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Basic grammar

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Soluzioni Basic grammar

■■Unit 1 ■■Unit 4
1  1. He is a chef. 2. He is a taxi driver. 3. It is a 1  1. a; 2. an; 3. a; 4. an; 5. a; 6. an.
tablet. 4. They are books.
2  1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. e; 5. f; 6. b.
■■Unit 2 3  1. the; 2. a/a; 3. the; 4. a.
1  1 are; 2 are; 3 am; 4 is; 5 is.
■■Unit 5
2  1 are; 2 is; 3 are; 4 am; 5 are.
1  boxes; cakes; doors; houses; eyes; books.
3  1. A: ’re, N: aren’t; 2. A: ’re, N: aren’t; 3. A: is;
2  1. girls; 2. shirts; 3. pens; 4. tables;
4. N: isn’t; 6. A: ’s, N: isn’t.
5. watches; 6. faces.
4  1. isn’t; 2. isn’t; 3. aren’t; 4. aren’t.
3  three men; four women; two feet.
5  1. You are not my friend. 2. I am not Mister
Smith. 3. They are not my brothers and sisters. ■■Unit 6
4. It is not seven o’clock.
1  1. This; 2. These; 3. These; 4. This; 5. this.
6  1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. e; 5. d.
2  1. These are cars. 2. Those are tablets.
7  1. There is; 2. There are; 3. There is; 4. There 3. These are computers. 4. Those are flowers.
3  1. a; 2. a; 3. a.
8  Risposta personale.
■■Unit 7
■■Unit 3
1  1. some; 2. some; 3. some; 4. some; 5. some;
1  1. I haven’t got; 2. I haven’t got; 3. I’ve got; 6. any; 7. some; 8. some; 9. any.
4. I’ve got; 5. I haven’t got; 6 I’ve got.
2  1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T.
2  1. Have you got a jacket? Yes, I have. 2. Have
you got a hat? No, I haven’t. 3. Have you got a 3  1. any / some; 2. any / some; 3. any / any.
dress? Yes, I have. 4. Have you got trousers? No, 4  1. Are there any posters in your bedroom?
I haven’t. 5. Have you got a blouse? Yes, I have. 2. Are there any books in their schoolbags?
3  1. have got; 2. has got; 3. have got; 4. hasn’t 3. Is there any butter in this cake? 4. Is there
got; 5. have got. any milk for breakfast?
4  1. We haven’t got a poster. 2. She hasn’t got 5  1. There aren’t any posters in your bedroom.
a DVD. 3. I haven’t got a tablet. 4. They haven’t 2. There aren’t any books in their schoolbags.
got a car. 3. There isn’t any butter in this cake. 4. There
isn’t any milk for breakfast.
5  1. Have they got; 2. Has she got; 3. Has he
got; 4. Have you got. 6  1. any / some; 2. any / any; 3. any / some;
4. any / any.
7  1. some; 2. no / any; 3. some; 4. any.

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Soluzioni Basic grammar

■■Unit 8 6  1. is cooking; 2. are going; 3. am having; 4. is

1  1. it; 2. her; 3. it; 4. them; 5. us.
2  1. On Sunday, I go out with her. 2. I study it. ■■Unit 12
3. I see them. 4. Can I phone him?
1  a. 7; b. 5; c. 8; d. 1; e. 3; f. 4; g. 6; h. 2.
■■Unit 9 2  1. Don’t stand up! 2. Don’t close your book!
3. Don’t write! 4. Don’t open your book! 5. Don’t
1  1. your; 2. His; 3. her; 4. its; 5. our; 6. your; repeat! 6. Don’t sit down! 7. Don’t read!
7. Their.
3  1. d; 2. g; 3. f; 4. b; 5. c; 6. a; 7. e.
2  2. a; 3. e; 4. d; 5. b.
3  1. My; 2. Their; 3. your; 4. Our; 5. His. ■■Unit 13
1  1. longer; 2. uglier; 3. nicer; 4. cheaper;
■■Unit 10 5. greater; 6. colder.
1  1. play; 2. study; 3. love; 4. take. 2  1. more beautiful; 2. more expensive; 3. more
2  1. doesn’t; 2. don’t; 3. don’t; 4. doesn’t; important; 4. more elegant; 5. more intelligent.
5. doesn’t; 6. works. 3  1. dirtier; 2. better; 3. smaller; 4. more
3  1. e; 2. c; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b. difficult; 5. more comfortable; 6. worse.

4  1. plays; 2. watches; 3. goes; 4. does; 5. has. 4  1. Venus is hotter than Mercury. 2. London
is bigger than Rome. 3. This car is faster than a
5  1. doesn’t; 2. don’t; 3. doesn’t; 4. doesn’t; Fiat. 4. The dog is smaller than the horse.
5. don’t.
5  1. a; 2. a, a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a, a.
6  1. don’t; 2. cleans; 3. does.
6  1. the oldest; 2. the most modern; 3. the
7  1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. e; 5. b. youngest; 4. the best; 5. the worst; 6. the most
patient; 7. the easiest; 8. the most boring.
■■Unit 11 7  1. the most expensive; 2. the nicest; 3. the
1 smallest; 4. the biggest; 5. the longest.

Forma Forma negativa Forma

8  1. the most beautiful; 2. smaller; 3. the
affermativa interrogativa highest; 4. more; 5. most; 6. most.

She’s going. She isn’t going. Is she going? ■■Unit 14

They’re writing. They aren’t writing. Are they writing? 1  1. between; 2. behind; 3. on; 4. on; 5. next to.
You’re reading. You aren’t reading. Are you reading? 2  wardrobe 5; bedroom 2; balcony 3; wall 7;
lamp 4; kitchen 1; armchair 6.
2  1. She is not (isn’t) cooking. 2. It is not (isn’t)
eating. 3. He is not (isn’t) doing the washing-up. 3  1a. between; 1b. in front of; 2a. behind;
4. She is not (isn’t) reading. 5. He is not (isn’t) 2b. next to.
playing the guitar. 6. They are not (aren’t) 4  1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F.
skiing. 7. He is not (isn’t) doing his homework.
5  1. c; 2. a; 3. f; 4. d; 5. b; 6. g; 7. e.
3  1. Are your parents working? 2. Is their
Soluzioni Basic grammar

teacher reading a book? 3. Are you cooking ■■Unit 15

Italian food? 4. Are they doing gymnastics?
5. Are our friends watching TV? 1  1. in; 2. on; 3. on; 4. in; 5. in.
4  b. 4; c. 3; d. 7; e. 6; f. 8; g. 5; h. 1. 2  1. b; 2. c; 3. e; 4. d; 5. a.
5  1. Is Peter playing the piano? No, he isn’t. 3  1. On; 2. In; 3. On; 4. at.
2 Are you going to school? Yes, I am. 3 Are my
friends having lunch? No, they aren’t. 4. Is the ■■Unit 16
teacher speaking? Yes, he/she is. 1  was; were; was; were; was; was.

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Soluzioni Basic grammar

2  1. There were many people. 2. My friend 4  1. have found; 2. has gone; 3. have had; 4. has
George was there. 3. Where were you? 4. I was come; 5. has eaten.
at home. 5. My sister was sick.
5  Present perfect: I’ve just come back; Have
3  1. was; 2. were; 3. were; 4. was; 5. were; 6. was. you done; I haven’t studied. Past simple: went;
swam; played; ate.
4  1. Yes, he was. 2. Yes, he was. 3. Yes, they
were. 4. No, she wasn’t. 6  1. present perfect; 2. past simple; 3. present
perfect; 4. present perfect; 5. past simple.
5  1. Was Sheila in France last summer? 2. Were
you tired yesterday evening? 3. Were Martin
and Julia here last week? ■■Unit 19
1  1. was going; 2. were listening; 3. were
■■Unit 17 playing; 4. was making, was helping.
1  1. She worked. 2. They liked. 3. We played. 2  1. was going; 2. rang.
4. He studied. 5. You looked. 3  1. My brothers were watching TV. 2. Were
2  La festa era ieri sera: 2. È stato così bello: 9. you listening to music? 3. We weren’t playing
Paul mi ha invitata: 1. Io l’ho aiutata: 5. Anna ha tennis. 4. They were cleaning the room.
preparato dei biscotti: 4. Ho ballato con Paul: 6.
Lisa cucinato una torta di mele: 3. È successo
qualcosa di incredibile: 7. ■■Unit 20
3  1. d; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. f; 6. e. 1  I’m going to see; My uncle is going to meet
me; he’s going to take; I’m going to visit; we’re
4  went; did; bought. going; We’re also going to visit Elba; I’m going to
5  Positive: we went; we saw; it was; I did; I was. travel.
Interrogative: where did you go; what film did 2  1. I’m going to see the Coliseum. 2. My uncle
you see?; was it; did you like it? Negative: no, it is going to meet me at the airport. 3. He’s going
wasn’t; I didn’t like it. to take me to his house. 4. I’m going to visit
6  1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a. Rome. 5. We’re also going to visit Elba.

7  1. watched; 2. was, spoke; 3. did. 3  1. Are you going to read this book? 2. Are we/
you going to meet Lucas? 3. Are they going to
8  1. went; 2. came; 3. took; 4. saw. buy a computer? 4. Is Mary going to travel by
9  Risposta personale. train? 5. Are we/you going to watch TV?

10  1. My father didn’t cook yesterday. 2. Last

week we didn’t play tennis. 3. They didn’t go to ■■Unit 21
London in March. 4. We didn’t study History in
1  1. will; 2. will; 3. will; 4. will.
the afternoon. 5. We didn’t like that film.
6. They didn’t take a bus to the station. 2  1. My sister won’t study in Italy. 2. My friends
won’t have a holiday in France. 3. You won’t
11  1. Did you have? 2. Did they take? 3. Did he make a cake. 4. I won’t take a train at 7.
visit? 4. Did she buy?
3  1. I’ll study; 2. I’ll tidy; 3. I’ll listen to; 4. I’ll
■■Unit 18 4  1. I’ll have soup and then some fish. Prendo
1  1. She has arrived. 2. We have watched. la zuppa e poi del pesce. 2. I won’t read this
3. They have lived. 4. He has played. book! Non leggerò questo libro! 3. Will you write
to me? Mi scriverai? 4. Will he miss the bus?
2  be: essere; begin: cominciare; come: venire;
Perderà l’autobus?
do: fare; find: trovare; go: andare; see: vedere;
sleep: dormire. 5  1. b; 2. e; 3. d; 4. a; 5. c.
3  1. c; 2. d; 3. e; 4. b; 5. a. 6  1. won’t; 2. ’ll; 3. ’ll; 4. won’t.


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Soluzioni Basic grammar

■■Unit 22 ■■Unit 23
1 1  Risposte personali.
1 one 7 seven 2  1. You can’t dance. Non sai / Non sapete
2 two 8 eight
ballare. 2. We can’t sing. Non sappiamo cantare.
3. I can’t play tennis. Non so giocare a tennis.
3 three 9 nine 4. They can’t speak English. Non sanno parlare
4 four 10 ten
3  1. Can your sister ride a bike? 2. Can Ligabue
5 five 11 eleven
sing well? 3. Can your grandmother cook?
6 six 12 twelve 4. Can your friends play computer games?
4  1. couldn’t; 2. couldn’t; 3. couldn’t; 4. could;
2  1. eight; 2. seven; 3. five; 4. nine; 5. six. 5. can; 6. can, couldn’t.
22 twenty-two 28 twenty-eight ■■Unit 24
31 thirty-one 34 thirty-four 1  Museum: You must leave at 7 p.m.: 4. School:
You mustn’t run in the corridor.: 2. Cinema: You
43 forty-three 41 forty-one
mustn’t use your mobile phone.: 1. Swimming-
58 fifty-eight 56 fifty-six pool: You mustn’t eat or drink.: 3.
65 sixty-five 63 sixty-three 2  1. mustn’t; 2. must; 3. must; 4. mustn’t;
5. mustn’t.
76 seventy-six 77 seventy-seven
3  1. d; 2. c; 3. f; 4. e; 5. b; 6. a.
82 eighty-two 89 eighty-nine
4  1. d; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a.
99 ninety-nine 92 ninety-two
5  1. Do you have to; 2. doesn’t have to;
4  1. e; 2. d; 3. f; 4. c; 5. b; 6. a. 3. I have to; 4. I don’t have to.

1st first 2nd second 3rd third

4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth

7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth

10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth

13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth

20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-


23rd twenty- 24th twenty-

third fourth

6  b. fourth; c. sixth; d. seventh; e. tenth.

Soluzioni Basic grammar


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