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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project ECC
Barangay Poblacion, Barangay Badeo, Barangay Sagpat, Kibungan, Benguet

Version : 1.0
Date : 17-Nov-2021
Prepared by : GreenDevelopment Sustainable Solutions, Inc.

Your Partner towards Sustainable Growth

Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Document Information
Title Project Description for Scoping (PDS)
Prepared for Aboitiz Power Corporation
NAC Tower
32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City
Taguig 1634
Prepared by GreenDevelopment Sustainable Solutions, Inc.
3F Unit 8, Arcade 1 Building, 68 Don Alejandro Roces Ave, Quezon City 1103
+632 8362 4933

Version History
Version Description Date Released
1.0 Final PDS 17-Nov-2021

Quality Information
Version Prepared / Revised by Reviewed Approved Date Approved

1.0 LRM Dar JT Magdato JJA Abella

RD Entienza
PMA Yadao

Distribution List
Version No. Hard Copies Agency / Company Date Distributed
1.0 0 DENR-EMB CAR 17-Nov-2021

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project


Purposes of the Screening Checklist:
1. Self-Screening Form by the Proponent (unofficial, for guidance purposes)
2. Screening Validation Form by the EMB (official; signed copy may be transmitted to
banks, economic/industrial zone administrators, other users who request EMB
validation, or any entity EMB may want to inform)
3. Site Inspection Report Form by the EMB for ECC/CNC applications
4. Site Inspection Report Form by the EMB for suspected or reported projects operating without ECC


1. Purpose of Screening Proponent Self-Screening for [√] ECC, [ ] CNC, [ ] ECC Amendment
2. Project Name 40MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
3. Project Location Brgy. Poblacion, Brgy. Badeo, Brgy. Sagpat, Kibungan, Benguet
4. Proponent Name Aboitiz Power Corporation
Proponent Address NAC Tower
32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City
Taguig 1634
Contact Person Name Galo Wayne Balinte
Proponent Means of Telephone Number: 09171571531
Contact Email address:
5. EIS Consultant and GreenDevelopment Sustainable Solutions, Inc.
Contact Information 3F Unit 8, Arcade 1 Bldg., 68 Don Alejandro Roces Ave, Quezon City Tel. Nos.
(02) 8362 4933; email:
10. Project’s Component & Hydropower
Categorization Facilities –
Category B Project
12. Project Group based Single Project:
on Type of Threshold [ ] Group 1 (ECP in ECA/NECA)
[√] Group II (NECP in ECA),
[ ] Group III (NECP in NECA)
[ ] Group IV (Co-located
Project in ECA/NECA)
[ ] Group V (Unclassified
13. EIA Report Type [√] EIS [_] PEIS [_] IEER [ ] PDR
[ ] EPRMP [_] PEPRMP [ ] IEEC [_] Letter Request
17. Processing/ Endorsing [ ] EMB CO Director [√] EIAMD Chief
Authority Refer to Table 3
18. Application Deciding [√] EMB RO Director [ ] EMB CO Director [ ] DENR Secretary
Project Proponent Date of Signing

Maria Celia Ramona S. Monfort

Received by EMB: Signature over Printed Name Date of Receipt :

Remarks by EMB

SIGN-OFF PAGE FOR EMB (For Purposes #2,3,4)

Prepared by EMB Regional Office_ Signature over Date of Signing
Printed Name

Remarks by EMB Regional Office

Remarks by EMB Central Office

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Table of Contents

1. BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Project Information ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Profile of the Proponent ................................................................................................................ 1
1.3. Reference and Guidelines for the EIA Study ............................................................................... 2
1.4. EIA Project Categorization ........................................................................................................... 2
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 2
2.1. Project Location and Area ............................................................................................................ 2
2.2. Project Rationale .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Project Alternatives....................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Power Plant Operations ............................................................................................................... 7
2.5. Project Components ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.5.1. Project Layout ................................................................................................................. 7
2.5.2. Civil Structures ................................................................................................................ 8
2.5.3. Electro-mechanical .......................................................................................................... 9
2.5.4. Electrical .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.6. Project Development Plan .......................................................................................................... 11
2.6.1. Pre-Construction Phase ................................................................................................ 11
2.6.2. Construction Phase ....................................................................................................... 11
2.6.3. Operations and Maintenance Phase ............................................................................. 11
2.6.4. Abandonment Phase ..................................................................................................... 11
2.7. Implementation Schedule ........................................................................................................... 12
2.8. Manpower Requirements ........................................................................................................... 12
2.9. Financial Projections .................................................................................................................. 12
3. PRELIMINARY IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ......................................... 13
3.1. Preliminarily Identified Impact Areas .......................................................................................... 14
4. Information, Education, & Communication (IEC) Campaign ......................................................... 17
4.1. Summary of Issues, Concerns, and Responses ........................................................................ 18
5. PERCEPTION SURVEY RESULTS AND ANALYSIS .................................................................. 19
5.1. Basic Demographic and Household Characteristics .................................................................. 20
5.1.1. Distribution of Respondents .......................................................................................... 20
5.1.2. Sex Classification of Respondents................................................................................ 20
5.2. Age Structure of Respondents ................................................................................................... 20
5.2.1. Civil Status .................................................................................................................... 21
5.2.2. Highest Educational Attainment .................................................................................... 21
5.3. Household and Community Concerns........................................................................................ 21
5.4. Perceptions about the Project .................................................................................................... 22
5.4.1. Project Awareness ........................................................................................................ 22
5.4.2. Source of Project Information........................................................................................ 22
5.4.3. Perceived Project Benefits ............................................................................................ 23
5.4.4. Overall Project Impression ............................................................................................ 24

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

List of Tables

Table 1. List of Host Barangays .............................................................................................................. 2

Table 2. General Project Components.................................................................................................... 8
Table 3. Project Construction Timeline ................................................................................................. 12
Table 4. Summary of Issues, Concerns, and Responses..................................................................... 18
Table 5. Barangay Distribution of Respondents ................................................................................... 20
Table 6. Sex Classification of Respondents ......................................................................................... 20
Table 7. Age Structure of Respondents ................................................................................................ 20
Table 8. Civil Status of Respondents .................................................................................................... 21
Table 9. Highest Educational Attainment of the Respondents ............................................................. 21
Table 10: Awareness of the Project ...................................................................................................... 22

List of Figures

Figure 1. Project Location Overview ....................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2. Project Location Map ............................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3. Luzon Demand and Supply Outlook, 2016-2040 (DOE) ......................................................... 5
Figure 4. Proposed Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................. 6
Figure 5. Kibungan 2 HEPP General Development Plan ....................................................................... 7
Figure 6. Connection scheme showing the Transmission Line route ................................................... 10
Figure 7. Preliminary Impact Areas ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 8. IEC and Perception Survey Documentation .......................................................................... 18
Figure 9. Sources of Information ........................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10. Perceived Positive Impacts of the Project ........................................................................... 23
Figure 11. Perceived Negative Impacts of the Project .......................................................................... 24
Figure 12. Overall Impression to the Project......................................................................................... 25

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project


1.1. Project Information

Project Name Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Barangay Poblacion, Barangay Badeo, Barangay Sagpat, Kibungan,
Project Location
Project Type Hydro Power Project
Project Capacity 40MW generating an estimated average of 147 GWh of energy annually
Catchment Area, km2 = 123.39
Project Area
Design Discharge, cms = 19.625
Specific Production 147 GWh/year
Connection to Grid NGCP Bacnotan Substation
Total Initial Project Php 3,400,000,000.00
Off Taker Wholesale Electricity Spot Market

1.2. Profile of the Proponent

Name of Proponent Aboitiz Power Corporation

NAC Tower
Proponent’s Address 32nd Street, Bonifacio Global City
Taguig 1634

Authorized Signatory / Rafael B. Macabiog

Representative Vice President, AP RE Project Development and Execution
Contact Person / Galo Wayne Balinte
Position PDE-RE Project Development Supervisor
Contact Information Mobile : +63 917 1571 531
Email :

Aboitiz Power Corporation (APC), the “Proponent”, is the publicly listed holding company of all
Aboitiz assets and interests in the power generation, power distribution, and energy solutions
industries. The Kibungan 2 HEPP is sponsored by Hedcor Benguet Inc., which is a wholly-owned
subsidiary of APC.
With the Philippines’ increasing demand for electricity, particularly due to the demographic and
economic growth of the country, Hedcor aims to help the country’s power demand and achieve
energy self-sufficiency. Hedcor focuses on reducing fossil fuel dependency, by shifting to a low
carbon emissions economy, which also tackles the problem of climate change. As the project
sponsor, Hedcor Benguet, Inc. is committed to producing efficient, reliable, and sustainable power
by developing energy technologies that promote environmental excellence.

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

1.3. Reference and Guidelines for the EIA Study

The primary reference and guideline in undertaking this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
study are the DENR AO 2003-30 (Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Philippine
Environmental Impact Statement System), which follows the recommended format and outline for
the contents of the said manual.
Scoping is the stage in the EIS System where information and project impact assessment
requirements are established to provide the Proponent and the stakeholders the scope of works
and terms of reference for the EIS. Scoping sessions and consultations with EMB and the Review
Committee and resource persons will take place at the EIA level, respectively, which will provide
essential inputs and context for identifying and assessing environmental impacts and the drafting
of the Project’s environmental management plan.

1.4. EIA Project Categorization

Under the EMB MC 2014-005 (Revised Screening Guidelines for Coverage Screening and
Standardized Requirements under the Philippine Environmental Impact Statement System), the
Project is classified in Category B - defined as a Non-Environmentally Critical Project (Non-ECP)
to be processed in the EMB Regional Office (Hydropower Facilities Category B EIS Threshold: ≥
10MW but <50MW). The ECC application requires the conduct of the Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) study and preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

2.1. Project Location and Area
APC will be developing a hydroelectric power project in Barangay Poblacion, Barangay Badeo,
Barangay Sagpat, in Kibungan, Benguet in the last quarter of 2021. APC targets a project size of
40 MW. The project will be connected to the electricity grid through a 25.5km transmission line
connecting to the Bacnotan substation in La Union.
APC has secured the project location through land agreements to build the HEPP. The project shall
cover the municipality of Kibungan, Benguet. A list of the host barangays is provided in Table 1.
Other project details are reflected in Figure 1. The vicinity map of the proposed project is shown in
Figure 4.
Table 1. List of Host Barangays
Municipality Barangay
Kibungan, Benguet Poblacion
Kibungan, Benguet Badeo
Kibungan, Benguet Sagpat

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Figure 1. Project Location Overview

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Figure 2. Project Location Map

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

2.2. Project Rationale

The proposed project aims to develop a 40 MW hydroelectric power plant, to supply clean and
renewable power, while also accelerating the promotion, development, and implementation of new
and renewable energy sources in the Philippines. The Project is expected to generate significant
local employment and training opportunities during the pre-feasibility, feasibility, construction, and
operations phases of the plant. Similarly, the project aims to address Luzon’s increasing power
demands through environmentally and socially sustainable means.
According to DOE’s Demand-Supply Outlook from 2016-2040, the peak grid demand for Luzon
from 2016 to 2040 is expected to triple from 9,276 MW to 29,852 MW. The expected growth in
electricity demand dictates an additional capacity of 24,385 MW in the grid. With this, DOE stated
that Luzon must start to implement additional capacities starting 2023. Hence, the Project aims to
contribute to the increasing power demand in Luzon by producing 147 GWh/year of electricity.
Aboitiz Power Corporation. has secured a Hydropower Service Contract (HSC No. 2016-12-699)
from the Department of Energy, giving the company exclusive right to explore, develop and utilize
the Renewable Energy Resources under the terms thereof.

Figure 3. Luzon Demand and Supply Outlook, 2016-2040 (DOE)

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Figure 4. Proposed Vicinity Map

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

2.3. Project Alternatives

There is no better alternative for the project since the project itself is an alternative in augmenting
the storage of power sources and helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the burning of
fossil fuel and coal as a power source. Moreover, there will be no massive structures to be built in
the area such that after the lifespan of the project, the area can be easily cleared without any toxic
or hazardous materials present on the site.

2.4. Power Plant Operations

The plant's operation is the conversion of hydropower into electricity. The process starts from the
water flowing from the Kibungan River. The weir diverts the flowing water into an intake channel, to
accommodate for the required desired discharge rate. The intake is then transported to a desander,
to remove sediments that can potentially damage the turbines. The water will then enter a headrace
tunnel for the removal of silt or clay that escaped the desander. Afterward, the surge tank allows
for the water pressure to be neutralized before going to the powerhouse. The powerhouse contains
the turbines necessary to produce electricity, by virtue of rotating a generator shaft that is connected
to the turbine.

2.5. Project Components

2.5.1. Project Layout
The Kibungan 2 HEPP general development plan is shown in Figure 5. The project is primarily
composed of access roads, weir, desander, headrace box culvert, headrace tunnel, surge tank,
penstock line, powerhouse, substation, and transmission line.

Figure 5. Kibungan 2 HEPP General Development Plan

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
2.5.2. Civil Structures
Below are some of the main components of the power plant to be built.
Table 2. General Project Components
Particulars Description / Components
1 Total Capacity 40 MW Hydroelectric Power
2 Weir
Length (m) 40.00
Width (m) 17.00
Height (m) 11.20
3 Desander
Total Length (m) 55.00
Average Height (m) 14.00
Total Width (m) 10.30
No. of Chambers 2
Length (m) 1,140
Width (m) 3.15
Depth (m) 3.15
5 Headrace Tunnel
Length (m) 3,75000
Width (m) 3.31
Depth (m) 3.31
6 Surgetank
Diameter (m) 17.600
Height (m) 28.00
7 Penstock
Length (m) 1,460
Diameter (m) 2.35
Thickness range at 9 – 28
8 Powerhouse
Length (m) 42.00
Width (m) 19.00
9 Switchyard
Length (m) 51.60
Width (m) 37.10
10 Substation NGCP Bacnotan Substation

Weir. The weir is the main diverting structure connected to the Kibungan River. It is designed as a
drop intake weir. Water coming from the Kibungan River will be captured through an intake channel,
to accommodate for the required design discharge. During the wet season, the river flows that are
greater than the required flow will directly pass over the weir and continue downstream. Steel
screens are installed to prevent debris and trash in the intake. Accumulated river aggregates and
silt are flushed back into the river through a bypass gate.
Desander. The desander is designed using a chamber settling-basin type. It is located adjacent to
the intake structure, to separate sediments from the flowing water. This prevents turbines from
getting damaged. Sediment particles with a size greater than 0,3mm will settle at the bottom of the
desander and will be removed through the flushing gate if necessary.

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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
Reinforced Boxculvert. The box culvert will be made up of reinforced concrete and will be
constructed on-site. There will be two box culverts, first connecting the weir intake to the desander,
and second connecting the desander to the tunnel inlet. The box culvert is designed to prevent
sediments from settling on its invert bed.
Headrace Tunnel. The headrace tunnel will be excavated once the box culvert has been
constructed. Similar to the box culvert, the tunnel bed will be designed with a slope that can prevent
silt or clay that escaped the desander to settle on the tunnel bed. The tunnel shall be supported
depending on the type of rock along the tunnel alignment.
Surge tank. The surge tank is responsible for the neutralization of pressure in hydropower water
conveyance systems. This is to dampen any excess pressure variance from the transport process.
The surge tank is cylindrically shaped, made up of steel. The tank shall be installed vertically before
the penstock.
Penstock. The penstock is made up of canned steel pipe surfaced after the tunnel outlet portal,
and supported with anchor blocks and support piers. The penstock length will have varying
thickness, which is dependent on the applied pressure along its length. The water hammer
allowance shall be considered in the design of the thickness.
Powerhouse. The powerhouse, located at the left bank of the Kibungan River, shall be within the
vicinity of Barangay Badeo. The powerhouse will be a surface structure that preliminarily rests on
a relatively flat surface. The composition of the substructure and tailrace shall be made of concrete,
while the superstructure shall be made of a reinforced concrete structure having a composite slab.
A tailrace canal will be constructed to convey the water from the powerhouse back to the river.
Switchyard. The switchyard shall be situated uphill of the box-type powerhouse and shall contain
the electrical components. The electrical components are composed of transformers, lightning
arresters, and take-off.

2.5.3. Electro-mechanical
Powerhouse. The Kibungan 2 HEPP Power Station shall house two (2) 20 MW Vertical Pelton
Turbines with multi-jet for the head. The turbine-generator arrangement, with the turbine runner, is
directly mounted on an extended generator shaft. The Pelton Turbines are fitted with heat
deflectors, for speed governing and to limit pressure rise in case of losing connection with the grid.
The turbines will be serviced by a 120 Ton overhead traveling crane with a 10 Ton auxiliary hook.
A small switchyard shall be located alongside the powerhouse. A generator circuit breaker will be
cable connected to a disconnect or earth switch, located in the switchyard, to isolate the generator
from the 13.8kV transmission line during maintenance. A 400VAC 3-phase auxiliary station power
supply shall be provided by pole-mounted transformers, which are connected to the transmission
line via a pole-mounted fused cut-out switch.

2.5.4. Electrical
System. The electrical system shall be composed of seven major components, namely the
substation, connection or transmission line, connection point, communication, protection,
powerhouse electrical, and power supply systems.
The system shall generate 13.8kV, which will be increased to 69kV to match the connection point
system voltage at the NGCP Bacnotan substation. The station service power supply will be provided
for the powerhouse, which is connected to the main 13.8kV bus of the system.
Connection Scheme. The generated 40MW power of Kibungan 2 HEPP will be transported to the
NGCP Bacnotan substation as the connection point. From the location of the step-up substation,

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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
located at Brgy. Badeo, Kibungan, the 25.5km, 1 x 556.5 MCM ACSR, 69kV connection line will be
constructed approaching the NGCP facility.
Substation. The substation shall be a typical outdoor substation compost, with two (2) units of
30MVA, oil-immersed power transformer. For a cheaper and less complicated substation operation,
a single bus scheme is considered in the design of the primary circuit. Other electrical equipment,
such as instrument transformers, surge arresters, disconnect switches, and structural supports,
shall also be installed for monitoring, protection, operation, maintenance, and other purposes for
safe human intervention.
Connection Line. The connection or transmission line is designed to ensure that the quality of the
power measured at the connection point will be compliant with the requirements by the Philippine
Grid Code and other applicable standards. The transmission line will hold the 1x556.5mcm ACSR
conductor for the stretch of 25km, 69kV. Careful selection of the transmission line route was done
during a series of field investigations and activities. The selection process considered the
constructability, maintainability, safety, the environmental and social impact of the line. The
proposed route will traverse portions of rough terrains, rice fields, creeks, and rivers along with the
Municipalities of Kibungan, Benguet, Santol, and Bacnotan, La Union.
Connection Point. The NGCP Bacnotan Substation was the identified connection point of the
project. This substation was selected since it is the closest NGCP facility, making it advantageous
to the project in terms of proximity and substation availability, considering the space, transformer
capacity, and the timing of NGCP’s TDP expansion schedule at the said substation. Upon site
verification, the said NGCP expansion plan is currently ongoing. The expansion project involves the
installation of an additional 100MVA, 69/230kV power transformer and 69kV breaker, and a half
switching configuration where the existing loads will be connected. The Kibungan 2 HEPP is listed
in the NGCP generation potentials that will be connected to the substation.

Figure 6. Connection scheme showing the Transmission Line route

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Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
2.6. Project Development Plan
The following items outline the project phases for the proposed Kibungan 2 HEPP.

2.6.1. Pre-Construction Phase

Pre-Development. This stage consists of initiation and planning, which involves the table study
stage, site investigation stage, preliminary study stage, and feasibility study stage. Moreover, the
said stages involve site reconnaissance and investigation, engineering surveys, environmental
impact assessment studies, consultation with the project stakeholders through FPIC, negotiations
for appropriate agreements, permits, approvals, memorandum of agreement, and other legal
requirements for the finalization or perfection of the agreement or contract for the implementation
of the Project. Acquisition of the land and right-of-way (ROW) is also included for the diversion weir
and intake facilities, headrace tunnel, penstock, surge tank, powerhouse, and access roads.
Development. This stage consists of detailed engineering, preparation of bid/tender documents for
both civil works and equipment/machinery, which includes Tendering and Contracting
Requirements, General and Special Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, Engineering
Plans/Drawings, and Bill of Quantities.

2.6.2. Construction Phase

This stage consists of the procurement of equipment, machinery, and construction materials for the
Project. Moreover, site development and related hydropower structures and facilities shall be
constructed. Delivery of the equipment and plant machinery, which includes installation, will also
be scheduled in this phase. The construction-related activities that will be performed are as follows:
Mobilization of construction equipment, construction of new access roads and access foot tracks,
the establishment of temporary work areas, construction of the components and structures of the
project, testing, and commissioning, and demobilization and site clean-up.

2.6.3. Operations and Maintenance Phase

This phase shall be considered as the operational stage of the hydropower facility. The HEPP is
expected to generate electricity for an estimated duration of 25 years. All activities about the
operational stage will focus on efficient maintenance of the facilities, which includes the following:
Landscaping and plantation, noise and another public nuisance abatement, new long-term jobs will
be created in which qualified residents will be given priority, protected area management in
coordination with the LGU and DENR/CENRO, stakeholder management, and safety, health and
environmental management within the facility.

2.6.4. Abandonment Phase

The HEPP is designed to operate for an estimated duration of 25 years. However, the power facility
can still be beneficial to operate beyond its projected lifespan. Should there be a plan for
abandonment, recycling, and selling of the usable parts will be made. Likewise, existing
infrastructures may be re-engineered to suit other beneficial uses.

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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
2.7. Implementation Schedule
Construction is expected to start in the last quarter of 2021 and shall last for about 27 months.
Operation and maintenance of the power facilities are expected to last for 25 years starting from
the 2nd quarter of 2024. Hedcor Benguet Inc., under its Vice President for Operations, shall be
responsible for the management of the 40 MW Kibungan 2 HEPP’s commercial operation.
Table 3. Project Construction Timeline

Preliminary Construction Schedule

Start End
Kibungan 2 HEPP Approx. Duration, Months

Execution 27 Months December 2021 March 2024

2.8. Manpower Requirements

The estimated manpower requirement is expected to be around 500 during construction phase, and
22 during operation phase (12 engineers, 10 others - Admin/HR/Accounting/Management). The
manpower would include both contractors and subcontractors. Preference to qualified residents
shall be given for the new long-term employment that will be made. For the duration of the
construction phase, the personnel shall set up temporary shelters, which will then be removed after
the completion of the project. Likewise, security personnel will also be employed, to ensure the
safety and security of the personnel involved in the project.

2.9. Financial Projections

The proposed Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project shall have a total capacity of 40 MW and is
expected to produce a total of 147GWh/year. The total project cost for the site is estimated at 3.4B
PHP. A minor part of the budget is allotted for contingency in cases where there is a difference
between actual and estimated costs. This difference can be attributed to potential difficulties during
construction, and uncertainties with regards to the topography and geography.

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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
Generally, renewable energy plants reduce the impact of combustion used in fossil power
generation, such as the emission of air pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon
monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Existing land use and encroachment in ECAs - Conflict with existing land use is not foreseen as
the site is already zoned for residential-industrial use. There are no Environmentally Critical Areas
(ECAs) within the immediate vicinity of the project site, thus the project will not encroach into an
environmentally critical area.
Potential impacts on the host communities – The construction and operations phases can
potentially affect the host communities, due to the changes in the specified project location.
However, these were considered in the sustainability and development plan of the project, which
similarly benefits the said group.
Potential impacts on terrestrial wildlife – The proposed hydroelectric power project site is mainly
open grassland. There is a possible displacement of wildlife organisms during the construction
stage because of the generated noise and dust accumulation. Improvement of access roads,
drainage, and road rehabilitation will involve excavation of soil, cement, or asphalt leading to dust
accumulation and the use of heavy equipment may generate noise. Based on the initial assessment
of the proponent, there are no endangered species present at the project site. Site clearing,
construction, and the subsequent operation of the HEPP will cause wildlife to avoid or move away
from the project site. There will be very minor impacts on fauna to the construction of the project.
Potential impacts on water quality - Aside from temporary siltation during the pre-construction
and construction phases, the project is not expected to have major impacts on water quality in the
project site and vicinity. Siltation during the pre-construction and operation phases will be caused
by site preparation and earth moving activities.
Wastewater from the construction camp will also be a potential threat to receiving water bodies.
However, this impact is not considered significant, as the camp will be provided with septic tanks
or portable toilets.
Potential impacts on aquatic wildlife – The diversion of the river flow could potentially affect the
fish population and aquatic ecosystem. Changes in water composition, such as temperature and
turbidity, can also be present due to the said alterations in the water flow.
Potential impacts on air quality and noise - During the construction stage, dust and noise are
the main sources of a nuisance especially for settlements located near the construction site, such
as Brgy. Badeo, Brgy. Poblacion and Brgy. Sagpat.
The main source of dust is the excavation activities and the hauling of construction materials.
Uncovered stockpiles of construction materials can also generate dust that can be a nuisance to
nearby communities.
The main source of noise during construction is the use of construction equipment. However, since
the project site will have its access road for the construction vehicles, dust accumulation and noise
have an insignificant impact on the neighboring communities. Likewise, construction will only be
conducted during the daytime and will be avoided during the night as much as possible.
Safety and public health hazards – Paramount to the 40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power
Project is the health and safety of the general public. The power plant has no harmful effect on the
environment and the health of the people. The project has no component that will lead to or cause
ground subsidence or collapse. During the construction phase, the company will require the strict
implementation of standard safety measures to protect workers from accidents under existing
legislation and regulations. Meanwhile, during the operations stage, safety protocols and
precautions will be continuously observed.
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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
Impact on traffic situation - There will be minimal effect on the traffic situation in the area as there
are no settlements on the proposed project site. Moreover, the main components of the project,
such as the powerhouse, tunnel, weir, etc., can only be accessed by trail/trekking. This indicates
that there will be insignificant changes with regards to traffic.
Local Benefits – Hydroelectric power plant construction will generate employment opportunities
through direct employment. It will create job opportunities for locals during the stages of pre-
feasibility, feasibility, construction, and operations. The employment generation excludes
businesses and jobs to be created indirectly attributed to the project. Businesses may include small
enterprises, restaurants, and logistics.
Consequently, the creation of a significant number of employments for the locals of Brgy. Badeo,
Poblacion, and Sagpat, will alleviate poverty conditions and elevate the standards of living, a ripple
effect that will be perceived not only by the locals to be employed but by the host communities as
well. Local benefits predicted include the following:

• Increased barangay income from the share in the business tax

• Barangay development projects from Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives

• Increased access to educational facilities

• Local employment during the pre-feasibility, feasibility, construction, operation, and

abandonment of the project, thereby also increasing the knowledge and skills of residents

• Increased individual income from indirect livelihood generation

Local Businesses – The establishment of the HEPP will encourage entrepreneurship to the
community. This is done by providing loans for small businesses, such as farming. The community
shall also be given trainings such as computer tutorials, sewing, and other trade skills that will be
used for small entrepreneurship.
ER 1-94 – Under DOE Energy Regulation 1-94, as amended, a financial gain will be granted to the
host community of the hydroelectric power project. The economic benefit is equivalent to Php 0.01
per kWh of electricity sales by the facility. This benefit will be allocated to the electrification,
development and livelihood, reforestation, watershed management, health, and environmental
enhancement funds. This is apart from the government share as provided under Section 20. Rule
7 of the RE-IRR and Section 13, Chapter V of Republic Act No. 9513 otherwise known as the
“Renewable Energy Act of 2008”. Under the said provision, the government share on the existing
and new RE development, projects shall be equal to one percent (1%) of the gross income of RE
resource developers resulting from the sale of energy produced and such other income incidental
to and arising from the renewable energy generation, transmission and sale of electric power.

3.1. Preliminarily Identified Impact Areas

The study areas for the proposed project will consider both the direct and indirect impact areas.
The delineation of the preliminary direct and indirect impact areas was based on the definition of
these areas from the Revised Procedural Manual (DAO 2003-30) as follows:
“a) Direct impact area (DIA) is initially delimited during the Pre-EIA Study Stage as the area
where ALL project facilities are proposed to be constructed/situated and where all operations
are proposed to be undertaken. For most projects, the DIA is equivalent to the total area applied
for an ECC.
b) Indirect Impact Area (IIA) during the pre-EIA Study can only be assumed or qualitatively
estimated but may be guided by secondary data and information from key interviews of reliable
local authorities, e.g., Based on a NAMRIA topographic map, an IIA can be the stretch of the
river/s OUTSIDE the project area but draining the project site which can potentially transport
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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
Total Suspended Solids and other discharges from the Project towards downstream
c) On the other hand, the Regional Impact Zone (RIZ) pertains more to the general area where
the impact of the project would be felt, such as the entire municipality, province, or region.”
As interpreted based on the Revised DAO 2003-03 and Section 10 of DAO 2017-15, Figure 7
shows the preliminarily identified direct and indirect impact areas of the proposed Project.

• Direct Impact Area (DIA) – This shall cover the host barangays in Table 1. Most of the
direct impacts are attributable to the construction, operational, and decommissioning
phases such as:
o Disturbances to vegetation, soil, water, and air quality
o Noise generated by equipment and traffic movements
o Public safety and hazards
o Public amenity impacts
o Pollution risks

• Indirect Impact Area (IIA) – The Indirect Impact Area (IIA) covers adjacent areas
immediately outside of the primary impact area, mainly, those within the 500 to 1000 meters
radius from the plant site. The IIA is perceived to be affected by some residual effects of
the Project during construction and operations, notably, noise, pollution, transportation
impacts. However, the project could have a positive social-economic effect due to
employment and livelihood opportunities to residents of the host and surrounding
The delineation of impact areas shall be revised based on the results of the EIA Study.

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Figure 7. Preliminary Impact Areas

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4. Information, Education, & Communication (IEC) Campaign
As part of the social preparation process at pre-scoping, Information, Education, and
Communication (IEC) are required before requesting a Public and Technical Scoping. IEC primarily
identifies stakeholders and their related issues and concerns toward the project for Scoping proper.
Solar Philippines along with its consultant, GreenDevelopment Sustainable Solutions, Inc. has
conducted an IEC campaign to the project’s host communities in Barangay Poblacion, Badeo, and
Sagpat in Kibungan, Benguet.
However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEC campaign was done under the guidelines
imposed by Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF), following the community quarantine guidelines. EMB
MC 2020-30 or the Interim guidelines on public participation in the implementation of PEISS during
the state of national public health emergency was also used as a guideline in conducting the IEC.
Given these guidelines, the IEC was conducted on a house-to-house basis.
Barangay officials and locals (from each barangay) were tapped as the enumerators taking
advantage of their superior knowledge of their communities and neighborhoods. The enumerators
were gathered in Brgy. Poblacion, where the IEC campaign activities were held. These locals were
oriented about the project description and trained on answering designed survey instrument, and
were assigned to their respective barangays to avoid duplicity of respondents.
Various stakeholders consisting of barangay officials, landowners, and representatives from
different sectors such as academe, youth sector, senior citizens, working-class group, and farmers
community are targeted for this IEC campaign.
There are two (2) primary objectives of the conducted IEC, viz: (1) to inform the stakeholders about
the proposed solar power project in their community and the EIA process for this project and (2) to
gather concerns on related issues and comments and recommendations from the stakeholders.

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Figure 8. IEC and Perception Survey Documentation

4.1. Summary of Issues, Concerns, and Responses

Table 4 shows the summary of issues, concerns, and recommendations gathered from the stakeholders
during the IEC campaign and are distributed into various categories. Responses of the proponent in
each raised issue are also shown in this table.
Table 4. Summary of Issues, Concerns, and Responses
Issues and Concern Response of Proponent
Project Description
Where would the HPP be located? APC: The project will be located in three (3)
barangays. The weir site will be in Brgy. Poblacion,
the powerhouse will be in Brgy. Badeo, while the road
access will be in Brgy. Sagpat.
What is hydropower? How does run-off APC: The run-off hydropower makes use of the river
hydropower generate electricity? flow to produce power. Water flowing from the river
shall enter the powerhouse, which houses the
turbines. The turbines will then rotate the connected
shaft, which generates electricity.
What are the environmental effects upon APC: The project shall produce electricity without the
implementation of the project? Does the combustion of fossil fuels. This eliminates the
HPP affect the river? emissions of harmful gases, such as greenhouse

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Issues and Concern Response of Proponent
gases. The emission of the said gases will only be
present during the construction phase.

GSSI: The diversion of the water flow can potentially

affect the aquatic ecosystem present in the river.
APC will discuss possible mitigation actions
regarding the effects on water availability and
potential harm on the aquatic ecosystem.
What are the benefits of the project for the APC: APC shall provide the following benefits for the
community? affected communities: Provide an environmentally
and socially sustainable energy source. Employment
generation. Grant scholarships to less fortunate yet
competent students. Improve school buildings,
donation of computers, books, and other educational
materials. Encourage entrepreneurship to the
community by providing loans for small businesses.
Provide various trainings such as computer tutorials,
sewing, and other trade skills that will be used for
small entrepreneurship. APC shall also pay taxes,
which will provide income for the government.
Moreover, the payment of real property tax will be
shared by the barangays, municipality, and province.
Will APC employ locals during the APC: The project shall provide significant
construction of the project? employment and training opportunities for the local
Who are the target employees that APC will APC: The target employees would be skilled workers
hire? What are their requirements? and engineering professionals, which shall be
required during the pre-feasibility, feasibility,
construction, and operations phases.


A perception survey was performed in the two direct impact barangays to determine the knowledge
and sentiments of these communities towards the project. The information, education, and
communication (IEC) campaign activities were held last August 26, 2021, while the perception
survey was held from August 27 to September 3, 2021. Barangay officials and locals were tapped
as enumerators, taking advantage of their superior knowledge of their communities and
A total of 341 respondents were interviewed on a face-to-face and one-to-one basis to gather basic
information about their households and their views on the proposed project. Respondents were
chosen in the following order of preference:

• Household head (who may be male or female but always a resident-household member
who makes the major household decisions or is perceived to do so; the household head is
usually the father but may also be the mother or the eldest child who is of majority age (18
years old);

• Spouse of the household head;

• Son or daughter who is at least 18 years old of the household head; or

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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project
• Other relatives who are at least 18 years old of the household head.
In general, the survey aimed to develop an actual appreciation of the communities’ perceived ideas
on the project and to serve as an avenue for the host communities to provide initial suggestions
and recommendations to the project proponent.

5.1. Basic Demographic and Household Characteristics

5.1.1. Distribution of Respondents

Samples were taken from each purok or sitio of each host barangays to ensure that the survey
would be as comprehensive as possible in terms of its reach. The targeted number of respondents
is 10% of the total number of households per barangay.
Table 5. Barangay Distribution of Respondents
Barangay Total Number of Sample
Badeo 50
Poblacion 132
Sagpat 162
Total 344

5.1.2. Sex Classification of Respondents

There were generally more males (54.94%) than females (45.06%) who were interviewed for the
Table 6. Sex Classification of Respondents

Gender Badeo % Poblacion % Sagpat %

Female 22 44.00% 51 38.64% 82 50.62%
Male 28 56.00% 81 61.36% 80 49.38%
Total 50 100 132 100 162 100

5.2. Age Structure of Respondents

In terms of age, most respondents from both barangays are within the age group of 25-64 (78% on
Badeo; 64.39% on Poblacion; 75.93% on Sagpat), as shown in Table 7. The least significant
number of respondents were recorded within the youngest (15-24) and the eldest range (>65) at
12% for Badeo,12.12% for Poblacion and 3.09% for Sagpat.
Table 7. Age Structure of Respondents
Age Group Badeo % Poblacion % Sagpat %

0-14 0 0 0 0 0 0
15-24 2 4.00% 2 1.52% 10 6.17%
25-64 39 78.00% 85 64.39% 123 75.93%
> 65 6 12.00% 29 21.97% 24 14.81%
No 3 6.00% 16 12.12% 5 3.09%
Total 50 100% 132 100% 162 100%

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5.2.1. Civil Status
The majority of the interviewed individuals in both barangays were married (86.00% - Badeo;
68.18% - Poblacion; 78.40% - Sagpat). Only 1.74% present of the total respondents did not declare
their civil status (Table 8).
Table 8. Civil Status of Respondents

Civil Status Badeo % Poblacion % Sagpat %

Single 5 10.00% 15 11.36% 20 12.35%
Married 43 86.00% 90 68.18% 127 78.40%
Widow 2 4.00% 18 13.64% 14 8.64%
Separated 0 0 4 3.03% 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
No Response 0 0 5 3.79% 1 0.62%
Total 50 100% 132 100% 162 100%

5.2.2. Highest Educational Attainment

As presented in Table 9, most of the respondents from the barangays were able to reach
elementary and high school.

Table 9. Highest Educational Attainment of the Respondents

Highest Educational Attainment Badeo % Poblacion % Sagpat %

None 10 20.00% 9 6.82% 31 19.14%
Elementary 29 58.00% 65 49.24% 60 37.04%
High School 8 16.00% 38 28.79% 48 29.63%
Vocational 1 2.00% 1 0.76% 4 2.47%
College 2 4.00% 19 14.39% 19 11.73%
Post Graduate 0 0 0 0 2 1.23%
Total 50 100% 132 100% 162 100%

5.3. Household and Community Concerns

In the two impact barangays, common household problems raised by the respondents are mostly
focused on their socioeconomic condition such as:

• Lack of livelihood opportunities and sustainable sources of income

• Financial instability

• Lack of water source

• Power interruption

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5.4. Perceptions about the Project

5.4.1. Project Awareness

As revealed by the results, 86.92% of the respondents were informed of the project. Almost 18% of
the respondents from Poblacion were unaware of it, while in Sagpat, 6.79% of the total respondents
are also unaware of the said project.
Table 10: Awareness of the Project
Project Badeo % Poblacion % Sagpat % Total
Aware 49 98.00% 102 77.27% 148 91.36% 299
Unaware 1 2.00% 23 17.42% 11 6.79% 35
0 0 7 5.30% 3 1.85% 10
Total 50 100% 132 100% 162 100% 344

5.4.2. Source of Project Information

For the respondents who were affirmative when asked if they were aware of the project, 35% of
them had learned the information from barangay officials and 17.60% from their neighborhoods.
The other 11.40% had heard the project from other sources which they do not want to disclose
while the remaining 25.60% got their ideas from the initial IEC activities of the proponent (Figure

Source of Information

Neighbors Barangay IEC Activities Media Others NA
Officials/ of the (Radio,
Workers Proponent Newspaper,
TV, etc.)
Badeo 8.75% 38.75% 23.75% 12.50% 16.25% 0.00%
Poblacion 76.92% 11.85% 53.33% 0.74% 0.00% 19.26%
Sagpat 21.40% 44.91% 12.98% 14.39% 1.40% 4.91%

Badeo Poblacion Sagpat

Figure 9. Sources of Information

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5.4.3. Perceived Project Benefits
Based on the table below, employment opportunities (31.58%, 30.03% and 26.11%) and
development of livelihood and relevant businesses (23.03%, 22.04% and 18.74%) were the leading
perceived benefits by the respondents.


Oportunidad sa trabaho Pangkabuhayan at oportunidad sa negosyo
Karagdagang kita ng barangay/komunidad Mapapabuti ang mga daan at mga imprastruktura
Makakaiwas sa pagbaha Pailaw













Figure 10. Perceived Positive Impacts of the Project

Aside from the discussed project benefits, the respondents are also expecting adverse impacts
during project implementation. These impacts include issues on the Water and Soil Quality with
65%. Concerns from the former were anchored on possibilities of affecting their livelihood. For the
latter, disturbance of faunal species and their habitat (both inland and water) and change in
freshwater and soil quality were considered.

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40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Nakikitang masamang epekto ng Proyekto









Panganib sa Epekto sa kalidad Pagkawala ng Kabawasan sa huli
kalusugan ng tubig at lupa pangkabuhayan ng mga isda
Badeo 0.00% 76.00% 0.00% 2.00% 22.00%
Poblacion 10.17% 33.90% 20.34% 16.95% 18.64%
Sagpat 0.00% 73.46% 6.17% 8.02% 12.35%

Badeo Poblacion Sagpat

Figure 11. Perceived Negative Impacts of the Project

5.4.4. Overall Project Impression

According to the computed average ratings, more than half of the respondents from Badeo (58%)
generally perceived the project as beneficial and promising since it was seen as a magnet of
employment opportunities for the locals. For Poblacion and Sagpat, most of the grades range from
7-10 as shown in the graph. Generally, they perceived the project to be beneficial to them most
especially to their community. However, most of them still have hesitations on the said project
linking to their perceived adverse effect of the project. The said impression may also be attributed
to the respondents’ lack of knowledge and deeper understanding of the project. Therefore,
continuous IEC and public consultation activities should be done to fully further the stakeholders’
understanding and appreciation of the project.

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Overall Impression to Project








10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Badeo 58.00% 16.00% 8.00% 2.00% 0.00% 14.00% 0.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Poblacion 37.88% 13.64% 20.45% 8.33% 6.06% 11.36% 0.76% 0.76% 0.76% 0.00%
Sagpat 21.60% 20.99% 40.74% 7.41% 3.09% 5.56% 0.62% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Badeo Poblacion Sagpat

Figure 12. Overall Impression to the Project

Overall project impression was asked to each respondent by rating their general perception towards
it. The rating was guided by the question, “Do you think the project is geared towards the betterment
of the community? Kindly rate your impression from 1-10, where “10” means that the project is
generally promising while “0” means that the project is nonsense at all.”

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Annex A
IEC Material

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Hedcor is a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Aboitiz Power Corporation. It

specializes in generating renewable About: Kibungan 2 Hydro-Electric

energy from run-of-river hydropower
Power Project (HEPP) is a run-of-
river type hydro project


“We are a team committed to drive

Location: Brgy. Poblacion, Badeo,
change for a better world by

powering businesses and

Sagpat, Kibungan, Benguet

communities with renewable energy.”

Weir Site: Brgy. Poblacion
To be the most scalable, efficient,

and reliable renewable energy asset Powerhouse: Brgy. Badeo

manager in the Philippines and
Road Access: Brgy. Sagpat
ASEAN region.


To become one of the largest RE Capacity: 40MW generating an

asset managers in the Philippines
estimated gross average of 146 GWh
and ASEAN region, by growing our

assets under management from 22 to

of energy annually

40 by 2030.


More business &

Payment of Real Property Tax
livelihood programs
- shared by barangay,

municipality, & province

Additional income

for the community

Payment of Business Tax

CSR focusing on education,

Payment of Income Taxes healthcare, environment, &

enterprise development

ER 1-94
Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Annex B
IEC Logsheet

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Scanned by CamScanner
Scanned by CamScanner
Scanned by CamScanner
Scanned by CamScanner
Scanned by CamScanner
Scanned by CamScanner
Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Annex C
Perception Survey Questionnaire

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1.0 GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT 1 -Legal na pagmamay-ari 2 – Nirerentahan

3 – Libre 4 - Informal Settler
1.1 Barangay  Bato
Sitio/ Purok 4.3 Saan gawa ang inyong bahay?
 Sagpat
 Purong kahoy/kawayan
1.3 Munisipyo Benguet  Purong semento
 Iba’t-ibang materyales (tulda, yero,plastic, at iba pa)
 Magkahalong kahoy at semento
 Magkahalong iba’t-ibang materyales at kahoy
 Nipa
2.1 Pangalan? 4.4 Facilities sa bahay
APELYIDO PANGALAN MI _______ Toilet facilities
_______ Electricity
2.2 Kasarian
_______ Source of drinking water
 Lalake  Babae _______ Source of domestic water
2.3 Katutubo _______ Predominant cooking fuel
 Tagalog  Ibaloy  Kankanaey  Igorot
 Iba pa, pakitukoy: _________________________________ Mga Pagpipilian:

2.4 Wika Para sa toilet facilities:

1–none 2–open pit 3–close pit
 Tagalog  Ilocano  Ibaloy  Kankanaey
Para sa electricity:
 Iba pa, pakitukoy : ________________________________ 1–available 2–none
2.5 Kasalukuyang Edad? _______ Para sa source of drinking water:
1–Rain water 2–Piped water 3-Deep well 4-Spring 5-
2.6 Civil Status Mineral/Bottled
 Single  Kasal  Byuda/ Byudo  Hiwalay Para sa source of domestic water:
 Iba pa, pakitukoy: ______________________________ 1–Rain water 2–Piped water 3-Deep well 4-Spring
Para sa predominantly used cooking fuel
2.7 Ilan po kayo sa inyong bahay (kasama ka)? ________ 1- Fuelwood 2-Kerosene 3-LPG 4- Electric
2.8 Relihiyon 4.5 Sino po ang pangunahing nagtatrabaho sa inyong
 Roman Catholic  Protestante  Baptist pamamahay?
 Iglesia ni Cristo  Islam  Aglipayan
 Iba pa, pakitukoy:______________________________ □ Asawang lalaki
□ Asawang babae
2.9 Pinakamataas na Natapos sa Pag-aaral
□ Anak na lalaki
 None  Elementary  High School  Vocational
□ Anak na babae
 College  Post-Graduate □ Lalaking kamag-anak
□ Babaeng kamag-anak
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy: __________
4.6 Magkano po sa tingin niyo ang buwanang kita sa inyong
3.1 Lugar ng kapanganakan? ________
pamamahay? ______________________________
□ PHP 0 – 5,000
3.2 Kung kayo po ay dayo, ilang taon na po kayong nakatira sa
□ PHP 5,001 – 10,000
inyong barangay? ______
□ PHP 10,001 – 15,000
□ > PHP 15,000
3.3 Kung kayo po ay dayo, anong lugar po ang inyong pinagmulan?
______________________________________________ 4.7 Magkano po sa tingin niyo ang buwanang gastos sa inyong
pamamahay? _______________________________
□ PHP 0 – 5,000
□ PHP 5,001 – 10,000
□ PHP 10,001 – 15,000
4.1 Ano po ang iyong pangunahing pinagkakakitaan? Pwedeng □ > PHP 15,000
sumagot ng marami. 4.8 Ilan po ang mIyembro ng pamilya na may edad:
□ Walang trabaho ________________ 0-14 years old?
□ Regular Pribado/Gobyerno na Empleyado ________________ 15-64 years old?
□ Contractual na Trabaho /sub-contractor
________________ 65 years old and above?
□ Pagtitinda/ Paglalako
□ Pangingisda 4.9 Anu-ano ang limang karaniwang sakit ng mga myembro ng
□ Pagsasaka pamilya ?
□ Negosyo ng Pamilya
□ Remittances galing OFW /OFW na Kamag-anak
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy: _________________
4.10 May namatay na po ba sa inyong pamilya sa nakalipas na
4.2 Paano niyo po ilalarawan ang inyong bahay at lupang
limang taon? Ano po ang naging sanhi?
tinitirikan nito?
□ Wala
___ Pag-mamay-ari ng bahay
□ Meron: _______________________________________
___ Pag-mamay-ari ng lupa na tinitirikan ng bahay

Page 1 of 2


4.11 Saan kayo pumupunta upang magpakonsulta? 5.4 Ano po sa tingin ninyo ang potensyal na masamang epekto
□ Barangay Health Center na maidudulot ng proyekto?
□ Municipal/Rural Health Center
□ Provincial Hospital □ Panganib sa kalusugan
□ Private Clinic □ Epekto sa kalidad ng tubig at lupa
□ Private Hospital □ Pagkawala ng pangkabuhayan
□ Albularyo □ Kabawasan sa huli ng mga isda
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy_____
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy: ______________________________
4.12 Anu-ano ang mga karaniwang gamot ang iniinom ng
5.5 Ano ang mga kasalukuyang isyu, problema, at alalahanin
bawat miyembro ng inyong pamilya?
na pinagdaraanan sa inyong pamamahay?
□ Pinansyal/ Trabaho
□ Kalusugan ng mga miyembro ng pamilya
4.12 Saan niyo binibili ang mga gamot? □ Edukasyon ng mga kabataan
□ Barangay Health Center □ Seguridad
□ Municipal/Rural Health Center □ Iba pa, pakitukoy: _____________________________
□ Provincial Hospital
□ Botika
□ Sari-sari store 5.6 Sa iyong palagay, nakikita mo bang magkakaroong ng
□ Private Hospital problema ang inyong komunidad kapag natuloy ang proyekto?
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy______ □ Oo
4.13 Paano itinatapon ang inyong basura? □ Wala

□ Pagsusunog 5.7 Kung oo, ano ang nakikita mong magiging pinakamalaking
□ Kinokolekta ng barangay ( gaano kadalas sa isang problema ng inyong komunidad kapag natuloy ang proyekto
linggo?) na ito?
□ Pagtatapon sa ilog □ Epekto sa pamumuhay
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy______ □ Pagdami ng mga tao (paglaki ng populasyon)
4.14 Mayroon po bang mga pribadong organisasyon □ Dagdag na trapiko
tumutulong sa inyong barangay sa usaping kalusugan, □ Iba pa, pakitukoy: _____________________________
edukasyon, pangakunlaran, atbp? Anu-ano ang mga tulong/
programa ang ipinapatupad nila? Kung mayroon, itala sa ibaba.
5.7 Sa inyong palagay makabubuti ba o hindi makabubuti para
Organisasyon Programa sa mga mamamayan ng barangay ang 40MW Kibungan 2
Hydropower Project?

Paki-grado po ang iyong kasalukuyang sagot mula “0

hanggang “10”. Bilugan ang “10” kung higit na makabubuti ang
proyekto at “0” kung hindi ito makabubuti.


1 2 3 4 5
5.1 Alam niyo po ba ang pinaplanong proyekto (40 MW
6 7 8 9 10
Kibungan 2 Hydropower Project) ng Aboitiz Power

 Oo Paki paliwanag po ang iyong kasagutan.

 Hindi
5.2 Kung oo, paano po ninyo nalaman ang proyekto o saan
nanggaling ang impormasyon ukol sa proyekto?

□ Kapitbahay
□ Barangay Council/Official
□ Mga Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
activities ng proponent
□ Media (Radyo, Dyaryo, Telebisyon, etc.)
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy:__________________
5.3 Ano po sa tingin ninyo ang benepisyo na maidudulot ng

□ Oportunidad sa trabaho MARAMING SALAMAT PO!

□ Pangkabuhayan at oportunidad sa negosyo
□ Karagdagang kita ng barangay/komunidad
□ Mapapabuti ang mga daan at mga imprastruktura
□ Makakaiwas sa pagbaha
□ Iba pa, pakitukoy: ______________________________

Page 2 of 2
Project Description for Scoping
40 MW Kibungan 2 Hydroelectric Power Project

Annex D
IEC & Household Perception Survey
Photo documentation

GreenDevelopment Sustainable Solutions, Inc.

Your Partner towards Sustainable Growth | Page 29

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