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Blog Post #3: Progress update for capstone

Has your Capstone Project inquiry question (or your project focus) changed or has it been
refined since you submitted your Capstone Draft Proposal? If yes, how?

The past couple of weeks my project has stayed pretty much the same, just some simple
refinements like script writing and how many roles I had planned for this. The biggest change
was not doing the crowd scene, as it seemed to be too difficult of a task to pull off especially
with everyone having things to do and stresses from the “When, Where and Why” factors on
my end of it. But in the end, I decided to have the main two characters, with 2-4 background
characters just in case I must film in a public space.

Describe how much you have been able to complete of your Capstone project. (Give specific
details and be honest with your progress)

I have been able to get a good chunk of background stuff done so far, such as casting and shoot
locations for major scenes. Starting with casting I had taken some time on that end of the
spectrum, as I had worries about who I would have as the main roles due to how well I could
trust them to show up and the whole 9 yards, but I managed to find 2 people who had actually
volunteered to help me out instead of me asking them if they wanted to be the main
characters, so that was a major relief for me. Second part was the film locations, which I had
spent some time walking around town, noting down good spots where I could film some of the
key scenes I had planned (I.E one scene I had wanted the 2 main people under a streetlight, but
not near a busy road, so I had walked around and found several locations that this scene could
work at.)

Layout your plan for the next two weeks, giving specifics about what you plan to work on.
(Set realistic and time specific goals)
The goals I have for the next 2 weeks is to finish out the final draft of script work so I can show
the party involved and ask for their opinions on anything I should change and such. Another
thing I wanted to do was interview the 2 main people in a sort of a short survey on what they
can or can’t do, if they’re comfortable with being in this presentation and so on. That probably
won’t be attached to the final product of my capstone, as its going to be done before I start the
filming and could contain private conversation stuff.

How many references do you currently have on your website, and how many evidence and
artifacts blog posts have your made? Do you feel you’ve researched sufficiently or completed
enough progress updates? Is yes, why? If no, then why not?

I have not added a ton to my references and blogs, and I keep forgetting to put stuff into them. I have
the original things from the first few weeks of deciding my idea but nothing afterwards, but I plan on
making big posts with everything I did/studied to make up for the horrible lack of posting on my end. I
do plan on making the intended smaller updates once I get on the train of remembering to do them.

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