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A Research Presented to the

Faculty of Graduate School
College of Education Teacher Education
Tarlac State University
Tarlac City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Masters of Arts in Education
Major in Guidance and Counseling


Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


With the introduction of new technologies to our daily lives, electronic gadgets like cell

phones, television, the internet, play station /computer games have become widely and

unrestrictedly used tools and one of the major phenomena, in the last decade. Many researchers

have studied that children spend an average of their time on different gadgets like telephone,

radio, TV, games, Xbox, iPod and stereo system. Kids use gadgets for different purposes like

watching videos, playing video games, listening to songs, and browsing different websites.

Working parents allow their kids to use various gadgets to keep them behave without monitoring

and guiding them. 85% of parents worldwide just allow their children to use technology without


However, while having these electronic gadgets that make life easier, comfortable, and

handy most of the time, it could also have negative effects on their lives particularly on the social

interaction in family relationships when used too much.

From 38% in 2011, the biannual survey revealed that children below eight-year-old using

mobile devices have gone up to 72% in 2013. Conducted on American parents themselves, the

survey further showed the increase of toddlers’ gadget exposure from 10% to 38%. No wonder

when children are increasingly being affected in different aspects of their growth and


In an article published in The New York Times, Dr. Gary Small, author of "iBrain:

Surviving the Technological Alteration of the Modern Mind" and director of the Longevity

Center at the University of California says that one of the major effects of too much usage of

technology is their social interaction and communication skill development.

Lev Vygotsky’s theoretical framework says that social interaction plays a vital role in the

development of the cognition of an individual. New gadgets can assist interaction and could

draw closer among family members when used cooperatively.

Family relationships are at the heart of human lives (Salmon & Shackelford, 2007).

Likewise, Filipinos are known to be family-centered. It is inside the family where children are

being developed socially. Since members of the families in the Philippines naturally interact with

one another, questions arise about the influence that electronic gadgets bring to these families.

One of the most important contexts of socialization, the family has not been immune

from the use of technology and media, with both positive and negative effects (Patrikakou,

2015). For example, cell phones and other new handheld devices have undermined family

practices such as mealtimes and have established new generational boundaries, including the

lack of screening calls by parents (Ling & Yttri, 2006). Although tech-using families are less

likely to share meals, they also experience benefits from the use of technology. For example,

new forms of family connectedness have become possible with cell phone use and communal

Internet experiences, making it more feasible to coordinate busy schedules, be in frequent

communication, share news and happenings, and create common experiences in cyberspace

(Kennedy, Smith, Wells, & Wellman, 2008). Although it has been indicated that adolescents’

Internet use can harm family cohesion, it can also facilitate the creation of family experiences

and memories and foster the family’s collective identity (Mesch, 2006). Such an identity has

been traditionally formed through common activities, including mealtimes or chatting about

one’s day. It has been argued that the frequency of Internet use negatively impacts these family-

shared activities. However, one should take into account the context for Internet use before

categorizing the activity as having a de facto negative impact on family cohesion. For example,

at times when children are not at home, media use to keep in touch with them and share

information or pictures could strengthen family ties and reinforce the family’s collective identity.

Technology and media use also expand the co-parenting experience, especially in post-divorce

cases when parents live apart, and the use of technology can facilitate communication to plan and

make joint decisions for their children while avoiding co-parental conflicts (Ganong et al., 2012).

In addition, contrary to popular belief, parent-child interactions within social media

platforms such as Facebook have been shown to enhance their relationship by decreasing

preexisting conflict and fostering closeness between parents and older children (Kanter, Afifi, &

Robins, 2012). For example, a parent “friending” their child on Facebook is not viewed as an

invasion of privacy, but it has the potential to reduce already existing parent-child conflict,

probably because older children are reportedly more likely to engage in a discussion and even

disclose additional information online than they are in a face-to-face conversation (Kanter et al.,

2012). Another finding contrary to a broadly held impression is that monitored technology use,

such as that of cell phones, is not necessarily viewed by children as a means of parental

intrusion, but instead is seen as part of expected parental monitoring and, more importantly, as

consistent with a supportive relationship between parent and child (Blair & Fletcher,


On the other hand, despite numerous studies revealing the positive effects of modern

gadgets on children, there are also several harmful effects on the child's interaction in the family.

In a family setup, toddlers often fail to improve on their communication with their

parents since they surround themselves with inanimate objects. Others copy and inherit the skill

of talking from TV but fail when socializing with other people. Instead of utilizing electronic

gadgets to improve socialization, it leads to privatization.

Therefore, the researcher will propose a guidance program and study its effectiveness in

enhancing family relationships through the use of gadgets.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of a guidance program in enhancing

family relationships of grade-three pupils in Concepcion North Central Elementary School

through the use of electronic gadgets.

Specifically, this research undertaking purported to answer the following questions:

1. How is the family relationship of the pupils be described in terms of family functioning and

their electronic gadgets addictedness?

2. How effective is the guidance program in enhancing family relationships through the use of

gadgets based on the:

1.1 pre-test of the control group and the experimental group

1.2 post-test of the control group and the experimental group

3. What guidance program can be proposed to enhance the family relationship of the pupils

through the use of electronic gadgets?

4. What implication can be drawn from the findings of the study?

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will determine the effectiveness of a guidance program in

enhancing family relationships through the use of gadgets among Grade-three pupils. The

present study may be significant to several groups of people:

Pupils. They will be aware of how electronic gadgets affect their social interaction in

family relationships. It may provide a baseline idea on how to utilize a gadget properly and

improve their social interaction and family bond.

Parents. This will provide the parents the idea of how to help their children to utilize

their child’s gadgets properly and effectively in building social interaction in family


Teachers. The findings of this study may instill awareness and understanding of teachers

of the ways on how to teach the students and parents in enhancing their family relationships

through the use of gadgets.

Counselors. As they are made aware of the importance of the research, the results will

help the counselors in implementing guidance programs that will help build social interaction in

family relationships using their gadgets.

Future researchers. It is also expected that this research work shall inspire other

educational researchers to conduct in other colleges or institutions.

Scope and Delimitations

This study mainly focused on the effectiveness of a guidance program in enhancing

family relationships among Grade-three pupils of Concepcion North Central Elementary School

S.Y. 2019-2020. It will be delimited to the two sections of grade-three pupils only.

The researcher will describe the family relationship of the pupils in terms of their family

functioning and their addiction to electronic data. A pre-test will be conducted to provide an

initial observation about the family relationship of the pupils. Then, there will be a proposed

guidance program that aims to enhance the family relationship of the pupils through their

electronic gadgets. After the administration of the guidance program to the experimental group, a

post-test will be done to both the experimental ad control group. The results will give further

enrichment for the researcher to proposed an effective guidance program to the pupils. It will

also lead to implications for Guidance and Counseling.

Definition of Terms

Electronic gadget. The term electronic gadget refers to the latest scientific interventions

such as television, computer/internet, mobile phone, and play station/videogames.

Family Relationships. It refers to the kind of bond the respondents have with the

members of their family.

Control Group. This group doesn’t have any program that is being implemented.

Experimental Group. The group that a guidance program in enhancing family

relationships will be implemented.

Family Functioning. It refers to the interactions and relationships within the family,

particularly levels of conflict and cohesion, adaptability, organization, and quality of


Gadget Addiction. The use/abuse of gadgets so much that it starts negatively influencing

your interaction and life as a whole.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature


The family is defined by the Filipinos as the basic social institution and one of the most

essential means of social interaction because it allows the members of each family to learn the

appropriate behavior in the society. The family is not just a social institution but it is important in

the lives of young person as it also provides the care, protection and security, love and

belonging. (Zulueta, 2002, p. 100)

For most Filipinos, family is considered to be the foundation of their social life because

this is the venue where they interact and learn with one another. It is the nature for every Filipino

family to come together and gather around the table sharing their stories to one another. In

sharing stories, ideas, thoughts and feelings have numerous benefits in the holistic development

of family connections (Bowen, 2000)

Family is a small unit where the parents and family members are communicating and

interacting with each other. With this, we will know that family is an important element where

bond and relationship takes place.

According to John Bowlby (2005), children need the support of a mother in the

development of their emotional security that leads a child to an exclusive focus on adult-child


In recent years however, the Filipino family has experienced vast changes in the nuclear

family households in terms of their relationship. Philippine society has changed drastically.

Amidst many variables that affect the family, one of the major challenges that Filipinos is facing

is the diffusion of media and electronic gadgets. (Zulueta, 2002, p. 101)

Members of the family nowadays have declined its social interaction among themselves;

they spend less time together and have become more “privatize”.

In 2008, Carandang together with Lee-Chua published a book titled “The Filipino Family

Surviving the World”, states that Filipinos are struggling great challenges in the changes both

from within and in the society. Modern society greatly affects the personal relationships of every

individual, which has led to a bigger questioning about the future of family structures.

In the past century, we have seen how technology has improved and developed rapidly.

People use a variety of technology to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively and the usage

of electronic gadgets for exchange communication (Ramey, 2012)

Technology and gadgets is everywhere and it is already a part of our daily lives. Walker

2014) gives an overview on the positive and negative effects that technology has brought to us.

She said that technology is essential because it builds and strengthens relationship by easily

communicating to your loved ones at a distance.

Playing video games and gaming console also predicts all measure of creativity according

to Jackson, et al (2012).

De Lima, last August 19, 2018, once said that while modern technology has enormously

make our life easier and provides us easy access to vast information, the excessive of use of

gadgets and internet greatly affects the child’s physical development and social interaction.

Thus, with the new trends and high-technology available, children spend most of their

time listening to music on iPods, watching on YouTube, playing with their video games,


Sherry Turkle (2015) explains too much use of technology caused children not to engage

in conversation that makes it hard for them to become empathetic.

The adaption of such new media advancements has affected on contemporary society in

various ways. One of the principle alterations be that as it may, is the effect it has had on close to

home ordinary connections.

Web based life can possibly on a very basic level change the character of our public

activities, both on a relational and a network level. Changes in communication examples and

social associations are as of now clear among youngsters, who are the heaviest clients of internet

based life (Baruah 2012).

Online life was utilized for sharing of thoughts, an apparatus of correspondence, to

connect correspondence hole, as a wellspring of data, for promoting purposes, savvy and less

tedious. Be that as it may, it is likewise intrusive into security and may breaks family ties.


Family relationships are at the heart of human lives (Salmon Shackelford, 2007).

Filipinos have been described as family-centered and known to be closely-knit to each other.

Lalor et al. (2009) argued that the family is vital in the lives of young children because it

is the most important source of “security, love, belonging and identity” (p. 76).

Specialists on family and communication by and large observe an example of progress in

the course of recent decades on the qualities and practices that influence family structures. As

indicated by Koerner and Fitzpatrick (2000), correspondence assumes an important role in the

family. As indicated by anthropologist Edward T. Lobby, social standards sway correspondence

(Adler, Rosenfeld and Delegate, 2012).

The approach of web-based social networking has changed these correspondence ideal

models of the centrality of discussion and congruity direction inside families. In 2012, Doorman

et al. referenced in their paper another investigation that took a gander at how web-based life

influences connections and the end was Web use did not influence relational connections and

closeness by any means (Pollet et al., 2011citedinPorter, et al., 2012).

In any case, the recurrence of kids these days being on the web may change that end.

According to Cloninger and Strembicki (2013), an investigation on media impacted one by the

Kaiser Family Establishment demonstrated that guardians frequently feel that innovation is

assuming control over their lives.

Erik, (2007) detailed that the rise of mobile phones as exercises specialized gadgets has

not just consumed the manners by which individuals can associate with one another, yet has

likewise influenced individuals' connections. Mobile phones have given individuals more

command over when they cooperate with other individuals made it increasingly feasible for

individuals to continue long-separate sentimental connections and even influence individuals'

dating similarity at times. Furthermore, phones have enabled young people to be progressively


Erik, (2007) reported that mobile phones have not only expanded the ways in which

people can communicate with each other, but has also made impacts on people’s relationship.

According to Upadhyay, Jesudass, and Chitale, decreasing social life is one of the effects

of excessive use of gadgets. Childhood is the time of viewpoints improvement including their

social and enthusiastic advancement which is extremely basic. Kids' life these days contacted

with innovation so they play likewise by utilizing the device. At the point when youngsters

distracted with a contraption, they will overlook with their encompassing world since they feel

good to be separated from everyone else by playing devices, so they pull back themselves from

their condition. Childhood is the time of perspectives improvement including social and

passionate ability which is a key.

Accordingly, children need in connection and correspondence since they become

contemplative person and restless. Bhattacharya expressed that the impact of device use

unreasonably will raise relational and correspondence expertise issues in youngsters and it will

remove them from nature and the encompassing condition

In general, computer use at home has been found to be associated with enhanced learning

and increased academic achievement over time, especially for girls (Hofferth, 2010). Family use

of technology also strengthens parent modeling of a variety of activities and their completion

rather than explicit tutoring. Since learning at home and family use of technology are

increasingly intertwined, this interaction contributes to the creation of a stronger link between

family culture and learning (Plester & Wood, 2009). In turn, use of technology and media by

families provides the unique opportunity of fostering the education continuum between school

and home and, therefore, expanding learning while better involving parents in the educational

process (Becker, 2007).

Related Studies


The presentation of new media advances into the family can increase and lessen social

connection between people inside the family. A new investigation from an online security firm

says that the web can be a wellspring of contentions, and it doesn't simply influence personal

connections yet family connections too.

The study had found out that social media was used for sharing of ideas, a tool of

communication, to bridge the communication gap, as a source of information, for marketing

purposes, cost-effective and less time consuming, it is also intrusive into privacy, may break

family ties, reduces worker productivity and slightly impersonal. (Baruah 2012)

In the exploration of Velga Vevere (2015), she infers that the topic of correspondence in

reasoning procures exceptional significance during the twentieth and 21st hundreds of years

because of the improvement of new innovations and the development of long range interpersonal

communication. She expresses that this progressions the entire elements of the circumstance,

since web-based social networking assumes intelligence, correspondence, inclusion.

Kaspersky Lab and iconKids and Youth specialists overviewed more than 3,700 families

in seven nations to think about how the web is influencing their own associations with their kids.

"It is just common that utilizing—and abusing—each other's associated gadgets can turn

into a reason for struggle for families. Be that as it may, as we invest increasingly more energy

on the web, relational intricacies are additionally evolving. It is significant that families keep up

a continuous discourse about how to spot and react to potential perils, with guardians and

youngsters together concurring on the fundamental standards on how they can best explore the

advanced world," said Andrei Mochola, head of shopper business at Kaspersky Lab.


Families on the high end of discussion direction invest a ton of energy associating with

one another; they share their individual exercises, musings, and emotions with other relatives.

Family choices, plans, and exercises are talked about with everybody. In any case, families on

the low end of the discussion direction range associate less oftentimes with one another and just

a couple of points are talked about straightforwardly to one another and not every person's info is

looked for family choices (Koerner and Fitzpatrick, 2000).

Communication and interaction is a major way that we associate with our relatives.

Devices like phones offer individuals the chance to communicate with other individuals and

achieve their friends and family who are a long way from them. It is additionally a chance to

make interchanges, business and different associations quick and advantageous. Olson,

(1983) directed research on parent-youngster associations his examination discoveries

announced that guardians with more prominent imparted exercises or positive communications

to their kids are bound to have a superior association with their kids.

The central repercussions of a high discourse heading are the conviction that progressive

and open correspondence is fundamental to a pleasant and compensating family life. An

examination led by Alsharkh (2012) overviewed 617students from the College of Dammam.

These understudies, matured 18 to 24 years of age, were gotten some information about the

impact of web based life on their families. The outcomes demonstrated that internet based life

systems have made the kids progressively autonomous with regards to basic leadership forms,

not at all like before when they need to counsel for everything. Besides, it improved their

capacity to acknowledge contradicting feelings.

An investigation via web-based networking media's impacts on family connections,

Glomb (2013) inferred that the best number of reactions in regards to constructive outcomes on

family connections referred to the capacity to speak with family at a separation.

In 2012, Porter et al. referenced in their paper another examination that took a gander at

how web-based life influences connections and the end was Web use did not influence relational

connections and closeness by any stretch of the imagination (Pollet estimated time of arrival l.,

2011citedinPorter, et al., 2012).

While present day innovation has enormously brought us free and simple access to huge

data, our intemperate and extended utilization of contraptions and the web is burdening our

physical advancement and social associations.

Numerous investigations have been led in regards with innovation's impact on social

cooperation and eye to eye correspondence since the ascent of cellphone and web based life

utilization in the late 2000s. As Przybylski and Weinstein of the College of Essex wrote in 2013,

"Ongoing headways in correspondence innovation have empowered billions of individuals to

interface all the more effectively with individuals extraordinary separations away, yet little has

been thought about how the successive nearness of these gadgets in social settings impacts eye to

eye collaborations" (Przybylski and Weinstein, 2012, p. 1).

Robert S, Wesskrich,(2009) teacher of liberal investigations at California State College

led a review of 196 sets of guardians and their children/girl found that the utilization of mobile

phones did not take into consideration quality correspondence among guardians and youngsters

set up for eye to eye discussion teenagers who don't called their folks to look for help commonly

revealed they didn't would be wise to connections.

There are additionally a few investigations that show how innovation, explicitly

electronic gadgets have been very changing and improving. An examination directed by the

Japan training and innovation society has convincingly exhibited that the more extended the tyke

is presented to electronic visual media the less fortunate the parent-kid relationship has. Rather

than having chances for the guardians to converse with their kid or the kid associate with his or

her folks, electronic devices fill in as a hindrance to their communication

Theoretical Framework

The family, being a significant and critical bundle of Philippine society, is the

concentrate above all else for the impacts that online life may have. Since the family is the most

essential unit, and a noteworthy unit at that, when it begins to separate all things considered,

similar to dominoes all other societal powers will separate also. Taking a gander at a family

framework hypothesis that underlines the intricacy just as the unavoidable connectedness of a

family will enable us to all the more likely see relational intricacies and connections.

The family frameworks hypothesis sees the family as a passionate unit and uses

frameworks thinking to depict the unpredictable cooperation inside the family enthusiastic unit.

A framework is a lot of articles that have traits and are connected together in a system,

through which there are streams (Hazell, 2006). It is natural for each family and every one of its

individuals to be interconnected, most particularly on a passionate dimension. Regardless of

whether we concede or not, relatives altogether influence each other's points of view,

enthusiastic make-up, and activities. This connectedness that is intrinsically felt along these lines

requires family working to be reliant (Hazell, 2006).

As indicated by Morgaine (2001), families likewise communicate in examples that can

undoubtedly be identified. These examples develop in a family framework and are cycles that

continue rehashing. Families additionally have limits, and they are either open or shut limit

frameworks. The shut limit framework that confines individuals from the earth and is

independent, appear to portray Filipino families great. However, with the approach of online life

and its remarkable ascent, this may progressively develop into an open limit framework that

permits components and circumstances outside the family to impact it.

In a manner Filipino families are as of now permitting components outside the family,

similar to web-based social networking locales, to impact them.

As indicated by Morgaine (2001), families likewise communicate in examples that can

undoubtedly be identified. These examples develop in a family framework and are cycles that

continue rehashing. Families additionally have limits, and they are either open or shut limit

frameworks. The shut limit framework, which confines individuals from the earth and is

independent, appears to portray Filipino families great. However, with the approach of online life

and its remarkable ascent, this may progressively develop into an open limit framework that

permits components and circumstances outside the family to impact it. In a manner Filipino

families are as of now permitting components outside the family, similar to web-based social

networking locales, to impact them.

Fife and Schrager (2012) likewise advises us that it is basic to observe that the family

framework is simply a sub-framework, a piece of a greater framework, which is the network, and

this network is a spot that they cooperate with and furthermore impact them. The family

framework, thusly, is likewise fit for impacting the network and adds to the upkeep of certain

personal conduct standards which is a piece of the standard and conviction arrangement of the


In total, with the acknowledgment that familial connections and correspondence is

significant, we have come to realize that there are a few components of correspondence for every

family. These measurements might be characterized inside centrality of discussion and similarity

direction inside families. Family correspondence elements are quickly changing with the

appearance of online life. There is a recognized innovation hole that influences both parent and

youngsters' relationship because of contrasts in context on the best way to arrangement, use, and

respond to internet based life.

Online life's impact on the capacity to associate and convey is apparent through all

regions of society and greatly affects relational correspondence between and among relatives. In

the Philippines, there is a sensational development of internet-based life clients. They intensely

buy in to, use, and offer by means of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and other web-

based life locales.

Those Filipinos who have been presented to online networking concede that the

beneficial outcomes of internet-based life are that they have figured out how to convey what

needs be and to regard each other's perspectives and acknowledge the distinctions in others. Then

again, there are additionally some negative impacts of an excessive amount of web-based life

organizing among Filipinos, for example, privatization and so forth.

All families, as indicated by the Family Frameworks Hypothesis, are altogether

interconnected and work as one single unit. It is basic to have the option to be comfortable with

every one of the components talked about to lay the foundation and answer the hidden inquiry of

this investigation.

Control Group
Without the use of a guidance program

Description of Pre-test Implication to

family (Control and
Comparison Proposed Guidance Program Guidance and
Experiment Counseling
relationships of Post-Test

Experimental Group
With the use of a guidance programEncou
Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

Paradigm of the Study

Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. This served as a guide or a model that form

the basis of a methodology or concept. This also shows how ideas and topics are interrelated to

one another.

The family relationship of the pupils will be described in terms of using electronic

gadgets at home. The researcher will conduct an observation to have initial information about the

family relationship of the pupils.

An arrow pointing to the next step is an administration of pretest to both groups. This is

to test how is the family relationship of the pupils at home using their electronic gadgets. This is

to help the researcher in comparing the result of the test after a guidance program will be


The arrows are pointing to two groups namely, the control group and the experimental

group. The pupils that will be tested will be the one who will become the control group and the

experimental group. The experimental group will be the one who will use the guidance program

in enhancing family relationships through the use of gadgets, while the control group will not use

any program.

Both groups will undergo a post-test to determine their family relationship in terms of

using electronic gadgets. The results will then be compared to see if there is a significant effect

after implementing the guidance program to the experimental group.

Based on the result of the experiment, a proposed guidance program will be made that

aims to enhance the family relationship of pupils in using their electronic gadgets.

The findings of the study will give further implications to the guidance and counseling.


This chapter deals with the description of methodology and various steps adopted to

collect and organize data for the study. Research methodology involves the research design,

research locale, sample and sampling technique, data gathering procedure, research instrument

and statistical treatment.

Research Design

Experimental research will be utilized as the examination structure in this investigation so

as to build up circumstances and logical results connection between the dependent and

independent variables (Campbell, 1963). Pretest-posttest designs are the preferred method to

compare participant groups and measure the degree of change occurring as a result of treatments

or interventions. Therefore, to study the effectiveness of a guidance program in enhancing family

relationship of the pupils using electronic gadgets pre-test and post-test control group design will

be applied. The study further investigates whether the guidance program constitutes an important

factor in enhancing family relationships of the pupils through the use of gadgets.

Research Locale

The research will be conducted in Concepcion North Central Elementary School,

Concepcion, Tarlac, one of the public schools in Concepcion Third District. The said school has

an average of 650 pupils every year.

Respondents and Sampling Technique

The researcher selected grade-three pupils from Concepcion North Central Elementary

School purposively. Mehmood, Rashid and Azeem (2011) have suggested that in causal

comparative and experimental research, it is desirable to have a minimum of 15 cases in each

group to be compared. A group of 20 students are considered manageable for guidance services.

Hence, research required 40 students, 20 for experimental group and 20 for control group. Again

10 each were selected for both males and females for the control groups. For experimental group,

20 total students (10 female and 10 male) were selected randomly by using simple random

Data Gathering Procedure

Following the granting of permission by the school administration, a pre-test will be

administered to each student to test the family relationship of each pupil in terms of electronic

gadgets used through Family Assessment Device (FAD) by Epstein et al. (1983) and Smartphone

Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV) developed by Kwon et al. (2013) to measure their

addiction to electronic gadgets.

With the intention of ensuring sincerity in the responses of the students, the participants

will be presented with information on the study. The researcher personally attended to discuss to

each and every student.

At the application stage of the guidance program, the researcher administered the

guidance program to the experimental group students, which helps the individual make use of

their electronic gadgets in enhancing their family relationship.

Following the implementation of the guidance program which was applied to the

experiment group on enhancing their family relationship through the use of electronic gadgets, a

post-test will be administered to the experiment and control groups to determine if there are

changes after the program applied. Same instrument used in pre-test will be administered in the


Research Instrument
To get the drift of the effectiveness of a guidance program in enhancing family

relationships of pupils using their electronic gadgets, two instruments will be used. First is

Smartphone Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV) developed by Kwon et al. (2013) that has

ten items. SAS-SV score is determined by the mean score. The resulting score can be categorized

into two groups; low and high risk. These two groups were determined based on a cutting value,

which is the participants’ mean score. Researchers adapted this instrument and conducted item

analyses. Reliability of 10 items from SAS-SV (using Cronbach Alpha) is 0.852.

The second instrument is Family Assessment Device (FAD) by Epstein et al. (1983) to

measure family functioning. Epstein et al. (2006, 2003) stated that FAD has a total score and

scores for each of its dimensions. FAD had been translated into Bahasa by Mievela and Murti

(2011). The reliability of each dimension of FAD ranged from 0.557 to 0.815. Each dimension is

assessed seperately because FAD is a multi-dimensional construct. Originally, FAD has 60

items, but we only used 46 items in this research. Seven items were eliminated because the

corrected value of total correlation is below 0.1 (3 items on communication, three items on roles

and 1 item from behavior control dimension).

Statistical Treatment

The analysis technique used in this research is simple linear regression and one-way

MANOVA to assess each dimensions of family functioning.

One-way MANOVA, we have m random vectors X1,…, Xm (representing groups or treatments).

Each Xj is a k × 1 column vector of form

where each xjp is a random variable.

For each random vector Xj we collect a sample { , …,  } of size nj. We also define 

. Each sample Xij is a k × 1 vector of form

where each xijp is a data element (not a random variable), where index i refers to the subject in

the experiment (1 ≤ i ≤ nj), index j refers to the group (1 ≤ j ≤ m) and index prefers to the position

(i.e. dependent variable) within the random vector (1 ≤ p ≤ k).

Our objective is to test the null hypothesis H0: μ1 = μ2 = ⋯ = μm where the μj are vectors

and so the null hypothesis is equivalent to H0: μ1p = μ2p = ⋯ = μmp for all p such that 1 ≤ p ≤ k.

The alternative hypothesis is therefore H1: μr ≠ μj for some r, j such that 1 ≤ r, j ≤ m, or

equivalently, μrp ≠ μjp for some r, j, p such that 1 ≤ r, j ≤ m and 1 ≤ p ≤ k.

Now we define the various means as in the univariate case, except that now these means

become k × 1 vectors. The total (or grand) mean vector is the column vector


The sample group mean vector for group j is a column vector



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