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To: RGV Bank
From: Cyanna Cano
Re: Customer Traffic Analysis

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your customer traffic data in order to provide recommendations
for improving operations. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the 10 years data
you provided. The analysis below is based on this data alone. Therefore, my recommendations
should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities and your market. Please let me know if I
can answer any questions concerning the analysis or the recommendations provided.

ANALYSIS 1: Hourly Patterns by Week Analysis


Based on the data of customers arrivals that was gathered at RGV Bank, it is indicated that Friday and
Saturday have the largest congestions of any day of the week. It can best be inferred that this is the
result of customers having more available time to visit RGV Bank as they may have jobs, school, or
other activities. In addition, many people get paid from jobs at the end of the week and often visit banks
immediately after their job on Friday or early the next day (Saturday). The graph and table below
display the average customer congestion at the Main Branch of RGV Bank over the last 10 weeks.
There is a clear difference in congestion between Friday (Cyan)/ Saturday (Orange) compared to the
rest of the week:

Graphic of Main Branch Average Customer Arrival




100 Mon
80 Wed
60 Fri


9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to noon Noon to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5

Table of Main Branch Customer Arrival Averages

Average of
Main Day
Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
9 to 10 34.1 31.1 31.8 31.5 54.7 82.1 67
10 to 11 22 20.8 22.7 23.8 40 56.1 30.9
11 to noon 58.4 56.2 63.7 54.8 104.7 135.3 78.85
Noon to 1 71.5 76.3 73.6 67 123.4 82.36
1 to 2 48.4 47.7 47.9 50.5 79.2 54.74
2 to 3 31.4 36 31.1 28.4 56.8 36.74
3 to 4 23.3 25.8 23.1 24.5 37.2 26.78
4 to 5 67.1 66.6 65.5 65.8 107 74.4
45.062 44.92 43.287 75.37 91.166666 53.462790
Grand Total 44.525 5 5 5 5 67 7

When you combine all of the averages for the Main Branch and 3 other Branches, the pattern remains
the same showing it that the information is consistent across all branches.

Graphic of All Average Customer Arrival

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250 Mon
200 Wed
150 Fri


9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to Noon to 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5
noon 1


Based on the analysis, it is recommended that RGV Bank have more staff available to work on Friday
and Saturday. This decision can possibly aid in minimizing congestion and moving customers along

ANALYSIS 2: Hours of the Day


Another pattern that is prevalent in the data is the time of day in which customers are arriving to RGV
Bank. The most congested times at RGV Bank is between 11:00am to 1:00pm and 4:00pm to 5:00pm.
Similar to the previous analysis, this is most likely occurring because these times are when customers
have the time to visit RGV Bank. 11:00am to 1:00pm is a typical time that many workplaces take lunch,
so customers may use their lunchtime to visit the bank. In addition, since 4:00pm to 5:00pm is near the
end of day for many workplaces, customers use this time to possibly leave work early or rush to the
RGV Bank before it closes. The same graph as the previous analysis is used below but pay close
attention to the drastic increases for every day in the times specified above.

Graphic of Main Branch Average Customer Arrival

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100 Mon
80 Wed
60 Fri


9 to 10 10 to 11 11 to noon Noon to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5


It is recommended that RGV Bank have more staff available during the times between 11:00am to
1:00pm and 4:00pm to 5:00pm. It may even be wise for RGV Bank employees to work their schedules
so they are present during these times (such as lunch after 1:00pm).

ANALYSIS 3: Main Branch v. Other Branches


One of the last things to note about the data provided is the average customer arrival of the main
branch in comparison to the other 3 branches. The main branch has the highest customer arrival rate,
at times around half of the other 3 branches combined. This may be a result of main branch being more
prominent, having more opportunities, or simply accessibility. Below are tables showing the total
averages (far right) of customer arrival total in the week (highlighted in yellow).

Table of Main Branch Customer Arrival Averages

Average of
Main Day
Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
9 to 10 34.1 31.1 31.8 31.5 54.7 82.1 67

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10 to 11 22 20.8 22.7 23.8 40 56.1 30.9
11 to noon 58.4 56.2 63.7 54.8 104.7 135.3 78.85
Noon to 1 71.5 76.3 73.6 67 123.4 82.36
1 to 2 48.4 47.7 47.9 50.5 79.2 54.74
2 to 3 31.4 36 31.1 28.4 56.8 36.74
3 to 4 23.3 25.8 23.1 24.5 37.2 26.78
4 to 5 67.1 66.6 65.5 65.8 107 74.4
45.062 44.92 43.287 75.37 91.166666 53.462790
Grand Total 44.525 5 5 5 5 67 7

Table of Branch 1 Customer Arrival Averages

Average of
Branch1 Day
Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Total
9 to 10 17 17.3 14.9 15 31.2 40.3 7
10 to 11 12.3 13.3 10.7 11.2 19.6 31.3 16.4
11 to noon 26.3 28.9 32.1 27.6 50.8 70 3
Noon to 1 37.1 36 34.9 38.5 62.9 41.88
1 to 2 25 24.3 21.9 23.6 44.7 27.9
2 to 3 17.3 15.8 17.3 17.8 30.3 19.7
3 to 4 11.3 13.5 11.6 11.1 22.9 14.08
4 to 5 34.5 32.4 32.9 31.4 57.9 37.82
22.687 22.037 40.037 27.3651162
Grand Total 22.6 5 5 22.025 5 47.2 8

Table of Branch 2 Customer Arrival Averages

Average of Branch2 Days

Hours Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Grand Total
9 to 10 15.9 17.9 16.6 16.2 29.5 40 22.68333333
10 to 11 11.5 12.9 13.2 10.9 20.6 26.9 16
11 to noon 27.2 30 29.6 28.9 46.7 69 38.56666667
Noon to 1 36.6 40 36.5 37.8 62.2 42.62
1 to 2 25.9 22.5 26.6 21 43.1 27.82
2 to 3 18.9 13.7 15.9 17.6 28.6 18.94
3 to 4 11.4 12.3 11.6 12.9 22.5 14.14
4 to 5 35.6 30.8 35.1 31.7 59.2 38.48
Grand Total 22.875 22.512 23.1375 22.125 39.0 45.3 27.29069767

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5 5

Table of Branch 3 Customer Arrival Averages

Branch3 Day
Hour Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Grand Total
9 to 10 18.1 14.8 15.4 15.6 29.3 39.3 3
10 to 11 14 12.8 10.4 12.4 22.3 29.5 16.9
11 to
noon 30.7 29.5 31.2 26.8 51 68.4 39.6
Noon to
1 36.2 36.3 33.4 37.1 60.7 40.74
1 to 2 20.9 23 25.7 24.8 44.3 27.74
2 to 3 16.8 17 20.5 16.6 28.6 19.9
3 to 4 10.5 12.3 9.7 11.6 20.9 13
4 to 5 33.7 33.2 32.7 34.3 54.5 37.68
Grand 22.612 22.362 45.7333 27.1348837
Total 5 5 22.375 22.4 38.95 3 2


It is most recommended that the Main Branch have more staff located there in comparison to the other
branches. This is not to say there should be a decrease in staff in the other branches, but more so an
increase at the Main Branch.

In completing this assignment, I was given the opportunity to understand what it is like to use data-
driven decision making to help a company solve a problem in the form of the RGV Bank situation. My
learned skills in Excel and managing data in the program allowed me to pinpoint important pieces of
data that may have been hard or lengthy to sort out as is. In addition, sorting and analyzing the
information highlighted how there are many reasons and alternatives to pay attention to.

Ultimately, I was able to provide RGV bank with a suitable alternative and solution in dealing with their
customer congestion at their many branches. Through the data I presented, they will be able to make a
decision based on facts and information that will benefit their operations in the long run.

In conclusion, this project and this class has taught me the importance of data driven decision making
to a business and how relevant it is in today’s society. So many aspects of our life have been made

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simpler due to decision making based on statistics and data collection. It is important to take the time to
gather data in order to make the best decision to benefit a company.

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