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What is Operating System?

Before knowing Time-sharing operating system, we should understand what an

operating system is. An operating system is a program used to interact between the
system hardware and the user. The operating system acts as an interface between the
software and the hardware.



Batch Operating System. ...
Time-Sharing Operating System. ...
Distributed Operating System. ...
Embedded Operating System. ...
Real-time Operating System.


Time-sharing is a method of allowing multiple individuals at different terminals to
access the same computer system simultaneously.

The time-sharing operating system is different from a multiprogramming operating

system. In a multiprogramming operating system, the main objective is to maximise
the use of the CPU. In contrast, in Time sharing Operating System, the main aim is
to minimise the response time of the CPU.

4.Working of Time-Sharing Operating System

The Time-Sharing Operating System uses CPU scheduling and multiprogramming.

Let's see how CPU scheduling and multiprogramming are used in Timesharing Operating

*When the user performs more than one task, each process's CPU time is divided.
*There is a time quantum fixed for each process to execute at a time. This time
quantum is minimal and in 10-100 milliseconds. Time quantum is also known as time
slot or time slice.
*For example, if there are three processes, P1, P2, and P3, running on the system.
Suppose the time Quantum is fixed to 4 nanoseconds (ns). Let's see further how
these processes will be executed.
*Process P1 will execute first for 4ns and as soon as it gets over, process P2
starts executing for 4ns and when P2 is executed for 4ns then process P3 executes
for 4ns. This process continues till all the processes gets completed.
*In this way, if the process runs for only the fixed time quantum, the switching
between the process is very fast. So, the user thinks that all the processes are
running simultaneously. In this way response time of the CPU is minimized.

The above diagram shows the working of the time-sharing operating system.

The process 4 in the diagram is shown in active state. Process 5 is in ready state
while process 1,2,3 and 6 are in waiting state.

6.Let's understand what these active state, ready state, and waiting for state

1. Active state - The process currently using the CPU is said to be in an active
state. Only one process can be inactive state as the CPU can be assigned to only
one process at a time for processing. 2. Ready state - The process which is ready
for execution and is waiting for the CPU to get assigned to them is said to be in a
Ready state. More than one process can be in a Ready state at a time, but the CPU
is allocated to only one of them at a time for processing. 3. Waiting State - The
processes that are not ready for execution and are waiting for some input/output
process to be completed is said to be in waiting state. Once the input/output
process is completed, the process jumps to a Ready state and is ready for

As shown in the diagram above, the process can switch from one state to another.
Once the process executes its one-time quantum, it goes to the Ready state and is
ready for execution again. While if the process gets some input/output operation
while in the active state, it goes to the waiting state and waits there until the
input/output is completed and then goes to the ready state again as soon as the
input/output operation is completed.

7.Advantages of Time-Sharing Operating System.

*Time-sharing operating system works in such a way that it minimises the response
time of the CPU.
*Each process gets an equal opportunity as the processes get equal time quantum for
execution at a time by the CPU.
*CPU idle time is also reduced as the CPU is continuously switching between the
process for the process, so the idle time is minimised in Time-sharing operating

8.Disadvantages of Time-Sharing Operating System.

*There are chances of data mixing due to fast switching between the processes.
*Time-sharing operating system faces reliability issues.
*Data communication is a problem in Time-Sharing Operating Systems as communication
is an essential factor for the processes to get the CPU processing time.

9.Some examples of Time-sharing operating systems are :

Windows 2000 server
Windows NT server


*In Time-Sharing Operating System, each process gets equal opportunity, i.e. equal
time quantum for execution.

*Time-Sharing Operating System tries to minimise the response time of CPU.

*Time-Sharing Operating System uses CPU scheduling and multiprogramming to work.

*processes can be in Active state, ready state, or waiting state in Time-sharing

operating system.

*Time-Sharing Operating System requires high specification hardware and uses lots
of resources.
*CPU idle time is reduced in Time-sharing operating system.
Reliability, Data mixing, and communication are some problems faced in Time-sharing
operating systems.

*UNIX and LINUX are examples of Time-sharing operating systems.

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