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Skyler Ray

OGL 343

Professor Dr. Wade Lueck, PhD


Reading Essay Topic #3

Prompt #2:

Team mental models is important in running an effective team in an organizational

environment. Thompson defines team mentals as “a common understanding that members of a

group share about how something works. Team members have mental models about the work

they do, and about the operation of their team” (Thompson, 2017, pg. 137). Being apart of the

business operations depart, we work hard as a team to understand each members roles and

responsibilities. For example, my team cross trains to be able to fully understand what members

responsibilities are. The reason we do this is because the team size is small, and people will get

sick or take vacation time. When someone takes sick or vacation time, we are all trained so we

can ensure all tasks are being taken care of for the team, we also try our best to identify

“specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities” (Thompson, 2017, pg. 137). When certain skills

from a member gets notice, we will make roles adjustments in order to use those skills to

increase productivity. It would be a waste if those skills are not being used. Being in a

professional organization, I have experience being in different departments like customer

service, field engineering, and now business operations. Each depart I have worked in

demonstrated team mental models. Having team mental models allowed these teams to perform

better with a cognitive foundation.

Prompt #3:

In general, I believe groups are better decision makers than an individual. Groups consist

of different people with different perspectives. Therefore, I believe that groups come to a better

overall decision than an individual might. Different perspectives can allow for conversation and

new ways of thinking, ultimately leading to a critically thought-out decision. In addition,

different personalities can balance each other in a group setting, so one does not overpower the

other. On the other hand, an individual decision may take less time to arrive at, but it also suffers

from only one perspective.

Individuals may be more effective decision makers when a time limit exists. As spoke

about above, individuals tend to take less time to arrive at a decision because they trust their gut

and don’t have to combat their own opinion with that of others. If a decision needs to be made

fast, it may be best to elect a single person to make that decision. On the other hand, I believe it

is best to use group decision making in almost all other scenarios. Especially critical business

decisions, a decision affecting many, and a decision with great possible impact. Groups overall

function at a more critical level due to the diversity in the members. Diversity is key to success.
Work Cited:

Thompson, Leigh L. Making the Team. Available from: VitalSource Bookshelf, (6th Edition).


Education. (US), 2017.

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