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1. Finish my undergraduate studies, then go to medical school and graduate as a physician.
2. have a stable, pleasant working environment, and a high-paying job
3. Make my parents retire from their jobs and simply settle in our home so that we can be
a complete family again.
4. fulfill my ministry in our church to share God's word all over the world, — especially in
5. providing myself a house, car, and financial assets, as well as having a life partner with
whom I can share all of my hard work

I remember when I was still a typical middle school kid and people would
ask me what my desires in life were, and I would answer them as quickly as
I could blink my eyes, "happiness and a well-filled life or being
successful in life." As ironic as it may sound, while enumerating my life's
desires now, I listened to 15 songs by the worship band "planetshakers"
before identifying them all. Life isn't simple; it's insanely complicated.
The more we grow, the more we desire something in life. God created us to
be desiring creatures, and our minds cannot exist without the thought of a
future, and desires serve as a bridge to future experiences. When we focus
on desires, it implies that we are not satisfied in the present. My five
life desires mentioned above are, to put it frankly, my current desires in
life; perhaps after I finish college, I will change my mind and desire
something different again, but since we're talking horizontal freedom,
these are my thoughts. At the top of my priority list is, of course,
finishing my undergraduate course and proceeding to med school; this desire
will not change and no one can change it because I genuinely think that
this will lead me to the future I desire in life. After finishing medical
school and becoming a physician, having a stable and good working
environment ranks second. After academic battle comes survival conflict,
and I want to spend my life in a workplace with a good environment and, of
course, a high paying job; after all, this is why I am studying hard right
now. make my parents retire from their jobs and to just stay put in our
house and ensure their remaining lives as comfortable as possible so I can
at least pay back all their sacrifices to me comes in third, fourth is
fulfilling or giving to myself the things I deserved because who would do
that to me? After all, aside from friends and family, you only have
yourself, and it's perfectly fine to spoil yourself with the things you
love, want, and necessitate. Finally, my personal mission on earth,
particularly what I promised to my beloved church, is to spread the word of
God throughout the world and to leave a footprint, which will eventually
become my contribution to my Christian community.

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