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Dialogues Exercise

Habits, likes and dislikes I

Anna – So mike, what do you do in your free time?

Mike - I read a lot. I like suspense and biographies. I also travel a lot
on weekends.
Anna - really? Where do you go?
Mike - I usually go to the beach. I have a beach house.
Sometimes I visit my parents….. they live in New York.
Anna - Do you like movies?
Mike -Yes, I do. I usually go to the movies Monday night.
Anna - Why?
Mike - Because the theaters are empty Monday night.
Anna - Do you go to bars, restaurants..?
Mike - Sometimes I do. My favorite place is a pub near my house. I
go there once a month.
Anna - Do you eat out sometimes?
Mike - Nah… I usually eat at home. I cook, ah… so I’m fine.
Anna - How often do you cook?
Mike - Oh, every day. I’m a good cook.
Anna - What are your favorite foods?
Mike - I like pasta, and I really like meat.
Anna - Do you watch TV every day?
Mike - Yes, I do. Every night, actually
Anna - What do you watch on TV?
Mike - I watch news, shows….. and sports.
Habits, likes and dislikes II

Mike - So, what do you do in your free time?

Anna - I listen to music, yeah, I like music. Not the radio, I usually
listen to CDs. I go out with friends sometimes… We go to a bar or to
a restaurant. I travel… Sometimes I go to Rio and visit my friends.
Mike - How often do you watch a movie?
Anna - the movie theater, I watch a DVD at home.
Mike - What kind of movies do you like?
Anna - I like comedies. I love comedies. And I don’t like dramas or
horror movies.
Mike - Do you like books?
Anna - Hmm, no, I don’t. I don’t like books, and I don’t like
magazines either. The truth is, I don’t read very often.
Mike - So you never read the news…?
Anna - I like the Internet and sometimes I go to news sites and I read
the news.
Mike - So what kind of food do you like?
Anna - I like pasta, I like salads and I love fruits.
Mike - What are your favorite fruits?
Anna - Mango, figs, strawberries, banana, papaya, pineapple… I
think I love all kinds of fruits.
Mike - How often do you eat fruit?
Anna - Oh, every day. I have fruit for breakfast, and I usually have
fruit at lunch.
Mike - So when you go out with friends… Where do you go?
Anna - We usually go to a bar, or to a nice restaurant.

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