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Constitution and By-Laws


We, the members of the Community Training And Employment Coordinators Federation Of
Laguna, Inc. (CTECFLI), with the help of God Almighty, uphold this Constitution and By-laws
in the spirit of service and commitment to our intended beneficiaries in unity and in cooperation
among its members and collaboration with all concerned sectors, agencies, organizations and
entities from the government and non-government organizations, private businesses and the local
government units, for the purpose of solving the perennial unemployment and underemployment
problems in the region through networking and complementary mechanisms geared towards
employment promotion, self-employment, manpower development, labor market information
and placement facilitation in response to the demands of industries and economic development.



Section 1. There shall be two (2) types of memberships, namely Regular and Honorary
Membership. The Regular Members are the designated or appointed CTEC from the Local
Government Units. The Honorary Members are the LCEs and persons or institutions that
contribute and support the objectives, projects and activities of the Federation;

Section 2. All Members shall have the following rights:

2.1 Regular
a. To exercise the right to vote on matters relating to the affairs of the Federation;
b. To be eligible for any elective or appointive position of the Federation;
c. To avail of all the facilities and benefits being offered/ provided of the
Federation; and
2.2 Honorary
a. To participate in all deliberations/meetings of the Federation;
b. To examine all records and books of the Federation during office hours.

Section 3. All Members (Regular and Honorary) with good standing shall have the following
duties and responsibilities;

1. To obey and comply with the by-laws, rules and regulations that may be promulgated by
the Federation;
2. To attend all meetings of the Federation; and
3. To pay annual and membership dues and other assessments of the Federation.



Section 1. The CTECFLI Executive Committee shall be composed of the following:

1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Auditor
6. Public Relations Officers
7. Program Development Officers
8. Outreach Coordinators
9. Ex-Officio Member (Immediate past President)

Section 2.The Executive Committee shall be responsible to all the members in attaining the
Federation objectives. The members, on the other hand, are bound to submit themselves to the
Federation constitution and by-laws ratified by the majority of members.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall have a monthly meeting, every second Thursday of
the month of the calendar year, at an appropriate time and place as may be determined by the
Executive Committee present during the meeting constitutes a quorum.

Section 4. In case the President is not able to perform his/her duties and responsibilities for
whatever reason, the Vice President shall automatically take over as President.

Section 5. Special Election for positions lower than the Vice President shall be held within sixty
(60) days upon declaration of vacancy by the Federation.



Section 1. The PRESIDENT shall have the following duties and powers;

1.1 To call and preside over the meetings of the Federation;

1.2 To act as the official representative of the Federation in all its activities or may
appoint any officer in his/her behalf;
1.3 To execute all resolutions of the Federation;
1.4 To direct and oversee the activities of the Federation;
1.5 To promptly submit to the Federation the annual report of its activities and
operations after the closing of each fiscal year under his/her term;
1.6 May appoint and have control over the employees of the officers of Community
Training And Employment Coordinators Federation Of Laguna, Inc. (CTECFLI)
1.7 To review and approve expense vouchers;
1.8 To create, together with the Executive Committee, committees that shall decide
on, among other matters, interim appointments, should a vacancy arise in any of
the positions under him/ her; and
1.9 To perform other duties and responsibilities as may be prescribed of him/her by
the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The VICE PRESIDENT shall have the following duties and power:

2.1 The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in case of
the temporary absences, permanent incapacity, and removal from office of the latter;
2.2 To assist the President in his/her administrative function; and
2.3 To perform such other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to him/her
by the President or the Executive Committee.
Section 3. The SECRETARY shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

3.1 To take notes and keep the minutes of the meetings and other records of the
3.2 To prepare and serve the notice of regular and special meetings to the officers and
members of the Federation;
3.3 To attend to any correspondence that may be assigned to him/her by the Federation;
3.4 To keep and update the records of names, addresses and telephone numbers of the
officers and bonafide members of the Federation; and
3.5 To perform such other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to him/her by
the President or the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The TREASURER shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

4.1 To be responsible for the collection of all the fees from the members and other
money due to the Federation and deposit the same not later than the next working
day in a bank designated by the Federation;
4.2 To serve as caretaker and custodian of all funds of the Federation;
4.3 To prepare, maintain and keep the financial records and reports of the Federation;
4.4 To provide documents relative to the financial status of the Federation to the
Executive Committee and prepare and submit the Annual Financial Statement to the
General Assembly;
4.5 To be co-signatory of the President in all withdrawals from the fund of the
Federation; and
4.6 To perform such other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to him/her
by the President or the Executive Committee.

Section 5. The AUDITOR shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

5.1 To examine the financial documents and records of the Federation and undertake
cash count anytime during office hours;
5.2 To submit an audit report to the Executive Committee and subsequently to the
General Assembly as its annual meeting; and
5.3 To perform such as other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to
him/her by the President or the Executive Committee.

Section 6. The PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICERS shall have these specific duties and

6.1 To plan, implement, and evaluate the public relation activities of the Region IV-A
Federation of Public Employment Service Officers, Inc. (RAPESO); and

6.2 To perform such as other duties and responsibilities that may be assigned to
him/her by the President of the Executive Committee.


these specific duties and responsibilities:

7.1 To be aware of the various issues, problems and concerns affecting the CTEC
operations in their respective province and inform the Federation thereof;

7.2 To recommend solutions or alternative courses of actions on these issues,

problems and concerns which the Federation can take appropriate action; and

7.3 To assist the Federation in identifying projects/activities which may be beneficial

to the province or to the Federation in general.
Section 8. The OUTREACH COORDINATORS - shall act as co-coordinator between the
Federation and their respective LGUs in the implementation of programs, projects and activities.

Section 9. The Ex-Officio Member shall serve as an adviser/consultant of the Federation.



Section 1. All members in good standing are qualified to run in the election.
1.1 Have attended at least 80% of the monthly meetings conducted;
1.2 Have paid membership fee and annual dues;
1.3 Have submitted at least 80% of the required reports.
1.4 Have performed the CTEC core functions

Section 2. An Election Committee composed of three members, which includes two CTEC and
one from TESDA. They shall oversee the election proceeding and decide on disputes
that may arise thereat.

Section 3. The election shall be held through secret balloting. No substitute voting shall be

Section 4.The votes shall be counted immediately after the last vote has been casted at the time
agreed upon before the conduct of election.

Section 5. Each candidate shall be considered elected if he/she received the plurality of all the
votes cast for each position.

Section 6. The Election Committee shall proclaim the winners.

Section 7. The term of office of all elected officers shall be three (3) years with the maximum of
two (2) consecutive terms.



Section 1. The general meeting of the regular members with good standing shall be held semi-
annually in an appropriate date and venue identified by the Executive Committee and TESDA

Section 2. Any member may opt to host the general meeting if he/she wishes to do so and the
same is approved by the Executive Committee of the Federation.

Section 3. A special meeting may be called in writing by the President or by the majority of the
members of the Executive Committee.

Section 4. The notice of the date, time and place of the semi-annual, monthly, and special
meetings of the regular members shall be given either personally, e-mail, or other means of
communication at least seven (7) days before the set date of the meeting.
Section 5. The semi-annual, monthly or special meeting of the regular members with good
standing, shall constitute a quorum with the attendance of fifty percent plus one (50% + 1).

Section 6. The order of business at meetings of the members shall be as follows:

6.1 Proof of notice of meeting;

6.2 Roll call
6.3 Proof of quorum;
6.4 Call to Order/Suspension of Rules
6.5Approval of preliminary agenda;
6.6 Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting;
6.7 Business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting;
6.8 Treasurer’s report;
6.9 TESDA matters;
6.10 CTEC matters
6.10.1 Provincial CTEC matters; and
6.11 Other matters
6.12 Adjournment



Section 1. The Membership Fees of P 2,000.00 shall be collected from each member.

Section 2. The Annual dues of P 1,000.00 shall be collected from each member to help
defray administrative and operational expenses of the Federation.

Section 3. To realize the Federations’ projects, programs and activities, it may engage in
fund-raising through sponsorship and other related fund generating activities.

Section 4. All funds, collected, including monthly dues, contributions and/or donations and
funds derived from other sources shall form part of the general fund of the Federation;
however, funds collected for specific purposes shall be used thereat. Excess or unused
special funds may be utilized for other purposes upon the approval of the Executive

Section 5. The systems and procedures for the collections and disbursements of funds shall
be determined by Executive Committee.

Section 6. The withdrawal from the funds of the Federation, whether by check or any other
instruments exceeding One Thousand (P 1,000.00) Pesos, shall be signed by the
Treasurer and shall be countersigned by the President or the Vice President.
In case of the temporary absence of the Treasurer, the Executive Committee shall
designate an Acting Treasurer through a Board Resolution.

Section 7. The fiscal year of the Community Training and Employment Coordinators
Federation of Laguna, Inc. (CTECFLI) shall be from January 1st to December 31st of
each calendar year.


Section 1. Corporate Seal of the Community Training and Employment Coordinators Federation
of Laguna Inc. (CTECFLI) shall be in such design as may be determined by the Executive



Section 1. Amendments, modifications and/or repeal of any of the existing provision of this
constitution may be proposed by any member or officer of the Federation.

Section 2. The consent of the majority of the members in attendance in the semi-annual assembly
or special meeting shall be needed to constitute any amendment and/or conduct of
special proceedings.

Section 3. The consent of the majority of the members in attendance in the semi-annual assembly
or special meeting shall be needed to approve amendments and/or repeal any existing
provisions of this constitution.



Section 1. An annual activity that will benefit the community shall be undertaken as determined
by the Executive Committee which shall be approved by the majority of the body.



Section 1. All officers elected during the Semi-Annual CTEC Congress shall hold office until
such time that the new set of officers have been elected.



This Constitution and By-Laws was approved on the ___day of February in the year of our
Lord, 2022 in ________ Laguna.

Romualdo A. Garcia Engr. Lauren R. Hernandez

President Vice President

John Lloyd Rommel L. Roldan Maricel Granada

Secretary Treasurer

Maricel Granada Gliceria A. Trinidad

Treasurer Auditor

Sonny Q. Evangelista Mauro I. Isles Jr.

PRO 2nd District PRO 3rd District

Jayson D. Palasin Sweet Faith Ferrancol

PRO District 4-A PRO District 4-B

Mary Jane T. Banasihan-Corcuera Pedro M. Catindig

Program and Project Development Officer Program and Project Development Officer

Leonardo D. Dela Cruz, Jr.

Program and Project Development Officer

Christian Benedict T. Bueno Robert Patrick B. Joyosa

Outreach Coordinator Outreach Coordinator

Robel M. del Valle

Outreach Coordinator

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