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SMS3033 Statistical Methods and Its Applications

Assignment II- Hypothesis Testing & Report


1. Organize and analyze the collected data in Assignment I based on what you have learnt
in Hypothesis Testing (Chapter 2 - Chapter 5). You are advise to use statistical software
packages such as SPSS, Excel, Minitab or R.

2. Your data organization should include the graphic such as bar, pie, histogram, and etc.

3. Choose appropriate TEST to analyze your data. Your Analysis should include the
a. Problem statement.
b. The objective of the study together with the description of the study.
c. Hypothesis.
d. Results.
e. Last but not least the Conclusion of your finding.
*Look at the given template.

4. Make a report on the findings. The report should be typed. Use your own creativity to
write a report. [ you may refer to "Guide to writing project report" attached]

5. Presentation of the report:

(A) Hard copy report:

 use Microsoft Word: Arial style, 11 font size and 1.5 spacing.
 use Math Types to type the mathematics symbols.
 state the references on the last page of your assignment. EXAMPLE as shown
Afroz, R., Hassan, M. N. & Ibrahim, N. A. 2003. Review of air pollution and health impacts in Malaysia.
Environmental Research 92(2): 71-77.

Alam Sekitar Malaysia (ASMA). 2006. Air quality monitoring. Access available: ( 18 July 2009) access on 18 September 2014.

 As the appendix, please include the delegation of work among members of the group
(i.e explanation of how the assignment was carried out and executed among
members of the group). You may include a photo to prove that this work has been
done in team.
*Look at the given template.

A1&A2/SMS3033 /sem 2 2018-2019/MuziWahida

 Use White A4 paper to print and bind your report. (comb binding)

 This assignment will be collected during lecture class in week 12 (Class


 The format for the front cover is as below:


A4 size paper Color:
SMS3033 Statisticals Methods and Its Pink for group A
Blue for group B
Photo Green for group C
1 2 3 4
Purple for group D
1. Bocey 2556 2
2. Neelofa 2557 38
3. Usop 2541 4
4. Soo Winci 2544 12

Dr Noor Wahida Md Junus / Dr Muzirah Bt Musa

15 SEPTEMBER 2017. Late submission will cause of losing marks.

(B) Class presentation (5-10 minutes) : use Microsoft Power Point.

 The presentation session will be held during lecture class in week 12:
 Your presentation should contain the summarization of your report as done in (A).
 Maximum number of the power point presentation slide is up to 10 slides only.
 Save as PDF file and please SUBMIT/UPLOAD the slide before or on 17 Mei 2019 (week
13) . Late submission will cause of losing marks.


A1&A2/SMS3033 /sem 2 2018-2019/MuziWahida

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