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Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc.

| Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Sakura turned again to face Sasuke, and on her face was an expression of mock

Ill ignore that insinuation about meeting my parents being torture, Sasuke. But if it pleases you, Itachi and I can talk about moles instead of spark plugs. Inwardly, Sasuke groaned. He could hear Itachi sniggering in the background, while Sakura proceeded to talk about ill-placed moles. She annoyed him to no endbut really, he wouldnt have it any other way.

Todays the first day I watched the sunset without you. It was Sasuke stared at the note in his hands. He didnt know how to tell Sakura how it felt to be without her. All he knew was that he had no choice but to deal with it; him being without her was his fault. He had his priorities, and although she was incredibly important to him, there were things he had to do. He hoped she understood that in the long run, it was all for her. *** Sakura, I ate escargot for the first time today. I could only imagine the amused look on your face if you had been sitting next to me. Sasuke *** So as you can see, Uchiha-sama, the plan will be very beneficial to your corporation Sasuke tuned the man out, fingers interlaced in front of his face. Most people would assume that the stance meant that he was bored; it actually meant that he was thinking, contemplating. Judging by the expression on the mans face, the Uchiha gathered that the man was hoping Sasuke was considering his proposed project. Unfortunately for the tense employee, the situation was far from the case; he wasnt even thinking of any business-related stuff.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Sasuke-kun Sasuke turned away, unable to continue looking at her in the

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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face as she stared at him, eyes shining with hurt and unshed tears. Why are you doing this? I need to, he told her lowly. No, you dont! she cried. Her hand was fisted in her shirt. You can let Itachi handle this No, he hissed, I cant, Sakura. He finished packing and grabbed his suitcase as he turned around, still refusing to look at her in the face. Regardless, that didnt mean he couldnt see her with his peripheral vision, couldnt see the tears pouring out of those emerald eyes. His chest tightened, and he firmly closed his eyes. Sasuke-kun, Sakura whispered, Sasuke-kun, please Save it, Sakura, Sasuke uttered, and he slammed the door behind him. Otouto, the meetings over. Hn, Sasuke grunted, shuffling his papers as he got up. He ignored the calculating look Itachi was giving him and walked out the door. Paris. Sakura, I bought a white sundress today. And I dont care how expensive the silk isbecause it suits you. So accept it. Sasuke It was another morning without Sakura in his arms; he thought he was developing insomnia because of it. The dawn crept over the horizon slowly, as Sasuke took a sip of coffee. He wondered if Sakura was awake right now. He knew Sakura had as much trouble sleeping as he did; when he worked late, she would always be awake, albeit drowsily, in bed until he returned. His empty arms ached to hold her, to feel her small, warm body pressed against his own, and the rising and falling of her chest as she slumbered on peacefully. He wondered if his cold departure had given her nightmares. The thought of Sakura jerking awake in their bed, gasping, fingers grasping for the place where he should beand reaching nothing, causing her to unravel at the seams and crymade him ache so deeply he couldnt breathe. Summer in Paris was beautiful, there was no doubt about it, but Sakura wasnt in ***

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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What was wrong with him? He had gone on business trips before, and had been But that had been before he married Sakura. Before he left his pregnant wife at home, crying over his icey words of goodbye. ***

Sakura, Im in Rome right nowI remember how much youve always wanted to go to Italy. When I come home, Ill bring you here. The look on Sakuras face when she would (not if, because she would definitely come to Italy with him; he refused to think otherwise) walk along the streets of Torino, and would taste real gelato became his drive to endure the long days and nights without her. She hadnt called him since he left. *** Sasuke your fathers dying. Those words had been a blow to his world. His father, who had always been strong, always sure, and the one person Sasuke believed to be competent enough to solve anything No. Uchiha Mikoto looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her gorgeous face was crumpled with exhaustion, eyes red and puffy. Concern welled up inside him, his motherthe first woman he lovedalways had the gentlest smile and kindest eyes. His mother did not deserve this. Sasuke wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her to a seat, watching her anxiously. She smiled at him, but it lacked the warmth it always had. Sasuke-chanhe wants to see you. Sasuke nodded. wearily. Youll be okay out here, right? he asked her tersely, and she chuckled Itachis on his way. Ill be fine. Nodding, Sasuke retracted the arm he had around her and headed into the private hospital room. Lying in bed, his father looked pale, as stark as the sheets around him. Otou-san.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Sasuke. His father began to sit up, and knowing his dad, Sasuke made no move to help him. There are things we need to discuss. As Fugaku began to talk, a furrow formed between Sasukes eyebrows, which deepened as his father continued to explain. Sasuke, if you get this deal done, youll receive your full inheritance immediately. Fugaku looked at him gravely. Youll finally be able to take care of Sakura as you wish. night. Sasuke pressed the unlock button on his keychain, stepping out into the cool

He couldnt tell Sakura the terms of his business trip, and he knew she would fight him tooth-and-nail over his leaving. She hated these kinds of trips; he hated it more. But he was doing this so they could live a happy life together. After this, he could finally invest in that hospital she wanted, and support her in everything she wanted to do. She could save all the kitties and puppies she always felt bad for, or she could help save the starving children on the street, or she could find homes for orphans and give them families. He would give her everything she wished for. He would do this for her. *** Sakura, New York City is like Tokyo. Youll surely feel right at home here, even with those damn, rude Americansalthough, youll most probably let it pass. You shouldnt be so kind, Sakura. I gave a homeless person money today. Youd be proud. Sasuke Forty-two days had passed. Forty-two days without hearing the lilting sound of her voice, and the way her laughter rang out; forty-two days without seeing her face pressed into the pillow next to him, or the frustrated look shed have while attempting to complete a crossword puzzle, or the way she looked in his over-sized shirt while making breakfast He wondered if forty-two days were enough to make someone certifiably insane. There was an empty feeling inside of him, one he recognized all too well. It had been how he felt before Sakura walked (literally) into his life. Before she had smiled at him, apologized for bumping into him, gathered the books she had dropped, and left. Before he had met her again and somehow found himself taking her out for coffee.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Before he had discovered what it was to fight for someone because once you found that one person, you could never imagine yourself without them. Before he had fallen in love with her. his eyes. Sasuke buried his head in his hands, the heels of his palms rubbing achingly into

It had been forty-two nights without her, and he hadnt slept for more than four hours without waking up and reaching out for the woman, who (was supposed to be) wasnt beside him. Sasuke had never missed anyone like this in his life. *** Otouto. Sasuke looked up from reading a document to glare at Itachi. Itachi looked right back at him, noting the shadows beneath (and in) Sasukes eyes, his weary body seemed like it couldnt take any more. Itachi didnt think it could, and he wasnt the only one. Their mother seemed downright alarmed when Itachi explained the situation with Sasuke, especially how he was taking it. He bet Sakura, though, was worse off. Go home, he said to his younger brother. Sasuke glared at him, though the elder could see it was half-hearted because of how tired he was. What the hell are you talking about, Itachi? he snapped. I have a meeting tomorrow. Ill do it, Itachi said smoothly, slipping into the seat opposite his younger brother. Besides, with the way you are now, youd do more harm than good even to yourself. Youre a wreck without Sakura. Sasuke stayed silenthe couldnt argue with Itachi on that. Drive to the airport where our jet is stationed at. The pilot has been told to go directly to Tokyo. From there, my driver will take you home. Itachis lips quirked upwards. You can thank me later, foolish otouto. For now, go to your wife. Sasuke nodded, surging upwards and striding towards the elevators, intent on packing as quickly as possible. He was going home. *** He hadnt slept in thirty-two hours, but that didnt matter as Itachis driver drove up to a house that he hadnt seen in almost two months.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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For a moment, he felt apprehensive. He didnt know how Sakura would react, especially after what he said to her when he left. He wouldnt blame her if she was angry at him. Suck it up and get in there, Uchiha. he told himself firmly. Getting the keys from his jacket, he slid it into the lock and turned it counterclockwise. The house was silent as he walked in, the pitch dark sky slowly breaking in a lighter shade of blue. She would probably be asleep. Jetlag made his body ache, but it was overpowered by the hurt the situation brought. All he wanted to do was curl up beside his wife and sleep, sleep like he hadnt been able to since he left. was. Softly padded footsteps headed towards him, a light flickered, and there she

Sasukes chest tightened. She was dressed in one of his shirts to hide the bump in her stomach and her hair was slightly longer, but the shadows beneath her eyes mirrored his own. Regret surged within him, blocking every reason he had for leaving. It hadnt been worth Sakuras pain. For a moment, they just drank each other in. Sakura then took a tentative step forward, and Sasuke wondered if she was afraid of him. His chest tightened at the thought. Mother told me everything, she whispered finally, why you left right after your fathers funeral, and why you had to go on so many business trips. sob. Sasuke bowed his head, his sharp ears picking up the soft sound of a choked

Oh, Sasuke-kun, Sakura murmured, and then she was running to him. Out of instinct, Sasuke caught her as she jumped into his arms and cried on his shoulder. Her words were muffled by her sobs, but it didnt matter. None of it did. Sakura was in his arms, and he was homeand that was what only mattered. *** You, Sakura grumbled into his shoulder, snuggling deeper into the comforter, are such a freaking idiot. Do you know that? When I get the energy to move, Im going to kill you. Seriously. Hmph, Sasuke muttered, and rolled his eyes. It was hard to think with Sakura lying next to him, head pillowed on his arm, body so close he could smell the scent of her shampoo. He leaned down to kiss her, tasting chocolate and mint on his tongue. She sleepily kissed him back, humming delightedly.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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I really missed you. Aa. (I missed you too.) He didnt have to say itSakura already knew. She smiled softly, cuddling closer. Sasuke-kun? What? I love you. She looked up at him, tracing his nose with her finger. He kissed her fingertips before moving her hand away. Go to sleep, Sakura. You can fight me in the morning. She smiled and closed her eyes. You can count on that one. Youre gonna have a lot to atone for, buddy boy. Sasuke found himself looking forward to it. He tightened his grip on her waist and leaned forward. Tadaima, he whispered in her ear. Sakura did not hear him for her eyelids remained together, her chest rising (and falling) in a steady heartbeat. Sasuke closed his eyes and slept soundly for the first time in months.

I'm Yours
The three figures hidden in the shadowy corner of the attic gazed on at the blank pages of the thick, worn-out book that looked ordinary enough, with its simple brown cover and yellowish sheets.
They knew better, of course. On their left side, the clock was ticking. Its sound was quiet and steadya direct contrast to the threes increasing heartbeats, increasing anticipation, as they waited and waited, breaths held, a seeming hush in the air... BING. BONG. Still silence. They watched on, as the book remained unmoving, open and blank. As the clock tinged again, striking a sound that interrupted the flow of quietness. The blank pages glowed. A moment of nothing, and the words came. They read it, as quick as they could. Then, they stared at each other and sighed. Well?

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