CII Report From LR

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Your Lloyd’s Register CII Calculator Report

This calculator provides indicative calculations of your attained CII and the CII rating based on the latest IMO guidelines. Please note the

The IMO calculation procedure for CII and rating are subject to variation and this tool does not provide a guarantee that future
compliance will be attained.
The report generated from this tool does not constitute the regulatory statement of compliance document required by the IMO.
CII regulation applies to ships of 5,000 gross tonnage and above
The CII calculator does not take into account the 2022 Interim guidelines on correction factors and voyage adjustments for CII
calculations as documented in IMO resolution MEPC.355(78)

For details of how we collect and use your personal information please refer to our Privacy notice.

Your forecast to 2030 for kevalay queen

Assumed reductions 2027 to 2030*
(GT: 13004 | Ship Type: Ro-ro passenger ship | IMO Number: 7205910)

Year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Required CII
(gCO2/t.NM) 25.913 25.654 25.395 25.136 24.618 24.099 23.581 23.063 22.350 21.637 20.925 20.212
Attained CII
(gCO2/t.NM) – – 20.383 – – – – – – – – –
Attained Rating – – B – – – – – – – – –
Adjusted CII
(approx.) – – – 20.383 20.383 20.383 20.383 20.383 20.383 20.383 20.383 20.383
Adjusted Rating – – – B B B B B B C C C
* The assumed reductions are based on the minimum ambition published by the IMO

Our global team of technical experts are on hand to help you with your CII ratings and requirements – get in touch now .
Lloyd’s Register is a trading name of Lloyd’s Register Group Limited and its subsidiaries. For further details please see
© Lloyd’s Register Group Limited 2022

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