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Gerona Junior College, Inc.


Población 3, Gerona, Tarlac
Tel. No. (045) 470-9290

Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 Quarter 3 English

Name: Acosta, Ma. Desiree Dianne H. Date: October 17, 2022

Yr. Level Topic/Activity

3C- English Bias and Prejudice
& Sec. Name:
Name of
Subject: English 9 Mr. Emerson Millado

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Define biases and prejudice and its types.

b. Differentiate the statements/arguments/claims if it is bias or a prejudice.


Topic: Bias and Prejudice

Code: EN9LC-IVf-13.3

References: English – Grade 9 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 – Module

1: Biases and Prejudices First Edition, 2020.

Materials: Power point presentation,

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Routinary Activities

I. Greetings
Good morning English 9 Good morning, ma’am.

II. Prayer
Before we begin our discussion
let us all stand up and may I
call on the assigned prayer AMEN.
leader for today.

Thank you, Aisleen. Before you

take your sit, kindly check if
your chairs are aligned and
your area is clean.
Students will sit.
Okay, you may now sit.

I’m glad that no one is absent today.

III. Attendance
Ms. Secretary Lyka, who
missed our class today?

Good to know, so I am
expecting that everyone here is

IV. Review/Recall
As we are now in Quarter 3, we
are going to deal with new
lessons. So, before we begin, let
us talk about your lesson in
grade 8 about propaganda
techniques. While recalling
your past lesson take note of
these questions.

When asked what I learned

about Propaganda Techniques,
I would say
 that I understood… (Answers may vary)
 that the idea that is still
going around my head
which I would like to
share in addition is…

Wonderful, so Propaganda
Technique is a form of
communication that aims to
influence the attitude of others.
It is also intended to make us
accept or approve something
without looking closely at the
evidence. (An action done or words that have been
said that is against someone based on little
When I say accept or approve to no evidences can result to having an
something without looking unfair judgement.)
closely at the evidence, what
comes into your mind?

Very well. I have heard the

word unfair and judgement,
these words have something to
do with what we are going to
talk about today.

V. Motivation
First let us play a game I have
prepared for you. Are you
familiar with the People

Well, that’s what we are going

to play.

Six among you guys, are sitting

on a lucky chair. So, I want you
to check your chair if there is a
marker underneath you may
stand up and go in front of the

Now for the mechanics of the

game, first, the players will be
going to answer the puzzle on
the board. Second, the rest of
the class are also allowed to
coach the player. However, you
cannot produce any sound or
noise. You can think of a way
on how to communicate with
your team mates non-verbally.

Now, for the directions of the

game. You are going to fill out
the empty boxes using the
provided hint. You only have a Yes ma’am
couple of minutes to do so. Any
sound heard or produced by
your team mates will be
deducted to your time.

Am I making myself clear?

Now let us begin.

VI. Lesson Proper

A. Activity
The teacher will present the
power point presentation.

- The teacher will define bias

and prejudice.
- The teacher will discuss the
different types of bias and
- The teacher will
differentiate bias and

After discussing the difference

between biases and prejudice,
the teacher will ask the
students to think of an example
of bias and prejudice.

Afterwards, the teacher will

present a five-item activity
which the students will
differentiate the
if it is bias or prejudice.

The class will be going to have

a three minutes debate. The
students will be group into
two. The group A will defend
the given statement as bias,
and the group B will defend the
statement as prejudice.
B. Analysis

The students will exchange papers

as the teacher provide the correct
answers in each item.

Well done students. I’m glad to

know that you are now able to
differentiate bias and prejudice.

C. Application/Evaluation

Now that we done defining bias and

prejudice, it is now your turn to do
the sum-squared learning.
The students will do the activity.
For the directions, using sum-squared
learning chart, define bias and
prejudice, differentiate bias and
prejudice through listing their
characteristics and provide examples.

Definition of Bias Characteristics of


Definition of Bias

Definition of

Definition of Characteristics of
Prejudice Prejudice

D. Abstraction
The students show mastery in
defining bias and prejudice and their

The students are able to differentiate

bias and prejudice in the statements,
arguments, and claims provided and
to its nature.

E. Assignment
1. Differentiate the bias and
prejudice using Venn diagram.
Write your answer on a clean
sheet of paper.

Bias Prejudice

2. Read about British-American

literature and take note about
what are the focus of British and
American literature.

Prepared by


BSED English 3C


College Instructor



College Dean

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