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English 4 Honors

Do Now
Please complete the chapter 20 opening activity
Use this link to answer the following questions: School to Prison Pipeline Infographic.pdf

What do you think is meant by the “school-to-prison pipeline”

In the infographic, what are 5 things you notice and 5 questions you have?
(Lauren’s Vision) Chapter 18 Pg.178-187
● Analyze the lines on page 187 as Lauren explains “But we must have arable land, a
dependable water supply, and enough freedom from attack to let us establish
ourselves and grow. It might be possible to find such an isolated place along the
coast, and make a deal with the inhabitants. If there were a few more of us, and if
we were better armed, we might provide security in exchange for a living room.
We might also provide education plus reading and writing services to adult
illiterates. There might be a market for that kind of thing. So many people,
children and adults, are illiterate these days. ... We might be able to do it—grow
our own food, grow ourselves and our neighbors into something brand new. Into
○ Explain how Lauren’s vision for her Earthseed community demonstrates
sustainability, environmental justice and a value of literacy through growth
of environment, growth of self, and growth of community.
○ Based on the environmental lens, what is one of Butler’s purposes /
messages of her novel?
In the novel Parable of the Sower, there are many characters who are
illiterate (unable to read and/or write) due to neglectful or abusive living
situations. Some of these characters include Allie, Jill, Zahra and Natividad
Why is literacy important? How is literacy vs. illiteracy a theme in the novel?
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Think About these Questions
● What are some of the educational inequities that Brandon
● Have you ever seen any instances of the school-to-prison
pipeline operating in your life?
● How is illiteracy connected to the school to prison pipeline?
● Why do you think students of color are more likely to receive
harsh punishments for misbehavior? What about children
with special needs? Have you seen evidence of this treatment
in your own life?
Group Reflections
What steps can you as an individual and we as a society take to make
sure that all young people have access to quality education? If you had a
million dollars to spend on education in your community, what would
you do with it? Be specific in outlining specific steps you would take.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7

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