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Place : Pelita Hospital Emergency Room Hope

Biodata patient
Name : Adinda Avriliani
Age : 18 Years
Type Gender : Female

background Accident
On something day occur a accident then resulting traffic _ a teenager woman
experience injured on the leg that should be quick get care because sigh his feet very sick
very if moved . After there is helpful citizens _ and look for identity , it turns out teenager
grab originating students _ from outside island , then teenager that rushed to house sick
Lamp Hope by ambulance.

Ambulance background

The ambulance is finally until to the house sick . Emergency ward nurse who knows
an ambulance came to take patient direct hurry up bring a stretcher and quick move
patient the .

After patient until in his room

Patient : " Ouch " sus sick ” ( say patient half aware while groaned pain )

Nurse : "that's sick " adjacent where dick ?"

Patient : ( points ) sore leg ) _

Nurse : " Pain " no sis if moved ?"

Patient : " Pain " very sus ” ( while moaning )

Nurse : " If the pain given score 1 to 10 , pain felt younger brother how many value ?”

Patient : "6 sus "

After ask scale painful on patient , Nurse do TTV on patient . After checking the patient 's
TTV , obtained pressure blood 130/80 mm Hg, pulse pulse 70 ×/ minute, fast respiration 16
×/ minute, and body temperature 37 ,2 ° c

Nurse : " If so nanny prepare tool before yes sis for clean wound sister ”

Patient : " Okay sus ”

Nurse : " this " the tool already ready yes sis , we start yes , later if there is pain younger brother
can interesting breath yes for reduce the pain ."

The nurse started do care wound

Nurse : " Fine our already done yes sister , sister rest before later there will be a doctor who will
examine your sister 's sore leg ”

Patient : " Okay thanks sus ”

After nurse wound patient , Nurse discuss with Doctor about state patient . After hear state
described patient _ Nurse , Doctor suspect patient experience wound bruises consequence
hit moment fall down from motor vehicle .

Doctor and The nurse is back to room patient for To do inspection more carry on

Doctor : " Assalamualaikum , Congratulations afternoon sister , Introduce i am dr. Virgin. Here I
also with Nurse Winda will check sister . How feeling younger brother after treated the wound ?"

Patient : " The wound already no how much sick doc , but knee I still feel pain ”

Doctor : " Okay " if so allow doctor for check it out yes "
Patient : “ Okay Doc ”

After Doctor checked , the patient was diagnosed experience wound bruises consequence
clash moment accident . Doctor give drug reliever painful sec oral to patient the helped by
nurse for reduce pain _ consequence bruises .

Doctor : " examination already done sis , later I will give recipe drug outside for wound bruises
sister . Younger brother can rest especially first . Later will there is nurse Winda return get over
here for bring drug the and after that younger brother allowed for go home ”

Patient : " Okay , thank you doc ”

Hours later _ Nurse return space patient with bring Oparin Gel, the prescribed drug by
Doctor for drug rub wound bruises patient . upon arrival in the room nurse return check it
state patient

Nurse : " Assalamualaikum , good afternoon sis "

Patient : " Waalaikumsalam , afternoon sir "

Nurse : " How ?" feeling younger brother now ? is the pain already no feel ?"

Patient : " Yes passable sus the pain , already no how much sick like first pain _ earlier ”

Nurse : " Fine sis , sister will check state younger brother before yes , did allowed sis ?"

Patient : " Yes sus ”

Nurse : ( the nurse also did the TTV again ) " Vital signs sister everything is normal , brother
already allowed home . This prescribed medication _ doctor just now sis . Use 2-3 times a day
smeared to wound bruises . is younger brother already understand ?”

Patient : " Understood sus ”

Nurse : " Okay if already understand , sister permission return to the nurse station, hopefully fast
say sis ”
Patient : " Okay sus thank you ”

It wasn't long before patient was picked up by her friend

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