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CBSE Test Paper-1 Class - 12 Physics

Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

Very Short Answer Questions [1 Marks Question]

Ques 1: What is the value of sparking potential for air at normal pressure?

Ques 2: Who discovered electron?

Ques 3: Which all properties do cathode rays dependent upon?

Ques 4: Who discovered photo electric effect?

Ques 5: What is the rest mass of a photon?

Ques 6: If h is Plank’s constant, find the momentum of a photon of wavelength 0.02A°? (CBSE 1990)

Ques 7: Do non-metals show photo-electric effect?

Short Answer Questions [2 Marks Question]

Ques 1: Is photoelectric emission possible at all frequencies? Give reasons for your answer? (CBSE

Ques 2: Explain the effect of increase of i) frequency ii) intensity of the incident radiation on photo-
electrons emitted by a photo tube?

Ques 3: State two laws of photoelectric emission. Is cathode rays’ wave or particle?

Ques 4: What is the momentum of a photon of wavelength 0.01°A

Ques 5: Why a photo-electric cell is also called an electric eye?

Long Answer Questions [3 Marks Question]

Ques 1: Describe the photo electric effect and state the laws of photoelectric emission? (HBSE 2000)

Ques 2: Describe the laws of photoelectric effect?

Ques 3: Calculate the frequency associated with photon of energy .3 x 10 -20 J (h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js)

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