Project 2 Juan David Santís Cabrera

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Orthodox Jews and their relationship with Catholic

Juan David Santis Cabrera


One of the subcultures of greatest importance and extension over Israel is Orthodox Jews.
This consists of a religious group based on the messianic laws, which tries to continue
exactly the customs and rules that the first Israelites had. The nature of his beliefs and
ideology has allowed this group to achieve its goal of remaining faithful to principles despite
having passed more than 2000 years. Similarly, in Colombia there is a subculture similar in
principle to the Jews of Israel, this is the Catholic religion. These subcultures were chosen
for their great importance and influence over the countries in which it is presented.

1. Social and cultural impact on history.

This religion is characterized by being authoritarian and tend to have great social domination
[1], so they have made the emergence of new cultures in Israel very difficult, and also to
rejecting the foreign cultures until today, this behavior was also presented by the catholic
religion for a long time, to the point of using violence to eliminate cultures or beliefs that were
different, but unlike Jews, the passage of time and globalization have made the Catholic
religion less socially dominant and has accepted cultural diversity over the territories in which
it is presented. This phenomenon is likely to affect Orthodox Jews at some point because
the changes of society and the world are something that cannot be avoided.

2. Origin of beliefs

The Jews base their beliefs on the laws delivered by the lord to Moses when the people of
Israel wandered through the desert and on the traditions, rituals and customs of the first
Jews, but Orthodox Jews follow each of these traditions to the letter and seek to recreate
them accurately. One of the most remarkable and interesting traditions are to rest on
Saturday and not do any work, this is based on what God does in the Genesis of the Bible
when the creation of the world and the human being ended, also they do not recognize
Jesus as the son of God. Similarly, Catholics base much of their beliefs on the ten
commandments and the first books of the Bible, but in contrast, Catholics do not have the
habit of resting on the last day of the week like the Jews and also recognize Jesus as the
son of God, also take into account the books of the new testament. The nature, origin and
beliefs of each of the religions has caused the born of new variants over the years, for the
case of the Catholic religion, was the emergence of the Protestant movement, which
rejected much of the customs of the Catholic Church, and for Orthodox Jews was the
emergence of ultra-Orthodox Jews, which seek to recreate strictly accurately the conditions
under which the first Jews lived.

3. Customs and organization

The majority of customs of Orthodox Jews remain the same as of the first Jews, and their
organization consists on a leader called rabbi, who is responsible for spiritually guiding of all
parishioners of a congregation, they meet in structures called synagogues, and requires at
least 10 males to be performed. On the other hand, the Catholic religion bases many of its
customs on rituals or actions not mentioned in the Bible and its organization consists in a
world leader called Papa, who bishop whit the highest rank of the Catholic Church and who
runs it, each congregation has a priest, who is in charge of the spiritual guidance of his
parishioners. The way in which Jews are organized is much less authoritarian and simple,
because it is assumed that rabbis are people of great wisdom, who always base their
teachings and ways of acting on the principles observed in the early Jews, so they do not
care about the emergence of people with different or modified beliefs. But the Catholic
Church is distributed almost everywhere, so it needs rigorous organization and vigilance
over each of the bishops and priests to avoid deviations in the traditions and customs they

Both religions have existed for a great deal of time, their beliefs and customs are largely
based on what is established in the bible, and their social impact, cultural and behavior with
other religions or thought streams over the years has tended to be very similar due to the
nature of their customs. But they differ in many aspects such as organization, basic customs,
and fundamental beliefs. Therefore, they cannot be analyzed and judged from the same
form. The cultural contribution of each of these religions is very extensive, so much so that
society and the world as it is known today would not be possible without its influence over
the years, both religions have had many moments of crisis and have been grounds for
disputes, but they are of great importance to the world.



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