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1. Change a noun into an adjective by adding a suffix.

danger –
poison –
music –
politics –
responsibility –
collection –
ambition –

2. Choose –ed or –ing adjective in each sentence.

Going out on your own is incredibly ____________. (bored / boring)

I found your results very _____________. (disappointed / disappointing)
I was ______________ to hear they are getting married. (delighted / delighting)
She was quite ______________ when her car broke down in the middle of the storm. (frightened /
I get ____________ by people who make a noise when they eat. (annoyed / annoying)

3. First conditional sentences

If Jane _______________ (pass) her exam, she _______________ (be) very pleased.
My mother ______________ (be) angry if I ______________ (come) home late.
If you _____________ (go) to the party, you ______________ (see) Lisa.
If Simon ______________ (catch) a fish today, we ______________ (eat) it.
What ________ you _________ (do) if she ____________ (refuse) to go out with you.

4. Second conditional sentences

If you _____________ (study) more, you ________________ (not fail) your exams.
I _______________ (tell) you of course if I ________________ (know) the answer.
She ______________ (not help) anyone if they ________________ (be) in trouble.
If I ______________ (have) more time, I _______________ (learn) to play the guitar.
It _______________ (surprise) me if she _______________ (not help) you.

5. Choose the correct option

with by on purpose
start make do family
make put take some music on
such so such a lovely people
good at with on
cousin coasin cousan cuosin
stears stairs steirrs stairs
creowded crrowded crawded crowded
ansestor ancestor ancector ansesstor
5. Make questions for underlined words or phrases

She walks home from school.___________________________?

We go swimming once a month. _________________________ ?
David likes cats because they are nice. ______________________________?
When the phone rang Susan was reading a book. _______________________________?
Jennifer has two sisters. _____________________________?
I have been waiting for you all day. ______________________________?

7. Change these active sentences into passive.

They damaged my friend’s car while he was on holiday.
They have arrested hundreds of burglars over the past 4 weeks.
Many tourists have visited that castle.
The students will finish the English course by June.
They grow coffee in Kenya.

8. Future forms
This is my last day here. I ______________________ (go) back to London tomorrow.
I think he _____________________ (be) very successful.
‘Why are you holding a piece of paper?’ I _______________________ (write) a letter to my friends back
home in Texas.
After I graduate, I ____________________ (attend) medical school and become a doctor. I have
wanted to be a doctor all my life.
Look at the clouds – It ________________ (rain) in a few minutes.
I _________________ (see) my doctor at 3 o’clock tomorrow.
I love London. I _______________________ (probably go) there next year.
9. Use different suffixes to change verbs into nouns or nouns into adjectives.

Verb Noun Noun Adjective

decide danger
compete help
behave success
inherit critic
explain fame

10. Modals
must should have to might (not)

You ______________ phone your Mum at least twice a week.

A: Are you going to the party. B: I’m not sure. I _______________ go.
If you go sailing, you ______________ wear a life jacket. The sea is very dangerous.
Even if I entered the contest tomorrow, I _______________ win.
I ______________ arrive at work at 8 sharp. My boss is very strict.
When I was a child I _________________ help with the housework.
I don’t think you __________________ marry at such a young age.
You __________________ take some time off and get some rest.
11. Phrasal verbs
If a machine or a vehicle _______________, it stops working.
I have to _____________ my girlfriend at the airport at 8 pm.
We have _____________ of petrol. Walk to the nearest filling station.
If you don’t know his phone number you can __________ it ______ in the directory.
I left the house as I didn’t _______________ with the people there.
I _________ across my old school reports when I was clearing out my desk.
Jeff left the company after ______________ out with his business partner.
Our plane has just _______________ off.
I ______________ up in this town.
Lara _____________ her coat and went out.
He gave ________ his job because he wanted to move here.

12. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
He has always been interested in ____________________ (politician).
What makes snowboarding __________________ (difference) from monoskiing?
Were you ________________ (invitation) to the party?
I hope he will ___________________ (success), but it will be very hard.
We have a variety of _________________ (active) in our English class.

13. Mixed tenses The Penguin - Story and Verb Tense Practice.

 past simple
 past continuous
 present perfect
 future simple
 present continuous (for future)

One day a husband and wife (1)  (drive) to the countryside to visit their friends when

they realised they needed to stop for gas. The man was filling up the car when he (2) 

(see) a penguin standing by a pump. He (3)  (think) it was very strange and when he
went to the cashier to pay, he asked, 'why is there a penguin standing next to the pump?' The cashier

replied, 'I don't know. It (4)  (be) there all morning.' The man replied.'Well, we can't
leave it there, it's too dangerous. He might have an accident. What should I do?' The cashier

suggested, 'you should take it to the zoo.' 'That's a good idea,' the man said. 'I (5) 

(take) him now.' So the man and his wife put the penguin in the car and (6)  (drive)

away. One week later, the man and his wife (7)  (return) to the same garage to fill up
the car...and the penguin was still in the car. When the man went to pay, the cashier said to him, 'I

thought you (8)  (take) the penguin to the zoo.' The man replied, 'we did. It had a really

good time so tonight, we (9)  (take) him to a fish restaurant.'

14. Mixed tenses

She was tired because she ______________ the house. (clean)

When I had eaten breakfast I _______________ to work. (go)
How long _________ you ___________________ flu (have)
How long _________ you ___________________ with John? (go out)
When I ______________ (do) the washing I ______________ (break) a plate.
I usually _____________ (work) from 8 to 4 but this week I _______________ (work) from 8 to 6.
We __________________ (not see) each other since we _____________ (be) 12.
I ______________________ (work) in this company for the past six months. I
___________________ (like) it here.
When he _______________ (go) next to her, she ________________ (search for) something in her
bag, so she _______________ (not see) him.
Usually, I _________________ (work) as a secretary at ABT and I ____________________ (like)
my job, but this summer I ____________(study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I
am in Paris.
Turn down that music. Can’t you see I_____________________ (do) my homework.
I _________________ (study) all day, but I’m afraid I _________________ (not learn) much.
We _______________ this exercise before. (not do)

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