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9. Given a uniform plane wave in air as E, = 400s (wt ~ 6: , + 30 sin (wt ~ Bz) a, Vim (a) Find Hi, (b) Ifthe wave encounters a perfectly conducting plate normal to the z axis at 2 = 0, find the reflected wave F, and H,. (©) What are the total E and H fields for z = 0? (@) Calculate the time-average Poynting vectors for z = O and z = 0. E;, = 40.cos (wt - Bz)a,, Ea = 30sin (wt ~ Bz) ay Hy, = Ha,.008 (wt ~ B2) ay, Eo 40 _ H, = mo 120" 3a ay, = & X ap =a, Xa Hence 1 Fpees (er ~ Boa, Similarly, Hg sin (at ~ 62) ay, where Hence and Hy = Hy + Hy 1 1 = Ge sin or ~ Boa, + cos (ut — fo) a, mAlm (b) Since medium 2 is perfectly conducting, we: Plea n a. ne i because the whole incident power is reflected 11-A plane wave propagating through a medium with ¢, = 8, 4, = 2 has E = 0.5 e* sin(10°r ~ Bz) a, Vim. Determine @ 6 (b) The loss tangent (©) Wave impedance (@) Wave velocity (e) H field Let _x,= yJ+(e/ee)', then aso ey cc, 02 2S et oat Se 13x3xl0" 1 918 ede Ne Ye grt elocy ———> gps osts4 tan2),= 05/54 ——® 6 3.63" 6 @) = 0siss Jie _ 1200278 (©) Inks ae Res i722 n= 172722 13.63°Q 10° Ja7y 7 22Z8x10. mis 9 axay =a, sin(10* 1 ~ p2~ 13.63")a, 2817e*" sin(10°t- Bz- 133°), mA/m —_—_——_—_—_—_na 12- Aplane wave in a nonmagnetic medium has E = 50 sin (10° + 2z) a, V/m. Find (a) The direction of wave propagation (b) A, f.and e, () H (@ Along -zdirection ) uF 2n/2= 3.142m o 10 S* 57 aq 7 2M Beo dit =0 fisalion ~ Oe, 3x10'x2 or Je, = Be/o = sor 6 (c) 0, = O.inl= Jule = Ju, /e, \77e, = a,=4,%a, ——® -a,-4,x4, —® a,=a, 50 * = Spq Sin(or + Bz)a, = 795.8 sin(10"r + mA/m * 20% 13-A 50 MHz uniform plane wave is normally incident from air onto the surface of a calm ocean. For seawater, = 45. and ¢; = 78, (a) Determine the fractions of the electric field that are reflected and transmitted. (b) Qualitatively, how will these answers change (if at all) as the frequency is increased @ 4 eB we! — 2x50 x 108)(78)(8.854 x 10-1) The first medium is air and The second medium is good conductor 14-The magnetic field for reception signal in uniform plane wave propagation in the + y direction is Hy = 0.009 22° e457 eni@5z-50439) ay Find : 1. The type of received medium (is lossy) 2. The value of reflection & transmission coefficients (T= 0.009 with angle 50), ra14r P=1-1=0,009250 —1= 0.9882 — 0.4 3. The value of phase constant, attenuation constant phase constant= 3.5 rad/sec, attenuation constant = 4.5 NP/m 15-The electric feld intensity of a linearly polarized uniform plane wave propagating in the +z direction from space to sea water is E=100 cos (10 “mt a, (Vim) at = 0. The constitutive parameters of sea water are €, ~ 80, ,~ 1, and (o ~4 (S/mif (u, = 47¢+ 10-7H/m, €, _ 8.854 10" F/m. . Find: 1. attenuation constant at 2=0 Intrinsic impedance at 2-0 2 3. Phase velocity at 2-0 4. Distance at which the amplitude of E Is 1% of its value at z = 0. s. Reflection coefficient medium 1 = air Medium 2= good conductor (** o>>we ) 8.984. s/m 3.53 + 10°m/s ~ p= tae (1+ {)R, = 3.14 245° 3.4 2459-377 3.4 24504377 995209 =FZ6p 2x3.4.245° 3420504377 1.988 £44.89 =T2 6, Ey = TEe”*%e7 18:2 Prag = 1,988 x 1002 e~H688-449) gy ‘The electric field transmitted into the ocean will be: Exe 198.8 vin = This will be reduced in magnitude over a distance das it propagate into the ocean by the factor of e-®4 Exp 1.988 wim xd 198,86-4 = 1.988 = ett = LP aad = In0.01 3 d = 9188 m 18- Find the skin depth (6 )at a frequency of 1.6 MHZ in aluminum, where o= 38.2 Ms/m and jt,=1 , and find_propagation constant and wave velocity. If = 4m» 10-7 Him, €,= 8.854*10" Fim solution 2>we_ the medium is good conductor

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