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| Fractured Tales Project 2010

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we call you? what are you? what did you do? |1| if their story was a fairytale, what would it be & why |1| |2| describe a fairytale ending for the tragic boy and the persistent girl |2| |3| explain why the story of sasuke and sakura can be considered as a fairytale |3| allurement {online moderator} author = [ landing in london ] The Little Mermaid because pink & red are practically related, & well, everyone wants Sasuke. Sakura would die tragically, & there would be this beautiful mourning scene where Sasuke realizes what he's lost and how he needs Sakura. Then POOF, she's miraculously alive again. Because one day they will fall in love & make beautiful babies. Of this I am sure. alory shannon some days I wonder if I'm ever really going to grow up; other days, I hope I never do. author = [ the human stain ] Beauty and the Beast...with Sakura as the Beast. And as for why, two words: monstrous strength. ...That's an interesting question, considering that most classic fairy tales, such as the ones from the Brothers Grimm, did not generally have very happy endings... In fairy tales, there's always something to be overcome, something to be won, a lesson to be learned, or a person who needs to be changed. SasuSaku has all these elements, and even if they don't get their "happy ending" like I hope they do, there's still no denying that their story is a love story...which is really what most fairy tales are all about in the first place. annie sparklecakes a fangirl with a laptop and a worn-out capslock key author = [ rockstar + punk rock princess ] Beauty and the Beast, with Sasuke as the beast, because if anyone suck at social interaction, it's him. With Sasuke coming back to Konoha, of course! And finally realizing that Sakura is actually worth quite a lot to him. Perhaps with some singing animals to drive the point home. No snakes, toads will do. Because they teach all the good qualities little kids should know about relationships and true love (and we all grow up with fairy tales): devotion;

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loyalty; the drive to do whatever it takes not to win true love, but to save it; and balance in a relationship. Also, that pink and black look really good together. arabesque05 easily bribed with miko's awesome. author = [ love is ] East of the Sun and West of the Moon, for Sakura's sheer devotion to Sasuke. I can't help but feel that she would go after him, over mountains and through snow; Sakura is no the damsel in distress. She'll save him, whatever the cost, however difficult; that's the devotion that makes me have faith in this ship. There's no riding off happily-ever-after into the sunset for them. Sasuke and Sakura are not, for me, heroes in a story, they are not the glorious; they are the grimmer side of war, the despair and the heartache, the casualties and the loss of innocence. They hurt and they bleed and they fall down; but they survive, and that is their fairytale ending. They live, they live; they, despite everything, find something to live for. Their happiness is all the more beautiful for its frailty. The epicness of their relationship! There is pining and scorning and exile (of sorts) and horrible pasts and vengeance! And, what we wish for them more than anything, that true love conquers all in the end. Moreover, Sasuke's preoccupation with hatred really suggests the importance of love for happiness; and they both, in their own way, need to be saved by the other. bell.esque a hyper girl with a crazy laugh who loves to write and eat pastries. author = [ make-up smeared eyes ] Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, because Sasuke would be one of the dwarfs (Grumpy) that lurve Sakura (Snow White), but never actually show it. But I think Sasuke, himself, would prefer Sleeping Beauty, because he gets to kill a dragon, and he seems kind of like the hero type (that is, if he ever comes to his senses). If Sakura finds Sasuke while she is searching for him, and he realizes that he really should go back to Konoha (and love her forever and eeeever). But it wouldn't be a perfect fairytale, kind of a sad one, because I think Sakura would have to be the one that heals his heart and mind. It can be considered a fairytale, because the love Sakura displays for him is SO, SO, SO strong. And because in a fairytale, there is always something that is separating the two lovers, but eventually they will always come together (which is hopefully what will happen). cutecrazyice author = [im yours + colors and cliches]

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I've never seen a fairytale that clearly depicts the complexity of how Sasuke and Sakura are together. Imperfections are what theyre made of, and for me, that's what makes it lovely. There are really just two takes on this: its either a happy ending, or a tragedy. Im a sucker for happy endings with a lot of angst in between, so there you go. Dude. Gorgeous, avenging, semi-doomed guy, out to hate the world and the lovely, vulnerable, temperamental girl that is somehow destined to bring him redemption. How could that not be a fairy tale? gabzillaz cover artist: fluff [rapunzel] hanabi-no-ai a seductress who used up all her ensnaring skills for the sake of sasusaku/fracturedtales {mafia don % editor-in-chief % queen moderator % copyright holder %productions head % sponsor lookout % creative director % printing coordinator} concept = [ red carpet + lamentations ] Hmm this is a pretty hard question considering a bunch of fairytale princes are practically Tamaki-Suoh-types (XD) which is definitely NOT Sasuke-ISH. I think that is the reason why I really wanted to get this book doneand hopefully, we were able to capture the fairytale that fits Sasuke and Sakuras love story. Basically Sasuke finally getting that stick out of his ass and finally proclaiming to the world that he freakin' loves Haruno Sakuraand then, they proceed to making lovely, adorable, and numerous babies. Because their story literally had me wishing upon shooting stars, made endlessly doodle hearts with their names on all my notebooks, pushed me to sing spontaneously every time I see them in the same panel/scene in the manga/animeand it gave me the chance to hope against all odds, dream of simple happiness, and love something from the bottom of my heart. <3D iMissa DEFINITELY a procrastinator author = [ home ] SasuSaku would undeniably be a fractured fairytale, because of Sasuke's brooding, avenger, GTFO-away-from-me personality versus Sakura's bubbly, healing personality. Sasuke is pardoned of his crimes, learns to forgive himself, and along the way, heals the scars he left on Sakura's heart. SasuSaku should be considered a fairytale because, honestly, not ALL fairytales are nice, but most DO have happy endings (Grimm's fairytales notwithstanding) and if there is any couple out there deserving of a happy ending, it's these two.

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its_game_time a geeky realist with a penchant for the occasional daydreaming of a romantic. author = [ reckless ] I think it would be a more modern sort of fairytale; the kind that breaks the mold on the typical "knight in shining armor + fair lady in distress" cliche. It's a better-ending fairytale, the kind that doesn't depend on one character or set of circumstances -- Sasuke and Sakura are two pieces to the pairing rather than one lump sum. "SasuSaku" is about both of them, not just one with a little of the other. That said, I don't think SasuSaku really fits under any established cliche of the past; it makes its own class, but the simple romance and typical strive-tobe-together possibilities give it a fairytale feel. While keeping true to both the personalities of the characters AND the idea of what constitutes a fairytale, a fairytale ending for SasuSaku would be Sakura coming through and rescuing Sasuke, both literally and figuratively. Naturally, Naruto is right in the middle of the Team Seven relationship, but whereas he's bound to save Sasuke from himself, Sakura might take a larger role in saving Sasuke from the metaphorical darkness that would come after: doubt, emotional stumbles, and those things that women are generally better at expressing and dealing with. In a nutshell, the I-will-save-you characteristic has always been part of the foundation for my love of the pairing, and aside from being very plausible canon-wise, it gives a fairytale color to the idea of SasuSaku. The very roots of SasuSaku have a bit of a fairytale feel to them: Sasuke was the popular guy who every girl liked while Sakura was a self-conscious follower trying her best to win his attention but always coming up short. While canon hasn't (yet) shown any interaction between them post-time-skip, I think SasuSaku has a better chance now more than it ever did: they've both undergone extreme transformations that, ultimately, will bring them closer together. I think this development has that same rough-start-but-convenient-circumstances-andtrue-love-win-out feel that's so typical of fairytales. iulia i'm like batman in pink {asst. organizer % asst. editor % asst. coordinator % com & cd layouts % moderator} author = [ flights of fancy + ecto + sorry + the artist ] | collab = [ la carestia ] | concept = [ lamentations + mauer ] If SasuSaku was a fairytale, it'd be 'The Frog Prince' by the Brothers Grimm. Except, Sakura would be the frog and Sasuke, he would be the princess (prissy little thing). But youll have to erase that part where the princess asks for her golden ball and promises to love the frog and kiss it. Sasuke would simply not ask for such a thing. The princess is, instead, the adventurous type who is on a not-so-noble quest for revenge. And, in this story, the frog is just a persistent fellow who insists on making the princess give up on her quest. More importantly though, this version wouldn't be the fluffy version -- no, it would be the original morbid version, where the self-centered princess throws the

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frog against the wall in disgust (although, if the princess were to be honest with herself, she would have to admit that she liked the attention hence giving the frog her gratitude before introducing it to the nice castle wall). Mind you, the frog won't transform instantly. No, the impact against the wall would teach the frog (who really was hideous at first) certain lessons in life and put it in the right path to becoming -well -- a prince. Then, said frog-turned-prince will return to dazzle the princess. :D And the frog will forgive the princess for that whole wallincident and for being such a jerk. The princess, in turn, will let that frog into his life and give it the love it so desires. Im thinking that it would have an ending similar to that of Rumplestilskin, wherein something was lost, but a more important thing was gained. The king and queens golden castle turned back to straw with the death of Rumplestilskinbut at least they got to keep their child. Sasuke and Sakura, too, would probably have a not-soperfect ending, but they would be together and thats the important thing. Theres hope amidst the troubles and the worries and the problems, and in the end, they would come out scarred and wounded, but not broken, never that. The thing about Sasuke and Sakura is that theyre such threedimensional, grayish characters, that it would be impossible to put them in the linear singularity of a fairytale. Theirs is a tale where the princess (Sasuke and yes, I do like the idea of Sasuke as a prissy princess) does not want to be saved and the knight (Sakura) stumbles and falls and almost gives up on her quest. Theyre certainly not the most ideal characters for a fairytale. But the elements of a fairytale are already there, and if they just give each other a chance (if Sasuke would stop running and Sakura would hold steadfast in her aim), then they would certainly achieve that happily-ever-after that they both deserve. japanesebread short and spazzy author = [ cry ] Sasuke would come back to Konoha, for one. So that he can be with his one-true-love. LOL. Happily-ever-after? Given how incredibly impossible it seems now. ANGST! ANGST! ANGST! larsgo author = [ jizz in my pants ] {as larsgo or named as grandlaserny in, she is also one of the members of fracturedtales project. She could not answer the questions due to pressing matters. One of the oldest sasusaku fans, as some of the authors here had already seen her wandering around the Simply Love

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Forums that was managed by twinbells. Were extremely proud that she graced us with her presence.} m. melancholica a rare, sociophobic species characterized by an incurable Escapist tendency, often through fangirling against-all-odds OTPs & AMFOTA boytoys. {asst. editor % consultant} author = [ the endymion effect + nadir ] | collab = [ and so the snake fell in love with a slug ] . . . I want the one where somebody dies! And I know which one: The Little Mermaid. None of the colorful, musical world of Ariel and her friendsI mean, Hans Andersons, the version that scarred a certain kid raised on Sesame Street & Disney movies because the mermaid dies! T_T I know its a stretch, but its the sort of sasusaku thats deliciously heart-rending~ Just as the mermaid and the prince exist in different worlds, so do Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura has her issues, but she had family and friends; the rich, multi-faceted ocean of the mermaid is like the normalcy that has nurtured Sakura. They meet, really meet, at a tempest: in crises does Sakura only see Sasuke beyond the genius loner on a pedestal. Only in crises does Sasuke see beyond his superficial, weak, and flaky impression of Sakura. Sakura has saved, will save, Sasuke in less obvious ways than pulling him off a sinking ship. Sakura has journeyed so far, transformed as much as the mermaid who lost her voice and grew legs. Sakuras friends has made sacrifices, toonot necessarily for her, the way the mermaids sisters sold their hair to the witch for a chance to save the mermaid from becoming flotsam after the prince marries anotherbut they have all lost fundamental things, fragments of themselves in their struggles. As of writing this, I hear that Sakura has set off, resolved to kill Sasuke, just like the mermaid approaches the princes matrimonial bed, dagger at hand. I will not, at this point, say that Sakura will throw away the knife and martyr herself for her princes sake, the prince who was, is, fond of her, but did not value her as she deserved (And what does she deserve? Has she spoken, acted, sufficiently to claim?) I will not say that Sakura will linger in the Air for all eternity to earn a soul, a seemingly twisted, romantic sacrifice where in she takes up self-flagellation and purgatory for another mans mistake. Sakura may well kill Sasuke. And hey, hes made his bed. Let him lie in it. As long as somebody dies in the end. XD (*cough* Well, that was cheerful up there. Fine, fine. Ill make it up in the next questions.) The ultimate fairytale ending for Sasusaku is something I am well-versed in, just because this is the sort of ending I love to read and write in fanfics: Sasukes redemption and Sakuras transcendence. Sasuke will rehabilitate in Konoha. It wont be easy but Sakura will be there, supporting him all the way. Sakura will be the ultimate supermom, juggling a clan restitution project with a prodigious career as a (soon-to-be) legendary mednin. Their friends will be there, supportive and equally successful. They will live, learn, and grow old together. Its a rosy, beautiful dream

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that I cant quite reconcile with the reality of things, unfortunately. I cannot~ Woe is me! This is a conundrum we must divide and conquer. Sasuke's life story of woe and tragedy, coupled with his prickly personality and immense pride, may not be appealing at first. Once we add in his annoyingly Adonis attributes and his deepseated insecurities, we have one compelling damsel-in-diser, wounded prince. Sakura is often painted weak and vulnerable, but it's exactly these that make her transcendence all the more riveting. Be it with her intelligence, hard work, or weird Inner voice, she overcomes her mediocrity to become the heroine. Unwillingly or overenthusiastically, she'll come a'slithering out from pre-mating brumation and sweep Princess Sasuslug off his psuedo foot. They'll endure against all the odds of interspecies love and live happily ever after! See how far-fetched but oh-so soulsearing thrilling that was? Exactly. miko-chan a poor creature who fears sisters and loves all that are sweet and glittery {head organizer % asst. layout % online coordinator % transactions and communications moderator % head lackey of the don } author = [ red carpet + lamentations + mauer + ad astra ] | collab = [ and so the snake fell in love with a slug + la carestia ] Rapunzel will really be perfect! There are symbolisms in that fairytale that will really suit their characters and relationships. Most especially at the end when the witch cut off her hair and banished her from the land, while the prince was blinded as his punishment. It seems so beautiful that even though the prince was blinded and the princess was already ugly and torn, they still find each other and accept their scarred appearances. The only thing I want from them is either they give me babies, have a big stinking familycomplete with a pet dog/snake/slug/flatwormor they just warm me to a pile of bubbly goo if they just have a small moment together, having a coherent conversation and their hands almost linking, but not touching. Fairytales are essentials for a romantic soul and unfortunately, this pairing became one of the necessary ingredients to my staple amount of romance. Its practically on my list as one of those pairings that made an impression on me, making it a perfect example of a fairytale. mrie well-intentioned monster who happens to love words, possibilities, and pretty boys. author = [ corona and lime ] The one where the princess saves the prince after knocking some sense into him. Hey, Sakura, I got over being stupid, thanks to that punch in the head. Marry me? Then, after a couple angst fests and pity parties, they live happily ever after.

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myr :p one word: fierce. cover artist : romance [sleeping beauty] + cd cover [legend of orihime & houkiboshi] Little Mermaid. Because it emphasizes Sakura's love and Sasuke's blindness and ignorance. And the neighboring princess could be Itachi. Sasuke will be a good boy again, after receiving Sakura's kiss The undying love Sakura has for Sasuke, and their tragic/ironic fate. ohwhatsherface i need more sentences. author = [ before he cheats + white walls + falling into history] Beauty and the Beast! Because Sasuke is hot and Sakura is a beast (in the coolest way possible). LOL would it be wrong to just write "sex"? Because they most definitely will get their happy ending. :) pet i am the SUPA-FLY TNT. cover artist: [pinky promise (canon) + anastacia] Anything fairytale, as long as it has a happy ending. Them kicking back in the Bahamas drinking tequila. 'Cuz its made of angst, sexy, revenge, love, and awesome. Perfect storytelling ingredients. property of the uchiha i was a pretty pink cactus once upon a time cover artist: [angst: beauty and the beast] No fairytale compares to SasuxSaku. Therefore, I refuse to base it on a tale that actually exists. Sasuke would be Ghost Rider and Sakura would be Maid Marian. And somehow, they would make it work because that's just how they are. All the other men (and women) who are ever paired up with Sasuke and Sakura will become priests and nuns, fall in love with someone else, or disappear. Because it is the ultimate happy ending. psychedelic_aya a strange and funny girl, and really, that's all you need to know. author = [ autompne ] It would be Bambi. Because during my childhood, I cried about it too.

Because they are tragic and beautiful and they are possibility and lostchances embodied. Because there is room in their story for hope, faith, and redemption. Because I say so, dammit!

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I don't need to go into details. Becase really, "...and they lived happily ever after" is enough. Because Dumbledore said love makes great stories, can save all, and I believe him. polly-chan i love SasuSaku, cherryblossoms, stars, green, babies, and POTATOES! promotions artist: three banners If SasuSaku was a fairytale, they would have a story where there is a prince who will save the princess from the baddies. There are lots of hardships to be face but in the end, love will still prevail over all. Just like what actually is happening in the current story. Prince Sakura will come to save princess Sauce-kay XD Sakura with lots of little Sasukes around her. Fairytales is always all about obtaining happiness... And Sasuke is Sakura's happiness sakuraxkisu author = [ amore ] snappleducated a teenage girl who would be a lot cooler if she didn't typo so much author = [ stillborn sighs ] The Princess and the Frog. I think Sasuke would benefit from being small and green and warty for a while. It'd build character. Well, first, there needs to be some conflict resolution, like knocking Sasuke out, followed by a speedy trip to Vegas and a love suite. Then they could be one of those couples that wear matching outfits! Because theirs is a love undying. the blanket my hobbies include falling off maps, losing my way, and having epiphanies at inappropriate moments. {online moderator} author = [ cannonball + under the sea + scratch ] Given the proposition that they are a fairy tale, though, I would say their story is very much reminiscent of the Odyssey. Faithful Penelope and wandering Odysseus -- and fairy tales can be drawn from any tradition so the Odyssey counts, right? RIGHT? Are we talking canon here? I want happiness for them -- but of I don't think the notion of "happily ever after" works out here, as well as it might in other formats. Maybe just an ending where they come to an understanding between them -whatever that might mean. Epic as they are, I want their "ending" to come in increments, if that makes any sense -- the understanding that an "ending," whatever that might mean, is a process, as opposed to a resolution. While I don't particularly see SasuSaku as a fairy tale in the conventional sense, I do find their story epic, which is why it's so difficult for me to resist writing about them.

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There's so much you can take from their relationship -- so many motifs and possibilities open for interpretation. I think fairy tales work in the same way. Also, Sasuke would make the PRETTIEST PRINCESS EVER. velvet_strings a lovable camera whore {head layout & illustrator % asst. creative director} collab = [ not a date + je ne sais quoi ] The legend of Malakas at Maganda. (Strong and Beautiful), emerging from the bamboo stalk. But of course, The one who wears the pants, as Malakas, is Sakura, while Sasuke is Maganda. I just need them to be together. Not necessarily perfect, but at least they will have a degree of understanding. A fairytale is something thats a part of my life, something I grew up with.I can say the same to this pairing. white_epitome smallbut still small. {head layout & illustrator % asst. creative director } collab = [ not a date + je ne sais quoi ] The Frog and the Princess. Itll be simple: Sasuke will at least try to make amends to Sakura. Sasuke came from a noble clan, Sakura a normal family. They have history, like those children morning shows we watch. And they have drama, so they can be a fairytale.

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Upon A Time [white epitome] Pinky Promise [samurai-pet] FLUFF : RAPUNZEL [gabzilla] The Slug Snake Affair [crazy-silly-me] In The Mood Of Love [sorceressmyr] All I Want Is You [plumfit] PAC-MAN [samurai-pet] Wedding Reflections[polly-chan] Unwind [raccoon-ransom] Im Yours [iulia] Sakuras Pet [anna-kokoro] Not A Date[white epitome] A Sasusaku Day [polly-chan] Roxxerz [samurai-pet] Under the Sea [iulia] ANGST : BEAUTY AND THE BEAST [property of the uchiha] Floating [miko] Down [theredphantom] My Beautiful Count [sorceressmyr] Light [sorceressmyr] Just Today [fey-rayen] So Close So Far [nssavva] Innocence [regi-chan] Story in My Head [ninjin-nezumi] Feeling [damleg] Drown in it [property of the uchiha] White Walls [looney lolita] ROMANCE : SLEEPING BEAUTY [sorceressmyr] Lollipop [sorceressmyr] Morning Light [sorceressmyr] Date 2 [polly-chan] Colors and Clichs [nami86] Crimson Ribbon [arriku] Sweet Lightly [regi-chan] Sweet November [byshamora] Under the Same Sky [nami86] My Light [nami86] Cinderella Ball [theredphantom] Reckless [nami86] Panels [burnedbacon] Redemption [looneylolita]

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A common Italian revenge phrase.

Cetatea citadel (Romanian) Goukon Japanese dating party Higgins surname of Sakuras American voice actor Hikawa Maru A Japanese Ocean Liner from Yokohoma. During 1941, it was used as a Jewish refugee ship. In the midst of World War II, it became a hospital ship for the Allied Forces. Je Ne Sais Quoi I do not know what (French) Kaichou chief (Japanese) Kampai cheers or hooray (Japanese) Kantoku director (Japanese) Katana Japanese broad sword Kushi Dango sweet dumpling La Carestia The Famine (Italian) Lowenhall surname of Sasukes American voice actor Mauer wall (German) Meningococcemia Prophylaxis a countermeasure to prevent being infected with meningococcemia Milankovitch Cycles describes the collective effects of changes in the Earth's movements upon its climate Mukashi, Mukashi once upon a time (Japanese) Ni hen ke ai youre so cute (Chinese)

You're My Number One - A popular song commercial in the Philippines, sung by singer-actress Sharon Cuneta and her daughters Frankie and Miel.

Lyrics of The Little Things by Colbie Caillat


verses from Robert Burns A Red Red Rose. Aa sure or yes (Japanese) Ad Astra To The Stars Amore Love (Italian) Anata literally means you, but is commonly used by lovers and so can mean darling Aniki very polite word for older brother (Japanese) Apophallation - Method used by hermaphroditic slugs when their male genitalia cannot be retracted during copulation. With the use of their radula, they masticate their tight-spiral organ and succesfully separate. Apfelsaftschorle a popular german soda. It is made of carbonated mineral water and apple juice.This drink can be sold commercially or done at home or bars. Autoapophallation method used by hermaphroditic slugs when their male genitalia cannot be retracted during copulation. With the use of their radula, they masticate their tight-spiral organ and succesfully separate.

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Niisan older brother (Japanese) Nori seaweed Ohayou Good morning (Japanese) Ojichan uncle (Japanese) Okaasan mother (Japanese) Okashira boss (Japanese) Omiai Japanese wedding meet-up Oneesama very polite word for older sister (Japanese) Oni Gaijins literally means foreign monsters; refers to foreigners (Japanese) Onigiri Japanese snack; riceball Otou-san father (Japanese) Otouto formal word for younger brother (Japanese) para para dance a popular synchronized group dance Radula orifice of a slug Sudest Munti Southern Mountains (Romanian) Tadaima Im home (Japanese) Taicho captain (Japanese) Tasukete help me (Japanese)

Teka-maki tuna roll Teme bastard (Japanese) Torii temple gates (Japanese) Vest Mare Western plains (Romanian) Wo shi dao me too (Chinese) Wo xi huan ni I like you (Chinese) Yamero stop (Japanese) Yukata summer robe of Japanese Yurei(-kun) ghost (Japanese) ken (, "law") / hei (, "soldier") these characters are written on the white armbands (worn on their left upper arm) as part of the uniform of the Kempeitai, the military police of the Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. They are the Asian equivalent of the Nazis hiragana For Uchiha (Japanese)

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