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Christia Marie Amor L.

Degoma BS Economics ll
Life and Works of Rizal

The Lives of Tomorrow

When I was still a kid, I’m fan of making dreams.

I used to enjoy making up stories when I was a youngster. Dreams that
seemed so simple to obtain and fulfill. Those were the finest days of my
life because I didn't have to worry about what would happen tomorrow or
the realities that would hit you in the face and force you to face reality. I
had so many dreams back then, such as becoming a chef and cooking
delicious meals for people, becoming a doctor to treat others, and
becoming a veterinarian to help animals, but everything seems to fade
away little by little, and I feel like becoming something becomes becoming
nothing. I fear growing up and living without the things that will make me
happy and determined in this lifetime and being unable to do things
anymore, or fear dreaming big because I might not get what I want and
end up disappointed. There are challenges in my life that will truly test my
strength and determination to continue on my path, but as I've gotten older
and gained more experiences, I've realized that failing is a part of life, and
that in order for me to achieve my goals and dreams in the future, I must
take action now.
When I was in elementary school, I remember my parents telling me to do
well in school and work hard to finish my studies so that I can buy the
things I want. This phrase meant nothing to me at the time. Like any other
primary school student, all we think and wanted to do was play after our
teacher finished his or her discussion, and that was certainly the case for
me. I remember wearing a blue dress with a matching blue headband on
graduation day, so excited to receive my only medal. Despite the fact that
others have many awards and medals, I am still happy and content that I
have one. I appreciate small things when I was young, even if I make a lot
of mistakes or some errors back then I am not afraid to do it again. Not
until, in my high school days, were fun and many disappointments were
present and failures and errors are everywhere. I’m not that smart in the
school to tell you I’m just an average one.
I recall, when the SASE result were approaching I was really nervous and
excited at the same time in my college life and my future ahead, if I
couldn’t pass the exam and be a student of that university. My parents are
not well off and couldn’t afford to send me in a private school. My father is
a vendor and was working together with my mother helping him everyday
with the works. Its the day, the important day where I will finally get to see
my SASE result and it was raining. I was thinking about my exam score all
the time, if my effort was enough and finally I get to know the answers, the
funny thing that happened was I waited for it but I fell asleep for a certain
time and it was the exact time that it was ready for the students to access
it and had no idea that my classmates and batch mates were very happy
for their result and some were disappointed and our GC’s were exploding
with so many messages and me was just there chilling in my sleep. To
make it short, I found out that my exam score passed to the passing rate
of that university. I was happy not until I discovered that my score didn’t
make it to my selected course. Actually, it was not a bad score but my
score didn’t entered to the courses that I wanted both in first and second
choice. I was happy that I passed and get the chance to be in the
university that I want but disappointed at the same time for the reason that
I will not get to choose the course that I like. At that time, I’m on the
process of accepting those facts and cheer myself up but I also couldn’t
avoid to questioned myself and my capabilities sometimes. I feel like in
this stage of my life specially in my college life right now I get to see and
slap by the reality. To me the college courses that I have to choose were
like two roads, one that includes your passion and the other one that
offers practicality or reality. My thoughts were chaotic in which road should
I choose, I couldn’t decide because I’m not sure if I can handle it, there are
many factors affecting to it but time flies so fast and here I am in the
present, improving myself and learning to be strong all the time. I’m
fighting for my future and I will continue to fight for it whatever happens. I
choose to be in the journey where I feel like would be the best for myself
and for my future. Being in able to face a lot of challenges today in my
college life is part of growing, to fail is the step of success and to be
anxious about your future and making mistakes is normal.
I do not know what will be my future based on my actions and decisions of
today but whatever may it be I have an ultimate goal to find, that is to seek
for my happiness and purpose. I may not have chosen the course that I
want but I’m happy that I am enjoying my journey right now. Life has so
much to offer, you may have chosen a different path that you never
expected before but as long as you continue to be strong and fight against
the odds and to everything that might break you and bring you down you
will certainly find your destination. Just like Rizal who also choose different
path to fight for his goal and the happiness to see the country achieve its
freedom. My experiences and Rizal is unique but it tells a similar message
to which I could relate to.
Rizal and I shares different experiences as a student, Rizal was smart and
I was just an average student. Rizal had travel different countries and
been into different universities or colleges and excel in different degrees
and me trying to be there in that one university and succeeded but didn’t
have the course that I want in the first place but what makes him and my
experiences kind of similar in some other way as a student is that we
strives for the improvement of ourselves and for the future by educating
ourselves and used this skills and knowledge for the future endeavours.
Rizal lived his life with a big purpose not just being a smart person,
learning or gaining knowledge and growing with the experiences but using
those things to a greater goal or cause. That’s what makes him admirable
as a student. With the experiences I mentioned above, I could say as a
student just like the experiences of Rizal we wanted to study and finish our
studies for a greater reason not just for ourselves but in helping my
parents in my case just like the scenario of Rizal wanted to study medicine
for her mother to cure her cataract is like the same in my case but different
reason, it is to finish my college so that I could help my parents and I could
be able to support them in a way that I could possibly do. In addition to, it
is to never give up to your goal or dreams or the purpose that you believed
in .
Rizal didn’t let her fear control his life even if it takes his life for the greater
purpose he continue fighting to what he believed in and just like that I still
continue finding my greater purpose without fear letting inside me, a
purpose that lies beyond being a student who is trying to have a better life.
Love is the reason and what drives people to continue and stand up for
their goals and purpose in life may it be in the family, yourself, others and
as a whole the country. Just like Rizal back then when he still a student he
have also seen the harsh reality that was being thrown to him and like in
my experiences I have also seen the harsh reality, even before I became
a college student. We see the harsh reality in a different scale but we used
it to overcome the fear of tomorrow and used it to become strong and
courageous for what we wanted and desire deep inside in our heart and
that’s what makes my experiences and Rizal kind of similar in a different

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