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Benchmark – best, recommended, latest

Web Technology refers to the various tools and techniques that are utilized in the process of
communication between different types of devices over the internet. It involves the building,
creating and maintaining of websites and databases. There are usually two (2) types of development
to consider when building a website:
 Frontend Development
 Backend Development

Frontend Development
This entails developing the facade of the website, the part the user interacts with. The three (3) main
languages used for frontend development are: (add quantifiers)
 Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) 
 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
 Javascript (JS)

say why, since when used, what it is used for

Language Minimum version Recommended version Comments

 Provides
structure for web
page  Easy to
 Static language
 Allows the use of implement
 Dynamic pages not
templates  Supported by
HTML possible
 Lightweight and every browser
 A lot of code needed
fast  Free and
for a web page
 talk about accessible

CSS2  Cascading Style  Beginner  Cross browser issues

 Supports friendly can arise
responsive web  Improves page  Confusion if multiple
design load speed versions of CSS used
 talk about  Simplifies
features about
CSS3 being
preferred choice

 Lightweight
programming  Very fast  Less secure
language  Easy to integrate compared to other
 Syntax simple with other languages
and easy to use languages
 Can be used for  Simple and find limits and
recommendations to
web servers and versatile scripting files
mobile apps

Talk about technologies and

let user choose which option
Minimum browsers to
be configured mozilla,
 different chrome
browsers use IE
Browsers/ Latest browsers being
different css EDGE
User Agents used
rules Safari
 talk about SASS Opera
 older browsers may or may
not be supported with new

Identify most common

Different resolutions
Devices/ ones, best
 different aspect
Screen sizes recommended

 ruby on rails
Consistency, faster
 jquery
frameworks design, compatibility
 react
 angularJS
 VUEjs

Third party Payment platforms

 Social media
platforms & platforms
Integrations  chat
 Database

 Oracle
 MariaDB
 Blockchain
 MongoDB

Backend Development
This entails creating the website logistics, things that happen behind the scene. Some main
languages used for backend development are: (add quantifiers)
 Python
 Nodejs

Language Min versions Recommended Comments

 Supported by many
 Easy to use
third party extensions  Error handling
 Can be used on all
 Can output images, features not
major operating
PHP pdf, animations and excellent
other formats  Using PHP only
 Huge community
 Compatible with can be slow
cloud services

 Interpreted
 Dynamic typing  Extensively language which
capabilities Scalable can slow down
 Efficient backend  Emphasizes code processing
programming readability  Not suitable for
mobile apps
 Shares the same
piece of code with  Does not
 Used for server side
both server and provide
Nodejs communication
client side scalability
 Huge variety of
node packages

However, not every programming language works the same way. Some factors that need to be
considered are:
 Automatic memory management can cause languages to be slower than the ones that do not
enforce it.
 Efficiency of the compiler affects the speed.
 If the language has to be compiled, it will take more time as the source code has to be

When building a website application, there are some best practices to follow to make it as
user friendly as possible:

1. Optimize for Mobile Devices

Over ninety (90) percent of users access the Internet with a mobile device as of January
2020. Not just that, but mobile commerce sales are also on the rise. Website applications
need to be developed and designed for mobile devices first, before scaling to larger devices.

2. Stick to common design elements

These are the most standard elements users expect when they visit a website:
 Logo at the top of the screen.
 Contact information in top right of screen.
 Horizontal main menu navigation.
 Search bar in the header.
 Social media icons in the footer.

3. Establish Credibility
People won’t have a good user experience on your website application if they think
it’s untrustworthy. Credibility needs to be established right away. Otherwise, visitors will
feel unsafe while they’re navigating. Being transparent about your content, prices and
contact information.

4. Be consistent
The website application needs to have consistency from page to page. Make sure all
the theme templates, layouts, and colors are the same when navigation throughout the
website application.

5. Simple Navigation
Make sure all the navigational buttons are intentional and lead your readers down the
right path.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were created so that websites can meet
the needs of people with disabilities. The WCAG has four (4) main principles to meet their web
accessibility standards:

Information and user interface components must be presentable to users in ways they
can perceive.

Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of
user agents, including assistive technologies.

User interface components and navigation must be operable.

Information and the operation of the user interface must be understandable.

There are some main issues to factors when building a website application:
Auditory disabilities encompass those who are hard of hearing to fully deaf. The
website application needs to accommodate users who fall under this category. For example,
any video or sound content, you would want accompanying captions or text displayed long
enough for users to read and process the information.

Those with cognitive disabilities might suffer from a wide range of issues including
mental disabilities as well as neurological issues. To accommodate users that fall under this
category, you should simplify your website application as much as possible. For example,
having a simplified menu for users to navigate easily throughout the website application.
Bubble, tool tips. Chat feature , colors need to not trigger epilepsy

The website application needs to not use conflicting colors that cant be processed by
users with visual impairments. Color blindness, screen readers , ability to invert colors
(render in dark mode) dark them to device is different to dark mode in browser. Scale a font
easily for visually impaired users

Elements need to be big enough and clickable
voice command
scrolling feature

(affects graphics & media)

The web hosting type that is used is incredibly important for the website you want to create. 

Web hosting provides the technology and server space required for your website to be
accessed on the Internet. This allows users to search for your site and view your web pages online.
All websites are different, so there are different services to meet different needs
self hosted vs data center hosting vs commercially hosting (local & international)
data center – GORTT

break down to dedciated and shared – then break sub sections

self hosting vs third party hosting - can be local/ on premise or cloud service
self hosted data center, slf hosted cloud service ,
identify risks associated with above mentioned – talk environment, skill level needed,

self hosted in a cloud hosting – trasnfer risks to third party

There are five (5) main types of web hosting:

Type Features Pros Cons

 Great choice
for smaller
 Not much  Sharing server resources
 Most cost-
technical with other websites
effective type
Shared knowledge to  Performance issues are out
 Easy to set up
Hosting get started of your control
 Great for
 smaller sites  Slower loading times 
because  Not Scalable
resources on
same platform

 Dedicated
 Great choice
Server  Sharing the main server
Virtual for medium
resources with other websites
Private sized websites
 Higher uptime  Not as easy to set up as
Server  Allows for
rates and shared server
(VPS) custom
faster loading  Still some limitations on
Hosting configuration
speed what you can control
to server

 One click
 Less control and flexibility
 Optimized for  Updates are not always
Wordpress  Enhanced
Wordpress smooth
Hosting security for
sites  Sharing resources with
other Wordpress websites

Dedicated  Great choice  Complete  Most expensive type

Hosting for enterprise control over  Requires technical
level websites server knowledge
 Not sharing
 High security
 Optimal

 High security
 Great choice  Scale
for websites resources on  Pricing is not always fixed
that are demand  Limited customization
growing  Less
rapidly unexpected

Say which one is best for GORTT, give recommendations on why GORTT should host, services
provided etc

give hosting platforms itself – Nginx, apache, give recommendation and say best one used,
open source vs paid service
different coding languages will use different containers/ native embedding etc
if a cms is recommended or not, which CMS is best used
see what servers integrate with CMS – example WordPress and nginx

talk about web server hardware - HCI – high converge

bandwidth, server space, processing speed

move all websites to store in data center
build new platform for one government website
each mda onboards to that platform
benchmark versions

availability and uptime of website time

Frequency of updates
The frequency of updates to websites, both content and security, can be as often as it is worth
updating. However, updates to a website should be made at least once a month. Some main reasons
on why you should make updates to your website:

1. Let your users know that your website is active

Keeping a website fresh can let users know it is active and being used.

2. Good for Search Engine Optimization

Search engines favor new content. Google will look at the website more often as it is
updated, and take that into account when ranking your website. Having more pages
to index creates a better chance at boosting SEO.

3. Good for Social Media

When updates are made to the website application, fuel is added to the social media
promotions. Updated content on your website means new content for your social
media and new reasons for users to visit the website

Supporting Documentation 
hosting, CMS, website, languages, user agent devices, browsers

technologies - ,FTP, SSH, SFTP, web interface, CDN
accessibility, r
esponsiveness (optimized for touch as well) – use tool to find user agent/device being used
How to use geolocation with websites
, localization(present website in multiple languages)
performance of website – gtmetrix , load times , compressing and caching

SEO - find best practices,

Google analytics, facebook pixels- sitemap XML
architecture, - structure of the website , resuable components, minifying script files, external css
files, backend vs frontend processing
frequency of updates, - once a month , content, how website is updated, measures taken to update
maintenance of site - security, plugins etc
security – 2FA, website, server, database , SSL , encryption
legal (cookie notice, GDPR) , copyright content (royalty free, correct sizes for logos, dimensions
etc), tracking information , privacy , terms and conditions, disclaimers, policies in place atm (to
prevent any information from being shared)
credibility (target audience and purpose of site) what makes a website SSL?, peer review systems

trust and transparency

Queueing system – traffic management for website so server does not get overloaded
data policies, regulations and guidelines

recommendation form this project is that GORTT should have a framework to follow in terms of
colors. Design etc

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