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Unit one: Ethics in business

Sequence one

Level: third year scientific streams

Read the story carefully then answer the questions that follow

Once there was a Muslim man who owned a store of clothes. The man was honest and sincere
especially in his work. He recommended his employees to work honestly and never sell a blemished
dress to anyone. One day, the honest man wasn’t in the store. A Jew got into the store to buy a dress.
When the employees saw him, they recognized he was a Jew. They agreed to sell him the blemished
dress because he was a Jew and they don’t care about him. Finally, the Jew bought the dress and
went away, when the honest man came to his store in the evening, he noticed that the blemished
dress is not there. He was astonished when he asked his employees about it and they told him that
they sold it to a Jew.

The man got very angry and blamed the employees for their corruption. He immediately
followed up the Jew to give him back his money. After three days of long search he finally found him.
He gave him his money back and apologized for selling him a blemished dress. The Jaw was amazed
by the man’s behavior. He was curious about what push him to do so. The man said that it was Islam
and the teaching of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ‘’he who cheats us is not one of us’’.
The Jew confessed that he gave them fake money in turn. In the end, the Jew gave the man genuine
money and converted to Islam.


Activity one

1- What is the story about?

2- If you were the good man what would you do?
3- If you were the Jew what would you do?
4- What happened in the end of the story?
5- What is the lesson we should learn from the story?

activity two

Link each word with its definition

word synonyms
corruption Original/real
ethics Morality/sincerity/integrity
honesty Set of moral principles or
genuine Dishonesty/criminal activity
Activity three : look at the picture and say what does it show? Then
answer the questions below

Read the following practices and say if they are ethical or unethical

A. Bribing I.e. under table payment for corrupt official to win

public favor.
B. Embezzling money i.e. conversion of the money or the
property of another person by another person who has the lawful possession of the property.
C. Militating in anti-corruption association.
D. False accounting i.e. using all the available procedures including deception to hide the true
financial position of your company.
E. Whistle blowing i.e. revealing information to the police or newspapers that your company for
example is breaking health and safety regulations.

Ethical behavior Unethical behavior

Activity four: complete the table

verb noun adjective

To corrupt ………………………………. ………………………………
………………………….. Honesty ……………………………….
…………………………… ……………………………… Ethical
To bribe ……………………………… ………………………………….
………………………………… Embezzlement ………………………………….
…………………………………. …………………………….. Financial
To deceive …………………………….. …………………………………

Explain in two or three sentences what you understand by ethics in business


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