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1. Please give response completely to this following suggestions.

You may accept or decline.
a. Why don’t you do your home work before going out?
b. I think you should buy a new handphone

2. Please give response completely to this following suggestions.

You may accept or decline.
c. Why don’t you do your home work before going out?
d. I think you should buy a new handphone

a. Can I help you clean the room?

3. Aisyah: “ I am so thirsty”
Annie: “_________________ get you something to drink?”
Aisyah: “ Oh thank you, that’s very kind of you.

Instruction for no 4 and 5,

Do you agree or disagree with the opinions below,
Answer with complete and clear sentences.

4. Women should not work!

5. Online gaming should be banned!

6. Who are invited to the graduation?
7. When and where will the graduation hold on?
8. What is the contact of Monica in the invitation for?

9. What kind of invitation is it?

10. When and where will the celebration be held on?
11. Is there any dresscode mentioned in the invitation?

Read the text below and answer the following questions.

How does global warming happen?
The Earth’s atmosphere is made up oxygen, nitrogen and a dozen other gases. All of these serve to
capture a certain amount of heat and keep the Earth warm. The heat of sunlight radiates outward
back into the air. The molecules in the air absorb and release that heat. Certain molecules that are
heavier than others radiate more heat back to earth. This absorption and reflection of heat is known
as the greenhouse effect.
When we keep adding to the special mixture of our air too much of certain ingredients such as
Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is necessary to nature. Plants use CO2 and sunlight to create sugars
and fresh oxygen. This is what many scientists thought when they first examined global warming.
Nevertheless, we only have so many plants, and oceans which also absorb CO2, are at maximum
capacity. So all this extra Carbon dioxide goes up into the atmosphere where it blocks the release of
heat leaving the earth. Gases such as CO2 that absorb heat that otherwise would have expelled to
outer space are called greenhouse gases.
(Adapted from

12. How does Global warming happened?

13. What are green house gases?
14. What are the CO2 and sunlight used by then plants for?
15. What is the earth’s atmosphere made of?

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