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there were many cases that we've done

but none

like today he was named korea's number

one most dangerous

criminal this is the top of the top

every korean noteless name many suspects

have a certain reasons for what they do

rather it's for money revenge or bad

falling out

but what if one's reason for his dark

actions was for pure

pleasure and no other reason thank god

the suspect in this case happened

back in 2006 but the story doesn't end

in a way that we wanted to

this case is so important to review and

talk about because something like this


unfathomable person exists and we really

need to know how to protect ourselves

so weird how i chose such a positive

bright amazing cute looking outfit while

we're talking about the number one

psycho killer but i mean look at my


little hook here it's not an earring

i'll link everything down below if you

want to see

this look quick announcement i just want

to introduce you guys to keen

if you've been following me for a while

you know you know i love to try

online psychics i will say thank you to

keem for sponsoring today's video

keen is an online psychic where you

could ask questions about love life

career life questions tarot cards

spiritual readings and

so much more i know a lot of you guys

are curious about psychics and

mediumship so instead of going to a

physical place why not call and

check it out my advisor that i called

this time it was really interesting

because she usually tells me my energy

is balanced and in check but this time

she gives me

two little things to look for in the

future so i'll see if this

actually does happen a lot of the times

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know love live is a very big topic so if

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or you're looking for someone

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i want to say big thank you to keane

and use the link down below again you

guys to check keen outs


this case all started in january 2004

when a woman in the 40s was discovered

stabbed in her home

but she survived the woman couldn't see

the man's face as it was very dark and

it was covered with a mask

and a hat but starting from this point

2004 was such a crazy

time in korea because there was actually

multiple serial killers and

seoul was just haunted during this time

because you just don't know who it is

and you walking late at home after work

you could be targeted february 2004

a woman in her 20s walking at 7 30 p.m

in a dark alleyway when all of a sudden

someone tapped her

on the shoulder she turned around and

the faceless man just relentlessly

stabbed her

no words nothing stolen no harassments

just killed four days later around 6 am

when most people are asleep a milk

delivery woman but she was delivering

the milk and then someone tapped her on

the shoulder

she turned around and all of a sudden

this man relentlessly started to stab


again no words nothing stolen no


just stabbed the next case a man was

sleeping in his apartment

and all of a sudden his dog just started

barking at the door which is so freaky

because if you have dogs or cats

like they know someone is there without

you actually hearing it

so he went to the door he opened it and

he saw

a woman in her 20s actually his neighbor

who was just a college student

stabbed to death after this it was

another case after another case another

case after another case

and police just could not figure out who

the serial killer was

another very sickening signature about

this particular killer according to the


was when he would tap the shoulder to

the victims

near the streetlights yes literally

where the lights were coming down upon


he tapped the shoulder to the victims

turned them around and then

stabbed them so this indicated that he

did this

on purpose he wanted to see the victim's

face in the lights the reason was


this suspect wanted to see and feel

the pain of the victims he wanted to

fully capture

that moment for himself one strange

thing about this

killer was that he would be very

relentless he had no mercy

but when he heard a little bit of sound

when the victims would scream when he

would hear something when there would be

car lights or a little bit of like

something that would trigger him he

would just like run away

so he had this odd two side to him a

evil angry person

and the other side very very shy and

very scared

around this time police obviously

couldn't figure out who it was but they


capture a serial killer and that was you

young toe he's also one of the most


cereal criminals in korea and i did a

video on him so you guys should check

that out and many people thought that

maybe it was him oh my god we caught

someone so that we don't have to fear at

night anymore

but even after this criminal yuyong tar

was caught

this same pattern was happening again

and again so there was another serial

killer out on the loose

now unfortunately because a lot of the

victims actually went to the hospital

and they were very badly injured they

weren't able to

really remember what the suspect looked

like i'm not sure about the west i think

the west too but a lot of korean polices

even to this day they use

hypnotizing they hypnotize the victims

in order to remember the past so these

victims were put into hypnosis

and there was a drawing that they got

out of and this is what the victim said

the suspect looked like it's been about

a year these cases were being even more

violent now

there was even one case where the

victims were struck by a very hard steel

object the suspect lit the house on fire

and before he fled he put a chopstick

into the door

so the victims could not get out during

one of these crimes actually there was

someone that was able to see

the suspect flee and they saw the face

they got a professional to draw out

the montage of what the suspect could

have looked like and this was a second

drawing oh my god the first drawing and

second drawing are

literally identical police actually

thought that these house burning cases

were two different suspects from the


stabbing cases because it was so

different but of course professional

profiler kwon knew that these could be

actually the same

suspect and there was a specific reason

why when he went

into the mind of the criminal he

actually knew that the suspect's crime

would get more and more

violent over time this led to the

criminal profiler believing

that the suspect was enjoying more and

more of the violent pain that he was

causing to these innocent victims

it was almost as if this person was

playing a game and he wasn't satisfied

with level one he wanted to go up a


up up up it's been two years it was

april of 2006

when a mid-age man was sleeping again

very late at night

when he heard his 20 year old son

screaming for his life

he woke up he went to the room and he

saw that there was a man

on top of his son literally like banging

him with a steel

thank god this mid-age man was able to

tackle this suspect and during this

tackling and wrestling the police

actually was able to come fast enough

and the suspect was

arrested at first the police said that

this suspect was just a robber

robbery gone bad but this guy while he

was in the police car and in the

investigation he started talking to


while he was talking to himself he

started saying darn it

i could have killed 1 000 people

everything is over now apparently this

was what he was whispering to himself

police thought that he was just a crazy

guy didn't really think much of it

but as time went by and they were

investigating him they started to figure

out that

this man was the serial killer that they

were looking for for two years the

suspect was finally identified as

tong nam kyu he was 37 years old

and he confessed the police that he

actually even quit

smoking and drinking because he wanted

to kill more people he was a man who

practiced running

six miles a day in order to prepare his


for the criminal actions when the police

confiscated his

weapon it was actually a pipe ranch and

between the pipe branches they found

old pieces of blood dried up blood which

meant that this was used for multiple

victims and they finally figured out

that all those other cases that was used

with the steel weapons

was this guy tong nam kyu in his house

he even had all the newspapers of his

own murders cut

out almost as a trophy tsung ngu says

that he once was actually listening to

the news of the murders that he caused

and he just fell asleep peacefully while


to his own murders so professional

profiler mr kwon wanted to figure out

the reasons and go

inside the mind of this killer what was

his reasonings what

happened i mean how did this start and

did he really want something from the

victims or

was this for pure pleasure really

interesting thing

in order for these professional

profilers to easily talk to the suspects

they actually sympathize with them at


in order to get them to talk for example

tongnam you really liked

gum so he would give him gum and say i

know you had a hard time in jail

open up to me and then that's just kind

of how he got the suspect to open up

chengdam you actually had absolutely no


he had no hesitation when he was talking

about his actions

when he was talking about what he did to

the police and

the professional profilers they said

that his face lit

up when he was talking about it when he

was talking about other stuff he was


the real reason why tongnom used that he

did what he did

was because he was quote addicted

to killing he didn't want their money he

didn't know them personally

he was just waiting for them around the

corner for any suspects

he can get his hands on he said he liked

to watch the victim's reactions and

that's the reason why he

physically turned them around and did

this especially in

the post lamps or the street lights

there's a very famous video of him going

into the police car

once he was found um and he's smiling at

the camera

he's smiling at all those paparazzis and


and professional profilers believe that

he's smiling because he's telling the


you're no better than me a crazy thing

is when mr gwan said that he went to

tongnomu's house he actually

found a magazine of himself and he knew

that these crazy criminals

are looking at him police the profilers

of what they're doing

how they're catching these suspects what

kind of new technology

is out there in order to catch suspects

and these crazy suspects are reading and

researching all of this

this is the most psychotic part that a

lot of people

are shivering about so when the profiler

asked him what did you do when you

failed at the attempts to the surviving

victims he had about 20 victims who

ended up surviving

and tongnom you said when i failed at my

attempts i would go back to the place

where i did succeed

and just stood there it made me feel so

happy so we try to go back to tong

namgyu's life in order to figure out

what caused them what triggered these

people i mean did these feelings happen

when they were young

and was there some kind of trauma that

they faced that made them like this

so they say that since a very young age

tongni was actually very very timid he

was a shy guy

and actually he was seen as the weaker

one out of

the school out of the army that he was

in it was said that his father would

abuse him since he was very young

and they had not a lot of money in the

family he also confessed for the first

time that when he was around

11 12 years old there was a trusted

neighbor a mid-age

man but he took tungnam gu to an

isolated area one day

and assaulted him although he didn't go

into detail detail about this a lot of

people believe that this

was the triggering start he also was

living alone in high school

and he also says that there was other

male neighbors that came into his house

and assaulted him once he was an adult

he started bouncing between jobs from


to factories and he couldn't keep a

straight job due to his personality the

last thing that the profiler asked him

was why did you burn the houses down of

the victims like what made you just do

this and then go into burning houses

he said that when he would burn the

houses down he felt an achievement

feeling that rushed through his body

even said that his depression was cured

every time

he would do this i forgot to mention

another crazy thing he said was that he

was looking at the news of

you young the other serial killer that

was caught around i believe 2004.

tongnomdi said that when he was watching

the news of you young turn getting


he actually said that his goal in his

life was to kill more people than goo

young tar did when young tar was caught

he actually confessed to a crime that he

didn't do and that crime that he didn't

do was actually

done by tongnam gu and tong says that

when he was watching the news he got


that someone else would take credit for

his own crimes

he even went as far as researching what

food is good for you like

like how we would keep in the best shape


in order to continue doing this continue

living life

as the number one criminal so eventually

tongdengi was sentenced in court

to death and it's been about two years

and seven months and he wasn't executed


but before his execution he actually was


dead in his own cell by self-harm so he

was his

own last victim before he passed away he

actually told the police

that he would rather be executed than


because he just could not live without

acting upon

his urges because tongnomgy took his own

life a lot of victims family were left

speechless because now they had no one

else to blame they had no suspects to

point their finger to

so the last takeaway about this message

is the fact that

anywhere around the world people with

this mindset

does exist this does not just exist in

korea this happens

all over the world so how can we protect


you hear parents always say never walk

in a dark alleyway or in the corner

never walk by yourself don't be alone

and that is true

because these criminals hide in these

dark alleyways and corners

just like this suspect he went to the

gym he practiced running every single

day he ran six miles every day in order

to prepare for this

so was this because of his childhood

traumas was he bored with this

what do you think is a reason why he

turned out this way and how can we

prevent this

in the future so let me know what you

guys have thought about the mind of this

pleasure killer that was actually

addicted to a sick urge that

not a lot of people have remember to hit

the like button if you enjoy these

stories to hit the algorithm so we have

a lot of people

spread awareness about these cases and

subscribe and hit the notification bell

because i reply to all my early words i

can reply to you

see you guys in my next video

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