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Learning Activity Sheet

Earth and Life Science- Grade 11

First Quarter - Week 3

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________ Date:_______

Section: ________________

MELC No: 6
Describe where the Earth’s internal heat comes from.
MELC No: 7
Describe how magma is formed (magmatism)
Activity 1:
Picture and Post Me

Using your smartphones, take a picture of five (5) common activities/scenarios on
which heat transfer is applied. Illustrations/drawings can be used for those with no
smartphones. It may be material, event or situation. Classify each whether it is
conduction, convection or radiation. Provide brief explanation to support your
answer. Post the picture/drawing and your answers in the table following the sample
given below.

Activity Proper:

Picture/Drawing Kind Of Heat Transfer Brief Explanation

convection or

Sample: convection Boiling water in a casserole. The

warm water rises and the cold
water sinks with a continuous
flow/movement forming top-to-
bottom circulation of water.
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1. Is there heat energy balanced in the given scenarios/activities/drawings or

2. How are these scenarios/activities/drawings/illustrations related to the

balanced heat energy in the Earth?

3. Why is it that the heat inside the earth is not felt normally on the surface of
the Earth?
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Activity 2:
Essay Reflection
Make an ESSAY by reflecting and connecting the bible verse below to the lesson and
in your self-daily undertakings. You can form a paragraph with 4 -5 sentences. Write
answer below the bible verse.

Activity Proper:

Genesis 8:22:
“As long as the earth endures and remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and
hot, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”

Prepared by: Checked by:


MT1 Division Science Coordinator

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