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Phinma - University of Pangasinan

College of Education and Liberal Arts

Arellano Street, Dagupan City

The Integration of Technology

as a Learning Tool of 4th year BEED Students at

PHINMA-University of Pangasinan

Carganillo, Roy David

Estacio, Geline Mae

Ferrer, Marisol

Guerrero, Geneve Rose

Pamo, Nicole Ann

Rosario, Mary Joy

Research Questions:

This study is intent to seek information about The Integration of Technology as a

Learnings Tool of 4th year BEED Students at PHINMA-University of Pangasinan

Specifically it probes to answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact of technology integration as a learning tool in schools?

2. What are the challenges of the students using technology integration as a learning tool?

3. How does the integration of technology help students to meet their learning needs?

Local Review of Related Literature -

Technology becomes more and more integrated with daily life. Educators must take a modern

view on the utilization of technology to support inter-connected learning. This modern view

holds that technology gives the learner flexibility and the ability to be adaptable in multiple

scenarios and within different subject areas [8]. The purpose of this study is to know the

relationship of technology as a learning tool that help students’ motivation in education;

determine the level of student motivation in education towards the use of technology as a

learning tool and find out if there will be significant relationship between technology as learning

tool and its impact to the students' motivation in education among college students.Data

gathering was done through the use of questionnaires through an online survey. The

questionnaire is divided into three parts namely: demographic roles of college students; focus on

the student motivation aspects and; focuses on technology as a learning tool. The participants

selected were from the two institutes of Davao del Norte State College that contain larger

samples and clustered by the researchers and (54) students total is selected institutes enrolled in

their different programs.The correlational research method was used in this study; which purpose
is to find out the relationship between two or more variables. Results show that most of the

students use technology as their learning tool to boost their student engagement or

motivation. Findings indicated that in order to achieve good performance in school, they use

technology to help their studies and provided own learning that makes students more equipped;

moreover, by into real-world situations, students can understand complex concepts, which will

then increase competence. By adding technology into the classroom, teachers can utilize this

technology to differentiate instruction, motivate students, and include all skill levels.

The education sphere in the Philippines has been beleaguered with the same issues and

difficulties particularly on its logistics from the deficiency of instructional resources, facilities

and even schools to underpaid but overworked teachers. Nevertheless, Filipino culture still

places a high value on education; in fact, it is generally viewed as the great equalizer of

opportunities. The rapid progression of information and communications technology (ICT)

brought significant changes in the field of education from empowering new ways for people to

learn and work together (e-learning technology for instance) to transforming teaching and

learning processes. While the e-learning environment in the Philippines is still in its embryonic

stage, it has already been adopted and still spearheaded by prominent universities such as

University of the Philippines for their UP Open University (UPOU), University of Sto. Tomas

for their e-Learning Access Program (e- LeAP), De La Salle University for their integration of

Sakai educational software platform and other academic institutions that offer some form of

online courses. By proliferating and integrating e-learning technology in the Philippine

education system, the transformation of teaching and learning process increases the academic

achievements of Filipino college students.

In view of all this, the global education sector has been attempting to gather more

and more information on aspects that persuade students not just to incorporate e-learning into

their educational journey but also confidently warrant consideration in shaping future e-learning

developments. With the Internet getting more powerful day by day and along with it are the e-

learning environments as one of the direct beneficiaries, researchers and academicians have been

extending their studies into advanced courses and fields such as Engineering, Mathematics ,

Economics, Physics, Medicine and many more just to dive deeper into students’ perceptions.

Apart from these, there are also a lot of research papers that extensively study factors that affect

e-learning technology readiness and acceptance in different settings from neighboring countries

such as Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia to not so much outside Asia like Turkey and Sri Lanka up

to other continents like Africa and America. Everything considered, this paper aimed to examine

the factors of the Filipino college students’ behavioral intention to use LMS as part of their

education journey from the constructs of integrated multimedia instruction, perceived quality

work of life, system interactivity, internet connectivity experience, perceived ease of use,

perceived usefulness, and social media influence. With the help of this study, researchers and

software vendors could have a targeted and comprehensive understanding about Filipino

students’ perceptions on the use of LMS that can result to a better system delivery. As little

research has been done in the Philippine setting, this study intends to contribute to the literature

and provide a baseline for researchers who will conduct similar research in the future.

In adoption of the fast advancing technological developments in the international arena, the

education sector, the teachers primarily, must be provided with training and workshops for the

integration of ICT in the learning curricula. This is vital not only for the quality education that
will be afforded to the students but also for the internal development of the Department of

Education as an organization in itself. It also puts pressure on the quality and access of

education and on how to keep pace with the development of new digital technologies, and the

transition to a knowledge-based economy (Bonifacio, 2013). The currently emerging knowledge-

based economy elevates knowledge as ‘the most precious asset driving growth, wealth-creation,

and employment, and education serves as the key to economic and social mobility’ (Bonifacio,

2013). This is why ICT education is vital in the current age and on how it is integrated to

education, how accessible and functional are the facilities, and on how capable and

knowledgeable the teachers are, directs the course of ICT and its impact to the development of

the country. Hence, human performance in organizations, such as the Department of

Education, reflects on the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and values and added or expertly

performed abilities and skills, and these will help the organization to perform better and to

increase productivity; which is why ‘any expenditure on education and development is

considered a long term investment that the organization can benefit from (Rafiei & Davari,

2015). Not only is it for the benefit and productivity of the organization but also for the

quality and outcomes of its services. In light of this forwarded notion, investment to not only

facilities and infrastructures for ICT-led learning but also to the trainings and workshops that

must be provided to the teachers and staff must also remain as a priority to

effectively provide ICT literacy. In providing a deeper look into the integration of ICT to the

educational system of the Philippines, several papers will be reviewed. The first paper is the

paper of Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018) entitled, Promoting ICT education in

developing countries: Case Study in the Philippines. The second paper is a research work of
Bonifacio (2013) entitled, Developing Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Curriculum Standards for K-12 Schools in the Philippines. These papers were handpicked to not

only provide an understanding of ICT in the Philippine Educational setting but also how ICT

integration to education evolved after the new educational system was set up under the Aquino

administration. The first reviewed paper was written by Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka

(2016) entitled, Promoting ICT education in developing countries: Case Study in the

Philippines. The paper generally highlighted the ICT education settings through a depiction of

the situation in Journal of Governance and Public Policy two schools from the rural (100 kms

from Manila) and suburbs (50 kms from Manila). It was first and foremost emphasized that

despite the wide adoption of ICT in developed countries, in the Philippines, a developing

country, there is a gap of accessibility present between rural and urban areas of the country. This

said gap was grounded by Kubota, Yamamoto and Morioka (2018) in the educational setting by

delving into the ICT-adoption statuses of schools in the country. The need for ICT integration to

the educational set-up of the schools are given emphasis as it is part of the goal of the

government of the Philippines that ‘a people-centered inclusive and development-

oriented information society, where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information

and knowledge’, is established (Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka, 2018: 3). Also, the new

millennium ushered in an information revolution that puts pressure to the countries to catch up

to the latest technological developments. One of the key policy actions of the government, under

the Department of Education was the introduction of the subject, Technology and Home

Economics (THE), a subject combining the Home Economic and Livelihood Education (HELE)

in the secondary level (Magno, 2006; Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka, 2018). Furthermore,
Kubota, Yamamoto, and Morioka (2018:3) also highlighted the key policies of the Philippine

Department of Education that emboldens the integration of ICT in the curriculum of education.

These are as stated: Technology must be studied as a separate subject, and then applied to

other learning areas as a tool for learning how to learn. Teaching-learning must not be

textbook-driven but should include the application of ICT, whenever appropriate. An education

modernization program will equip schools with facilities, equipment, materials and skills,

and introduce new learning and delivery system, capitalizing on recent technological

developments In addition, the Philippine Department of Education introduced the Basic

Education Curriculum (BEC) integrating ICT through the following key mandates:

1. School computerization

2. Teacher training

3. IT curriculum development

4. Multimedia content development

5. Financing

6. Monitoring and evaluation

Following this policy effort, is the introduction of the Philippine Education Technology Master

Plan which has the following operational targets (Bonifacio, 2013: 5): (1) all public secondary

schools shall be provided with an appropriate educational technology package; (2) 75% of

public secondary schools shall have a computer laboratory room equipped with basic

multimedia equipment; (3) all public secondary schools shall have an electronic library system;

(4) 75% of Journal of Governance And Public Policy public secondary schools teachers shall

have been trained in basic computer skills and the use of the Internet and computer-aided
instruction; and (5) all learning areas of the curriculum shall be able to integrate the application

of ICT, where appropriate.

International Review of Related Literature -

As we all are now living in a digital age and the learners of today’s generation have different

needs and requirements. The learning must not be limited to the classroom only; it must be

confined outside the classroom also. Digital technology has the potential for making a

substantial contribution to enriching education for all areas of Curriculum that strives for

Excellence. If the technology is effectively used, it will result in enhancing the teaching and

learning by digital technology (Edinburgh, 2016). In our day to day life, the advancement of

technology is increasing all over the world and in everyone’s life. Many jobs were not having

any requirement of technology but now are in dire need of technology (Costley, 2014). Many

individuals are using technology in their daily routine of life. The individual’s day starts with

their alarm on the phone and ends up with whatsapp messages. Youngsters feel happy and

satisfied to make use of technology and due to this, we can integrate technology in education

for making the teaching-learning process systemic and efficient so that the learners can learn in

a good and happy mood. Technology has originally come from the Greek word tecnologia. The

word technologia became technology and it came into existence. The word was used in the

seventeenth century for the first time. Many people think that the word technology only means

mobile, internet, computer, laptop etc. They further believe that technology is nearby to them,

the growth among them like new languages, the building of new websites and the new creativity

in the field of computers that is only the technology. But if we talk about the proper

meaning of technology, it means the scientific knowledge that can be used for solving many
practical problems especially in the field of commerce and industry. Various types of materials

and methods are being used for solving the practical problems that denote that the technology is

not restricted to computers and the internet only. It is much wider than that. The satellite and

switchboards in our houses are also a part of technology. Technology Changes because the needs

and requirements of human beings are unlimited. The successful completion of various

activities and tasks in different sectors like the use of technology in the educational sector

have been applied for improving and making the teaching- learning process more

appropriate, effective and efficient for the students as well as for the teachers. Students in today’s

schools are lucky enough to have access to many technology equipment and Internet

technologies (Baytak et. al., 2011). While incorporating technology in teaching makes lessons

fun and joyful for the students, the students can learn at their own pace that is anywhere and at

any time they can easily access the desired content with the help of technology and can learn

easily. “How teachers learn subject matter is not necessarily the way their students will need to

be taught in the 21st century” (Niess, 2005, p. 509). Technological use in teaching and learning

can bring improvement in the performance of students and can bring positive learning

outcomes. While making use of technological equipment like Interactive Whiteboard, the

interest among learners can be increased towards learning. The students can learn easily and

then the classroom will become a happier place of learning for each student whether the child is

a slow learner, backward, or a disabled. Teachers can teach the students by applying various

technological skills which also helps them to improve their teaching in a more advanced way

i.e. according to the need and interest of the child the teacher designs his or her teaching


In today’s schools and classrooms learning with technology is of utmost importance. The

worldwide educational systems, researchers, parents, governments, leaders, and teachers

considered the technology to be a dire need of the child’s education. In Australia it was

recognized that technological advances influence the people's way of sharing, creating, using

and developing information in society. The young people must be highly skilled in using

information and communication technologies (ICT). The teachers who have been teaching for

many years can integrate with the recently graduated teachers. The reason behind this is that

recently graduated teachers are well aware of the technology and can benefit their colleagues.

These two groups of teachers can work together for planning lessons that use the strengths

of the teaching and learning process of both (Ranasinghe & Leisher, 2009). There is a need to

prepare students for society and also to keep pace with society are the main reasons behind

using technology in education. Researchers and educators have pointed to the technology for

increasing motivation and engagement among the learners. Catering for the various styles of

learning and for improving the learning outcomes. For making the teaching-learning process

more effective the teacher uses various technological tools for the learners and the

technological tools help enrich the effective teaching-learning process. Teachers in the

teaching-learning process can use these modern technologies to build their assessment, to convey

the tasks to those students for which it is made (Majid, 2019).

1. Easy class

Easy class is a free and simple online learning management system. It is made especially for

the educators and the students. Here, the teachers can create online courses for the students and

they can access at any time, and at any pace. Teachers can make important announcements and
share materials and files in a well-organized and systematic manner. It includes

assignments, class discussions, quizzes, and even exams and results. The grade points of the

students are also being updated including the feedback to the students that is provided at the end

of the exam and then it is displayed to the students by utilizing this platform. This tool provides

opportunities to the teachers for engaging the students in different activities through which a

dimension for interaction and the learning increases and becomes efficient. The main aim of

this online platform is to democratize and to promote global education among the learner

community by providing them with free access to the platform.

2. Microsoft Teams

It is a hub for teamwork in office 365 which brings everything together where people can work

in teams by cooperating and collaborating. It includes various options like chatting knowing the

opinions and each other’s personality along with the use of emoji’s, gifs and stickers. A team of

10 or 10,000 people can meet in one place and it does not matter from where they belong.

There is also a calling option in Microsoft teams where the calling is done in teams and even

they all can collaborate in one place no matter whether they are from different regions or any

part of the country. In teams, they can share, access and even edit word documents, PowerPoint

and Excel files in real-time. This type of technology has united many minds together and due to

which they have achieved their aims and objectives to be accomplished. Microsoft Teams is

a place where online documents, announcements, favorite websites, discussions, grade books,

and the videos can be found by the students easily (Williams, 2020).

3. Zoom Classrooms

It is also one of the tools for learning management systems. The web-based video conferencing

and digital classroom system allow communicating face to face, two-way video & audio where
up to 100 people can join. They can be in small groups or large groups. For using the zoom

platform as a teacher, instructor or an educator we need a device with the microphone and a

camera. It increases student’s participation and learning retention with the combination of virtual

and hybrid classrooms and also micro-learning. Zoom has many innovative features that help a

teacher in delivering online lessons. It can be delivered by engaging students with a chat feature,

using videos, sharing and recording lessons. For using the zoom tool you need to download the

zoom software by using the link It can also be downloaded from the mobile

phone and the main device must be desktop or laptop. All you need is to make a schedule of

meeting or lesson for getting a link (Personal Meeting ID) which can be shared by the educator

with the students and the students can use that link for their identification. The feature of

zoom helps teachers for exploring and accessing the skills while interacting with students. It

makes lessons more interactive and the students can also record the lessons and they can use the

recording at any time for learning. Participants can join this online platform by using the basic

(free) package and then if they need more they can buy by using paid monthly

packages/add -on packages.

4 . Near pod

Near pod is also one tool that is made for the student's Engagement. It is a Platform where

the interactive lessons were being practiced by the teachers. Near pod offers teachers an easy-to-

use tool for creating interactive lesson plans, presentations, assessments, and digital content.

Near pod allows teachers to create digital lesson plans, share it with students during class, and

track individual progress. Lessons are teacher-created slides that can include text, video,

images, websites, questions, quizzes, polls, and assignments. Students can follow the lesson on
their own devices at their own pace or teachers can lead a synchronized session where students

can follow the lesson in real- time.

5. Mentimeter

Mentimeter is an interactive learning platform where you can make your audience feel

involved by enabling them to contribute to the presentations with smartphones and showing the

live results. A Swedish company that finds innovative ways to create presentations with real-

time feedback. The web and app interface enables users to share knowledge and real-time

feedback on mobile. Mentimeter has a lot of other options like presentations, polls or

brainstorming sessions in classes, meetings, gatherings, conferences and other group activities. A

teacher after uploading the desired PowerPoint Presentation creates a unique six-digit code. The

students who want to access that content are directed to enter the unique code to start viewing the

PowerPoint on the web. The Swedish based company was ranked as Stockholm’s fastest-

growing company of the 2018 edition of the Dagens Industri Gasell Award. Make your

audience feel involved by enabling them to contribute to presentations with their smartphones

and show them the live results.

6. Google Form

Google form is used in the area of business and educational purposes. It is a free online teaching

and learning platform which everyone can easily use. It is used mostly by the educators which

allow them to create forms, quizzes, result declaration grading, item analysis, surveys and

collaborative editing. The form can be shared with other people. Google forms are also used for

assessing the students and for checking the child’s previous knowledge. These forms can be

applied for giving and receiving feedback from the students and parents also. Similarly, the

students can make use of Google forms for accessing their learning and they can fix the learning
goals for collecting data for research projects. While using Google forms it provides templates

for users like feedback and course evaluation. For designing our own Google form we can

select the blank template. Many types of questions can be asked in Google form which

includes short answer, multiple-choice, responses through paragraph, checkboxes, linear scales

etc. we can also include images and videos directly in the form which helps in accessing the

students' thinking and learning after they have viewed the image or video. The data collected

from Google forms are collected by using Google spreadsheet, which provides further


7. Google Classrooms

Google Classroom is an online teaching-learning platform and a free web service that

has been developed by Google for schools. Here the teachers can create online classrooms

where they can upload the teaching material and can conduct online quizzes. The main purpose

of Google Classrooms is to update and share the files between teachers and learners. It is a

combination of Google Drive, Google docs, slides and sheets for writing. Gmail is used for

communication and the Google calendar for scheduling. The students are invited to join a

Google classroom through a code and later on the calendar was integrated.

8. Google Hangouts Meet

Google Hangouts Meet is a video communication service that was developed by Google. It

is a combination of two apps. One is the new version of Google Hangouts, and another is the

Google hangouts chat. The new meet experience provides the outline for connecting with people

on campus or outside the campus. You can have 5 people joining your conference at a time

through the use of Video Conferencing. The students and teachers are connected for the purpose

of teaching and learning.

9. YouTube Videos

Youtube was started as a video distribution platform in the year 2005 and now it has become the

most popular and most visited site across the world. It is an important tool of teaching and used

mostly by educators for the purpose of teaching. It can also be used for some other purposes like

advertising for running their business in many different fields. Educators can make their

classroom channel and all the lectures were uploaded in videos in the form of content, audios and

videos. After the site has been launched some educational institutions like open courseware

and TED have started using it for distributing their content through online mode in the form

of videos. Apart from all these, we can also make use of synchronous mode where the teacher

and learners both are present at the same time and asynchronous mode is also there where

Teaching-learning material is posted online and the learners can learn whenever they get the time

and according to their wish they can learn. Educators can record their course video lectures and

then they can upload them on any learning management system. Some instructors can use

various social media sites for their content display like they can make groups on Facebook,

WhatsApp and many others also.


The technology pace in society and in schools has been exponential and will continue to be

so. Teachers are using technology for supporting their role in equipping the students with

structure and advice, checking progress and evaluating their activities. Students are using

technology for conducting research projects, analyzing data, solving problems, designing

products and assessing their work. Students can work with others to create and communicate

new knowledge and understandings. The strategies based on the theories of learning that allow

the teachers to provide different learning experiences for their students. With time the technology
is changing all the time and what we know about how to use that technology effectively. The

teacher must develop practice and understanding regarding technological use to help the students

learn effectively.

Technology was once used to be viewed as redundant tools for education. Even technologies

like blackboard and book were viewed as radical tools when they were first introduced (Haran,

2015). Educational technology is now considered to be inseparable from learning (Jegede,

Fraser, & Curtin, 1995), development and research in science (Guzey & Roehrig, 2012), and

even the very notion of technology (Putri, 2016). However, educational technology “has not been

fully integrated into the field of education” (Guzey & Roehrig, 2012, p. 62). On the other hand,

tremendous amount of financial resources has been invested in educational technology. Adkins

(2018) reports that, in 2017, global funding going to global educational technology companies

reached a new record of $9.56 billion. Between 1997 and 2017, $37.8 billion were invested in

educational technology companies and 62% of that amount was invested in the last three years

(Shulman, 2018). Yet, most of the teachers struggle to use (Rebora, 2016) or do not use

technology in meaningful ways (Guzey & Roehrig, 2012). Moreover, misuse of technology is

becoming widespread in the classrooms (Fox, 2018, p. 28; Glendinning, 2018; Hyndman, 2018;

Ribble & Bailey, 2004). Hence, in spite of a considerable amount of investment, there seems to

be obstacles to technology integration in education. Another issue with technology integration is

the impact of technology on how teachers actually teach. Even when it is implemented,

educational technology seems to be not transforming how teachers teach. Herold (2015) argues

that teachers have been significantly slow to transform the ways they teach. Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation designed and funded “The Intensive Partnerships for Effective Teaching”
initiative, launching in 2009, as a multiyear effort to dramatically improve student outcomes by

increasing students’ access to effective teaching (Gutierrez, Weinberger, & Engberg, 2018).

RAND Corporation conducted a six-year evaluation of the program and concluded that the

program failed to achieve its goals for improved student achievement and graduation (Stecher et

al., 2018a, p. 1). RAND Corporation noted that making lasting changes to how teachers teach is

difficult and the results from the evaluation of the initiative demonstrate the challenges of getting

schools and teachers to embrace big changes (Will, 2018). Remarkably, teachers were highly

motivated to change their teaching for lessons that were going to be observed in order “to

improve their observation scores and receive salary increases”, however, “they were not so

motivated to make lasting changes in their practice” (Stecher et al., 2018b, pp. 280-281).

Incentives for encouraging and motivating teachers to integrate educational technology into their

lessons seem to be more crucial than what is believed to be especially if the goal is to make

lasting changes in teachers’ practice. In order to put the importance of factors influencing

technology integration into perspective, significance of educational technology should be taken

into consideration. Oxford Dictionaries defines technology as “the application of scientific

knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry” (“Technology”, 2018b). Merriam-

Webster Dictionaries defines it as “the practical application of knowledge especially in a

particular area” and “a capability given by the practical application of knowledge”

(“Technology”, 2018a). Borgmann (2006) argues that technology forms and changes the culture

and is harmful when used injudiciously or excessively. Therefore, educational technology is the

practical application of knowledge for educational purposes. Association for Educational

Communications and Technology defines educational technology as “the study and ethical

practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing
appropriate technological processes and resources” (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008, p. 1).

Remarkably, definition of the field is unsparing in the use of the word “ethical”. Emphasis on

ethics evokes Borgmann’s argument regarding injudicious and excessive use of technology

(2006) and Fox’s argument regarding misuse of technology (2018). It is not hard to estimate the

vitality of technology in education especially considering the importance, role, and impact of

technology in our daily lives. Educational technology is an extensive part of modern education

and may give way to far-reaching undesired consequences when it is not Challenges in

Integrating Technology Into Education Turkish Studies - Information Technologies and Applied

Sciences properly employed. For example, contemporary distance education is almost entirely

provided by Internet based educational technologies. According to the Distance Education

Enrollment Report of Babson Survey Research Group, as of 2017, 29.7% of all students are

taking at least one distance course in higher education and 83.0% of those students are studying

at the undergraduate level (Allen & Seaman, 2017, p. 4). Additionally, Technology is argued

to be one of the most effective factors in school improvement “not only for the purpose of

teaching and learning but also for administrative use” (Ghavifekr, Afshari, Siraj, & Seger,

2013, p. 1344). Educational institutions with thousands of students almost completely rely on

technology for the management of the institution and the service they provide. Therefore,

integration of technology into education is vital, “inevitable and cannot be avoided”

(Ghavifekr, Afshari, Siraj, & Seger, 2013, p. 1344). Hence, obstacles to integration should

be investigated, determined, and countered with practical solutions in order to achieve

successful, efficient, and productive implementation of educational technology. According to

“Education at a glance 2018” report published by Organisation for Economic Co- operation and

Development, Turkey is not one of the leading countries among OECD countries regarding
education (OECD, 2018). According to Turan (2002), technology and its use has not been

institutionalized in educational establishment including public universities in Turkey. He argues

that Turkey’s fundamental educational problems ranging from general understanding of

education to current situation of classrooms hinder effective integration of technology into

education. Nevertheless, in 2011, Turkish government put an ambitious plan into effect for

enhancing technology integration, titled “FATIH Project”. The project was defined as “the

greatest and most comprehensive educational movement regarding the use of technology in

education ever carried into effect in the world, which is designed for every student to reach the

best education, top-quality content, and for establishing the equality of opportunity in

education” (“About FATIH Project”, n.d.). Project aimed at broadband internet and

multifunction printer for every school; interactive whiteboard and wireless network for every

classroom; tablet computer, access to a government sponsored educational content website,

email account, cloud account, learning management system account, and content development

studio for every teacher; and finally a digital ID, tablet computer, access to a government

sponsored educational content website, mail account, cloud account, and access to personalized

instructional material for every student. However, after 7 years of large-scale investment, the

project remained inconclusive and Turkish Ministry of National Education (TMNE) shifted

its focus to “process based and instrumentalist” approaches which take “functionality” into

consideration and which “concentrate upon the content” (Ministry of National Education,

2018). Turkey’s bitter experience with large-scale investment in educational technology

indicates that integration of technology into education is a major problem in Turkey too.

In order to overcome the obstacles to successful, effective, and efficient implementation of

educational technology, stakeholders should set sight on teachers. Teachers are tasked not only

with introducing new technologies to learners but also with developing and delivering instruction

that are designed with use of those technologies in mind. Stecher et al. state that “teachers remain

the most salient in-school factor in determining student outcomes, and thus improving teaching is

a plausible lever for improvement” (2018b, p. 502). But getting teachers embrace new changes to

their way of teaching is difficult “especially when state and local policies are in flux” (Will,

2018). Moreover, changes in governments’ laws, regulations, and practices influence the

implementation of the reforms (Stecher et al., 2018a, p. 7). As in Turkey, in most of the

countries, governments are the most influential actors in education. For instance, “public

institutions continue to educate the largest proportion of distance students” (Allen & Seaman,

2017, p. 4). A solution to the challenges technology integration is facing should not be designed

without taking the government officials and administrators in national education establishment

into account. Therefore, administrators working in ministry of education in addition to teachers

and faculty members may be considered as more influential actors on the issue of technology


In order to overcome obstacles, those obstacles should be identified. Identifying the

problem is the most important step in problem analysis and decision making (Kepner & Tregoe,

2013; Lunenburg, 2010). Therefore, in order to contribute to the scientific understanding of

integration of technology into education, a survey was conducted on professionals who were

selected by TMNE on the basis of their expertise in their areas of responsibility and who

attended the 19th National Education Council to identify the perceived obstacles to technology

integration in Turkey. Associations of the categories of perceived obstacles with demographic

variables were further investigated for exploring whether personal and professional differences

can predict how obstacles to technology integration are perceived.

References of Local Review of Related Literature:









References of International Review of Related Literature:





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