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Loren Bondoc


Transcendence in Mrs. Zenaida Esguerra Life

PT# 1

She is Mrs. Zenaida Esguerra from Mallorca, San Leonardo Nueva Ecija.
She is from a family of poor. Selling vegetables was her parents source of income. Her parents wasn’t
able to sustain the fees of his and her siblings for college. She was only the one that is being able to
study college that time. Borrowing money from the other vendors in the market was the only her
chance to sustain the fees for her college. She studied Midwifery at the Mary Johnson Maternity and
Children Colleges. One of her struggle is that she experienced a lot of pressure since her parents trust
her to make them escape the financials problems. She was only hoping that she can survive her college
even though her parents is not financially stable that time. But when she graduated college and she took
the board exam for the Midwifery, She was one of the Topnatcher in the Board Exam. Since she passed
the exam she was able to work for her job. She only want to serve people and help her parents for the
financials. As the days goes by she become one of the most known or famous Midwife in the San
Leonardo at the age of 19. She also became the provider for her family that time. She was able to send
her brother and sisters to college and support her family financials. But at the age of 27 she chose to
build her own family and she married Mr. Crispulo Esguerra. He was only from a family of farmer.
They tried their best together to had an another source of income. They are able to had a small poultry.
After living together she got pregnant but the baby wasn’t able to survive because she had an ovarian
cyst. She dreamed to build a small family but she can’t have it and She already lose hope to had a child
because of her condition. But she choose to adopt and raise her own niece as her own daughter. She
raise her two niece like her own daughter. A lot of business came to them the small poultry became a
big poultry and a piggery. They also able to buy a lot of rice field and land. It is about 6 hectares or
more than. Her dreamed to be a mom was being fulfilled because she was being called “mama” by her
raised daughters. She realized that if she lose hope on building her own family is she able to had a
happy and successful life. All of her success where unexpected but she tried her best to do what she
can. She surpassed all of her limitation.
Loren Bondoc


Reflection to the Transcendence in Mrs. Zenaida Esguerra Life


We all know that everyone is cannot be born rich. All of us cannot be wealthy as the day
that we got born. Life is not that easy as we expect. At the story of Mrs. Esguerra, She is from a
family of poor. But her parents dreamed to escape being poor. In her story she shows that we
can all escape being poor if we try our best and if we possess the positivity that we can do
everything. They are not financially stable but she was able to finish college because her family
trust her. If we do trust each other in our life nothing is impossible. We can do more that what
we expect if we trust our self that we can do that certain things that we want to pursue. In her
story she only want to passed the exam but she supass her limit and became one of the
topnatcher. If she doubt herself she might not able to achieve what she acheive. Also one thing
to remember about her story is that no matter what happen to us is that never lose hope in our
life. Let’s just trust the process cause we can all survive all the struggles. We have to think
wider what is the solution or the right thing to do so we can fullfill all the promises or our
dream that we what to achieve in our life. It might not be easy but there will be always a
solution or answer to survive them. Never doubt yourself because if we doubt our self it is like
we are calling the negative vibes that we imagine to happen. Also helping others can be the
answer for our success,sharing what we had is like sharing love of God for us. In our life
nothing is impossible we can do if we try to do.

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