Baghare Baigan Recipe

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Baghare Baigan Recipe

Ingredients: y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

500 gms brinjals, small variety, seedless Walnut sized imli, soaked in 1 cup water (extract pulp) 10 flakes lasan 6 flakes lasan, chopped 1 piece adrak 1 onion, chopped fine 1 tsp jeera 2 tsp dhania 2 tsp til 12 peanuts 2 dry khopra, desiccated 2 tsp chilli powder tsp haldi 4-5 tbsp oil A few curry patta 2 broken red chillies Salt to taste


Roast the following in a few drops of oil and grind to a paste: til, peanuts, desiccated khopra, dhania , jeera and chopped onion. Grind the following: adrak-lasan, chilli powder and haldi. Mix both the pastes and add salt to taste. Set aside. Slit the brinjals in 4 keeping the stem intact. Stuff the brinjals with the masala paste. Heat oil and add chopped garlic, broken red chillies and curry patta. Fry a little before putting in the stuffed brinjals and imli water. Cook covered, on slow heat, till tender.

Bahagre baigan -2

kilogram of Brinjals ( small)

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

2 medium Onions 5 Red Chillies (or to taste) 2 tbsp. Tamarind Extract " piece of Ginger 2 tbsp. of Peanuts ( 2 tbsp. of Desiccated Coconut (grated) A bunch of Fresh Coriander/Cilantro Leaves (chopped) (for garnish) 2 tbsp. of Sesame Seeds 1 tbsp. of Coriander Seeds 1 tsp. of Cumin Seeds 1 tsp. of Red Chilli Powder tsp. of Turmeric Powder Salt (to taste) 4 tbsp. of Cooking Oil cup butter milk

1. Wash the brinjals well, cut the stem, leaving the canopy in place and cut of the length of each brinjal into a criss cross, leaving the attached at the other end. 2. Heat two tablespoons of oil in a thick and wide pan and add the brinjals. Sprinkle some salt and leave the brinjals to cook until well done and soft. 3. In the meantime roast the peanuts and sesame seeds. Switch off the flame and fry the coconut powder in the hot pan with the heat off. 4. Using just enough oil roast coriander, cumin and red chillies. 5. Pricked to a fork or knife, roast the onions on a low flame with the peel. Allow the roasted onions to cool and remove the peel. 6. Blend all of the roasted ingredients along with the turmeric powder. Once all of the ingredients are powdered finely, add the peeled onions, ginger and cup of butter milk and blend again until it turns into a fine thick paste. 7. Transfer the cooked brinljals to another container leaving the oil behind (if there is any). 8. In the same pan heat two tablespoons of oil and add the paste, red chilli powder and tamarind extract. Add water if necessary. Add salt and cook until the raw smell of the tamarind is gone. Add the cooked brinjals and cook on a low flame until the oil separates, by continuously stirring them, without breaking the brinjals. 9. Garnish with the chopped coriander/cilantro leaves before serving.

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