Pro-Democracy Activists Retake Lost Ground in Egypt: 5-Day CBI Custody For Raja

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22 Pages Rs. 4.00 City Edition Delhi

ISSN 0971 - 751X Vol. 134 No. 30 Regd. DL(ND)-11/6110/2006-07-08 RNI No. 1001/57









Printed at Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Madurai, Delhi, Visakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Vijayawada, Mangalore, Tiruchirapalli, Kolkata and Hubli

Pro-democracy activists retake lost ground in Egypt

13 dead in clashes with Mubarak supporters; Prime Minister apologises for attack on peaceful demonstrators
Atul Aneja
CAIRO: After going on the of-

India to pay Iran by euro
NEW DELHI: In a major breakthrough that put an end to more than a month of uncertainty, India and Iran on Thursday arrived at a settlement and agreed to use euro to pay for Iranian crude oil through a German bank. Page 10

fensive on Wednesday, supporters of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak beat a retreat by Thursday evening in the face of a spirited rearguard action from pro-democracy activists. As night fell over Cairo, the stone-pelting loyalists of the President, widely suspected by the opposition to be undercover state security operatives, were forced further away from the Tahrir Square, epicentre of the Egyptian uprising for an immediate end to Mr. Mubaraks 30-year dictatorship. Throughout the day, supporters and opponents of the President battled for control over the highway passes that overlook the square. By evening, the pro-democracy campaigners established rm control over the bridges. Braving occasional rounds of gunre, the anti-Mubarak camp, acquiring the high ground, managed to push down its rivals to the Nile corniche, from where they retreated past the state television building. By evening, the battle for the Tahrir Square had turned into a larger clash for control over downtown Cairo. The opposition has yet again called for another day of organised protests on Friday, describing it as the day of

departure for the Mubarak presidency. Unlike the previous day, when the pro-Mubarak supporters mounted medieval-era charge on horses and camels to break up the opposition, the army kept the two sides well apart on Thursday. But with the cordon that the pro-Mubarak camp had thrown round lanes leading to the square lifted, the pro-democracy activists could bring in reinforcements, swelling considerably their otherwise diminishing ranks. Pushed on the defensive by the oppositions resilience and mounting international condemnations, Prime Minister Ahmed Shaq has apologised for the attacks on the peaceful protesters. The death toll in Wednesdays clashes has risen to 13. Saying the assailants had committed a fatal error, Mr. Shaq has ordered a probe. There is no excuse whatsoever to attack peaceful protesters, and that is why I am apologising, the private television channel al-Hayat reported. When investigations reveal who is behind this crime and who allowed it to happen, I promise, they will be held accountable and will be punished for what they did. Meanwhile, with pressure mounting, Mr. Mubaraks recently appointed Cabinet appeared to adopt a more

populist tone on Thursday. The former Interior Minster, Habib Eladly, and four businessmen have been banned from leaving Egypt, Al Jazeera television reported. The Attorney-General has also been asked to freeze the accounts of former Ministers and businessmen. Later in the evening, the newly appointed Vice-President, Omar Suleiman, told state television that he would welcome a dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opposition party, which has so far been ofcially banned. We invited the Muslim Brotherhood... but they are hesitant... this is a very important opportunity that they should not lose, he said. The Vice-President also promised an end to nepotism, saying Mr. Mubaraks son would not run for the presidency. Earlier, local media reported that the National Association for Change, led by Mohamed ElBaradei, former International Atomic Energy Agency chief and pro-democracy reformer, has rejected any dialogue with Mr. Mubaraks government until the President steps down. The liberal Wafd party has also declined talks so far. Battle for Egypt: Page 10 Time for transition: Page 13 See Editorial

Food ination soars to 17.05 per cent

NEW DELHI: Food ination rose to 17.05 per cent for the week ended January 22, from 15.57 per cent in the previous week, driven by higher prices of vegetable, fruits and eggs. Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee has promised steps to moderate it. Price rise, particularly, the commodity price and food items are matter of grave concern, Mr. Mukherjee told reporters. Page 14

FACE-OFF: Anti-government demonstrators come face to face with President Hosni Mubaraks supporters (seen in the foreground) at Cairos Tahrir Square on Wednesday. At least ve protesters were killed in the ensuing attacks. PHOTO: AFP

4 Pages


Main Sports Page

Karunanidhi defends Raja, says party a little rattled

T. Ramakrishnan
CHENNAI: Alluding to the arrest

5-day CBI custody for Raja

Investigation at a crucial stage: Special Public Prosecutor
Jiby Kattakayam
NEW DELHI: A court here on

EC to Assam: Execute 14,000 pending warrants

Sushanta Talukdar
GUWAHATI: The Election Commission has asked the Assam government to execute

14,000 non-bailable warrants that are pending and seize all unlicensed arms through smart intelligence gathering and raids to ensure peaceful

Assembly polls, Chief Election Commissioner S.Y. Quraishi said on Thursday. The CEC, who spent two days reviewing the preparations for

polls and interacting with parties, told journalists that surrendered or pro-talk members of militant outts would be conned to specied areas.

of Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam propaganda secretary and former Communications Minister A. Raja in the 2G spectrum allocation case, party president and Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi acknowledged on Thursday that the episode did rattle the party to some extent. The issue did dampen the morale of the cadre. However, I am certain that eventually truth will triumph, Mr. Karunanidhi said at the partys general council here. Later, at a public meeting in the evening, Mr. Karunanidhi defended Mr. Raja, saying he was paying the price for making mobile phone services affordable to the people. I commend Raja who is now languishing in jail in Delhi for his service to the poor people, he said while comparing Mr. Raja to Mahabali. In an emotional speech, he said the DMK was being targeted by the media and the Opposition, and it was up to the Tamil people to save the party. I am placing the party in your hands, and it is up to you to preserve Dravidian principles and the Dravidian people, he told the gathering. At the general council, in a resolution on the spectrum allocation issue, the party condemned the Oppositions attempts to malign the DMK at any cost. It noted that as far as this issue is concerned, the DMK has remained an open book.

Thursday gave the Central Bureau of Investigation veday custody of former Union Telecommunications Minister A. Raja, his former private secretary R. K. Chandolia, and former Secretary in the Telecommunications Department Siddhartha Behura. The CBI had arrested them on Wednesday for their alleged role in granting 2G spectrum and licences in violation of the guidelines. Mr. Raja appeared composed as CBI personnel escorted him into the small courtroom that was packed to capacity with journalists. The police set up barricades all along the narrow passageway to the courtroom. Moving the remand application, Special Public Prosecutor (CBI) Akhilesh specically named Swan Telecom and United Wireless as two of the beneciaries of Mr. Rajas largesse towards certain telecom companies that caused a total loss of Rs.22,000 crore to the exchequer calculated on a pro-rata basis. Listing the charges against the accused, Mr. Akhilesh told Special Judge (CBI) O.P. Saini that the 2G spectrum and licences were given at low rates that were xed in 2001 and that the rst-come-rstserved policy was manipulated. Also, those who paid money rst were granted licences rst and some parties had prior knowledge of this change in policy. While Swan Telecom paid

Sandeep Unnikrishnans uncle sets himself are

Staff Reporter
NEW DELHI: A 56-year-old uncle of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who laid down his life ghting terrorists during 26/ 11, attempted self-immolation near Parliament House here on Thursday. He has been admitted to Lohia Hospital with 98 per cent burns. Police received a call around 5-45 p.m. that a man had set himself are near Vijay Chowk. He was rushed to hospital, where he identied himself as K. Mohanan, uncle of Major Unnikrishnan and resident of Kozhikode in Kerala. He purportedly told the doctor that he was upset at his nephews death. He said he wanted to experience the pain his nephew would have undergone when he died [during the Mumbai attacks in 2008], said a police ofcer. The police found a book containing notes in Malayalam and are getting them translated. They also found a train ticket, suggesting that he had reached the Capital a couple of days ago. He was reportedly staying at Nizamuddin. In the evening, he went to Vijay Chowk, poured some inammable uid and set himself on re.

Former Union Communications Minister A. Raja being taken back to CBI headquarters after being produced at the Patiala House courts in New Delhi on Thursday. PHOTO: RAJEEV BHATT
Rs.1,537 crore for 2G licences in 13 circles, they soon sold 45 per cent equity in this company to Etisalat for Rs.4,200 crore. Unitech obtained licences in 22 circles for Rs.1,658 crore and then sold 60 per cent equity in the company to Telenor for Rs.6,100 crore, he said. Mr. Raja was evading questions during interrogation and that the enquiry was at a crucial stage, Mr. Akhilesh said. The said accused person is essentially required to be put under sustained custodial interrogation so that the real facts and elements of criminal conspiracy, including acts of omission and commission, can be discovered, said the CBIs application. Ramesh Gupta, counsel for Mr. Raja and Mr. Chandolia, told the court that the former Minister cooperated with the CBI during the agencys searches at his residence on December 8 and 15 and appeared before it for questioning on December 24 and 25, January 31 and February 2. CBI to sharpen line of questioning: Page 11

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