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Table 1

Word Meaning Synonyms

1 June 2022 Negate Make ine ective Invalidate, nullify and neutralise

Grant (a title, degree,

Confer Grant to, award to, honour with
bene t or right

Stated clearly and in

Explicit detail, leaving no room Clear, obvious and blunt
for confusion or doubt

Prevent or prohibit
Inhibit (someone) from doing Hamper, suppress, obstruct

Come before in order or

Precede Go in advance of, go/come before

Opposite in nature,
2 June 2022 Contrary
direction, or meaning
Opposite, contradictory, con icting

Deduce or conclude
(something) from
Infer evidence and reasoning Deduce, derive, conclude
rather than from explicit

To use a law in order to

Invoke Plead with, appeal to, solicit
achieve something

Belonging naturally, being

an extremely important a
Intrinsic Essential, real, true
nd basic characteristic of
a person or thing

Keep or restrict someone

Con ne or something within Imprison, enclose, cage
certain limits

Sentence Composition
1 June 2022 Eating ice cream negates medical treatment of sore throat.

He bought shares that conferred him the voting rights in the company.

After a long follow up manager insisted sales person to take an explicit answer
from the customer.

Dandru inhibits healthy hair growth.

Bodyguards preceded the Prime Minister in stadium.

2 June 2022 Her exam result is contrary of what she expected.

Sherlock Holmes inferred the possibilities in a recent robbery case.

Amber Heard invoked domestic abuse case on Johnny Depp and lost it.

Being grateful is an intrinsic trait and it is hard to nd in anyone.

Shruti was con ned to household chores after her wedding.


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