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Physics Writeup
Cris Sporl

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During this Project, we learned how physics works with a rocket and how it affects it. We are
looking into Kinematics to help us find and explain average acceleration during takeoff using the initial
velocity, Average velocity of the rocket on the descent, and average deceleration on landing. With added
examples and equations. We are using dynamics to understand and show forces acting on the rocket at
several points during its launch and flight. We will describe why and how the rocket accelerates upwards
using Newton’s Laws. With added diagrams and equations. We use gs, Gs is a measurement of the type of
force, it shows the force acting upon the object. Linear motion is the motion of an object moving In a
straight line, it will continue unless acted upon. Velocity is the directional speed of an object in motion,
this shows its rate of change in different positions in time. Acceleration is the rate at which an object
changes its velocity. If an object is accelerating if it is changing its velocity. A frame of reference is a way
of physically showing movement and changes in a rocket. You can Identify positions. Free fall is
anybody's motion, where gravity is the only force acting upon it.
Newton's law of inertia relating to the project shows us an object at rest remains at rest, and an
object in motion remains in motion in a straight line and at constant speed until another force acts on it.
We can see the relation of this to a rocket project because we are studying projectiles. We can see the
different forces acting on the rocket. The rocket isn't in motion still.
Newton's Second law shows The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and
the amount of force applied. We Know this relates to the project because we know the different masses
of your rocket will affect your launch.
Lastly, Newton's Third Law helps us understand whenever one object exerts a force on another
object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first. We know this relates to a project
because we learn how on landing, the rocket hits the earth, and the earth hits back into the rocket.

When Starting area calculations, we first need variables. Using the video of our launch, we got data for
a rocket. We also got data from math class calculations. With this data, we can insert all variables to
complete the equation.
The Information we need is initial velocity, time under thrust, and time on the descent. Max height
and mass of the rocket.

Acceleration of takeoff The calculation for the acceleration of take-off is

initial velocity over time under thrust. Looking at
Initial Velocity / Time under thrust the data, we see the initial velocity is 40.005m/s,
40.005m/s / o.167s = 239.5m/s² and the time under thrust is 0.167s. This gives us
an Acceleration of takeoff of 239.5m/s².

Velocity of rocket on decent The calculation for the velocity of the rocket on
descent is maxed height over time in descent.
Max height / Time in decent Looking at the data, we see the max height is
40.36m / 2s = 20.18m/s 40.36m , and the time in descent is 2s. This gives
us the velocity of the rocket on a descent of

Acceleration during landing The calculation for Acceleration during landing is

velocity on descent over time under thrust.
Velocity on decent / Time under thrust Looking at the data, we see the Velocity on the
20.18m/s / 0.1s = 201.8m/s² descent we got was 20.18m/s, and the time under
thrust was 0.1s. This gives us the acceleration
during the landing of 201.8m/s ².


Calculations Forces Newton's laws

Average force of thrust The calculation for the force of The force of thrust on a takeoff
thrust during takeoff is the uses Newton's First Law. The
during takeoff mass of the rocket times the law of inertia. The rocket wants
Mass of rocket ⋅ Initial initial acceleration of takeoff.
to remain stationary and wants
acceleration Looking at the data, we see the
to remain still. So when the
rocket's mass is 0.127kg and the
0.1278kg ⋅ 239.5m/s² rocket gets shot up and starts to
initial acceleration of 239.5m/s².
This gives us the force of thrust fight inertia. This law shows us
during takeoff of 30.6N. the object is stationary until
acted upon.

Forces acting on the The calculation for Forces When the rocket is in descent, it
acting on the rocket during uses Newton's first law because
rocket during descent descent is in relation to gravity, when it is descending, the drag
Mass of rocket ⋅ force of using the mass of the rocket balances out of gravity, giving it
gravity times the force of gravity. a net of zero. With inertia it will
Looking at the data, we see the remain at a speed until acted
(0.1278kg) ⋅ (9.81m/s²) rocket's mass is 0.127kg, and the upon, we can see the object is in
initial acceleration of gravity is acceleration until max height.
9.81m/s². This gives us the force
of gravity acting on the rocket
during a descent of 1.25N.

Average force on the The calculation for the force of When the rocket is landing, it's
thrust during landing is the using Newton's 3rd law because
rocket during landing mass of rocket times the initial when the rocket hits the ground
acceleration of landing. Looking or lands on the ground, the
Mass of rocket ⋅ Initial
at the data, we see the mass of rocket is pushing on the ground,
acceleration the rocket is 0.127kg, and the and the ground is pushing the
0.1278kg ⋅ 201.8m/s² initial acceleration of 201.8m/s². rocket away. We can see how
This gives us the force of thrust opposing forces (earth) are
during takeoff of 25.7N. affecting our rocket in the
free-body diagrams.
Free Body Diagrams

During this stage of the rocket It is
experiencing no velocity, It is still. This Is
before the rocket even leaves the ground. It
has a net force of 0 because it's still. It is
acted on by gravity and normal force because
no other opposing force because its pre

During this stage of the rocket it had just left
the ground. This stage makes up for the
moment of acceleration. It is in the air and is
experiencing force of thrust as well as an
opposing force of gravity. The size of the
force of thrust is bigger because it is a lot
greater than the gravity force. It is
accelerating and the net force is up. We can
see how launch relates to linear motion
because it is going in one direction.
During this stage, the rocket is Decelerating
slowly upwards, with a net force going down.
You can see the forces of drag and gravity
acting upon the rocket. There's a force of
drag because of the resistance of the air in
the rocket while in flight.

Your rocket is decent until a parachute.
There are 2 diagrams here because the one
on the left is an average rocket; this diagram
represents if the rocket had a parachute. The
one on the right represents our rocket, are
rocket didn't deploy a parachute, and it
dive-bombed. With the forces shown, you
can see how with a rocket, the drag force is
less. This is because, in the dive bomb, the
force of gravity is more. It is going down.

For the rocket's landing, we see the forces of
gravity and normal force. During the impact
of landing, we can see Newton's Law of
action and reaction, the rocket hits the earth
with force, and the earth exerts the force
back to the rocket. This proves why the
normal force is shown as longer or more, it is
because of the opposing force.d
❁Teamwork, Engineering Design Process❁
I feel working with my partner We did work very well together. I and Aubrey are already close,
and I think this helped us communicate better, and even share ideas with one another better. I feel that
we were able to create something we both personally are proud of. I feel that we kept this mindset with
one another because we were very open to listening to what the other person had to say. No ideas were
not heard, and I feel this helped us be successful working together.
I feel we and Aubrey were in a very good balance together. The way I feel I'm a follower is when
my partner has a good idea, but I like that we got to share ideas and help each other. I feel the same
about feeling like a leader. If I have a good idea, I tell my partner, and we help each other proceed with
that plan. I feel I sometimes lack the skill to do some building tasks like cutting and building bottles, I
feel Aubrey helped me with that. I told Aubrey too if she is struggling with doing something. Because of
this, that's why I feel me and my partner have a good balance and are good at filling and supporting each
other's weaknesses and strengths.
When we first started the project, I think me and Aubrey struggled with thinking over what we
wanted to accomplish. We started by first being introduced to this project and asked what goes into
making the most successful rocket. Being new to this, me and Aubrey struggled with researching
different designs, we saw what they looked like but we did know what made them successful. When my
partner and I got to the image stage, we were choosing a design. We chose a rocket that was simple and
had a parachute with a cone. We knew The image of what we wanted to do so we went to planning. We
had a blueprint and moved into creating. I think the blueprint was successful in helping us understand
what to start with. We moved in on creating it, and it went well. When we got to the test part of this
project It was very helpful to re-process. I believe because we didn't get the exact outcome we wanted in
tests it fueled us to work more on Improving.
The thing I feel I reflected On the most above is the importance of revision. I feel because our
rocket did not succeed, this is why it's so important. We had great improvement between each test. Each
time we tested we each took in what went wrong, why, and what we can do to fix it. This is the only way
you project and improve. Because we failed to launch at the exhibition, I feel it shows that there is
always more improvement to be done. I believe this is important to continue through the path of
physics, engineering, and mathematics because this is a key part of improving your work. Revision is a
strong part of the engineering design process, and that shows how much It can do.

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