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Spring 2019

GNE 331: Probability & Statistics

Exercises for Tutoring Session (Chapter 1)

Problem 1
A batch of 140 semiconductor chips is inspected by choosing a sample of 5 chips. Assume 10
of the chips do not conform to customer requirements.
a) How many different samples are possible?
b) How many samples of five contain exactly one nonconforming chip?
c) How many samples of five contain at least one nonconforming chip?
a) 416,965,528 b) 113,588,800 c) 130,721,752
Problem 2
Disks of polycarbonate plastic from a supplier are analyzed for scratch and shock resistance.
The results from 100 disks are summarized as follows:

High Low

High 70 9

Low 16 5

Let A denote the event that a disk has high shock resistance, and let B denote the event that a
disk has high scratch resistance. Determine the following probabilities:
a) P(A)
b) P(B)
c) P(A/B)
d) P(B/A)
a) 86/100 b) 79/100 c) 70/79 d) 70/86
Problem 3
An e-mail filter is planned to separate valid e-mails from spam. The word free occurs in 60%
of the spam messages and only 4% of the valid messages. Also, 20% of the messages are
spam. Determine the following probabilities:
a) The message contains free.
b) The message is spam given that it contains free.
c) The message is valid given that it does not contain free.
a) 0.152 b) 0.789 c) 0 906
Spring 2019

Problem 4
3 people get into an elevator and choose to get off at one of the 10 remaining floors. Find the
following probabilities:
a) They all get off on different floors
b) They all get off on the 5th floor
c) They all get off on the same floor
d) Exactly one of them gets off on the 5th floor
e) At least one of them gets off on the 5th floor
10 ∗ 9 ∗ 8 1 10 3∗1∗9∗9 93
𝑎) 𝑏) 𝑐) 𝑑) 𝑒) 1 −
10 ∗ 10 ∗ 10 103 103 103 103

Problem 5
Suppose we have the fictional word “DALDERFARG"
a) How many ways are there to arrange all of the letters?
b) What is the probability that the 1st letter is the same as the 2nd letter?
c) What is the probability that an arrangement of all of the letters has the 2 D’s next to
each other?
d) What is the probability that an arrangement of all of the letters has the 2 D’s next to
each other and it has the 2 R’s grouped together (not necessarily the D’s and R’s next
to each other)?
8! 9! 8!
10! 3 ∗ 2! 2!
𝑎) 𝑏) 𝑐) 2! 2! 𝑑) 2!
2! 2! 2! 10! 10! 10!
2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2! 2!

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