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English is Easy,

Easy as Abc.
If you lost your sweetie,
Join us and be happy.
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
First of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT, which has given guidance and blessing to us, therefore
we can gather here to follow competition without any obstacles.
Our Sholawat and greeting are always delivered on our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, which has
brought us from darkness to brighter
The honourable juries of this competition
The honourable all of my teachers
Big thanks to master of ceremony for giving me time speech
And My respects to all my beloved Islamic Gen Z students around the world
How are you today Islamic Gen Z student? Doing well? I’m sure you’re all in good health. Before I
start, have you guys known me already? There is a saying that if you don’t know a person, how can
you love that person? Therefore, I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Jennie Anggie
Maharani, you can call me Jennie. I was born on January 18th, 2008 in Bali. Right now, I’m now
studying in MTs. Nurul Qarnain.
In this great day. I want to share you a little subject about

“The influence of TikTok on Z generation (Gen-Z)”

My beloved Islamic Gen Z students
Nowadays, As Islamic Gen Z students and media user myself, I will share with my Gen Z peers about
the platform is better known as TikTok. Yeah TikTok! Do you know this platform application? 100%
percent’s I am sure that you have known TikTok specially As a Gen Z student like me and you too.
My beloved Islamic Gen Z students
Zhang Yimin as the founder of TikTok said that his mission to create TikTok was as a medium to
present creativity and capture precious moments through the grip of a cell phone. That was the main
purpose of TikTok according to the founder. And now what the influences of TikTok on Z generation
My beloved Islamic Gen Z students
The younger generation has adapted to a new world of technology and social media sites, as we’ve
come to realize the major impact Gen Z has on the uprising of social media.
TikTok the videos on this platform spread quickly and bring its audience a sense of relief and a
temporary escape from real life. People begin to argue that TikTok has brought too many negative
effects to teenagers. In the research, there are both the positive and negative influences of TikTok. 
My beloved Islamic Gen Z students
The result is, TikTok played a nonnegligible impact on Gen Z student in two aspects
First positive influences; TikTok can be used as media da’wah. It also can be used as an educational
tool. and can help students identify project ideas, collaborate during the learning process, document
that process, or curate and share any products or results of their project
And second negative influences; TikTok does contain over-exaggeration contents that shape
teenager’s value in a misleading way such as Sexual harassment, Syndrome, Hoax, Hate Speech,
And now how about us As Islamic Gen Z students. Allah said in SURAH AL-ISRA AYAT 7

‫َأِلنفُ ِس ُك ْم‬ ‫َأحْ َسن ُت ْم‬ ‫َأحْ َسن ُت ْم‬  ْ‫ِإن‬

“If you do good, you do good for yourselves;

‫االية‬...‫ َف َل َها‬ ‫َأ َسْأ ُت ْم‬  ْ‫َوِإن‬

and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves.”
The conclusion is in your own hand As Islamic Gen Z students. If you are good in what you do and
what you say in, you are actually doing good to yourself. Because the reward comes back to you. If
you act badly in, then the punishment (also) turns on you.
This is the end of my speech today. I hope we can take a good lesson from what I deliver today. I ask
forgiveness for any words and behave which are not supposed to be. Thank you for your kind
attention today
I try to eat my food quickly
I do not want to waste time for sure
Learning at school diligently
You will achieve a better in the future
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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