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Cause & Effect Date &Time:


Cause and Effect

Causes are things that produce an event or condition;
effects are those that follow. A cause-and-effect essay
explains how various phenomena relate to each other in
terms of origins and consequences.
( Source: https:// text_ writing- for- success/ s14- 08- cause- and- effect.html)

ACTIVITY 1. Match the causes in column A with the effects in column B.

Afterwards, rewrite the sentences on the next page.


1. Since we ran out of gas, 1. I had to mop the floor,

2. Since rotational brownout happens in the 2. so I was late for work.
city, 3. so he was promoted.
3. The weather forecast called for a rain, 4. so we ran out of cash.
5. we had to go to the nearest gasoline
4. Because our place is already in Alert station.
Level 1 status, 6. I was able to submit my projects before
5. As the fire swallowed hundred houses, the deadline.
7. so he brought his raincoat
6. Gian closed the deal with a multi-national 8. children are allowed in the malls.
company, 9. several families had to find another place
7. I forgot to set my alarm to live.
8. The pizza was buy 1 take 2, 10. My mother does not buy ice cream
9. since I spilled the soup on it anymore.
10. Because my older sister helped me with
my projects,

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I had to mop the floor

Rewrite the sentences here:

1. Since we ran out of gas, we need to go to the nearest gasoline station. .

2. My mother does not buy ice cream anymore since .

3. The weather forecast called for a rain, so he brought his raincoat. .

4. Because our place is already in Alert Level 1 status, children are allowed in the malls. .

5. As the fire swallowed hundred houses, several families had to find another place to live. .

6. Gian closed the deal with a multi-national company, so he was promoted. .

7. I forgot to set my alarm, so I was late for work. .

8. The pizza was buy 1 take 2, so we ran out of cash. .

9. I had to mop the floor since I spilled the soup on it. .

10. I was able to submit my projects before the deadline, cause my older sister helped me with my projects, .

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ACTIVITY 2. Combine the sentences to show cause-effect/effect-cause relationships; use the
vocabulary structure presented in the SIM. Rewrite the sentence on the space provided.

1. He failed the national achievement test. He is too lazy to study.

- He failed the national achievement test because he is too lazy to study.

2. The rain was coming. The event was cancelled.

- The rain was coming so the event was cancelled.

3. Carla got the virus. She was quarantined.

- Carla got the virus so she was quarantined.

4. She was tardy ten times a month. She was suspended.

_ She was tardy ten times a month so she was suspended.

5. They did not catch the train. They missed the flight.

- They did not catch the train so they missed the flight.

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6. He worked so hard for the past 20 years as an OFW. He owned a vast land.

-He worked so hard for the past 20 years as an OFW so he owned a vast land.

7. We left the office very late. We missed the bus.

-We missed the bus because we left the office very late.

8. His parents were confined in the hospital for several weeks already. He felt very exhausted.

- His parents were confined in the hospital for several weeks already so he felt very exhausted.

9. The visitors arrived a day before the event. The organizer was so stressed.
-The organizer was so stressed because the visitors arrived a day before the event.
10. I did not complain about the incident to the police. The police did not act on it.
-I did not complain about the incident to the police because the police did not act on it.

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading


Cause & Effect Date &Time:



A. Write at least 3 causes of the following questions:

( from

2. What causes students to think that online schooling is boring?

a. No social or face to face interaction.

b. The learning experience is passive.
c. May lack reliable internet service or access to technology

2. What causes a video game to be popular?

a. It was fun.
b. Gives enjoyment.
c. Helps to relieve stress.

3. What causes online shopping for people to spend more money?

a. The buyer look for more items just so they dont spend their money on shipping.
b. Lower prices
c. Discounts

4. What causes social media to lose its popularity?

a. Worried over the privacy,

b. Peers not using it and being to old for it are all reasons of them losing popularity
c. Being fed up of advertisements,

5. What causes the increase in cases of obesity?

a. Stress
b. Bad eating habit
c. Lack of exercise.

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B. Write at least 3 effects of the following questions:

1. What are the effects of children growing in poverty?

a. It can more likely to experience a wide range of health problem.

b. Are more likely to experience low academic achievement,
c. Develop behavioral problems and social and emotional development difficulties.

2. What are the social effects of people having cell phones?

a. It decreases the quality of what you talk about, because you talk about things where you wouldn't
mind being interrupted,
b. It decreases the empathic connection that people feel toward each other.
c. It can put a wedge in any relationships.

3. What are the effects of reading from a computer or tablet rather than paper and books on a
child's learning skills?

a. Reading from a computer increase higher levels of experienced stress and tiredness than those
reading from paper.
b. It results in a higher cognitive workload compared with paper.
c. It's easy to be distracted and fall into the habit of mindless when reading from a computer.

4. What effects does parent involvement in schools have on education?

a. The students feel more motivated to learn, and their grades improve.
b. It helps improve student behavior in the classroom. Having parents and teachers communicate
more helps students feel more motivated in their classes.
c. Increased student success, enhanced parent and teacher satisfaction, and im- proved school

5. What effect does social media have on teen relationships?

a. Decreased time with a partner,

b. Missed connections, jealousy, conflict arising from disagreements or hurt feelings, and negative
c. Decrease attention and quality time to spent together.

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading

Cause & Effect Date &Time:


Performance Task 1. Develop a 500 to 800-word essay with three paragraphs showing a cause and
effect relationship utilizing the template below. You may choose any of the following topics or suggest
your own topic to write.

Topics to choose from:

1. Dating at Young Age
2. Telling lies: Its Causes and Effects
3. Causes and Effects of Terrorism
4. Stress Impact on Health
5. Growing up with a Single Parent/ Growing up with Separated Parents
6. Teacher’s choice or student’s choice

Stress: A threat to one's life

Stress is a normal part of our daily life. Stress is a feeling of being emotional or having physical tensions, which
came from anything that make us feel frustrated , angry or even nervous. It is our body's reaction or it describes
as a person's physical and emotional response to the demands or pressures that our everyday life has. But behind
all of those negative impression that the word stress possesses, it has also it's positive side in some other ways.
This stress can also give some benefits to anyone who have it, not just only harm and danger. But what are the
causes of this stress? How can it affect or impact on our health?
Stress certainly impacts on ones health. We can get it from a lot of factors, such as from work, money,
relationship and as well as from illnesses. Those are the usual reasons that gives someone or somebody lots of
pressure, big frustration I life and make us feel worried at the same time. Distress can lead to physical symptoms
including headaches, upset stomach, elevated blood pressure, chest pain and problem of sleeping. Stress can
bring on or worsen certain symptoms as well as diseases. We must watch out for this signs because that might be
a warning of having an overload stress within our body. According to a research, forty-three percent (43%) of all
adults suffer adverse health effects from stress. Seventy-five percent (75%) to ninety percent (90%) of all doctors
office visits are for stress related ailments and complaints. Thus, this shows how alarming and rampant stress
occurs on anyone. It proves that stress really affects someone's health. Stress also becomes harmful when people
use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve their stress but unfortunately instead of relieving stress and
returning the body to a relaxed state, these substances worsen the problem. On an ongoing stress, it can cause
many serious health problems, including mental problems such as depression, anxiety and personality disorder. It
can also cause cardiovascular diseases like heart problems, strokes and even heart attacks. Panick attacks are also
one of its effects. As time goes by when stress becomes bad it creates tension and you may not be able and having
a hard time handling a specific situation at hand and at times. However, there is also a goodstress that we called.
In this stress , it provides an opportunity for creativity and growth.

Hence, we should avoid being in this kind of situation and having this kind of illness. We should be aware
enough if we are experiencing signs of stress and if it happens when we feel that we posses most of the
symptoms, then it would be better if we consult to a professional early. By doing this we can prevent making it
even worse and giving us difficulties that might be a burden in our daily life. Remember that stress is a threat in
our life and if we don't take actions as early as possible , then we should be ready, because the horrible
nightmares are about to come.
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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading


Cause & Effect Date &Time:



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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading


Cause & Effect Date &Time:


Your essay will be rated based on the following rubric:

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading


Cause & Effect Date &Time:


Performance Task 2. Oral Reading Fluency - READ ALOUD

Oral reading fluency means being able to read a text quickly,

accurately, and with expression. Recording and reading aloud is a
good strategy for becoming a more fluent reader.

Directions: To practice reading fluently:

1. Set a timer for 30 seconds;
2. Read the passage as quickly and accurately as possible ;
3. Mark the last word you read when the timer goes off ;
4. Practice more until you are able to read the entire passage for the whole 30 seconds, without
missing a word.
5. Refer to your teacher for his/her modified instructions (if any) and for the submission process.

Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped

and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug –
although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and
thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty-year-old thug
thought of that morning.
( Source:

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NOW I KNOW | A Practical Guide to Reading


Cause & Effect Date &Time:


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