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The Effectiveness of Mixed Philippine Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus) and Sunflower

Seed Oil as An Alternative Treatment Solution for Acne Among the Grade-12 Student of
Life College, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines

A Research Paper presented in

The Faculty of Senior High School Department Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics, Life College Incorporated

Puerto Princesa City

Serdon, Christine Shane

Ramirez, Divine Grace S.

April 21, 2022


Title Page i

Table of Contents ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv


1.1. Background of the Study 1

1.2. Statement of the Problem 3

1.3. Objective of the Study (Main and Specific) 3

1.4. Significance of the Study 3

1.5. Scope and Delimitation 4

1.6. Conceptual Framework 5

1.7. Research Hypothesis 5

1.8. Definition of Terms 6


2.1. Skin Types 8

2.2. Acne Triggering Factors 11

2.3. Types of Acne 12

2.4. Acne 15

2.5. Conventional Treatment for Acne 16

2.6. Philippines Oregano 19

2.7. Anti-Bacterial Property of Oregano 19

2.8. Anti-Inflammatory Property of Oregano 22

2.9. Antiproliferative Property of Oregano 23

2.10. Anti-oxidant Property of Oregano 25

2.11. Effects Against Skin Diseases 25

2.12. Wound Healing Activities 26

2.13. Activity Against Other Disease 26

2.14. Sunflower Oil 27


3.1. Methodology 28

3.2. Schematic Paradigm 28

3.3. Research Design 29

3.4. Research Locale 29

3.5. Sample and Sampling Techniques 30


4.1. Sample Population 34

4.2. Presence of Inflammation, Redness, and Pus 35

4.3. Side Effects of Using the Oregano Treatment 39


5.1. Summary 43

5.2. Conclusions 43


6.1. References 45

6.2. Appendix 47

The researchers extend their gratitude to the following people; first, their parents, for

their endless support and financial assistance to make this research possible. Second, their

teachers, Ms. Anne Jessica Vargas, RN and Ms. Innah Alagao, for guiding them throughout the

research process and providing understanding for each of the topic in this paper. And of course,

the heavenly Father for keeping the researchers safe and sound, away from chaos and



This quasi research study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using Philippine

Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus) as an acne treatment for teenagers aged 17 to 19 years

old, G12 STEM students from Life College, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Studies showed that

acne had a major impact for teenage mental health. Having acne lowers their confidence and

hinders them to participate in study, work and any activity. The product’s main purpose is to

minimize acne inflammation, redness and pus in pustule and papule acne types. Respondents

for this study were 4 females and 3 males aged 17-19 years old, these respondents that tried

the oregano treatment for 7 days. They were given survey questionnaires to note their

experiences while using the product. Their responses were used as the basis of this research to

know how effective the product was. Results suggested that the treatment is found to be

effective and the results was visible within 7 days only. This treatment works with any skin type

especially on oily and combination skin types, which are most likely to be acne prone. This

treatment will be much beneficial to teenagers ages 17-19 since they are more prone to acne at

that age peek.



1.1. Background of the Study

Acne is a skin condition that happens when your hair follicles ended up clogging with oil

and dead skin cells. Skin breakout is most common among young people, in spite of the fact

that it influences individuals of all ages. Most commonly, acne affects the face, forehead, chest,

upper back, and shoulders. Skin breakouts can last decades for various women, with breakouts

occurring every week or during their monthly period. Excess oil (sebum) production, hair follicles

clogged by oil and dead skin cells, bacteria, and inflammation are the four fundamental causes

of acne, according to the Mayo Clinic (2020). Furthermore, there are certain factors that may

trigger or worsen acne such as hormonal changes that induce the sebaceous glands to grow

and produce more sebum in both males and females during puberty, certain corticosteroid,

testosterone, or lithium-based medicines, consuming certain foods including carbohydrate-rich

foods and, stress, since it may not cause acne but it does makes it worse if a person already

has it.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (2020), in research

studies, Individuals with skin breakouts have stated that their skin makes them feel unattractive,

ashamed, or self-conscious in studies. These feelings may prompt some kids to keep a safe

distance from trying out for sports, acquiring a part-time job, or enrolling in classes. A few

people claim that having their skin break out makes them feel anxious. Even a minor skin

blemish might have a negative impact on one's enthusiasm. This is especially true for young

women in high school. Young teenager ladies frequently express their dissatisfaction with their

appearance by claiming that skin breakouts make them feel unattractive. Given the potential for

such interactions and feelings to arise as a result of skin breakouts, it's no surprise that people

who suffer from skin breakouts commonly experience discouragement or discomfort.

There are several acne-treatment products on the market, but some of them include

harsh chemicals that might harm or worsen the skin condition. Other treatments, such as laser

treatment, are usually expensive and out of budget for most teenagers who are financially

reliant. Because of this, most people opt for cheaper and safer alternative acne remedy such as

using herbal medicine. Philippine Oregano, also known as (Plectranthus amboinicus) is a

famous herb used to flavor foods and commonly used as a form of herbal medicine. Southeast

Asian climate or specifically Philippines is suitable to grow oregano. Oregano can be used as

raw, dried or in an oil form. According to Glassman (2015), Fresh oregano has antimicrobial

properties. It contains phytonutrients (thymol and carvacrol) that combat staph infections. It's

high in antioxidants, as well as fiber, vitamin K, manganese, iron, vitamin E, tryptophan, and

calcium; these properties help prevent cell damage. Aside for having an antimicrobial property,

oregano contains anti-oxidants as well. According to Link (2017), Oregano is high in

antioxidants, which are compounds that assist the body battle cell damage. Oregano, when

combined with other high-antioxidant meals like fruits and vegetables, can deliver a powerful

dose of antioxidants that can help you live a healthier life. Antioxidants present in oregano.

These chemicals have the potential to not only neutralize cell damage, but also to help prevent

cancer. The main components of essential oil are thymol and carvacrol, which are found in all

kinds. In this research, we're developing a product based on Philippine Oregano (Plecranthus

amboinicus) to teenagers who are experiencing skin damages caused by acne. It can be an

efficient way to eliminate and control acne and different types of acne that teenagers struggle to

get rid of because of its antimicrobial properties. Oregano is a botanical herb, and we wanted to

make a chemical-free product that is kind on the skin of teenagers.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Teenage years is when acne starts to develop because of puberty, often times, acne

becomes their number one problem and insecurity. However, most of the acne-treatments,

although effective, contains harsh chemicals and are not budget-friendly. To address this

problem, this study provided data on how oregano and sunflower seed oil treatment can be

effective as an alternative acne treatment.

1. How effective is the oregano product to the skin that has been affected with acne?

2. What are the specific outcomes when the product is applied?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

This study aimed to provide and create an acne treatment using the Philippine Oregano

(Plectranthus amboinicus) and test its effectiveness based on the perception of chosen


Specific Objectives

1. To treat acne in teenagers without the use of harsh chemicals that can damage the skin


2. To reduce inflammatory of acne lesions

3. To improve the appearance of acne

4. To lessen the chance of scarring after the acne had been treated

5. To have an alternative solution on an existing acne problem

1.4. Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study was to find out how effective Philippine Oregano was as an

acne treatment for teenagers who have been dealing with acne during their puberty, as well as

any prior disorders that can promote or worsen acne development. This was particularly

significant for the following groups: teenagers can be treated for acne with this type of

treatment, which can help them improve their acne issues.

 Teenagers with mild to severe acne, either short-term or long-term, can use this

treatment for the necessary amount of time to get the desired results.

 To parents, they can refer this type of treatment to their children to treat their acne.

They do not need to worry about their children’s acne affecting their mental and

psychological health. They can feel at ease knowing that once their children try this

treatment, good results can start showing and acne can be controlled.

 To schools, teachers can suggest this treatment to students that experience bullying at

schools because of their acne conditions. This can help them to make students more

confident about themselves and overcoming their insecurities.

 To medical clinics, this study can be a reference for them to create more acne

treatments for more acne types in the future.

1.5. Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of Philippine Oregano as an

acne treatment for acne-prone teenagers. The researcher focused on teenagers aging 17-19

among other age group; the reason for this was because they were the ones who were most-

likely prone to acne and are experiencing extreme acne break-out because of puberty.

Moreover, Philippine Oregano was chosen among other herbal medicine because it is the herb

that can be seen almost anywhere and has been used traditionally to cure illnesses. In addition,

according to Medical News Day (2019), it contains antimicrobial properties such as carvacrol

and thymol which are the main components of oregano essential oil.

1.6. Conceptual Framework

ACNE DEVELOPMENT Effectiveness of Philippine

(Mediating Variable) Orgeano
(Independent Variable)
(Dependent Variables)


(Moderating Variable) (Control Variable)

Figure 1. The schematic presentation of conceptual framework for this study

As shown in Figure 1, this study used skin types as independent variable and the effectiveness
of Philippine Oregano as the dependent variable. Moreover, Oregano oil with sunflower seed oil
was used as the moderating variable and acne development as the mediating variable. The
skincare is the control variable identified.
1.7. Research Hypothesis

This research tested the following hypotheses:

Null Hypothesis: A mixture of Philippine Oregano oil and Sunflower Seed oil will not be effective

on treating acne to teenagers

Alternative Hypothesis: A mixture of Philippine Oregano oil and Sunflower Seed oil will be

effective on treating acne to teenager

1.8. Definition of Terms

Acne- a chronic skin disease common in adolescence,involving inflammation of

the sebaceous glands and characterized by pustules on the face, neck, and upper trunk.

Papule - a small, usually inflammatory, elevation of the skin; pimple.

Whiteheads - are small, white, raised bumps on the skin. They form when oil and skin collect in

the pores. Whiteheads are also known as closed comedones and pimples.

Blackheads - a small plug of darkened sebum and dead skin cells that fills a pore of the skin

especially on the face. — called also comedo, open comedo.

Inflammation - a painful redness or swelling of a part of your body that results from an

infection, injury, or illness.

Cysts - is a growth containing liquid that appears inside your body or under your skin.

Comedones - the technical name for blackhead.

Acne vulgare – medicinal name for acne.

Antiproliferative - of or pertaining to a substance used to prevent or retard the spread of cells,

esp. malignant cells, into surrounding tissues.

Antioxidant - compounds that inhibit oxidation, a chemical reaction that can produce free

radicals and chain reactions that may damage the cells of organisms.

Antimicrobial - Destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and especially

pathogenic microorganisms.

Carvacrol - a liquid phenol C₁₀H₁₄O found in essential oils of various mints (such as thyme)

and used especially as a fungicide and disinfectant.

Thymol - C₁₀H₁₄O, is a natural monoterpenoid phenol derivative of p-Cymene, isomeric with

carvacrol, found in oil of thyme, and extracted from Thymus vulgaris, ajwain, and various other

plants as a white crystalline substance of a pleasant aromatic odor and strong antiseptic


Concentration – in Science - the measure of how much of a given substance there is mixed

with another substance.


2.1. Skin Types

When it comes to treating skin issues, knowing our skin type is beneficial. We want to

make sure that the active applied on our face is suited for our skin, because some treatments

do not work on certain skin types. We choose the ingredients for a new skin treatment

depending on the condition we wish to address, but the texture of the product is based on our

skin type. Acne, rosacea, eczema, and malassezia are just a few examples of skin problems

which can affect any skin type, including dry, oily, combination of oily and dry, and normal skin.

(Iselin, 2022)

2.1.1. Normal Skin Type

According to Kate Iselin from Skin Software (2022) Any skin that isn't excessively dry or

greasy qualifies as normal. If you go a few days without using any creams on your face and

your skin feels alright, you most likely have normal skin. Moreover, it was mentioned by Annie

Stuart (2021) that a normal skin type has the following qualities: There are no or few flaws, there

is no extreme sensitivity, pores that are hardly visible and a glowing skin tone. (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Normal Skin Type

2.1.2. Dry Skin Type

Itchy, irritated, or inflamed skin can crack or peel (Figure 3).  It can become rough and

scaly if it's really dry, especially on the backs of your hands, arms, and legs. Your genes, aging

or hormonal changes, weather such as wind, sun, or cold, ultraviolet (UV) radiation from tanning

beds, indoor heating, long, hot baths and showers, substances in soaps, cosmetics, or

cleansers, and medications can all cause or aggravate dry skin. Almost imperceptible pores, a

dull, harsh complexion, red patches, less elastic skin, and more apparent wrinkles are all

characteristics of dry skin. (Stuart, 2021)

Figure 3. Dry Skin Type

2.1.3. Oily Skin Type

Natural oils are secreted by the skin to keep it hydrated, but for oily skin, this process

can go into overdrive, especially if the pores are wide (TODAY, 2019). Skin produces a lot of oil

from its pores if you have oily skin (Figure 4). Even if you do not apply any treatments on your

skin, it may feel greasy, and you may notice an oily shine on specific sections of your face. If

you are wearing makeup or sunscreen, you may need to clean or blot your face frequently

(Iselin, 2022). Dr. Doris Day, founder of Day Dermatology and Aesthetics in New York City, told

TODAY Style “The bigger the pore, the more active the oil glands, and the more active the oil

glands, the more they’ll secrete”.

Figure 4. Oily Skin Type

2.1.4. Sensitive Skin Type

According to TODAY Style (2019), Baumann remarked, "Sensitive skin is skin that is

prone to inflammation." The author said that persons with sensitive skin are more likely to have

allergic reactions to particular substances, so they should avoid extremely harsh compounds in

all of their beauty products, not just skin care. It can present itself as redness, itching, burning,

or dryness. (Stuart, 2021; Figure 5)

Figure 5. Sensitive Skin Type

2.1.5. Combination Skin Type

Some regions of your skin may be dry or normal, while others, such as the T-zone, may

be oily (nose, forehead, and chin). This personality trait can be found in a lot of people (Figure

6). It may necessitate slightly different treatment in various places. Pores that appear larger than

normal due to their openness, blackheads, and shiny skin can all be signs of combination skin

(Stuart, 2021). According to Iselin (2022) people with combination skin may have difficulty

choosing the correct skin treatments since a thick, creamy moisturizer may feel good on the

drier regions of the face but not on the oilier parts.

Figure 6. Combination Skin Type

2.2. Acne Triggering Factors

Based on the study from Cleveland Clinic (2020) Acne is primarily a hormonal disorder

triggered by androgen hormones, which peak in activity during teenage years. Acne is caused

by sensitivity to these hormones, which can be exacerbated by surface germs on the skin and

fatty acids in the oil glands. Acne can be caused by and/or made worse by a number of factors,

including: fluctuating hormone levels around a woman's period, picking at acne sores, clothing

and headgear, such as hats and sports helmets, air pollution and certain weather conditions,

particularly high humidity, using oily or greasy personal care products (such as heavy lotions,

creams, or hair pomades and waxes), or working in an area where you regularly come into

contact with grease.

2.3. Types of Acne

Acne vulgaris is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles are blocked with dead

skin cells, bacteria, and oil (sebum). Acne vulgaris is estimated to affect about 50 million people

in the U.S. About 85% of teenagers are affected by acne, but it can occur in any age group with

many cases persisting into adulthood. Acne vulgaris is a common acne prevalent in 99% of the

acne cases and it is differentiated mainly based on lesion type as well as the underlying cause.

The lesions seen in acne vulgaris are comedones, papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and, in

some cases, scarring (Ramli et al., 2012). More from the study of Palmer 2022, it was discussed

that Hormones, oil, and bacteria all have a role in the development of acne vulgaris. During

puberty, androgen levels rise, and the sebaceous glands generate more sebum, an oily

material. Sebum and dead skin cells usually come up through the hair follicles and exit the skin

through the pores. Acne occurs when sebum, skin cells, and bacteria clog the follicles,

preventing the sebum from escaping via the pores. As you hit early adulthood, your hormone

levels may drop to the point where acne begins to fade.

2.3.1. Whiteheads

A whitehead is an acne lesion that develops when oil and skin cells obstruct the hair

follicle's entrance. This normally appears as little, pale pimples on the skin's surface and

beneath it. Milia is a little white lump that forms when usually sloughed skin cells become

retained in microscopic pockets on the skin's surface. They are common on the bridge of the

nose and the top cheeks (Ramli et al., 2012). Moreover, according to Palmer (2022), If you have

mild acne, you probably have less than 20 blackheads or whiteheads. Whiteheads are small

flesh-colored or whitish blemishes, while blackheads have a dark center. You might also

develop pimples, which are round, inflamed whiteheads on the skin (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Whitehead appearance on skin

2.3.2. Blackheads

A blackhead, as mentioned in the study of Ramli et al., (2012), is a non-inflammatory

acne lesion that is filled with excess oil and dead skin cells. Blackhead is called an open

comedo because the surface of the skin remains open with a dark appearance such as black

and brown color (Figure 8). There will be more blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples if you have

moderate acne (Palmer, 2022).

Figure 8. Blackheads appearance on skin

2.3.3. Papules/Pustules

Swelling, heat, redness and pain occur as a reaction of tissue to disease and these

symptoms are classified as inflammation. It is caused by chemical irritation from sebum

mechanism for instance fatty free acids. Papules become visible on the skin as a small and firm

pink bump. Frequently, papules are considered an intermediary step between non-inflammatory

and inflammatory, but obviously, papules are inflammatory lesions. Pustules are full of visible

pus, which emerges red at the base with a yellowish or a whitish center with small round lesions

that are inflamed (Figure 9A). Pustules do not contain a large number of bacteria. Papules and

pustules comprise about 90% of the total cases (Ramli et al., 2012; Figure 9B)


Figure 9. Papule and pustule appearance on the skin.

2.3.4. Nodules/Cystic Acne

A nodule is similar to a papule, but is greater than either 5 or 10 mm in both width and

depth, and most frequently centered in the skin. Cysts are large pus-filled lesions that are

usually present deep within the skin (Figure 10). The cysts are very painful lesions, as they are

inflammatory. Cysts form as a result of the contents of a comedo spilling over the surrounding

skin and due to the response of the local immune system in producing pus. The cysts often

leave deep scars (Ramli et al., 2012). Widespread blemishes with nodules or cysts, which are

larger and more solid than pimples, are signs of severe acne. Pimples are less painful than

nodules and cysts (Palmer, 2022).

Figure 10. Appearance of nodules/cystic acne on the skin.

2.4. Acne

As stated in the research of Bhate & Williams (2012), Acne affects practically everyone

between the ages of 15 and 17 years 11–13, and acne is moderate to severe in 15–20 percent

of young individuals. Acne prevalence rates by age 16 and census data from 1996 suggested

that 40–50 million people in the United States have acne, with an 85% prevalence rate in those

aged 12–24 years. The severity of acne in boys was found to be connected to pubertal

development, with 50% of 10- and 11-year-old boys having more than 10 comedones.

According to similar study, 78 percent of females aged 8 to 12 developed acne. The severity of

acne worsened with age, and pre-pubertal girls with severe acne had significantly greater levels

of dehydroepi-androsterone sulphate. Acne is continuously among the top three most common

skin problems in the general population, which was according to extensive surveys conducted in

the United Kingdom, France, and the United States. Acne can have a variety of physical and

emotional impacts. Physically, according to Morrison, Jeanne from SHARECARE (2022), large

and painful lumps of pus can form abscesses on the skin in those with severe acne. The skin

usually recovers properly after pimples heal in mild and moderate acne, but in severe acne, the

skin may be permanently damaged even after cysts and abscesses heal.

Acne vulgaris affects 85 % of adolescents, begins in preadolescence, and lasts into

adulthood. It is linked to an increased prevalence of mood disorders, psychiatric

hospitalizations, school absenteeism, unemployment, and suicidal ideation. The estimated

financial burden of acne in the United States is $3 000 000 000 per year, according to a 2019

study of 87 053 155 admissions from the 2002–2012 US National Inpatient Sample. Primary

admissions for depression, schizophrenia, and disorders linked to alcohol use, development,

impulse control, anxiety, adjustment, personality, substance use, and attention

deficit/hyperactivity disorder are all included. Furthermore, patients with acne are more likely

than those without acne to have 1 mental health disorder (43.7 percent vs 20.0 percent,

respectively).  Acne and the resulting postinflammatory hyperpigmentation negatively impact

self-perception, social interactions, and quality-of-life scores in adolescents. Acne has been

linked to higher rates of unemployment and has a negative impact on self-esteem and self-

identity in adolescents. (Habeshian & Cohen, 2020)

2.5. Conventional Treatment for Acne

According to Mayo Clinic (2022), Acne treatments reduce oil production and puffiness while

also treating bacterial infections. Most prescription acne medications take four to eight weeks to

show benefits. Acne can last for months or even years before it clears up completely. The

doctor's recommended treatment schedule is determined by the patient's age, the type and

severity of acne, and the patient's willingness to commit. For example, for several weeks,

patients may need to wash and apply treatments to the affected skin twice a day. Topical

treatments and drugs taken orally (oral meds) are frequently used together. Because of the

potential of side effects, treatment choices for pregnant women are restricted.

2.5.1. Antibiotics

There are a variety of oral drugs available.  For Antibiotics, oral antibiotics may be required

to reduce bacteria in moderate to severe acne. A tetracycline (minocycline, doxycycline) or a

macrolide is usually the first choice for treating acne (erythromycin, azithromycin). People who

cannot take tetracyclines, such as pregnant women and children under the age of eight, may

benefit from a macrolide. To avoid antibiotic resistance, oral antibiotics should be administered

for as little period as feasible. They should also be used in conjunction with other antibiotics,

such as benzoyl peroxide, to limit the possibility of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics used to treat

acne seldom cause serious side effects. These medications do make your skin more sensitive

to the sun. (Mayo Clinic, 2022)

2.5.2. Combined oral contraceptives

The Food and Drug Administration has approved four combination oral contraceptives for

acne treatment in women who also want to use them for contraception. Progestin and estrogen

are combined in these products (Ortho Tri-Cyclen 21, Yaz, others). Because you may not notice

the benefits of this treatment for several months, combining it with other acne treatments for the

first few weeks may be beneficial. Weight gain, breast discomfort, and nausea are all common

side effects of combination oral contraceptives. These medicines have also been linked to an

increased risk of heart disease, breast cancer, and cervical cancer. (Mayo Clinic, 2022)

2.5.3. Anti-androgen agents

According to Mayo Clinic (2022), If oral antibiotics aren't working, women and adolescent

girls may be prescribed spironolactone (Aldactone). It works by preventing androgen hormones

from affecting the oil glands. Breast soreness and painful menstruation are two possible side


2.5.4. Isotretinoin

Isotretinoin (Amnesteem, Claravis, and other brands) is a vitamin A derivative. It may be

given for patients who have tried everything else and still have moderate or severe acne.

Inflammatory bowel illness, depression, and serious birth abnormalities are all possible side

effects of oral isotretinoin. Everyone who takes isotretinoin has to go through an FDA-approved

risk management program. They'll also need to see their doctors on a frequent basis to check

for adverse effects. (Mayo Clinic, 2022)

2.5.5. Light therapy

Light therapy is a treatment that involves the use of light. A number of light-based therapies

have been explored and found to be effective. The majority of them will necessitate several

visits to your doctor's office. To establish the best approach, light source, and dose, more

research is required. (Mayo Clinic, 2022)

2.5.6. Chemical peel

As stated by Mayo Clinic (2022), A chemical solution, such as salicylic acid, glycolic

acid, or retinoic acid, is applied repeatedly in this therapy. This is a minor acne treatment. It may

improve the appearance of the skin, but the effect is temporary, and subsequent treatments are

usually required.

2.5.7. Drainage and extraction

Whiteheads and blackheads (comedos) or cysts that haven't cleaned up with topical

treatments may be gently removed by the doctor using special tools. This procedure enhances

the appearance of your skin for a short time, however it may result in scarring. (Mayo Clinic,


2.5.8. Steroid Injection

A steroid medication can be injected into nodular and cystic lesions to treat them. This

therapy has resulted in fast pain relief and improvement. Skin thinning and discolouration in the

treated region are possible side effects. (Mayo Clinic, 2022)

2.6. Philippine Oregano

According to Arumugam et al. (2016), Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) is a Lamiaceae

family perennial herb that grows wild in the tropics and warm parts of Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Natural phytochemical components in this herb have medicinal and nutritional characteristics

that are highly recognized in the pharmaceutical business. It also has horticultural qualities due

to its fragrant character and ability to produce essential oils. Colds, asthma, constipation,

headaches, coughs, fevers, and skin problems are all treated with it in traditional medicine. The

plant's leaves are frequently consumed raw, utilized as flavoring agents, or incorporated into

traditional cuisine preparations. P. amboinicus is a fast-growing plant that is commonly

propagated using stem cuttings. Because it rarely seeds or sets seed, it prefers to propagate

through vegetative ways. In a well-drained, semi-shaded site, the plant grows quickly. It thrives

in both tropical and subtropical environments. It was also discovered that if cultivated in a pot

and kept indoors, or transferred to a warm, protected location during the winter, it adapted well

to cooler climes. Water the plant only when absolutely necessary. It can withstand extreme heat

and blazing sun, as well as heavy shade, although it thrives in partial shade.

2.7 Anti-Bacterial Properties of Oregano

According to the study of Sakkas & Papadopoulou (2017), Since prehistory, oregano has

been a popular seasoning. According to studies on the antioxidant properties of oregano

essential oil, it has the most intense antioxidant power with remarkable effects in preventing fat

oxidation due to its high content of thymol and carvacrol. However, the use of this essential oil

as a food preservative is quite limited because of the strong smell that it inhibits. The oregano

essential oils have been reported to contain highly bioactive compounds that contains  

pesticidal and insecticidal properties, as well as antibacterial properties against foodborne and

potential pathogens. The essential oils of oregano and thyme contain a lot of power.

Potent anti-Listeria monocytogenes impact, followed by Thymol, eugenol, cinnamaldeyde,

and isoeugenol are all constituents of thymol. In Oregano and thyme have been studied in

comparison. essential oils, the two oils showed extraordinary results. antimicrobial properties In

a study that included four important factors, The oils of oregano and thyme showed the most

potential. It has antimicrobial properties against Escherichia coli O157:H7. The most effective

essential oil against Bacillus cereus was found in a study of 11 essential oils.  The essential oils

of oregano and thyme came in second and third, respectively.  Cinnamon essential oil was

shown to be the greatest potent effect. Nine essential oils were compared to 52 essential oils. In

support of this, according to the study of Lopez et al. (2017), Because of their anti-pathogenic

qualities, essential oils from herbs and spices have been widely investigated. Many in vitro and

in vivo studies have been carried out to assess the antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal

properties of EOs.  Because of the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains, the increase in the

population with poorer immunity, and the growing frequencies of drug-resistant biofilm-

associated infections, these kinds of investigations are critical. Individual EOs, as well as

combinations of EOs, have been studied, as well as extracting EOs from various herbs and

spices using a variety of methods. Although numerous species of oregano have been examined

and different EO compositions have been utilized for this goal, the most frequent chemicals

discovered in oregano have remained the same. The anti-pathogenic properties of Oregano

essential oils have been researched in meat products and post-harvest fruits and vegetables.

They've been utilized in combination with edible coatings in the past, like in the case of post-

harvest fruits and vegetables. When essential oils are added to such goods, precautions are

made to avoid altering their organoleptic features. In some situations, however, the antioxidant

(AOX) capacity of the finished product is boosted, which is considered a good side effect of

using these substances. Essential Oils of Oregano have been shown to be effective

antioxidants and may have the ability to postpone lipidic oxidation. This could offer EOO the

ability to protect cells from free radical damage. Additionally, EOO reduced autoxidation of

polyunsaturated fatty acid esters isolated from mouse brain, using carvacrol and thymol as

antioxidant components. O. oxidase activity L. vulgare The Rancimat technique and the DPPH

assay were used to assess the quality of the meat from Argentina. O's EOs. The antioxidant

activity index (AAI) of vulgare was 1.20, and it had a strong radical scavenging activity (IC50 of

0.357 g/mL).

Based on another study performed by Jaber et al.(2012), The presence of antibacterial

activity in crude extracts of Origanum vulgare L seeds demonstrated the medical value of plants

in this investigation. A variable sensitive to the impact of oregano extracts was discovered in

microorganisms. Gram positive bacteria were shown to be more sensitive than Gram negative

bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria's greatest resistance to oregano extract has been attributed in

part to the great complexity of their double membrane-containing cell envelope, as opposed to

Gram-positive bacteria's single membrane structures, and the cell membrane of Gram-negative

bacteria contains 90-95 percent lipids. These items were not given a sufficient media in which to

react with extracts which the result agreed with. The antimicrobial activity of oregano extract

appeared to be dependent on antimicrobial compounds such as limonene, gamma-cariofilene,

rhocymenene, canfor, linalool ,Alpha-pinene,carvacol, and thymol. Thymol and carvacol are the

main components of oregano essential oil, which are responsible for its antioxidative,

antimicrobial, and antifungal effects.

2.8. Anti-Inflammation Properties of Oregano

According to Lopez et al. (2017), Inflammation is the body's natural biological reaction to

tissue damage, infections, and other chemical or physical factors. Inflammatory mediators are

produced in response to inflammation. Cytokines, prostaglandins, enzymes, nitric oxide (NO),

and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are examples of these mediators. Pro-inflammatory

mediators are overproduced if inflammation is not controlled, which can lead to pathologic

processes such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, and cancer, to name a few. As a result, inhibiting

mediators is a critical goal in the treatment of inflammatory illnesses. There is evidence to

suggest that Essential Oil of Oregano has anti-inflammatory properties. For example, Leyva-

López et al.  found that compounds like thymol and carvacrol acetate can reduce inflammation.

RAW 264.7 macrophage cells treated with lipopolysaccharide produced considerably less ROS

and NO when given extracts from three Mexican oregano species (LPS) L. graveolens, L.

palmeri and H. patens.

Moreover, EOs of O. In LPS-activated THP-1 human macrophage cells, majorana (10 g/mL)

inhibited the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and IL-6. Han

and Parker have demonstrated that EOs produced from O. On activated-primary human

newborn fibroblasts, vulgare dramatically reduced the levels of the inflammatory biomarker’s

monocyte chemoattractan protein-1 (MCP-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and

intracellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). The findings suggest that Essential Oil of

Oregano or EOO contains anti-inflammatory properties. Individual components of oregano

essential oils have also been investigated in order to better understand how they affect

inflammation. Lima et al., for example, revealed that carvacrol has anti-inflammatory properties.

Anti-inflammatory efficacy in a mouse model of inflammation When mice were given carvacrol

(at 50 and 100 mg/kg) to develop paw edema, the levels of IL-1 and prostaglandin E2


Prostaglandins (PGE2) were reduced. The effects stated could be caused by a decrease in IL-1

and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) mRNA expression. The levels, on the other hand, Carvacrol

improved the levels of the cytokine IL-10 in the swollen paw. Carvacrol's anti-inflammatory

action is attributable to a decrease in pro-inflammatory mediators as well as an increase in anti-

inflammatory cytokines (IL-10). Carvacrol has also been shown to help prevent cancer. Obesity

in mice was reduced by manipulating the expression of genes involved in inflammation, and

induced liver injury and ulcers in rats were reduced by modulating the expression of genes

involved in inflammation. Anti-inflammatory activities have also been found in other EO

components, including as p-cymene and -caryophyllene. According to the studies stated above,

many oregano species can act as anti-inflammatory agents and can be utilized in formulations

to prevent or cure inflammation-related disorders. Nonetheless, because the EOO may be

hazardous to cells, more in vivo and clinical research is required before the EOs can be utilized

as an option to treat inflammation.

2.9. Antiproliferative properties of Oregano

According to Lopez et al. (2017), components of essential oils may have an antiproliferative

impact. Their chemopreventive qualities are due to a variety of mechanisms, including

antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antiproliferative effects. The antiproliferative effects of EOs have

been proven in a variety of cancer cell types via multiple pathways. Marrelli et al. (2014)

examined the antiproliferative movement of EOs of Origanum species. At 100 µg/mL

concentration, EOs determined from O. dictamnus appeared the foremost curiously organic

movement with an hindrance on colon carcinoma cell line (LoVo) of 58.39% after 24 h. Also, the

IC50 esteem for this fundamental oil was 84.76 µg/mL after 24 h and 72.26 µg/mL after 48 h of

treatment. Within the same think about, it was detailed that the EOs from O. dictamnus and O.

libanoticum had an antiproliferative movement of 49.83% and 48.50% within the

hepatocarcinoma cell line (HepG2) at 100 µg/mL concentration. Begnini et al. [157] appeared

that EOs from O. vulgare hinder cell expansion in human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), and

human colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29) cells at 50 mg/mL (60.8% and 48.9%, respectively).

However, an increment within the EOO concentration did not increase the cell development

hindrance. The creators inferred that the impact may be credited to the most components

(terpinen-4-ol, thymol, γ-terpinene and carvacrol).

Aside from that, EOs of O. After 24 hours of incubation, hirtum dramatically inhibited the

growth of human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial (A549) cells compared to untreated control

cells. Furthermore, it has been proposed that the EOO affects the beginning of mitosis, possibly

before the G2 phase and prophase. Numerous confirmations have appeared that EOO had

antitumor impact. EOO have appeared antitumor movement both in in vivo and in vitro

measures. An in vivo ponder detailed that moo dosages of EOO in a three-month period applied

preventive activity by diminishing the sizes of tumors by 1.5 times in unhealthy creatures. It was

recommended that the EOO may conceivable influence the improvement and movement of the

tumor handle through the actuation of controller cell atoms. The in vitro antitumor movement of

EOs of O. onites, was analyzed against rodent fat tissue endothelial cells and c-H-ras changed

rodent embryonic fibroblasts (5RP7) cells. EOO at 125, 250 and 500 µg/mL brought about in

noteworthy hindrance of cell reasonability. In expansion, EOO initiated apoptosis of 5RP7 cells

and blocked in vitro tube arrangement which accounts for its angiogenic action. Furthermore,

EOO has been demonstrated to have efficacy against genotoxic chemicals, which can alter

DNA and cause cancer or mutation. After treatment with EOs of O, the effects of AFB1 (5 M), a

cancer promoter, on human peripheral cells were reduced. rotundifolium (1.5 liters and 2.0

liters). This activity could be attributed in part to the EO's antioxidant capability and composition.

Similarly, the use of prallethrin in combination with EOs from O. majorana in rat bone marrow

cells resulted in a 54.54 percent reduction in chromosomal abnormality, indicating that EOO has

a genotoxic impact. The effects could be linked to EOO's ability to scavenge free radicals and

its role in preventing lipid peroxidation. Oregano essential oils have been recommended as

dietary mutagenesis and carcinogenesis inhibitors. Despite this, research into EOO's

anticarcinogenic properties is limited. Similarly, there are far less studies focused on the

biological action of EOs in cell cultures and in vivo models. Furthermore, the molecular targets

at the genome level, as well as the genetic pathways implicated in EOO processes, are


2.10. Anti-Oxidant Properties of Oregano

The impact of reactive species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), superoxide anion (O2 •),

hydroxyl (HO•), peroxyl (RO2•), and alkoxyl (RO•) radicals on the constituents of living

organisms can produce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can result in increased cell

proliferation, defense system upregulation, DNA damage, senescence, and cell death. As a

result, several studies have linked oxidative stress to the etiology of disorders like Alzheimer's

disease, Parkinson's disease, chronic inflammation, arthritis, some types of cancer, diabetes,

and atherosclerosis. Several phytochemicals have been investigated for their reactive species

scavenging activity and ability to mitigate oxidative stress. Due to their ability to counteract

oxidative damage, EOs are among the phytochemicals that have been targeted because of their

AOX capability. The AOX qualities of EOs from several oregano species have been

investigated; it's worth noting that some of the EOs (carvacrol, thymol) that have been explored

for their AOX properties in other plant species can also be found in oregano species. However,

because changes in EOO composition might alter biological activity, this does not guarantee

their ability to neutralize oxidative stress and prevent oxidative damage. (Lopez et al., 2017)

2.11. Effects against Skin Diseases

According to the study of Arumugam et al. (2016), P. amboinicus has been utilized in Brazil

for the treatment of skin ulcers produced by Leishmania braziliensis since the beginning. The

leaves' juice is used to cure skin allergies in India. In Asian countries, it's also used to cure

burns. The leaf paste functions as an antibacterial and accelerates healing when roasted over a

flame and applied to injuries or burns. P. amboinicus essential oil also inhibits the growth of the

dandruff-causing fungus Malassezia furfur, and was examined using the agar diffusion method

and compared to a Ketaconazole-based shampoo as a control.

2.12. Wound Healing Activities

Few researches have looked into P. amboinicus' capacity to lower blood sugar levels.

Some of the phytochemicals found in P. amboinicus have been shown to help reduce blood

sugar levels. In diabetic individuals, this plant has the ability to prevent or reduce the danger of

infection and associated repercussions. The use of a paste made from P. amboinicus improved

wound healing capabilities in diseased giant murrels through immunological activation. Similarly,

following 12 days of administration, P. amboinicus leaves and root derived paste (10%) showed

complete epithelialization on the excision wound in albino rats. In laboratory mice, a polyherbal

slurry made from P. amboinicus and Punica granatum was demonstrated to have good wound

healing effects. Furthermore, in diabetic mice produced by monosodium glutamate, an ethanolic

extract of P. amboinicus reduced wound area by up to 76.6 percent. The plant extract was

found to enhance wound healing by increasing wound contraction, increasing collagen

deposition, and shortening the wound epithelialization period (Arumugam et al., 2016).

2.13. Activity against other Diseases

In Asia and South America, P. amboinicus is widely used to treat infectious disorders such

as fevers, cholera, and meningitis. It's also used to treat sensory impairments linked to ear and

eye issues. In Polynesia, for example, P. amboinicus seed oil is used to treat acute edematous

otitis acuta, whereas in India, the leaves are rubbed into the eyes to relieve conjunctivitis.

(Arumugam et al., 2016).

2.14. Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is extracted from the seeds of the sunflower plant. There are many varieties of

sunflowers. Most sunflower oil comes from the common sunflower (Helianthus annuus). It is a

non-comedogenic carrier oil which is highly absorbent, and won’t clog pores. It’s non-irritating

for most people, and can be used on all types of skin, including dry, normal, oily, and acne-

prone (Whelan, 2019). Furthermore, according to Fleur and Bee (2020), sunflower oil can

actually alleviate temporary redness in sensitive or dry skin. It can be easily absorbed into skin,

sunflower oil can even out the look of your skin’s surface and even temporarily shrink the

appearance of pores. Sunflower oil is made from pressing the seeds of the Helianthus annuus

flowers, also known as sunflowers. They can be pressed through the use of chemical solvents,

or they can be cold-pressed at lower temperatures without the use of any chemicals.


This chapter shows the processes and procedures that needs to be followed to gather the

necessary data including the research design, data gathering procedures and instruments

needed to conduct this study.

3.1. Schematic Paradigm

Gather Prepare Weigh each

materials ingredients ingredient

Add seed Oregano Put oregano leaves in

oil extract the food processor

As shown in Figure 11, major processes involved include gathering of materials,

preparing and weighing each ingredient, adding seed oil, heating, filtering and usingLet
theit output.
cool then
Filter put it in a small Heat

Use or 7
Add processed
oregano leaves
The decision we Legend
noted was the mixture of the oregano extract and sunflower seed oil. Analyze
3.2. Research Design
- Start/End - Input/output

- Process - Decision
- Flow 28
This study collected data to study to the effectiveness of Plectranthus amboinicus as an

acne treatment to specific acne types; pustule and papule using a quasi-research method. The

researchers relied on the experiences from hand-picked selected people whom were asked to

use the product that has been developed and were interviewed about it. The first method that

the researchers employed was observation since we need to see how the product develops, this

is to make sure that the product is safe to use before trying using it. Furthermore, in order to

prove its efficacy, the researchers hand-picked people from a population of Grade 12 STEM

aged 17-19 years old students who were asked to use the product on their acne for one week.

Each participant was interviewed about their experiences with the product, and the responses

were used as main data to determine the product’s efficacy.

3.3. Research Locale

The research took place in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. This location was chosen

because the target species is widely available in the area. To ensure the safety of the people

who utilized the product, the oregano treatment was developed on one of the researchers’

households using clean and sterilized materials. Randomly selected Grade 12 STEM students

from Life College Incorporated, Puerto Princesa City, were chosen for this experiment.

As shown in Table 1, the timeline of deliverables thought this study.

Table 1. Timeline of deliverables.

Phase Tasks Target Date

Phase One Initiation and Planning: Jan 24- March 25, 2022
a. Finalization of Topics
b. Researching about the
Materials needed

c. Doing Chapter 1
d. Doing Chapter 2
e. Finalization of research
Methodology (Chapter 3)
f. Presentation of Research
Proposal to potential partners
Phase Two Trial and Experimentation March 26- April 18, 2022
a. Gathering all the materials needed
b. Preparing the product to be tested
by the chosen respondents
c. Preparing the survey questionnaire
To be answered by the respondents
while using the product.
d. Delivering the product to the
respondents with the questionnaires
to be used and observed in 1 week
e. After 1 week, the researchers will
collect the questionnaires given to
the respondents
Data analysis
a. The researchers will analyze the
answers given by the respondents
in the questionnaire given to them
b. The researchers will compare the
appearance of the acne of the
respondents before and after using
the acne treatment
Phase Three Presentation of Research Study April 21- April 30, 2022
a. Presentation of Final Research
Study to research partners
b. Manufacturing the acne product
treatment to be sold in market

3.4. Sample and Sampling Techniques

The sample population of this study were from the students of LifeCollege from Grade

12 STEM, who were chosen to represent teenagers experiencing acne or skin breakout. The

researchers used non-probability sampling which is convenience sampling, where the

respondents are chosen based on convenience of the researchers. Each hand-picked sample

were interviewed about its effectiveness, and the outcomes of their responses were used

for data collection.

3.4.1 Research Instruments

Different materials were used in this research such as 100 g fresh oregano leaves which

was the main material, 60 g oregano extract (extracted from the oregano leaves), and 40 g seed

oil, the secondary material or ingredient that served as the carrier oil.

Other equipment used for this research are:

Weighing scale, to weigh and provide the exact amount of the ingredients needed to make the

oregano oil (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Weighing scale

We also need food processor, to grind the oregano in to small bits (Figure 13)

Figure 13. Food processor

Then, a stove top and pan was used to heat up the oregano mixture (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Stove top and pan

We also used filter paper, to separate the oregano extract from the crushed oregano leaves

(Figure 15).

Figure 15. Filter paper

Finally, small plastic bottles, served as the storage for the oregano oil (Figure 16).

Figure 16. Small plastic bottles

3.4.2. Research Respondents

Our responders for this study were from Life College's G12 STEM program. We chose

four acne-prone girls and three acne-prone guys. They used our acne treatment for seven days

and then completed a survey to assess how well the product performed on their acne and

whether it was helpful or not. Our chosen respondents were asked to answer the consent form

given by the researchers before proceeding to the survey (Appendix A).

3.4.3. Data Collection and Procedures

The detailed procedures in mixture preparation and survey were carefully done. First,

the researchers prepared the oregano oil extract and it’s packaging 3 days before the survey.

Then, the researchers delivered the acne treatment and questionnaires to the chosen three

boys and four girls who are experiencing acne. In the respondents’ residences, they were

advised to apply the oregano mixture every night before bedtime. In the span of seven days, the

respondents answered the survey and questionnaires given by the researchers. Finally, the

researchers collected the surveys and questionnaires given to the respondents and analyzed

the answers given by the respondents to see if the acne treatment worked or not.



This chapter contains the results and discussion from the experiment that the

researchers have conducted. From the span of seven days using the oregano and sunflower

mixture treatment, the researchers were able to gather data and analyze its effectivity.

4.1. Sample Population

Respondents Gender Age Percentage Percentage

(Gender) (Age)

1 F 18
14% 17 years old
2 F 18 57% Female

3 M 17
71% 18 years old
4 F 19

5 F 18

6 M 18 43 % Male 14% 19 years old

7 M 18

Table 2. Demography of the Respondents.

The overall sample population in this study were 7 students, 42.9% from the male and

57.1% female students from Grade 12 STEM who participated and gave their consent of

applying the oregano treatment on their acne (Table 2). Moreover, as shown in Table 2, most of

the participants were 18 years old.

4.2 Presence of Inflammation, Redness and Pus

As shown in Figure 17, all the sample experienced the factors of acne which were

inflammation, redness and pus. All respondents had inflammation at day 1 and 6, 6 people had

redness while only 3 people had the presence of pus which the researchers believed were

pustule type of acne. For the 4 people of the sample that doesn’t have pus but has the presence

of redness and inflammation, they may be experiencing a type of acne which is called a papule.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 17. Presence of acne on Day 1.

In figure 18, the changes for the second day of using the oregano and sunflower seed oil

treatment, 6 people experience inflammation from the sample while the presence of redness

stays the same. Moreover, there also has a decrease on the presence of pus which is now at

one individual reported. This means that on the second day of using the oregano treatment,

changes were already visible.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 18. Presence of acne on Day 2.

Figure 19 showed the continuous changes on the decrease of acne. We observed the

difference especially on the presence of pus that is now all the respondents said that there was

no presence anymore. on the third day of using the oregano treatment. Moreover, a continuous

decrease on the presence of inflammation went down where only four people experienced it.

However, the percentage of the presence of redness stays the same since Day 1.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 19. Presence of acne on Day 3.

In Figure 20, changes both on the presence of inflammation and redness continuously

decreased. On the other hand, the pus remained without its presence on Day 4.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 20. Presence of acne on Day 4.

Figure 21 shows the result on the fifth day of using the oregano treatment. There was

100% no presence of inflammation which means all respondents declared no presence of

inflammation. Moreover, all the sample individuals reported the no presence of pus but only two

people said that they still have presence of redness.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 21. Presence of acne on Day 5.

Figure 22 shows that on the sixth day of using the oregano treatment, it shows that by

this span of time, there was 100% no presence of inflammation, redness and pus which means

that the acne was healed and the oregano treatment was effective.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 22. Presence of acne on Day 6.

In Figure 23, the outcome of using the oregano treatment on the last day of the

experiment, the output remained the same as Day 6 where the participants declared 100% no

presence of inflammation, redness and pus on their faces.


Characteristics of Acne presence

Figure 23. Presence of acne on Day 7.

4.3. Side Effects of Using the Oregano Treatment

Table 3 shows the stinging effect that the participants felt during the use of the oregano

and sunflower seed oil treatment. Results show that from the span of seven days, there was

only 1 person who felt a mild stinging effect from the product.

Table 3. Stinging Effect

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Severe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mild 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
None 7 7 7 6 7 7 7

In Table 4, the result of the cooling effect that the participants felt from the span of seven

days when they used the product shows that from Day 1 to 3, three people experienced a

cooling effect, from Day 4-5 only 2 people then from Day 6-7 only 1 person was feeling the

cooling effect

Figure 4. Cooling Effect

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Severe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mild 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
None 4 4 4 5 5 6 6

Table 4 shows result of the irritating effect from the span of seven days, from Day 1-3, 1-

2 people felt mild effect but from Day 4-7 no one declared an irritating effect when they used the


Figure 5. Irritating Effect

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Severe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mild 2 1 2 0 0 0 0
None 5 6 5 7 7 7 7

Table 6. Results of participants who applied the treatment

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4


Cleared Acne






Cleared Acne




Cleared Acne

Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Participant A Cleared Acne Cleared Acne Cleared Acne

Participant B

Cleared Acne Cleared Acne

Participant C

Cleared Acne Cleared Acne

Participant D

Cleared Acne Cleared Acne Cleared Acne

Participant E

Cleared Acne Cleared Acne Cleared Acne

Participant F

Cleared Acne Cleared Acne

Participant G

Cleared Acne Cleared Acne Cleared Acne



5.1. Summary

The study “The Effectiveness of Applying Plectranthus Amboinicus (Philippine

Oregano) as an Acne Treatment to Teenagers from Grade-12 of Life College” was a quasi-

research that focused on two types of acne; the pustule and papule type, also, the researchers

relied on the real experiences of the people who tried our product for a week. The instrument

used in this study were oregano, seed oil, other equipment such as weighing scale and food

processor and survey questionnaire to be answered by the respondents. The data collected in

the experiment are tallied and analyzed for the results.

According to the results of our research, the product was proven to be effective as a

treatment for acne for teenagers aged 17-19, Grade-12 Stem Students from Life College. The

outcome of the product was reduced acne inflammation, redness and pus. These outcomes can

be visible by less than a week or just a week. On the sixth day of using the oregano treatment,

results from the survey of the sample population proved that they can no longer see any

inflammation, redness and pus which means that the acne dried out. Given that the sample had

different skin types, the oregano treatment was effective especially on oily and combination skin

type because they are mostly prone to acne. 3 of our respondents had oily skin, while 2 of them

have combination skin. We saw that the treatment's effects, such as reduced acne

inflammation, redness, and pus, were noticeable to them earlier.

5.2. Conclusion

The researchers concluded that Philippine Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus) is therefore

effective as an acne treatment for pustule and papule acne types. The product has the effect of

reducing acne inflammation, redness, and pus. After using the acne treatment for 7 days or

less, its effectiveness was noticeable. The treatment was effective on all skin types especially

on oily and combination skin. 3 of our respondents had oily skin, while 2 of them have

combination skin. We saw that the treatment's effects, such as reduced acne inflammation,

redness, and pus, were noticeable to them earlier.

Furthermore, this acne treatment will be much beneficial to teenagers aged 17-19 since they

are more prone to acne at that age peek. They can use this herbal and all-natural treatment to

treat their acne problem as soon as possible so they can be more confident with themselves

and they can no longer be bullied by their skin condition.



6.1 References
Acne - Symptoms and causes. (2020, September 12). Mayo



Acne can affect more than your skin. (n.d.). American Academy of


Acne: Treatment, types, causes & prevention. (n.d.). Cleveland


Ask an expert: What is thymol & does it kill viruses? (n.d.). Grove


Bartenjev, I., & Oremovic, L. (2011). Topical effectiveness of a cosmetic skincare treatment for

acne-prone skin: A clinic


Bhate, K., & Williams, H. C. (2012, December 4). Epidemiology of acne vulgaris. Wiley Online


Brazier, Y. (2020, January 17). Oregano: Health benefits, uses, and side effects. Medical and

health information.

Brazier, Y. (n.d.). Oregano: Health benefits, uses, and side effects. Medical and health


Dancer, R., & Prinzivalli, L. (2019, December 8). Everything you need to know to identify and

treat sensitive skin. Allure.

Habeshian, K. A., & Cohen, B. A. (2020, May 1). Current issues in the treatment of acne

vulgaris. American Academy of Pediatrics.


Iselin, K. (2022, April 13). Skin guides - Acne. Software – Prescription skincare in


Jaber, N. N., Abdul wahid, A. T., & Jasim, A. S. (2012). Iraqi academic scientific journals. Iraqi

Academic Scientific Journals - IASJ.

Lopez, N. L., Gutiérrez-Grijalva, E. P., Olivo, G. V., & Heredia, J. B. (2017, June 14). Essential

oils of oregano: Biological activity beyond their antimicrobial properties. MDPI.

Morrison, J. (2022). How does acne affect the

body? Sharecare.


Oregano: Health benefits, side effects, uses, dose & precautions. (2019).


PMC, E. (n.d.). Europe PMC. Europe PMC.

Sakkas, H., & Papadopoulou, C. (2017, March 28). Antimicrobial activity of basil, oregano, and

thyme essential oils -journal of microbiology and biotechnology. Welcome! | Korea


There are 5 different skin types: Which do you have? (2019, May 2).


What is thymol? (n.d.). Seventh Generation.


6.2. Appendices

Appendix A: Consent Letter for the Respondents

Appendix B: Survey Questionnaire

Appendix C: Student Profile

Name: Christine Shane Serdon

Birthday: November 29, 2003

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Motto: “Don’t wait for the world to change, be the change.”


o Developed the consent form

o Edited Chapter 1, 2 and 5
o Provided Oregano and Sunflower Seed Oil
o Delivered the Product to the Respondents
Wrote the following:
Chapter 1:
o Background of the Study
o Objectives of the Study
o Significance of the Study
o Definition of Terms
Chapter 2:
o Conventional Treatment for Acne
o Philippine Oregano
o Properties of Oregano
o Effects on skin diseases (oregano)
o Wound healing activities
o Activity against other activities
Chapter 3:
o Research Design
o Research Locale Timeline
o Sample and Sampling Techniques
o Instruments
o Data Collection and Procedure
Chapter 5

Name: Divine Grace S. Ramirez

Birthday: December 19, 2003

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Motto: “The present is what matters the most”

o Developed the survey questions
o Edited Chapter 2, 3, 4 and 6
o Provided Sunflower Seed Oil and Equipment used for the experiment
o Delivered the Product to the Respondents
o Documented the experiment
Wrote the following:
Chapter 1:
o Background of the Study
o Statement of the Problem
o Scope and Delimitation
o Conceptual Framework
o Research Hypothesis
o Definition of Terms
Chapter 2:
o Skin Types
o Acne Types
o Sunflower Seed Oil
Chapter 3:
o Methodology
o Schematic Paradigm
o Research Locale
o Respondents
Chapter 4


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