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MCQS 10......................... diseases are also called inborn

1. Immunization is ? disease
A. primary prevention a. congenital b. acquired c.infective d. contagious
b.secondary prevention
c. Tertiary prevention 11. Public health auxillary personnel are ....................
d. disability prevention a. Food inspector b.sanitation inspector c.malaria
inspector d.all
2. First case comes to notice of physician?
A, primary case 12. Rubella is known as ..............
b.index case a. germen measles
c. secondary case b.whooping cough
d.Refer case c. measles
d. tetaus
3.................mortality is significantly higher.
a. male 13.........................schemes towards improving water
b.female supply and drainage of country
c.both a.Pakistan Maternal Health Services
b. Pakistan National Development
4. the leading cause of illness and death in c.Pakistan Sanitation Control Projects
a.TB 14................. is the first country to organize public
B.Polio health administration.
c.Mengitis a. England b. USA c.China d.India
15. HIV is prevalence among age .................. years
5. ..................... are creating new social problems.
a.Unempolyment a.25-30
b.population explosion b.25-35
c. housing, and transportation c.18-24
d. all d.38-46

6. ...................... refers to science of prevention and 16. .......................of gender disparity in primary and
treatment of ST infections, including rehabilitation of secondary education preferably by 2005.
patients. A. Implementation c.Reduction
a.Social Hygiene b.Public Health c.Individual Health b.Elimination d. Introduction
d. Preventive Medicine
17. A statistical source for population age distributions,
7. ........................ conference includes health not only dependency ratios, and socioeconomic characteristics
as a state of physical, mental, and social well being but is:
also enables the individual to lead economically a. census b. morbidity data c vital statistics d service
productive life. utilization data
a.WHO B. Alma Atta c.Unicef d. Pakistan Health
Division 18. Saira is your co-worker as a community health
nurse. Which of the following is the general duty of
8. The freshly prepared ORS must be used not after? saira?
a. 6hrs b.8hrs c.10hrs d.24hrs A providing nursing care to community
b. communicates with the health team
9. Vaccination effective against TB is? c. co-ordinates with the municipal health officiers
a. DPT B.OPV C. BCG D. None of above d.establish rapport twith clients
Fill in the blanks 11. ............. centers provide healthcare to women of
1. Public Health Nursing is the practice of promoting reproductive age including safe mother hood,
and protecting the health of populations using infertility, and family planning
knowledge from ..............................., ..........................,
& ..............................sciences. 12. ................association mainly functions for the safe
motherhood and children welfare
2. The nursing process has ................major steps.
13.................are the small units with limited health
3. Public Health nurses work with groups, families, personnel , and provides treatment to door patients
individuals, as well as with .......................... teams and for minor aliments
14. The population of Pakistan according to 1981
4. A plan for ................... is developed within available censes is ...........................
resources to eliminate the factors that contribute to
illness, disability, and premature death. 15. Each minister of Provisional health department has
its under.......................assisted by technically qualified
5. An made to determine the extent to director of health services.
which these activities have an impact on health status
of the population. 16. RHC and BHUs are to provides comprehensive
curative as well as ............ services.
6. The epidemic of ............. invaded England in 1831
year. 17................ assurance and security is available to
limited and fortunate group of population.
7. The report of the plague commission in 1904
recommends the strengthening 18. only .................... of children are being educated in
of primarily schools.

8. According to Bhore committee report submitted in 19. Health function in the country is carried
1946 the ........................sanitation was at its lowest by Provincial level
level in the country. and federal level.

9. Serum containing antibodies is called ................

10.Preventive medicine was given its rightful place in

the development of health scheme, when anl

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