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a)-Excuse me,please. What’s that building .................. there?

-It’s our new Philharmonic Hall.
-It looks very ....................... .
-Well, it was .................... finished last year.
-The architecture is very interesting.
-It was ........................... by one of our leading architects. The acoustics are very good, too.
-I can see some concert ................... outside. I ....................... if there is a concert on tonight.
-What day is it? Friday? Yes, there sure to be a concert tonight.
-Will the ....................... office be open now, do you think?
-Certainly. I’m sure you’ll ............. tickets.
-Thank you for telling me all this. You’ve been very kind.
-Don’t ........................... it.

get, bills, wonder, over, only, designed, mention, modern, booking

b)-What church is that?

-It’s St. Barbara’s Church, one of the oldest in our city.
-Oh, indeed? How old is it then?
-It .............. from the 11th century.
-It’s been reconstructed ................ then, I suppose?
-Oh, yes. It was ...................... a Romanesque building. Now it is mostly early Gothic.
-Could one see the .................. do you think?
-Oh, certainly. There are some very fine ...................... glass windows to be seen. I could ................ you round
if you like.
-That’s very ..................... of you indeed. I’ll be ................................. .

dates, delighted, kind, stained, show, since, inside, originally,

c)-Excuse me. What .................... is that?

-It’s a statue of one of our kings, Hugo V. He ............................. in the 14th century.
-Did he do anything important?
-Well, he ................... long wars with our northern neighbours. This statue was ..................... to .......................
one of his victories.
-It looks very imposing. Who was the sculptor?
-I’m afraid I can’t tell you that.
-And in any .................... it was a very long time ago, wasn’t it?
-That’s right.
-Well, thank you very much for all your trouble.
-That’s .................... all right.

quite, fought,commemorate, statue, reigned, erected, case

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