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1. (a)



2. Goodness-of-fit test is a test to determine whether observed frequencies of an experiment

follow a certain pattern or theoretical expected frequencies.
3. The minimum expected frequency to conduct a goodness-of-fit test is 5

4. Step 1: Hypothesis

Die is fair
Die is not fair

Step 2: Test statistic

Outcome Observed Expected, E=np

1 7 60×1/6=10

2 12 60×1/6=10

3 8 60×1/6=10

4 15 60×1/6=10

5 11 60×1/6=10

6 7 60×1/6=10
Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Fail to reject null since statistic do not fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

Not enough evidence at 5% significance level to conclude that the die is not fair.

5. The correct data is as below☺

Day Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

No. of Order 75 115 88 97 2-5

Step 1: Hypothesis

Orders are evenly distributed

Orders are not evenly distributed

Step 2: Test statistic

Outcome Observed Expected, E=np

Mon 75 400×1/5=80

Tue 115 400×1/5=80

Wed 88 400×1/5=80

Thu 97 400×1/5=80

Fri 25 400×1/5=80
Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Reject null since statistic fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

There is enough evidence at 5% significance level to conclude that the orders are
not evenly distributed.

6. Step 1: Hypothesis

The sample is random sample

The sample is not random

Step 2: Test statistic

Outcome Observed Expected

Senior 50 200×0.19=38

Junior 46 200×0.23=46

Sophomor 55 200×0.27=54
Freshmen 49 200×0.31=62

Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Reject null since statistic fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

There is enough evidence at 10% significance level to conclude that the sample is
7. Step 1: Hypothesis

Gender and response are not related

Gender and response are related

Step 2: Test statistic

Yes No Uncertain Column


Men 125(115.536) 59(70.549) 21(18.915) 205

Women 101(110.464) 79(67.451) 16(18.085) 196

Row Total 226 138 37 401

Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Fail to reject null since statistic do not fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

There is not enough evidence at 1% significance level to conclude that the gender
and response are related.
8. Step 1: Hypothesis

The number of plant sold is not related with the location of his portable plant
The number of plant sold is related with the location of his portable plant

Step 2: Test statistic

Mon Tue Wed Column


Mall 17(8.371) 12(8.049) 4(16.580) 33

Grocery 12(20.8) 23(20) 47(41.2) 82
Roadside 23(22.829) 15(21.951) 52(45.212) 90

Row total 52 50 103 205

Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Reject null since statistic fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

There is enough evidence at 1% significance level to conclude that the number of

plant sold is related with the location of his portable plant stall.
9. Step 1: Hypothesis

Smoking and visit the physicians are not related

Smoking and visit the physicians are related

Step 2: Test statistic

0–1 2–4 ≥5 Column


Smoker 25(54) 60(52) 75(46) 160

Nonsmoker 110 (81) 90(78) 40 (69) 240

Row total 135 130 115 400

Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Reject null since statistic fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

There is enough evidence at 5% significance level to conclude that Smoking and

visit the physicians are related
10. Test of independence is used to test association between two categorical variable. For
example association between gender and healthy life style, age level and computer

Test of homogeneity is use to test the equality of characteristic of two or more population
with regards to different characteristic or distribution. For examples the preference of
working women and non-working women in buying the brands comestic product,

11. Step 1: Hypothesis

The distribution of opinions is homogeneous for the two groups

The distribution of opinions is not homogeneous for the two groups
Step 2: Test statistic

Opinion Row
Favor Oppose Uncertain

Blue collar 44(45.586) 39(42.586 12(9.828) 95


White collar 21(22.414) 26(22.414 3(5.172) 50


Column Total 65 65 15 145

Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Fail to reject null since statistic do not fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion
There is not enough evidence at 2.5% significance level to conclude that the
distribution of opinions is not homogeneous for the two groups.
12. Contigency table

Instructor A Instructor B

Passed 48(45.132) 44(46.868)

Failed 4(6.868) 10(7.132)

Chi square value

since the contingency table is 2×2, the degree of freedom is 1, thus the value of
lies between p-value of 0.05 and 0.10.

13. Use 0.05 significant level.

Step 1: Hypothesis

The people belong to different income group are homogeneous with regard
to playing lotteries
The people belong to different income group are not homogeneous with
regard to playing lotteries

Step 2: Test statistic

Income Group Row total

Low Middle High

Play often 174(170.8) 163(142.333) 90(113.867) 427

Play sometime 286(249.2) 217(207.667) 120(166.133) 623

Never play 140(180) 120(150) 190(120) 450

Column Total 600 500 400 1500

Step 3: Critical region

Step 4: Decision rule

Reject null since statistic fall in critical region

Step 5: Conclusion

There is enough evidence at 2.5% significance level to conclude that the different
income group are not homogeneous with regard to playing lotteries

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