Jizz in My Pants

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Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc.

| Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Jizz in My Pants
I really wouldnt go in there if I were you, dude.
Sasuke shot Naruto a withering look. The blond had effectively cut him off from entering the grocery store. The automatic doors shuttered and reopened, confused by Narutos immoveable stance. Customers behind them started grumbling. Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose, having already spent the last two minutes trying to convince the idiot to move. Naruto, get out of the way. I have to clock in before Im late, Sasuke growled, attempting to barrel through his long-time friend. Seriously, Sasuke, take a personal holiday, call out, hell dont call out, just dont go in there! Naruto flailed his arms around desperately, trying to fend off the crowd of determined shoppers. aside! You wont even tell me why! Sasuke shouted, frustrated. Either spill, or step Yeah! someone else from the crowd agreed vehemently. Get out of the way, jerk! another voice called out. Naruto sighed in defeat, before reluctantly stepping aside. Just dont say I never tried to warn you, he mumbled. Sasuke pushed past him and into the entryway, before striding with purpose to the time clock. He sighed in relief when he found he was still technically on time. Punching in, he pulled on his uniform shirt and made his way to the produce section. On his way, he passed by the customer service desk, where he caught Tenten staring at him, before she looked away sharply with a smirk.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Come to think of it, Kakashi, the front end manager was also looking at him. A quick glance over his shoulder confirmed that all the cashiers on the front end had ceased scanning and now motionlessly gawked at him. As if rehearsed, they all began snickering before turning back to their customers. Sasuke blinked twice, trying to confirm if he actually saw that before shaking away his paranoia and heading over to his department. The looks didnt stop there, however. Every single one of his co-workers suddenly had a new-found fascination with the reserved stocker. People he didnt even know worked at Konoha Marketplace were giving him loaded looksmost of sadistic amusement, but a few were even more disturbingly of deep pity. He found himself retreating to the flower shop after only two hours to escape the sudden and unwanted attention. Was he going insane? Or did everyone know something he didnt? Ino popped out of the cooler to greet him with a saccharine hello and that same damned smirk the rest of his co-workers wore. Sasuke felt his irritation boil over into full

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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fledged anger. Something was going on here, and he had a feeling Ino, store gossip, knew full well what it was. Stalking into the cooler after her, he pinned her with a glare that meant serious business. He was almost offended when she brushed it off to continue dating her bouquets. So, the minuteman deigns himself to speak to me? Im lucky today. She laughed, not pausing in her task. Excuse me? Sasuke found it difficult to keep the outrage out of his voice. What did you call me? Ino blinked as if she was almost surprised by his ignorance. Minuteman. Racehorse. Instant Custard. Preemie. Yknow. Premature ejaculator. WHAT? Sasuke couldnt stop the scarlet on his face any more than he could hold back the tides, his helpless spluttering near involuntary. Ino looked startled by his uncharacteristic outburst. Everyones been talking about it. The whole store knows. I thought youd already heardNaruto said hed tell you. himself. Sasuke said nothing, merely passed a hand over his eyes and tried to control

Realization suddenly dawned on Inos face at Sasukes strained face and mortified silence. Oh my god, its true! she pratically screeched. Sasuke, Im sorry, I thought it was just a stupid rumor Shut up, shut up, Sasuke hissed, pushing away Inos earnest apologies. Who the hell told you? Ino shrunk, either intimidated or guilty. She clenched her lips together, an involuntary act of defiance. Ino, Sasuke warned, though with less heat than before. She hung her head and looked away. Sakura. Sakura told everyone. Sasuke felt like hed been run over by a power jack. Sakura? She... Shes gonna pay. Sasuke stalked out of the flower shop cooler, and headed straight for the pharmacy. He vaguely heard Ino yelling at him to cool down first, but didnt acknowledge it as he stomped past the produce section, past the row of cash registers and straight to where he knew Sakura would be working. Thank you! Have a nice day! She smiled cheerily as she handed a prescription to an elderly man. She turned her head to catch the movement out of the corner of her

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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eye, and Sasuke had the dark satisfaction of seeing her balk when she realized the approaching figure was him. She squeaked slightly before turning to run behind the locked pharmacists door, but Shizune was quicker, and slammed the door shut before she could safely barricade herself in. SHIZUNE! Sakura wailed, fists pounding the door. You had this coming, Sakura! You knew better! Shizune chastised, before turning away to measure out some pills. Sasuke watched her pout momentarily before she sighed deeply and spun around to face him, arms crossed, stance ramrod straightface totally pissed off. Well, why the hell was she angry? We have to talk, he seethed between clenched teeth, trying not to let the hurt of her betrayal be too obvious to read. Sakuras lips thinned momentarily before she bent down to retrieve her purse from under the register. Im taking a break, she shot over her shoulder, not bothering to wait for permission. They walked down the frozen aisle together and back to the receiving dock. One look from Sasuke and the grocery clerks and receiver fled, leaving Sakura and Sasuke to trudge out of the back door alone. Once outside on the concrete stairwell, Sasuke rounded on Sakura, backing her into a corner with the force of his outrage. What the hell, Sakura. Ino told me you were the one who told everyone about my...problem. Sakura huffed. Well, she was right. She picked at her nails in an attempt to seem nonchalant. Sasuke deflated. He only just realized that a large part of himself had hoped this was all a huge misunderstandingthat one of the most mortifying things that had ever happened to him was not made common knowledge to every employee at this godforsaken grocery store by the one person he could actually claim to like here. He wanted to be furious, but instead, he just felt like a fool. Why would you do that? he asked, sounding far more vulnerable than he meant to. Sakuras calm faade cracked. Dont play innocent with me! 1An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, Sasuke! This brought Sasukes rage back twofold. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Youre not even Italian!" he roared, fists clenched in vain to control his temper.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Sakura gave as good as she got, meeting his glare and stepping so close their noses almost touched. It means what goes around comes around, Sasuke! I know what you told everyone and I DONT KNOW WHAT I EVER SAW IN YOU! she shouted right in his face. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Sasuke shouted back. I DIDNT TELL ANYONE ANYTHING! YOU DIDNT? NO! OH! They both staggered back, breathing heavily. Sasuke shoveled his hands through his hair, and Sakura clenched her white tunic between her fingers. They met each others gazes sheepishly. Sasuke broke the silence first. What did you think Id told everyone? Sakura emitted a grunt of disgust. Its been going around that you told people that I was some sort of dominatrix freak in bed. She sighed. I thought you were taking your insecurities out on me so...I, uh...retaliated. Sasuke felt his stomach clench that she wouldve thought hed ever stoop to such depths, even if he had been totally humiliated. Who told you I said that? he inquired, planning a slow death to whoever dared. Karin. Sakura sighed. She swore up and down it was you. Listen, Im sorry. Sasuke sighed but let go of the knot in his chest. It was all a big misunderstanding after all. Its alright, Sakura. I can almost understand why youd do that, given what you thought I did. But seriously, next time, just talk to me and bump the burning revenge down to priority number 2. Sakura cheeks flushed crimson. I wouldve, except... Sasuke caught her eye and raised an eyebrow. She fumbled over her words. You havent exactly... been friendly with me, since... she trailed off, letting Sasuke fill in the blanks. It was his turn to flush. Um, yeah. About that. Im sorry I ran out after I... well, yknow. Its okay. Sakura hurried to placate him. No, its not. Sasuke sighed. I shouldve told you... that was my first time. I just didnt know how to bring it up. Sakura gaped at him for a good five minutes. He was starting to get visibly agitated when she finally had the sense to close her mouth and shake off her surprise.

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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I mean, she started, obviously still disbelieving. I never thought you were a... I mean, youre so hot, I just assumed... Despite his level of discomfort, he still managed a smug smirk at those words. ...Then again, considering your disposition, I shouldve definitely suspected... And then promptly deflated. Sakura, he warned, and she grinned up at him sheepishly. him. Can you forgive me? she asked matter-of-factly, standing and walking over to

He didnt answer, but he did bend down to give her a quick kiss on the mouth. He then whirled around and barged through the back door back into the receiving dock. Sasuke? Where are you going? Sakura asked his retreating back. To deal with Karin, he growled, exiting the back docks and turning to head towards the salad bar prep room. Sure enough, the redhead was washing tomatoes, preparing to chop them up. You. Sasukes voice was flat and cold, but that wasnt really anything new. Hi Sasuke! Karin greeted him enthusiastically, waving the knife around a little carelessly. Eyeing the blade warily, Sasuke decided to go for a gentler approach considering she was armed. He focused his black gaze back on her be-speckled face. You told Sakura I told you something about us being intimate? It was technically a question, but it came out as more of a statement. Karin blinked in confusion. But, you did. Sasuke closed his eyes and counted to ten. He was ready to be done with this whole stupid situationonly here did his life get so complicated and dramatic. Karin, Id never tell you something like that, much less... Sasuke trailed off as he noted for the first time just how thick Karins lenses actually were. Heywere you wearing those when I spoke to you about Sakura? Karin touched the frames sitting over her nose. These? Uh, no. I was washing the dishes for the night; the steam always clouds them up. Sasuke nodded in sudden understanding before the beginnings of a plan began to formulate in the recesses of his brain. Thanks Karin. And in the futuredont have any important conversations with me without your glasses. Uh...sure, she agreed, still bewildered. Sasuke left to go find Narutothey had work to do. ***

Disclaimer: NARUTO 1999 by Masashi Kishimoto & Shueisha Inc. | Fractured Tales Project 2010

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Sai walked into several dozen pairs of eyes tracing his journey to the timeclock, the slow swipe of his punch-in card, scrutinizing the way he replaced it in his wallet. Hey Sai! Konohamaru, a young bagger called out. Is it true that you spread false rumors about Sakura and Uchiha because you have a crush on him and was jealous? Naruto and Sasuke smirked at his grim expression, and Sakura leaned over from the pharmacy counter to discreetly flip him the bird. round. Sai smirked at the two friends in front of him. Touch, Uchiha. You win this

Sasuke! Tsunade screamed from behind him. What have you been doing all day, jerking off? The produce section looks like crap! And Naruto! What did I tell you? If I dont see you behind that meat counter in ten minutes, youre gone! Sasukes triumph was crushed under Tsunades practical heel, but he caught Sakuras grin before he returned to stocking his bananas. No, that wasnt a euphemism.

Not a Date
Its not a date, he promptly stated. Smooth and direct.
She understood, probably believed him, yet she couldnt fight the warmth spreading across her cheeks. He clearly saw this, though it never bothered him. Of course, its not. She tried to match the eloquence of his voice. And it meant that he already said yes. He would usually say yes to her, somehow, on different terms, for as long as its not a date or something like that. Or so it seemed. She asked him to accompany her for a while to buy some books (if its okay with him, if hes not doing anything, and he always happened to be freehe never did tell her to just go with her friends instead). He already went with her once, or twice, but asking him this kind of thing was always new to her. And she knew that he knew too well the reason behind her invitations. He waited patiently, browsed some books himself (mostly cookbooks, she noted), but never made any sign of buying anything. He tried to help her find what she needed: Alternative Cures, How Doctors Think, blah, blah, blah. She scrutinized his actions from afar, impressed at how he looked so handsome, so thoughtful with those ebony eyes that matched the shade of his hair. He would glance

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