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Why I Exercise: Real People Weigh In on What Keeps Them Going

Medically reviewed by Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS, Fitness — By Sara Lindberg

Fitting in exercise is hard for everyone. Hearing what keeps other people going can help you find your
“why” too.

Does it ever feel like the only message you hear about exercise focuses on what you can lose (i.e.,

With the broader fitness narrative emphasizing weight loss, unrealistic expectations, and physical
appearance, it can be challenging to dig deep and define your “why” when it comes to exercise.

The good news? Fitness IS about so much more than losing a few pounds, getting shredded, or trying to
emulate a “perfectly” toned body.

Fitness is about what you can gain. It’s about measuring success by how you feel, not by the scale. It’s
about improving physical, mental, and emotional health.

It’s about moving in a way that brings you joy so you’ll keep going for years. And it’s about meeting you
where you’re at on your fitness journey.

To help kick-start your journey toward finding the “why,” we interviewed 12 trainers, yoga instructors,
parents, and others about WHY they exercise, how they fit it in, what inspires them to keep going, and a
favorite motivational phrase they share with others.

Brian Nguyen

Age: 46

Location: Los Angeles, California

Job: father, athletic performance coach, and speaker

Why do you exercise?

I exercise to honor life. I have lost loved ones that [have inspired] me to keep myself and others LIVING

I believe we do not OWN our bodies; rather, we borrow them for this human experience. I want to keep
this vehicle clean, tuned up, and running on great fuel. That way, I can keep enjoying the open road with
my loved ones!

How do you fit it in?

I have a morning ritual. The first 2 hours of my day are for me. If I can love myself as best I can, then I
can also do it for others. But if I can’t do it for myself, what makes me think I can truly give it back to
others? Lesson: Your oxygen mask first!

What inspires you to keep going?

I’m a dragon in the Chinese horoscope. I am in awe of the legend of the dragon spirit that spewed fire
into the skies so that rain would fall to the dry lands. I live this and love it. I just want to be there for
people to reveal the happiness found in movement and games.

What motivational phrase or thought can you share with others?

Happiness is not something to get or buy. It’s inside you. If you move and play a little bit every day, you
give yourself the opportunity to reveal and attach to your inner child. Never forget that little, happy

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