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1)The question is too general and could benefit from being more precise.

For instance, the question

could inquire whether the responder plans to purchase a new mobile phone within the next four
months and, if so, what brand of phone they are contemplating.

2)Among the potential sources of mistake in each circumstance are:

a) Only regular travelers aged 50 and older were surveyed, which may not be representative of the
entire population. Adding a broader age range to the question would be an improvement.
b) Only Facebook users were surveyed, which may not be representative of the general population.
The question could be improved by soliciting responses from a greater variety of social media users.

c) The researchers did not specify the form of personal interview they would conduct (telephone, in-
person, etc.), which could have an impact on the findings. It would be beneficial to indicate the sort of
interview in the question.

d) The water hardness test instructions contain six steps and may be perplexing to some respondents.
Instructions might be simplified to improve the question.

3) A focus group would be an appropriate research strategy for this scenario because it would allow
the company to obtain consumer feedback on the new product range. A appropriate sampling

would be to pick a group of participants who are representative of the product's target market,

and a suitable data gathering technique would be to have a moderator facilitate the focus group

A list of all licensed plumbers in the area would serve as a potential sample frame for licensed
plumbers. This information is available from the local licensing authority.

5) The management issue for Sweet Cookies is determining the size of the market for their new
product line. The research issue is that there are no available market size statistics for this product.
How many individuals would purchase the cookies are

the research questions. What is the highest price

that individuals would be willing to pay for the cookies? The objectives are to collect information

on the potential size of the market for the new

product line and to identify the product's target market.

A survey would be an appropriate research approach for this situation, as it would allow Sweet
Cookies to collect data from a big number of individuals. A acceptable sampling strategy would consist
of selecting a population-representative sample, and a suitable data collection method would be an
online survey.

Step-by-step explanation
The question is far too open-ended and would benefit from being phrased in a way that is more
detailed. For instance, the question could inquire as to whether the respondent intends to purchase a
new mobile phone within the next four months and, if so, what kind of phone they are thinking about
purchasing if they do want to make such a purchase.
The following are all examples of possible sources of mistake for each scenario:
a) The survey exclusively surveyed frequent travelers aged 50 and over, which may not be
representative of the broader population in its entirety. There is room for improvement in the
question by expanding the age range that is being asked.

b) The survey only polled people who used Facebook, therefore the results may not be accurate
reflections of the public as a whole. The question might be improved by including responses from a
more diverse spectrum of people who use social media.
c) The researchers did not define what kind of personal interview they would be doing (for example,
over the phone, in person, or any other sort), which may have an impact on the findings. There is
room for improvement in the question by elaborating on the kind of interview being conducted.

d) The instructions for the water hardness test consist of six different procedures, which may cause
some of the responders to become confused. The instructions might be made less complicated in
order to make the question more appealing.

A focus group is an approach to research that would be appropriate for this scenario since it would
enable the manufacturer to receive feedback from customers regarding the new product line. A
acceptable sample plan would involve selecting a group of participants who are representative of the
target market for the product, and a proper data collection approach would involve employing a
moderator to guide the discussion that takes place inside the focus group setting.

A list of all of the licensed plumbers in the area could serve as a sample frame for licensed plumbers
to choose from. The local licensing authority is the place to go to get this information.
Sweet Cookies is having trouble with management since they are trying to determine the size of the
market for their new product line. The lack of existing data on the size of the market for this product
is a challenge for the research that has been done. The questions that are being asked for the
research are: How many people would buy the cookies? What is the highest amount that individuals
are willing to spend for the cookies as a purchase price? The goals are to gather information on the
potential size of the market for the new product line, as well as to identify the market segment that
will be targeted by the product.
The use of a survey as a method of research would be appropriate in this scenario since it would
enable Sweet Cookies to collect information from a sizable number of participants. The selection of a
sample of the population that is representative of the whole would make for an appropriate sampling
plan, and the administration of an online survey would be an appropriate way to collect the data
needed for the study.

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