
of dollars a year.
glass (= material) (n) glɑːs *** a hard clear substance that is the sound of breaking Glas
used for making objects such as glass
windows or bottles
habit (n) ˈhæbɪt ** something that you do often healthy eating habits Gewohnheit
heat (n) hiːt *** the quality of being hot, or how We felt the intense heat Hitze
hot something is from the fire.
honest (adj) ˈɒnɪst * 1 a person who is honest does 1 an honest man; 2 I want 1+2 ehrlich
not tell lies or cheat people, and you to give me an honest
obeys the law; 2 telling the answer.
truth, or not cheating people

increase (n & v) noun: ˈɪnkriːs *** to become larger in number or We have managed to Steigerung / Zunahme / vergrößern /
amount, or to make something increase the number of steigern / zunehmen
verb: ɪnˈkriːs do this patients treated.
indigenous (adj) ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs 1 indigenous people lived in a 1 eingeboren / Ur-; 2 (ein)heimisch /
place for a very long time before beheimatet
other people came to live there;
2 indigenous plants and animals
belong to a region because they
developed there

influence (v) ˈɪnfluəns *** to affect someone or something What factors influenced Einfluss
your decision to take the
lifestyle (n) ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl the type of life that someone a healthy, outdoor Lebensweise / Lifestyle
has, for example the type of lifestyle
things that they own and the
type of activities that they do
material (n) məˈtɪəriəl *** cloth What sort of material is Stoff / Material
your dress made from?
melt (v) melt * to change a solid substance into Melt the butter in a small schmelzen
a liquid, or to be changed from saucepan.
a solid into a liquid
mix (v) mɪks ** 1 to combine two or more 1 Add the eggs and mix 1 mischen / mixen; 2 kombinieren /
substances so that they thoroughly. 2 In this room, kreuzen
become a single substance; 2 antique and modern
to combine things such as furniture have been
activities, ideas, or styles successfully mixed.

packaging (n) ˈpækɪdʒɪŋ the boxes, plastic etc that are All this unnecessary Verpackung
used for wrapping products packaging creates so
much waste.
perhaps (adv) pə(r)ˈhæps *** 1 used for saying that you are 1 I haven’t seen them for 1 vielleicht; 2 eventuell
not certain whether something months – perhaps they’ve
is true; 2 used when you are moved away. 2 You don’t
making a suggestion, giving look well – perhaps you
advice, or making a polite should go to the doctor.

petrol (n) ˈpetrəl a liquid that is used as a fuel for We ran out of petrol in the Benzin / Sprit
cars and other vehicles middle of nowhere.
population (n) ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n *** 1 the number of people who live 1 Los Angeles has a 1 Einwohnerzahl; 2 Bevölkerung
in a particular area; 2 all the population of over 3
people who live in a particular million. 2 Less than 40%
area of the population voted in
the last election.
power (n & v) ˈpaʊə(r) *** 1 the ability to influence or 1 a power struggle within 1 Macht; 2 Strom; 3 Kraft / (an)treiben
control people; 2 energy that is the party an attempt by
used for operating equipment each of two people or
and machines; 3 physical force groups to get control; 2
or strength solar power; 3 The boy
was thrown backwards by
the power of the blast.

protect (v) prəˈtekt *** to keep someone or something Are you prepared to beschützen
safe protect yourself in case of
reef (n) riːf a long line of rock or coral in the Riff
sea, with its top just below or
just above the surface
relatively (adv) ˈrelətɪvli *** in comparison with someone or a relatively small flat relativ / eher
something similar
restriction (n) rɪˈstrɪkʃ(ə)n something, for example a law, The judge had imposed Einschränkung
that limits what you can do restrictions on the
reporting of the case.
scientist (n) ˈsaɪəntɪst ** someone who is trained in research scientists Wissenschaftler
science, especially someone
whose job is to do scientific
sea level (n) ˈsiː ˌlev(ə)l the average level of the sea. It more than 2,000 metres Meeresspiegel
is used for measuring the height above sea level
of parts of the land.
shower (n & v) ˈʃaʊə(r) * 1 a piece of equipment that 1 The shower isn’t 1 Dusche; 2 (sich) duschen
forces small drops of water into working. 2 I’m going to
the air and is used for washing have a shower.
your body, or a small area with
a shower in it; 2 the activity of
washing yourself by standing
under a shower

silly (adj) ˈsɪli * 1 not intelligent or sensible; 2 1 a silly mistake; 2 Don’t 1 dumm; 2 unwichtig / albern
not important get upset over silly things
that people say.
slow down (v) ˌsləʊ ˈdaʊn to move at a slower speed, or to Slow down! You’re driving (ab)bremsen / langsamer werden
make someone or something too fast.
move at a slower speed

space (outer space) (n) speɪs *** the whole of the universe a space mission Weltraum / All
outside the Earth’s atmosphere

suggestion (n) səˈdʒestʃ(ə)n *** 1 an idea or plan that you offer 1 Could I make a 1 Idee; 2 Vorschlag
for someone to consider; 2 the suggestion? 2 It was at
act of suggesting something Larry’s suggestion that I
attended the meeting.
thirsty (adj) ˈɵɜː(r)sti * feeling that you want or need to I’m really thirsty – could I durstig
drink something have a glass of water?
tonne (n) tʌn a unit for measuring weight, The price dropped to Tonne (Maßeinheit)
equal to 1,000 kilograms €700 per tonne.
toothbrush (n) ˈtuːɵˌbrʌʃ a small brush that you use for Zahnbürste
cleaning your teeth
water (v) ˈwɔːtə(r) 1 to pour water on plants in 1 Don’t forget to water the 1 (Pflanzen) gießen; 2 tränen; 3 das
order to keep them healthy; 2 if flowers. 2 The pain made Wasser läuft im Mund zusammen
your eyes water, tears form in my eyes water. 3 The
them because something is smell made my mouth
hurting them; 3 if your mouth water.
waters when you see or smell
nice food, saliva begins to form
in your mouth

wild (adj & n) waɪld ** 1 a wild animal or plant lives or 1 The wild rose is a 1 wild; 2 rau / unwirtlich / wild; 3
grows on its own in natural familiar sight in woods ausgelassen /
conditions and is not raised by and hedges. 2 wild Wildnis
humans; 2 a wild area is one mountainous regions; 3
where people do not live or They have some pretty
cannot live; 3 exciting and wild parties.

Gateway to Exams
Units 5–6
attention (n) əˈtenʃ(ə)n 1 the interest or thought that 1 May I please have your 1 Aufmerksamkeit; 2 Beachtung /
you give to something you are attention? 2 As the sixth Behandlung
listening to or watching; 2 of ten children, he never
special care, help, or treatment received much attention.
for someone or something

environmental (adj) ɪnˌvaɪrən *** relating to the natural world and The Minister discussed Umwelt-
the effect that human activity environmental issues.
ˈment(ə)l has on it
exploration (n) ˌekspləˈreɪʃ(ə)n a journey around an area in the future of space Erkundung / Exploration /
order to learn about it or in exploration Entdeckungsreise
order to search for something
valuable such as oil
situation (n) ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)n *** the set of conditions that exist at The country is facing a Situation
a particular time in a particular very difficult economic
place situation.
Unit 7 Odd jobs
builder (n) ˈbɪldə(r) someone whose job is to build The builders will start Bauarbeiter/in
and repair houses work tomorrow.
computer programmer (n) kəmˌpjuːtə(r) someone whose job is to create Programmierer/in
computer programs
fashion designer (n) ˈfæʃ(ə)n dɪˌzaɪnə someone whose job is to create an Italian fashion Modedesigner/in
clothes designer
journalist (n) ˈdʒɜː(r)nəlɪst ** someone whose job is to report an article by a leading Journalist/in
the news for a newspaper, sports journalist
magazine, radio programme, or
television programme

mechanic (n) mɪˈkænɪk someone whose job is to repair a car mechanic Mechaniker/in
vehicles and machines
police officer (n) pəˈliːs ˌɒfɪsə(r) a member of the police Polizist/in
receptionist (n) rɪˈsepʃ(ə)nɪst someone who works in I was given the room key an der Rezeption von Hotels und
reception at a hotel or office and by the hotel receptionist. Firmen Arbeitende/r / Empfangsdame
whose job is to welcome
visitors, deal with questions etc

shop assistant (n) ˈʃɒp əˌsɪst(ə)nt someone whose job is to serve The shop assistant found Verkäufer/in
people in a shop the correct size for the
Personal qualities
ambitious (adj) æmˈbɪʃəs determined to become an ambitious young ehrgeizig
successful, rich, or famous lawyer
calm (adj) kɑːm ** not affected by strong emotions a calm voice ruhig / gelassen

caring (adj) ˈkeərɪŋ kind, helpful, and sympathetic John was a caring and liebevoll / fürsorglich
towards other people loving father.
clever (adj) ˈklevə(r) ** good at learning or I’d like to be a doctor but clever / intelligent
understanding things I’m not clever enough.
creative (adj) kriˈeɪtɪv * having a lot of imagination and The programme offers kreativ
new ideas children the chance to be
fit (adj) fɪt * healthy, strong, and able to do Running around after the fit
physical exercise kids keeps me fit.
hard-working (adj) ˌhɑː(r)d putting a lot of effort into your She was very hard- fleißig / hart arbeitend
work working and reliable.
reliable (adj) rɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l * able to be trusted a reliable workman/car verlässlich
sociable (adj) ˈsəʊʃəb(ə)l a sociable person is friendly and I’m not feeling very gesellig / kontaktfreudig
enjoys being with other people sociable today.
well-organised (adj) ˌwel an well-organized person It wasn’t really a riot; it gut organisiert
arranges and plans activities was a well-organized
ˈɔː(r)gənaɪzd carefully and effectively protest.
Compound adjectives describing people or jobs
blue/brown/green-eyed (adj) ˈbluː/ˈbraʊn/ˈgriːn The colour of someone's eyes The brown-eyed girl blau-/braun-/grünäugig
badly-paid (adj) ˌbædli ˈpeɪd if someone is badly paid, they a badly paid cleaning job schlecht bezahlt / unterbezahlt
do not earn much money, or
they earn less money than is
fair for the work they do
easy-going (adj) ˌiːziˈgəʊɪŋ relaxed, calm, and not easy to entspannt / gelassen
full-time (adj) ˈfʊlˌtaɪm done or doing something for the a full-time student Vollzeit-
number of hours that people
normally work or study in a
complete week
good-looking (adj) ˌgʊd ˈlʊkɪŋ physically attractive gut aussehend / attraktiv
part-time (adj) ˌpɑːtˈtaɪm done for only part of the time a part-time job Teilzeit-
that an activity is usually
right/left-handed (adj) ˌraɪt/ˌleft ˈhændɪd naturally tending to use your The murderer was almost rechts-/linkshändig
right (left) hand rather than your certainly right-handed.
other hand to do things such as
well-paid (adj) ˌwel ˈpeɪd receiving a satisfactory amount a well-paid gut bezahlt
of money for the work that you driver/manager
Other words and phrases
accept (v) əkˈsept *** 1 to take something that 1 It gives me great 1 annehmen /entgegen nehmen; 2
someone gives you; 2 to say pleasure to accept this annehmen / akzeptieren
yes to an invitation, offer, or award. 2 Our clients will
suggestion never accept this

application form (n) æplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n ** a printed list of questions that Anmeldeformular / Bewerbung
you answer in order to try to get
ˌfɔː(r)m a job, borrow money, get a
place at university etc
apply (for) (v) əˈplaɪ ˌfɔː(r) *** to make a formal request to do Students can apply for sich bewerben
something or have something money to help with their
living costs.
architect (n) ˈɑː(r)kɪˌtekt someone whose job is to design He was the architect of Architekt/in
buildings the new building.
assistant (n) əˈsɪst(ə)nt ** someone whose job is to help a personal assistant Assistent/in
another person in their work, for
example by doing the easier
parts of it
au pair (n) ˌəʊ ˈpeə(r) a young woman who lives with Au-pair-Mädchen
a family in a foreign country and
helps to look after their children

autograph (n & v) ˈɔːtəˌgrɑːf a famous person’s name that My mother got Frank Autogramm / Autogramm geben
they sign on something Sinatra’s autograph in the
average (n & v) ˈæv(ə)rɪdʒ * the typical amount or level Unemployment here is Durchschnitt / Durchschnitt ermitteln
twice the national
cheer up (v) ˌtʃiə(r) ˈʌp to become less sad, or to make I tried to cheer him up, aufmuntern
someone feel less sad but he just kept staring
out of the window.
chewing gum (n) ˈtʃuːɪŋ ˌgʌm a type of sweet that you chew a stick of chewing gum Kaugummi
for a long time but do not
complicated (adj) ˈkɒmplɪˌkeɪtɪd ** difficult to do, deal with, or The situation seems to be kompliziert
understand getting more and more
condition (n) kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n *** 1 the physical state of 1 Engineers will examine 1 Zustand; 2 Leiden
something or someone; 2 an the condition of the
illness or health problem that damaged buildings. 2 a
lasts a long time and affects the heart condition
way you live
cookery (n) ˈkʊk(ə)ri the skill or activity of preparing cookery classes/lessons Kochen / Kochkünste
or cooking food
CV (n) ˌsiː ˈviː curriculum vitae: a document Lebenslauf
that gives details of your
qualifications and the jobs you
have had
delivery boy/girl (n) dɪˈlɪv(ə)ri ˌbɔɪ the person who brings goods or The delivery boy brought Austräger/in / Bote/Botin / Verteiler/in
letters to a place the wrong newspaper.
depend on (v) dɪˈpend ˌɒn 1 if one thing depends on 1 Their future depends on 1 von etwas abhängig sein; 2
another, it is changed or how well they do in these angewiesen sein; 3 sich auf jemanden
affected by the other thing; 2 to exams. 2 The project’s verlassen
need someone or something in success depends on the
order to continue to exist or to support of everyone
be successful; 3 if you can concerned. 3 I knew I
depend on someone to do could depend on you.
something, you can trust them
to do it

design (v) dɪˈzaɪn *** to decide how something will be The bride wore a dress entwerfen
made, how it will work, or what that she designed herself.
it will look like, and often to
make drawings of it
drag (v) dræg * 1 to pull something along with 1 She dragged her 1 zerren; 2 per Maus auf dem
difficulty, especially something suitcase down the path. 2 Bildschirm ziehen
heavy; 2 to move something Drag the file into a folder.
across a computer screen using
the mouse

dress up (v) ˌdres ˈʌp to put on clothes that make you They had dressed up as sich verkleiden
look like someone else, for fun princes and princesses.

dynamic (adj) daɪˈnæmɪk very lively and enthusiastic, with dynamic leadership dynamisch / energiegeladen
a lot of energy and
effort (n) ˈefə(r)t *** physical or mental energy Writing a book takes a lot Anstrengung / Mühe / Bemühen
needed to do something of time and effort.
enclose (v) ɪnˈkləʊz to send something such as a Please enclose a copy of beilegen / hinzufügen
document with a letter your birth certificate with
your application.
essential (adj) ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l *** basic and important food, fuel, and other notwendig / nötig / unerlässlich
essential supplies
exactly (adv) ɪgˈzæk(t)li *** no more and no less than a It’s exactly three o’clock. genau / exakt
particular amount or time
except (conj) ɪkˈsept *** used for introducing the only All the team were there außer / mit Ausnahme von
person, thing, or fact that is not except Eddie Stratton,
included in your main statement who was ill.

exotic (adj) ɪgˈzɒtɪk interesting or exciting because dancers wearing exotic exotisch
of being unusual or not familiar costumes

extra (n) ˈekstrə something that is added to a A virus checker is extra / zusätzlich
basic service, product etc available as an optional
extra for your computer.
factory worker (n) ˈfæktrɪ relating to a factory or working factory workers/bosses Fabrikarbeiter/in
in a factory
firefighter (n) ˈfaɪə(r) ˌfaɪtə(r) someone whose job is to put Feuerwehrmann/-frau
out fires and help people to
escape from other dangerous
force (n) (n) fɔː(r)s physical strength, violence, or The force of the bomb Wucht / Kraft
energy blast shattered windows
in 15 buildings.
gardener (n) ˈgɑː(r)d(ə)nə(r) ** 1 someone whose job is to look 1 the head gardener on 1 Gärtner/in; 2 Hobbygärtner/in
after a garden; 2 someone who an estate; 2 Some
enjoys growing plants and is gardeners grow fruit and
good at it vegetables.
giant (adj) (adj) ˈʤaɪənt extremely large a giant bronze statue gigantisch / riesig
hang out (v) ˌhæŋ ˈaʊt to spend time in a particular She knew all the clubs abhängen / herumhängen
place or with particular people where he usually hung
hard hat (n) ˈhɑː(r)d ˌhæt a hat made of metal or hard Schutzhelm
plastic worn by workers to
protect their heads
hit (n & v) hɪt *** 1 to move quickly against 1 The glass smashed as Hit /
something, or to move an object it hit the ground. 2 Stop 1 (auf-/ein)schlagen; 2 jemanden
quickly against something, hitting your brother! schlagen
touching it with force; 2 to move
your hand or an object hard
against someone’s body, so
that you hurt them

home-time (n) ˈhəʊm ˌtaɪm the end of the school day when Schulschluss
the students go home
in response to ˌɪn rəˈspɒns tʊ a reaction In response to als Reaktion auf
complaints, the company
reviewed its safety
inquiries (n) ɪnˈkwaɪəriːz ** 1 questions that are intended to 1 There have already 1 Nachfrage / Befragung; 2 Recherche
get information about someone been over 300 inquiries
or something; 2 a process of from people interested. 2
trying to find out more The public is demanding
information about something an official inquiry into the

interpreter (n) ɪnˈtɜː(r)prɪtə(r) someone whose job is to Dolmetscher/in

translate what someone is
saying into another language
issue (= question) (n) ˈɪʃuː *** 1 a subject or problem that 1 environmental issues; 2 1 Diskussionspunkt / Thema; 2
people discuss or argue about; The article appeared in Ausgabe
2 a magazine that is published the November issue.
at a particular time
knowledge (n) ˈnɒlɪdʒ *** what you know, or what is She had a lot of Wissen / Kenntnis
known about a particular knowledge and
subject experience.
look forward to ˌlʊk ˈfɔː(r)wə(r)d to feel happy and excited about I’m really looking forward sich freuen auf
something that is going to to working with you.
tʊ happen
lottery (n) ˈlɒtəri a game in which people win She won a million pounds Lotterie
money if they guess the correct in the lottery.
lucky (adj) ˈlʌki ** if you are lucky, something Five lucky winners will glücklich
good happens to you as a result each receive £1,000.
of luck
manual (n) ˈmænjʊəl a book that contains instructions an instruction/operating Handbuch / Anleitung
for doing something, especially manual
for operating a machine

mate (= friend) (n) meɪt a friend He’s over there, talking to Kumpel / Freund
his mates.
miner (n) ˈmaɪnə(r) someone whose job is to dig Bergarbeiter/in / Bergmann
coal from a mine
offer (v) ˈɒfə(r) *** to let someone know that you They haven’t offered me anbieten
will give them something or do the job yet.
something for them if they want
outdoors (adv & n) ˌaʊtˈdɔː(r)z not in a building Their cat lives mainly draußen / im Freien
paperwork (n) ˈpeɪpə(r)ˌwɜː(r)k the documents that you need They have been Schreibarbeit / Formalitäten /
for a particular activity or operating illegally using Papierkram / Unterlagen
occasion forged paperwork.
parrot (n) ˈpærət a brightly coloured tropical bird Papagei
that is often kept as a pet and
can be taught to copy what
people say
peace (n) piːs *** 1 a situation in which there is no 1 For many years the 1 Frieden; 2 Ruhe
war between countries or agreement maintained
groups; 2 a calm quiet situation peace in Europe. 2 He
in which you are not annoyed just wanted to read his
by noise or other people newspaper in peace.

rely on (v) rɪˈlaɪ ɒn 1 to need something in order to 1 The museum relies on 1 abhängig sein von / angewiesen sein
continue living, existing, or voluntary donations to auf; 2 sich verlassen auf
operating; 2 to trust someone or keep open. 2 Sometimes
something to do something for you just have to rely on
you your own judgment.
report (n) rɪˈpɔː(r)t *** 1 a spoken or written 1 A new report shows 1 Bericht; 2 Reportage; 3 Zeugnis
description of a particular violent crime is on the
subject, situation, or event; 2 an increase. 2 Did you see
article or broadcast that gives that report about house
information about something in prices in London? 3 Both
the news; 3 a document that is children got excellent
written by a teacher, giving reports from their teacher.
details of a student’s school

ride operator (n) ˈraɪd ˌɒpəreɪtə(r) someone whose job is to a rollercoaster operator Bediener/in, (hier:) jemand, der ein(e)
operate a machine or piece of Maschine/Karussell auf dem Jahrmarkt
equipment at a theme or bedient
amusement park
screen (n & v) skriːn ** the flat surface on a computer, Suddenly the screen went Bildschirm / überprüfen / auswerten
television, or piece of electronic blank.
equipment where words and
pictures are shown
sign (v) saɪn *** a flat object with words or a flashing neon sign Schild
pictures on it, put in a public
place in order to provide
information or to advertise
smoke (v) sməʊk ** to suck smoke from a cigarette, Phil was reading the Rauch
pipe etc into your mouth and paper and smoking a
lungs cigarette.
stuck (adj) stʌk caught or held in a position so Carl’s car got stuck in the feststecken
that you cannot move mud.
suit (n) suːt ** 1 a set of clothes made from the 1 He was wearing a dark 1 Anzug/Kostüm; 2 Jogginganzug /
same cloth, usually a jacket with suit and a tie. 2 a Taucheranzug u.ä.
trousers or a skirt; 2 a type of diving/jogging suit
clothing that you wear for a
particular activity
suppose (v) səˈpəʊz *** to think that something is I suppose she must be annehmen
probably true, right, or possible delighted about getting
the job.
take a long time ˌteɪk ə lɒŋ ˈtaɪm to need a considerable amount It will take a long time to eine Weile dauern / lang(e) dauern
of time to complete something correct the mistake.

toothpaste (n) ˈtuːɵˌpeɪst a soft thick substance that you a tube of toothpaste Zahnpasta
put on a toothbrush to clean
your teeth
turn round (v) ˌtɜːn ˈraʊnd to change the position of your The girls in front turned sich umdrehen
body or head so that you are round and grinned.
facing in a different direction
variety (n) vəˈraɪəti *** 1 a number of different people 1 Adults study for a 1 Vielfalt; 2 Variante
or things; 2 a particular type of variety of reasons. 2 a
thing new variety of tomato
vegetarian (n) ˌvedʒəˈteəriən relating to or intended for a vegetarian Vegetarier/in / vegetarisch
vegetarians diet/cookbook/restaurant
wages (n) ˈweɪʤɪz a regular amount of money that daily/hourly/weekly wages Lohn
you earn for working
wing (n) wɪŋ ** 1 one of the parts on a bird or 1 a moth’s delicate wings; 1 Flügel; 2 Tragflächen
insect that move up and down 2 the plane's wings were
and allow it to fly; 2 one of the painted red
long flat parts on both sides of a
plane that allow it to fly

Unit 8 Good friends

(to) ask (somebody) out (v) ˌɑːsk ˈaʊt to invite someone to go Finally he asked her out. jemanden zum Ausgehen einladen
somewhere with you because
you want to start a romantic
relationship with them
(to) chat (to somebody) (v) ˌʧæt tu * 1 to talk in a friendly way; 2 to 1 They sat waiting, 1 plaudern / schwatzen; 2 chatten
exchange messages with chatting about their
someone using computers, in a families. 2 John and I
way that lets you see each were chatting on the
other’s messages immediately Internet.

(to) fall in love (with (v) ˌfɔːl ɪn ˈlʌv to start to love someone Why do we fall in love sich in jemanden verlieben
somebody) with one person rather
than another?
(to) get back together (v) ˌget ˌbæk tə if two people who ended their I kept hoping we would wieder (als Paar) zusammenkommen
(with somebody) sexual or romantic relationship get back together.
ˈgeðə(r) get back together, they start
having a relationship with each
other again

(to) get married (to (v) ˌget ˈmærid when two people undergo a He’s married to my older jemanden heiraten
somebody) ceremony resulting in a legal sister.
(to) get on well (with (v) ˌget ˌɒn ˈwel talking about how well someone Jim seems to be getting sich gut mit jemandem verstehen
somebody) gets on with someone else on very well with Fiona.

(to) go out (with (v) ˌgəʊ ˈaʊt to have a relationship with How long have Rob and zusammen sein mit / eine
somebody) someone and spend a lot of Sue been going out? (Paar)beziehung haben
time with them
(to) have an argument (v) ˌhæv ən *** an angry disagreement between I’ve had an argument with sich mit jemandem streiten
(with somebody) people my girlfriend.
(to) meet (somebody) (v) miːt *** 1 to come together in order to 1 I’ll meet you in the bar 1 sich mit jemandem treffen; 2
spend time with someone who later. 2 Have you met my jemanden kennen lernen / zum ersten
you have arranged to see; 2 to wife? Mal treffen
be introduced to someone that
you do not know
(to) split up (with (v) ˌsplɪt ˈʌp to end a sexual or romantic Her parents split up a few Beziehung beenden / sich trennen
somebody) relationship months ago.
anger (n) ˈæŋgə(r) ** the strong feeling you get that Some people express Ärger / Wut
makes you want to hurt their anger through
someone or shout at them violence.
boredom (n) ˈbɔː(r)dəm the feeling of being bored I was going mad with Langeweile
excitement (n) ɪkˈsaɪtmənt ** the feeling of being excited The long wait only added Aufregung / Spannung
to our excitement.
happiness (n) ˈhæpinəs the feeling of being happy She had already found Glück
happiness with another
loneliness (n) ˈləʊnlinəs the feeling of being unhappy I found the loneliness Einsamkeit
because you are alone or difficult to deal with.
because you have no friends
sadness (n) ˈsædnəs the feeling of being unhappy Joan’s childhood was Traurigkeit / Trauer
filled with pain and
afraid (adj) əˈfreɪd *** 1 worried that something bad 1 I was afraid that you’d 1 besorgt; 2 ängstlich
might happen; 2 frightened miss the flight. 2 Don’t be
afraid – I won’t hurt you.

angry (adj) ˈæŋgri *** very annoyed There’s no point in getting wütend / sauer
happy (adj) ˈhæpi *** feeling pleased and relaxed, The children seem very glücklich / fröhlich
with no worries happy at school.
lonely (adj) ˈləʊnli * unhappy because you are alone a lonely childhood einsam
or have no friends
excited (adj) ɪkˈsaɪtɪd ** very happy and enthusiastic I was so excited I couldn’t aufgeregt / gespannt
because something good is sleep.
going to happen
sad (adj) sæd ** feeling unhappy, making you It was a sad day when we traurig
feel unhappy, or showing that sold our home.
you feel unhappy
Noun suffixes
freedom (n) ˈfriːdəm *** the right or opportunity to do a law that restricts Freiheit
what you want religious freedom
friendship (n) ˈfren(d)ʃɪp * a relationship between people Whatever happened, I did Freundschaft
who are friends not want to lose Sarah’s
illness (n) ˈɪlnəs *** a particular disease, or a period a serious illness Krankheit
of being ill
madness (n) ˈmædnəs ideas and actions that show a It would be madness to Wahnsinn
lack of good judgment and give up your job just now.
careful thought
relationship (n) rɪˈleɪʃ(ə)nʃɪp *** 1 the way in which two or more 1 There is a close 1 Beziehung zu etwas/jemandem; 2
people or things are connected; relationship between Verhältnis (als Paar)
2 a situation in which two poverty and crime. 2 I
people are sexual or romantic was already in a
partners relationship when I met

sadness (n) ˈsædnəs the feeling of being unhappy Joan’s childhood was Traurigkeit / Trauer
filled with pain and
weakness (n) ˈwiːknəs * 1 the state or condition of being 1 the increasing 1 Schwäche; 2 Schwachstelle / Makel
weak; 2 a fault or problem that weakness of the
makes someone or something government; 2 They listed
less effective or attractive the strengths and
weaknesses of their

Other words and phrases

abdicate (v) ˈæbdɪkeɪt if a king or queen abdicates, he King Edward VIII abdanken
or she formally gives up being abdicated and his brother
king or queen became king.
abdication (n) ˌæbdɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n the act of formally giving up The abdication of the king Abdankung
being king or queen has unsettled the country.

ancient (adj) ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt ** 1 very old; 2 relating to a period 1 an ancient 1 (sehr) alt; 2 (historisch) alt / antik
of history a very long time ago city/book/tradition; 2 the

apologise (v) əˈpɒlədʒaɪz ** to tell someone that you are I apologize for taking so sich entschuldigen
sorry for doing something wrong long to reply.

argument (n) ˈɑː(r)gjʊmənt *** an angry disagreement between The decision led to a Streit / Auseinandersetzung
people heated argument
extremely angry
balcony (n) ˈbælkəni a place sticking out from the Balkon
outside of a building where you
can sit or stand
be like somebody biː ˈlaɪk resemble another person Why couldn't she be like wie jemand sein
somebody from a novel?
bowling (n) ˈbəʊlɪŋ an indoor game in which Bill and I are going Bowling
players roll heavy balls along a bowling tomorrow night.
track and try to knock down a
group of pins
broken-hearted (adj) ˌbrəʊkən ˈhɑːtɪd extremely sad He was broken-hearted sehr traurig / ein gebrochenes Herz
when his dog died. haben
camp (n) kæmp ** a place where people go for a music camp Lager / Camp
holiday that often has tents or
other temporary shelters
couple (two people) (n) ˈkʌp(ə)l *** two people who are married to A nice young couple have Paar (zwei Personen)
each other, or who have a moved in next door.
romantic relationship with each
criticise (v) ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz ** to say what you think is wrong We were told not to kritisieren / bemängeln
or bad about something criticize the policy
dry oneself (v) ˈdraɪ wʌnˌself To wipe water from yourself He got out of the shower sich abtrocknen
and dried himself off.
enemy (n) ˈenəmi ** someone who is opposed to They searched for Feind/in
someone else and tries to harm information on political
them enemies.
fair (= beautiful) (adj) feə (r) beautiful Who is the fairest of them liebreizend / schön
flower (n & v) ˈflaʊə(r) *** the coloured part of a plant from The plant has small white Blume / Blüte / blühen / gedeihen
which the plant’s seeds develop flowers.

give up (= relinquish) (v) ˌgɪv ˈʌp to stop doing something that I’m trying to give up eine Gewohnheit aufgeben / sich
you do regularly smoking. abgewöhnen
grave (n) greɪv * the place where a dead body is He’s never even visited Grab / Begräbnisstätte
buried in a deep hole in the his mother’s grave.
happy ending (n) ˌhæpi ˈendɪŋ the nice way in which Children usually prefer Happy End
something such as a story, film, books with a happy
or play ends ending.
hold (v) həʊld *** 1 to carry something or 1 Can you hold my bag 1 halten; 2 (Konferenz, Versammlung)
someone using your hands or for a moment? 2 The abhalten
arms; 2 to organize something government agreed to
such as a meeting or event hold a referendum.
ideal (adj & n) aɪˈdɪəl * of the best or most suitable type Upgrading your computer ideal / perfekt / Ideal
seems the ideal solution.

journey (n) ˈdʒɜːni *** an occasion when you travel a train journey Reise / Fahrt
from one place to another,
especially over a long distance
knife (n) naɪf *** an object with a blade, used for knives and forks Messer
cutting food or as a weapon

light (opposite of heavy) (adj) laɪt *** not weighing much, or weighing The table is a lot lighter leicht(gewichtig) (Gegenteil: schwer)
less than you expect than it looks.
mainly (adv) ˈmeɪnli *** 1 used for talking about the 1 This sauce is made 1 hauptsächlich; 2 meistens
largest or most important part of mainly of milk and flour. 2
something; 2 in most cases Our customers are mainly
young mothers.
matter (v) ˈmætə(r) *** to be important Education matters. wichtig sein / von Bedeutung sein
moral (adj) ˈmɒrəl * relating to right and wrong and moral moralisch / ethisch / sittlich
the way that people should standards/principles/value
behave s
neither (conj & pr ˈnaɪðə(r) or *** used for showing that a Adams was not invited, …, noch …. / …, und auch nicht …
negative statement also applies and neither were any of
ˈniːðə(r) to someone or something else his friends.

pacifist (n) ˈpæsɪfɪst someone who believes that Pazifist/in

violence is wrong and refuses to
fight in wars
perfectionist (n) pə(r)ˈfekʃənɪst someone who always wants Perfektionist/in
things to be done in a perfect
play (n) (n) pleɪ *** a piece of writing that is a Shakespeare/West End Theaterstück / Schauspiel
intended to be performed by play
actors in a theatre or on
television or the radio
potion (n) ˈpəʊʃ(ə)n a drink that is believed to be a sleeping potion (Medikamenten-/Zauber-/Gift)trank
magic, poisonous, or useful as
a medicine
press (n, = newspapers) (n) pres *** the press: newspapers and the (Zeitungs-)presse
news magazines, or the national/local/American
journalists who work on them press
priest (n) priːst * someone whose job is to a Roman Catholic priest Priester/in
perform religious duties and
ceremonies in some Christian
Prime Minister (n) ˌpraɪm ** the political leader in countries Premierminister/in /
such as the UK that are Ministerpräsident/in
ˈmɪnɪstə(r) governed by a parliament
promise (v) (v) ˈprɒmɪs *** 1 to tell someone that you will 1 The police chief 1 zusagen / versprechen; 2
definitely do something; 2 to promised tougher action verheißen / versprechen etwas zu
make something seem likely against young criminals. 2 werden
This evening promises to
be a lot of fun.
questionnaire (n) ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r) a set of questions that a lot of Fragebogen
people are asked as a way of
getting information about what
people generally think or do
respect (n) (n) rɪˈspekt *** 1 the attitude that someone is 1 She has worked hard to 1 Respekt / Achtung; 2 Respekt /
important and should be gain the respect of her Ernstnehmen
admired, and that you should colleagues. 2 a healthy
treat them politely; 2 a feeling respect for the law
that something is important and
deserves serious attention

scandal (n) ˈskænd(ə)l a situation in which people a sex scandal Skandal / Affäre
behave in a dishonest or
immoral way that shocks people

ski (v) skiː to slide over snow on skis Ski fahren

something else (pron & adˌsʌmθɪŋ ˈels referring to a thing without The shop assistant went etwas anderes
saying exactly what it is used to see if there was
for but that it is not another item something else in the
soon (adv) suːn *** 1 within a short time; 2 quickly 1 If we don’t leave soon, 1 bald; 2 schnell
we’re going to miss our
bus. 2 How soon can this
package be delivered to
stay in (v) ˌsteɪ ˈɪn to remain in your home and not I think I’d rather stay in zu Hause bleiben
go out tonight.
still (= time) (adv) stɪl *** used for saying that a situation Her hair was still damp noch / noch immer
continues to exist up to and from her walk in the rain.
including a particular time
stone (n) stəʊn *** 1 the hard substance that rocks 1 a cottage built of stone; 1+2 Stein; 3 Kern
are made of; 2 a small piece of 2 Children threw stones
rock; 3 a large hard seed that is at him. 3 a peach stone
inside a piece of fruit

storm (n) stɔːm ** an occasion when a lot of rain A fierce storm hit the west Sturm / Unwetter
or snow falls very quickly, often coast of Florida early this
with very strong winds or morning.
thunder and lightning
studies (n) stʌdiz the work that you do while you environmental/business Studium / Studieren
are at a college or university studies
tolerant (adj) ˈtɒlərənt willing to accept other people’s a tolerant society tolerant
beliefs, way of life etc without
criticizing them, even if you
disagree with them
tradition (n) trədɪʃ(ə)n *** a very old custom, belief, or Native American culture Tradition / Sitte
story and traditions
wealthy (adj) ˈwelθi rich a wealthy businessman reich / wohlhabend / vermögend
Gateway to Exams
Units 7–8
au pair (n) ˌəʊ ˈpeə(r) a young woman who lives with Au-pair-Mädchen
a family in a foreign country and
helps to look after their children

alternative (adj & n) ɔːlˈtɜː(r)nətɪv ** something that you can choose There was no alternative alternativ / Alternative / Möglichkeit
to do instead of something else – we had to close the
dimension (n) daɪˈmenʃ(ə)n length, height, or width A hologram represents an Ausmaß / Dimension
object in three
grape (n) greɪp a small green or purple fruit that Weintraube
grows in bunches on a vine and
that is often used for making
ingredient (n) ɪnˈgriːdiənt one of the foods or liquids that Mix all the ingredients Zutat
you use in making a particular together carefully.
jam (n) dʒæm a sweet sticky food made from strawberry jam Marmelade / Konfitüre
boiled fruit and sugar, that is
usually spread onto bread
jar (n) dʒɑː(r) a glass container for food, with a jar of marmalade Glas
a lid and a wide opening
kiwi (n) ˈkiːwiː 1 the bird that is the symbol of 1 Kiwi (Vogel); 2 Kiwi (ugs. für
New Zealand. It has a long thin Neuseeländer/in); 3 Kiwi (Frucht)
beak and cannot fly. 2 kiwi:
someone from New Zealand; 3
a fruit with green flesh, small
black seeds, and a brown skin

lime (n) laɪm a fruit with a hard green skin a slice of lime Limone / Limette
and sour juice
mixture (n) ˈmɪkstʃə(r) ** 1 a combination of two or more 1 Her face showed a 1 Mischung; 2 Mixtur
different people or things; 2 a mixture of fear and
substance such as food that is excitement. 2 Spoon the
the result of mixing different mixture into the cake tins.
obviously (adv) ˈɒbviəsli *** in a way that is clear for almost Richards was obviously offensichtlich
anyone to see or understand disappointed at being left
out of the team.
positive (adj & n) ˈpɒzətɪv *** 1 completely certain; 2 believing 1 We’d met before – I 1 eindeutig; 2 optimistisch; 3 positiv /
that good things will happen, or was positive about that. 2 Positives
that a situation will get better; 3 a positive attitude; 3
a positive experience, situation, School was a totally
result etc is a good one positive experience for

product (n) ˈprɒdʌkt *** something that is made, grown, dairy/pharmaceutical/ Produkt
or obtained in large quantities software products
so that it can be sold

recipe (n) ˈresəpi * a set of instructions for cooking a recipe for apple pie (Koch)rezept
or preparing a particular food

sell (v) sel *** to let someone have something We’ve decided to sell our verkaufen
in exchange for money house and move to
traditional (adj) trəˈdɪʃ(ə)nəl *** 1 relating to very old customs, 1 traditional 1 traditionell / althergebracht; 2 typisch
beliefs, or stories; 2 typical of Mediterranean cooking; 2
the things people have usually Our house was built in a
done traditional style.

Unit 9 Read on
comic/graphic novel (n) ˌkɒmɪk a novel that uses drawings to Comic
tell the story
crime novel (n) ˌkraɪm ˈnɒv(ə)l a long written story with crime Kriminalroman
as its theme
fairy tale (n) ˈfeəri ˌteɪl a traditional children’s story in Märchen
which magic things happen
fantasy (n) ˈfæntəsi a pleasant, exciting, or unusual Einbildung / Fantasiebild
experience that you imagine is
happening to you
historical fiction (n) hɪˌstɒrɪk(ə)l a long story based on people or historischer Roman
events that existed in the past

horror (n) ˈhɒrə(r) a type of book or film that is a horror story/film Horrorgeschichte /-film
intended to frighten people
play (n) pleɪ *** a piece of writing that is a Shakespeare/West End Theaterstück / Schauspiel
intended to be performed by play
actors in a theatre or on
television or the radio
romance (n) rəʊˈmæns a book or film about a romantic a historical romance set Liebesfilm / -roman / Romanze
relationship in India
science fiction (n) ˌsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n books and films about Science-Fiction (Film / Roman)
imaginary future events that
often include space travel and
creatures from other planets
thriller (n) ˈɵrɪlə(r) a book, play, or film that tells an Thriller / Kriminalstück
exciting story
atlas (n) ˈætləs a book of maps Atlas
autobiography (n) ˌɔːtəʊbaɪˈɒgrəfi a book about your life that you Autobiografie
write yourself
biography (n) baɪˈɒgrəfi a book that someone writes Biografie
about someone else’s life
cookbook (n) ˈkʊkˌbʊk a cookery book Kochbuch
dictionary (n) ˈdɪkʃən(ə)ri a book that gives an a dictionary of the English Wörterbuch
alphabetical list of words with language
their meanings or their
encyclopaedia (n) ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpiːdiə a book or set of books that Enzyklopädie / Nachschlagewerk /
gives information about a lot of Lexikon
different subjects or one
particular subject
guidebook (n) ˈgaɪdˌbʊk a book for tourists that provides Reiseführer
information about a place

magazine (n) ˌmægəˈziːn ** a large thin book with a paper a Zeitschrift

cover that is usually published fashion/gardening/motorin
once a month or once a week g magazine
manual (n) ˈmænjʊəl a book that contains instructions an instruction/operating Anleitung / Handbuch
for doing something, especially manual
for operating a machine

newspaper (n) ˈnjuɪzˌpeɪpə(r) *** a set of large printed sheets of a local newspaper Zeitung
folded paper containing news,
articles, and other information
that is published every day or
every week
textbook (n) ˈteks(t)ˌbʊk a book that contains information an accounting/history Lehrbuch
about a particular subject textbook

Phrasal verbs connected with reading and writing

cross out (v) ˌkrɒs ˈaʊt to draw an X or a line through Just cross out the old (aus-/weg)streichen
writing because it is wrong, or address.
because you want to write
something else
fill in (v) ˌfɪl ˈɪn to add information in the empty Please fill in the ausfüllen
spaces on an official document application form.

flick through (v) ˌflɪk ˈθruː to look quickly at the pages of a She flicked through the durchblättern / überfliegen
magazine or book book but found nothing
look up (v) ˌlʊk ˈʌp to try to find a piece of I had to look the word up nachschlagen
information by looking in a book in a dictionary.
or on a list, or by using a
read on (v) ˌriːd ˈɒn to get information on a I need to read up on my intensiv lesen / nachlesen
particular subject by reading a British history.
lot about it
read out (v) ˌriːd ˈaʊt to say the words that you are He read the list of names laut (vor)lesen
reading so that people can hear out.
turn over (v) ˌtɜː(r)n ˈəʊvə(r) to turn a page in a book or a You may turn over your umblättern
sheet of paper so that the other exam papers now.
side is towards you
Other words and phrases
adaptation (n) ˌædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n a film or TV programme made The television adaptation Adaption
from a book or play of the stage play was very
almost (adv) ˈɔːlməʊst *** nearly but not completely ‘Are you ready?’ ‘Almost! beinahe / fast
I’m just putting my shoes
apparent (adj) əˈpærənt * easy to see or understand It was apparent that the offensichtlich
two women knew each
assassination (n) əˌsæsɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n * the murder of a famous or an assassination attempt Attentat
important person, especially for
political reasons
author (n) ˈɔːɵə(r) ** 1 someone who writes books or 1 Nobel Prize winning 1 Schriftsteller/in / Autor/in; 2 Autor/in /
articles as their job; 2 the author, Alexander Verfasser/in
person who wrote a particular Solzhenitsyn; 2 the author
document or other piece of of the report

best-selling (adj) ˌbestˈsellɪŋ the book that the most people a best-selling book meistverkauft
blood (n) blʌd *** the red liquid that flows around Oxygen is carried in the Blut
inside your body blood.
boarding school (n) ˈbɔː(r)dɪŋ ˌskuːl a school in which the students Internat
live during the part of the year
that they go to lessons
carefully (adv) ˈkeə(r)ˌf(ə)l paying attention to a task, for He washed the antique sorgfältig / vorsichtig
example in order to avoid an plates very carefully.
certainly (adv) ˈsɜː(r)t(ə)nli *** 1 used for emphasizing that 1 There certainly wasn’t 1 gewiss / sicher; 2 selbstverständlich /
something is definitely true or any point in going now. 2 natürlich
will definitely happen; 2 used for ‘We’d like you to explain
expressing agreement or for your proposal to us in
giving permission greater detail.’ ‘Certainly.’

climb (n & v) klaɪm *** to use your hands and feet to He climbed onto the roof. Klettern / klettern
move up, over, down, or across
combine (v) kəmˈbaɪn ** if you combine things, or if they an attempt to combine the kombinieren / miteinander verbinden
combine, they are used, done, advantages of two
or put together systems
cover (= for a book) (n) ˈkʌvə(r) *** the outside page on the front or Her face was once on the Umschlag / Titelseite
back of a book or magazine cover of Vogue
cowboy (n) ˈkaʊˌbɔɪ a man whose job is to look after Cowboy
cows on a ranch in the US
credit card (n) ˈkredɪt ˌkɑː(r)d a small plastic card that you use Joe paid for the goods Kreditkarte
to buy things now and pay for using his credit card.
them later
customer (n) ˈkʌstəmə(r) *** a person or company that buys Supermarkets use a Kunde / Kundin
goods or services variety of tactics to attract
dragon (n) ˈdrægən in stories, an imaginary large Drache
animal that breathes out fire
elf (n) elf a small imaginary person with Elfe
magic powers
end up (v) ˌend ˈʌp to be in a place or state after Somehow they all ended in etwas enden
doing something, or because of up at my house.
doing something
floor (= storey) (n) flɔː(r) *** one of the levels in a building a first-floor flat Stock(werk) / Etage
following (adj) ˈfɒləʊɪŋ after something happens, or as The team blossomed anschließend / folgend
a result of something that following the appointment
happens of the new manager.

handsome (adj) ˈhæns(ə)m ** a handsome man or boy has a Joe was tall, dark, and gutaussehend
very attractive face handsome.
happily ever after ˈhæpɪli ˌevə(r) to be happy for the rest of your And they lived happily Märchenende: … dann leben sie noch
life ever after.' heute.
have an impact (v) ˌhæv ən ˈɪmpækt to have an effect or influence on The failure of the beeinflussen / sich auswirken
someone or something transport system has had
an impact on all our lives.

how long ˌhaʊ ˈlɒŋ used to indicate a period of time ‘How long does it take for wie lange
a claim to be processed?’

how often ˌhaʊ ˈɒf(ə)n used for talking about how How often do you eat wie oft
many times something happens meat?
in a particular period of time

in stock ˌɪn ˈstɒk an amount of something that Do you have any of these auf Lager
you keep so that you can use it batteries in stock at the
when you need it moment?
inspiration (n) ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n someone or something that Her short story was the Inspiration
gives you the enthusiasm and original inspiration for the
new ideas to create something, film.
or a feeling of enthusiasm like

intrigue (n) ˈɪntriːg to make someone very That old house has faszinieren / neugierig machen
interested in knowing more always intrigued me.
about something
jump in (v) ʤʌmp to become involved in Onlookers jumped in to dazwischengehen / hineingezogen
something without thinking break up the fight. werden in
carefully about it
keep up (v) ˌkiːp ˈʌp 1 to move or develop at the 1 By studying hard, she 1 Schritt halten mit; 2 weitermachen
same speed as someone or managed to keep up. 2
something; 2 to continue to do Keep up the good work.
make up (= invent) (v) ˌmeɪk ˈʌp to invent something such as a He made up some erfinden
story or an explanation excuse about the dog
eating his homework.
mysterious (adj) mɪˈstɪəriəs not explained, understood, or They are investigating the geheimnisvoll / rätselhaft
known mysterious
disappearance of a young
order (= ask for (v) ˈɔː(r)də(r) *** to ask for something to be Are you ready to order? (in einem Geschäft/Restaurant)
something in a brought to you or be made for bestellen
shop/restaurant) you
passion (n) ˈpæʃ(ə)n * 1 a powerful emotion such as 1 She spoke with great 1 starkes Gefühl / Leidenschaft; 2
love or anger; 2 a strong passion about the plight Passion
enthusiasm or interest of the refugees. 2 a
passion for classical
path (n) pɑːɵ *** a way from one place to another Amy walked up the path Pfad / Weg
that people can walk along to the house.

predator (n) ˈpredətə(r) an animal that kills and eats The birds have to be Raubtier
other animals protected from foxes and
other predators.
previous (adj) (adj) ˈpriːviəs *** a previous event, period, or Mark has two children vorherig
thing happened or existed from a previous marriage.
before the one that you are
talking about
publication (n) ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n * 1 the process of producing a 1 She became famous 1 Publikation / Veröffentlichung; 2
book for people to buy; 2 a after the publication of her Zeitschrift / Zeitung / Buch
magazine, newspaper, or book first novel. 2 a weekly
financial publication
reach (v) ˈriːʧ *** 1 to arrive somewhere; 2 to 1 We hoped to reach the 1 ankommen; 2 ergreifen; 3 erreichen
move your hand towards camp before dark. 2 He
something you are trying to turned round and reached
touch or pick up; 3 to manage to for the phone. 3 We keep
touch something or pick it up by the bottles up here so the
stretching out your arm children can’t reach them.

related (adj) rɪˈleɪtɪd * 1 connected; 2 belonging to the 1 We think the two crimes 1 In Zusammenhang stehen; 2
same family are related in some way. verwandt sein
2 Annie’s related to the
reunion (n) riːˈjuːniən a social event for people who a family reunion Wiedervereinigung
have not seen each other for a
long time
ring (= wedding ring) (n) rɪŋ *** a piece of jewellery in the form She had a ring on every Ring (= Ehering)
of a circle that you wear on a finger.
risk (v) rɪsk ** to do something although you He risked a lot of money etwas riskieren
know that something that is bad on the company.
could happen as a result
scuba-diving (n) ˈskʊbə ˌdaɪvɪŋ the activity of swimming under Tauchen (Sport)
water with a container of air on
your back and a tube for
breathing through
section (n) ˈsekʃ(ə)n *** 1 a person, group, part, or area 1 The frozen-foods 1 Teil; 2 Rubrik
that forms part of something section is in the rear of
larger; 2 a part of a newspaper, the shop. 2 The story was
book, or other piece of writing reported on the front page
that may be considered of the business section.

shock (n) ʃɒk ** 1 the feeling of being very 1 Jessica’s face was 1 Schock / Erschrecken; 2 Schock /
surprised by something bad that blank with shock. 2 The Betroffenheit / Überraschung /
happens unexpectedly; 2 price of housing was quite Erschütterung
something that happens a shock for us.
unexpectedly and makes you
feel very surprised and upset

sinister (adj) ˈsɪnɪstə(r) threatening to do something a sinister remark böse / teuflisch

harmful or evil
spend (= money) (v) spend *** to use money to pay for things How much money did you ausgeben (= Geld)
sufficient (adj) səˈfɪʃ(ə)nt ** as much as is needed The wages were not ausreichend / genügend
sufficient for people to live
survive (v) sə(r)ˈvaɪv *** 1 to continue to exist or live in a 1 Only one of the 1 durch-/überstehen; 2 überleben
difficult situation; 2 to stay alive museum’s paintings
after an injury, illness, or attack survived the fire. 2
Doctors don’t think the
victims will survive.
survivor (n) sə(r)ˈvaɪvə(r) someone who is still alive after There were only two Überlebende/r
an accident, illness, or attack survivors of the plane
though (adv & conðəʊ *** 1 but; 2 used when adding a 1 I really enjoyed your 1 obwohl; 2 obschon / wenngleich
statement or question that lecture, though there
seems surprising after the were some parts I didn’t
previous statement quite understand. 2 ‘The
Savoy’s a very nice hotel.’
‘Isn’t it rather expensive,

together (adv) təˈgeðə(r) *** 1 if you put or join two or more 1 Mix together the flour, 1 zusammen; 2 gemeinsam
things together, you combine or eggs, and water. 2 Kevin,
connect them; 2 with each other Jack, and Dave share a
house together.
troll (n) trɒl 1 a very ugly creature in old 1 Troll; 2 ein hässlicher,
Scandinavian stories that lives unangenehmer Mensch
in a cave and is either very
small or very tall; 2 an ugly or
unpleasant person
unnecessary (adj) ʌnˈnesəs(ə)ri * not needed Remove all unnecessary unnötig
files from your computer.
whisper (v) ˈwɪspə(r) * to speak very quietly to Stop whispering, you two! flüstern
someone, so that other people
cannot hear you
witch (n) wɪtʃ a woman with magic powers Hexe
wolf (n) wʊlf a wild animal that looks like a Little Red Riding Hood's Wolf
large dog grandmother was eaten
by the big bad wolf.
Unit 10 Cyberspace
Computers and computing
hard drive (n) ˌhɑː(r)d ˈdraɪv the part inside a computer that Festplatte
stores the information it needs
to work
keyboard (n) ˈkiːˌbɔː(r)d a piece of computer equipment Options can be selected Tastatur
with keys on it, used for putting by using the mouse or the
information into a computer keyboard.

mouse (n) maʊs ** a small object connected to a Click on the left mouse Maus
computer that you move in button.
order to do things on the
computer screen
mouse pad (n) ˈmaʊs ˌpæd the flat part on a laptop that you Mauspad
operate with your fingers to do
things on a computer screen

printer (n) ˈprɪntə(r) * a piece of equipment that you a laser/inkjet/colour Drucker

use for printing documents that printer
you have created on a
speaker (n) ˈspiːkə(r) ** a piece of electrical equipment Lautsprecher
that sends out sound
USB port (n) ˌjuː es ˈbiː ˌpɔː(r)t a place on a computer where USB-Anschluss
you can attach a cable for
connecting a printer, keyboard,
modem etc
webcam (n) ˈwebˌkæm a camera that is connected to a Webcam
computer and produces images
on a website
The Internet
blog (n & v) blɒg a biographical web log: a type Blog (Internettagebuch) / bloggen
of diary on a website that is
changed regularly, to give the
latest news.
broadband (n) ˈbrɔːdˌbænd a type of connection between a Do you have broadband Breitband
computer and the Internet that at home?
allows you to send or receive a
large amount of information in a
short time
chat online (v) ˌʧæt ɒnˈlaɪn to exchange messages with online chatten
someone using computers, in a
way that lets you see each
other’s messages immediately
download (v) ˌdaʊnˈləʊd to move information to your You can download this herunterladen
computer from a computer software for free.
system or from the Internet
search engine (n) ˈsɜː(r)ʧ ˌenʤɪn a computer program that is Suchmaschine
used for searching for
information on the Internet
surf the Net (v) ˌsɜː(r)f ðə ˈnet to look at various places one She spends hours every im Internet surfen
after another on the Internet or day just surfing the Net.
on television
website (n) ˈwebˌsaɪt a place on the Internet where Website
information is available about a
particular subject, company,
university etc
Collocations with email
bounce back (v) ˌbaʊns ˈbæk if an email message bounces, it zurückkommen / -prallen
is sent back to you without
reaching the person you sent it
check email (v) ˌʧek ˈiːmeɪl looking at the messages that She checks her email first E-Mails durchsehen/checken
you receive by email thing every morning.
delete an email (v) dəˈliːt ən ˌiːmeɪl to remove an email that has eine E-Mail löschen
been written, recorded, or
stored in a computer
email account (n) ˈiːmeɪl əˌkaʊnt an arrangement you have with a Do you have an email E-Mail-Account / -Postfach
company or Internet provider to account?
use a service they provide
email address (n) ˈiːmeɪl əˌdres an individual name that you use Can you give me your E-Mail-Adresse
to receive email on the Internet email address?

forward an email (v) ˈfɔː(r)wə(r)d ən to send an email that has been Your email has been eine E-Mail weiterleiten
sent to your address to forwarded to our head
ˈiːmeɪl someone else at another office.
reply to an email (v) rɪˌplaɪ tʊ ən to send an answer to an email auf eine E-Mail antworten
you have received
send an email (v) ˌsend ən ˈiːmeɪl to send a message to someone You can send me the list eine E-Mail schicken
by email by email if you like.
Other words and phrases
academic (adj & n) ˌækəˈdemɪk * 1 relating to education, 1 We expect our students 1 akademisch; 2 theoretisch; 3
especially in colleges and to meet high academic Akademiker/in
universities; 2 based on standards. 2 The college
learning from study rather than offers both academic and
practical skills and experience; vocational qualifications.
3 a teacher at a college or 3 The meeting was
university chaired by a leading
Japanese academic.

accidentally (adv) ˌæksɪˈdent(ə)li * 1 by chance, as the result of an 1 Police believe the fire 1 zufälligerweise; 2 aus Versehen
accident; 2 by mistake rather was started accidentally.
than deliberate intention 2 The program prevents
files from being
accidentally erased.

analyse (v) ˈænəlaɪz to examine something in detail Scientists analysed Analyse

in order to understand or samples of leaves taken
explain it from the area.
assess (v) əˈses to think about something We tried to assess his beurteilen
carefully and make a judgment suitability for the job.
about it
assessment (n) əˈsesmənt ** the process of making a The investigation was Beurteilung
judgment or forming an opinion, reopened after careful
after considering something or assessment of new
someone carefully evidence.

block (n) (n) blɒk ** 1 a large building with a lot of 1 an apartment/office 1 Block / große Gebäudeeinheit; 2
different levels; 2 a solid piece block; 2 a block of Klotz; 3 Karree / (Wohn)viertel
of wood, stone, ice etc with marble; 3 I was early, so I
straight sides; 3 an area of walked around the block
buildings in a town or city with a couple of times.
streets on all four sides

butcher’s (n) ˈbʊʧə(r)z someone whose job is to sell Fleischer / Metzger

meat. The shop they work in is
called a butcher’s or a butcher’s
button (n) ˈbʌt(ə)n ** 1 a small object that you press 1 Press this button to 1 (Bedienungs-)knopf; 2 Knopf (an
to make a machine do start the computer. 2 He Kleidung)
something; 2 a small round had undone the top
object that is used for fastening button of his shirt.
clothes by pushing it through a

chip (= silicon) (n) tʃɪp ** a very small piece of silicon that Chip (=Silikon)
is marked with electronic
connections. It is used in
computers and other machines

component (n) kəmˈpəʊnənt * a part of a machine or piece of car components Teil / Komponente
data (n) ˈdeɪtə *** information that is used for The document contained Daten / Informationen
making calculations or data from tests of
decisions biological weapons.
designer clothes (n) dɪˈzaɪnə(r) the things that you wear such Designerkleidung
as shirts, dresses, trousers etc
ˌkləʊðz made a specific designer
diameter (n) daɪˈæmɪtə(r) a straight line that crosses a a pipe with a 4-inch Durchmesser
circle through the centre, or the diameter
length of this line
dishonest (adj) dɪsˈɒnɪst willing to do things that are not They admitted that there unehrlich
honest were dishonest officers in
the police force.
document (n) ˈdɒkjʊmənt *** 1 a piece of paper or a set of 1 He refused to sign the 1 offizielles Dokument (Papier); 2
papers containing official documents. 2 The Dokument (am Computer)
information; 2 a computer file program will automatically
that you can write in save any documents you
have open.

eclipse (n & v) ɪˈklɪps a short period when all or part a total eclipse of the Sun (Mond-/Sonnen-)Finsternis /
of the Sun or Moon becomes when all of the Sun is verfinstern / in den Hintergrund
dark dark drängen
enormous (adj) ɪˈnɔː(r)məs ** very large in size or quantity an enormous birthday enrom / gewaltig / riesig
entertainment (n) ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnmənt ** performances that people enjoy A jazz band provided Unterhaltung
entertainment for the
export (n & v) noun: ˈekspɔː(r)t **/* 1 a product that is sold to 1 Agricultural produce is 1 Export; 2 exportieren
another country; 2 to send a the country’s largest
verb: ɪk product to another country so export. 2 Their flowers
ˈspɔː(r)t that it can be sold there are exported around the
frustrating (adj) ˈfrʌˌstreɪtɪng making you feel annoyed and It’s frustrating to wait all frustrierend
impatient because you are day for a repairman who
prevented from achieving doesn’t show up.
hard copy (n) ˈhɑː(r)d ˌkɒpi a printed copy of information Ausdruck (eines Dokumentes vom
that is held on a computer Computer)
import (n & v) noun: ˈɪmpɔː(r)t * to buy a product from another We import most of our Import / importieren / einführen
country and bring it to your coal from other countries.
verb: ɪm country
ingot (n) ˈɪŋgət a block of gold, silver, or other (Metall-)barren
invest (v) ɪnˈvest * to use your money with the aim Banks invested £20 investieren
of making a profit from it, for million in the scheme.
example by buying shares in a
military (adj & n) ˈmɪlɪt(ə)ri ** relating to armed forces, or military service militärisch / Militär
using armed forces
model train (n) ˌmɒd(ə)l ˈtreɪn a child’s toy consisting of small Modelleisenbahn
trains and a track
mosque (n) mɒsk a building in which Muslims Moschee
objective (n) əbˈdʒektɪv * something that you plan to I’m not sure I understand Ziel
achieve the objective of this
owner (n) ˈəʊnə(r) *** someone who owns something a Besitzer
otel owner
particle (n) ˈpɑː(r)tɪk(ə)l 1 an extremely small piece or 1 dust particles; 2 The 1 Teilchen / kleine Einheit; 2 Partikel
amount of something; 2 an sentence ‘He quickly put (grammatikalisch)
adverb or preposition used with on his clothes’, ‘on’ is a
a verb to form a phrasal verb. particle.

password (n) ˈpɑːsˌwɜː(r)d a secret word or phrase that Passwort

you need in order to get into a
room, building, or area
per (prep) pɜː(r) * used for stating the rate or cost He is paid £10 per hour pro
for each unit of time, quantity, for the job.
distance etc
physics (n) ˈfɪzɪks * the science that deals with heat, Physik
light, and other forms of energy
and how they affect objects

practical (adj & n) ˈpræktɪk(ə)l *** 1 involving, or relating to, real 1 Unfortunately this 1 praktisch; 2 vernünftig; 3 praktisch /
situations rather than theories research has no practical nützlich; 4 praktisch veranlagt /
or ideas alone; 2 making use. 2 Despite their Praktisches
sensible decisions and choices wealth, they were always
based on what can be practical about money. 3
successfully achieved; 3 It's a practical car for the
intended to be useful or family; 4 He's a very
suitable, not just fashionable or practical person and
attractive; 4 able to make wants to train as a
repairs or do things with your builder.
hands in a skilful way

product (n) ˈprɒdʌkt *** something that is made, grown, dairy/pharmaceutical/ Produkt / Ware
or obtained in large quantities software products
so that it can be sold

protest (n & v) noun: ˈprəʊtest **/**/* 1 a strong complaint or 1 a formal protest against 1 Einspruch / Widerspruch; 2
disagreement; 2 an occasion the nuclear testing; 2 a Demonstration / Protestveranstaltung;
verb: prəˈtest when people show strong public protest march; 3 Workers 3 protestieren
opposition to something; 3 to are protesting against
show publicly that you oppose high unemployment.

punish (v) ˈpʌnɪʃ * to do something unpleasant to He was punished for bestrafen

someone because they have stealing.
done something bad or illegal
record (n & v) noun: ˈrekɔː(r)d *** 1 information that is kept about 1 medical/historical 1 Aufzeichnung / Archiv / Annalen; 2
something that has happened records; 2 She holds the Rekord; 3 Schallplatte; 4 festhalten /
verb: rɪˈkɔː(r)d or that someone has done. 2 world record in the 800 aufschreiben; 5 aufnehmen (auf CD,
the best achievement so far in a metres. 3 an original Video usw.)
particular activity, especially a Beatles’ record; 4 They
sport; 3 a large circular black were asked to record the
piece of plastic containing time at which the attack
music or other sounds; 4 to happened. 5 Can you
make a record of something record the football for me
that has happened, usually by at 10 o’clock?
writing it down; 5 to put sounds
or images onto a cassette, CD,
or video
refine (n) rɪˈfaɪn to remove things from a natural verfeinern / raffinieren
substance in order to make it
reputation (n) ˌrepjʊˈteɪʃ(ə)n ** the opinion people have about The town has a bad Ruf / Ansehen
how good or bad someone or reputation.
something is
research (n) ˈriːsɜː(r)ʧ ** the detailed study of something medical/historical/ (Nach)Forschung
in order to discover new facts linguistic research

resident (n) ˈrezɪd(ə)nt ** someone who lives in a Many local residents have Anwohner/in / Bewohner/in
particular place objected to the new road.

sand (n & v) sænd ** a pale brown substance that The children were playing Sand / schleifen
you find at a beach or in the in the sand.
desert, formed from very small
pieces of rock
tiny (adj) ˈtaɪni ** extremely small She is one of a tiny winzig
minority of female
motoring journalists.
transistor (n) trænˈzɪstə(r) an object that controls the flow Transistor
of electricity inside electronic
valley (n) ˈvæli * a low area of land between two Their house has Tal
mountains or hills, often with a wonderful views across
river flowing through it the valley.
various (adj) ˈveəriəs *** several different There are various ways of verschieden / unterschiedlich
solving the problem.
Gateway to Exams
Units 9–10
interaction (n) ˌɪntərˈækʃ(ə)n ** the activity of being with and I enjoy the constant Zusammenspiel
talking to other people, and the interaction with people
way that people react to each from other departments.
member (n) ˈmembə(r) *** someone who belongs to a a trade union member Mitglied
group or an organization
print (v) prɪnt ** 1 to produce words, numbers, 1 The book is beautifully 1 drucken; 2 veröffentlichen; 3 einen
pictures etc on paper, using a printed on quality paper. 2 Abzug machen (Foto)
printer or printing press; 2 to They refused to print my
publish something in a letter. 3 She printed her
newspaper or magazine; 3 to holiday photos to send to
produce a photograph on paper her parents.

publisher (n) ˈpʌblɪʃə(r) a person or company that My father was the editor Verleger/in
produces and sells books and publisher of a small
town newspaper.
spectacular (adj & n) spekˈtækjʊlə(r) extremely impressive The show was a spektakulär / Spektakuläres
spectacular success.
turn into (= turn a book (v) ˌtɜː(r)n ˈɪntə to change or develop into Our holiday turned into a etwas zu etwas machen (= ein Buch
into a film) something different, or to make nightmare. verfilmen) / etwas ver-/umwandeln
something change or develop
into something different

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