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A pedagógus neve: Németh Ágnes

Műveltségi terület: Élő idegen nyelv
Tantárgy: Angol
Osztály: 5.N
Az óra témája: Unit 6a – Asking and answering about dates (Dátumokkal kapcsolatos kérdések és válaszok)
Az óra cél- és feladatrendszere: Dátumok, sorszámnevek helyesírásának elsajátítása, sorszámnevek (ordinal numbers) és tőszemnevek (cardinal
numbers) fogalmának tisztázása. A témával kapcsolatos szókincs bővítése. Az óra végére a tanulók képesek olyan kérdéseket alkotni és
megválaszolni, melyek különböző ünnepek, jeles alkalmak időpontjához köthetők, s meglévő ismereteiket felhasználva ezen ünnepekről
személyes tapasztalataikat, véleményüket megosztani.
Az órai didaktikai feladatai: Ráhangolódás, új témakör bevezetése, ismeretbővítés, gyakorlás.
Felhasznált források:
- H.Q. Mitchell – Marileni Malkogianni: Get To The Top 1 Revised edition tankönyv és munkafüzet (+ Teacher’s notes)
- Órai játék forrása: https://www.englishclub.com/efl/tefl-articles/ordinal-numbers/ (Ordinals Buzz Fizz)
- Házi feladat forrása: https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets/grammar/ordinal-numbers/ordinal-numbers/4830 (extra task sheet)
Dátum: 2022.03.21.

Time Activities Work mode and Materials Notes

0-2’ Welcoming students, asking ‘How are you?’ Frontal work, group - -
2-10’ - Introducing the topic of the new chapter Frontal work, group Student’s book To be able to make the
(Celebrations) discussion students motivated, we
 What does the title mean? What do you will talk about some
think the chapter will be about? exciting celebrations
- Discussing the questions in the ‘Discuss’ part (birthday, Christmas) and
 What’s your favourite celebration? I will ask them why do
 What’s the most popular celebration in they like these holidays,
your country? how do they celebrate
- Reading out the objectives and explaining them. It is possible that
any unknown vocabulary they want to use their L1,
but I would like to
encourage them to
minimalize the L1 use.
10- Exercise 1.a Vocabulary – learning the names Individual work Student’s book, CD, white For some students this is
15’ of the months in the correct order (in written board, exercise book something that they have
form (making notes) already known, but there
are definitely some of
them, who haven’t learned
about it yet, so I will make
sure that everyone makes
notes in the exercise book.
With the help of the CD,
we practice the
pronunciation of the
16- Exercise 1.b Vocabulary – ordinal numbers Frontal work, group Student’s book, CD, white There are some ordinal
26’ - Discussing the differences between ordinal discussion board, exercise book numbers which can be
and cardinal numbers (making notes) difficult to spell correctly
- Making notes about the rules (ending, (fifth, eighth, twelfth), so it
exceptions and spelling irregularities, numbers is important to make notes
after twenty) in the exercise book.
- Practicing the pronunciation With the help of the CD,
we practice the
pronunciation of the
ordinal numbers.
27- Exercise 2. Speak – Talk in pairs Pair work – asking Student’s book, white It is important to make
35’  What’s the date today? When’s your questions from each other board, exercise book notes about the way how
birthday? and answering them (making notes) do we write and say the
- Explaining the differences about dates in dates and about the
writing and speaking prepositions.
- Pointing out that we use the preposition on
before dates and in before months

36- Playing a game: Ordinal Buzz Fizz Group work if it is necessary, they can Students stand up. Instead
40’ use their books or notes of every third ordinal
numbers they have to say
‘buzz’. The one who
makes a mistake has to sit
down. We can play it with
different numbers (saying
‘buzz’ instead of every
fourth, fifth number).
41- Exercise 3. Listen - Choose the correct Individual work Student’s book, CD After the activity I will
44’ answers ask the pairs if they
Students are going to hear a short conversation remember their partner’s
about birthday parties. They have to answer 4 birthday date.
questions, choosing from two possible
45 Giving homework - - WB. 68/a,b
+ extra task sheet: Ordinal
(CLICK and attached after
the lesson plan)

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