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 How would you feel when you experience inequality in life?

Some are richer others are

poorer? What will you do? Explain in your own words. 

- I’ll just go with the flow, BUT, I will always put in my mind that I won’t do the same thing
as what I have experienced. I won’t let them feel the struggle I face.

 What do you think is the best economic system and why? 

- Capitalism. I think it’s the best economic system for it has many benefits for the citizen and
also can create numerous opportunities for everyone

 How can you make a difference, in making this world sustainable for the next generation?

- By not repeating the same mistake happened before. I have to learn from my past mistake to
avoid the same mistake that might happen in the future generation.

 In the Philippines, do we have food security? Support your answer. 

-Yes. We have sufficient food supply of basic foods and commodities but I don’t know if it
can last long for we are still facing the pandemic and many of our fellow citizen are struggling
on surviving the daily lives.

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