Abeki Jones - Plan of Investigation, Artefacts and Reflection 1

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Name: Shequeena Skellekie

Teacher’s Name: Ms. Adrian

Grade: 11 Science
Table of Contents 

Title Page No. 

Introduction pg.

Acknowledgement      pg.

Topic pg. 

Plan of investigation   pg.

Reflection 1    pg.

Reflection 2   pg.

Reflection 3     pg.

Plan of Oral presentation pg.

Written report           pg.

References    pg.

Appendices pg.

Artefact 1 pg.

Artefact 2 pg.

Artefact 3 pg.
This School Based Assessment would not have been completed or concluded without the
support of a few number of persons whom the researcher wishes to acknowledge.
Firstly, I would like to thank all my family members for understanding and cooperation with
myself and also for the release of household chores and assistance psychologically and
Secondly thanks to all the platforms where I get all my information from.
Finally I would like to pass out a special thanks to my English teacher who guided me in
every step until at the conclusion of my School Based Assessment.

The theme for this research is ‘’online education,”my research will focus on the
‘Disadvantages of online education. I have selected this topic because I was in this situation
and was greatly disadvantaged as a result of the lack of knowledge relating to online
education. I am also interested in how other teenagers would have also been affected..
As a student of English I believe that this research will help me master the language Arts
skills. I will be better able to do my research , compose good stories and write concise
summaries and convincing persuasive essays.
The three artefact that I will be using are; A poem, youtube video and a drawing all found on
the internet .


The poem titled ‘’online learning’’ written by Dilp Thakur August 26th,2020 highlighted the
disadvantages online Education has on a variety of teens in different parts of the society . It
showed me that online learning leaves both a negative and positive effect on the self-esteem
of teenagers in today’s society . Most teens would often rather offline learning but due to the
covid-19 pandemic it shows different in our society .

The second artefact, is a song by Beth Lederach titled ‘’Distance Learning’’ speaks about
learning, time, sitting behind a screen for a long period of time, grades and the teachers
being there for students. This song helped me to understand that online education not only
can be stressful but also fun and safe from the covid-19 pandemic . However the song
encourages us to push ourselves due to the circumstances and teacher’s alway there to help
us as students .

The final artefact is a picture taken by Louise Simon on November 26,2021. Illustrates how
this boy is lost and just watching at his computer screen. This did not surprise me in any
way, as I too was lost a few times sitting in front of the computer screen for long hours
Reflection 2

The poem entitled ‘’Online learning authored by Dilp Thakur(2020) is about the different
types of disadvantages of Online Education has on a variety of teens in different parts of the
society . The tone of the poem is one expressing feelings such as sad and happy emotions .
In this poem the writer made me realise that online learning leaves both a negative and
positive effect on the self esteem of teenagers in today's society. This tone is really effective
because it causes contemplation upon some of the ways the children try to cope with Online
Learning. If a person really listens to this poem and hears what it’s all about and sees its
deep meaning maybe then some of these people would have second thoughts on Online

The song titled ‘’Distance learning rock authored by Beth Lederach is about learning, time,
sitting behind a screen for a long period of time, grades and the teachers being there for
students. It helped me understand that online education not only can be stressful but also
fun and safe from the covid-19 pandemic. The tone of the song is one of understanding, fun,
and a bit of expression. ‘’But online learning has been going on for over a year or more
because of the covid-19 pandemic. This tone is very effective because it draws on the
listener's emotion in getting them to understand how the feelings of confusion, sadness and
stressed children feel during online learning.

In the image you can see how the child is stressed. In the picture you can see the child’s
facial expression: the sadness,loneliness and lack of parental support at the moment.The
artist drew this picture to show us how it feels when children aren’t used to the Online
Reflection 3
In this S.B.A I have learnt new things about my subtopic that I didn't know before. Now I can
use the information that I have gathered and help others to learn about my subtopic. This
S.B.A showed me that I have dug deep for good information and not just research on the
surface. This S.B.A has helped me to improve my research skills. I have learnt how to
analyse and compare different articles from different websites to see which one is more
suitable for my sub-topic. I had to ensure that each artefact had the website link to give
credit to the person who wrote it, or drew it by utilising appropriate referencing. This S.B.A
process was good in helping me to improve on my research skills. This S.B.A process also
helped me with my critical thinking skills. I have used my critical thinking in asking myself.
What am I going to do in this S.B.A ? What am I required to do in this S.B.A. In most aspects
of this S.B.A I Had to use my critical thinking skills. It helps me to think out of the box, try and
understand what I am supposed to do. When I found artefacts I had to use my thinking skills
in understanding if these artefacts are the right one and if it relates to my sub-topic. Critical
thinking was used and I learned how to use my critical thinking skills when I am doing an
assignment. I have improved my vocabulary. I learnt new words and how to use them in the
right context. Even some old words I learn how to use in different contexts. It helped me now
to speak more intelligently and fluently. This S.B.A has really been a life benefitting course
as it has helped me with my research skills , critical thinking skills and vocabulary

Group Report

Artefact 1

Title: Poem on Online Learning

Type: YouTube
Source: Poem on Online Learning - YouTube

Artefact 2
Title: Distance Learning
Type: Song
Source: Distance Learning Song - YouTube

Artefact 3

Title: Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Education

Type: Picture
This assessment started with our teacher educating us on the different sections of the SBA
which we grasped consequently our topic and subtopics we selected . The topic chosen for
our English SBA is "Online education". We selected different artefacts we believed best
represented our group's topic . Firstly , each member chose their own artefacts based on
their own sub-topic. Secondly, we decided to use two articles and a survey to complete the
written report. We found that these three artefacts spoke best on our overall topic.
In the first article, Soumik Sarkar introduced his view on online education, as an
ever-developing system. By mentioning the earlier stages of online education, when
interlinked terminals were used and the use of personal computers in recent years, he
corroborated his theory of the major changes throughout the years, expected changes and
expected advantages.
However, though there may be some advantages, it has been proven that online education
can adversely affect the mental and physical health of students. According to Syndey
Moses, adverse results of online learning may include eye discomfort, muscle strain,
headaches, social anxiety and even depression.
An important part of the topic that simply cannot be dismissed is the effect of online
education on teachers. A survey carried out The Turkish Online Journal of Educational
Technology stated that even though few teachers would agree that online education
would've broadened their teaching capabilities, the majority would disagree, stating that face
to face teaching is the best option, for both them and their students

Article on the development of online education.

The effects of online education on students mentally and physically.


The effects of online education on teachers


A Brief History of Online Education | Adamas University

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